Mar 21 2006, 03:01 PM
Cool, just saw the post describing the scene.
I assume we wait for all the initiatives to be rolled...?
Mar 21 2006, 03:01 PM
0day's sneaking attempt:
Thyme Lost
Mar 21 2006, 03:19 PM
The trio in Thyn's Van had to the Stuffer Shack shortly after the message over the comms. The question is, how far is it, driving, from the Garage to the Stuffer Shack. Can the Van get there in under 7 minutes?
Van time 20:00:40
Stuffer Shack time 20:07:20.
I have no problem pulling up before the fight, I also don't mind if you (TG) say we miss the fight.
MK Ultra
Mar 21 2006, 03:26 PM
All bad things are 3, so..
Magic (2) + Summoning (1) + Mentor (2) = 5 dice [6] 4 3 1 3 Hits:1 |
Force (3) = 3 dice 2 [6] 1 Hits:1 |
Intuition (5) + Willpower (1) = 6 dice 1 3 4 [6] 4 3 Hits:1 |
sh.., well, no additional drain damage at least.
Mister Juan
Mar 21 2006, 03:31 PM
@RokurTotal 100% correct on that.
I have no idea why I saw two.
That will teach me to post at 7:00 in the morning, after 5 hours of sleep and while I'm still totaly out of it

No elementals for Felix:P
@GMInitiative Roll: 1 hit
Initiative for the round: 5+1 = 6
Mister Juan
Mar 21 2006, 03:37 PM
Just to clear things up (so we don't get mixed up while posting), the characters present at the SS are:
-ToyRobot (inside, hiding)
-0day (in the vincinity)
The way I'm imagining it (and as we all described it), JJ is on one side of the door, Aziz, Raven and Felix on the other, with Neo somewhere across the street. I could very well be wrong...
And boy am I glad Raven's got a spirit with her

Because lets face it: arsenal wise, we ain't packing much

Mar 21 2006, 03:41 PM
0day is outside somewhere on the street, but not directly at the stuffer shack
Mar 21 2006, 03:42 PM
QUOTE (Mister Juan) |
Just to clear things up (so we don't get mixed up while posting), the characters present at the SS are: -ToyRobot (inside, hiding) -Aziz -Felix -JJ -Raven -Neo
The way I'm imagining it (and as we all described it), JJ is on one side of the door, Aziz, Raven and Felix on the other, with Neo somewhere across the street. I could very well be wrong...
That's the way I see it too.
And boy am I glad Raven's got a spirit with her Because lets face it: arsenal wise, we ain't packing much |
Don't worry, I got my brass knuckles!
Thyme Lost
Mar 21 2006, 03:43 PM
QUOTE (Mister Juan) |
Just to clear things up (so we don't get mixed up while posting), the characters present at the SS are: -ToyRobot (inside, hiding) -Aziz -Felix -JJ -Raven -Neo
The way I'm imagining it (and as we all described it), JJ is on one side of the door, Aziz, Raven and Felix on the other, with Neo somewhere across the street. I could very well be wrong...
And boy am I glad Raven's got a spirit with her Because lets face it: arsenal wise, we ain't packing much |
I know that those in the Van aren't there yet...
The question is, how long does it take to get from the Garage to the SS.
We left with time to spare...
But it might be easiest, if we aren't able to make it in time.
Mister Juan
Mar 21 2006, 03:44 PM
Maybe one or two will get to the getaway car and you can chase them off
@GMWhile I'm thinking about it, as a free action, Felix will distribute his counterspelling pool, just in case they got some mojo coming.
Aziz: 2 dices
JJ: 2 dices
Felix: 2 dices
Sorry for Raven and Neo... just got so many dices
Thyme Lost
Mar 21 2006, 03:47 PM
QUOTE (Mister Juan) |
Maybe one or two will get to the getaway car and you can chase them off |
Well, I'd have 7 dice for driving/chasing...
Mar 21 2006, 03:57 PM
QUOTE (Thyme Lost) |
The question is, how long does it take to get from the Garage to the SS. |
Let's call it seven minutes and nine seconds. You'll arive at the end of the third round of combat. By then either the orks will all be down, theys will be escaping (in which case the van can be used to give chase), or the PCs will be in serious need of your backup.
Thyme Lost
Mar 21 2006, 03:58 PM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
Let's call it seven minutes and nine seconds. You'll arive at the end of the third round of combat. By then either the orks will all be down, theys will be escaping (in which case the van can be used to give chase), or the PCs will be in serious need of your backup. |
Sounds good to me....
Mar 21 2006, 03:58 PM
QUOTE (Mister Juan @ Mar 21 2006, 10:44 AM) |
@GM While I'm thinking about it, as a free action, Felix will distribute his counterspelling pool, just in case they got some mojo coming.
Aziz: 2 dices JJ: 2 dices Felix: 2 dices
Sorry for Raven and Neo... just got so many dices |
In SR4 you can cover any number of people with your entire counterspelling skill so long as they are all in LOS.
So three dice for as many folks as you want to have it.
Mister Juan
Mar 21 2006, 04:01 PM
@GMThats strange... really not how I was reading it. What is the point of calling "who you in include" in your counterspelling then? (I could swear you had to allocate, but if not.... Felix will cover everyone within LOS since it's a free action)
Now that I'm thinking about it.... do we all get a +2 to all active skill rolls because of the Home Ground advantage???
@ Silo and VoorheesDon't forget you guys probably have a +1 to Willpower from being high on Deepweed
MK Ultra
Mar 21 2006, 05:00 PM
QUOTE (Silo) |
QUOTE (Mister Juan @ Mar 21 2006, 07:28 AM) | That is one nice typo
Clarification: JJ don't give massages. Well, he would to Auran, Nurse, Wyrm and probably Raven.
Uh, he isn´t into Halo? I thought everyone was into Halo

! Or did you just not bother, to list her up, because she´s allways on default
Well, probably, he gives no massage to girls who beat him on the road
Mar 21 2006, 05:15 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
QUOTE (Silo @ Mar 21 2006, 08:53 AM) | QUOTE (Mister Juan @ Mar 21 2006, 07:28 AM) | That is one nice typo
Clarification: JJ don't give massages. Well, he would to Auran, Nurse, Wyrm and probably Raven.
Uh, he isn´t into Halo? I thought everyone was into Halo  ! Or did you just not bother, to list her up, because she´s allways on default Well, probably, he gives no massage to girls who beat him on the road |
He doesn't view Halo that way since he sees her as more of one of the guys.
Mar 21 2006, 05:43 PM
QUOTE (Silo) |
QUOTE (Mister Juan @ Mar 21 2006, 07:28 AM) | That is one nice typo
Clarification: JJ don't give massages. Well, he would to Auran, Nurse, Wyrm and probably Raven.
JJ give me a massage? Though enjoyable at the time, who knows what I'd be missing on my person by the time he was done!
Mar 21 2006, 05:49 PM
QUOTE (Dranem) |
JJ give me a massage? Though enjoyable at the time, who knows what I'd be missing on my person by the time he was done! |
So...very, very true.
Mar 21 2006, 06:06 PM
QUOTE (Dranem) |
Ummm.. not to be overly picky Frank, but I think CD's timestamp is about 2 hours off. |
Actually it was exactly 2 hours off. I had originally planned to do it a different way and then I had to move it up to synch in with other people's stories, and then I subtracted an hour instead of adding an hour at the beginning and then I just kept incrementing the orignal time stamp. That's what happens when you make time stamp changes late at night - stupid crap happens. Sorry about that.
Mar 21 2006, 06:07 PM
QUOTE (Mister Juan) |
@GM Thats strange... really not how I was reading it. What is the point of calling "who you in include" in your counterspelling then? (I could swear you had to allocate, but if not.... Felix will cover everyone within LOS since it's a free action)
Now that I'm thinking about it.... do we all get a +2 to all active skill rolls because of the Home Ground advantage??? |
Well, you only get one free action a pass, now, so if you're not ready to counterspell, or someone leaves and returns to your vision, you may not have them covered.
Yes, you get the +2 to active skills, but not to passive counterspelling
Mar 21 2006, 06:17 PM
QUOTE (MKUltra) |
unsuccessfull! ARGH
CODE | Drain: Intuition (5) + Willpower (1) = 6 dice 2 [5] [6] 2 4 1 Hits:2
No Drain, at least!
CODE | Resistance: Force (3) = 3 dice [5] [6] 2 Hits:2
Dreck, they keep making 2 hits with 3 dice
Not only that, but the standard drain on spirit summon where the spirit rolls 2 hits is 4P for a character with a Magic of 2 - so at this point TF has taken 5 Physical Damage. I think maybe he should sit down and stop summoning things for a bit. Maybe until medical help can arrive...
BTW, we may want to use the "more predictable drain" house rule, where the Drain Code for Conjuring is 1/2 Force + Spirit Hits instead of double hits. That would be good for TF whose spirits apparently roll crazy high, and bad for Raven whose spirits roll crazy low (she'd have to actually make a Drain Resistance test). Although even then TF would have taken 3 Physical damage, and would be down a die on conjuring until someone administers first aid.
Mar 21 2006, 06:23 PM
China Doll Starting money die roll
(Low Lifestyle 3D6 + Leftover 9) * 50 = 4,4,1 = 18 * 50 = 900 Nuyen
Mar 21 2006, 06:31 PM
QUOTE (Mister Juan) |
Just to clear things up (so we don't get mixed up while posting), the characters present at the SS are: -ToyRobot (inside, hiding) -Aziz -Felix -JJ -Raven -Neo -0day (in the vincinity) |
Cammy is also there, around the side of the building in the parking lot.
BTW, we may as well make Initiative Rolls right about now:
Reaction (5) + Intuition (1) = 6 Dice 1 [5] 1 2 4 3 Hits: 1 |
Cammy goes off at 7. Which would be more than a little unfortunate if she didn't have a passable hiding place out of the direct line of fire.
MK Ultra
Mar 21 2006, 07:03 PM
QUOTE (FrankTrollman @ Mar 21 2006, 01:17 PM) |
Not only that, but the standard drain on spirit summon where the spirit rolls 2 hits is 4P for a character with a Magic of 2 - so at this point TF has taken 5 Physical Damage. I think maybe he should sit down and stop summoning things for a bit. Maybe until medical help can arrive... |

I mean really, Uh
Wow, I totally got that mixed up, damn, his ancastors are killing him!
Well, I guess, we really need to pick up nurse or something. I´d say we should initiate her into the gang NOW
No, really, if in any way possible, I´d like to see her, befor showing up. First aid only takes half a minute!
Mar 21 2006, 07:34 PM
[edit] must have missed TG's post[/edit]
Mar 21 2006, 07:37 PM
Hey - MK - I was actually planning to pick Nurse up on my bike. (letting BW know, first of course, to tell her to expect me).
Only thing is... he was gonna head to the stuffer with her...
ER: Edit... on Knives' bike.
MK Ultra
Mar 21 2006, 07:46 PM
Yea, whatever, a bit of blood coughing can´t stop a real ganger anyway

(We´ll see if TF is one

Mar 21 2006, 07:47 PM
Gangers killing themselves... now I've seen everything
MK Ultra
Mar 21 2006, 07:56 PM
Yea, I´m more used to Runers killing themselfs (goes with the heavy equipment I guess

Oh, BTW, Frank didn´t count right either, its 6 boxes (Yay), 2 from the first, 3 from the second and 1 from the last. Makes for e really cool fighter. Agility 6 -1 for lack of skill, -2 for lack of rules retention. Wow, thats an amazing 3 dice, oh wait I´ve got smatgoggles, thats +2, so I guess, I might hit a target with one wide burst or the other, on short range. Maybe, if the sh.. hits the fan, it´s time to pop some Kamikaze.
EDIT: AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGH, just noticed, that I forgot the Hometurf bonus, too, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGH. Well I guess I could have gotten something for my pain, damn.
Mar 21 2006, 08:06 PM
Slam isn't an Ork any more. He is human.
Mar 21 2006, 08:20 PM
Oh. Damn! thx for the note, will fix.
Mar 21 2006, 08:22 PM
QUOTE (Rokur) |
Oh. Damn! thx for the note, will fix. |
Don't begrudge him too much for dissing your race to your face (he has a shotgun in his freakin' arm!).
Mar 21 2006, 08:23 PM
Forget surviving the fight. At this point we should start taking bets on who's actually going to make it to the fight in one piece.
Mister Juan
Mar 21 2006, 08:42 PM
Concerning the fact... it this considered an "ambush"?
Because if it is, we're going to whoop ass

(I hope)
Mar 21 2006, 08:42 PM
MK Ultra, I think you got that summoning totally messed up.

With a Magic of 1, Tao-Fighter cannot summon anything beyond Force 2.
The Power Focus only adds an extra die, but does not actually increase Magic.

Mar 21 2006, 08:44 PM
I'm surprised the gang doesn't already have a dedicated encrypted wireless chat (AR) channel that everyone is contantly logged into all day to keep in touch etc..
Mar 21 2006, 08:46 PM
QUOTE (DireRadiant) |
I'm surprised the gang doesn't already have a dedicated encrypted wireless chat (AR) channel that everyone is contantly logged into all day to keep in touch etc.. |
Well, is there any reason why we don't?
I am a noob when it comes to thinking in terms of what these new commlinks are actually capable of doing.
Mar 21 2006, 08:50 PM
QUOTE (FrankTrollman) |
Actually, no. Page 178 pretty clearly states what that's supposed to mean - Unbound Spirits on remote service don't count as controlled spirits and Bound spirits on remote service do. The wording on page 179 is a little confusing, but only a little. |
Page 178 says, that spirits on remote services no longer count against the limit of summoned spirits (which might be the limit of a single unbound spirit, as I understand it).
Page 179 says (under *Summoning*), that spirits on remote service and standby count against the bound spirit total (= Charisma).
I think, that they really mean exactly what TG has house ruled there...
But apart from that... when I send an unbound spirit on standby, can I then really summon another? So, is the limit mostly, that you can have only one at a time, but you really can have (Charisma) spirits hanging around for the day, when you summon them in preparation?
Mar 21 2006, 08:54 PM
QUOTE (FrankTrollman @ Mar 21 2006, 07:17 PM) |
BTW, we may want to use the "more predictable drain" house rule, where the Drain Code for Conjuring is 1/2 Force + Spirit Hits instead of double hits. |
That's more Drain on average than the standard rules... 1/3 Force + Hits would be the same.
But I think the unpredictable nature of the Drain is very much intended.
That would be good for TF whose spirits apparently roll crazy high, and bad for Raven whose spirits roll crazy low (she'd have to actually make a Drain Resistance test). |
There's a minimum Drain of 2 DV for summoning, so you always have to make a Drain Resistance test.

MK Ultra
Mar 21 2006, 09:03 PM
QUOTE (Thanee @ Mar 21 2006, 03:42 PM) |
MK Ultra, I think you got that summoning totally messed up. 
With a Magic of 1, Tao-Fighter cannot summon anything beyond Force 2. The Power Focus only adds an extra die, but does not actually increase Magic. 
Bye Thanee |

EDIT: Got to read up on everything I post in the future, I guess.
EDIT2: Hm, was that erated, the description is a bit fuzzy, but I guess your interpretation is right.
Mar 21 2006, 09:25 PM
QUOTE (Silo) |
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Mar 21 2006, 02:44 PM) | I'm surprised the gang doesn't already have a dedicated encrypted wireless chat (AR) channel that everyone is contantly logged into all day to keep in touch etc.. |
Well, is there any reason why we don't?
I am a noob when it comes to thinking in terms of what these new commlinks are actually capable of doing.
Considering the amount of hackers and Technos we have in the group, I would almost expect us to have established an encrypted channel, that way Wyrm and Electrode could keep a mental note on the channel and not have to worry about commcodes.
Both JJ and Wyrm have used a 'group signal' so far in RP.
Mar 21 2006, 09:28 PM
Is the "group signal" anything like the "batsignal"?
(sorry, couldn't resist)
MK Ultra
Mar 21 2006, 09:30 PM
Sure, only, it doesn´t work in Seattle, due to all the straylight
Mar 21 2006, 09:34 PM
You know... looking through the thread, I really like the cyan time stamp with the orange place/person text.
It's not as onerous as I thought it'd be to maintain that. I know we decided on orange, but could we consider the two-toned. Might help us not make time-lapse mistakes too, if the numbers pop off the page more...
Mar 21 2006, 09:36 PM
I think the time stamps just need to be consistant, no matter what.
That and keeping all dice rolls on the OOC pages.
Makes it a LOT easier to read. But that's just my $0.02.
Mar 21 2006, 09:38 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
EDIT2: Hm, was that erated, the description is a bit fuzzy, but I guess your interpretation is right. |
"A power focus adds its Force to all tests in which the magician's Magic is included."
That's the whole effect. The rest is just flavor text or further explanation.
Mar 21 2006, 09:38 PM
Also... the first post of this thread says cyan or blue... I think it should be just cyan.
...I wonder if the DSF forum guys have any way of adding cyan to the list of colors in the pulldown...?
Fresno Bob
Mar 21 2006, 09:40 PM
With 6 hits, I think Aziz is going to cut the Ork's face off.
Mar 21 2006, 09:41 PM
@TG: Could you change the thread icons to OoC and IC respectively?
That would be great, thanks!

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