Lady Door
Sep 27 2005, 10:56 PM
If this doesn't make it into a sourcebook (besides T:AL of course) sometime in the near future... I'm going to cry...
Sep 28 2005, 03:59 AM
QUOTE (PlainWhiteSocks) |
Just read the entire Drop Bear Thread. Going to go off in a corner to let my head explode. Just had to add my vote for Drop Bears over Horrors. |
Brother PlainWhiteSocks, you have passed throught the gauntlet and and survived the crucible. You are honored among Name-givers and Drop dear ninja initiates. Humble yourself before Lord (usurper) Kagetenshi and receive your honors.
Jray, I will still support you.
The rest of you.... damn.... you're all crazy. No more posting for you all until you read over the whole thread again. Let it be written, let it be done!
Sep 28 2005, 05:24 AM
I read it. Twice. Where does that empty feeling in my head come from? o_O
Well brothers, how far have our plans of world domination come? Any continents conquered? Any need for drop bear precision-strikes?
Sep 28 2005, 05:57 AM
Good Job Brother Oracle (it is brother , right? Not a eunuch or anything?). You should be commended for you sacrifice. you won't be... but you should be.
Sadly we have only conquered Australia (covertly) and the Dominican Republic (don't ask), but we are looking to expand our influence. We are currently considering (pending Usurped Lord JJ's approval) either New Zealand (geograpically close, has those funny short people, what're they called, hoddits or something?) or the region around Lake titicaca (for obvious reasons I would think).
Thankfully our black (and white) brothers, the so called Drop Panda are also hard at work, dilligently providing us with all the chinese takeout we can handle while we wrestle with these difficult decisions. We will let you know how our process goes, after we deal with the usurper (sends loyalist drop ninjas after Kagetenshi ) and finish our eggrolls. We'll send you the news letter or sometin'.
Sep 28 2005, 06:01 AM
Well I just wanted to announce that the first full platoon of german albino drop bear ninja commandos is awaiting orders. ^^
And yes, it is brother. I'm pretty sure about that. At least I hope so.
Sep 28 2005, 06:27 AM
Good job.... uh... 'brother'.....
but .. uh... albino ninjas? not exactly the epitome of stealth ya know.....
"uh, Phil, what's that little white ball sneaking up on us "
"umm.... I think it's a drop bear or somethin'"
"I dunno... aren't they grey... and uh... not in Germany..?"
or maybe that's why they're so good. no one expects an albino drop bear! (or takes them seriosuly. suckers)
Edit: Sorry, forgot it was Germany.... substitute "Phil" for ..... Deiter.. yeah.. Deiter
Sep 28 2005, 06:38 AM
The name is "Dieter", not "Deiter". Besides that I always wondered why all german names known outside Germany are out of fashion for at least 40 years by now.
Brother fistandantilus3.0, I assume that you read through the whole thread, didn't you? It has been stated here, that albino drop bears are the scariest of all drop bears. And they got higher willpower.
Sep 28 2005, 06:43 AM
QUOTE (PlainWhiteSocks) |
Just read the entire Drop Bear Thread. Going to go off in a corner to let my head explode. Just had to add my vote for Drop Bears over Horrors. |
Sorry, it was the first name that popped in to my head. What would you suggest? Adolf didn't seem very P.C. after all.
And screw willpower. Drop bears need to have a weak will in order to still be manipulated...errr... utilized for the cause!
Sep 28 2005, 06:48 AM
*lol* I think Adolf is the least common name in Germany for people under 65. But somehow I wondered, that you didn't suggest Fritz. *g*
Brother f.a.a.3.0, I think you have the wrong attitude...but do not fear. We will send you to a correctional facility. Some training will do.
Sep 28 2005, 06:52 AM
mmm...... mental training....... yummmy
Fritz makes me think of the Swiss family Robinson. Drop bear herders riding around on ostriches.
Sep 28 2005, 12:53 PM
You have seen the dea... err, happy camps then?
Sep 28 2005, 01:18 PM
Thank you all for your support. The usurper is currently holding court and grooming his ninja drop bear army, and all the while I plot. I plot, and scheme. I plot, scheme, and eat drop panda takeout with Fist and Plan B.
You two, too, should be rewarded for your loyalty. Should, not will. That is the way of the drop bear. All promises until the chips are down, then its nap time.
Sep 28 2005, 01:20 PM
Oracle, fistandantilus3.0:
AFAIK, the name "Dieter" isn't THAT out of fashion.
I knew a guy named "Dieter Klippstein" in high school--which was a LONG time ago, as I graduated in June of 1982.
I think he was one of only two students there at the time who was crazier than I was--or am. They were both underclassman at least two years my junior.
Sep 28 2005, 02:12 PM
Oh dear... Kag vs. JJ in the first Drop Bear War.
My squad of drunk Japanese mice go to the highest bidder. Does anyone have too much fermented grain? We're the mercenaries for you.
Sep 28 2005, 02:49 PM
QUOTE (Oracle) |
Where does that empty feeling in my head come from? o_O |
*Munch munch munch*
Sep 28 2005, 03:45 PM
QUOTE (nezumi) |
My squad of drunk Japanese mice go to the highest bidder. Does anyone have too much fermented grain? We're the mercenaries for you. |
mmm... drunken mice. Almost as tasty as drunken shrimp.
You do know that the mice will be little more than appetizers for whatever drop bear opposes them, don't ya? They're like little shrimp popcorn, so tasty, can't eat just one... Oh, that's your plan isn't it? To get the bears so thoroughly full and drunk off of eating the fodder that is the drunken mice? I'm on to your techniques!
Sep 28 2005, 04:08 PM
Toxic mutant drop bear blood panda shedim ninja cyberzombie adept! The one truly eccumenical non-denominational ass kicking gift for the shadowrunner that has seen everything else!
Sep 28 2005, 04:27 PM
QUOTE (toturi @ Sep 28 2005, 11:08 AM) |
Toxic mutant drop bear blood panda shedim ninja cyberzombie adept! The one truly eccumenical non-denominational ass kicking gift for the shadowrunner that has seen everything else! |
Just thirty-nine ninety-nine ninety-five. Order yours today!
Sep 28 2005, 04:28 PM
Hmmm, we are not at war, yet. I still have to train my drop bear ninjas not to eat any drunken mice they may fall upon.
Sep 28 2005, 04:55 PM
QUOTE (Jrayjoker) |
Hmmm, we are not at war, yet. I still have to train my drop bear ninjas not to eat any drunken mice they may fall upon. |
And take away access to Drunken Master Drop Bear style from your troops?!?!?!?
Sep 28 2005, 05:43 PM
QUOTE (Shadow_Prophet @ Sep 28 2005, 11:55 AM) |
QUOTE (Jrayjoker @ Sep 28 2005, 11:28 AM) | Hmmm, we are not at war, yet. I still have to train my drop bear ninjas not to eat any drunken mice they may fall upon. |
And take away access to Drunken Master Drop Bear style from your troops?!?!?!? |
The drunken master style is mutually exclusive to the eucalyptus torpor style we have perfected over the millenia. Only the fools seek to combine rather than perfect a form.
Sep 28 2005, 08:00 PM
Bah, all of you initiates are wusses. I have read the entire thread thru not once, not twice, not even three times but FIVE TIMES.
To be honest, it blurs after 5...I was going for six, until I noticed that I had a platoon of drop bears watching over my shoulder.
So, anyone need a platoon of American ninja drop bears? They tell me they'd been there since the second reading, so they're good...
Sep 28 2005, 09:57 PM
What are you? Lobotomized? A zombie? Someone important I should not mention because some people might take offense by mentioning him here?
Sep 28 2005, 10:25 PM
There’s a lost platoon of Ninja Anemone Shamanic Adept Drop Bear’s here in Orkland CFS. The Drop Bear Soup Kitchen is in full swing, but I don’t know how long the trees will hold out so I need to point these at a target. Is it Jrayjoker or Kagetenshi? Who has the largest supply of mice? Who has the best beer? Most importantly who has the highest trees for them to drop from?
Sep 28 2005, 10:28 PM
QUOTE (Oracle) |
What are you? Lobotomized? A zombie? Someone important I should not mention because some people might take offense by mentioning him here? |
He's a doctor. That makes it all ok. Doesn't it?
Sep 29 2005, 03:50 AM
QUOTE (PlainWhiteSocks) |
There’s a lost platoon of Ninja Anemone Shamanic Adept Drop Bear’s here in Orkland CFS. The Drop Bear Soup Kitchen is in full swing, but I don’t know how long the trees will hold out so I need to point these at a target. Is it Jrayjoker or Kagetenshi? Who has the largest supply of mice? Who has the best beer? Most importantly who has the highest trees for them to drop from? |
I can honestly say I brew a bitchin' bitter lager, a smooth porter, and mouth puckeringly good bitter ale. And my mice have never been happier, thanks for asking.
Sep 29 2005, 04:11 AM
Jray: you owe me some damn orange chicken now. Or at least some friggin' token chopsticks. Let me know when you need my mailing address. Wife can't use chop sticks BTW, so send some sporks too.
Edit: it wouldn't let me put in more. apparently there's a limit. nazis
Foreigner: Damn, I was BORN in '80. Feeling like a wipper-snapper now. Thanks
Everyone else: When civil war looms, remember these three things -
1) Nukes don't do crap to a drop bear, but they will give
you one bad sun burn. And in the end, it just serves the cause of the IE/fraggle conspiracy. So nukes and groin shots are out . (also, don't go after the dedicated, that's just low. reference anyone?)
2) Looting can be fun , just make sure that you direct all of your looting intentions at the devil that is Walmart.
3) Kagentenshi is with the IE's/Fraggles!
Sep 29 2005, 11:12 AM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ Sep 28 2005, 11:11 PM) |
[1)]Jray: you owe me some damn orange chicken now. Or at least some friggin' token chopsticks. Let me know when you need my mailing address. Wife can't use chop sticks BTW, so send some sporks too.
3) Kagentenshi is with the IE's/Fraggles! GET 'IM! |
1) OK, sporks it is. And are you sure that is chicken?
and 3) I knew it!
Sep 29 2005, 11:33 AM
Brothers, please. Destroy all infidels! But not each other!!!
Sep 29 2005, 11:38 AM
Jray - I sure hope so. Other wise I don't wanna know what the beak is from!
Oracle - 'destroy all infidels'? Whoa there buddy, rein it in a bit. didn't you know that 'infidel' is a loaded word now-days? We prefer 'heathen' 'round here.
Sep 29 2005, 01:10 PM
(also, don't go after the dedicated, that's just low. reference anyone?) |
This might be wrong, but i started reading a sries of fantasy novels by David.. Freeland? Frieland? something like that that featured the ability for people to dedicate themselves to a lord, or anyone for that matter really, by lossing some attribute they have, and gifting it to them. They were called Dedicates, and in "conventional" battle it was considered wrong to go after those, however, the nemesis does it.
Sep 29 2005, 02:54 PM
Attack Jrayjoker!
Get the beer! Get the mice! Loot loot loot!
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
3) Kagentenshi is with the IE's/Fraggles! GET 'IM! |
Sep 29 2005, 07:50 PM
QUOTE (PlainWhiteSocks @ Sep 29 2005, 09:54 AM) |
Attack Jrayjoker! Get the beer! Get the mice! Loot loot loot!
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) | 3) Kagentenshi is with the IE's/Fraggles! GET 'IM! |
Oops |
Hey man! This is real life, not an MMORPG. I was going to share the beer and mice, but now I don't feel like it.
Sep 29 2005, 08:02 PM
So, how about those Cyberzombie Drop Bear Ninjas with gyromounted HMGs?.
Sep 29 2005, 08:29 PM
QUOTE (hyzmarca @ Sep 29 2005, 03:02 PM) |
So, how about those Cyberzombie Drop Bear Ninjas with gyromounted HMGs?. |
Too far-fetched. My sense of disbelief can only go so far.
Now, Cyberzombie Drop Bear Ninas infested with Invae and drugged on Eucaylptic derived combat drugs and dual weilding dikoted orichaelum battle-axe weapon foci, I can see...
Sep 29 2005, 08:52 PM
Right, it was the gyromounts that made it unbelievable.
Sep 29 2005, 08:54 PM
yes, Drop bears are far to stealthy to be able to fit into gyro-mount harnesses.
Though i'm still puzzling over why someone needs a harness to carry a rolled up sandwich and how one helps fire automatic weapons.
Lady Door
Sep 29 2005, 10:32 PM
QUOTE (Nikoli) |
yes, Drop bears are far to stealthy to be able to fit into gyro-mount harnesses.
Though i'm still puzzling over why someone needs a harness to carry a rolled up sandwich and how one helps fire automatic weapons. |
OMFG! ROFL! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.. I don't know why that struck me as so funny. Lack of sleep? Too much caffeine? Having just read this thread in the entirety while attempting to look productive at work???
The world may never know...
Sep 29 2005, 11:12 PM
QUOTE (Jrayjoker) |
Hey man! This is real life, not an MMORPG. I was going to share the beer and mice, but now I don't feel like it. ![frown.gif]( |
hmmmm I think the Drop Bears go for Gyro's now. I wonder if that's what Greek Drop Bear Ninja Cybercommando's eat.
Sep 30 2005, 04:00 AM
QUOTE (Aku) |
QUOTE | (also, don't go after the dedicated, that's just low. reference anyone?) |
This might be wrong, but i started reading a sries of fantasy novels by David.. Freeland? Frieland? something like that that featured the ability for people to dedicate themselves to a lord, or anyone for that matter really, by lossing some attribute they have, and gifting it to them. They were called Dedicates, and in "conventional" battle it was considered wrong to go after those, however, the nemesis does it.
I forget the author's name, but that's the one. The Rune Lords series or something to that effect. A very interesting idea I thought. Basically, the dedicated give their 'attribute', in the form of an endowment of their strenth, charisma, whatever to the lord. So as an example, charisma, one person gets really ugly, one person gets a lot more charismatic. Or one person is so weak physically, that they are in a bed for the rest of their lives, while the lord houses them, and receives their strength. It gets really interesting though with intelligence endowments, because if the dedicated is killed (say, before a major battle by an assasin), the recipient loses that ability. So with intelligence, they actually forget a LOT of the things that they have learned, and aren't even sure of what they've lost.
hmmmm I think the Drop Bears go for Gyro's now. I wonder if that's what Greek Drop Bear Ninja Cybercommando's eat. |
Ironically, this thread was started by.... *drum rooollllll* Gyro the Greek Sandwich pirate. And it comes full circle.
QUOTE (JrayJoker) |
I was going to share the beer and mice, but now I don't feel like it. |
I don't reallly like beer, so that's ok. But I'll take Vodka! And that take out you promised us! ( we went out for Panda Express, ended up getting Apollo Burger. Sad)
Sep 30 2005, 02:33 PM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
Ironically, this thread was started by.... *drum rooollllll* Gyro the Greek Sandwich pirate. And it comes full circle. |
Hadn't read a post by him for a long time. My Assassin Drop Bears took care of him. Or he's still mentally healthy and didn't want to risk that by reading & posting here.
And for the last to pages of this thread (was away four days):
Sep 30 2005, 02:34 PM
@ Oracle: who's commanding our german Ninja Albino Drop Bear platoon?
Sep 30 2005, 06:30 PM
What about the giant cyberzombie ninja drop bear with gyromounted Ninja Drop Bear Launcher?
Lets take it to the max, people! Must deliver Drop Bears from a portable(?) platform!
Sep 30 2005, 08:40 PM
The drop bear described can be situated upon the orbital platform for orbital drops of the ninja drop bears. Thereby allowing for them to be dropped any time, any where in the world.
The orbital drop bear platform is usually protected by a squadron of ninja space drop bear pilots who pilot rocket ships shaped like Eclyaptic trees and armed with Foster Beer can launchers.
If one manages to make it through that line of defense there's still the Orbital Drop Bear mines, these buggers are nasty since they sit still in space amongst the debris waiting for the unsuspecting to pass by and getting the drop on ya by detonating their charges.
If one manages to get past that and the Orbital drop bear platforms' point defense lasers, then they have to board and fight off the hordes of orbital drop bear marines AND ninja drop bears who haven't been launched yet, to say the least of the Giant Cyberzombie Ninja Drop Bear on the station, but that's an end boss. One usually fights him last if it goes according to plot.
Remember, all of this are on a need to know basis from Drop Bear command central. Destroy all those who are not authorized!
Sep 30 2005, 09:32 PM
You're welcome.
AFAIK, of the current posters, only Fortune admits to being older than I am.
I won't say *how much* older, but I celebrated my 41st birthday on May 30th of this year.
Although mentally and emotionally, I'm probably closer to 19 or so.
Oct 1 2005, 02:14 AM
A lot of us are in your neighborhood, age wise, though.
Hell, I feel 95 today. Four kids under 4.
yep, same one i'm thinking of, i've got i around here some where, first...three books of the series i think, definately called Runelords... I thik it was David Farland... ahh drats, now you've got me wondering <goes off looking>
EDIT: AHHHH HAH, found them! By David Farland, Book One The Runelords, book two Brotherhood of the Wolf, and book three (which i still havent gotten to) Wizardborn
Oct 1 2005, 04:42 AM
QUOTE (Jrayjoker) |
A lot of us are in your neighborhood, age wise, though.
Hell, I feel 95 today. Four kids under 4. |
wow Jray, 4 under 4 years huh? Once they hit high school , you're mental health is gonna make this thread look like the picture of mental health.
And I thought I was scard with having 3, at 5,4, and 11 months.
Oct 1 2005, 10:38 AM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0 @ Sep 30 2005, 11:42 PM) |
QUOTE (Jrayjoker @ Sep 30 2005, 09:14 PM) | A lot of us are in your neighborhood, age wise, though.
Hell, I feel 95 today. Four kids under 4. |
wow Jray, 4 under 4 years huh? Once they hit high school , you're mental health is gonna make this thread look like the picture of mental health.
And I thought I was scard with having 3, at 5,4, and 11 months.
Oh, you've got you hands full. We just had surprise twins 5 months ago, though...and to bring it back to drop bears, none of them turned out to be drop bears. Funny how that happend.
Oct 1 2005, 10:55 AM
yeah, I should hope not, otherwise there'd be some serious talks going on in that house hold.
"Honey, you invited the drop bears over and didn't tell me!"
"I'm sorry sweetheart, they were just so cute and innocent! I never
dreamed that they would take advantage of me! It was that damn eucalyptus wine they kept giving me!"
Still waiting on that take out Jray
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