MK Ultra
Apr 3 2006, 09:37 PM
Right, I didnīt see, the Log was already there, just noticed it. But Iīd suggest puting it into the "Why" or "When" section.
Apr 3 2006, 09:41 PM
You got it. Will fix that in the next couple of hours.
Apr 3 2006, 09:45 PM
QUOTE (Goliath) |
No, plane old Orc decker "or hacker now" exactly the way he is written in archetype, i figure since im not all to sure on new rules I would start like that. Ill check out that Wiki Page, is there any thing else I should also do? |
Another gearhead in the gang, coolio!
Talk to Electrode about a possible tie-in with your characters - seeing as he's our Ork Underground link....
With all the techs in the group, we can definately aim the gang's 'money making' angles towards hotwiring, stealing vehicles, and maybe some B&E work (seeing as there are industrial zones north of our turf).
Rather than trying to tweak the achetype, you should really look at creating the character from scratch. The few house rules (lower BP, increased cost of resources, etc) would make it a nightmare to try to chop an archetype down. We have a few seasoned players and even GMs in the group who can help you fine tune your character sheet. But like everyone has been saying, Tinker's the main man and has the final say on what goes and what doesn't, so it's best to talk to TG.
Apr 3 2006, 09:50 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
@ ES Sparky While we are at it, we might want to port over the "story so fare" and "IC Thread by location", they need updating too (I was to frustrated after my failed attampt last night, to do it again).
If you put up the pages on the new wiki, Iīll do some updating later tonight. |
I'll be working on updating the IC Location threads tonight. (I was just too tired to do it last night guys, sorry) Once I'm done updating the gangers site, I'll do an en-mass copy/paste unless someone's already started it. It'll go in the 'When' section with the timeline I did.

(If anyone is wondering, I was lazy and copy/pasted the timeline from Dumpshock's TheSixthWorld Wiki with some corrections in spelling and format. It does help us place ourselves in the overall SR world timeline.

Mister Juan
Apr 3 2006, 10:08 PM
Felix's going to feel horrible about doing this, but he tries to take momentarily control of Nurse's emotions to slide a little hint of fear toward himself in her. He's not trying to get her terrified or anything of the kind. Just worried enough that she won't want to approach him or ask any questions.
I also wasn't sure which emotion Felix should attempt to influence at first. I picked fear, because, the way I see it, its one of the most basic and irational emotion... and so, the "easiest" to alter if you're in a hurry.
Control Emotion (Fear) Force 3 Drain: 1S Rolls: 4 [5] [5] 3 2 2 [6] : 3 hits Drain Rolls: [6] [5] 4 [6] 4 [5] 3 4 1 1 2: 4 hits No drain |
To resist the spell, Nurse has to roll Willpower, and get 3 or more sucesses.
Apr 3 2006, 10:10 PM
Alright, I've skimmed to the end, and I'm ready to post... but I need a quick clarification before I do. Did anyone do something about the message Neo left on the SS's posting area?
Apr 3 2006, 10:12 PM
@ Juan - uh oh... you realize that you are doing this while deepweed is being smoked... (i.e. all awakened characters that inhaled it will be forced to see the astral plane, and thus also see your spell being cast....)
If felix wouldn't know that's cool... but hey, we're talking about casting spells on others now.

[edit] Just noticed TG's post.
@TG - up until now, noone besides Neo knows about it I believe[/edit]
Apr 3 2006, 10:13 PM
Quick question y'all...
Anyone want to step up and take responsibility for being the reason
Halo joined up with the Crash? I'd like to use a PC for this instead of
Slam but he'll do if necessary. I'd like it to be someone who was one of the "first" to be a part of the group, or someone who
Slam knew before he consolidated everyone into the 410.
Anyone fit that bill?

*keeps plugging away at her 20-questions background*
Apr 3 2006, 10:13 PM
Did Wyrm do it while she was scattering commcodes and generally cleaning up?
A better question would be 'Does anyone even know he put that up?' ... I was never clear if anyone saw it or anything.
I would venture a guess to say that one of our techies would yank it down if they saw it...
Apr 3 2006, 10:15 PM
@vegas - The way I saw Auran was that she was in the gang for as long as it's been around, and has made her intention clear to stick with it. If that works for you, use it.
Apr 3 2006, 10:15 PM
QUOTE (Vegas) |
Quick question y'all...
Anyone want to step up and take responsibility for being the reason Halo joined up with the Crash? I'd like to use a PC for this instead of Slam but he'll do if necessary. I'd like it to be someone who was one of the "first" to be a part of the group, or someone who Slam knew before he consolidated everyone into the 410.
Anyone fit that bill? 
*keeps plugging away at her 20-questions background* |
JAX is a native of the neighborhood. And through JJ (and through JJ, Aziz) was probably 'in' early in Slam's consolidation. It'd be a good reason to support their (somewhat) trusting relationship.
Apr 3 2006, 10:16 PM
QUOTE (Vegas) |
Quick question y'all...
Anyone want to step up and take responsibility for being the reason Halo joined up with the Crash? I'd like to use a PC for this instead of Slam but he'll do if necessary. I'd like it to be someone who was one of the "first" to be a part of the group, or someone who Slam knew before he consolidated everyone into the 410.
Anyone fit that bill? 
*keeps plugging away at her 20-questions background* |
You can use JJ. Since I had already written Halo in as the kid sister type to him anyway.
Not sure how long JJ has been in the gang, but there is no reason why he wasn't one of the first. If stuff is going on around this place, JJ is most likely involved.
Apr 3 2006, 10:18 PM
LOL @ all of us.
Point is this...if you are "from" this area, you know us all and can use any or all of us.
MK Ultra
Apr 3 2006, 10:18 PM
@ Mister Juan
Wow, heīs really doing to not getting treated by Nurse

Spellslinging is probably not the most suptile option with 2 adepts on Deep around. Iīm not sure about your timestamp, so I donīt know, whether the Watchers where already out of the couch and TF in the astral, too.
Hm, now I should probably wait if sheīs doing any reply, befor posting TF getting her to medicate him
Iīll make an assensing roll, to get a look at the spell, just in case:
Watcher teamwork
Peanut Intuition (1) + Peanut Assensing (1) + Bean Intuition (1) + Bean Assensing (1) + Pumpkin Intuition (1) + Pumpkin Assensing (1) = 6 dice [5] [5] 1 3 [6] [5] Hits:4 |
Wow, they are geting better, too bat they wonīt be around for longer then 16 minutes, anymore.
TF scanning the Spell
Intuition (5) + Assensing (-1) + Home Turf (2) + Damage (-2) + Watchers (4) = 8 dice 3 [6] [6] 1 [6] 3 4 [5] Hits:4 |
BTW, is it possible, that you mixed up the quotes from Halo? IIRC, she asket for partying before Aziz mutilated Tao and she cursed him. Didnīt check though.
Well anyway, Iīm too not going to wait fot Kart, as I already put my post together, I can Edit it however, if youīr going to change Nurseīs last actions after Felix influence, Kartijan.
Smudge Check for later action:
Charisma (3) + Willpower (1) + Guts (2) + Damage (-2) = 4 dice 2 [5] 1 [5] Hits:2 |
Apr 3 2006, 10:25 PM
Hahah don't all jump on the Halo bus boys and girls

Well the idea I've been cooking up in my head isn't exactly "pretty" so.... I shot something over to Rokur, but if it doesn't fly with Auran's char... I'll be hitting the rest of you up
MK Ultra
Apr 3 2006, 10:26 PM
(Wow, does posting go quick tonight

TF is with the Gang, since befor Slam formed the 410 Crash out of it (but only for some weeks), he allso kneew Halo from clubbing & races and through one of her brothers (any who would deal drugs, at least occasionally). So if that fits, make of it, what you will.
EDIT: sounds interesting, what do you have in mind?
Apr 3 2006, 10:38 PM
Rolling for Nurse to resist Felix's spell so she can go ahead and try to heal him up anyway (yes, Nurse LIKES to heal people and with multiple requests to 'check out/heal' Felix she intends to give it serious effort

Willpower (4) + DeepWeed (1) = 5 dice Results: 5 3 6 4 6 Hits: 3
Apr 3 2006, 10:44 PM
@Everyone RE: IC...
uh oh...
Apr 3 2006, 10:46 PM
Oh. Shit.
Won't this be "fun" while babysitting a fucking BOX for 3 days.

Or for going out Clubbing tonight.
Wheeeee! BRING IT ON!
How big are these boxes exactly?
Apr 3 2006, 11:04 PM
As for what Wyrm did Matrix wise...
Seeing as she wasn't at the scene of the stuffer, and only watching the goings on through the data relays, her reaction was slow to respond. Only once the GridLink picked up the Star closing in on location did she react, so I posed cleaning up your data trails first but didn't reach the Stuffer in time. After all, the last thing she wanted to do was to be editing files when the Star got on scene, she didn't want to take the risk.
So she didn't get the Stuffer's video feed (including Toy going into the cooler and helping herself to beer before taking off and not paying for it). Nor does she know about Neo's little message. As far as I know no-one but he knows about it, so that's how I played it out. Neo will probalby be smug in his little game till the Star close down on him and arrest him for his crime, but meh, he created that worry for himself.
I'm a little worried about what kind of forensic inquiries they'll be making at the scene. Though I don't think they'd have the DNA records on file, both Felix and JJ left blood on the sidewalk. Not as easy to track down, but we'll have to worry about what sort of traces we leave behind in future crimes. (I'm also worried about who else might be present in that video feed once they start analysing the data)
Fresno Bob
Apr 3 2006, 11:06 PM
Aziz wasn't aware of there being a video either.
Apr 3 2006, 11:15 PM
Halo's not aware of Neo's actions outside of capping the ork in the head.
She's definitely on camera, full on scooping up the little cash (since I can't imagine too many transactions are done in scrip even in that neighborhood, so maybe she's facing a petty theft charge and a lot of interrogation). But the most "damning" evidence to tie her to the location if not her face being seen is she's wearing her leathers with the damn wings + halo graphic on the back, the one that matches her body art.
Apr 3 2006, 11:20 PM
I need to comb back through the OOC and answer a bunch of questions, but here are the immediate ones:
The boxes are the size of shoeboxes. Slam just said what's the actual item is.
For video, there are a few street cameras out and about, but they're pretty much worthless for anything except monitoring traffic. However, with the vid Neo left, they become more useful.
Apr 3 2006, 11:44 PM
I think what TF means by Tags is that the item can be tracked astrally, through Ritual Magic. RFID's don't work well unless you see them in AR.
The decoy would have been made by Slam (Seeing as Wyrm only was the one box changing hands) I'll have an IC post in a moment, waiting for Kart as she needs to do something in response to her post first.
MK Ultra
Apr 3 2006, 11:47 PM
I actually meant both.
You tricked me into editing my post, to comfort yours

You should edit your Time Stamp, unless Aziz takes the box back, before he gives it to JAX
Apr 3 2006, 11:51 PM
MK, that backposting is a bit confusing... it makes me look like I'm not reading your posts, but I am.
MK Ultra
Apr 3 2006, 11:54 PM
Iīm not backpostin, Iīm just typing slow, sorry
Apr 4 2006, 12:00 AM
Well I'm off for the night... I'll see you dumpshockers later... time for RL SR4 baby!
Apr 4 2006, 12:05 AM
Man I wish I could do some live Shadowrun games.. seeing as a I work Backshift (3rd shift, overnight, graveyard shift, however you want to call it) I can't seem to find any groups that game during my wake-cycle... so I'm dependant on online sources for my gaming fix. :-/
MK Ultra
Apr 4 2006, 12:10 AM
Oh, maybe I edited something in, did I? I didnīt think about it, because I wanted to only add some introspection to my 1st conversation post at first, but then I rolled with it and got confused maybe.
Apr 4 2006, 12:22 AM
Forthe record, the video amounts to him looking around at the various bodies and adding in text (no sound) to the effect of "There's a body... there's a body... there's a body... and there's a crashed truck. Don't mess with us."
Apr 4 2006, 12:23 AM
I'm taking a break for dinner y'all... but I'll be back tonight I'm sure
Apr 4 2006, 12:27 AM
QUOTE (nick012000) |
Forthe record, the video amounts to him looking around at the various bodies and adding in text (no sound) to the effect of "There's a body... there's a body... there's a body... and there's a crashed truck. Don't mess with us." |
Which would be fine if you could do that and not catch your buddies all scattered out looting the bodies...
Apr 4 2006, 12:32 AM
QUOTE (Rokur) |
Well I'm off for the night... I'll see you dumpshockers later... time for RL SR4 baby! |
I'm jealous!!!
And I've got Dra answering my RL exclamation of such with, "that's what I said," too

MK Ultra
Apr 4 2006, 12:39 AM
@ Dranam & Kartijan
Well, when you keep posting about this, Iīm starting to envy Rokur, too. My last attampts, to gm some L5R failed because of not having enough players available at the same time and SR is dead pretty much all this year and wonīt restart that fast I fear.
MK Ultra
Apr 4 2006, 12:51 AM
Rolling to scan (either the unopened box or the contents, depending on our options).
Bean Intuition (1) + Bean Assensing (1) + Peanut Intuition (1) + Peanut Assansing (1) + Pumpkin Intuition (1) + Pumpkin Assensing (1) = 6 dice [5] 4 4 2 2 [5] Hits:2 |
Intuition (5) + Assensing (-1) + Home Ground (2) + Damage (-2) + Watchers (2) = 6 dice 1 [5] [5] [5] 1 3 Hits:3 |
So, he sees if itīs magically (with relative force) active or if there is an astral signature (though not, from what kind of effect).
Any of the Deep-Adepts, as well as Raven and Tag could take a look, too, increasing the Teamwork Pool modifire.
Mister Juan
Apr 4 2006, 12:57 AM
I was wondering; can spellcasters from different tradition work like that in team? I know that for ritual spellcasting, you have to be from the same tradition, but what about plain magical teamwork?
Apr 4 2006, 01:00 AM
I would like to point out here that you can't default on an assensing test...
MK Ultra
Apr 4 2006, 01:03 AM
I donīt see any problems with that, especially since the advent of the new united theory of magic, which was already a decade ago.
Rituals are another storry, but assensing, I think itīd work, the book doesnīt say otherwise IIRC.
Got to go to bed now, have to get up early tomorow

, see you around pals
MK Ultra
Apr 4 2006, 01:04 AM
QUOTE (nick012000) |
I would like to point out here that you can't default on an assensing test... |
I know, but I allready asked TG about it and he said a magician could (donīt know, what he will rule on Deeped Adepts, though).
Apr 4 2006, 01:33 AM
Hi guys, well I'm almost done creating my character in the ganger creation rules, just need my gear contacts and life style. I have two questions. First Tinker Gnome, I been told your the one who gives final say so, do u think I can join in on the action ( I'm a noob in sr and also noob in forum style playing, but quick learner) second if I can play, what do I do with my ork geek when I'm done with him
Thank you
Apr 4 2006, 02:34 AM
I have an idea for a new page for the wiki. Call it Roll Call or some such. Basically, it is a place to list the people at each scene...without having to go back through tons of IC posts.
So, right now, there'd only be The Meet w/ the Ancients, Stuffer Shack Fight #1 (yes, there will be more...hehe), the Meet at HQ on 4/12...
Just something for us to quickly ascertain who has showed up and who is awol.
Good idea, bad, someone have better?
Apr 4 2006, 02:38 AM
About the Vid....
How did Felix know about it? I don't think it was ever mentioned IC folks....
Mister Juan
Apr 4 2006, 02:40 AM
Didn't Nic post it in IC?
Apr 4 2006, 02:43 AM
QUOTE (Mister Juan) |
Didn't Nic post it in IC? |
Shit, not that I can find. :-\
Sorry guys... editing my post.
Apr 4 2006, 02:43 AM
He posted him doing it, but there wasn't a way for anyone to know what he was doing. Unless I missed something, at least. (which is possible)
Apr 4 2006, 02:51 AM
Nope, the only thing Neo asked IC was if the techgirls had erased datatrails from the commlinks. nothing about taking out the video.
I suppose the only way any of us would have known he did it is if we were actively monitoring the node before we left, and somehow I doubt anyone in the "thick" of it was.
And the techies were busy with prepping for the other meet and were too late to actually remove the vid/tag from the Stuffer's node.
Apr 4 2006, 04:23 AM
QUOTE (nick012000) |
I would like to point out here that you can't default on an assensing test... |
Note: don't mix up Assensing with Astral Perception. On a perception test you can see magical auras, you can even spot spellcasting and other forms of magic being performed.
What Assensing does do is allow you to read the aura's and analyse what they mean. Whether the odd-looking astral form of someone is due to their having cyberware or maybe it's just cause of their mood.
Perceiving a spell might not tell you what the spell is, but will tell you that one has been cast.
Apr 4 2006, 05:32 AM
QUOTE (Kartijan) |
TF sent Nurse a message, so Nurse simply began diagnosis. I have to wait for Felix's IC reaction to know if he is going to try to stop her from administering healing to him though. |
I see.

I think assistance is extra dice, so that is how I rolled on the medicine check where I knew Wyrm woud be assisting. |
Yep, yep, read it up again... there was a little error in my thinking there (I thought the Medicine roll was some sort of Assistance for First Aid ... but it's just to reduce the healing time). Sorry for the confusion!

so now the first aid roll for JJ: ... |
With that roll, Raven's spell wouldn't even be needed.

Apr 4 2006, 05:55 AM
QUOTE (ES_Sparky) |
I'll give you a hand.
Before the fight/meet (because you had picked the garage as your starting place)... JAX was looking for CD to arrive.
After the fight/meet at the HQ... JAX is looking for CD to arrive. |
CD will be bringing JAX his food in a bit. The pace of IC posts can get a it overwhelming.
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