May 4 2006, 09:09 AM
Who died and made you the rule monger?

Just kidding... Actually I like your ideas. I've actually tried to RP out Wyrm in the way that you suggest, layout my intentions in IC, waiting for a reaction before posting the result of my actions... this doesn't always work unfortunately as some people have a tendacy of creating time-spanning posts requiring me to, not only finalize my actions, but force others to back-post, and putting things out of whack.
The way you suggest will help in that people won't be composing long, far-timed actions, thus forcing significant editing. I realize not everyone can post per day, but giving others a resonable time frame to respond to a dialogue between two people might allow someone to interject and shift the whole scene.
I guess certain situations are hard to gage... like how fast to you resolve a pool game? A fair bit of conversation can happen, or even an event can interupt a game, so it might not be wise to resolve it in 2 posts. OOC can get bogged down, particularly when hashing out the details on how to resolve IC interaction to a particular event before finalizing it IC.
It's actually half the reason we started up the IRC channel. It gives an interactive forum to plan out what a bunch of characters will do to make the IC thread flow better. It also allows for general non-game chatter for OOC socializing, therefore reducing the 'spam' in the OOC thread due to non-game topics. I'm not saying everyone should use the IRC channel, it is a good venue...
I've already worked to some degree at sorting out the IC thread into locations and thus allowing people to read up on events as they occur a little more fluidly. Possibly I could take it one step further and mesh simular posts into one fictional story. This of course would require consent on the players in question and require a little artistic interpretation as I mesh multiple personal points of view to that of the author. I wouldn't actually change the events, but it would require a little more editing than simply cut'n'pasting the threads. I've already done this to some small degree with the C410 Chat channel, converting all chat posts to the same format for consistancy. To rework all the of IC thread might take a little bit of time, so I'll only go this route if I get a general concensus that people would like to see this happen. To keep consistency, I would divide up the naratives in say 1 hour chunks. (to be voted on)
With that in the works, I'll also work on other Wiki resources as I've done so far: locations, descriptions, and perhapse even adding major events into the timeline, cross linked for quick reference to the events.... (this could become a big project)
May 4 2006, 09:35 AM
QUOTE (Mister Juan) |
...the man pretty much said everything |
At the very least!

May 4 2006, 12:33 PM
So... has anyone figured out what exactly we are doing yet? Auran's on the ground unconscious.... so I probably have no need to post as I already had posted my declared Action... and TG wrote up the result.
So, how are we handling this.... finish combat? or narrative?
edit: 410 crash.... soon to take over the DSF with a multiverse of topics
But i do appreciate the efforts of you WinterRat1.... wb
edit2: wasn't shade in the limo???? I thought I remembered him being crammed in the back of it....
May 4 2006, 01:20 PM
I do have an actual idea.... since DSF can get very trafficy, and we don't wanna own more than the 2 topics we do... maybe we can use the wiki?
We already have a combat scratch pad, and a gm question page on the wiki....
we could easily add a dice roll section and other sections
This way the GM can read sections 1+2... and not worry about our planning and talking etc.... but we can easily find it through the easily navigatable wiki. (Though if some of you are having trouble with the wiki... this may be a small hump to get over)
And this way, everything still goes into 1 OOC page, and 1 IC page... and we can stlil read it on time, if we have the free time.... but playing catchup... usually you can just go to the wiki, and read the consolidated threads.....
edit: Also we have an IRC Channel that is GREAT for RPing if we need it.... so that a pool game or something could be done rather quickly and we could just copy the entire IC game into a post... so it doesn't bog down the rest of the crew if we do side-adventures
May 4 2006, 01:49 PM
fucking shit. i had a ton of goddamn responses typed up and another app loaded a page in this fucking window. i had been copying in case that happened but evidently the last thing i copied was a one liner i was pasting as a quote.
fucking shit.
i disagree with a lot of what WR wrote and i had good reason typed up. i agree with a lot of it too.
fuck it...sorry if i don't explain this all or quote what i am referring too. i don't have time to do it all again.
This is a game, not a story. Games don't have perfect continuity in the storyline. Post sequencing means that everyone has to post with the same frequency...that is not going to happen in a game with this many participants.
The example using Aziz is inaccurate because Aziz took a combat action prior to combat being initiated or called for by the GM. (I personnaly don't care that he did it, but I thought I'd still mention this fact.) As a GM of various games myself, I don't let my players simply say "I shoot so and so in the head" and let them actually do it. Just because a player says something outloud or writes it in the IC thread doesn't mean it happens.
We need more time stops more frequently. Even arbitrary ones that don't kick off some major event.
We need assistant GMs.
There is nothing drasticaly wrong with the IC thread. If we can't wade through an occasional accidental signature or an orange line instead of a cyan line (which was never re-ruled upon, by the way), we have issues.
I'm not advocating a lot of OOC info in the IC thread, but will point out that a good and valid reason for having it in there is so you don't have to go to another thread to find out something that was referenced or inferred in the first thread.
On a DROOC thread...I think that we'd end up having to go to yet another thread to find information, and I don't like that. And what about discussions of the rolls...do those happen in the OOC thread? If not, your DROOC thread is going to look the same as the OOC thread. And if so, yet again we are hopping between threads looking for related info.
WR's example of combat is great because that is a perfect example on paper. Throw in discussions, people not posting for a couple of days, and a few incorrectly rolled rolls...and then what happens? The same thing that happens today. That example would take a long time to carry out over the forum (at least a week with the rates we collectively post), so I don't see how it streamlines the process.
Per the book, isn't everyone is supposed to declare actions prior to those actions being implemented (i.e. rolled)? I don't think you are supposed to get to change your action unless you declare a delay. I think that is because of the 3 second timeframe. Just a small thing, but thought I'd mention; I may very well be wrong.
Sorry if some of this isn't "nice". I wrote it up much better the first time.
Good discussions.
However, I hope these metagame discussions don't have the opposite effect of actually killing the game by trying to drastically overhaul the way we are playing it.
May 4 2006, 03:50 PM
Ok... just to get things moving again, and to help follow through on some of the discussion.
1) I put a dice rolls page under the scratch pad, whenever rolling dice in the OOC please copy them to there, and if you could link it back, if not no worries. This way TG doesn't have to go fishing through pages to find your dice rolls.
2) I put up a
Current Events (plans) page..... this has a
TENTATIVE phase 1 written on it. It's not exactly a get out of jail free card. But it is close to it. Felix is locked in astral combat, and noone's actions are really taken up. I've put up some NPC actions to add some "cinematic" flair to it... to help us get back into the mood. Please feel free to completely change your actions... as I've just put up a sorta rough sketch of how we could get out of this, with mostly everyone alive.... (Though Slam is probably dead)
I decided to get this done as early as possible so when TG comes back online tomorrow, he can move us along.
edit- and if you wanted to add more to the cinematic flair "like killing off some inactives

" feel free
May 4 2006, 04:02 PM
Ultimately I just want to know when and how much I can post ICly in ways that don't stomp over another players toes.
I don't see much of anything wrong with the story, characters, or situations so far. I think it's been fantastic work by all and fun to do.
The scale and consequences have shifted from the "everyday" posts where the minutes, hours, and sequence didn't matter much, to one where seconds count, and making the wrong decision means death. When this happens the effect of "locking" in actions with IC posts is magnified. We need to be more careful. That's all.
Personally I think Neo's and Aziz's actions serve as fantastic foils for everyone's character development. Without tension and conflict there is no drama. I want to keep playing and work it all out, see where it all goes.
ES_Sparky with JAX IC posts has done a fantastic job of posting interactions with China Doll that have created situations where JAX has driven the scene involving China Doll, essentially committing another players PC to some actions, yet leaving a lot of space and oppurtunity for me to respond in turn. This has been done without any other communication between us besides IC posts. We need more of this with each other. It's an example of where we've gone back and forth posting IC intended actions, and the other posting the results and posting the next set of actions. Point and counterpoint. Yet not much committment of the exact action the other PC "has" to do. (BTW, this is hard, takes me forever to work out ways to leave room for the other PC to act freely.)
In the scale of things, this game story has just started, and we are just working out what works best for all of us. There's a lot to keep track of, so we need to be helping each other out as much as possible to have it all work.
It's obvious combat scenes need to be run more organized (whatever that organization actually turns out to be) because of the consequences, and other scenes can be a bit looser. Thus we need to clearly distinguish between combat (And this is really a class of scene where rolls matter, stealing a car, going through a weapons checkpoint, etc, are situations where there might not be combat per se, but the exact rolls and time matters), and non combat times, and keep everyone in lockstep as the timelines move forward for everyone.
May 4 2006, 04:03 PM
QUOTE (Rokur @ May 4 2006, 10:50 AM) |
(Though Slam is probably dead) |
I'd personally prefer is he lived so we can explore leadership issues.
And I am not enamored with the resolving this through Narrative.
May 4 2006, 04:09 PM
Lots of good points to respond to, I'll try to have something up for later tonight responding to everyone.
May 4 2006, 04:10 PM
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ May 4 2006, 04:03 PM) |
QUOTE (Rokur @ May 4 2006, 10:50 AM) | (Though Slam is probably dead) |
I'd personally prefer is he lived so we can explore leadership issues.
And I am not enamored with the resolving this through Narrative.
it is a wiki.... so you can edit it out... but he wasn't dead YET at the end of the story... just hurt BAD.... if you want, you can edit it out or go in and rescue him, or maybe TG won't have the Trolls kill him.....
May 4 2006, 04:11 PM
@Rokur -
Why are we all the sudden doing more over on the wiki? I don't think this was decided as a whole, was it?
Don't take it the wrong way, I just am personally not in favor of having to check the IC posts, OOC posts, and different pages on the wiki that are not always self evident as to what is contained in them.
To DR's last point, I am not too terribly happy either with the washing away of this combat.
What we are doing right now has lessened my enjoyment of this game. I feel as if it has been cheapened because we were not able to incur the consequences of the gang.
If we are going to be a gang, we have to take our lumps as a gang. One guy does something out of line and you have 2 choices: back him up or not. If not, you have to decide whether or not you are able to stay in the gang. Or the gang decides whether or not the offending person is allowed to stay in.
I don't really like this waving off of the combat. There, I said it.
May 4 2006, 04:16 PM
Quick question.
So far, I have noticed several people voice very strongly that they do not want to go a narrative style of resolving combat and would rather run combat normally.
Has anyone stated the opposite view, that they really want to move to a narrative style of resolving combat and NOT run combat normally?
I just want to see if I missed anyone, because it seems most of the most strongly stated views on the topic come from people who want to run combat normally, but I haven't seen a lot of strongly stated views to run combat narratively.
May 4 2006, 04:17 PM
I just wanna do something... sorry for my impatience... but I do vote for combat being played through completely... (I had voted it a while back too)
May 4 2006, 04:18 PM
QUOTE (WinterRat1 @ May 4 2006, 04:16 PM) |
Quick question.
So far, I have noticed several people voice very strongly that they do not want to go a narrative style of resolving combat and would rather run combat normally.
Has anyone stated the opposite view, that they really want to move to a narrative style of resolving combat and NOT run combat normally?
I just want to see if I missed anyone, because it seems most of the most strongly stated views on the topic come from people who want to run combat normally, but I haven't seen a lot of strongly stated views to run combat narratively. |
TG's idea was the narrative with a second from halo and aziz and a few others.... and sparky voted for a mix
MK Ultra
May 4 2006, 04:45 PM
Yea, I voted for a mix, too. I don´t want to cheapen this, but I don´t want to spend the next 3 months to resolve this 15 seconds of combat, either!
The mix can be waighted more or less to either side. I proposed it being leaned more toward narrtive, but would do with another mix, too.
But a 30+ people (many with multi-IP) is just plain boring for me, even in life games, when it is played out action by action (or even IP by IP). I like quick, short confrontations (the Stuffer was still ok for me), but when it is weeks in rl, with IC moving 1 second further (no metter if I´m involved, or not), it sucks.
This is just my opinion, offcause.
There are some other comments I would have, maybe I´ll put them up, tonight (no time now), but like Rokur I don´t want to over-discuss this.
May 4 2006, 04:48 PM
sparky voted for a mix as a form of compromise
sparky would rather play this out in rules-based combat
May 4 2006, 05:00 PM
For the record, when I say I'd rather not wave it off...JJ's next action is to try get out with the box and Felix and the rest of his team.
I just sort of don't like the idea that now it is a complete given that he is going to be able to do this.
May 4 2006, 05:38 PM
should we set up a poll so that we may have a consensus?
(not that polls ever worked before)
I'd like to try to get this figured out ASAP....
May 4 2006, 05:49 PM
Here's the thing - I know everyone is anxious to advance, but I think we should come to some consensus on how to proceed in the future, beyond this event.
I think we should try WR's system. It's not just an on-paper pipe dream - it's a system developed and refined in a large and complicated campaign (LitS). It will have the effect of more posting - which our more posty folk will appreicate - and more consistency over time.
If we agree to move forward as we have been, we're agreeing to move forward with no real plan at all.
That's not to take anything away from anyone - all the good combat pages at the wiki - all the die rolling and management by the GM and other folks pitching in.
It's just that I don't see our current non-system resulting in improvement and if we can get everyone to agree to use (if not agree with the implementation) a common system that we can look up and point to the guidelines of - then I think we will see an improvement over time as we learn and use the system.
I think we need some order and direction with a group this huge.
And I think we don't need to spend weeks in debate on it and will whole-heartedly support Rat's proposal as posted with no changes - solely in the interests of getting this moving.
And I think it'd be fine to put a die-roll page at the wiki or on the DSF. If there was one point that I disagreed with Rat on it is that linking to a page is linking to a page - if that page is the external wiki or the DROOC it's the same amount of clicks for me the way I have shortcuts set up.
Don't hate on the wiki WR, it's been a pretty big success.
Mister Juan
May 4 2006, 05:55 PM
Well, everyone knows I'm an RP guy before anything else, so I'm all for the narrative combat thingy. I also thinks that a DROOC would be a damn good thing, since I was the one to initially format up the whole scratch pad... and let me tell you it was a damn pain in the ass to track down everyone's actions/rolls.
So, there's my 2
May 4 2006, 06:13 PM
(shortened to include only proposals) 1)Therefore, I conclude that it is necessary for everyone to be willing to adjust future posts, edit prior posts, and if necessary cease posting when appropriate until the situation is resolved. I submit that it is more important for the story to be accurate and consistency that to continually progress, especially if progression will come at the expense of accuracy and consistency.
I realize that with so many players, it will be difficult at times and necessary for us to communicate extensively, but without posting discipline we run the risk of an erratic storyline that ultimately undermines the structure of the game as a whole by leaving gaps in the story that do not make sense.
2)To conclude, when we do not have a specific limit of where to post up to, I suggest no one should advance the time by more than a few hours at most. Since the everyday events of the gangers lives are of primary importance to developing and advancing the game and its focus, every little reflection, conversation, task, etc. serves to further that purpose, while every ‘gap’ in time detracts from it.
Let me be clear, I am not suggesting that we post boring, useless stuff. In fact, I am sure Tinkergnome will keep the pace moving quick enough that we will have plenty to keep us occupied. However, to ensure we do not run too far ahead of the other players or the game itself, I believe we would be best served focusing on, and playing up, the ‘down time’ of our characters when we have it, which will assist in not only keeping the game pace in line, but position us all to better appreciate the game as it develops.
3)I suggest the creation of a new OOC thread devoted solely to rolls and objective rules matters. Rules questions, interpretations, OOC discussion, planning, random chatter, etc should still take place in the main OOC thread, but having a thread solely for rolls should help ensure that the rolls are not lost, help separate valuable information into two separate categories, and make it easier to handle OOC procedures that will require more than one roll. The best example of this is…
4) combat strengths and weakness.... it's there last page:P |
I think implementing this system really isn't that major of a change
1) this is probably the biggest thing, but I would allow post-edits if game conflicts arise. (Neither of these situations of Neo, and Aziz, do I personally have any OOC conflicts with)
2) I think this has been kept fairly well... the only hour+ long posts were when we were asked by TG to sum up our night and move ahead.... the only "controversial" posts have been a matter of 2 seconds. (both Neo's and Aziz's) And Both of these could have been erased with a editting of posts if other people had attempted to stop it.
3) I think the wiki is fine for a DROOC page.... - like Sparky said "Don't hate"
4) I think combat is going fine over the wiki as well as our current declared actions. Even TG has allowed time to readjust our declared actions if a LOT of combat has passed. I have no qualms with the current combat. (and it's actually VERY similar to Rat's proposal) Noone has been waiting until their turn to declare actions (I don't think)
The only changes I guess we could try to implement are
a) A dice rolls page - done
b) editting posts allowed if any other PC had wanted to interrupt any already posted actions or had stuff to say/do before you're post.
c) Maybe some help in the gm department to keep the pace up.
Last Words - I don't think you can relate this game to LiTS that well since LiTS has a different style. That is a broad based game focused on the interaction of each character to the world, focussing on each single runner's personal development. This game is based on PURE PC to PC interaction focused on the development of a combined large group of players, and thus these problems are occurring at a much faster rate than in normal games. "all for one, and one for all" as the fench say.
May 4 2006, 06:47 PM
On topic 1:
That is possible only when there is a known plot progression and storyline by all of the writers. If we were recreating a 2070 version of Little Red Riding Hood....we could do that. But to say that what someone else puts down is wrong simply because other people don't like it or they put it down first (and second) seems a bit odd.
I disagree completely that the progression should suffer so that we can get some small detail right.
This is a game not a story.
But still, sure, posts can be edited (and have been throughout the timeframe we've been doing this as necessary).
On topic 2:
I would like to add again that the only controversial posts have been when combat actions were taken out of the context of combat. I.E. guns were fired at living targets outside of a combat round.
Don't allow that to happen and the problem is solved. Period. End of story. If it happens, tell the person to edit their post because they can't kill someone outside of combat.
As players, we should all know and agree that if we pull a weapon with the intent of harming someone else, we have to wait for the GM to tell us what to do next. That is just simple gaming.
On topic 3:
The only problem with the wiki is that it doesn't notify you when an update is made. I know there is a changes RSS feed but it sucks (I've got like 6 or so wikis...it sucks).
I don't like having to go check through the wiki stuff to see if something changed. With the forum, if there is a new post added on, I know it has changed.
(I'm not hating the wiki. I think it has been great, and I had like 4 sites already on it before I even started this game.)
Fresno Bob
May 4 2006, 09:14 PM
Well, if we're going for the narrative thingy, which I think we are, I'm going to have Aziz survive.
And since I think we're deciding the rest of how the fight goes, I wouldn't mind if Aziz barely manages to escape with his life (i.e, takes some ridiculous amount of damage from multiple gunshot wounds or whatnot. Something like 10 boxes of damage or whatever.)
May 4 2006, 09:25 PM
I think I'm going to have JAX stay and defend the others' escapes, preferrably with his mono-chainsaw. I'll leave whether he makes it out alive to some form of chance.
And I don't think it's decided or even clear yet, what the majority of people want. Narrative or Played.
Wounded Ronin
May 4 2006, 10:03 PM
First, I will re-iterate my preference for played over narrative. I think the roll of the dice is much more dramatic than narrative, really. And it's genuinely unpredictable. It's a better foil for character development than if we all know what's going to happen.
Second, I will put forth an idea that most people probably won't agree with. I don't think it matters too much if someone jumps the gun, posts ahead, and makes something happen. Seeing as we're all a bunch of dumb kids and not super strafe-jumping John Mullinses sometimes unpredictable crap happens. There was a large crowd of enemies at the front door and someone spazzed and opened fire, and a massacre resulted.
It happened to well-trained British soldiers in the Boston Massacre and in India during Ghandi's time. Someone opening fire and setting off a really awful turn of events can happen even to professional soldiers and certainly it's wont to happen with a bunch of gun-toting kids.
What happened re Aziz was unexpected but also realistic and gritty. Accident and error can destroy the best-laid plans, and that's just what happened now.
Since we are viewing this as a *story* and not a game, let's worry less about being super efficient and "winning" and worry more about letting the story write itself. If the story writes itself to cataclysm and we "lose", so much the better. That's some drama we probably wouldn't have gotten in a game with conservative, serious players.
A story is a story even when things don't go well.
May 4 2006, 10:05 PM
Right on!
MK Ultra
May 4 2006, 10:35 PM
@ Wounded Ronin
Well, as I explained befor, I don´t want to do all-narative style, as well. I can have fun with getting fucked up in a game, too. But I´d prefer, to make some 2 or 3 rolls per character, along with explaining everyones general strategy and tactic. The wrap up a narative along these lines (the phases described by sparky work well with that). I´d still like to have the possibility for pc´s to get caked (or at least get seriously wounded and their Edge burned down).
And about Aziz action, sure you can rationalize afterwards, that it was some fragup, that nobody said anything or acted somehow, while they rulled up infront of the Y, picknick-style, untill the Trolls finally spoke up and Aziz jumped his gun.
He could have done this, after others acted anyway, which would be ok with me along with your argument. But I´d like to have a say in what my pc does meanwhile.
Well, in the future, if s.th. like this turns up again, I will just try, not to feel jumped and blatently backpost, as I see fit. But I´d rather like to avoid such situations as backposting and editing generally sucks.
Again, I want to state, that I´m ok with Aziz action, I just had a problem with the Sequence/backposting/editing issue, as WinterRat1 described it so expertly.
May 4 2006, 10:59 PM
Hey Everyone,
OK, I’ve had a chance to peruse everyone’s posts and examine things in more detail, and my replies are below. If I missed something important to respond to, please let me know and I’ll try to address it ASAP.
Thread Cleanup
Essentially, the question comes down to convenience for the few versus clarity and flow for the many. Yes, it is true that leaving a signature on or posting OOC information can be read over in the IC thread. However, it is a common convention across Dumpshock to turn off signatures when posting precisely because it breaks the suspension of disbelief and interrupts the flow of the story.
I believe that the flow of the game for everyone and easy and consistent formatting of each post for later archiving should take precedence over the convenience of a few people not having to turn off their signatures.
As for posting OOC information in the IC thread, that undermines the whole purpose of having an OOC thread in the first place! What is the point of having an OOC thread, which by definition, is for ’Out of Character’ information, if that information will be posted in the In Character thread?
It seems very tenuous to argue that there is anything to be gained by posting OOC information in the IC thread, and once again, it is obvious that posting OOC information in the IC thread will break the flow of the story.
I have not heard any logical reason to put any OOC information in the IC thread except to prevent crucial information from being buried and lost in the OOC thread.
If it is that serious of a problem, that is highly indicative of the need to clean up the OOC thread.
Once again, if rolls are required, they should be posted entirely separately from the main OOC thread. Whether to do this in the wiki or a separate DROOC is an issue I will address later.
For now, I believe it is reasonable to conclude that there is nothing lost by making a concerted effort to standardize and clean up our threads by turning off signatures and removing OOC information from the IC thread except the minor inconvenience of a minority of our players. On the other hand, we gain consistency, clarity, flow, ease of reading, and a more polished game. To me, the benefits easily outweigh the costs.
GM to Player Ratio
I have heard no disagreement for adding assistance GMs to help Tinkergnome. What I have not heard is any other clear suggestions for how to implement and use those assistants to maximize their effectiveness. It is not enough to simply say ‘yes we need more help’. We need to clarify and define not only who that help will be, we also need to add what they will do and how.
I will elaborate on this further in other points, but for now, one main barrier to implementing assistant GMs to date despite no shortage of volunteers is that we have no clear system for anything under which we are currently operating. How can the assistants do their jobs if we don’t even have a system that defines those jobs?
It’s all well and good to have a helter-skelter, ‘play it as you go’ game with a GM and a few players. When you have double-digit players for one GM, you need more organization.
Taking the Time to Organize
Again, the central question is not ‘is the game broken?’ Of course not, or else it would not have made it this far. The central question is, ‘can the game be made more efficient and effective?’ And I think everyone would agree the answer is yes.
Not everyone likes to sit and think through structure, organization, procedures, policies, etc., especially for a fun activity. But by definition, role-playing is a structured activity (if you doubt me, everyone look at your bookshelves right now and tell me how many books worth of rules for all your various games you have sitting there) and our challenge is to determine the best way to implement that structure over our chosen medium (play by post). Yes, it takes work now, but if we set up a solid foundation with a good system, down the road the system will run itself.
It was pointed out that LITS is different from 410 Crash. Different system, different goal, different methods, etc. This is all true. LITS is a ‘broad based game focused on the interaction of each character to the world, focussing on each single runner's personal development. This game is based on PURE PC to PC interaction focused on the development of a combined large group of players’. Good assessment, btw.
We spent literally weeks and months setting up the structure and groundwork for LITS before we ever started, and the GM staff has revised our Guidelines where necessary at least three times. We have an entire thread devoted to Player Guidelines that spans about 20-30 pages in MS Word.
Several people have mentioned impatience and a desire to post more frequently, especially right now. In LITS, everyone is mostly free to post as much or as little as they like, because we have set up a system to allow for individual player and GM preferences in the pace and style of the game.
I would argue that it is even MORE important t to take the time to set up a system now, because unlike LITS, everyone’s actions almost always impact everyone else. A player can go through LITS and never directly impact another player, but that is not the case here.
I am not saying we need exactly the same amount of work or end product as LITS, but given the inevitable fact that whatever one person does will impact every other player, I think it’s necessary to determine how to focus that impact in the most productive way possible for everyone, since individual player preferences will impact everyone else’s gaming style and pace.
Post Sequences and Post Discipline
I am not sure what the rationale is for resistance to my suggestions on these topics. At its core, my proposals boil down to the following key concepts:
1. Don’t post so far forward that other players do not have a chance to respond.
2. At any point where the outcome is in question, resolve the outcome first in the OOC thread per the rules, and then post it IC.
3. Be willing to communicate with your fellow players and edit past, present, or future posts to accurately reflect the outcome.
4. Be willing to adjust and work with one another to achieve consistency and continuity.
5. Make progress in the storyline in conjunction with consistency, accuracy, and continuity, not at the expense of them.
What is the disagreement with this?
Here are several arguments that have been brought up:
(Note: Silo, I apologize in advance because several of them are quoted from you. I realize you lost at least one of your posts so the underlying arguments/rationale may have been lost to the electronic ether. If I have misrepresented you, let me know, but otherwise I have done my best to quote all arguments from you and others in their entirety.)
This is a game, not a story. Games don't have perfect continuity in the storyline. Post sequencing means that everyone has to post with the same frequency...that is not going to happen in a game with this many participants. |
That is possible only when there is a known plot progression and storyline by all of the writers. If we were recreating a 2070 version of Little Red Riding Hood....we could do that. But to say that what someone else puts down is wrong simply because other people don't like it or they put it down first (and second) seems a bit odd.
I disagree completely that the progression should suffer so that we can get some small detail right.
This is a game not a story.
But still, sure, posts can be edited (and have been throughout the timeframe we've been doing this as necessary). |
I agree with you completely! This is a game, not a story. And therefore it must be clearly defined what happened, or else how can anyone respond accurately?
The question is not progression versus small details. The question is it beneficial to make progress at the expense of accuracy, continuity and consistency? I would say the answer is a resounding no.
Post sequencing does NOT mean that everyone posts with the same frequency. In fact, post sequencing is specifically designed to allow for the fact that people will NOT post with the same frequency.
I specifically stated three times of areas where post sequencing is necessary:
1. Where the order does not matter – If order does not matter, then people should be willing to edit for smoothness and aesthetics. Do we want conversations that actually make sense, or ones that are jerky and nonsensical because they were limited by the post frequency and timing of the players in real life? Post sequencing and discipline simply means being willing to check and make sure that everything makes sense, and editing where it does not so that it makes sense. You stated above we’ve already been doing this as necessary, so what’s the problem with being willing to continue that practice in this scenario?
2. Where the order of actions matters, other characters are in position to affect the outcome, and have a desire to attempt to impact the outcome – This situation is the very definition of a game! X attempts to do something, Y does not want him to. So what happens? It is not logically possible to allow whoever posted first to automatically do what they posted, because then we would not have a game, we would have a story!
You stated that (edited for brevity, original full context above):
to say that what someone else puts down is wrong simply because other people don't like it or they put it down first (and second) seems a bit odd. |
I beg to differ. Consider the following:
1. X posts first in the IC thread that he successfully shoots Z
2. In the OOC thread, per the rules, Y successfully stops X from shooting Z
What makes more sense, to say that X’s original post of shooting Z is incorrect because according to the rules and procedures in the OOC thread Y has stopped him, and thus require X to edit his original post while Y posts the correct results of the rules in a second post, or to say that because X posted first his post stands as what actually happened, even though the rules say otherwise?
The former decision is a game while the latter decision is a story. You stated that this is a game, not a story. If that is so, then every post must accurately reflect the rules and regulations of that game. Even if that means going back and editing previous posts to accurately reflect the outcome of those procedures, it is imperative to do so, because as a result of the rules, those previous posts are now indeed wrong. If we allow people’s posts to stand regardless of their accuracy according to the rules just because they posted first, then we no longer have a game, we have a story.
As a game, the details ARE important, and yes, they are more important than progression. What is more important, to ‘move forward’ with the story and keep posting, even though X didn’t really succeed at shooting Z according to the rules, or to get the details right? What if X refuses to change his post, and then Y posts a second post stating that he stopped X from shooting Z? What actually happened? Continuity is gone, and our game with it.
Post sequencing’s entire purpose is to ensure that the game does not turn into a story by requiring all posts to have continuity and accuracy. Otherwise, what is to stop someone from saying they successfully did X, Y, and Z, and that’s that because they posted first, even though everyone else’s posts say differently? Everyone must be willing to conform their posts to reflect the rules, even if it means backtracking in order to do so, or else there is no longer a game, instead we have a random assortment of stories that may or may not have anything to do with each other.
Therefore, it appears that you and I are in agreement here, that the posts should accurately reflect the rules, in accordance with the fact that this is a game. If posts must be changed to correctly reflect the outcome of the rules of the game, then they need to be changed to preserve the integrity of the game. So what is the disagreement?
The third example of needing post sequencing is required is when order matters, but no one is in a position to affect the outcome. As we can see below:
The example using Aziz is inaccurate because Aziz took a combat action prior to combat being initiated or called for by the GM. (I personnaly don't care that he did it, but I thought I'd still mention this fact.) As a GM of various games myself, I don't let my players simply say "I shoot so and so in the head" and let them actually do it. Just because a player says something outloud or writes it in the IC thread doesn't mean it happens. |
I fail to see how it is demonstrated that my example was inaccurate. Aziz took an action that would directly lead to combat. It is his prerogative as a PC to take an action prior to combat being initiated or started by the GM. Someone has to start the combat or else there would never be combat. Where is it at all uncommon for a player to be the one to initiate combat?
Order most certainly mattered, because if someone else had talked first, then maybe Aziz would not have fired. If someone else, say Auran, had wanted to post talking to the trolls, and declared her intent OOC, then maybe they could have worked it out so that Auran posted trying to talk to the trolls (after Aziz’s original post) and Aziz could have edited his post to only yell at the troll.
In this instance, post sequencing PROTECTS the ability of the others to act without being locked into a situation (in this case combat) that occurred only because someone else posted before them in real life. Again, what is the problem, as the whole point is to ensure everyone’s character has a fair chance to act without letting one player (Voorhees) dictate the entire scenario simply because he saw and responded to TG’s post in real life before anyone else?
I would like to add again that the only controversial posts have been when combat actions were taken out of the context of combat. I.E. guns were fired at living targets outside of a combat round.
Don't allow that to happen and the problem is solved. Period. End of story. If it happens, tell the person to edit their post because they can't kill someone outside of combat.
As players, we should all know and agree that if we pull a weapon with the intent of harming someone else, we have to wait for the GM to tell us what to do next. That is just simple gaming. |
This solution actually IMPEDES players from posting, as it prevents them from taking any actions that might potentially lead to something other than what was specifically planned. As argued earlier, Voorhees had every right to fire at the troll if he chose as an action designed to instigate combat.
He specifically stated that he only fired at the troll. He never said what happened. At no point did he do anything that should not have been allowed.
If players are ‘not allowed’ to do something (in this case, fire at someone outside of a combat round) then we don’t have a game, we have a story. They were not allowed to do something because it doesn’t fit what is ‘supposed’ to happen. If that’s the case, how does any of us ever start a fight? Do we have to always wait for TG to tell us we’re fighting? That completely undermines our player prerogative to participate in the evolution of events.
It is ALWAYS a combat action in a non-combat setting that begins combat. Otherwise, how does combat start? Two sides that don’t do anything to initiate a fight will not fight. That is self-explanatory.
So how can we say that ‘just because a player does something IC doesn’t mean it happens’? That is the definition of a story, telling people what they can and cannot do! It is a story to tell people what they can and cannot do, and it is a story for anyone to dictate results independent of rules. Aziz did neither of the two, and thus stayed strictly within the boundaries of the game. A player’s responsibility is to act IC. It is only crossing the line when the player dictates results in addition to actions. Aziz fired IC, it happened. The result of the action is not up to the player alone, but the action certainly is. We must preserve both that dynamic and distinction or else once again, we have drifted into the realm of story.
In the process, Voorhees demonstrated perfectly the need for post sequencing. If someone had a real problem with his action, the opportunity would be there for them to talk with him and ask him to reconsider in light of what that character was going to do, with the only difference being a real life timing difference and subsequent posting adjustment.
Of course, Voorhees would still be well within his right to reject that request and post what he wanted anyway, in which case post sequencing would protect him. Even if someone had gone out to talk first, Aziz could still have fired even though that might not be what the other player wanted and even though the other player (hypothetically) posted before him. Again, where is the problem?
Wiki versus DROOC
I’m going to switch gears here and completely agree with Silo. Keeping track of updates/changes on wiki is difficult to say the least. It is hard to format it appropriately and in a chronological fashion compared to DS, and that undermines the whole point of keeping things organized for easy reference.
Most important to me is the current lack of organization on our wiki. I absolutely don’t mean to denigrate all the fine work done by everyone on the wiki, but it is seriously all over the place. Because everyone is free to do what they want on it, there are links and pages going every which way. There’s a section for storyline that makes no sense to me (chronologically it doesn’t really go anywhere), nor can I track any individual character, and doing it by location is incredibly hard if there is a big time jump between events at the same location.
Since timing in combat is very important, doesn’t it make sense to post in a way where everything is easier to find and automatically in (relative) order?
To me, the real value of the wiki is as an archive and storage facility. That’s one of the things I suggest for the assistant GMs, designate a few of them to redesign the wiki, streamline it for maximum efficiency and effectiveness. The benefit of it has been the ability to edit and change it as we went along, but now that’s turned into a liability as the lack of focus and direction from the beginning means it’s now scattered and nowhere near user-friendly with respects to gathering information quickly and easily.
I think there’s a lot of potential here, but I think we need to organize better to tap it to the fullest.
That is also the point of starting a DROOC thread, to keep a specific type of information (dice rolls) in a centralized place with an already predefined, consistent, and clear format. Since it will be primarily for combat, let me move to that section next.
The clearest evidence to me that the wiki does not work for combat is in TG’s last IC post. As Silo pointed out, and I agree, the single legitimate reason for anyone to post OOC information in the IC thread is so that it is not lost and easily accessible.
The fact that TG felt it necessary to post the OOC information in the IC thread tells me volumes.
First, that the OOC thread is NOT serving its intended purpose. He obviously felt the need to put it in an easily accessible place where everyone who needed that info could find it, and did not trust the OOC thread to serve that purpose. Second, that he did not trust the wiki for it, or else why didn’t he put it there? If both current mechanisms for organizing OOC information (the wiki and the OOC thread) are not trusted by the GM himself, that speaks very strongly to me about the need to find an alternative method.
A few people mentioned not wanting too many threads, but three threads are too many? LITS alone has over six main threads right now. Total, LITS has 14 active threads (although some are obviously used more than others) to clearly delineate the various aspects of the game. We have that many threads so the game runs smoothly and efficiently, and until an admin tells us it’s a problem, I don’t see the harm, especially if it makes the game better for everyone.
Having a thread solely for dice rolls and mainly for combat cannot make things worse than they are. Hopefully it will make it better. The bottom line is, regardless of how people view combat, or how they would like to run combat, combat will happen. We need to be prepared for it, and attempt to run it in the most efficient and effective way possible.
Having all the necessary data in one clearly defined location with a set procedure strikes me as an improvement over a current system that finds the GM reduced to having to post OOC information in the IC thread simply so people can find what they need. If people don’t want to go with my solution I have no problems with that, but once again, I have not heard a better, or even an alternative one.
The argument that ‘the current system isn’t totally broken’ is not a reason not to seek to improve our process, and I would even say that argument is seriously lacking in light of TG’s recent need to post OOC information as he did.
Someone mentioned that the current system ‘isn’t all that different’ from what I proposed. That may be, but again, there isn’t a clear understanding of what that system is. There isn’t a clear set of guidelines. There is not a clear, universally understood or implemented procedure. There is not a pattern or consistent approach to anything other than each player’s individual preferences. The system has been held together by a few players being willing to hunt for all relevant information and put it up on either the OOC thread or the Wiki, and one of those people, Mister Juan, has flat out stated it is a pain in the butt. The obvious implication is that the current system is less than ideal, so why not strive to do better?
I do not expect any of my proposals to be adopted. In the end, what we do and do not do is up to Tinkergnome, and I will abide by his decisions. However, I believe it is our responsibility as players to attempt to make the game the best it can be. I have not seen anyone argue that the current state of affairs is the most efficient, effective, and enjoyable system we could possibly have, and that suggests to me that we can do better, and I believe we should attempt to do so.
The title of the game itself states ‘Collaborative Fiction on the Streets’. That means that it is a game, one we are working on together, with the intent of producing a story. Any writer knows you cannot just go and write and expect to turn out a top quality product. Continual revision, updates, polishing, and rethinking are necessary to turn out a top quality product.
While I do not hold that my thoughts are the sole pathway to a top quality game, I do hold that it is incumbent upon us all to work together towards a top tier game, and while it is a lot of work and perhaps even annoyance now, in the end it will pay off, and it’s worth our time to think it through and make that happen.
MK Ultra
May 4 2006, 11:01 PM
QUOTE (TinkerGnome @ May 3 2006, 06:36 PM) |
1) I should have mentioned weaponry. You guys did have plety of chances to do Matrix and astral recon. The results were posted several pages ago and were quite informative if you'd managed enough successes. You also had plenty of time for prep-work if you'd chosen to do anything, but no one really did. |
Uh, just one thing, I have forgotten to address over the whole discussion.
@ GM & TG
I think if we had not waited for 1 week, to resolve the coke-run and than have our all night and morning actions condensed into a single rl night, we would have done much more prepwork!
May 4 2006, 11:06 PM
A few other quick adds:
1. Silo, absolutely nothing personal towards you intended. I know I quoted you extensively, but you happened to sum up best the general nature of disagreement with any of my thoughts, so it was easier to use you than search through everyone's posts.
I also realize most of your reasons were lost, I know how that feels, and I'd be fuming too. If something major was lost that would change or clarify your stance to a material degree, please let me know.
2. I'd like to clarify again that all my proposals are just that, proposals. They're out here for discussion, and ultimately, decision by Tinkergnome. In the end, I submit to whatever he decides, but I feel it is my responsibility to at least try to help the game.
3. I am open to any method of playing through the current scenario, but I personally prefer playing it through. If everyone isn't at least
trying to get away somehow by now, uh...well...good luck holding out!
4. In case it wasn't obvious, I completely defend the right of Voorhees to have
Aziz fire. It might have been a monumentally stupid thing from a survival/professionalism point of view, and sure it might get most of us killed, but he still had a right as a player to do that. That doesn't mean the characters will let him off the hook later (assuming any of us survive), but as a player, I firmly support his right to do crazy/stupid things. Just try to make sure next time you do something like that,
Shade's not around.
Fresno Bob
May 4 2006, 11:07 PM
WinterRat, are you a law student?
May 4 2006, 11:10 PM
Nope, I'm a tax accountant, why?
Fresno Bob
May 4 2006, 11:11 PM
Thats just an impressively crafted case, the likes of which I've really only seen come from barristers.
May 4 2006, 11:13 PM
Thanks for the compliment, usually I just accused of being long winded. I prefer the term thorough, myself.
MK Ultra
May 4 2006, 11:15 PM
About the wiki and
Silo´s issues with it.
There is only one thing to do, for everyone, to make the wiki more practical for storing dice-rolls, etc. then the board.
When everything puts in a comment what he edited, the changes-side is very usefull!
It´s that simple
May 4 2006, 11:23 PM
Personally, I would suggest placing a few people in charge of the wiki, and having everything go through them.
That way, they can determine the layout and set up of the wiki, reorganize it for maximum user-friendliness, and ensure that everything gets where it's supposed to go in the best way possible.
A consistent layout and format will work wonders for the wiki's use. If everyone submits information to be posted on the wiki to the same people, we know where each type of information will go each and every time, and exactly what it will look like. Right now, we don't even have that.
Again, that's not a knock on the people who've set it up so far. They've done an excellent job, but it's a case of 'too many cooks'. Everyone has their own opinion, which may or may not mesh with someone else's.
Since there's nothing to stop them from doing it their own way, they do it their own way. The result is a collage of differing opinions and organizational styles, which is incredibly difficult to defend as maximizing the potential of the wiki.
May 4 2006, 11:49 PM
WR, you are long winded.
With that out of the way...
Some of my intentions have been lost I think. I don't disagree with everything you are saying at all. I know you probably don't think that, but I just wanted to make sure.
And I don't mind you quoting me, etc. and have no feathers ruffled.
I believe the following things:
in agreement with WR: OOC stuff in the IC thread isn't necessary. (I was just pointing out a reason for having it there. I personally don't put any there because we are not supposed to and I don't think anyone else should either. However, it doesn't bother me because I don't sit back and read the IC thread like it is a story. The only time I re-read any of it is to reference something specifically for one of JJ's actions/narratives.)
in agreement with WR: No one should ever post the result of an action prior to the action being deemed complete and successful by the GM. (My statement about the Aziz deal is that as the GM, I would have said, "Hold up, if you are going to fire your weapon, it is time for everyone to roll initiative." Or whatever surprise/reaction rules are appropriate. It isn't like every single PC and NPC wasn't ready for a fight anyway. Everyone was on edge, allowing the first shot to be fired by the first person that posted, to me, is not the way I would do it. Especially when other players rolled the same initiative as Aziz did after the fact. I'm not saying PC's can't say they are going to start fights. I'm just saying that when I GM, just because a player states that they are going to pull a weapon and fire it in someone's face, that doesn't mean they get to do that action first. Especially if it is a situation where like 20 people have guns drawn and are ready to throw down. (TG, I'm not knocking you...your decision on such matters is yours to make.) There is nothing wrong with GM intervention when a player does something out of line. That happens all the time in live gaming sessions.)
in agreement with WR: Your points on post sequencing are fine. Perhaps what I don't get is why there is a need for them. Isn't everyone already doing that? To me the only times when something has gone out of order and hasn't been changed are the 2 times that people shot weapons at NPCs outside of combat. Disallow that and we are fine.
Okay, I lied, I disagree with the comment about sacrificing progression for accuracy. I don't get that one. Without progression, the game ends. Without accuracy, it is just kinda loopy. Obviously there needs to be a balance of both things.
I'd be willing to try a DROOC thread. However, it needs to be clear what should and shouldn't go in it otherwise we are going to have a mess on our hands.
@MK - you are right. If everyone put in comments it would be much easier to figure out what to look for on a changed page.
I don't think we need to do another wiki rewrite though. Too much trouble and time.
WR, stop writing books here. I swear that last post should have its own wiki with links and segmentation and graphs.
May 4 2006, 11:54 PM
Ok.... um... yea... so can we do something??
Can we come up with perhaps a concrete plan of action? and just do it?
Question of importance 1) for TG to post tomorrow, and for everyone to move this game forward..... ARE WE DOING COMBAT OR ARE WE NOT!?!?!?!?!?!?! We can worry about mechanics or whatever later. Let's please continue and we'll start a refinement initiative headed by perhaps silo, ronin, rat, and sparky.....
PS - my only grievance for creating new threads is if this game expands, I don't wanna have to go searching through threads, the IC thread, OOC thread, DROOC thread, GMOOC thread, Combat thread, new recruitment thread, etc. etc. etc. This could much more cleanly and efficiently be done with easy links in the wiki....
May 5 2006, 12:05 AM
WR, you are long winded.
With that out of the way...
WR, stop writing books here. I swear that last post should have its own wiki with links and segmentation and graphs. |

In the interests of not being long winded and no longer writing books, I'll just respond point by point here for the sake of speed. And so I don't have to spend hours writing 10 page replies.
Some of my intentions have been lost I think. I don't disagree with everything you are saying at all. I know you probably don't think that, but I just wanted to make sure.
And I don't mind you quoting me, etc. and have no feathers ruffled. |
Actually, this is the biggest reason my last post was so long. As I'm sure we've all seen in the forums, sometimes a simple minor difference of opinion can become two people going to war with each other. I absolutely did not want that to happen, especially because a lot of your thoughts were lost to the digital void, and because I don't know you well enough to know how you'd respond, so I erred on the side of caution, courtesy, thoroughness, and detail. I'm glad I read you reasonably well and there's no hard feelings.
I believe the following things:
in agreement with WR: OOC stuff in the IC thread isn't necessary. (I was just pointing out a reason for having it there. I personally don't put any there because we are not supposed to and I don't think anyone else should either. However, it doesn't bother me because I don't sit back and read the IC thread like it is a story. The only time I re-read any of it is to reference something specifically for one of JJ's actions/narratives.) |
Sounds good to me.
in agreement with WR: No one should ever post the result of an action prior to the action being deemed complete and successful by the GM. (My statement about the Aziz deal is that as the GM, I would have said, "Hold up, if you are going to fire your weapon, it is time for everyone to roll initiative." Or whatever surprise/reaction rules are appropriate. It isn't like every single PC and NPC wasn't ready for a fight anyway. Everyone was on edge, allowing the first shot to be fired by the first person that posted, to me, is not the way I would do it. Especially when other players rolled the same initiative as Aziz did after the fact. I'm not saying PC's can't say they are going to start fights. I'm just saying that when I GM, just because a player states that they are going to pull a weapon and fire it in someone's face, that doesn't mean they get to do that action first. Especially if it is a situation where like 20 people have guns drawn and are ready to throw down. (TG, I'm not knocking you...your decision on such matters is yours to make.) There is nothing wrong with GM intervention when a player does something out of line. That happens all the time in live gaming sessions.) |
OK, I understand what you mean now, and I agree with what you say here. That's an excellent point and makes lots of sense.
in agreement with WR: Your points on post sequencing are fine. Perhaps what I don't get is why there is a need for them. Isn't everyone already doing that? To me the only times when something has gone out of order and hasn't been changed are the 2 times that people shot weapons at NPCs outside of combat. Disallow that and we are fine. |
The main point I was trying to make was the need for systematically developing a system and structure for the game. Post sequencing was something I felt necessary for everyone to be aware of and in agreement with, so that if/when it is necessary, we're prepared for it.
I agree that for the most part, we've done absolutely fine. I had noticed however, a general lack of consensus/understanding on how far to advance the story, and what to do if overrunning did occur. I wanted to get everyone on the same page before any major problems occurred, because I like being prepared like that.
Okay, I lied, I disagree with the comment about sacrificing progression for accuracy. I don't get that one. Without progression, the game ends. Without accuracy, it is just kinda loopy. Obviously there needs to be a balance of both things. |
I am not saying we sacrifice progression for accuracy, just as I am saying we should not sacrifice accuracy for progression. I agree completely there should be a balance between the two.
From your previous posts, I was interpreting you as saying that it was ok to sacrifice accuracy for progression, which I disagree with. But I see we're saying the same thing, that balance is important, and I think we just ended up presenting our cases as leaning more strongly in one direction or the other than we really intended to do. Balance is good. All in agreement here.
I'd be willing to try a DROOC thread. However, it needs to be clear what should and shouldn't go in it otherwise we are going to have a mess on our hands. |
Agreed. And if we come up with a better method after (perhaps as a result of) having the DROOC, we can simply drop it in favor of the better method. I just want to try to improve on the current system. What that looks like is still largely undetermined.
@MK - you are right. If everyone put in comments it would be much easier to figure out what to look for on a changed page. |
Ah geez...I can't even get my character sheet up correctly. Now I have to figure out how to add comments?
I don't think we need to do another wiki rewrite though. Too much trouble and time. |
Not necessarily a rewrite, just reorganization so it's easier to read, find stuff, and generally just more coherent in its layout so it's more user friendly. But that's a topic we can tackle in more depth at a later date.
Whew. Nice and short, see?
May 5 2006, 12:07 AM
For agreeing with a lot of what you say, Rat, I really have to agree with Silo. I think your secret tactic is to wear people down under the sheer weight of text along side the rational thoroughness of your thoughts. It's a beating when it's really clear that some of us (I'm including myself) don't always read OOC/IC posts. That goes to discipline. I'm not sure you could say all that you want to say with less, but I think more people would read your posts as thoroughly as you write them if they were more brief.
AND I should point out that I'm in love with the idea of LitS, but to date have not made a character because I take the responisiblity I have as a player very seriously and want to read all of the documentation and be prepared in the way that you have outlined. Because I respect the efforts of all who have created that campaign. But so far it has too much to get through. Take that for what it's worth.

Re: IC/OOC/DROOC/wiki threads and links...
All threads wiki pages that we start should be crosslinked. That way if you click on the thread title you can use that as a table of contents/nav bar.
First IC post in the thread should have (discreet) links to OOC, DROOC, wiki.
First OOC post should have obvious links to IC, DROOC, wiki.
Rokur - in short - no. I don't think we CAN proceed properly without coming to some agreement - rationally - not based solely on wanting to get to posting - without resolving this. *I* certainly don't want to get back to posting unless we decide. And I think that all the work we do now will cause similar morasses to be avoided in the future.
I'm thinking that I don't want to be having this same discussion two months from now, and six months from now and a year from now. I want a system. I want the rules and procedures to be clear. I want us to all abide by them. There are too many actors in here to just 'go' without the quality of the game suffering.
May 5 2006, 12:09 AM
Ok.... um... yea... so can we do something??
Can we come up with perhaps a concrete plan of action? and just do it?
Question of importance 1) for TG to post tomorrow, and for everyone to move this game forward..... ARE WE DOING COMBAT OR ARE WE NOT!?!?!?!?!?!?! We can worry about mechanics or whatever later. Let's please continue and we'll start a refinement initiative headed by perhaps silo, ronin, rat, and sparky.....
PS - my only grievance for creating new threads is if this game expands, I don't wanna have to go searching through threads, the IC thread, OOC thread, DROOC thread, GMOOC thread, Combat thread, new recruitment thread, etc. etc. etc. This could much more cleanly and efficiently be done with easy links in the wiki.... |
It is my understanding that it is TG who has to inform us if we're doing combat the 'normal' way or the 'narrative' way. That makes it pretty hard to plan what we're doing.
In general though, I believe our plan was to get the heck out of here, hopefully with as many of us still breathing as possible. Beyond that, the situation has, how do I say this, rapidly deteriorated and simple survival has suddenly rocketed to the top of the list.
I'd suggest everyone just try to get out, help everyone out around you, fighters covering those who can't, and try to regroup later, using the comms if necessary.
I'm rereading the entire thread now to catch up, so once I have a better handle on the situation, I'll have more concrete thoughts.
And oh yes, now that tax season is over and I actually have time, I am a much different player, in case you couldn't tell.
May 5 2006, 12:11 AM
Sorry guys, I had several months worth of stuff to catch up on in only a couple posts. Once I'm fully up to speed I guarantee future posts will be much briefer.
May 5 2006, 12:12 AM
QUOTE (WinterRat1) |
And oh yes, now that tax season is over and I actually have time, I am a much different player, in case you couldn't tell. |
See, and I thought you'd gotten out of this game what you stated early on that you really loved... chargen and world creation.
May 5 2006, 12:12 AM
we have an escape plan..... it's listed on the current events page at the top......
and TG was asking us what we wanted to do combat or not.... but yes he will ultimately decide tomorrow....
May 5 2006, 12:13 AM
Combat combat combat!
Weeehoo! Defaulting to 2 AGI with a Mono-chainsaw FTW!
May 5 2006, 12:15 AM
QUOTE (WinterRat1) And oh yes, now that tax season is over and I actually have time, I am a much different player, in case you couldn't tell. |
See, and I thought you'd gotten out of this game what you stated early on that you really loved... chargen and world creation. |
Nah, I'm just obsessive compulsive sometimes about some things. OK many times about many things. That's probably how I got stuck being the Universe Coordinator of LITS. No one else enough is dumb enough to want the job.
MK Ultra
May 5 2006, 12:36 AM
Uhm, sorry guys, but you lost me with Winter Rat´s second large post.
I think Rokur allredy suggested, that we should sattle on the emidiately important stuff, now, we can still discuss improvements later, when the game can move along IC, while we are discussing, not in the middle of this tense situation!
Please let´s see, how we solve this battle, first! No need to ice the whole game, while we are sorting out this other stuff.
May 5 2006, 12:39 AM
Ok, here's my suggestion.
Let's use our collective "get out of jail free" cards, either in death of our characters (by choice) and remaking something new, or escaping by the skin of our teeth (with a few gunshot wounds or whatever scratches we want), FOR THIS COMBAT ONLY.
We all post on THIS thread the general idea/feel of what our characters are doing and TG (or ALL of us) can write up a final "ending" for this combat and we MOVE ON. We've all learned some crap from this, some of us are unhappy with how things are going, we all see areas for improvement, some of us just want this scene over so we can keep the enjoyment of the game/story going.
It's hard when we're all juggling various abilities to be a part of this game. Some of us can post every hour, some of us can only post once a week. It's hard to find a balance that works for ALL of us, but there has to be a compromise on all ends. I'd really hate to see the "discussion" of what to do bog us down so much that people lose interest to play anymore.
I really don't want this thread/game/story to die a painful death. There's SO much potential and up till this combat sequence, I really think we had something damn cool going. Even with the combat this is still cool... but I can admit, I'm having a hard time getting as amped up about posting as I used to be.

Perhaps the first thing we need to do is decide what we're all here for and what we want out of this game. Are we here for char development, gun fights? Are we here because this was proposed to be a "looser run game" without the strict status of a "GM'ed game"? Are we looking for a typical game that is entirely driven by what the GM wants and leads us towards?
May 5 2006, 02:05 AM
QUOTE (Vegas) |
Perhaps the first thing we need to do is decide what we're all here for and what we want out of this game. Are we here for char development, gun fights? Are we here because this was proposed to be a "looser run game" without the strict status of a "GM'ed game"? Are we looking for a typical game that is entirely driven by what the GM wants and leads us towards? |
Hear, Hear, Vegas!
That said, I've edited your post down to the part I'm giving a direct response to

Why am I here?
A few reasons, first among them: Dra.
I get to game with him, but almost exclusively with him as the GM. It is great to be able to play with him where he is a player!
Secondly: escapism.
I used to MUSH a LOT, but RL doesn't allow for me to be sitting and focus on just one game for any lengthy amount of time (many who frequent our IRC channel know this is because I am so busy with the autism homework, for 4yo, I'm not even getting my housework done each day, and soon not only will I have more autism homework, I'm going to have increasing ADHD homework, for 9yo, and a whole lot more to get done while somehow figuring out how to get 'the basics' done, even though right now they aren't, and still have time to even Think about any kind of playtime! "If Momma ain't happy...")
Anyway, seeing it suggested that I should be happy that within IC days of creation my char is now going to die (amid proclamations, that I was not sure how serious they were since some sounded at least semi-serious while others seemed to be joking around, that we are all going to die)... was unpleasant (the suggestions that I should think dying so soon is the best thing that could ever possibly happen is what I am referring to as being unpleasant).
Knowing TG is probably as busy as I am doesn't make hearing about what I perceived to be akin to a small warband come down on us then reading something along the lines of 'I did not expect you to fight' any more enjoyable either, nor the later comment about no prep work when several people WERE trying to figure things out IC and were even making rolls in OOC for it. (In other words, TG needs us to get our info that he needs to be reading into a more easily accessible format for him so he knows he's touched on things instead of things getting 'lost' along the way, though I am not one who would know how best to go about that, I simply recognize that it needs doing).
I am in this game to RP with a good crowd, which I ultimately believe you all are even if at any given moment I may not agree with a particular comment. I am not here to be told, or be made to feel, that my opinion is 'unworthy' or any implications of such (and I will stress that my char dying this quickly IC is, in my opinion, in no way, shape or form fun).
OOC we've been playing some weeks, and I do believe that IC we're on the second day. I want to have a chance to get to know my character, and the people she interacts with, before I have to retire her - she's only just begun! (yeah, I'm the kind of person who fleshes out her char through gameplay)
I didn't come here for dramatic deaths every day, I came here for a 'looser run game' that would be about a bunch of kids growing up and trying to stay out of trouble while getting into some kind of trouble on the streets - char development, not immediate nor mass character death - within a medium that my basically not having time to have a life would not be totally detrimental to.
My thanks to any of you who have actually read this far

I'm too tired to add any conclusions or the like and I know I've said more than some of you could care about

This post reflects my opinions only, others will have to express their own opinions for themselves *VMG*
MK Ultra
May 5 2006, 01:54 PM
QUOTE (ES_Sparky) |
Rokur - in short - no. I don't think we CAN proceed properly without coming to some agreement - rationally - not based solely on wanting to get to posting - without resolving this. *I* certainly don't want to get back to posting unless we decide. And I think that all the work we do now will cause similar morasses to be avoided in the future.
I'm thinking that I don't want to be having this same discussion two months from now, and six months from now and a year from now. I want a system. I want the rules and procedures to be clear. I want us to all abide by them. There are too many actors in here to just 'go' without the quality of the game suffering. |
Sorry, Sparky, but I really can´t see your point here
Why can´t we discuss this suff WHILE we are proceding? The game has run before and it was fun, at least to some of us. Now the things you (as in plural) want to discuss are all nice and good, and I´m in to do so, but I see absolutly no reason, why we can´t go on with the game, while we are sorting these things out. Honestly, this whole discussion, while the IC is compleatly stopped is killing the game for me! If this goes on, I´ll drop out, soon, I fear.
Why can´t we just decide on how to solve this battle (narative, semi-narative, semi-combat, combat, whatever) and go on. Then we can discuss all these good improvement proposals, while we are going on.
Did the game so fare suck so much for you, that you would better not proceed at all, then proceed as before, while we are discussing improvements?
My motivation was allready drained, when mass battle started (but that´s another issue), right now, it´s dying