Thyme Lost
Mar 22 2006, 02:48 AM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
Ah, check, it runs parrallel to the 167.
We´d probably ru bridge, pacific and valley, or traffic and 410, no long ride.
EDIT: Home Turff wouldn´t apply, I think. |
QUOTE (Page 78 SR4) |
Home Ground Cost: 10 BP Home Ground provides a character with a +2 dice pool modifier for all Active Skill Tests made within the character’s home turf. |
QUOTE (Page 123) |
Technical Active Skils ... Automotive Mechanic (Logic) |
Automotive Mechanic is an Active Skill.
The Garage is in the home terf.
So using Automotive Mechanic, in The Garage, is using an active skill within the character's home turf.
If TG wants to say it doesn't work, then it doesn't, but by the RAW it should...
I did more reading after asking the quetion.
Mar 22 2006, 03:06 AM
I think I'll need to put some limits on how home turf works

Anyway, NPC initiatives up on the Wiki, but they will be delaying their actions till someone tries to do something to them.
Mar 22 2006, 03:41 AM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
I think I'll need to put some limits on how home turf works 
Anyway, NPC initiatives up on the Wiki, but they will be delaying their actions till someone tries to do something to them. |
I think we still need an Initiative for Neo.
I will be delaying my action until after Aziz's attack. OR...if someone attacks before either of us...I'm just opening up.
Mar 22 2006, 04:11 AM
@TG (and all)
So did Slam order everyone who wasn't directly involved with the Stuffer to go to Houston, or just the people in the HQ?
Are those of us in the van "directly involved" yet, and if not do we get notified that we should be gearing up and heading over that way?
*is totally confused here and doesn't want to make a bigger mess of it all*
Mar 22 2006, 04:14 AM
Neo's base initiative is 7. I'm at uni ATM, so I can't actually roll.
Mar 22 2006, 04:30 AM
QUOTE (Vegas) |
@TG (and all)
So did Slam order everyone who wasn't directly involved with the Stuffer to go to Houston, or just the people in the HQ?
Are those of us in the van "directly involved" yet, and if not do we get notified that we should be gearing up and heading over that way?
*is totally confused here and doesn't want to make a bigger mess of it all* |
Same question here. Though JAX (Santiago) is gonna want to go see what's up with JJ.
Thyme Lost
Mar 22 2006, 04:33 AM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
I think I'll need to put some limits on how home turf works |
Like I said before, what ever limits you want are fine by me. Your the GM and home turf was free...
Mister Juan
Mar 22 2006, 05:07 AM
I just noticed that all the orks have 2 IP. If we don't take them down FAST we might get ourselves torn a new one. If you guys can hold them up a bit, Felix is definitly going to try to muster up an elemental to even out the play.
Mar 22 2006, 05:13 AM
Does anyone know where to find a list of the 20 questions?
I saw the one at LitS, is that the standard 20?
Wounded Ronin
Mar 22 2006, 05:15 AM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome) |
I think I'll need to put some limits on how home turf works 
Anyway, NPC initiatives up on the Wiki, but they will be delaying their actions till someone tries to do something to them. |
Considering that TR is trying to hide from them and everyone else is waiting outside to jump them they might have to go and do something first.
BTW, how do I know how many hitpoints/boxes of physical and mental my character has, since it's apparently not just 10 anymore.
Mister Juan
Mar 22 2006, 05:23 AM
Stun = 8+(Willpower/2, round up)
Physical = 8+(Body/2, round up)
Mar 22 2006, 06:03 AM
Considering that TR is trying to hide from them and everyone else is waiting outside to jump them they might have to go and do something first. |
If they don't come out of there and start messing with TR, Cammy would go in. But right now she doesn't even know she's inside.
Mar 22 2006, 09:10 AM
QUOTE (nick012000) |
Neo's base initiative is 7. I'm at uni ATM, so I can't actually roll. |
You could use the online dice roller, I am using...
Mar 22 2006, 09:14 AM
Whatever happens, Raven will ask her spirit to attack them on 8 and run inside for cover (

How is the spirit played?
Should I just decide/post/roll the actions, use Edge, etc. for my spirits, just like a PC?
Or do you (TG) do that, as if it were an NPC?
Mar 22 2006, 10:30 AM
Ok, took a significant amout of cutting and pasting, as well as some juggling around so that every post was sequential...
But I have the IC story divided up by location for easier reading for those who want to catch up on a certain place without having to read through the entire IC thread. Later I'll add in dividing it by location and date, otherwise we'll have humongeously long wiki-pages.
We can also link the IC thread to the location descriptions as well, but I'm not going to go to that extent of cross-linking yet.
I hope I haven't walked on anyones toes having done this, but seeing as my post was still the last IC action, I needed something to do here at work.
MK Ultra
Mar 22 2006, 12:27 PM
Looks nice, good work.
Mar 22 2006, 12:33 PM
I hear ya MJ...2 IPs for each of them has me and my Colt America shaking. We need to kill them quickly by using our superior numbers.
MK Ultra
Mar 22 2006, 01:00 PM
Or kick in some drugs, like they probably did (I dont mean Weed).
Mar 22 2006, 01:02 PM
5 ork bruisers on Jazz, now there's a scarry thought!
MK Ultra
Mar 22 2006, 01:19 PM
Now that´s an interesting definition of "alternative Jazz band"
Just hope its Jazz or Cram and not Kamikaze

GMRealizing, that I fundamentally missunderstood the rules for Power-Foci, I no longer think it´s a good (or even decent) deal, to pay 11 BP for it (25k

+binding). Thus I´d like to change that, if it´s ok. I´d put 8 BP into Summoning and 3 BP into group contacts.
The only times I used the focus, the numbers were messed up anyway (I did not count for Home Ground) and with 2 additional points in Summoning, I´d even have had 1 die more then with the focus.
So would it still be ok to change this?
Mar 22 2006, 01:44 PM
We now have all Initiatives for the SS brawl. The initial order is:
Toy Robot
Can everyone put their rolls here in the OOC thread instead of the IC thread from now on?
MK Ultra
Mar 22 2006, 01:47 PM
QUOTE (Silo) |
Can everyone put their rolls here in the OOC thread instead of the IC thread from now on? |
second that, it takes a lot from the atmosphere, to have the IC cluttered with all these white boxes and numbers.
Mar 22 2006, 01:59 PM
I asked to have all rolls in the OOC thread earlier, and will take the opportunity to repeat that request and agree with Silo and MK Ultra.
Rokur - Would it be possible for Shade to catch a ride with Auran in her limo? He can walk over to the Westwind Suites but a ride from there to the meet would be great.
Mar 22 2006, 02:04 PM
Yea keep Rolls in OOC, also Turn off Signatures in IC as well.
Mar 22 2006, 02:31 PM
We are currently in, using terminology that may date me, a TimeStop 20:10:00, Saturday, April 12, 2070 ? No posting beyond this event?
Mar 22 2006, 02:34 PM
About this open gang channel...
What is it? An open voice channel or an open chat channel (like an IRC)?
Mar 22 2006, 02:39 PM
That is my understanding, yes

Timestop 8:10pm.
Mar 22 2006, 02:53 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
Just hope its Jazz or Cram and not Kamikaze 
So would it still be ok to change this? |
It's Cram. Even orks get a 4-5 hour buzz off of the stuff. Jazz and Kamikazi are only good for 1d6x10 minutes and they're harder to get. The orks dropped cram and decided to go knock over a Stuffer Shack while they were feelin' the buzz.
As for changes, keep in mind that this isn't a strict game. It's meant to be as much a piece of collaborative fiction as anything else. Thus, I don't have a problem with changes to your character. Just post them to your sheet and mark it for review.
On combat, here's an idea similar to one I've used and had used in PBEMs before. Everyone involved should make a mechanics only post OOC with what they are doing and their dice rolls. These posts can be conditional. For instance:
Bob will shoot the ganger with his Predator on his action unless someone has gone down. If one of his teammates has gone down, Bob will rush to their aid with his handy medkit.
Attack with predator rolls... |
I will then compile a fairly bare IC post which will let everyone know the success or failure of their actions along with NPC reactions. PCs can then post IC to flesh out what happened and post again OOC with their next round of actions.
Caveat: I'm not sure this is the best method for doing this. It works very well in PBEMs, but how well it works here is a different matter. We may abandon this for a different method if we don't like it. The reason I'm suggesting this is because there are enough people in the combat that if we wait for posts in initiatve order, it will take forever.
Also, the gangers are not unaware of your presence unless you have some method of approaching them invisibly or in hiding. The orks are actively looking out for trouble, and I think that description fits you guys.
MK Ultra
Mar 22 2006, 03:03 PM
@ Rokur
I have prepaired my next IC post, you might want to take a look
here and suggest changes in this thread, to sync our efforts better. This also has to be edited if (and I dont see, why not) we take Shade along in the car. he will probably arrive at the apartments, when we are ready to rock.
You might want to prepair perseption tests along the line of Rokur´s (visual from car, visual by foot and aural by foot).
Both of you might allso want to prepair a general Perception roll (for smell).
Tao would allso offer Auran his skimask/cap/trodes and his RFID-Sensors, take a look
here and see if she´s got use for any ot them.
EDIT: @ Rokur
your 20:07:52 IC post still bears a signature, you might want to edit this away.
Have edited
TF, to drop the focus in favour of summoning and
ready for review.
Mar 22 2006, 03:35 PM
Fight at SS
Combat Turn #1
CONDITION: If no one attacks before JJ's turn, he will delay until after Aziz's attack. If Toy Robot attacks prior to JJ, I will immediately attack on my turn.
ACTION: Firing my Colt America @ the ork with the shotgun.
First Shot:
Agility (4) + Pistols (5) + Turf (2) = 11 dice [5] 4 4 2 2 [5] 1 [5] [5] [5] 1 Hits:5 |
Second Shot:
Agility (4) + Pistols (5) + Turf (2) + Recoil (-1) = 10 dice 1 3 [6] [5] 3 [6] [6] 1 [6] 3 Hits:5 |
Mister Juan
Mar 22 2006, 03:49 PM
Felix will stay rather back from the fight, keeping some sort of partial cover (doorway of a closeby building, behind a car, etc...) from where he can cast his spells without being totaly out in the open.
I'm using spoiler tags because my rolls are html linked and won't show up under a "code" tag.
1 -If things are going rather well for us (we aren't getty whooooped), Felix will cast Clout at which ever ganger seems the most healthy (after all... Felix is acting last

[ Spoiler ]
Spell: Clout
Force: 6 (Overcasting: Force > Magic)
Drain: (6/2) Physical = 3P
Spellcasting Dicepool: Magic (3) +Spellcasting (3) + sustained Spell (-2) +Home Ground (+2) = 6 dices
Rolls: 3 hits
Spell Damage: Force (6) + Hits (3) = 9S
Resisting Drain: Willpower (5) + Logic (5) + Focused Concentration (1) = 11 dices
Rolls: 4 hits
Drain Level: No drain.
2- If things aren't going so well and it seems we need reinforcements, Felix will summon an Earth Elemental (probably more like an Asphalt or Concrete Construct)
[ Spoiler ]
Earth Elemental Force 3 (with Engulf Power)
Conjuring Dicepool: Magic (3) + Conjuring (2) + Sustained Spell (-2) +Home Ground (+2) = 5 dices
Rolls: 2 hits
Number of services: 2
Spirit's Rolls: 1 hit
Conjuring Drain: Spirit's hits X 2 = 2S
Resisting Drain: Willpower (5) + Logic (5) + Focused Concentration (1) = 11 dices
Rolls:3 hits
Drain: No Drain.
Mar 22 2006, 03:57 PM
QUOTE (Silo) |
About this open gang channel...
What is it? An open voice channel or an open chat channel (like an IRC)? |
C410 is like IRC. It's AR, so there are text, video, trideo, audio and simsense feeds. It's private channel, so password to log on, it's also intended to be encrypted so everyone would need at least there public key to use it. To start with I think it would only be rating 1 encryption, just till we get everyone better commlinks and crack those encryption software for everyone.
There are interesting implications in the high availability of this kind of technology. For the gang it implies that there can be very highly co ordinated tactical integration.
Not to mention the visceral fun of experiencing for yourself as a fellow gang member gets shot or crashes.
Mar 22 2006, 04:04 PM
QUOTE (DireRadiant) |
C410 is like IRC. |
Cool. I would say it is safe to say then that most of us stay logged in to it all the time.
I personally have been having a hard time fully comprehending the scope and integration of technology in 2070. So, keep up with the integration in your posts and hopefully I'll learn a thing or three.
Mar 22 2006, 04:11 PM
QUOTE (Silo) |
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Mar 22 2006, 09:57 AM) | C410 is like IRC. |
Cool. I would say it is safe to say then that most of us stay logged in to it all the time.
I personally have been having a hard time fully comprehending the scope and integration of technology in 2070. So, keep up with the integration in your posts and hopefully I'll learn a thing or three.
It's all good fun until JJ gets his own simsense rig to show us how he feels when he's winning at sticks and balls.
Mar 22 2006, 04:15 PM
QUOTE (DireRadiant) |
It's all good fun until JJ gets his own simsense rig to show us how he feels when he's winning at sticks and balls. |
You mean losing.
MK Ultra
Mar 22 2006, 05:19 PM
@ All
Are we going to do something with that Group-Contacts? It was suggested, that the Players with the highest bp donation get together and clean this up a bit. As it looks, I´m one of them, after throwing out that expensive power focus.
Pleas take a look at the bottom tabel
here everybody, and edit it to current status for your character. I. e. we´d probbably have to crap Steel out there.
According to the tabel,
Kartijan, Rokur and MK Ultra are in charge to distribute the points (
EDIT: If we still agree, to let the points be distributed by a smaller group), so we get less redundancy and no half contcts with only a singel point put into.
The contacts we can´t support, would make for good NPCs anyway, that could become contacts later in the game.
As we don´t want to throw out any contacts, that are significantly linked to a characters background, I´d also like everyone, to post here (the wiki is just not good for discussion), which contacts should stay. You can post any personal contacts, that would be ok to become group contacts, so we could augment them, instead of investing into redundant ones.
Somebody pointed out, that a gang would not have a small number of exellent and super loyal contacts, but rather, many contacts with lower ratings. Still we should avoid too much overlap, I´d think.
Mar 22 2006, 05:28 PM
Would a two stage process where Kartijan, Rokur and MK Ultra select a slate of Gang Contacts, and the rest of us "vote" by assigning our points only amongst that list work?
Mar 22 2006, 05:35 PM
I meant to suggest this last time it came up...
Cap group contacts at L4, or maybe even L3. Unless we have really good reason.
The chart at the wiki is inflated, because it still lists Raven and TF as having contributed 9 points though their shared contact is supposed to be not a full gang contact. (I disagree that their Talismonger needs to come off the sheet, because two people share him - I think that makes him a gang contact as far as bookkeeping goes) So their 9 points together are not for distribution.
They also list him at different ratings from one another so it's confusing what it means to share a contact - it seems like they should both have him at 3/6 if they have 9 points together... though this makes sharing contacts wildly powerful. (The talismonger goes from a guy who's reasonably connected and likes you okay, to a guy that's more connected and would die for not one but TWO people). I'm not picking on Raven and TF, just pointing out where this system seems screwy.
Maybe we should buy C1-3/L1 with each contact, and let individuals pay for higher Loyalty.
We also need to scour people's sheets for their final team point contributions - which is a good time to say:
Check your sheets, please, and make sure your point contribution to the team fund is correct. And also note if the contact on your sheet is available as a gang contact.
Mar 22 2006, 05:42 PM
Capping loyalty at 4 for group contacts sounds like a good idea to me. And yes, everyone check your sheets for changes to group contact points, etc.
Mar 22 2006, 05:48 PM
So what does that mean with the shared contact for Raven/TF? Is that a 'group' contact or no?
If yes, the points they contribute should only count for him (unless otherwise noted). AND if so, they have have some more bp to play with since the max we could contribute to any one contact is 7 pts, C3/L4.
If no, then I need to get together with some of the other gearheads and purchase some ridiculously cheap, best-friends-for-life as contacts.
MK Ultra
Mar 22 2006, 06:10 PM
A few questions and suggestions. Note that these are not demands, it´s fulli oke when you like to keep a seperat contact for your pc, who´s profession is allready represented with the group contacts.
@ blade poet
Would you like 0day´s Dealer to remain seperate from Treeno, or could we melt them?
Aziz´s Contact total says 11 bp, but only 9 were spent, are there any left for group contacts, or is the total wrong?
Also, what about merging Alec and Bulk (the Barkeeper from groupcontacts, that only got 1 bp)? This question goes to Rokur as well.
If I understand correctly, BW´s total bp donated would be 5 (not 4 like in the pool tabel), but at least one should be dedicated to Treeno, is that right?
Cammy´s 3 bp towards group contacts aren´t in the wiki yet, but I guess, they still aply, right?
Also, how about merging Bermuda Tom with with Rahim Mehta, somehow.
Doki-Doki could also be merged with Bulk (meaning, he could be an informant, not meaning to make him an elven barkeeper).
How about merging Dox and Dr. Blue. This is not only a suggestion for point eficency, but for realism, too, as there seam to be a load of medics in our turf or near it.
@ES Sparky
Notify, when you have sattled down on chargen regarding contacts. As long as it is in flux, we should probably change the value in the pool tabel to 0.
@Black Hat
How about making your unnamed weapons dealer Srgt. Stryker? This question also goes to Wounded Ronin.
How about flashing out Nurse´s father as a Contact and making him the gangs Street Doc (merging with Dr. Blue and maybe with Dox)? This question goes to Vegas aswell.
Maybe make your medical suplier a Friend of a Friend of Nurse´s father.
What´s up with the 5 bp left? Are you planing to put them into contacts? If your not sure yet, leave the counter at 0 in the pool tabel.
@Wounded Ronin
Same Street Doc question as to Vegas & Kartijan.
Also, what about droping Oscar The Grouch, if we get short on points (don´t think so). The Bum would work as a no points NPC almost as good as a 1/1 Contact.
MK Ultra
Mar 22 2006, 06:16 PM
I agree with ES Sparky, I had a problem all along, not to know, what is the difference betweem personal and group.
I´d allso vote for caping group contact loyalty!
If someone likes to take over the hat in putting together the group contact list (with 2 or 3 others), it´s ok with me. If not, I´d like to do it.
Mar 22 2006, 06:18 PM
@ MK Ultra: You may wish to move points around to get a Magic attribute of 2. Otherwise you can't summon a Force 3 or 4 spirit and you can't cast a Force 3 or 4 spell. The maximum Force of anything you conjure or cast is double your Magic attribute - which is a complete non-restriction for Shadowrunners (who normally have Magic attributes in the 4-8 range), but is quite serious here at the shallow end of the pool. A Force 3 spirit has an optional power and a Force 2 spirit does not, making that a pretty big breakpoint for conjuring. Also a Force 4 spell can affect a Drone or other highly processed item while lower Force can't, making that a pretty important breakpoint for spellcasting as well.
Edit: Cammy's contacts are up. Also I alphabetized the contacts.
Mar 22 2006, 06:25 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra @ Mar 22 2006, 01:10 PM) |
@Kartijan How about flashing out Nurse´s father as a Contact and making him the gangs Street Doc (merging with Dr. Blue and maybe with Dox)? This question goes to Vegas aswell. Maybe make your medical suplier a Friend of a Friend of Nurse´s father. |
Thank you for suggesting that! They are good ideas that I think are appropriate.
Maybe Doc Blue ended up being Dad's nick when he was younger and it has continued to stick, that way it isn't so much merging the two as making it reasonable for me to be the existing contact's daughter?
If this is at all workable I'd like to see it happen that way since it would fit with my having Nurse getting close with and joining into the gang being 'condoned' (though not necessarily supported) by her parents be in synch too.
Kart, who would like MK Ultra to put together a table of his proposed contact list since at this point the existing contacts page feels like something of a jumble to her.
Mar 22 2006, 06:28 PM
Here's the difference between group and personal contacts:
Personal contacts work for you as normal. If you want them to do a favor for one of your friends, though, their prices will go up. You can get away as a middleman for some stuff, but not for everything.
Group contacts work for anyone in the gang, though they are not quite as loyal to individual gang members. The advantage is that there's no "friend of a friend" type deal going on with them and they will help every ganger out equally. The disadvantage is that for some purposes, they will only function toward an individual ganger at half of their loyalty rating.
Mar 22 2006, 06:30 PM
I'm still curious about how a shared, non-group contact works.
Mar 22 2006, 06:32 PM
I only gave 1 point, but I still have an opinion or two.
Street docs should all be combined in to Nurse's dad, and I can't see a reason why medical supplies would need a special "medical supplier" contact. I'm sure Nurse, her mom, or her dad can order medical supplies.
The description for Treeno doesn't warrant having him as a contact, IMO. If he only deals us BTLs because we don't wreck his place...there is no Loyalty in that relationship. I don't think we need to have him as a contact if he is simply a BTL dealer.
Nexus the pawn fixer doesn't probably need to be a contact either. The only advantage to having him as a contact would be that maybe he will give us a deal. Otherwise, it sounds like he will buy anything from anyone simply as an NPC.
Not sure why the gang would have a shadowrunner as a 3/3 contact.
Overall, I think group contacts are getting out of hand. I really don't think it was intended for people to be allocating over 1 or 2 points to. That is why I only gave 1. It seemed to me to be designed to establish a few common contacts for everyone, not to create the be all end all of social networks.
People that abide within our turf are obligated to deal with us. If they don't, they won't be in business long. That goes for anyone even thinking about dealing anything or anyone that wants to not have their shop burnt down.
We need a doc that is local (Nurse's dad just makes a ton of sense).
We need a fixer (again, probably someone outside of the neighborhood).
We need a drug supplier (someone outside of our way he/she would just happen to live across the street).
I think the cops make sense as written.
Mar 22 2006, 06:34 PM
The last column of the confusing chart that I made is to denote if the contact is a group contact or not.
The 3/3 shadowrunner is not a group contact.
Nor is the Vice Captain, nor the Talismonger if he's still on there.
Mar 22 2006, 06:41 PM
@ WinterRat - If you wanna put in an IC post to how you got in, I can re-edit my posts to include shade.... NP!
On Group Contacts: I posted my opinions before, it's back there somewhere
Mar 22 2006, 06:48 PM
QUOTE (ES_Sparky) |
The last column of the confusing chart that I made is to denote if the contact is a group contact or not. |
Sorry...I apparently ignored that.
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