Apr 15 2006, 12:28 AM
Not if I can help it! And if you do decide to target ALW, then at least have the decency to wait until at least after wednesday night's performance of Phantom in the West End.
Hmm..... the perfect Broadway show to have the drop bears take over in would be Elton John's new Lestat probably, as it alreay has vampires in it. But then again, it's Lestat, and Lestat is very Bishie..,, plus I don't know how Metatron would be if you was to have the production of Lestat targetted. Probably quite blue.... *sorry, I couldn't resist saying that!
And Ophis... "T~S" as an abbrieviation of my name? I would prefer 'Phimie' at the very least, or Seraph.
But T~S??? That's not me at all!
Apr 15 2006, 02:34 PM
Fear not for ALW. He is only an experiment in Pre-crash AI. It is actually his code that self-replicates into the Crash Virus in 10 years or so. We fear and respect him because he is distributed to the point that he is nigh-invulnerable to DB attack.
P.S. Hello Elders, Brother, trollers. Did you miss me?
Apr 15 2006, 02:36 PM
No we just weren'r shooting
Welcome back.
Apr 15 2006, 09:26 PM
All Hail the mighty Jrayjoker!!
My Troops have arrived in Cali. They are holed up in Huntington Beach outside Anaheim. Whom should I link up with to start the invasion?
Apr 16 2006, 06:17 AM
Mr. T
Apr 16 2006, 09:06 AM
Welcome back, Jrayjoker!
@Magus: BATMAN! (Adam West-version, that's for sure)
Apr 17 2006, 03:30 PM
QUOTE (Jrayjoker) |
P.S. Hello Elders, Brother, trollers. Did you miss me? |
Welcome back Chief. Did you miss us?
Apr 17 2006, 03:46 PM
The inquisitorial squads have missed ye, they're clamoring for you to visit so they can show off their latest questioning methods on the latest batch of nonbelievers and they think you'll be impressed.
Apr 18 2006, 02:19 AM
QUOTE (Kremlin KOA) |
*Doses Bookwyrm with Gamma Scapolamine* "For you, it has stopped" |
*O_O at Kremlin*
No thanks, I'll just deal with it. Better still..... *abandons thread*
Apr 21 2006, 05:13 PM
I think Jrayjoker might be the heretic we've been searching for. He was gone for quite some time then when he returns he almost kills the thread. We should have the inquisition do a thorough investigation of his time spent away, and his current motives.
Did he ever make good with his promise of chinese food?
Apr 21 2006, 06:30 PM
*Contemplates interesting torture methods for the inquesiton* Muwahahaha!
Apr 21 2006, 08:14 PM
Beware, young Brother. Knowledge of torture methods doesn't give you access to the Inqisition forces. You need to proof your dedication, loyalty and passion for the DBC.
I don't think that Brother Jayroker is a heretic, no. It's possible he spent his time away in a very important undercover mission...
Apr 22 2006, 04:24 AM
On the big, nasty rabbit subject, anyone else see the Wallace and Grommit film? I'm not a kid, just British... and it fits the British sense of humour pretty well (it should do, it was made over here)
Just thought that would give you something to think about in terms of what a HMHVV rabbit might be like
Fire Hawk
Apr 30 2006, 02:57 AM
Wallace & Grommit Rock.
I even have the first three short bits on DVD, along with CR.
Nick Park is the man.
Apr 30 2006, 04:38 PM
Maybe we should we should convince the creators of Wallace & Gromit to make a Drop Bear movie for us.
Where are they located?
Apr 30 2006, 05:05 PM
Bristol I think...
Definately south Britain.
BTW the fictional northern area that W+G is set in (equivalent to Burnley sort of area) is earily remeniscent of several parts of Northern England, back wards and full of people with odd obsessions...
Apr 30 2006, 05:45 PM
*Sniggers @ Ophis' comment*
Hmm...... I reckon that HMHVV bunnies would resemble the fearsome Killer Bunny of Monty Python's Holy Grail.
Apr 30 2006, 06:36 PM
So let's unleash our British Drop Bear Platoons!
Apr 30 2006, 07:02 PM
It's just very very sad (and unfortunately a hinderance in our plans for a DB movie being made) is that the Nick Park studios burnt down literally within days of W&G bing released at the cinema!
Hmmm......... as alternate arrangements, it would be amusing to have the Monty Python guys involved in the project.......
Apr 30 2006, 07:14 PM
The Monty Python crew is too old and doesn't have the needed seriousness for a propaganda movie. You don't want to have a comedy movie about Drop Bears, right?
Even though the Nick Park studios burned down, the crew and directors are somewhere now. So swarm out and capture them!
Fire Hawk
May 1 2006, 05:16 AM
(Tattered~Seraphim): It's just very very sad (and unfortunately a hinderance in our plans for a DB movie being made) is that the Nick Park studios burnt down literally within days of W&G bing released at the cinema! |
Yes, but apparently, they managed to scrounge enough up to release them to general public media. (thank the Norns).
May 1 2006, 07:47 AM
Elder Grinder where should I unleash The British Platoons, on bristol? or just a general unleashment.
May 1 2006, 08:18 AM
Start with Bristol. A general unleashment may be too much for the british populace to handle at this stage of our plan.
May 4 2006, 11:05 PM
But beware of the vicious Chicken of Bristol, rumor has it that the last person sent to slay it in 1975 was frightened so severely that he wet himself and ran away.
May 7 2006, 01:19 AM
ALW is a dead man as soon as my Dallas Legions find him. I have a personal vendetta against him, as I am a musician who has had to play his music WAYYY too many times.
May 7 2006, 05:00 AM
"unleashment " hehe... nice Grinder, nice
May 7 2006, 07:46 AM
All I have to say about the chicken of bristol is, it tasted good with eleven different herbs and spices and eucalyptus. It held no fear for me, nothing will after the singing lessons...
Kyoto Kid
May 7 2006, 08:25 AM
QUOTE (stevebugge) |
But beware of the vicious Chicken of Bristol, rumor has it that the last person sent to slay it in 1975 was frightened so severely that he wet himself and ran away. |
...brave, brave Sir Robin...
May 10 2006, 11:26 PM
QUOTE (Kyoto Kid) |
QUOTE (stevebugge) | But beware of the vicious Chicken of Bristol, rumor has it that the last person sent to slay it in 1975 was frightened so severely that he wet himself and ran away. |
...brave, brave Sir Robin...
Sir Robin ran away, away....
("I didn't!")
Kyoto Kid
May 12 2006, 03:30 AM
...and they ate Sir Robin's Minstrels...and there was much rejoicing
May 12 2006, 04:59 AM
Why do I suddenly want to change the tagline of this thread to "On second thought, let's not go to Camelot. It is a silly place."?
May 12 2006, 08:58 AM
Changing the tagline is very very very close to heresy!
May 12 2006, 09:58 AM
Everything is very close to heresy. The path of the righteous is narrow and slippery.
May 12 2006, 02:47 PM
QUOTE (Oracle) |
Everything is very close to heresy. The path of the righteous is narrow and slippery. |
And difficult to climb while hanging upside down in a Eucalyptus tree. Only the truly devout make it to a height where they can plummet upon thier prey.
May 17 2006, 04:58 AM
I just wanted to share a moment from a recent game (three days ago) that I was playing in, that borught on a whole new tactic for the drop bear invasion.
A little back ground first.
I'm playing a troll physical mage (god this character eats up karma) named Titan. First off, I've had this chracter for a good 8 years. He awakened somewhere along the way and lost all his cyber. He's done jobs for a couple of dragons and gotten hints of the past. After a while, hanging out with archeologists and historinas in BlackForest, having contacts in the A.F., all that good stuff, he's gotten a bit of an idea of what trolls used to be like.
Eventually he got an axe with a dormant spirit of a troll skyraider in it (spirit trapping from ED), and the spirit started explaing the troll culture and skyraider sin general (this will be about Drop Bears eventually, promise). Titan has a ton of moeny (a bit over 10 million, just never quit running basically. I havne't played him much until recently). So he gest this idea and starts getting trolls together and buys 3 t-brids and modifies them and starts re-inventing skyraiders.
Now Titan has an ungodly high bodt, and many levels in Mystic Armor. So I started joking about instead of dropping bombs, just dropping him out a t-bird into a building, armed with an assault cannon and minigun, and he would destroy it. Save a lot of money on bombs! Going on to say that they could do this with all the trolls!
Better yet (here it comes, thanks for your patience!) drop in Drop Bears armed with assault cannons and miniguns! But theyr'e to small! I know ! Bio-engineer them to be bigger! Like troll big! Then they can tear in to stuff! No, waut, they're holding assault cannons and miniguns! I know1 Mutant Drop Bears with 4 arms! Then they can be dropped in a blow shit up and tear people apart! Mutant four armed Drop Bears with assault cannons and minigunS! It's PERFECT!
Honestly I can't believe that this never came up at our weekly meetings.
Thanks for listening. Please continue with your own rants now while I wipe up my frothing spittle.
May 17 2006, 10:07 AM
As a shocktrooper-platoon mutant 4-armed Ninja Drop Bears make sense. But for converting the unwashed masses and overseeing the conquered... uhm... converted countries, the normal cute-looking Drop Bears are much better.
We should handle the task of developing Sky Raider Drop Bears and 4armed Mutant Ninja Drop Bears to Oracle, our head of R&D.
May 17 2006, 11:08 AM
Good call. Divine inspiration is so hard to interpret into something cohesive sometimes. But that's what these meetings are for.
May 17 2006, 11:25 AM
Every Elder has special skills
That's what differs us off the Brothers. Besides a true understanding and dedication to the DBC.
May 17 2006, 12:01 PM
We did experiments with 4 armed Drop Bears earlier. We met two major problems: The 2 new arms created a serious coordination issue. Ninjaism and flipping out caused interesting knots. The second problem appeared when we tried the psychological effect of the new species. Children tended to call our deadly little death machine "Stitch" and found it to be "fluffy". We are still trying to work that out.
Sky Raider Drop Bears are worth a try...
May 17 2006, 12:21 PM
If it helps, these mutants were supposed to be wielding heavy artillery, not so much with the flipping. Perhaps we can use the D-factor (Disney factor of course) to our advantage....
If only they'd stop clawing faces off when we paint them blue...
May 17 2006, 01:36 PM
Hey, how come no one is on the M$ forums demanding why they named their game 'Shadowrun' without including drop bears? I'm tired of these half-assed attempts at replicating an ip. We should show them what for! No drop bears are just no fair!!
May 17 2006, 07:43 PM
QUOTE (nezumi) |
Hey, how come no one is on the M$ forums demanding why they named their game 'Shadowrun' without including drop bears? I'm tired of these half-assed attempts at replicating an ip. We should show them what for! No drop bears are just no fair!! |
So shall we invade Microsoft HQ with Drop Bear Legions then? I volunteer the Dallas Legions for this job! Anyone with me?
We shall invade the Shadowrun.com Forums and infect them with drop bear mania!
May 17 2006, 08:12 PM
excellent, excellent idea. Who should spearhead the new drop bear thread? I'm sure once we get the first few posts going and have a few plants 'convert' to our cause, the rest will follow. Then Piett and the other developers. Oh, very soon MS will be producing the first crimson skies drop mechwarrior bear game, packaged with vista and xbox. And we shall fall upon the world from their computer screens.
May 18 2006, 04:45 AM
I think more subtle is a better way to go. JM Hardy's encouraging remarks give me hope that perhaps we can reach a wider audience by taking a milder approach. After all, if authors start slipping in Drop Bear references into the novels for all the world to dissiminate....
Hell, seems to work for the Humanis Policlub and tobacco industry
May 21 2006, 09:30 AM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
I think more subtle is a better way to go. JM Hardy's encouraging remarks give me hope that perhaps we can reach a wider audience by taking a milder approach. After all, if authors start slipping in Drop Bear references into the novels for all the world to dissiminate.... |
We should start to become freelancer. Or convert Synner, AH and the others to our cause...
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ May 20 2006, 05:31 AM) |
Grinder: I think he can use something more than just 'Brother'. After all, how many ofthers in the DBC have managed to drop subtle hints into a published piece of fiction (it is fiction right? still haven't read it)? |
Does any of my loved Brothers & Elders have an idea? A special title for JM Hardy?
May 21 2006, 10:56 AM
Or convert Synner, AH and the others to our cause |
I don't htink they like us. AH has only posted once on this thread. Maybe I'll try honing my drawing "skills" a bit more and see if I can get them to put a pic or two into a SB. Add in a little thing where if you blur your vision just right, the pic becomes a Drop Bear.
Gyro the Greek Sandwich Pirate
May 21 2006, 04:51 PM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
QUOTE | Or convert Synner, AH and the others to our cause |
I don't htink they like us. AH has only posted once on this thread. Maybe I'll try honing my drawing "skills" a bit more and see if I can get them to put a pic or two into a SB. Add in a little thing where if you blur your vision just right, the pic becomes a Drop Bear.
I doubt that those you speak of are terribly hateful of those of the Drop Bear persuasion. It's more likely they give Drop Bears little thought.
This is too bad, of course, as Drop Bears are a
deathly serious matter.
JM Hardy
May 22 2006, 03:07 AM
Drops of Corruption, p. 47, lines 17 & 18, first words of each line.
Coincidence or . . . something else?
You make the call.
Jason H.
May 22 2006, 03:11 AM
QUOTE (JM Hardy) |
Drops of Corruption, p. 47, lines 17 & 18, first words of each line.
Coincidence or . . . something else?
You make the call.
Jason H. |
Though 'bear drops' sound like some sort of candy.
May 24 2006, 01:16 PM
We lurk, we find "coincidental" items in our game fiction, we evangelize our cause. Why don't Synner and AH love us?
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