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.. all too soon

try reading the thread through twice. that'll keep that blood good and flowing.

Grinder: Pulling ahead there. I salute you. Is it wrong that between the two of us, we probably have more posts than everyone else ? Although JJ is pretty close! here's a cookie JJ ! Catch! Still waiting on that chinese BTW. Getting really hungry. Been gnawing on my leg for the last month now. looks funny when i walk 'cause I only work on the right leg. My wife only chews her left. It's good for our relationship though, 'cause when we walk together,m we can lean on each other, and no one really notices. wink.gif
SCORE! 51! eek.gif
*pats fist on the head sadly*

The internal bleeding should stop soon.
I bleed so that I know I'm alive.

And don't call me 'Fist'. Makes me sound like some sort of sexual deviant.
Well the craziest thing i have killed ...i mean wounded a PC with a Kid who took a flame thrower from a dead ganger.
you wounded a PC with a Kid!? What'd you do, swing him by his little legs and whack the guy with 'em or something? That's just wrong man.
Oh? What's this, am I misinterpreting your statement Grinder, but it seems that you are usurping some of my inquisitorial powers. That is... troubling. You are now under observation too.

I'm a non-native english speaker, so my posts may be irritating sometimes. But be sure, that i'm no heretic - the only suspected heretic is PiXeL01.
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
Grinder: Pulling ahead there. I salute you. Is it wrong that between the two of us, we probably have more posts than everyone else ? Although JJ is pretty close!

Seems as if we are the prophetic gifted.
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
you wounded a PC with a Kid!? What'd you do, swing him by his little legs and whack the guy with 'em or something? That's just wrong man.

No the flame thrower got him dumb ass but meta human bodies have injured a few though.
QUOTE (Mr.Platinum)
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ Dec 21 2005, 12:46 PM)
you wounded a PC with a Kid!? What'd you do, swing him by his little legs and whack the guy with 'em or something? That's just wrong man.

No the flame thrower got him dumb ass but meta human bodies have injured a few though.

RED Foreman forever.
How did you know I was training a small squad of Drop Bears by watching "That 70's Show" 24/7? You should see the attack called "Foot up your ass!" rotfl.gif
PiXeL01 should be put to the test. The only question remains is whether or not floating or sinking indicates heretic status. I suggest a squad of Holy Drop Bear Thor Shot Commandos be on the alert while the test is administered just in case.
Need not worry about the test results, it is interpreted as per the holy Drop Bear scriptures that was written long ago by the First Drop Bear on the sacred Eucalyptus books. Sing praise to the Scripture and smell the pages!
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
Grinder: Pulling ahead there. I salute you. Is it wrong that between the two of us, we probably have more posts than everyone else ? Although JJ is pretty close! here's a cookie JJ !

Grinder + fistandantilus3.0 posts < 300.
Other posts ~ 900.
QUOTE (PlainWhiteSocks)
PiXeL01 should be put to the test. The only question remains is whether or not floating or sinking indicates heretic status. I suggest a squad of Holy Drop Bear Thor Shot Commandos be on the alert while the test is administered just in case.

Nonsense! Weigh him vs a duck - that will tell if he's a witch or not!
QUOTE (DocMortand)
QUOTE (PlainWhiteSocks @ Dec 21 2005, 12:28 PM)
PiXeL01 should be put to the test. The only question remains is whether or not floating or sinking indicates heretic status.  I suggest a squad of Holy Drop Bear Thor Shot Commandos be on the alert while the test is administered just in case.

Nonsense! Weigh him vs a duck - that will tell if he's a witch or not!

Won't that just tell if he is a duck or not?
QUOTE (DocMortand)
Nonsense! Weigh him vs a duck - that will tell if he's a witch or not!
well, sure... but where are you gonna get a duck, and scales that large?

hmmm... maybe if you go to a park, you could use one of those things (i've heard/used different names... teeter-totter, see-saw, whatever... )

hmmm... and perhaps it would be more appropriate to compare his weight to that of a drop bear, all things considered?
What is this Maddness??/

Oh well i guess we need the HUmor Here.

I will Gladly join the Drop Beer/bear Megalomania cult.
QUOTE (tisoz)
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ Dec 21 2005, 01:08 AM)
Grinder: Pulling ahead there. I salute you.  Is it wrong that between the two of us, we probably have more posts than everyone else ? Although JJ is pretty close! here's a cookie JJ !

Grinder + fistandantilus3.0 posts < 300.
Other posts ~ 900.

Don't try and confuse me with your "facts" heretic
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0)
QUOTE (tisoz @ Dec 21 2005, 05:45 PM)
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ Dec 21 2005, 01:08 AM)
Grinder: Pulling ahead there. I salute you.  Is it wrong that between the two of us, we probably have more posts than everyone else ? Although JJ is pretty close! here's a cookie JJ !

Grinder + fistandantilus3.0 posts < 300.
Other posts ~ 900.

Don't try and confuse me with your "facts" heretic

You have found me out.

Perhaps it was that I declined proudly displaying my Drop Bear thread member number?

No one ever said you needed mathematical ability to lead drop bear/beer legions, certainly not I.
QUOTE (tisoz)
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ Dec 21 2005, 11:13 PM)
QUOTE (tisoz @ Dec 21 2005, 05:45 PM)
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ Dec 21 2005, 01:08 AM)
Grinder: Pulling ahead there. I salute you.  Is it wrong that between the two of us, we probably have more posts than everyone else ? Although JJ is pretty close! here's a cookie JJ !

Grinder + fistandantilus3.0 posts < 300.
Other posts ~ 900.

Don't try and confuse me with your "facts" heretic

You have found me out.

Perhaps it was that I declined proudly displaying my Drop Bear thread member number?

No one ever said you needed mathematical ability to lead drop bear/beer legions, certainly not I.

Wait is tisoz a heretic or simply a duck in disguise that doesn't know how to count? I say we send the Holy Drop Bear Inquisition to remove his mask and see if he has feathers, fur, or purple Drop Beer. Nothing good can come from purple Drop Beer.
I agree with you brother.

Most likely he's a fraggle-oompa loompa in disguise. Those DIEFOCers are back again. Why doesn't anyone else see it!
Be cautious my brothers, he is probably a shaman of the Great Trasheap. They are known for their consuming need for information in the form of junky tidbits of knowledge, from which could be extrapolated the full scope of our great works.
QUOTE (Jrayjoker)
Be cautious my brothers, he is probably a shaman of the Great Trasheap. They are known for their consuming need for information in the form of junky tidbits of knowledge, from which could be extrapolated the full scope of our great works.

So wait, does he have a power foci of a trash bin and Grouch as an ally spirit then?

If so, we need to sic some drop bears legions on his happy butt, damn the torpedos, FULL SPEED AHEAD!

....uh oh. I think I'm losing coherency. Must read thread through for 15th time...
A unit of Drop Bear Inquisitors have been dispatched and are awaiting drop orders from the intelligence directorate to proceed.
Just wait til I finish assembling the army of Polar Drop Bears.
Let the work of the Drop Bear Inquisition begin!
Begin your work Elder, with Brothers tisoz and PiXeL01. We must be sure of their dedication. All this talk of 'facts' and 'logic' and 'reason' have no place here!

(also, do a quick session on Mr. Pltinum. He's not really suspect, but he called me names, and that hurts frown.gif )

Let the truth ring out!
So what is the status of tisoz' and PiXel01' interrogation by the Holy Drop Bear Inquisition?
Yeah thats cause i worship a Ghoul Red Foreman.
I hung a drop bear over the Chiminy this Christmas Eve. All was quiet and not a creature was stiring. All of a sudden I was awakened by such a clatter, it was my drop bear going thump on a jolly old elf. My trap had been sprung and Saint Nick was dead. Carefully, I stripped the danilion eater of his clothes and dressed a giant zombie drop bear in the fine red garments. Taking my favorite from red bag of loot, I handed the rest to the undead monstrosity and commanded it to climb up the fireplace. The last I saw of the large ichor dripping koala dressed in red it was flying off into the distance crying on Dasher , on Dancer, on Doner and Vixen.
Lady Door
Awwww.. a Christmas Drop Bear post. It warms the heart. It really does. *sniff,sniff*
that explains the red, bloody foot prints .....

and the bodies drained of blood, hung by the Chimney with care...
Priceless biggrin.gif
QUOTE (Grinder)
So what is the status of tisoz' and PiXel01' interrogation by the Holy Drop Bear Inquisition?

It proceeds slowly... they keep screaming and then fainting as we put them and their associates to the question. Also many of the members of the inquisition units keep taking time off this time of year, many of them wanting to stay up on Christmas to lay traps at the chimneys. It hampers the questioning time considerably, but it still proceeds. But we are glad to hear that the Christmas project was successful over on your end, Brother Hyzmarca. grinbig.gif
Fantastic job Brother hyzmarca.
My legion of Drop Bears have been spreading Christmas HMHVV in the far off land of Rosendale, Missouri. They have never seen nor heard of even the more mundane koala let alone the Holy Drop Bear. It was almost too easy to convert people there. A few Drop Bears as tree ornaments, a few in stockings on Christmas eve, and a few Holy Drop Bear Commandos wrapped as gifts tucked under the tree. I think it’s safe to say Rosendale has been conquered. We need not worry about Oompa Loompas, Fraggles, or used car salesmen in that area.

Now... on with the inquisition. Have we figured out if tisoz and PiXeL01 are ducks or not? What about Mr.Platinum? He professes to worship a Ghoul Red Foreman. Is that another form of Drop Bear, and do they eat eucalyptus?

I was reading through Shadows of Asia and there's mention of a panda infected with HMHVV... very interesting. It was in some scandal involving a CEO and some minors... Something I will not touch even with a ten foot pole.
It matters not if they are ducks or heretics they both are delicious Peking style.

QUOTE (Jrayjoker)
No, but they do feast on the despair of the human soul when it realizes it was just killed by Winny the Pooh on crack.

best laugh i had in a long time.. thanx
I was reading through Shadows of Asia and there's mention of a panda infected with HMHVV... very interesting.

yea.. i heard of them too, my GM has threatend us with them a few times... sadly i think one of my characters would welcome that challenge hand to claw...

yay for orc physads
why has'nt this thread died yet?
QUOTE (Mr.Platinum)
why has'nt this thread died yet?

Because you keep posting, and we amuse ourselves.
Just Die Already.
Actually they are spreading. Drop Bears just made a cameo with William Shatner in the EVO Mars thread over in SR4
I was reading through Shadows of Asia and there's mention of a panda infected with HMHVV... very interesting. It was in some scandal involving a CEO and some minors... Something I will not touch even with a ten foot pole.

hehe, yeah, mentioned that about 20 pages ago. But really no one can be expected to remember all of that. Without Verses being numbered, it'll be pretty difficult to be able to memorize this thread like some people do the bible. Soooo..... time to get to work numbering those verses people!

Mr. Platinum: it won't die because it regenerates. mentioned that before too. I think we've found our heretic.
Herald of Verjigorm
No, heretic would imply some level of belief. He's just a heathen infidel.
sorry, but "Kill the infidel" just includes so much other baggage these days.
Do you really think the use of the term 'infidel' is a problem in this thread? We are invading and destroying foreign (at least to some of us wink.gif ) countries and killing masses of people. Is that politically correct? I don't think so.

This is not supposed to be a flame or something like that. smile.gif
huh? We're killing people!? I thought we were having cute litte lteddy bears deliver orange soda to differnet nations! Oh I've been such a fool! Stop the madness! This can't go on! ... If we're killing people, it should be GRAPE soda!
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