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Just thought I would bump this thread.. seeing as summer has been rather hectic for some.. I've pretty much let a lot of my forums go lax.. sorry. frown.gif

Some of us have been debating a 'Splinters of the Crash' thread to revive the game for those who want to continue.
If the interest is still there, I was thinking maybe we could revive somewhere near the end of August (my July is way to crammed with things to do, camping trips, etc, that I don't know how much time I'll have in front of the computer)...

Let me know what everyone thinks on this and we'll go from there...
MK Ultra
IŽd be in on following along, I just wonŽt have the time to take the lead.

Have a nice summer till than everyone [so uncharacteristically damn hot over here in europe at the moment, verry not nice frown.gif ]
picking up where we left off, or in the future?
Fresno Bob
The future might be interesting. Aziz could have had some crazy adventures or somesuch.
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