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QUOTE (Vegas)
I volunteer Neo to do it, since it's his idea and all wink.gif

*runs*  rotfl.gif

Since we are talking about making money pimping. I understand the money is in the niche specialty markets.

China Doll can grab a drum of oil , a couple of sim rigs installed by Nurse, some advertising on the matrix, rent some BTL chip factory time, and Slam and his artificial arm (with special attachments) can go to work on Neo.
This space reserved for Electrode's rolls once i get my book handy nyahnyah.gif unless someone else is bored and wants to roll wink.gif

First Aid on Electrode: (not sure... logic -1 + medkit + home ground gave me one hit, and therefore no net hits, so i assume i wouldn't have been healed anything though nyahnyah.gif)

now, before i worry too much about the rolls here... i am just wondering. considering we have the commlinks, and they have been hacked already, do we need to hack the devices connected to them, or can we just use the commlinks and be considered the authorised user?

if necessary:

Threading Spoof Higher (Resonance 3 + software 2 i think):

Resist Fading (resonance 3 + willpower 4 i think):

Spoofing the Devices (3 times) (Spoof CF + Hacking? Electronic Warfare?)

and i don't think home ground applies to any of those hacking rolls...

so hopefully i should be able to spoof some devices into accepting me as a legitimate user nyahnyah.gif

Just OOCly, once that's resolved (and i figure out how the rolls go and all that), Electrode will probably try to sleep off the fading he has taken so far. and when he wakes up, he'll probably try to crack the protection on his longarms autosoft so that his third doberman can use it's shotgun nyahnyah.gif

followed by cracking defense, if there's time for it i suppose.

of course, this all depends on what kind of party ends up happening nyahnyah.gif
MK Ultra
@ TG
Oh, ok, sorry, so just decide the price, it wasn´t posted IC yet.

@ brothel
I think Toy´s not the only one to flip at that notion wink.gif
Since we've got roughly 15 hours of OOC time before we have to be at our next timestop at TG's request, I'd really love to be able to get SOME posting done of the "at the Y Partying" or something instead of trying to sum up in 1 or 2 posts what happened all night. I know it's hard and all with people not on 24/7, but if there are those of us around who want to give it a go....

or is the idea of what Silo did work best for everyone? I think some people had some IC stuff planned for when people arrived back at HQ. But I could be wrong smile.gif
He'll give you the nova for 18 nuyen.gif a hit.

Anyway, if you guys want a little more time to cover the IC time, I can delay a post till Monday. Given that posting is generally light on the weekends in any case, I don't have a problem with it.
MK Ultra
I think there is no need, to delay it further. Though I like RPing around, saturday or monday wont make that much of a difference for me. So with me, it´s ok, to just move on.

I guess I should have waited. I was just looking forward to moving the story along. All the RPing is great, but we've been doing it for a week now, and...well, just time for some more action, IMO.

I can go either way...including modding my time-warp post. wink.gif
MK Ultra
I will probably refference your post in mine (at least the singing reference wink.gif), you can still elaborate on stuff and react to other posts.
MK Ultra
Anti-Kissing composure test for TF:

Charisma (3) + Willpower (1) = 4 dice
[5] 4 4 2 Hits:1
ok made a Sum up night post....

If anyone still wants to RP anything.. i have no prob filling in details of what Auran would have done.
Goliath, I read your history in the Wiki.. nice storytelling. I would like to point out one thing though: The Crash doesn't occupy a hood in the Barrens. We're in a low to middle income (C grade) neighbourhood. We're north of the nearest Barrens.

Are you going to tie in getting involved with the Ork Underground? That would be one way for you to hook up with Graham. Knowing Electrode or Wyrm from various online games might spurr Graham to introduce you to the Crash instead of living below... just an idea.
MK Ultra
Going to set up my post and send it in about 1 hour (typing will take some time), I´ll try to integrate some of the inactive PCs, too. If somebody has objections, just scream and I´ll edit.
Anyone with an arial drone can easily find out the following:

[ Spoiler ]

Anyone who wants to tap into the traffic cameras (firewall 4) can get a similar result.
Battle Stations!

PS - a dozen trolls..... ouch.....
MK Ultra
ouch ouch

TF will suggest Raven getting an astral peak (she´s got infiltration IIRC, which will come in handy, if there is an astral spotter with the trolls)
Someone's gonna get hurt frown.gif

This is about to get very very interesting.
Head's up y'all. I meant to do this last night but got sidetracked.

After agreeing with Rokur last night in chat, I went ahead and let the entire gang know via the group channel that Treeno let us know the 'Star was looking for us and for us to keep our ears and eyes open and watch our backs.

I edited my "Catch up" post to reflect the transmission. I just didn't want anyone to miss it smile.gif
Mister Juan
Hey everyone;
I'm back, and looks like I'm just in time for the fun wink.gif

Guess we won't have the time to fortify our position after all.
Mister Juan
Conjuring a Fire Elemental, Force 6 (with Fear and Noxious Breath)

Conjuring Rolls: 3 4 2 1 [5] 4 [5]
2 Hits
Elemental Rolls: [6] 3 [5] 4 2 2
2 Hits
Resisting Drain: 1 [5] [6] [5] 4 3 [6] 4 2 [6] 4
5 Hits, No Drain

sweet deal biggrin.gif
Mister Juan
Felix is going astral to watch the outside street.

@ChinaDoll, JJ, Aziz, Jax
So, what should be our #1 fall back position, and who's going to grab the box if things go bad? As I said before, JJ can take Felix's bike... as long as Felix is also on it wink.gif
Wyrm calls a Fault 3 Sprite into service:
Compiling (2) + Resonance (3) + Homeground (2) = 7 dice
[5] 4 [5] 1 [5] 2 [6] Hits:4

Sprite resists:
Sprite Resistance (3) = 3 dice
[6] 1 4 Hits:1

I own the electronic universe! Muahahha! >:)

Even without Homeground, I still manage to call the Sprite with 3 services.
(I think)
Scanning for wireless signals.
Scan (3) + Electroni Warfare (2) + Homeground (2) = 7 dice
[5] [5] 3 [6] [5] 1 4 Hits:4

Seeking to exploit faults
Exploit (3) + Hacking (2) + Homeground (2) = 7 dice
[5] 1 3 3 2 [6] [5] Hits:3

Darn forgot Fading on the Sprite.. Lets see Rating 3 Sprite only got 1 hit, would make that 2S to resist...
Resonance (3) + Willpower (3) = 6 dice
[5] 3 [5] 2 3 3 Hits:2

Sweet! Look Nurse, no headache!
MK Ultra
Would be Sprites hits on a forve test * 2, wouldn´t it?

And the hits are subtracted from services
QUOTE (Mister Juan)
@ChinaDoll, JJ, Aziz, Jax
So, what should be our #1 fall back position, and who's going to grab the box if things go bad? As I said before, JJ can take Felix's bike... as long as Felix is also on it wink.gif

JJ will be sticking right by Felix. Please have my new commcode subscribed to your bike.

JAX should be in charge of grabbing the box, since he won't be a major loss from combat. (Sparky, you might want to have JAX grab that shotgun we got from the SS fight.)

Fall back position....that is a tough one. How about behind the mall, by the know, where we beat that little snotty kid up about a month ago. wink.gif

#2 fall back position should be the "Blah" store near Nurse's parents place.

How will that work for everyone?
@everyone, but mainly TG -

This combat is going to get really messy without a map of the HQ. Even a scanned in sketch would do wonders to lessen confusion.

Fresno Bob
The mall sounds good as a retreat place.

We should start fortifying the place. Push dumspters up against the doors and whatnot.
We've been working on a map but there isn't consensus, and neither of us use the same program to create. So..... I can try to pull something together, but I know Dranem had some specific thoughts in mind for the layout which haven't been conveyed to me exactly, so.... *shrugs*

If we can work something out I can slap something together tonight most likely, even if it's crude, I can flesh it out over time. biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Vegas)
We've been working on a map but there isn't consensus, and neither of us use the same program to create. So..... I can try to pull something together, but I know Dranem had some specific thoughts in mind for the layout which haven't been conveyed to me exactly, so.... *shrugs*

If we can work something out I can slap something together tonight most likely, even if it's crude, I can flesh it out over time. biggrin.gif

I think we at least need to be solid on the entry points, orientation with roads, and any other major things that will come in to play in this supposed firefight.
MK Ultra
Tao-Fighter will offer some of his arsenal among his teammates. Preferably as stated, but can also be devided otherwise (I left the inactive pcs out). I also need to know if one of his teammates is dedicated, to give him a ride or if he shoud hang on to wichever is closest? I´d suggest Halo, because she´s baring the decoy and thus might need an extra arm on her bike.

To any of his teammates: 1 dose of Kamikaze, 2 doses of Jazz, 2 doses of Cram

To Auran
1 Flashbang Granade

To Halo
1 Shock Glove/Braced Knuckles
1 Flashbang Granade

To Bronze
1 Thermosmoke Granade
1 Ruger Superwarhawk, w/ internal smartlink --/3R 500¥
+Skinlink 3/6 50¥
+Concealment Holster --/2 75¥
+Spead Loader --/2 25¥
+6 rounds regular ammo --/2R 12¥
+6 rounds flechette ammo --/2R 60¥

To Nurse
1 Survival Knife
1 Thermosmoke Granade
1 Remmington Roomsweeper, w/ internal smartlink --/6R 500¥
+Gasvent 2/4R 200¥
+Skinlink 3/6 50¥
+Concealment Holster --/2 75¥
+9 rounds regular ammo --/2R 18¥
+9 rounds flechette ammo --/2R 90¥

To Any Gang member but preferably Aziz
1 AK-97 assault rifle, w/ internal smartlink --/4R 1.000¥
+shock pad --/2 50¥
+Skinlink 3/6 50¥
+1 spare clip --/4 5¥
+10 rounds regular ammo --/2R 20¥
+10 rounds flechette ammo --/2R 100¥
Fresno Bob
Aziz will take the AK. And in return, he'll give Tao a ride.
MK Ultra
He can have the assault rifle (borrowed of cause), but for the ride, Tao will need someone in his team.
Keep in mind, however, that each of the clips is only filled with 10 rounds, this weapon was intended more for sniping, then anything else.

I think, I won´t put up my IC post until tomorrow evening. However, TF will stay close to Halo (or who ever his designated driver is), keeping behind cover, if posible, and pointing his Ingram (with reg ammo) at the next entrance.

He won´t summon a spirit yet, as he still hopes, he might be abled to rest for the rest of the day and heal up some. If any signs indicate, the Trolls are definitly attacking the Y, however, he will try to summon one early enough, to have the drain patched up by Nurse and Wyrm and Cammy (and Tag if available), before the fight begins.
QUOTE (Voorhees)
Aziz will take the AK. And in return, he'll give Tao a ride.

Good trade.

Has there been a cutoff time stated?
As far as entrances, the way I saw it was that the main doors are on W. Main St. facing JAX's garage. The Loading Dock entrance would be off Hunt Ave (on the left) but the door would be on the rear of the building.

There would likely have to be fire exits at the stairs, but we could have always chained the doors from the inside once we decided to "block them off" when we took over the building. I assumed 2 sets of stairs in the front of the building (one leading down into reception/main entry) and the others on the opposite side of the building with fire doors outside (Again I'm thinking the left side of the building). One more set of stairs in the center of the back of the building with fire doors.

I don't know if people want to pipe in on this or if y'all are cool with it I'll just keep putting something together for a floor plan for combat (should it come to that, heh).

If Tao wants to stay with Halo back towards the loading dock entrance, that's fine by me if he rides with her.

I don't think we have a new timestop.
Ok, though Vegas and I haven't completed the floorplan map yet, I have a description of the Y in the Wiki where it's suppose to go.

I've tried to be as descriptive as possible (wouthout writing a short story) on how the layout should look like. With this being Easter and me working, I'm probalby not going to be able to finalize any drawings till Tuesday or Wednesday. But if Vegas has time, hopefully the description will help her draw it up easier. (We can bounce ideas as we go to get this fully confirmed)

If you have any questions, just ask.
A google search on 'YMCA floorplan' yielded lots of great results.

I like this one the best... it seems the least sprawling. Detailed plan with key!
Yeah, I did search for floorplans, but few of them are more than a floor in height, and none of them seem to have the compact design that I was looking for in a small, but tall buiding. I don't think most of the buildings in that search would fit the lot that we've chosen Sparky, but thanks for the heads up.

I actually based the design off of the Winnipeg Downtown's Y, which is 6 floors, so I did cut it down by two...
I think it would be much better, not to mention simpler, if we can find a Y with ready made floorplans. I'm not disparaging anyone's ability to do these up, just that collaborating on that over a forum/wiki when we need the plans already is going to take longer than we have.

Just my opinion.
Well, I know some people were asking if we could user a smaller, simpler layout for the Y. The Saratoga location does fit that bill..
Saratoga Y

I'll leave it to general vote to see if people prefer this 2 story building better.. might change some of the poses a touch, but we can see.
If you mean the roof top stuff, I can imagine that the building is between taller buildings, and Felix and others could have climbed a fire escape to get the four story height that folks were referencing.

Otherwise I'm not sure.

As for where we hang in this layout... I have a couple ideas.

We make the upstairs staff area into our den. It's got a lounge (37), that I think we could have repurposed into a kitchen - with the oft mentioned walk-in freezer and some larger appliances for Robot.

The other place would be yanking desks out of the cyber cafe (5) and putting in couches. Where that puts our kitchen I'm not sure, maybe in vending (40).
QUOTE (Dranem)
Well, I know some people were asking if we could user a smaller, simpler layout for the Y. The Saratoga location does fit that bill..
Saratoga Y

I'll leave it to general vote to see if people prefer this 2 story building better.. might change some of the poses a touch, but we can see.

looks great!!!!.. although anyone notice that all these Y's look the same almost!? we miught as well be conformists to this
LOL, they are the same.

Dranem linked back to the page, and I linked a blow-up of just the plans. There might be small differences that mark some change in the design process, since these do look like plans in the planning sense.
4 floors? I absolutely had no idea it had 4 floors.

That seems excessive for a bunch of ganger kids to have taken over. Let's not get carried away here and design our own paradise. To me, this building should be crappy and falling apart. That is the only way no one else would be using it.

2 stories tops.
Oh, by the way. That floorplan shows 13 entrances. eek.gif
I don't think that 4 floors means luxury... I think it more means realestate is expensive, build upward rather than outward (urban). The 4 floor Y has a smaller overall footprint and a lot more stacking.

It could be crappy and run down either way.

I'm really just advocating for floorplans we have vs. floorplans that we'll kibitz while the gangers cut us to pieces.

QUOTE (Silo)
Oh, by the way. That floorplan shows 13 entrances. eek.gif


Now, instead of the layout, we can kibitz the plan to defend the place while the trolls cut us to pieces.
MK Ultra
@ GM and ALL
Tao-Fighter will make a little speach, to fortify the Gangers against loosing thair cool in the (quiet probably) upcomming fight.
I did a Leadership roll, but don´t think, this should be a ormal contested roll. I´d rather think, it makes sens that the hits should apply as bonus dice to any upcoming composure tests. Though this is for Tinker Gnome to decide.
If anyone wants to join in on doing this (Slam might want to), roll Leadership + Charisma and reroll any hits as bonusdice for TF´s test.

So here is the roll
Charisma (3) + Influence (3) + Damage (-2) + Home Ground (2) + Street Rep (1) = 7 dice
[5] 4 4 2 2 [5] 1 Hits:2

So that would give everyone (maybe except TF himself) 2 extra-dice for composure-tests, when TG says it will work like I intended it.
I´ll flesh this out in IC later (as at the moment , I´m a bit intoxicated from drinking some 'easter water' with my relatives dead.gif ).

On the floor plan
I´d really prefer to have a less sprawling building then the linked plans. However, regardless what plan we use, I thought, we had allready borded and blocked most windows and all unused access points, when we first occupied the building. The IC posts could still refer to the main entrance and loading dock, as well as the few windows we have not blicked yet, or fortifying the others even more.

I´d say at least all windows on the ground level and all but the 2 used doors would have been allready blocked!
The more I look at it, the more I"m liking just using the Saratoga Y plans. I think it could be assumed that when we took it over we locked down as many doors as possible. I could even see welding some of them permanently shut with variouis tools at our disposal from JAX and Thyn.

We can "fudge" it a bit and put in the loading dock/etc. where we want it. Or I can "redraw" new plans based off these.

To a certain extent I think any large building that we take over in a Y type scale is a bit over-ambitious for a group of teenage gangers like us, but I'll suspend disbelief long enough to roll with it. biggrin.gif Perhaps something more on a "Community Center" type scale would be more likely? Run down or not, the Y is a LOT of space to have to cover and it seems like if real estate is so expensive/in demand a large building like that would have been sucked up by some corp somewhere and reclaimed for repurposing. *shrugs*

Just my $0.02

I don't want to hold up combat or anything else while we nitpick over details. Might as well just run with something we've got access to and save all of us the headaches no? biggrin.gif
Yeah, community center is something more like what I was envisioning. Having a b-ball court and a pool and a bunch of other stuff seems highly unlikely to me.
The Saratoga Y, while a pretty small Y is big for us. Maybe we could obstruct a bunch of the rooms, like the pool area's roof is off and it's a tangle of metal. We've blocked those doors and don't use it. That sort of thing. It could be that mostly the second floor and maybe the gym is what's safe/usable.


Alternative 1 - Fitness center
Imagine it crummy, instead of all posh. But the space is good. If we want it to have lots of stories, we can say it's the ground floor of a ratty office building or abandoned(condemned) tenement.

Alternative 2 - Community Center
The right-hand (proposed) side is what I'm thinking we could go with. It has some cool spaces, is two stories. Seems reasonable. If we really want the fitness aspect (which I dig) we can have one of the rooms have weights.

Alternative 3 - Community Center 2
This one's a little dull, but it's got some good spaces. In the bottom right corner there's a square footage - 2,458 - that's around as big as a relatively spacious 4-bedroom house. Again, if we want to add our more fitness related equipment.. easy to do.

Again... just some google research. If anyone finds a building they like, put it on up.
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