Apr 21 2006, 11:34 PM
No offense Jaid, sorry to see you go, but....
I see a couple of gangers getting capped in this upcoming altercation.
Apr 21 2006, 11:44 PM
I think that is almost a given at this stage....
MK Ultra
Apr 21 2006, 11:57 PM
So, sarcastically speaking, the players that left (most, unlike Jaid, witout a word

) provided a decent pool of red skirts.
Now I donīt advocate on grasing all the npc-ised pcs right away, or on a regular basis, not even necessarily any in this fight (though I guess that will hapen), but eventually, when we aquire new players, old unused pcs will go, so we might as well let them go with a drmatic blast.
Apr 22 2006, 12:09 AM
Yeah, I'd hate for all of them to get killed. That would be too easy for us players left in the meat...too much padding.
It might even be impractical for someone like Steel to die easily. Although, I could see someone like Steel taking the brunt of an onslaught as well.
So, what is the plan for this throw down?
JJ is going to setup in that hall by the med room. Felix is there with him. I figure if they try to rush in through the main entrance, JJ will shoot until it is no longer conducive to living or he runs out of bullets. Then, he will fall back to the gym, get on Felix's bike with Felix and they are going to take off to their meet zone....which was the mall.
Heh, wonder if the LMB will hide us...
Anyway, that is all the plan I have. Unless they come in the other way, through the back. Then, my plan is to shoot the other direction.
MK Ultra
Apr 22 2006, 01:18 AM
You know, Halo and Tao are sitting somewhere around there, too, right? Hope you take that into account, when shooting the other direction

Iīll try to not have TF shoot JJ in the back, as well, if they come through the main entrance

Oh, and he will tell the both of them, that he might bang a flashy granade somewhere along the battle
Apr 22 2006, 02:46 AM
Well if TF is with Halo they're in the gym, just inside the double doors leading to the loading dock. So they're not really in any danger of getting shot by JJ or Felix unless JJ's shooting over his shoulder or something
Mister Juan
Apr 22 2006, 03:38 AM
*Twidle thumbs*
Apr 22 2006, 03:49 AM
JJ does have 2 pistols on him, and he is only proficient with using 1 at a time. It could get dicey. (hehe...pun intended)
edit: That might be JJ's new catch phrase: it could get dicey.
Apr 22 2006, 03:50 AM
Trying to look for and ID any gang symbols/colours/etc on the Trolls and their bikes.
Gang Id (2) + Intelligence (3) = 5 dice [5] 1 [5] [5] [5] Hits:4 |
Apr 22 2006, 04:08 AM
Wyrm is going to stay in VR at first.
If the Trolls start an attack run, I'm going to see how many bikes I can crash to reduce their mobility, then I'll sick the dobermans on them.
When it looks like they're going to crash the door, Nurse and I will hightail it to her bike and take off with Halo and TF (so warn us before you split, Wyrm will back out of VR if you feel the heat is too high), and use, if they're left, the dobermans as cover fire for our escape.
I can see 0day, Shade, Cammy or Knives as possible casulties if this resorts to a fire fight, but I guess that's really up to TG and if he wants to sacrifice them.
Fresno Bob
Apr 22 2006, 04:24 AM
Aziz is on the roof, and he'll start sniping if any hostiles come by.
Apr 22 2006, 04:28 AM
You got a way off of the roof bro?
JJ and Felix won't be leaving you hanging up there.
Fresno Bob
Apr 22 2006, 04:32 AM
Isn't there like, a rooftop access hatch? Or if not, we modded one in?
Apr 22 2006, 04:50 AM
Stairs go all the way to the roof on the two stairwells.
Or at least they should.
Apr 22 2006, 01:39 PM
I'm talking about how are you going to get down if the stairs are blocked?
I guess they won't be though at first.
Apr 22 2006, 02:41 PM
He's a healthy boy, he can jump
Apr 22 2006, 02:55 PM
I was thinking that too, but then I remembered we aren't real shadowrunners.
Apr 22 2006, 03:47 PM
raven can levitate
Fresno Bob
Apr 22 2006, 08:27 PM
Here's how I'll get off the roof in the event the stairs are blocked.
If blocked by something killable, I'll kill my way down the stairs.
If blocked by something unkillable, I'll push my down the stairs.
If blocked by something both unkillable and unmovable, I'll simply stay on the roof.
Apr 22 2006, 08:32 PM
Go go Gadget Aziz!

Did TG give us anything more than a "this weekend" for a time frame for his post?
Mister Juan
Apr 23 2006, 04:40 AM
Apr 23 2006, 06:05 AM
I had always envisioned a fire-escape down onto our roof for the building adjacent. That, or an... improvised... door into the third floor of the adjacent building. Something like that.
Apr 23 2006, 06:25 PM
la la la.... just wanted to post, make sure y'all know i'm still active
Mister Juan
Apr 23 2006, 06:33 PM
I know how you feel Rokur... I keep digging to find stuff to post
Apr 23 2006, 06:38 PM
Well, Raven plans to use Control Thoughts on some nasty-looking Troll (possibly one in their 'back ranks'), while they are still outside, then hopefully start some mess between them. That's why she has taken up position near a front window.

Apr 23 2006, 07:19 PM
Nice idea Thanee.
Mister Juan
Apr 23 2006, 07:23 PM
With Felix's Control Emotions, I'm sure we could start a brawl
MK Ultra
Apr 23 2006, 09:07 PM
I plan to exchange Ice Sheet (which has prohibitive Drain compared to the effect), probably against Mob Control. That should help, too

But still, we should talk to them first (Halo, probably, maybe supported by one or the other talker). We may be abled to send them against the 669s.
BTW, why is the ISC dead, today?
Apr 24 2006, 01:10 PM
All that's needed to get off the roof safely is enough rope.
MK Ultra
Apr 24 2006, 01:30 PM
The spirit Tao summoned is a force 2 spirit of men, no drain, 3 services.
Magic (2) + Summoning (5) + Mentor Spirit (2) + Damage (-2) + Home Ground (2) = 9 dice [5] 4 4 2 2 [5] 1 [5] [5] Hits:4 |
Force (2) = 2 dice [5] 1 Hits:1 Glitch! |
Charisma (3) + Willpower (1) = 4 dice 3 [6] [5] 3 Hits:2 |
Apr 24 2006, 01:37 PM
Ack, helluva bad four days or so. I'm alive today, however, and catching up slowly.
My priority list:
- Describe how I deal with subscriber lists and commlinks, etc.
- Describe what the group can see of the trolls on the Matrix
- Describe what the group can see of the trolls on the Astral
- Describe any other visible details of the trolls, along with what they are doing now
- Answer any questions to spring up in the last four days.
- Revamp the gang turf map and add another gang area and (maybe) fix it so that Liberty Park is neutral territory (or at least controlled by someone a little more hospitable than La Raza).
Apr 24 2006, 02:11 PM
Yeah, this is kinda overwhelming here... I certainly have some trouble keeping up as well.

Apr 24 2006, 03:11 PM
Point #1.
Network RulesLook good to everyone?
Apr 24 2006, 03:13 PM
Nice diagrams.

Yeah, looks good to me.
MK Ultra
Apr 24 2006, 03:25 PM
Nice, but doesnīt that make skinlinks useless? (well except when you want to go (near) totaly emission free).
Not thet I mind reshuffeling some cred, but still.
Apr 24 2006, 04:27 PM
Shouldn't. The subscriber-only arragement does nothing to keep your data from being intercepted, tracked, or jammed (all things skinlink does), it just makes it so that your devices don't turn on you at the drop of a hat. It also reinforces the "go through the commlink" rules which are in the book.
Apr 24 2006, 04:49 PM
C410 Chat channel is a slaved commlink network, with China Dolls commlink as the master commlink. This represents the "Tactical" mode, this way Agent X and China Doll's encryption software is available to protect everyone.
If possible I'd like to do a variant where the gangers with the more capable commlinks rotate out being the master commlink for the network. Well, probably some kind of hierarchy depending on the capability of the commlinks and software.
Apr 24 2006, 04:55 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
Nice, but doesnīt that make skinlinks useless? (well except when you want to go (near) totaly emission free).
EDIT: Not thet I mind reshuffeling some cred, but still. |
No, skinlinks are what allows China Doll to run her bike, guns, smartlinked glasses, commlink, and any other skinlinked devices at full capabilities but make no emissions signature. Other then the whine of the engines... It's very useful to not show up on anyone's commlinks scan.
Apr 24 2006, 05:20 PM
Caveat to the network rules:
The human brain can only interact with one commlink at a time. Thus, no cheating and having one that's completely private and one that you use to hit the net. You can have one slaved to the other to create a chokepoint (in which case you're still only using one directly) but that's about it.
Apr 24 2006, 05:56 PM
Other data can be gathered with various rolls. For these rolls, home turf does not apply. Teamwork does not apply. Most other modifiers don't apply. It's pretty much just a stat+skill(+spec) roll. If you have other modifiers that you think should apply, ask me and I'll make a decision. Each of these tests will affect the entire group, which is why I'm keeping your die pools a bit smaller.
Matrix perception test:
1 hit
[ Spoiler ]
The trolls are tightly controlled in terms of network access. There are two open commlinks amongst the whole crew.
2 hits
[ Spoiler ]
The trolls are using AR controls to help their driving, but none look to be using VR.
3 hits
[ Spoiler ]
You are able to identify which bikes hold the guys wearing the open commlinks. Both look like pretty typical trolls, though they're a little bit smaller than some of the others.
4 hits
[ Spoiler ]
Geeze, how many hits can you roll? You get the above, and that's pretty much it.
5 hits
[ Spoiler ]
You just click the spoiler tags without making the roll, don't you? I mean, geeze, that's a lot of successes. You didn't spend edge on that, did you?
Assensing test (defaultable if you normally have astral perception without deepweed):
1 hit
[ Spoiler ]
There are 8 mundane and 6 awakened gangers. There are also three materialized air spirits hanging around them and riding along.
2 hits
[ Spoiler ]
Of the 8 mundanes, 7 have some form of cyberware. 2 have relatively light modifications, but the other five have heavy modifications to their spines. Those same five also have a number of other modifications and two have cyberlimbs.
3 hits
[ Spoiler ]
Those with heavy cyberware have low essence. Pretty much all the magic is higher than anything you guys have, including the spirits.
4 hits
[ Spoiler ]
Magic ratings for the awakened characters are around 5 (give or take). The spirits are all force 5. Essence runs a range, but most of the heavy cyber characters have essence 2 or lower.
5 hits
[ Spoiler ]
The one mundane without any cyber is a technomancer.
Apr 24 2006, 05:59 PM
Raven's Assensing:
3 hitsBye
Apr 24 2006, 06:07 PM
Wyrm's Matrix Perception Test:
Computer (2) + Analyze (3) = 5 dice 2 [5] 3 [5] [5] Hits:3 |
Apr 24 2006, 06:48 PM
China Doll Matrix Perception
Computer (1) + Analyze (4) - Distracted (2) = 3 5 4 6 = 2 Hits |
MK Ultra
Apr 24 2006, 06:49 PM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
Caveat to the network rules: |
But canīt I have a second comlink just for calls and sms and other non-hacking stuff, just like a cell phone?
Apr 24 2006, 06:57 PM
You can have as many as you want, unless you actively use them at the same time (actively in relation to your person not the commlink itself).

MK Ultra
Apr 24 2006, 07:07 PM
Yea, but I could still use one to do my AR hacking, while using the other one to have a simple audio call with my pal, couldnīt I?
I canīt see, why one canīt use two coms for hacking at the same time, either. would just have to devide the actions between the coms, just as with multiple nodes accessed at the same time. Of cause the hacker would have to do 2 exploits, one for each comm, to access the same node with both comlinks.
However, if this is simply a rule for balance or easiness, I wonīt complain. TF has no second comlink anyway and isnīt going to hack anything.
Apr 24 2006, 07:09 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
I canīt see, why one canīt use two coms for hacking at the same time, either. would just have to devide the actions between the coms, just as with multiple nodes accessed at the same time. |
That's how I would see it (no simultaneous use, but switching would be fine).
Of course, using one simply as an audio phone would also be alright, I suppose.
Apr 24 2006, 07:15 PM
I've been debating getting Wyrm a trimmed down commlink. Seeing as she doesn't need the communication aspect of the device, pick up some sort of PDA device to store her stuff. SR3 had wearable computers, which would be in essence what I'm looking for... I guess I could just get a standard commlink without a service plan and just keep it running silent.
At least the appearance of a commlink won't make her look so out of place
Mister Juan
Apr 24 2006, 07:48 PM
Felix's Assensing
Oh well...
Apr 24 2006, 08:05 PM
QUOTE (Mister Juan) |
Felix's Assensing
Oh well...
There's this box in your hands....
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