Jan 9 2006, 05:23 AM
*blinks* I went on a vacation for a week and a half and the thread is still going.
I'm so PROUD!
*goes back and rereads all 54 pages...*
Jan 9 2006, 02:56 PM
*Prepeares a Crashcart for Doc Mortand*
This thread will never die not until we have all the world in our pouch.
How may I aid in our campaign in scandanavia, I finally have the mermaid in the garden and now my swing band thirst for battle/show biz.
I await instruction from the Elders.
Jan 9 2006, 04:37 PM
QUOTE (Ophis) |
I await instruction from the Elders. |
Did you Drop Bear Legions have some free days to killmaimburn ehhh.. relax? They need it from time to time (that's why my Finnland-based troops are still not in Helsinki). After that you can ship them over to Sweden and aid Brother mintcar with some troops in his conquest of Sweden. Maybe you can do research if Vikings, Berserkers and Drop Bears can be combined?
Jan 9 2006, 04:38 PM
That said... the Holy Drop Bear Inquisition requests a budget increase for this year to increase security for our premises in light of the tisoz and PiXeL's escape from our facilities and also requests aid in increasing our Drop Beer production. Though we deny any correlation between our level of security and the Drop Beer consumption/production by the Inquisition. There's merely speculative. |
More Drop Beer can't be bad, so i vote for increasing your funds. Hook up with Special Investigator Oracle and try to capture the escaped heretics.
Jan 9 2006, 07:01 PM
QUOTE (Grinder) |
QUOTE (Ophis @ Jan 9 2006, 03:56 PM) | I await instruction from the Elders. |
Did you Drop Bear Legions have some free days to killmaimburn ehhh.. relax? They need it from time to time (that's why my Finnland-based troops are still not in Helsinki). After that you can ship them over to Sweden and aid Brother mintcar with some troops in his conquest of Sweden. Maybe you can do research if Vikings, Berserkers and Drop Bears can be combined?
Vikings, Beserkers, and Drop Bears... Oh My!
Vikings, Beserkers, and Drop Bears... Oh My!
Vikings, Beserkers, and Drop Bears... Oh My!
Jan 10 2006, 12:26 PM
Since Beserker is from them wearing bearskins, our mighty drop bears are already beserkers (each coming with there own bear skin), the vikings is a little trickier, I'll see if mine can handle a longship...
Jan 10 2006, 01:01 PM
Being a Berserker is not only about wearing bear skins, it's also about going berserk (or beerserk
), so you have to continue researching.
Jan 10 2006, 01:46 PM
have you seen my swing group in battle?
they seem beserk.
hmm maybe they could be more so?
hey lads over here your manager has combat drugs for you...
Jan 10 2006, 01:53 PM
Let us take a look into the (not so) far future. What are we planning to do with the world, once we conquered it?
Jan 10 2006, 02:06 PM
Use it as a base to conquer the universe?
Jan 10 2006, 02:11 PM
By the way posts in this thread currently make up
of all posts on dumpshock, we must work harder to acheive dominance!!!
Jan 10 2006, 02:51 PM
QUOTE (Grinder) |
Being a Berserker is not only about wearing bear skins, it's also about going berserk (or beerserk ), so you have to continue researching. |
What about bearserk? I think they could manage that. DROP bearserk, specifically.
(Strange but true fact: Drop bears are in fact related to neither the BEAR nor the DROP. In fact, they are more closely related to the COCONUT.)
Jan 10 2006, 11:10 PM
I'm sure Drop Beer while help Drop Bears going beerserk, so we should go down this parh. And we have a Soundtrack for our Beerserk Drop Bear Legions: Barcode released an album called "Beerserk" some years ago.
Lady Door
Jan 10 2006, 11:41 PM
(Strange but true fact: Drop bears are in fact related to neither the BEAR nor the DROP. In fact, they are more closely related to the COCONUT.) |
This comment alone has made my day. Thank you.
Jan 11 2006, 03:38 AM
*scorns the crashcart*
I'm an insane reader of this thread, this makes the 18th time now for me to read it straight through.
By the way, if your Drop Bear Legions need a rest, don't forget that my Legions conquered all of Iceland about 10 pages back or so - it's a great place to come and "relax." So take a break in Iceland's hot springs and enjoy Drop Beer!
Jan 11 2006, 03:21 PM
QUOTE (Plan B) |
This comment alone has made my day. Thank you. |
I live but to serve *bows*
So is there actually a music sample of Beerserk somewhere? I'm not about to pay for it, and I'm hesitant to break federal laws when it comes to our valiant comrades in the north.
Jan 11 2006, 09:11 PM
mattness pl
Jan 11 2006, 09:47 PM
QUOTE (Ophis) |
Since Beserker is from them wearing bearskins, our mighty drop bears are already beserkers (each coming with there own bear skin), the vikings is a little trickier |
Oh, that's easy. Just check FAQ on TOP SECRET Drop Bears Conspiracy website:
[Dumpshock user]
- How to create Drop Bear Berserker?
[Drop Bears Conspiracy]
Fed DBs with Berserkers
[Dumpshock user]
- How to create Drop Bear Viking?
[Drop Bears Conspiracy]
Fed DBs with Vikings
If you want other DBs variation, just fed Drop Bears with appropate humans
Jan 11 2006, 10:29 PM
I have just read this entire thread and I am totally impressed! I want to raise a squad of piratical mage ninja SURFING special forces Drop Bears based out of Fl. for any and all aquatic entry search and destroy or subversive ops!
May I have the elders permission! Sir Yes Sir!!
Jan 11 2006, 10:43 PM
Ahhh, a new follower. We need a base in Florida, so i'm fine with your idea. Just give your new Drop Bear units some training before conquering the Caribbean.
And: be welcome. The headache goes away soon.
Jan 11 2006, 11:13 PM
I thank you Grinder. I have already started training my troops mercilessly. But training casualties are high. I shall cull the weak and lazy and soon have Crack SCUBA bears that will make a seal squeak in fear. The Carribean shall be ours Oh Mighty leaders!!!
Jan 11 2006, 11:41 PM
That's the dedication and faith we need! Right on!
Personally, i like the term Ninja Surfing Drop Bears
Jan 12 2006, 12:39 AM
Man this is the ultimate gamer nerdum.
Jan 12 2006, 05:42 AM
Wonder if drop bears could be the secret behind the Bermuda Triangle. If not.. they soon will ne. I think it's time to hunker down tonight and pour over this vast tome of Drop-holy-ness once again for me.
Doc: 18 times - I salute your steadfast dedication. Truely you do our zealots proud.
Jan 12 2006, 09:14 AM
QUOTE (Mr.Platinum) |
Man this is the ultimate gamer nerdum. |
Could have been worse, believe me. (Actualy, i'm far from being a nerd
On the other hand.... kill the traitor!
Jan 12 2006, 10:14 AM
Yeah, wasn't someone supposed to have gotten him already?
Jan 12 2006, 11:44 AM
So he has a clone?
Jan 12 2006, 12:31 PM
Damn! Foiled again! (wonder if clones taste like chicke,o or if chiscken tastes like clone?)
Jan 12 2006, 04:54 PM
QUOTE (Grinder) |
Personally, i like the term Ninja Surfing Drop Bears |
I agree. Someone should write a theme song. Within a year we can secure a show on Fox (or, as it shall soon be called, Drop Fox) and a lucrative merchandising deal soon after.
Jan 12 2006, 05:09 PM
We have to make it animated so that throngs of youth will join the Drop Bear Conspiracy........
Jan 12 2006, 07:57 PM
With my specialized training I now have a companies worth of Surfing Ninja Drop Bear Pirate Commandos. I have 3 platoons of 35 Death Dealing surfin troops, ready to dispatched at your command my elders!!
Jan 12 2006, 08:01 PM
You trained them too quick, i'm afraid. Turning Drop Bears into a full-blown platoon takes some more time.
But you can train them with an attack against Disneyworld (that's in Orlando, isn't it?). I'm sure there is a lake or sth. where they can train their aquatic skills.
Jan 12 2006, 08:56 PM
We shall commence a training excercise upon Disney's Animal Kingdom to hone our infiltration and combat skills. Glorious Victory shall be ours!!
Jan 12 2006, 11:22 PM
Oh yeah!
Well i made evil drop bear clones of teen heart throbs, so beat that all of you's
Jan 12 2006, 11:29 PM
QUOTE (Mr.Platinum) |
Oh yeah! Well i made evil drop bear clones of teen heart throbs, so beat that all of you's |
OMG New Kids On The Drop
Jan 12 2006, 11:31 PM
QUOTE (stevebugge @ Jan 12 2006, 06:29 PM) |
QUOTE (Mr.Platinum @ Jan 12 2006, 03:22 PM) | Oh yeah! Well i made evil drop bear clones of teen heart throbs, so beat that all of you's |
OMG New Kids On The Drop |
and the Backdrop Bears
Jan 12 2006, 11:35 PM
QUOTE (Aku) |
QUOTE (stevebugge @ Jan 12 2006, 06:29 PM) | QUOTE (Mr.Platinum @ Jan 12 2006, 03:22 PM) | Oh yeah! Well i made evil drop bear clones of teen heart throbs, so beat that all of you's |
OMG New Kids On The Drop |
and the Backdrop Bears
or the boys to men knock.
Bears to Ghouls
Jan 13 2006, 05:21 AM
QUOTE (stevebugge) |
QUOTE (Mr.Platinum @ Jan 12 2006, 03:22 PM) | Oh yeah! Well i made evil drop bear clones of teen heart throbs, so beat that all of you's |
OMG New Kids On The Drop |
That was just so horrible you just may have to have a meeting with the inquisitors.
QUOTE (Grinder) |
But you can train them with an attack against Disneyworld (that's in Orlando, isn't it?). |
yes it is, but the place is friggin' huge. Although it would certainly be a good training ground for future incusrions. Expecially Epcot center, what with all the 'small world' pavilions, getting our legions ready for what ever they may face world wide. Imagine how well that huge friggin' ball would work as a breeding ground.
In the mean time, try sending your 'ninja pirates' after some cruise ships. Apparently they can put up a fight, and might be some good training.
Incidentally, put down any of your 'ninja surfer pirates' that start saying 'dude' on a regular basis. We don't want something like that breeding in to any of the other drop-blood lines.
Jan 13 2006, 02:48 PM
Lady Door
Jan 13 2006, 04:48 PM
*Contemplative* You know.. I bet you we could replace Ben Affleck with a Drop Bear and no one would notice... who knows, he may even get better movie roles.
Jan 13 2006, 04:49 PM
Well, if we do that we'll need to replace Matt Damon, too.
Jan 13 2006, 05:08 PM
QUOTE (Moon-Hawk) |
Well, if we do that we'll need to replace Matt Damon, too. |
No we'll just use a marionette. <------spelling check says that last word there is right.
Jan 13 2006, 06:43 PM
Personally both of them are only good enough for drop bear chow. Especially Ben Affleck. Something about him irritates me.
Lady Door
Jan 13 2006, 09:32 PM
I think I know what you mean, Doc. I'm convinced he's not really of this planet.
.. didn't we have this same conversation about Matt Damon and Ben Affleck a few thousand pages back??
Lady Door
Jan 13 2006, 09:33 PM
Sorry.. but I just had to say this..
all the drop beer and eucalyptus you could ever hope to want for the first drop bear platoon that takes out freaking TOM CRUISE!!
Jan 13 2006, 10:02 PM
man this is so silly.
Lady Door
Jan 13 2006, 11:02 PM
Mr. Plat - that's kinda the point...
Jan 13 2006, 11:10 PM
QUOTE (Plan B) |
Mr. Plat - that's kinda the point... |
It's more than just the point. I think it may in fact be a Drop Bear Conspiracy commandment, probably falling behind Thou Shalt Hang Drop Bears in every conceivable location, Thou Shalt indulge in Drop Beer whenever possible,and Thou shalt lead legions of Drop Bears against the infidel nations (Which if I remember correctly it's Iceland and Denmark down, rest of the world to go).
Jan 13 2006, 11:18 PM
most likley not the first times this quote has been posted.
watch out he used caps.
Herald of Verjigorm
Jan 13 2006, 11:23 PM
QUOTE (Mr.Platinum) |
gay adj. gay·er, gay·est 2. Showing or characterized by cheerfulness and lighthearted excitement; merry. 3. Bright or lively, especially in color: a gay, sunny room. 4. Given to social pleasures. |
I am bound to agree.
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