Apr 27 2006, 05:54 PM
That's cool. If someone has time, could they please go through and translate all the posts in the combat (actions, etc.) so far over to the scratch sheets? I've been swamped at work and have been having computer trouble so it's slow going if I do it.
Mister Juan
Apr 27 2006, 06:21 PM
Doing so right now.
Mister Juan
Apr 27 2006, 06:27 PM
Done deal.
http://the410crash.wikispaces.com/IP+ListIt's quite possible I've fragged up something, so please everyone, double check it.
MK Ultra
Apr 27 2006, 06:41 PM
As posted on the wiki, TF will use his Actions, to pop Jazz (free action, since itīs integrated in the breather and activates via Skinlink) and give instructions to his spirits.
He will send his Spirit of Man on remote service, to 1. disrupt/hold off as many oponents as possible, in teamwork with the watchers (one at a time, starting with any astrally active, then spirits, then Cybered/Leader, then Mundane, then Mages).
2. If he survives this undesrupted/banished use Guard (if they are still fleeing)/Concealment (if they are Hiding) on any members of the Crash, he comes about first.
3. Return to his realm and say 'Hallo' to the family.
I will hold my IC post until the Actions of the faster pcs/npcs are resolved.
Since nobody except Dranem volunteered to take over inactives, yet, Iīd take over Cammy and Shade, as they are in TFīs team.
Mister Juan
Apr 27 2006, 06:44 PM
I believe sending a spirit on a remote service uses up all its services. So, theoratically, you could only give him "one" command. But then again, I might be wrong.
Apr 27 2006, 07:18 PM
You can give a spirit with multiple services a number of commands for remote service.
That's not really a
remote service, though.

Not entirely sure, but I think remote has to be outside your control radius.
EDIT: After reading it again, it certainly doesn't say much about it, only says, that the spirit is then allowed to leave the immediate area around the summoner, but it's just my impression, that with
remote service they mean a service fulfilled at a
remote location.
MK Ultra
Apr 27 2006, 07:25 PM
I read it up, you can offer more then one command, or at least comands that need more then one service, as Thanee already posted. In this case it would be Delay/Disrupt opposition and protect/conceal the Crash (as specified above).
But if TG thinks thatīs not ok, well I donīt expect the spirits will to last through #1, anyway

BTW, Mister, you might have Slamīs action gotten wrong

About Cammy and Shade
I think Cammy would stay on Auranīs side, to protect her in close combat in the event of the Trolls entering the Y (maybe Auran will be her Rider, as well). She may use a Warhawk borrowed from Slam (or Auran) and try to shoot (though sheīd be as bad as JAX).
Shade will probably shoot with his Warhawk, from a Window close to the main entrance (To be near by in the event of trolls storming in).
If nobody has any objections, Iīll call targets and roll for the shots.
Oh, Juan, did you account for Shadeīs Reflexbooster when rolling his in? His Booster will be one, for sure in this tense situation. Thatīs 3 IP, then (too bad, he doesnīt use drugs, as well

) and Init would be +2 (+hits).
Booster (2) = 2 dice [5] 4 Hits:1 |
So, that would be 13/3
EDIT: To give credits to Thanee
Apr 27 2006, 07:25 PM
Should we just put all the inactives that are melee (which is all of them but the techies I think) Inside the door and just have them hold action? Ready to pounce on anyone getting through the door?
And the only ones that seem to have any skill at firearms are thyn (Who may be backing JAX up...) and Shade.... maybe next to Auran? as a tag team revolver squad? Then Cammy, Knives, and 2by4 would be ready with fist, blade, and bat down in the entrance? next to slam?
Also noticed that Steel is up there with initiative.... wasn't Steel another current PC's old char? If we're still keeping him, he's a rigger. With 2 more dobermans packing shotguns, and a rotodrone.
Apr 27 2006, 07:49 PM
Why are there posts in IC that have gone 7 seconds (2 COMBAT TURNS) in to the future?
Come on folks, I know we are all itching to post, but let's please not jump time right now when time matters so much.
Posts during an active combat should never, IMO, go further than what the GM posts. Especially 2 combat turns ahead.
Hell, all those trolls may open up on us with Assualt Canons on the second pass of the first turn...
Apr 27 2006, 08:06 PM
QUOTE (Silo) |
Hell, all those trolls may open up on us with Assualt Canons on the second pass of the first turn... |
Dammit, how did you get ahold of my notes?
The combat turn will go off before Monday. I know it's sloooooow, but a) it's a lot of action and b) I'm having all sorts of RL issues this week, including a trip to the dentist tomorrow (I hate fillings). That, and my kids are being a massive double pain in the rear. If you ever think about having twins... take my advice and don't.
Apr 27 2006, 08:22 PM
I'll edit my timestamps when it's my turn, sorry for leaping ahead.
Mister Juan
Apr 27 2006, 09:28 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
BTW, Mister, you might have Slamīs action gotten wrong 
I thought it was pretty appropriate

Oh, Juan, did you account for Shadeīs Reflexbooster when rolling his in? His Booster will be one, for sure in this tense situation. Thatīs 3 IP, then (too bad, he doesnīt use drugs, as well ) and Init would be +2 (+hits).
CODE | Booster (2) = 2 dice [5] 4 Hits:1 |
So, that would be 13/3
Damn! Thanks for pointing that out. I hadn't noticed it at all

Glad someone double checked it

I'll go ahead and place the remaining NPCs where they should be.
As for Steel, do we count him in or out? If he is.... we've got a lot more firepower than before
Fresno Bob
Apr 27 2006, 09:32 PM
I say we count him in. And I think Thyn should uh, also be up on the roof. Also shooting people.
Apr 27 2006, 09:39 PM
Yes, yes.
Put Steel right in front of JJ and Felix.
Mister Juan
Apr 27 2006, 09:52 PM
I'm going to organize and clean up the IP page, cause it's cluttered and unreadable. Once I'm done with that, I'll move along to placing all the NPCs.
For ease of play, let's divide up the NPCs right now.
Dranem has 0day and Electrode.
MK has Cammy and Shade.
That leaves 2by4, Knives , Thyn and Steel. If no one feels like taking them for the fight, I can always do it.
MK Ultra
Apr 27 2006, 10:22 PM
Ok here come Shadeīs actions at Ini Score 13, 1st of 3 IPs. Iīll assume, he at least drew his Revolvers allready, like anybody else.
1st Simpel action shoot the Troll nearest to Spirit(s), 1 Edge, to re-roll.
Agility (5) + Revolvers (3) + Laser Sight (1) + Home Ground (2) = 11 dice [5] 4 4 2 2 [5] 1 [5] [5] [5] 1 Hits:5 Re-Roll (6) = 6 dice 3 [6] [5] 3 [6] [6] Hits:4 |
Thatīs DV6P/AP2, 9 hits (this could well be a critical hit)!
2nd Simple action Off-Hand Revolver at same target (no Edge use).
I had a debate with Rokur & Nurse, whether Recoil would apply with two seperate weapons. If so, just skip the last die result.
Agility (5) + Revolvers (3) + Laser Sight (1) + Home Ground (2) + Off-Hand (-2) = 9 dice 1 [6] 3 4 [5] 1 4 3 2 Hits:2 |
So thatīs DV6P/AP2, 2 hits (regardless of Recoil).
Free Action
donīt know, either duck behind cover or comment his success (of failure)?
MK Ultra
Apr 27 2006, 10:27 PM
Cammy (Ini Score 7, 1 IP) will just stand/crouch ~1 meter next to the main entrance, with her back at the wall. Baton in hand, holding her action to jump the first (or second, whatever, according to planing with others at the door) Enemy, that enters.
Fresno Bob
Apr 27 2006, 10:39 PM
@ GM
Aziz's free action would be to duck behind cover. Forgot to mention that.
Wounded Ronin
Apr 27 2006, 11:24 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
Thanee got it right, you can only use 1 Edge per roll. With Home Ground Ronins roll was correct (though re-rolling would have been the better option even on an everage roll, so you should probably use this next time). |
OK, so, I used up *1* point of Edge, and the previous roll is correct, although potentially inefficient.
That's OK, I'll chalk it up to spaz-fu.
Mister Juan
Apr 27 2006, 11:26 PM
If someone wants to control Knives and Thyn, I'll take care of 2by4 and Steel.
MK Ultra
Apr 27 2006, 11:29 PM
Wasnīt that big a difference with Edge 6, to re-roll non-hits or to add 6 and re-roll 6es. Only with this really low roll, non-hit re-rolls would have been like a whole second shot.
Speaking of which, you can still do another short burst in 1st IP!
Wounded Ronin
Apr 27 2006, 11:52 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
Wasnīt that big a difference with Edge 6, to re-roll non-hits or to add 6 and re-roll 6es. Only with this really low roll, non-hit re-rolls would have been like a whole second shot.
Speaking of which, you can still do another short burst in 1st IP! |
Wait, I can do it again? It's not a "complex action" or whatever the SR4 equivalent is? Are my probabilities different?
Fresno Bob
Apr 27 2006, 11:53 PM
I thought long bursts were an aspect of Full Auto fire, which is a complex action...
Mister Juan
Apr 28 2006, 12:10 AM
Yes, a long burst is considered a Simple Action (page 143), while Full is Complexe.
MK Ultra
Apr 28 2006, 12:18 AM
According to SR4 p. 143+, only a full burst (more then 6 shots) would be a complex action, a Long burst (6 shots) can only be done in full auto mode, but only takes up a simple action. Only one long burst can be fired in a single IP, but with another simple action (befor or after), an aditional standard (3 round) burst can be fired, the recoil for the second burst is -6.
So Toy can do an additionell similar burst, but only with 3 rounds (DV 3 less) and with one less die, due to recoil. I would not use Edge (keeping it for the next long burst or what ever).
Apr 28 2006, 12:35 AM
Hey guys... I wouldn't mind taking over for Thyn and Knives... I like to RP, and hopefully I could make their actions semi-realistic for this combat.
As fas as Thyn goes.... He could be on the roof with Aziz, but he would then give control of his van to JAX.
Knives would probably be holding action, not jumping out into the gunfight but would be waiting for it to come into his range.
Quick Question to all... for Throw Weapon action... can you only throw 1 knife? or can you throw as many as you have readied in one hand?
I won't roll anything yet, just in case someone else wanted to take over Thyn or something, or had objections to him being on the roof. Comments?
Apr 28 2006, 12:51 AM
JAX has objections to him being on the roof, but Thyn's his own man.

He's a solid dependable sort of guy - the sort that needs to be with Aziz. The sort that should be with non-combatants (like JAX and some of the techies).
Apr 28 2006, 01:40 AM
Thyn's motives? how's this....
Thyn: "Sorry, JaX, but there's a time for patience and a time for action. And when the going gets tough...I was picked on the diversion team, you're on the getaway team." He places a hand on JAX's shoulder. "Listen, if I don't make it back, I want you to have the van." Thyn subscribes the van to JaX's comm. "It's been good..." Thyn offers a toothy grin, and he calmly gathers his things. He grabs his Polearm and his AK, stuffs some extra clips into the pockets of his armor jacket, and he marches off to the roof...
Apr 28 2006, 02:08 AM
Sorry guys been at work all afternoon.
Halo's gonna pop Cram, move beside her bike and watch the loading dock door. Once she gets the sign from Wyrm that she's crashed up some bikes she'll take off... likely a few actions from now
MK Ultra
Apr 28 2006, 02:24 AM
Had to change Shadeīs Target from nearest awakened to Spirit(s), to nearest Troll to Spirit(s), since he ha no Com, to use the Tactical heads-up :-/
Fresno Bob
Apr 28 2006, 05:22 AM
Thyn's going to fire a burst at the leader (Or any other available troll) from his spot next to Aziz on the roof.
Assault Rifles 4 + Agility 6 + Home Turf 2 - DV increase 4 = 8 Dice 3 [6] 4 [5] [5] 3 [5] 2 Hits: 4 |
He hits for 14P damage
Apr 28 2006, 12:37 PM
Don't forget thyn's second shot... long burst - still aimed at leader
Agility(6)+Assault Rifle (4) +Home Ground (2) + uncompensated Recoil (-3) + Smartlink (2) + Firing From Cover (-1)= 10 dice 2,[5],3,[6],3,4,[5],[6],4,1 = 4 hits |
Base DV for this shot is 12P -1 AP
Used firing from cover, I figured Thyn would be kneeling on the roof, so barely his upperbody can be scene, but his rifle had full access to shoot em all.
MK Ultra
Apr 28 2006, 12:54 PM
Uh, Looks like Voorhees also forgot to roll 2 dice for Thynīs Smartlink, eh?
Apr 28 2006, 01:19 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
Uh, Looks like Voorhees also forgot to roll 2 dice for Thynīs Smartlink, eh? |
well he didn't use the fire from cover either.... i think it's fine
MK Ultra
Apr 28 2006, 04:16 PM
As the Combat probably wonīt reach IC for some days, I posted how TF wasted some of the time until the Trolls reached the Y. This shouldnīt have any effect on the combat.
Uh, Rokur your right, I forgot about that, the 1 die still to roll, probably wonīt make a lot of a difference.
@ GM & TG
Now I donīt want to apear greedy, but just in case, you have simply forgotten about it. Do we get Karma for last (and this) week? I could still wait, as I canīt decide, what to boost first (@ All, any recomandations?), but some are saving up thair karma since the beginning, and would be hapy to reach thair spending threshold, I guess.
Apr 28 2006, 06:19 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
(@ All, any recomandations?) |

Apr 29 2006, 06:52 PM
I went through init 13 as I felt a few people might want to adjust actions. From here, I'll run out the rest of the pass.
The physical barrier is force 5 with 5 hits.
Oh and 3 karma for active players for each of the last two weeks.
Apr 29 2006, 07:42 PM
Decided to change Raven's action after all...
Increase Reflexes Force 4:
3 hits (+2 Initiative, +2 IP)
Drain Resistance DV 4P:
5 hits (No Drain)
Fresno Bob
Apr 29 2006, 08:05 PM
Dodge against shot one
Reaction 4 = 4 Dice 3 [5] 4 3 Hits: 1 |
Resist against getting shot
Body vs 8P, Body 7 + Armor 7 = 15 Dice 4 [6] 2 3 [5] 2 [6] 3 3 [6] [6] [6] [6] 2 Hits: 7 |
Aziz takes one box of damage
Dodge against shot two
Reaction 4 = 4 Dice 1 [5] [6] [6] Hits: 3 |
Aziz dodges the shot!
Mister Juan
Apr 29 2006, 08:50 PM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
Oh and 3 karma for active players for each of the last two weeks. |
Is that:
3 karma for the two weeks
3 karma for each week (for a total of 6)
Apr 29 2006, 08:51 PM
...each of the last two weeks...
Can only mean the latter, really.
Apr 29 2006, 08:56 PM
TG - if you got time... which trolls are under the barrier? just 3 (leader + 2 mages)? or all the rest that haven't pulled a weapon?
edit - also, with new Karma.... are we allowed to implement changes into our char now? or wait till after this "meeting of the minds"
Mister Juan
Apr 29 2006, 08:57 PM
Since JJ is getting shot, Felix, who was about to got to the gym for his bike, will stop in his track and stay to fight.
Felix is going astral and heading towards the roof, ordering his spirit to attack the spirit heading for the roof.
Apr 29 2006, 09:19 PM
Auran's action will be the same... but from what I can tell the AK is the heaviest weaponry???
Mister Juan
Apr 29 2006, 09:43 PM
Here are the Astral Combat rolls for the Fire Elemental
Astral Combat (6) + Willpower (6) = 12 Rolls: [6] [5] [6] 3 2 [5] 3 1 3 4 4 4 Hits: 4 |
Mister Juan
Apr 29 2006, 09:46 PM
Can we make our spirits roll Edge, or do you control them 100%?
MK Ultra
Apr 29 2006, 09:51 PM
@ TG & GM
Can a mage summon spirits and watchers, while astrally projecting? The Book doesnīt mention anything, so I think itīs ok.
Anyway, TFīs action stays the same, The spirit & watchers will attack the Spirit going after Auran & Slam, first.
Apr 30 2006, 05:13 AM
The leader, two of the mundane trolls, and the three mages are the ones in the barrier.
Spirits pretty much never roll edge unless there is a very good (ie, DM approved) reason. For instance, a fire elemental is happy to roll edge against a water elemental most of the time. Characters with Spirit Affinity often get their (appropriate type) spirits to roll it, though.
The karma can't be spent just yet. Wait till combat is over (for those that live).
There is nothing I've seen stopping you from conjuring while projecting.
The AK is the heaviest gun you've seen. There are a frightening number of shotguns and combat axes floating about, though.
Apr 30 2006, 07:44 PM
JJ Getting Shot At
2 hits, 2 hits, 7P/-1
Shot 1
Reaction (4) = 4 dice [5] 4 4 2 Hits:1 |
1 net hit for attacker.
Resistance (8P)
Body (3) + Mod Armor (5) = 8 dice [5] [5] 1 3 [6] [5] 3 [6] Hits:5 |
JJ takes 3 boxes of damage.
Shot 2
Reaction (4) = 4 dice 2 [5] 1 [5] Hits:2 |
Apr 30 2006, 11:47 PM
Silo, I think you may have rolled too many dice for that second dodge. Doesn't your pool go down by one for each attack you attempt to evade?