Mar 28 2006, 11:07 AM
QUOTE (Jaid) |
since the boards are being stupid, and won't let me edit the rolls into a spoiler so the post takes a reasonabale amount of space, ... |
I had also noticed, that spoiler and code tags don't mix well.
MK Ultra
Mar 28 2006, 11:12 AM
Yea, I guess most of us have lost some dice rolls to the spoiler-code-antagonism
Mar 28 2006, 01:40 PM
QUOTE (Dranem) |
That's what I thought too, Rokur might want to change Auran's pose... it's his statement that got me confused. |

Honest mistake.... cmon... really, I read bareheaded... and I pictured bald bikers... I'm sure it's not that uncommon.
Mar 28 2006, 03:58 PM
Heh, for what it's worth, I thought they were bald too.

Bunch of bald elves... scary stuff.
Mar 28 2006, 09:10 PM
QUOTE (Thanee) |
I might have understood Accident wrong, maybe that test above is unnecessary (only used against persons, not vehicles) and the driver immediately makes the Crash Test? |
This is the case.
QUOTE (nick012000) |
So, any particular reason that Neo hasn't reached the mage yet? Neo can run 17.5 meters per initiative pass (and has 2 meters reach), and the mage has been running for 1-2 initiative passes tops (12.5 meters/pass). |
The mage had a 25 meter headstart and is still moving away another 12.5 m during the first pass. You'll catch him or not depending only on the fate of his spirit.
QUOTE (Jaid) |
Electrode's Rotodrone is in the air over the meet, Just at the extent of it's signal range. or rather, will be there at whatever time TG decides so. It has Clearsight 3 and Electronic Warfare 3 running. |
Feel free to retcon yourself to the meet before the gangers arrive.
QUOTE (Dranem) |
Query TG: When you say 'bareheaded' do you mean that they don't have helmets or anything? or do you mean they are bald? |
I mean they aren't wearing helmets.
I would never think "bald" when I hear "bareheaded", but that's just me, I guess.
I've caught up the Stuffer Shack battle to current. For those assensing and looking at the opposing gang... there are more than just a few characters interesting to assense. There are six awakened bikers, three of them full mages. All of them are magic 6+. The others are generally heavily cybered and their matrix presence is as secure as you'd expect from a shadow team.
Mar 28 2006, 09:13 PM
Felix's spirit causes a car door to suddenly pop open... |
It's Raven's spirit.

Mar 28 2006, 09:14 PM
That's what I get for not paying attention. Anyway, reroll initiative this round as per the normal rules.
Mar 28 2006, 09:18 PM
Raven's initiative is 8 (6+
2 hits) / 1 IP.
Air Spirit's initiative is 15 (12+
3 hits) / 2 IP.
Mister Juan
Mar 28 2006, 09:20 PM
I'm just sorta confused. So, we have two orks in the truck, driving off but still "close". One more somewhere in the street, downed, in from of the Stuffer Shack. The mage is gone, and the shotgun guy is somewhere, also downed, in the street.
Correct so far?
As per Felix's action in round 2, did the spirit totaly fight him off, or did he simply didn't dispell all its services? It's not really important, I'm just curious (so I can write an IC post accordingly)
Here's for Felix's initiative: 3 [6] 4 [6] [6] : 3 hits Initiative: 8 |
Wow... why couldn't I roll that at the begining of the combat instead of now
Mar 28 2006, 11:30 PM
Ok, I've added in some comments to the Gang HQ, I've also updated a new proposed gang territory map and placed some important locations.. I'm still sorting out where we're going to put the rest of it... considering the location of things, I was thinking of putting the following:
- Fun Zo e in the mall across from the stuffer.
- Heil's Half Acre in the corner of Slate and Traffic (current large agri-food store) or in the current farm land west of Spinning Ave.
- Liquid credstick in the mall besides the Fun Zo e
- The appartments can be between the mall and the Y or could have cropped up between Spinning and Hunt.
- Cyberia Cafe occupies the current location of the Riverside Pub & Eatery besides Liberty Mall or in the mall/home renovation megastore along Fryar north of Main St (seem to recall that it was suppose to be off our current turf)
- Pharmacy in the same strip mall as the Fun Zo e and LC.
- The Pit (Electrode will have to figure out where The Pit is as it's his entry if I recall)
We need to sort out these locations as no-one really has a firm idea where one location is in relation to another... and we really need to know that!
Mar 28 2006, 11:38 PM
the only thing required for the Pit is that it be next to the river, as i recall. probably not next to the garage, as i get the feeling from JAX's background that his father probably wouldn't have left the kids alone.
and i don't really feel the need for it to be directly inside gang territory either (or at least not *current* territory) so long as it's in the expansion area, that would be fine.
possibly along the river just outside the west boundary of gang territory.
Mar 28 2006, 11:57 PM
You don't want the Pit too close to the river, as unseasonable flooding could bring water into the Underground... just a thought.
Zooming down as far as I can go, I can see there's a fair size bank to the river, so ignore my comment.
MK Ultra
Mar 29 2006, 12:18 AM
Dranem, I think your proposals are all very sound, Iīd second them. Donīt quiet understand the first option for the apartments, but I like them to be Spining&Hunt.
Having the Y at the stream would be great, but there is probably not enough room for it. The Garage with water access is second best.
BTW, Thanks for the help with the anchors
Mar 29 2006, 12:24 AM
I'm good with things being wherever. Just as long as they are somewhere.
Mar 29 2006, 02:52 AM
maybe it's just me, but the truck (for stuffer shack) going again doesn't seem to indicate anywhere that it's gone forever. sure, it's moving again, but it presumably just dropped back to a speed of 0 before that, and has to accelerate once again. you should be able to at least put a few rounds into it as it tries to get away, and several of you have vehicles of some kind, or such is my understanding.
certainly Raven's spirit could use accident again on the truck, since it has LOS range iirc.
so why is everyone treating it like the truck just teleported away or something?
Fresno Bob
Mar 29 2006, 02:54 AM
What would be gained from chasing the truck all nimbly bimbly over Seattle?
Mar 29 2006, 03:12 AM
you could put a few bullets into the driver's area and make it crash again =P
the truck could very easily crash again (if Raven's spirit makes it happen), in which case you wouldn't be chasing it all over seattle, you'd be chasing it maybe 20 meters down the street and beating the crud out of the people inside.
furthermore, if you can hold it until the next turn, the van will be showing up.
now, i wouldn't say you should be wasting a ton of resources, but you don't want to let them off easy. you want to make sure it's gonna cost them more to get the truck fixed up than what they gained from robbing the stuffer shack.
more to the point, you want to actually get the stuff they stole from the stuffer shack back, at least to some extent. you should certainly want to avenge their intrusion into our turf, and teach them that this is something you
do not do in our turf.
if nothing else, you should want the truck... gotta get the chop-shop going sooner or later (or hey, maybe you just want the truck). that's a lotta nuyen sitting there, chummer.
and since we don't do normal jobs, any time a chance for money drops into your lap like that... well, you should take it, IMO

particularly since they aren't shooting back.
Fresno Bob
Mar 29 2006, 03:18 AM
Well Aziz doesn't have a gun, so unless he wants to do some Jack Bauer stuff and jump from his bike onto the truck, and then sword them through the windshield, he's stuck.
Neo could conceivably give chase.
Mar 29 2006, 03:45 AM
Another good reason to keep up with the Orc's truck is to make sure they don't double back and come at us again! After all, two of theirs are down, we want to make sure they don't come back and collect their crew before we're done making an example of them.
Mar 29 2006, 04:17 AM
Or if y'all keep up with the truck and know where they go (via the spirit perhaps?)Thyn, Knives and Halo can give chase and either take out the truck, or the truck AND the gangers
Mar 29 2006, 04:42 AM
QUOTE (Mister Juan) |
As per Felix's action in round 2, did the spirit totaly fight him off, or did he simply didn't dispell all its services? It's not really important, I'm just curious (so I can write an IC post accordingly) |
It fought him him off entirely.
On the truck, it's catchable with a vehicle or you can keep crashing it until the van arrives. By the RAW, you can catch it on foot, but there is a degree of silliness inherent in that I'd rather avoid dealing with right now since it's easy enough to handle it through other methods.
Another crash and they are probably going to ditch it and run, anyway. If they can still walk, I mean.
Mar 29 2006, 05:19 AM
I suppose, the spirit will just crash it again, of course there is also the option to go astral fly inside and materialize there.
Raven will send a Stun Bolt into the driver, if she can see him (by stepping outside of the door, now that noone is shooting anymore).
It should take them a moment at least to get the car back on track (drive back a few meters, then hit it again), right?
Mar 29 2006, 06:22 AM
Ok, I cleaned up the Gang HQ page and included some suggestions on what we can use the space for... I'll be using Visio or some sort to give floor layouts later today, so that we can maybe plan some layout changes with makeshift walls or such.
Mar 29 2006, 10:30 AM
Umm... Neo where did the 'Elven' mage come from, I thought you guys were fighting a group of Ork gangers at the stuffer....
Mar 29 2006, 10:36 AM
Me having a brain fart. Editted.
Mar 29 2006, 01:14 PM
What's Neo shooting at? He's lost sight of the mage at this point and isn't likely to get it back unless he suddenly gains a massive boost to movement, as well.
Oh, I'm unavailable till this evening because of work, so I'll catch up then.
Mar 29 2006, 01:21 PM
He shoots at the mage before he leaves LOS. He has two actions per round, and if he can't reach the mage in the first one...
Mar 29 2006, 01:41 PM
You see, but the mage is moving at an extreem rate of speed (it was a force 6 spirit that he called) down twisting alleyways. Movement doesn't all occur on your action, anyway, so by the time you've moved far enough to see his last location, he's already moved much farther to a new location.
Besides which, you have to use a simple action to draw any weapon aside from a pistol or machine pistol (for which you can use the Quick Draw simple action) before you can fire it.
Mar 29 2006, 02:04 PM
My two cents on the Stuffer fight...
JJ didn't fire at the truck because he figured the mages would take care of it and because he totes a light pistol.
Sorry, but firing a light pistol at a truck is silly.
In addition to both of those things, one of these orks might be alive. If so, we're going to find out where they are going. If not, I can identify who they are and go from there.
And lastly...none of us at the fight know that there are reinforcements coming. JJ sent out a message to the entire gang and no one replied back that they were on their way.
If JJ knew there was a vehicle in route, he would have already commed them in and told them the trucks direction, etc.
MK Ultra
Mar 29 2006, 04:38 PM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
Besides which, you have to use a simple action to draw any weapon aside from a pistol or machine pistol (for which you can use the Quick Draw simple action) before you can fire it. |
Uh, quickdraw doesnīt work with SMGs? Oh, then I ave to change my Smartguns quickdraw holster...
(Iīve got a headache

Mar 29 2006, 07:12 PM
My problem with the van's occupants not telling people they're in route is we were behind in time stamps, things are continuing to move forwards and it's hard to put a post up in there saying we're on the way when it kinda throws a monkey wrench into the timeline.
Maybe it's just me and I have to get "over it" and jump in, but I hate the idea of screwing everyone else up and making y'all backtrack.
Anyone have any suggestions as to how to deal with this kind of situation which undoubtedly will pop up over and over?
EDIT: Also time stamps are at 20:07 and beyond at the Stuffer, it was my understanding that by now the Van would have been on scene (We had said 7 minutes to arrival). Am I on crack, or... I was kinda waiting on a post from Knives or Thyn for the initial "Roll up to the stuffer" kinda stuff.
Mar 29 2006, 07:23 PM
Not sure.... but I've noticed a some people jumping posts ahead to the time-stop. Which doesn't let other folks RP up to the time-stop very well. In my mind the way time-stops were supposed to work was that we tried to do everything we could up TO the time stop (in small chunks, especially with combat on), not make our next post happen at the timestop.
I could be wrong.
Also, I think we're ready to move over to the other wiki if folks are game. I still have character porting to do, but I need to know if we ARE going to make the switch so I know if I should keep messing with the site. There's still some content to prop over there, but there's actually discussion that needs to happen first.
Contacts (Group or Individual?)and
Turf continued
MK Ultra
Mar 29 2006, 07:40 PM
Iīd be in for wandering over, though Iīd be fine with staying as well. We should decide now, however, befor I waste another hour in anchor-mania on the old wiki!
On contacts, the last proposal is cool IMO, itīs balaced and uncomplicated, I like it.
On turf, I like it as it is so fare, there are some other localy, which would have to be decided on.
Mar 29 2006, 07:46 PM
MK, are you using the visual editor or the one that makes you type out the long freaking links?
The visual editor has a 'link' button and pops up a dialog that lets you pick what page to link to and also (if needed) speficy an anchor.
If you can use the visual editor, I highly reccommend it. And if not, I'll hook up your links. I've gotten 0day - BronzeWrym ported. And Electrode and Nurse (Dranem, thanks again for putting BW and Nurse out there).
Mar 29 2006, 08:46 PM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
You see, but the mage is moving at an extreem rate of speed (it was a force 6 spirit that he called) down twisting alleyways. Movement doesn't all occur on your action, anyway, so by the time you've moved far enough to see his last location, he's already moved much farther to a new location.
Besides which, you have to use a simple action to draw any weapon aside from a pistol or machine pistol (for which you can use the Quick Draw simple action) before you can fire it. |
Then he'll shoot the mage during his first action when he realizes he can't get into melee range. Does it really matter when he shoots him?
Mar 29 2006, 08:56 PM
QUOTE (Vegas) |
Anyone have any suggestions as to how to deal with this kind of situation which undoubtedly will pop up over and over? |
I realize this isn't the most RP-friendly response, but...Whenever there is combat on the line, I think you should just make some jumps ahead so that you can get involved.
RPing a conversation that is 5 minutes prior to an active combat is not going to easily transition in to a subsequent combat round unless the combat is a major battle. In other words, even if you are supposed to arrive "now" your still 5 minutes behind by your time stamps.
However, when something as time sensitive as combat is NOT occuring, by all means don't overly worry with jumping ahead if you have some good RPing going on.
I think this will work better in the future. Factoring in to this combat was the fact that it was the FIRST combat of the game, and we all were a bit excited to get in to it...perhaps too excited.
...Just looked over some of the posts. I think Voorhees and me jumped ahead too much with our last posts. We skipped like 3 minutes and there is still an attempt to stop the truck going on. Oops.
Mar 29 2006, 09:03 PM
Yeah, you monkeys better get that truck.
Wounded Ronin
Mar 29 2006, 09:18 PM
Since everyone is so preoccupied with stopping the truck, does anyone remember that Iranian anti-US propaganda miniseries?
But, yeah, for all the cries of "TRUCK, I BEG YOU TO STOP!" most people are equipped with melee weapons, so that's just not gonna happen.
Mar 29 2006, 09:30 PM
Not neccessarily. Make a Called Shot, and anyone with knives or better can beat the thing's armor.
Knives? Time to start throwing.
MK Ultra
Mar 29 2006, 09:40 PM
QUOTE (ES_Sparky @ Mar 29 2006, 02:46 PM) |
MK, are you using the visual editor or the one that makes you type out the long freaking links? |
Uh, yea, I used the visual editor, so itīs no big deal, but anchoring the 50 shoert answers to the 50 long answers and back still takes some time (I know, itīs excessive

EDIT: No mater, the rules, I find throwing knifes at a truck (except the wheels maybe) sounds silly
Mar 29 2006, 10:14 PM
I think Wounded Ronin, Voorhees, and myself need to adjust our last timestamps. jumped 2 minutes ahead...and Voorhees and I followed suit.
Maybe that was a typo?
Mister Juan
Mar 29 2006, 10:15 PM
@GMFor his action, which is probably going to be one of the last of the combat turn, Felix is going to cast up a Phantasm spell at maximum force. He's going to create the illusion that a massive earth elemental materializes in the street, blocking the truck's way. Let's just hope they don't decide to ram it

Felix will also drop the armor spell he was holding up on Aziz since the doesn't need anymore.
Phantasm spell Realistic Mana Illusion spell (resisted with Willpower + Counterspelling) Force: 6 (overcasting) Area: 6 meter radius
Spellcasting Dice Pool: 8 Rolls: 1 [5] [5] 4 [5] 4 1 [6] : 4 hits To resist the illusion, all those within the radius of the spell will have to beat the illusion's threashold of 4.
Base Drain (Physical): 5P Dice Pool: 11 Rolls: 1 1 4 [6] 3 3 4 [6] 4 3 1 Drain: 3P |
Wounded Ronin
Mar 29 2006, 10:26 PM
QUOTE (Silo) |
I think Wounded Ronin, Voorhees, and myself need to adjust our last timestamps. jumped 2 minutes ahead...and Voorhees and I followed suit.
Maybe that was a typo? |
Duuurh...I just figured that maybe running down a block, coming back, and muttering might take 2 minutes. Maybe I don't understand how timestamps work. They're not supposed to show you how long an action probably took?
Mister Juan
Mar 29 2006, 10:35 PM
@all in the Stuffershack fight
If you think you are within 1 to 12 meters of the truck, you might be affected by Felix's illusion. Per rules, you should in theory roll to see if you resist the illusion, but I'll leave all that up to you. I think it would be more interesting for each player to decided if they see, or not, the illusion, than to roll dices.
Wounded Ronin
Mar 29 2006, 10:40 PM
Heh, I'll say that Toy is busy plundering liquor in the SS so she dosen't see it. If she comes out and it's still there she can do the classic label take.
Fresno Bob
Mar 29 2006, 11:26 PM
Hm, I just realized that Aziz took one box of stun damage, not physical. He resisted a 7P attack with 8 armor.
Not that it makes much difference, but hey.
MK Ultra
Mar 29 2006, 11:36 PM
Expanded on
TFīs Takes on the others at the wiki.
I didnīt ad the cross anchoring yet, since my head still aches and I donīt want to do many anchors until the moving-issue is decided on.
Mar 30 2006, 12:05 AM
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin) |
Heh, I'll say that Toy is busy plundering liquor in the SS so she dosen't see it. If she comes out and it's still there she can do the classic label take. |
Ok, I'm confused... the truck is only a couple of blocks away at best, the rest of the gang is still after it, and Toy just decides it's a lost cause, turns her back and goes and gets a drink from the Stuffer?
I don't know about you, but I used to run after a bus for a good 2 blocks to catch up to it...
You're pumped on adrenaline, yet you suddenly give up and walk away... ??
Mister Juan
Mar 30 2006, 12:12 AM
I don't think one should judge the actions of any players. We all see our character our own way, and are free to make him do whatever we think is logical within the parameters of his personality. I've just noticed some "I don't think your character should do this" or "I think your character should do that". This is a very dangerous ground to enter... because unfortunately, "emotions" and intentions don't carry well over the net. It is easy to misunderstand something, or feel "attacked" by someones comment.
Anyways... Thats just my opinion.
Fresno Bob
Mar 30 2006, 12:22 AM
There's a difference between chasing a bus for two blocks, hoping it'll make a stop soon and you'll be able to get on it, and chasing, on foot, a truck with two people in it who are hellbent on getting away from you. While they have guns and you have a sword.
And, yeah, what Mister Juan said.