MK Ultra
Apr 2 2006, 10:48 PM
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin @ Apr 2 2006, 05:41 PM) |
But we're here to be gritty desperate kids, not super smart kids who always do exactly the "right" thing after reading twelve threads of DSF about how the Star works. |
Unless its a Logic 5 kid with Police Procedures professional knowledge skill

EDIT: be gone

(not you WR, the conspirators, unless youīr one of them)
Apr 3 2006, 12:01 AM
@ GM (and all)
Do we know how old Slam is? I'm fleshing out Halo's thoughts on the members of the gang, so I'm curious as to just how much older he is than her.
Apr 3 2006, 12:03 AM
Just for future reference about the whole perception deal. I really don't care if you wanna say you could hear us. It actually takes a simple action in order to use your full perception, otherwise if not "observing in detail" you take a -2 to your perception roll. Thus, you can't eat, can't fire a bullet, can't even be talking at the same time (unless you use the free action phrase). The directional microphone i would assume would offer you a bonus that you had not counted in, unless your earbuds are not rating 3.
But for Roleplaying purposes, imagine a team infiltrating a building, and you always see the leader put up a fist, stops everyone, and sits there and listens/looks only. That's when you can use full perception on a "observe in detail" otherwise, you are considered distracted (even though you may be on full alert.)
MK Ultra
Apr 3 2006, 12:27 AM
Iīm aware of this, TF did nothing else except listening to them. Well, except watching Nurse, but he didnīt concentrate on her. It was less then half a minute or something, or was it longer?
He would only have been distracted/not observing in detail, when he first picked up thair voices (maybe missing the 1st half sentance). But when he tuned in on them, he did nothing else, except staring a hole through Nurse and holding his waffel.
I donīt really care if he heard them either, but heīs a nosy guy, so he would not resist to evesdropping.
EDIT: Whenever I say, the character listens in on, etc. when heīs not in a combat or doing something else that is not easyly interrupted, I consider this observing in detail.
Apr 3 2006, 03:03 AM
QUOTE (Mister Juan) |
Concerning karma, how do we go about spending it? Can we just use it and we instantly "grow in power" or do we RP it? |
Good question. The first time you increase something will be "instant" in that you've been using it all along and have just gotten a little better at it. Training doesn't take any actual time.
However, I'm thinking that you'll probably have to wait (new level) x2 weeks to raise the same thing again. So if you went from 3 to 4, you'd have to wait 8 weeks before raising the same skill/stat again. It'd take 30 weeks to go from 0 to 6 in a skill under this system. I haven't settled on this, though, so I'll entertain opinions on it before I make a final ruling.
QUOTE (Vegas) |
Do we know how old Slam is? I'm fleshing out Halo's thoughts on the members of the gang, so I'm curious as to just how much older he is than her. |
About 28 sounds good.
For listening in, it'd have to be very intentional if you're using a directional mic. If you were just using general audio enhancements, I'd say no... but you have to point the mic. You would also, by necessity, probably need to focus on the listening.
I'm behind on the IC. Realistically, it'll be tomorrow night before I get a chance to post. I'm super busy with work tomorrow and the babies sound like I'll be taking care of them the rest of the night.
So tomorrow night is the definite next post. Please get everything done up to the appointed time to minimize backposting.
Apr 3 2006, 04:24 AM
Wyrm usually doesn't try to be discreet about her speech.. few people catch her lingo anyway.

She has a soft voice though, so it's normally hard to catch what she's saying if you're more than a few feet away.
Even so, Wyrm's cautious about what she's saying, as she doesn't know how much Slam's going to divulge. Being the new kid on the block, she doesn't want to create waves. She is concerned about Tag's mood though... she's a little more seasoned than he is when it comes to death, having been 10 when she witness her first death. She might even talk about it depending on how things go IC.
Apr 3 2006, 04:50 AM
it's Halo and Tao that are whispering about the stuffer actually
MK Ultra
Apr 3 2006, 09:43 AM
@ Vegas
I think heīs refering to the short exchange betweem TF & Neo across the room, about subtility and explosives, but at first I was confused, too
@ GMIīll put Taoīs Karma into Summoning (Spirits of Men), this should already have taken place asap after he had his spiritual acident, and the rest, too boost Magic from 1 to 2, this weekend.
About the alcohol-antidote, how much does it cost and how good does it work? Iīd like it to cancel the mild allergy, to the point, where for the evaning TF is still a light drinker, but not instantly nauseous and drunk after one sip. A Antidote-Patch costs 50

per level, but I think an antidote against alcohol should not cost as much, as one against Seven 7.
Apr 3 2006, 12:01 PM
QUOTE (Vegas @ Apr 2 2006, 10:50 PM) |
it's Halo and Tao that are whispering about the stuffer actually |
Actually, it was both, but JJ is responding to TF and Neo who are openly talking about it.
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
@ Vegas I think heīs refering to the short exchange betweem TF & Neo across the room, about subtility and explosives, but at first I was confused, too |
I thought calling them out by name would remove any doubt of who he was talking to.
Also, what do you mean "across the room"? there a map of the Y that I didn't see.
MK Ultra
Apr 3 2006, 12:38 PM
QUOTE (Silo) |
Also, what do you mean "across the room"? there a map of the Y that I didn't see. |
Well, TF doesnīt like siting next to
Neo and
Halo, sitting to TFīs right side, probably wouldnīt at all, so I figured they would have talked across the room
Apr 3 2006, 12:42 PM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome @ Apr 3 2006, 04:03 AM) |
However, I'm thinking that you'll probably have to wait (new level) x2 weeks to raise the same thing again. So if you went from 3 to 4, you'd have to wait 8 weeks before raising the same skill/stat again. It'd take 30 weeks to go from 0 to 6 in a skill under this system. I haven't settled on this, though, so I'll entertain opinions on it before I make a final ruling. |
That would be quite a bit of bookkeeping with very little actual effect.

The increasing cost does a good job at regulating that all by itself.
i.e. if we get an average of 3 karma per week, it takes ~2 weeks to raise an attribute from 1 to 2, then ~3 weeks to raise it to 3, then another ~4 weeks to 4, ~5 more weeks to 5, and ~6 more weeks to 6. That's quite a long time already, and in that time all Karma would be spent on raising that single attribute and nothing else.
For skills you would be a bit faster, of course, still raising a skill from 0 to 6 (total Karma cost 46) would require a total of 15 weeks with nothing else being improved in all that time.
I don't think it's necessary.
MK Ultra
Apr 3 2006, 01:22 PM
Second that (but I think the calculation for attribute increase is a bit mixed up, It would take ~2 weeks to earn the Karma for raising from 1 to 2, wouldnīt it?).
Iīm going to roll composure for TF, just for fun.
Charisma (3) + Willpower (1) + Guts (2) + Damage (-2) = 4 dice [5] 4 4 2 Hits:1 |
Guess thatīs enough to get down again

Also, TF is trying to
Judge Intention (SR4 p. 130) with
Aziz remark about Rachel, to find out if it is genuin. It is an oposed test against his Charisma+Willpower.
Charisma (3) + Intuition (5) + Damage (-2) = 6 dice 2 [5] 1 [5] [5] [5] Hits:4 |
Wow, I guess he will have quiet a good picture
Apr 3 2006, 01:37 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
Second that (but I think the calculation for attribute increase is a bit mixed up, It would take ~2 weeks to earn the Karma for raising from 1 to 2, wouldnīt it?). |
Yes, you are right, I used the skill group cost there (x5). My bad!

Apr 3 2006, 01:39 PM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome @ Apr 3 2006, 04:03 AM) |
However, I'm thinking that you'll probably have to wait (new level) x2 weeks to raise the same thing again. So if you went from 3 to 4, you'd have to wait 8 weeks before raising the same skill/stat again. It'd take 30 weeks to go from 0 to 6 in a skill under this system. I haven't settled on this, though, so I'll entertain opinions on it before I make a final ruling. |
I think that is pretty fair except for maybe one suggestion. Allow us to try to shorten this time in IC. Studying, practicing, getting tutoring etc. I think the teaching especially should be important for shortening the time.
Apr 3 2006, 02:15 PM
You might want to edit your last IC post. Looks like you forgot to replace Aziz's name.
MK Ultra
Apr 3 2006, 02:23 PM
Thanee, your 1 second over the Time Limit
Edit it, fast, befor TG throws you out
@ Food
You probably noticed it, but again, Toy is already cooking (but only since 3 or 4 minutes) and ChinaDoll will still have some food, when DR comes around to post.
Apr 3 2006, 02:32 PM
Oops, totally missed that there is a time limit.

Apr 3 2006, 02:39 PM
QUOTE (Silo) |
You might want to edit your last IC post. Looks like you forgot to replace Aziz's name. |
MK Ultra
Apr 3 2006, 02:51 PM
TF resisting to join in (heīs not addicted to the Deep):
Logic (5) + Willpower (1) + Damage (-2) = 4 dice [5] 4 4 2 Hits:1 |
Apr 3 2006, 02:59 PM
What are the rattlers? watchers? and is this the "annoy" power or something?
MK Ultra
Apr 3 2006, 03:08 PM
Yea, they are 3 watchers, looking like the tree spirits from the princess mononoke animé
A post will follow in a minute, they have ~17 minutes of lifetime left and nothing to do

(didnīt want to draw the stars attention, if there was any mage detective, by setting them up to patrole).
Apr 3 2006, 06:34 PM
Just checking, but in digging back through the voluminous posts, the meet is actually 20:45? Not 22:45.
Apr 3 2006, 06:36 PM
QUOTE (DireRadiant) |
Just checking, but in digging back through the voluminous posts, the meet is actually 20:45? Not 22:45. |
Yes, TG Typoed it the first time
Sorry about the mixup with my confusion of Halo vs. Neo, I missed Nicks quick post back a page
Sometimes I read too fast for my own good.
Apr 3 2006, 06:47 PM
It's a real challenge to read through all the posts and try and fit your own posts into the timelines.
But without a challenge it wouldn't be fun!
Apr 3 2006, 06:48 PM
I'll give you a hand.
Before the fight/meet (because you had picked the garage as your starting place)... JAX was looking for CD to arrive.
After the fight/meet at the HQ... JAX is looking for CD to arrive.
Apr 3 2006, 07:04 PM
*casts a spell to rise TG from the dead/work*
So many of us on right now and no posting

What a bummer!
Sorry, I'm getting into this now, like to the point I'm dreaming in first person from Halo's perspective. That made for a VERY odd night of sleep last night BTW
MK Ultra
Apr 3 2006, 07:21 PM
Envyable, my own insanity only goes so fare

, while I can bath in the wildest delusions at times, I donīt remember my dreams that much, and if I do, they usually donīt make much sense. Maybe I should sleep more, 8-9 hours just arenīt enough for me to do much dreaming. Or maybe I should sleep less, after only 24+ h of sleep deprivation I start dreaming when and where ever I close my eyes, after 30+ h I dont even have to close my eyes

. But it really feels like a after a night of hard drinking, after sleeping half the next day

Iīd support your spell casting, not that posting without TG around is no fun, but there isnīt much left to do, one could finish in 16 seconds IC time

EDIT: forgot to post my Post Icon for Thanee.
Apr 3 2006, 07:25 PM
QUOTE (ES_Sparky) |
I'll give you a hand.
Before the fight/meet (because you had picked the garage as your starting place)... JAX was looking for CD to arrive.
After the fight/meet at the HQ... JAX is looking for CD to arrive. |

MK Ultra
Apr 3 2006, 07:33 PM
QUOTE (ES_Sparky) |
JAX is looking for CD to arrive. |
Itīs not like you couldnīt assume that allways on default, is it? Well, maybe not, when sheīs just arrived, but looking at CDīs wiki description, that wouldnīt last for long anyway
Apr 3 2006, 08:20 PM
I'm assuming between you and I we've managed to heal up JJ (I seem to recall that its been posted that he's all better but 'showing off' the blood now) so I'm not going to bother rolling anything for that unless TinkerGnome asks for a roll.
Besides I'm not sure which of us did what to get JJ all better anyway

I do need to roll at least first aid for Felix though, not sure if anyone is going to be assisting so I'll roll unassisted for now and if anyone is planning to assist they can roll for the extra dice and post here with the differing result. Does that work, Tinker?
Logic (5) + First Aid (3) + Conditions (-1) + Medkit (3) + Magical Patient (-2) + Home Ground (2) = 10 Results: 4 4 2 3 3 5 5 3 2 6 Hits: 3
So I've healed one box, right?
Which I'm pretty sure means I'm definitely rolling medicine for Felix too

Dra says BronzeWyrm will assist Nurse in this so including it in the roll:
Logic (5) + Medicine (3) + Conditions (-1) + Magical Patient (-2) + Home Ground (2) + Assistance (BronzeWyrm) (1) = 8 Results: 5 2 1 6 4 3 1 3 Hits: 2
and now I'll roll resistance to Nurse's mild DeepWeed addiction to try and keep her from getting in on that joint being passed around just now.
Logic (5) + Willpower (4) + Addiction (-2) = 7 dice Results: 3 4 3 6 3 2 5 Hits: 2
Apr 3 2006, 08:56 PM
Did Felix 'show' his wounds now? He said earlier, that he was going to hide them.

If he is willing to be healed and still needs healing after the First Aid, Raven will heal 1 box.
EDIT: Or not, since he has only Drain damage... LOL (forgot that for a moment.)
As for JJ, Raven will heal 2 boxes, so you would need 3 hits on First Aid (prior to the spell) and he will be fully healed.

(...and of course, I forgot Home Ground for my spells.

P.S. Doesn't Assistance give extra dice for the test? If so, it should best be rolled before. Or was it extra hits (2 for 1)?
Mister Juan
Apr 3 2006, 09:00 PM
Well, I'm going to cook up a little post soon enough that should answer that. But, yes, Felix does do his best to hide the fact that he's hurt, and will insist that he is fine and does not need any healing.
He'll probably try to get a few minutes of privacy, and hide somewhere to tend to his wounds by himself...
Apr 3 2006, 09:03 PM
Hi, new player here. Just bought my book is it still possible to get in on the action? I would like to use the archetype orc decker from 4the edition book? Named.... Goliath of Course
MK Ultra
Apr 3 2006, 09:04 PM
Nah, Felix didnīt tell anything, TF gave it away to Nurse after scanning his aura, but he would also have told her, that it was Drain damage, that Raven could not heal, otherwise he would have notified Raven as well.
@ VoorheesYou are over the Time Stop, which is 20:45:00. TG should have given us some more IC time to RP, when he knew he couldnīt make the post on the weekend
Apr 3 2006, 09:05 PM
I assumed in my post that someone was going to do first aid on JJ. Since Raven had already posted OOC for 2 boxes of sweet relief, he only needed one from first aid, which I figured was easily doable by one of the many people around with medkits.
For simplicity, I just said it was Nurse.
If that needs to change I can always edit...but, I didn't think it was a big deal.
Apr 3 2006, 09:07 PM
QUOTE (Goliath @ Apr 3 2006, 03:03 PM) |
Hi, new player here. Just bought my book is it still possible to get in on the action? I would like to use the archetype orc decker from 4the edition book? Named.... Goliath of Course |
Sure thing, Goliath (though Tinkergnome has final say on new recruits).
Go check out the
Gang's wiki site. The 'What' section deals with Chargen rules.
Also, we're full up on awakened/adept characters at the moment, so as long as your hacker isn't a technomancer, you're golden.
Make a new page at the site called PC - [INSERTNAMEHERE] and paste the contents of the Basic Character template in. The Templates have a lot of time-saving formatting built into them, but if you have any questions about the squirrely formatting, just ask here or send me a PM.
Apr 3 2006, 09:08 PM
QUOTE (Goliath) |
Hi, new player here. Just bought my book is it still possible to get in on the action? I would like to use the archetype orc decker from 4the edition book? Named.... Goliath of Course |
Using an archtype probably isn't doable. We're using a lot less starting BP. Check out the
wiki in the "What" section for all the dirt on Character Gen and House Rules.
MK Ultra
Apr 3 2006, 09:09 PM
QUOTE (Goliath @ Apr 3 2006, 04:03 PM) |
Hi, new player here. Just bought my book is it still possible to get in on the action? I would like to use the archetype orc decker from 4the edition book? Named.... Goliath of Course |
Welcome to SR4.
This is not a regular SR game, but a lowpower Gang Champaign. New Players can still join in (Though Youīd have to talk to Tinker Gnome, whether your Character can be already in the gang or he will work something up with you to integrate him).
Anyway, you canīt use the SR4 Archetypes in this game, sorry. Take a look at the
EDIT: I posted the old wiki page, use the other links.
Apr 3 2006, 09:09 PM
QUOTE (ES_Sparky) |
QUOTE (Goliath @ Apr 3 2006, 03:03 PM) | Hi, new player here. Just bought my book is it still possible to get in on the action? I would like to use the archetype orc decker from 4the edition book? Named.... Goliath of Course |
Sure thing, Goliath (though Tinkergnome has final say on new recruits). Go check out the Gang's wiki site. The 'What' section deals with Chargen rules. Also, we're full up on awakened/adept characters at the moment, so as long as your hacker isn't a technomancer, you're golden. |
No, plane old Orc decker "or hacker now" exactly the way he is written in archetype, i figure since im not all to sure on new rules I would start like that. Ill check out that Wiki Page, is there any thing else I should also do?
Apr 3 2006, 09:09 PM
Apr 3 2006, 09:12 PM
If Goliath wants to join up.. it'd be a kick ass time to run and plan out our "initiation" for both Goliath AND Nurse (if we're still gonna do that too)
@SparkyOnly problem with that link to the Wiki is the CharGen rules aren't up there yet

They are
Here however.
Apr 3 2006, 09:12 PM
QUOTE (Silo) |
Apr 3 2006, 09:12 PM
Will play around with character tonight with gang build system. Thanks for the quick replys guys!
MK Ultra
Apr 3 2006, 09:13 PM
QUOTE (Silo) |
You, too, Silo
Apr 3 2006, 09:14 PM
QUOTE (Goliath) |
Will play around with character tonight with gang build system. Thanks for the quick replys guys! |
Welcome aboard Goliath BTW
Apr 3 2006, 09:14 PM
QUOTE (Thanee) |
Did Felix 'show' his wounds now? He said earlier, that he was going to hide them.  If he is willing to be healed and still needs healing after the First Aid, Raven will heal 1 box.
As for JJ, Raven will heal 2 boxes, so you would need 3 hits on First Aid (prior to the spell) and he will be fully healed. 
(...and of course, I forgot Home Ground for my spells. )
Bye Thanee
P.S. Doesn't Assistance give extra dice for the test? If so, it should best be rolled before. Or was it extra hits (2 for 1)? |
TF sent Nurse a message, so Nurse simply began diagnosis. I have to wait for Felix's IC reaction to know if he is going to try to stop her from administering healing to him though.
I think assistance is extra dice, so that is how I rolled on the medicine check where I knew Wyrm woud be assisting.
so now the first aid roll for JJ:
Logic (5) + First Aid (3) + Conditions (-1) + Medkit (3) + Home Ground (2) = 12 Results: 3 6 6 6 5 1 5 1 5 3 5 4 Hits: 7
You said I only needed 3 hits so this confirms he is fully healed? Cool

And thanks

MK Ultra
Apr 3 2006, 09:16 PM
QUOTE (Vegas @ Apr 3 2006, 04:12 PM) |
If Goliath wants to join up.. it'd be a kick ass time to run and plan out our "initiation" for both Goliath AND Nurse (if we're still gonna do that too) |
The last Idea we brought up was a love-in
Just kidding, we thought about stealing some vehicle and run amok on 410, IIRC, the other ideas wherenīt particularly suieted to form a good group-feeling.
@Sparky Only problem with that link to the Wiki is the CharGen rules aren't up there yet *ducks*
They are Here however.
Uh, so I have beeten both, Sparky AND Silo

(But only with your help, Vegas

@ ES Sparky2 Idiots, 1 Thought
Apr 3 2006, 09:23 PM
Links updated on the 410 wiki. Thanks, thought I'd put that stuff up.
Goliath, if you could, try to get used to the link I posted, I reformatted the wiki and we're trying to make the transition to the new one.
MK Ultra
Apr 3 2006, 09:31 PM
@ ES Sparky
While we are at it, we might want to port over the "story so fare" and "IC Thread by location", they need updating too (I was to frustrated after my failed attampt last night, to do it again).
If you put up the pages on the new wiki, Iīll do some updating later tonight.
Apr 3 2006, 09:32 PM
I need only add the 'By Location' page right? I'll get to it here in a bit.
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