Mar 30 2006, 12:23 AM
Make sure to get the license. And we do have two of them right? We'll get that truck.
Mar 30 2006, 12:41 AM
well, i think everyone should wait and see what happens with the second accident before assuming they get away still.
after all, it's only about 1.5 seconds between accidents here. i don't see the truck getting up much speed to get two blocks away if it's getting into an accident every two seconds =P
so yeah, if the truck crashes again (which, given it is ganger driven, probably by someone with at best 2 skill and maybe 3-4 attribute, taking a -4 dice pool penalty iirc to avoid a crash... and from the sound of it, he probably also has a wound penalty as well =P)
heck, one more crash and the leader may be out of the fight (he has 6 stun damage already, and i believe that's before the first crash).
so yeah, don't go giving up on the fight yet... you have a very strong chance of winning this, with only the mage escaping.
and, accompanying your win, you get to loot the truck, and any other goodies those gangers have (probably some drugs, for example).
Fresno Bob
Mar 30 2006, 12:46 AM
Well, we'll jump that bridge when TG posts the results of the latest crash test.
Thyme Lost
Mar 30 2006, 01:05 AM
Is the truck heading towards those in the Van, or we just going to miss the fight?
Mar 30 2006, 01:40 AM
QUOTE (Mister Juan @ Mar 29 2006, 07:12 PM) |
I don't think one should judge the actions of any players. We all see our character our own way, and are free to make him do whatever we think is logical within the parameters of his personality. I've just noticed some "I don't think your character should do this" or "I think your character should do that". This is a very dangerous ground to enter... because unfortunately, "emotions" and intentions don't carry well over the net. It is easy to misunderstand something, or feel "attacked" by someones comment.
Anyways... Thats just my opinion. |
Sorry, perhapse I didn't voice myself properly... It's not that I don't think that Toy should walk away, I'm just surprised that toy walked away!
Logistically it didn't make sense, but don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to say what a character should do.. just more making sure that the player hadn't missed something and character wise, would still do that.
As I GM I've been witness to players skipping a line or missing something being said and acting on a previous thought without absorbing new events in the scene. It's become a habit (sorry to say) to ask people if they're sure they want to perform a certain action if I think they've missed some key information...
In this case that the truck isn't quite gone yet... After all she was chasing it, will she miss the fact that it'll crash again?
Mar 30 2006, 02:27 AM
I'm editing my last IC post because the time is horrendously off and we are still in combat (which somehow I missed).
[edit] Just saw that TG posted. Urgh, this is frustrating. I'm still editing my post cuz it doesn't make sense right now.[/edit]
Mar 30 2006, 02:32 AM
Is the ork JJ standing over alive or not?
Mister Juan
Mar 30 2006, 02:32 AM
Just wondering; is the driver still within LOS with Felix?
Mar 30 2006, 02:54 AM
Felix can get LOS with a perception test, but it's obscured (good cover).
For those keeping score at home, the truck didn't get all that far. By the RAW, it covered less distance than a human would have walked in the same length of time, but I consider that silly. It is about 20m distant from the closest pursuer when it crashes.
Mister Juan
Mar 30 2006, 03:28 AM
Well, since a perception test for something "obscured" has a threshold of 3, with his -1 for defaulting and -1 from his wounds... Felix just can't spot the guy without using edge. So we'll just state that from his point of view, Felix cannot see him.
Mar 30 2006, 04:18 AM
Meh, threshold 1 is sufficient for that test. Moving people certainly don't rate an automatic threshold 3.
Mister Juan
Mar 30 2006, 04:23 AM
Felix is going to check vitals on the ork and provide emergency care if he's in a critical state. If he can "wait" a bit, he'll run to his bike and back to get his medkit. If the ork his actually dead, Felix will turn his attention to JJ.
Since Felix isn't actually trying to heal him, yet, I'll just roll a normal first aid roll to diagnose the ork. I know it's an active skill, but I find it silly to add +2 for Home Ground... It's just not logical for something like First Aid.
First Aid: 7 - 1 (wound): 6 dices Rolls: 4 2 [5] 4 4 2 : 1 hit |
Mister Juan
Mar 30 2006, 04:25 AM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
Meh, threshold 1 is sufficient for that test. Moving people certainly don't rate an automatic threshold 3. |
Oh! I thought that when you meant "Obscured" you were refering to the rules concerning perception tests where something Obscured in a perception test has a 3 threshold. Well, anyways, I'll stick with my IC post. Felix simply isn't willing to chase the gangers that far.... and the fresh backup has just arrived.
MK Ultra
Mar 30 2006, 10:23 AM
@ GM
How close can TF get to Slam and the elf in the astral? are there any other astrally active entities (besids his own watchers), he can percive? If so, he wonīt go that close to the talkers, but if not, he would be right beside slam, would he still have to make a perception test (the motor noise also is not that loud in the astral according to Grimoir/Mits).
If he still had to make a test:
Intuition (5) + Perception (-1) + Damage (-2) = 2 dice [5] 4 Hits:1 |
When there is no chance to get near by unobstrusively, he would instead enter his body (lefing the astralspoting to his watchers) and try to listen in on them via directional microfone from the car.
Intuition (5) + Perception (-1) + Damage (-2) + Audio Enhancement (3) = 5 dice 4 2 2 [5] 1 Hits:1 |
So, whatīs the score?
Mar 30 2006, 10:42 AM
You don't actually hear what people say when you're astrally projecting. It's the same as writing, you can't discern words, only emotions that are tied to them.
MK Ultra
Mar 30 2006, 10:55 AM
Really? IIRC, and Iīm quiet sure about it, this is only the case with artifitially produced sounds, not with speech from living persons! Otherwise, they could simply have omitted the proposal to use watchers to evasedrop on persons they track in SR4.
Mar 30 2006, 12:28 PM
QUOTE (p. 184) |
If a purely astral form such as a spirit or an astrally projecting magician wishes to interact with the physical plane, she must manifest. |
Ok, I thought that to hear you had to manifest, so I dug up my SR3 book just to make sure I wasn't imagining things.. and sure enough you can hear sounds perfectly while astrally projecting, you just can't read.
So, sorry for my outburst.. it's what I get when trying to sort out rules when I'm at work an don't have access to my books.
Thoug if I recall, TG said the threshold for listening in was 2, so TF may still have failed his roll...

[edit 2]
I just noticed that the listen roll I cooked up just before dashing off to work wasn't here in OOC, and I didn't have acess to my roller at work (for some reason Excel hasn't been installed on the workstation I was on), so here's my listen check from CD's bike
Intuition (3) + Defaulting (-1) + Microphone (3) = 5 dice [6] 1 [6] 3 4 Hits:2 |
MK Ultra
Mar 30 2006, 12:46 PM
Hm, but this could also mean interact, as in speak to someone. SR4 is quiet clear that an astral form can materialize to expand his senses into the physical plane, which would alow reading, etc.
While previous editions were unclear about this, they were very precise in that an astral from could listen in on anything spoken by a living person! However, since this is SR4, it woud be Tinker Gnomes call again.
If listening to persons from the astral does not work without manifestation, however, Watchers are useless to evasedrop (except maybe with blind people), as they have a grandious Stealth-Pool of Zero, with no Edge to spend (Perception-Pool is 0 either, which doesnīt allow them to keep thair distance, while evasedroping either.
Never mind
MK Ultra
Mar 30 2006, 12:50 PM
QUOTE (Dranem) |
Thoug if I recall, TG said the threshold for listening in was 2, so TF may still have failed his roll... |
Yes, but I guess, that itīs not the same for someone as close as Slam and the Anciant Leader.
Ancient: "*mumbel-mumbel*
Slam: "Uh, can you repeat that please?"
Ancent: "What did you say?"
Mar 30 2006, 02:10 PM
QUOTE (Mister Juan) |
QUOTE (TinkerGnome @ Mar 29 2006, 11:18 PM) | Meh, threshold 1 is sufficient for that test. Moving people certainly don't rate an automatic threshold 3. |
Oh! I thought that when you meant "Obscured" you were refering to the rules concerning perception tests where something Obscured in a perception test has a 3 threshold. Well, anyways, I'll stick with my IC post. Felix simply isn't willing to chase the gangers that far.... and the fresh backup has just arrived.
Well, the effect of the obscuring is just the -4 dice from cover. So he is obscured, but not on the perception chart

QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
How close can TF get to Slam and the elf in the astral? are there any other astrally active entities (besids his own watchers), he can percive? |
There are two gangers astrally percieving, if that's what you're wondering. They may or may not move to stop you from approaching... you'll have to try to find out.
As for listening from the astral, I'm going to allow it as per SR3 rules for now. When the new Magic book comes out, they will hopefully state the official SR4 stance on it.
Mar 30 2006, 02:11 PM
Is the ork under JJ and Felix alive or dead? We have been actively trying to find out...........
MK Ultra
Mar 30 2006, 02:42 PM
Thats fine. Then TF wonīt aproach them. He will re-enter his body and try in vain, to listen in on the conversation via directional microfone.
He will tell one of his watchers (peanut), to alarm him, when any other astral forms try to spy on the conversation.
Mar 30 2006, 04:37 PM
Yo, Kart, let's get Nurse to 'the scene'.
MK Ultra
Mar 30 2006, 05:37 PM
Rolled a die, to see if the contact is available. Since it rolled more then his contact-rating, he was. Late evening and night should be his most activ hours anyway.
Desc1 (1) = 1 dice [5] Hits:1 |
Are we going to move to the new wiki now, or what? I want to do my cross-anchoring this weekend, and I donīt want to do it next weekend again
Iīd be in for moving, I might have to get used to the new wiki, but itīs probably much more structured and less chaotic. And the 410 Crash Icon is cool too
Mar 30 2006, 07:52 PM
There are three downed gangers. Two are still alive and bleeding to death. The gang leader was not so lucky and is now, I believe dead.
Yes, we can change to the new Wiki. What's the URL for those who are too lazy to dig back and find it?
Mar 30 2006, 07:54 PM
New WikiWelcome!
If anyone needs anything, just let me know.
Mar 30 2006, 07:56 PM
Okay, so....
Leader - dead.
Ork in front of SS - alive.
Ork in street - alive.
Driver (wounded) - running down alley.
Mage - whisking away.
Mar 30 2006, 07:57 PM
th410crashNot everything is ported from what I can tell, though Sparky's done a lot of work, it would help if people could make sure they're characters have been moved over and are complete.
I've finished Wyrm, and working with Kart to get Nurse ported over. Though right now I need her input and she's been pretty busy with the kids lately, don't know when her next IC post will come in, probably tomorrow.
If you ever visit the front portal page of wikispaces...
sr4gangers is the top listed wiki for active pages

Sparky is the 6th most active wiki user for page updates!
Mar 30 2006, 08:17 PM
Who knew?
Mar 30 2006, 08:18 PM
Y'all are more than welcome to port over Halo if ya want to give it a go. I don't want to @$*#()@*$)(@$ up anything over there

My Wiki skizzles are lacking. Or is the Wiki-Fu that I need?
Mar 30 2006, 08:32 PM
I'm going down the list, alphabetically.
For the most part.
I'm up to Cammy, I believe. The real beat down is on gear. So if you see you character going up, probably gear will be the last to show up.
Also, I need some input here on what would be good to put on the mechanics template page. This is a list of useful common/specific rolls your character would need to make. Plus stuff like ammo and wound monitors. It's intended to be useful for any type of character you would want to make (or archetype anyway) with room for casting, hacking, fighting.
Right now it's a hybrid of JJ's mechanics and some general common rolls.
I really need an idea of what magic/matrix rolls would be good to put up.
Mar 30 2006, 08:52 PM
Well I can help port over Halo if that'll be a benefit to you

Now that I kinda understand how to use the text based editor on the Wiki
MK Ultra
Mar 30 2006, 08:53 PM
Uh, could you explain to me, than, how the tabels are worked up?

EDIT: Wow, just acidentally landed on the wikispace main page, sr4gangers had 1676 edits in the last 30 days

(not counting the one Iīm doing in a second).
Mister Juan
Mar 30 2006, 09:06 PM
Felix is going to try to stabilize the ork, so he can then apply first aid.
First Aid Pool: First Aid (2) + Logic (5) + Medkit (4) - Poor Conditions (2) - Wounds (1) = 8 dices Rolls: 2 2 [5] [6] 2 1 1 1 : 2 hit |
The ork should now be stable.
Felix then attemps to patch him up so that he can at least be moved around, and to make sure his state isn't going to worsen.
First Aid Pool: 8 dices Rolls: [6] 1 4 3 [6] 2 [6] [5] : 4 hits |
Since Felix only has 2 in First Aid, he can only heal a maximum of 2 boxes of damages... which he does this time around.
Mar 30 2006, 09:42 PM
Bwahaha. The Wiki has been the #1 success so far.
Speaking of successes and failures, what do you guys see as being problems/good things with the first combat? I'm feeling the pinch of not using a combat map, which I'll be doing for the next battle. I do really like the actions going on the wiki, though. It's helping a lot.
Oh, I'm going to make a new thread here on DSF for the group's AR channel. What name do you guys want?
MK Ultra
Mar 30 2006, 10:00 PM
Well, since that was used IC it shoud be something with C410.
From an outside perspective, I think the combat went well, except some misunderstandings at the end maybe.
I also think the wiki is running exceptionally well.
Iīd like to have a groupdecision on group-contacts asap, though.
The charting of the turf is running well IMO.
Would be cool for more people, to make thair own updates in the storythreats of the wiki.
@ GM
BTW, Iīd probably like to change some spells (not sure yet). One Spell Iīd like to have is Catalogue from the 3rd Edition, as it would be a real asset when helping out in the 5th hell (and in the Garage as well). Is that possible?
Mar 30 2006, 10:03 PM
I'm not in favor of a new thread for the C410. To me, that is IC and should be in the IC thread.
Mar 30 2006, 10:05 PM
I think the combat went okay. The time-threading is weird to juggle. It might be useful to have a clarification of what a time-stop is.
Is it a point past which you cannot post OR a time that your very next post should take you up to.
I have been going with the former, but it seems like some are going with the latter. It would help us coordinate.
Also, better OOC comms would help. And being willing to edit timestamps when we determine some sort of error has been made (like an arbitrary jump forward/backward by mistake).
All together I think it went well. I definitely like the rolls in the OOC thread, much more pleasant reading. And also the time/location stamps starting each post are nice too.
MK Ultra
Mar 30 2006, 10:07 PM
I probably side with Silo, though we should put up some convention for taging the Com posts with color (yellow?)!
EDIT: Uh, ES_Sparky, you dumped all the stuff trom TF-BG, is it all redundant? I planned to go through the other questions as well..
Mar 30 2006, 10:11 PM
QUOTE (Silo) |
I'm not in favor of a new thread for the C410. To me, that is IC and should be in the IC thread. |
I agree with Silo on this. Though I see the rationale for separating it (becuase it would better resemble an IRC log), I think it would become disjointed from IC action. I'm willing to try it, with the fall back that if, after a while, it doesn't work, we'll go back.
Mar 30 2006, 10:23 PM
I like the idea of the Comm convos staying in the IC thread, it might help to colour code them however. The only complication I see with them is when we're split up like we are now with action going down in multiple locations. Because technically those of us @ the stuffer will hear/read/see all that is being broadcast from the Ancient's meet when we catch up timewise and those on the way to the meet have read/heard/seen all that's going down at the stuffer in their immediate history.
I think pulling the comms into another thread is just asking for more trouble coordinating posts and timestamps and the like. While it would be cool to be able to compile it for the Wiki, it makes it that much harder to stay on top of here.
MK Ultra
Mar 30 2006, 10:25 PM
@ GMOh, Tinker Gnome, is it ok for TF to show up at the 5th hell, as soon as heīs got the time, to get some sexua-EHR-meant magical healing
Iīd think for loyalty 6, old Master Wang will probably do what has to be done, for TF to be healed up (possibly including the aid of a bound spirit). IMO at this level, it should be a free-of-charge favour (as long as it doesnīt hapen every night). They should be quit with some intel, TF will tell Yen, that he had been told by uncle Bob. If thatīs not enough, he will offer to help out in the shop for free. Tell me whatīs the score (and throw dice for Yen Lo Wang), please, so I can work it into IC, when the time has come.
Mar 30 2006, 10:33 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
I probably side with Silo, though we should put up some convention for taging the Com posts with color (yellow?)!
EDIT: Uh, ES_Sparky, you dumped all the stuff trom TF-BG, is it all redundant? I planned to go through the other questions as well.. |
Yes. The idea is that you pick one set of questions (the ones you like best) and answer those. The 50 you answered stand alone just fine.
Mar 30 2006, 10:57 PM
China Doll is making her bikes sensor feeds available in channel crash 410. BronzeWyrm is subscribed and can direct the sensors, at least up until the time she dumped out of VR.
This means anyone in channel can get a pretty detailed feed of the "meet" by selecting the appropriate modes in channel.
I prefer the channel be in IC thread.
We will need a convention for AR and VR channels, as I think we will likely be running several different channels occasionally. Private chat rooms.
MK Ultra
Mar 30 2006, 11:07 PM
QUOTE (ES_Sparky @ Mar 30 2006, 05:33 PM) |
The 50 you answered stand alone just fine. |
I might still take a look at the other questions (know, Iīm a background nerd)

Ported my whole character to the
New Wiki, just have to make it pretty.
@ DireRadiant
I donīt see the need for seperate VR/AR chanals, itīs the whole point of AR to combine this stuff.
Iīd sugest (again) giving other com-stuff/chatrooms/comcalls/smokesigns a seperate header with the apropriate "location", like, i.e. "Charlieīs Com", if you call Charlie.
EDIT: was it me/my pc or did DSF have serious lagtime some minutes ago?
2nd EDIT: Why am I still not accepted at the 410 Crash wiki

Also, could somebody pleas tell me how to expand the tabelsin the Wiki
Mar 30 2006, 11:40 PM
the tables can be expanded in one of two ways that i know of. not having firefox, i can't give any details about that way.
the other way is the text editor. having not actually tried it yet, i am really not sure at all how it works. but i think when you use text editor mode, the tables are turned into something like:
<heading> || <different heading> || <yet another heading>
<information> || <more information> || <yet even more information>
and so forth, with the || indicating where to draw the vertical lines, and maybe something at the end of each horizontal line (or maybe it just relays on return, which is an actual ascii 'character', but is not usually displayed iirc)
Mar 31 2006, 12:38 AM
The only way I know how to "expand" tables on the Wiki is to switch to text editor mode (at the bottom of the editor page) and add lines that way.
Basically you'll have something that looks like
|| text || more text || even more text ||
|| text || more text || even more text ||
|| text || more text || even more text ||
|| text || more text || even more text ||
Place your cursor at the end of the last line or where ever you want to add a new table line, hit return and then copy the stuff above that line with the ||'s (shifted key above the return) and put your new text inbetween the ||'s
I then switch back to visual editor to make everything "pretty" with bold/italics etc.
Hope that helps.
I ported over Halo's sheet to the new wiki. Should be pretty close to done, just have to tweak a bit of info here and there.
Mar 31 2006, 02:27 AM
I think you can just click on the arrow that shows up when you are in a cell of the table. Up puts a blank one above, down puts one below.
Mar 31 2006, 03:10 AM
QUOTE (ES_Sparky) |
Is it a point past which you cannot post OR a time that your very next post should take you up to.
I have been going with the former, but it seems like some are going with the latter. It would help us coordinate. |
The former is the correct option. A timestop is an invisible temporal wall past which no post should venture. Because it's occupied by the GM's post.
Anyway, we're about to merge together everything and have one timeline again. That'll make life easier.
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
Iīd think for loyalty 6, old Master Wang will probably do what has to be done, for TF to be healed up (possibly including the aid of a bound spirit). IMO at this level, it should be a free-of-charge favour (as long as it doesnīt hapen every night). |
There is no such thing as a free lunch. However, this is minor enough that you can get away with RP payment of whatever sort you want (giving him info, sweeping his floors, etc.). You probably won't be getting a bound spirit's service for free, though.
I'm toying with the idea that contacts will simply roll 6+connection dice for everything. I know Serbitar uses it in his house rules, and it makes a kind of sense. Since being "connected" doesn't matter for many kinds of contacts.
Those working on the downed ganger stabilize him.
I hear the voice of the masses and won't be making a seperate chat thread.
There will be a new IC thread up soon. The heat is finally going to show up at the Stuffer Shack.
Mar 31 2006, 03:23 AM
For both threads, feel free to post anything up to and including arrival at the gang HQ. The timestop will be 22:45:00. Do not post past this time. I will probably post the next post this weekend.
After the next post, there will be no backposting. This should let us clean up the timelines.