Apr 4 2006, 09:02 AM
Ok so I posted... I'd rather not do leadership rolls, or ettiquete, unless you guys want me to. I'd rather play these out IC so that we get real dialogue and feeling into 'em.

But, I do wanna try to intimidate Neo into standing down. (It was an opputunity I couldn't resist.) It will be opposed test = MY intimidation + Charisma vs NEO's intimidation + Willpower. (yes you can default on intimidation....)
Intimidation (-1) + Charisma (6) + Home Ground (2) = 7 dice 2,[5],[6],1,1,[5],[6] = 4 hits |
Whew and almost a glitch. And by accident the gun DOES pop out! ACK!
Also a perception roll for astral on boxes.
Perception (2) + Intuition (4) + Home Ground (2) = 8 dice 1,3,1,[5],4,[5],1,2 = 2 hits 1 glitch |
PS don't be too jealous, I had to convert a D&D gaming group I played with into a SR4 group. And they barely know the rules, so it's kinda slow... and dull... and uninventive, but they are learning fast... and easy to manipulate
Apr 4 2006, 09:07 AM
Wohoo! Auran's my hero!

I'm going to wait for a reaction or two before Wyrm responds...
MK Ultra
Apr 4 2006, 11:54 AM
What a show
Rokur, I think youd get a -2 dice mod from distraction due to the astral perception, wouldn´t you? (I´ll look it up)
Nick, you might want to add a Timestamp to your last post.
Vagas, your BG expansion got me some ideas. Any objections to TF being the one, who fixed up the two of them after the beating, having been unabled to stabilize Sascha. (BTW was this one maleor female? You never know with these names

Rokur, the book saz -2 on all physical tests (i.e. shooting or driving). So I don´t thik, social checks would be hindered in this way, but TG would have to rule (when there is a situation, that is more tricky, this time, both would get the same mod).
Apr 4 2006, 12:50 PM
I just want to confirm that IC it has not been revealed to anyone else that Neo did the video capture and upload to the SS node?
Apr 4 2006, 12:59 PM
Couple of things....maybe a few.
Didn't TG say that you can't use Intimidation on PCs? Maybe he didn't but I don't think you can. Social skills are used on NPCs cuz they don't have people controlling them besides the GM and it wouldn't be fair for the GM to meta game to that extent. Oh was another game TG is running that he said that in. It wasn't Intimidation, it was seduction.
I still think the same may apply.
Second, why is everyone still talking about the vid that no one knows about? It is seriously jacking up the whole freakin scene, yet people keep posting about it.
Third, looks like we had another time jump. Not sure if it was a typo or what, but MK, you skipped a little over a minute ahead in your third post. We can't do that if we want to keep continuity of a situation intact.
@Rokur...if you look at JJ for assensing or whatever, his aura went from tense to pissed.
Apr 4 2006, 01:00 PM
QUOTE (DireRadiant) |
I just want to confirm that IC it has not been revealed to anyone else that Neo did the video capture and upload to the SS node? |
Until Felix made IC mention of it, I was not aware of anyone other than Neo (and now the 'Star) knowing of it.
I understand this to be why Vegas edited Halo's pose to no longer include reference to Felix's accustions about the node vid in question, though I do recall someone else has since ICly reacted to Felix's mention of it...
So from my point of view, we are waiting to see if Mister Juan will be editting that bit out when he gets back to the boards.
MK Ultra
Apr 4 2006, 01:44 PM
QUOTE (Silo @ Apr 4 2006, 07:59 AM) |
Third, looks like we had another time jump. Not sure if it was a typo or what, but MK, you skipped a little over a minute ahead in your third post. We can't do that if we want to keep continuity of a situation intact. |
Sorry to confuse anyone. The post goes a bit far, because the watchers dont really care what hapens around them, until after some time, they just keep imitating events, that went about up to one minute ago.
Also I used Timestamps in two different ways, since we dont have set a convention on this (which would be a good thing to do). When the post is written in present (as far as my meager english knowledge allows it), it is a forward post, meaning everything hapens AFTER the Time Signature. When it is writen in past (again as far as my writing expertise is good for), it is a backward post, meaning everything written in past would have hapened before the Time Signature. So with my last post (Rattleheads), the Time Signature indicates the point where they finish mimicing the intimidation, while the Signatures in the 2 posts befor this, indicate the starting point of TF´s actions.
I´m not entirelly clear which method everyone else is using, I usually used forward posting.

About the vid, I ignored any statement concerning this in my own posts.
Apr 4 2006, 01:47 PM
Who is Nurse's sponsor IC?
MK Ultra
Apr 4 2006, 01:49 PM
It´s Bronze Wyrm, who brought her along.
Apr 4 2006, 01:49 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
I´m not entirelly clear which method everyone else is using, I usually used forward posting. |
I use the forward posting way too, which it seems what most people are doing.
Can we all simply agree that if the timestamp is written as normal (like they all are up to this point) then it means that is the START of the post.
If you want to make it the end of the post, just put "Up to XX:XX:XX" with Up to being the key.
Apr 4 2006, 01:57 PM
I'm actually generally writing my posts in a mode of descriptive narrative relevant at the time of the post timestamp. Which means it may describe some events of the immediate past, in past tense, the current moment in present tense, and I try to be careful to make any "future" acts be ones that do not preclude any other characters actions or events.
In a way it makes the post very isolated and independent, but this interferes the least with other's posts.
Apr 4 2006, 02:16 PM
@New Players
I'm already so far over my head with this... why not. If you can write yourself in in a hurry, you're free to start as part of the gang now. Otherwise, you'll have to wait a short bit.
QUOTE (Rokur) |
Ok so I posted... I'd rather not do leadership rolls, or ettiquete, unless you guys want me to. I'd rather play these out IC so that we get real dialogue and feeling into 'em. |
No social skills bind other PCs (you can roll them for an idea of how convincing you are, but the other person is free to ignore the result). Not even intimidate unless you have an ability that lets you impose penalties with it. Just the way of it.
Assensing and defaulting
I'll allow you to default assensing if you have astral perception as an innate ability. Deepweed doesn't count.
Social tests and astral perception
I don't see why you'd get a penalty, unless you're interacting with something not present on the astral (a commcall, for instance). People are present there, so...
QUOTE (Silo) |
Can we all simply agree that if the timestamp is written as normal (like they all are up to this point) then it means that is the START of the post. |
I agree.
In general, I'll be posting later today or tonight. I haven't caught up on the IC yet, and I'm sure I've missed some OOC questions. If you have an OOC question/issue that hasn't been addressed yet, please just repeat it.
Oh, and did someone send some watcher spirits to annoy the star? Because I seem to have missed the post... and that'd be kind of important.
MK Ultra
Apr 4 2006, 02:44 PM
@ GMNo, the Watchers (at least TF´s, I dont think anybody else summoned any) are all inside the HQ, I cept them there, expressly to not draw any attention by lonestar (not even leting them patrole the HQ, but only say in the main room). Thuss I´m doodling away thair last 12 Minutes of lifetime with senseless charade (unless something hapens that makes thair services necessary again)

I thought, I had some request, that has not been answert, but I can´t remember at the time. So I´d just ask on a decision for TF´s mentor spirit again (as layed out via PM).
Oh yes and we should put down how we are going to handle group contacts, the latest suggetions on the wiki where very good, IMO, but there was no decision yet.
I´d agree on the time signature terms, thanks for clarification. If somebody uses a mixed post, like DireRadiant described it and I have done some times, I´d sugest including multiple time signatures (like DR did). I think there should also be a new signature after any significant change in location, even if it is the same post.
Mister Juan
Apr 4 2006, 03:09 PM
Alright. So I went back and reread the whole stuffer shack scene and spotted where I misunderstood something. For some reason, I had misread Nic's post as Neo leaving an "AR message"; like a AR tag/message that anyone near the stuffer shack could "read" if they were looking around in AR mode. I simply didn't understand how Neo could leave his message any other way, because leaving it "on the node" would imply him cracking in the Stuffer Shack's VR node and uploading the whole thing.
I guess the whole thing depends on how one envisions how technology works in SR4, something which I still have to wrap my head around.
I'll go back and edit my post today.
Apr 4 2006, 03:10 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
EDIT: Vagas, your BG expansion got me some ideas. Any objections to TF being the one, who fixed up the two of them after the beating, having been unabled to stabilize Sascha. (BTW was this one maleor female? You never know with these names ) |
If TF was around that's fine by me. Basically if anyone reads the 20-questions and wants to incorporate it into their background somehow if there's a connection with Halo that's fine by me.
And yes, Sascha was female.
Apr 4 2006, 03:23 PM
QUOTE (Mister Juan) |
I guess the whole thing depends on how one envisions how technology works in SR4, something which I still have to wrap my head around. |
The relevant IC post
QUOTE (nick012000) |
After executing the ganger, Neo flicks up the AR screen and logs onto the Stuffer Shack's node, leaving behind a message to everyone that logs on.
<<This store is under the protection of the 410 Crash. This is what happens to those that would try to attack it.>>
He then grabs a video stream from his helmet camera, records the carnage, and appends it to the message.
He then runs over to his motorcycle, and drives back to the base. |
I think the intent was that anyone logging on or connecting to the Stuffer Shack AR node would see this message, or be able to see this message. Without Hacking the node, I don't think this would be the MOTD pushed to everyone connecting. My assumption is that this is uploaded to the equivalent of a public Notices or For Sale area on the Stuffer Shack AR Node. Which is public enough. I also assume that the AR node for Stuffer Shack is aceessible to anyone walking by on the street as part of advertising. And available remotely of course.
ICly I can easily understand why almost no one would have gone and connected to the Stuffer Shack AR node, simply on the basis of not wanting to leave a data trail to the Stuffer Shack.
I also seem to remember a bunch of people making purchases of items just prior to the Stuffer Shack Incident.
Who'd have thought buying some soy noodles could cause so much trouble?
Apr 4 2006, 03:35 PM
...records the carnage... |
This to me is in line with what Nick has said OOC about Neo only taping the bodies and not posting the actual fight. "Carnage" is what happened, not the fighting itself.
There is nothing to imply that he taped any of us shooting anyone or doing anything incriminating. And, there is no reason to think he would have done that on purpose.
This of course doesn't change anyone's thoughts on the execution, from those of us that don't care to those of us that do, but it is a critical point.
@ All - Is anyone checking out the SS scene? JJ will ask, but I think someone might have already mentioned it.
Apr 4 2006, 04:18 PM
QUOTE (Dranem @ Apr 4 2006, 09:07 AM) |
Wohoo! Auran's my hero!  I'm going to wait for a reaction or two before Wyrm responds... |
Yay! so, hero as in I just saved your ass? or hero cause she's so "cool".... just as a clarification
Also @ Silo-
did JJ's aura turned to pissed after I made those threatening comments? or after the whole speech... cuz i looked around BEFORE delivering the "news" to you guys.
I'm gonna wait a while, let everyone get reactions in before posting IC again, trying to keep it fair.
Apr 4 2006, 04:25 PM
@Rokur - after your threats, prior to the bit about what Wyrm said.
Apr 4 2006, 04:26 PM
o.0! hehehe
Apr 4 2006, 04:28 PM
QUOTE (Rokur) |
o.0! hehehe |
Apr 4 2006, 04:40 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra @ Apr 4 2006, 11:54 AM) |
Rokur, I think youd get a -2 dice mod from distraction due to the astral perception, wouldn´t you? (I´ll look it up) |
Umm... I don't think that would be a difference at all... but I did negate my glasses modifier (seeing how I doubt glasses will help me see astral things)
@TG - Are there any other npc gang members besides Slam? I remember we planned for them to exist, but I was just curious about what has been decided on it[/edit]
MK Ultra
Apr 4 2006, 05:05 PM
I didn´t mean the modifire should aply to astral perception, but maybe to social skills, the book is unclear on that, but TG ruled, it would only aply to social skills, when interacting via comlink, etc. not when interacting in person.
On the reading of emotional reactions, however:
QUOTE (Tinker Gnome) |
Assensing and defaulting
I'll allow you to default assensing if you have astral perception as an innate ability. Deepweed doesn't count. |
QUOTE (Rokur) |
@TG - Are there any other npc gang members besides Slam? I remember we planned for them to exist, but I was just curious about what has been decided on it |
I know, I´m not TG, but at least Steel was converted into a npc, after Electrode was up. TG also wrote somewhere, that the gang will have 25 Members, IIRC, so there are some slots left.
MK Ultra
Apr 4 2006, 06:14 PM
@ GM
Uh Tinker Gnome, my memory didn´t fail compleatly after all. There was this unanswered request a while back..
QUOTE (Me @ myself and I) |
@ GM How much costs a punch of alcohol-antidote? What about cheap painkillers? If you don´t want to make something up, it can just be stuff not powerfull enough, to have gameeffects on his damage modifire (same for the stimulants). I´m prepaired to pay some extra for the Waffel Ho food, as I think its pretty extravagant for a squatter lifestyle. |
The real issue is the alcohol antidote, the other stuff is just icing.
Apr 4 2006, 06:17 PM
@GM -
What was all the stuff we gathered from the Stuffer and how much cash?
Mister Juan
Apr 4 2006, 07:14 PM
We should add a "question pad" to the wiki, where we could list all the questions we have, and TG could simply put his answers there. I think it would be much simpler, and avoid the "going back three pages to read everything" thing
MK Ultra
Apr 4 2006, 07:59 PM
Second that!
BTW, have writen up something about Sascha and Halo in Tao´s Take on her and his Background (anchored to Take)
Apr 4 2006, 08:42 PM
Mister Juan
Apr 4 2006, 09:01 PM
So, which Wiki are we now using???
Apr 4 2006, 09:09 PM
TG signaled the official switch to the410crash some time last week.
I see that people are still editing characters in both places and to help the transition if you don't want to hassle with reformatting your character for the new page (I'll get to it, I swear) just edit the the410crash page for your PC and paste your current character at the top of the page. Though, please take care not to nuke the template because their links are all hooked up and happy.
Apr 4 2006, 09:12 PM
If you want some help editing the new Wiki and porting over char sheets I'm willing to help. I've got some extra time on my hands
Mister Juan
Apr 4 2006, 09:16 PM
I well, I'm currently trying to do it... but with very little success
MK Ultra
Apr 4 2006, 09:19 PM
I´d be willing to help, too, as long as somebody else hastles with puting in the gear
Apr 4 2006, 09:20 PM
Wow, knock yourselves out. Just don't step on eachother's toes.

You guys rule!
Apr 4 2006, 09:22 PM
I'll start from the bottom, I'll grab and move over ToyRobot and Thyn. or at least as much is over on the other Wiki that I can find
MK Ultra
Apr 4 2006, 09:23 PM
@ Mr. Juan
The sheet looks good, doesn´t it? Well except Gear

. I can expand the tabel for you (thnx to Vegas) in a second, if thats your problem

MK Ultra
Apr 4 2006, 09:24 PM
I´ll shock Dranem, by porting the RP Location threads to the new page, and replacing them with links on the old
Apr 4 2006, 09:28 PM
I'm pretty much caught up with the IC locations, I'm going to do a little editing though - putting the Houston meet in it's own IC location rather than in general (Been debating this for a bit)
I hope to have all the pages updated to the 410Crash wiki by the end of my shift. It'll be under When with the Timeline.
Auran's my hero cause she not only saved Wyrm's ass by taking some of the heat off of her, but you also successfully difused the conflict. That was smooth...
But yeah, unless Slam snaps at Wyrm, she owes Auran a drink or two...
I was going to hold back on blurting out the whole paid thug thing that Auran and Wyrm were talking about at the cooler, but the booze, the weed and the need to take some heat off of Felix made her loose her resolve. (I rolled a Willpower check, and failed, though I know I didn't post the results in OOC)
I haven't really dug much Matrix wise for the Star cause I'm unsure where TG wants to go with it.. so (as you'll see in my post) Wyrm's just seeing the Stuffer node as too hot and is staying clear so as not to draw attention to herself. (she has no stealth complexe form, or else she may have tried it)
Apr 4 2006, 09:31 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
I´ll shock Dranem, by porting the RP Location threads to the new page, and replacing them with links on the old |
*giggles*, making Dra wonder if he's missed something
Apr 4 2006, 09:34 PM
Links to the new logs are up at the410crash under the When tab, per your intimations that that was where you wanted them.
MK Ultra
Apr 4 2006, 10:01 PM
I´d strongly suggest to put the singel location links directly on the story page, they don´t take up much place just like the summery. tis saves one klick and avoids one page with nothing but links on it.
Apr 4 2006, 10:05 PM
I thought about that and decided that when the stories get really long we'll probably want them separate... I would anyway. But we can discuss it. There should be a discussion section for the folks who want to run that part of the wiki. If there's not a discussion section, then that front page there should have it.
And if that's how you folks who are maintaining that want to run it, by all means, please do so.
Apr 4 2006, 10:06 PM
@ Voorhees
Well, you know, I didn't actually pull the gun... just threatened it's use... it's still sheathed... in Auran's eyes that's a HUGE difference.
Apr 4 2006, 10:10 PM
ToyRobot's been ported over to the new Wiki to the best of my abilities.
Wounded Ronin, you'll have to add anything I didn't know or you want to expand on
Apr 4 2006, 10:14 PM
Say TG, I'm going to do a little node scanning, checking GridLink traffic cameras, and online traffic. I know the Stuffer is hot and will only approach it if I see a clear path. I'll log off soon as I see any traces of IC or active users.
Apr 4 2006, 10:18 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
I´d strongly suggest to put the singel location links directly on the story page, they don´t take up much place just like the summery. tis saves one klick and avoids one page with nothing but links on it. |
Yeah I was thinking of putting up a heading with each location linked off of the main page. I'm also thinking of dividing the HQ thread into 2: One before the meet, the other after... I'm looking at how to best reduce page length while not forcing everyone to link to too many locations.
I'll sort out the links tonight and then start copy/pasting the actual logs tomorrow.. that way I can get feedback on if it's too much or too little.
Apr 4 2006, 10:39 PM
Thyn's been ported over to the new Wiki too.
Thyme Same rules apply, you'll have to edit/fill in anything that's missing
*claps her hands together*
Who is next?!?
Apr 4 2006, 10:41 PM
I know this is a bit off topic. But I was wondering, if we can keep this story so alive and kicking (and there seems to be non-stop drama or action which is awesome.) Can we... i dunno... sell it? It's a freaking great story! and we're only on day 1! The writing seems decent, people are staying IC which is creating better dialogue then most other books/comics/tv/movies, and it's got blood, violence, special effects, hot girls on racing bikes, magic, drama, and even some comedy here and there! (Though, noone's the funny guy in the group yet...

, maybe it's Neo...

Mister Juan
Apr 4 2006, 10:43 PM
@ MK Ultra & Thanee
We should do a little "magical resource pool" to see what we can set up as a magical team. Since Felix is a hermetic mage, and both of you follow a shamanistic tradition, we can already forget about ritual spellcasting.
What we can do is help each other out to create wards: either a few very strong ones (by doing it as teamwork) or a bunch of smaller weak ones (solo). The only thing I'm worried about is that if we do it as a team, we'd have to stick under Force 2 as not to cause physical drain to TF. The rules don't actually state it loud and clear, but I believe that if you do any magical team work, the Force is limited by the lowest magical attribute in the team. The other way to read it could be that it is only limited by the "leading character's" magic attribute. Thats one think that needs to be cleared up.
I also think that if summoning can be done as teamwork, we should definitely do it, so we can get spirits as powerful as possible. Since I didn't find anything concerning "ritual summoning", I don't know if traditions come into play. Binding spirits would also be a very very good thing, since it would allow us to have more magical critters running around.
Anyways, here are some of Felix's important numbers concerning magic. I suggest you both do the same, so we can quickly know how to spread our ressources effectively.
Maximum Force (physical drain): 6 Maximum Safe Force: 3
Counterspelling Pool: 3 dices Astral Combat Pool: 4 dices Spellcasting Pool: 6 dices Conjuring Pool: 5 dices Drain Resistance: 11 dices
Total of Bounds Spirits he can have: 3 Total of Watchers he can have: 3
Max area he can ward: 150 cubic meters
Astral Attributes Agility (Logic): 5 Body (Willpower): 5 Reaction (Intuition): 3 Strenght (Charisma): 3 Astral Damage: 2S IP: 3 Initiative: 6 Maximum time in astral form: 3 hours |
MK Ultra
Apr 4 2006, 10:46 PM
I have ported all the story pages to the new wiki.
I have linked them up to the main "Story so far" page, but it still looks pretty ugly. I thought it was better though, to do the main gang locations into the first line, any special locations inside the turf on the 2nd and any special locations outside the turf on the 3ed (right now its only the awakened auburn, but there willcome more; at least MacGee´s and a general "On The Streets" page).
I wouldn´t cut the location pages apart (at least not befor the end of a main story arc). The length of a page is no problem, if you link to anchors from the top to special points (before the meet, after the meet ...) instead of puting up a compleatly new page.
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