I've been redoing stuff as I go along on the old things, and I will post the completely updated doc when I'm done. The next few scenes I'm still working on, since I got down the mechanics of things, but haven't made them especially amusing yet (and I do know the DBC like their amusing bits). I present them for completeness, for comments, and most of all, for further input (which I will expound upon after).
[ Spoiler ]
The U-Luv-It facilities occupy two city blocks, half dedicated to offices and residential suites, half to the recording studios and transmitting equipment. The studios are certainly the more flashy of the two, the building built around a great, semi-circular hub, with regular outcroppings. Its bedecked with a pair of giant antennaes and dozens of satellite dishes, with a fenced in group of transformers around the back, the whole place covered with reflective windows, bright, neon lights and shifting holographs. Several of the major large walls are currently displaying whats being played over the public airwaves, adverts and all. Of course, regular guards and heavy video coverage make entering the building a difficult proposition.
The second building is slightly more low-key. It combines polished chrome and tinted windows, highlighted with bright, neon lights and shifting marquees, but ultimately is much more static than its neighboring building. Like the studio building, access is denied except to employees and invited guests, but spacious green areas and sidewalks around the building give you plenty of space to stretch your legs and consider your plan of attack.
The characters choices are fairly limited when it comes to how to extract Becka. She leaves her room to visit the greenspaces outside, where she enjoys climbing trees, but otherwise stays in her room or in the studio for filming. The characters have three obvious choices on how to capture her. Should they decide to quietly break into the complex, they'll find subtlety is the word of the day. If they alert security that something is wrong, response will be quick and heavy. Extracting Becka during her arboral jaunts requires speed and brute strength, since security will react almost immediately. Attempting to capture her when she's on set is the most dangerous method, although it offers the most ways for the group to conceal themselves and their intentions.
Becka resides on the 13th floor of the U-Luv-It office complex. The complex has restricted access, but so many people come and go that guards rely almost exclusively on the matrix system to determine who belongs. Becka resides with her two bodyguards and trainer, 24/7. Refer to the next section, "Falling Star", to conduct the characters' invasion.
Becka spends a considerable amount of time trying to feel like she's back in her natural habitat. On dry days (rare as those are), Becka enjoys finding a tall tree out of doors, where she and her guards find comfortable spots to rest and eat their picnic lunches. Their trainer, Baz, is almost always close by, although never within forty feet of the tree. It is not uncommon for them to spend the night in trees, when weather permits. The GM may, at his option, roll 1d6 and on a 4, the weather is suitable for an afternoon climb. On a 5, Becka spends the entire day there. On a 6, she spends 20 hours in the foliage, and will return to her room the next morning for breakfast.
Should the characters approach the tree, Baz will warn them off and may even try to grapple them if they don't seem to hear him, but will not try to harm them unless they are obviously threatening. When any character gets within range of Becka and her entourage, they will attack, regardless of the character's apparent intention. This is a natural response, and only Baz and other drop bear trainers know how to approach Becka and company without causing them to attack. For the stats of Becka, Baz and their companions, refer to Cast of Shadows. Becka's three guards, who are disguised as Elvis impersonators, are in fact all Drop Bear Commandos, who can be identified as such with a successful Perception(6) test. Regardless as to the effect of their attack, they will be within visual and video range of the building, and security will respond immediately, calling in reinforcements and medical support. Two MCT security guards are approximately 80 meters away, and will run if there is any trouble, arriving in 6 combat rounds (although perhaps stopping to do other things beforehand, if the situation warrants), accompanied by a pair of roto-drones launched from roof-top nests. An additional eight drones and two guards will arrive one minute after that, with further drones and guards arriving as time continues.
This is the most complex option. In two days, Becka and the other contestants will go to the studio for their next episode of UCAS Idolize. The show is open to an audience of approximately 350 people, all of whom hold tickets and are registered on the studio's matrix host. Seating begins at 5:30pm and continues until 6:30pm, when the doors are closed. The show starts at 6:50pm and continues on until 8:30pm, with regular commercial breaks. Security is high, but they have many things to worry about and aren't expecting professional shadowrunners. Refer to the section "Simone Says" if the characters decide to pursue this option.
1414 124th Ave.
1414 and 1413 both belong to U-Luv-It studios, a subsidiary of Mitsuhama. They do have posted extraterritoriality, but have extended permission to allow Lone Star access, should it be required. 1413 124th Ave. is described further in the section "Simone Says". 1414 is twenty five stories tall, with four sublevels for parking. The bottom two levels contain the lobby and some small shops. The next ten contain business offices. Levels twelve through nineteen are each dedicated to housing employees who live on site, as well as lesser tridio personalities and stars. Twenty to twenty five house the high-level stars and executives, as well as several large board rooms. This area serves more as a hotel than permanent housing, as most big names work and reside at specialized sets or offices, and only visit the studio for brief periods. The floors twelve through nineteen each contain 22 rooms of different sizes. The rooms towards the center of the floor are smaller, largely as single-occupency rooms or for lower-ranking employees.
The building employs eight guards, one at the front desk, one at or near each of the four entrances (two above ground, two parking entrances), and three roving. There is also a small serving staff attached to a restaurant out of the lobby, who will deliver food or otherwise serve as couriers for certain privileged guests, Becka included. The top levels of the building are warded, but otherwise the only magical security is dedicated at watching over the studio building. Should things go wrong in 1414, elementals can be sent over quickly, but there's nothing actively looking for magical trouble beforehand. Hallways, elevators, doors, some stores and exterior spaces are all watched by security cameras connected to a non-matrix connected host.
Visitors must check in at the entrance, where their SIN is verified against a matrix-connected host to determine whether they've been granted access, or where they use specialized keycards. If they have access but no keycard, they are referred to the desk to get one appropriate to their privileges. The keycard determines where guests can and can't go, and is a wireless device by its own right. It will allow access only to the level the person sleeps on, any levels required for their work, and the bottom two levels (as well as the parking area). Additionally, access controlled hallways have rating 3 motion detectors at major intersections connected to the non-matrix host. If motion is detected that is not associated with an appropriate keycard, it will send a silent signal to the guard at the front desk, who will dispatch units to collect the errant visitor. Interior door locks have a rating 4 maglock, connected to matrix-accessible host.
Should the characters try to enter through other means, they will find that there is a helipad on the roof, but it is watched also by cameras. Most windows have a barrier rating of 4, except Becka's, which has been reinforced to 8 to prevent any unfortunate drops. A third of the upper windows, and all of the lower windows are alarmed, connected to the non-matrix accessible host.
There are drone-nests set around each of the buildings, discreretly built into corners and the roof. Drones are released in response to a security alert. They can be commanded from the front desk or one of the system deckers (use the rules for captain's chair mode, with a computer skill of 4), but otherwise are ordered to respond to voice commands of any on-site security guards and to fire on any targets the security guards fire on. There is no on-site drone rigger.
1414 124th Ave. COMPUTER SYSTEMS
1414 holds two U-Luv-It hosts. While the studio doesn't seem to feel that active physical security is especially required, matrix security is a different question. Any decker will find them a tough nut to crack, since free tickets would make for easy money. The primary host is connected to the matrix and, among other things, provides the access rights of people residing in the building, as well as information connecting to ticket holders for assorted events at this and other local studios. From this host, a decker can add or subtract individuals from having access to the building and modify their specific access rights, create or modify ticket holders for local events, interact with most door locks for both buildings, read or modify e-mails, electronically available information, and even interfere with the recording and transmission of shows. It can only be accessed from the Matrix by connecting through the main Mitsuhama host (Red-15/15/14/14/15/14, with a disturbing lean towards Black IC). Once past that, the U-Luv-It host is significantly kinder. The system can be accessed directly once inside of either of the buildings, in which case the character does not need to pass through the primary Mitsuhama host. There are two security deckers online at any given time. The host has the following security sheaf:
Access 12
Control 13
Index 12
Files 15
Slave 12
Trigger Step Security Event
003 Trace 7 ®
007 Tar Baby 9 ®
010 Trap Trace 7 ® / Killer 7
015 Passive Alert (+2 on all Subsystem Ratings)
019 Trap Trace 5 ® / Blaster 7
024 Trap Trace 7 ® / Killer 5
028 Blaster 9
032 Active Alert
036 Lethal Black IC 9
041 Non-Lethal Black IC 5
045 Ripper (Bod) 9
048 Non-Lethal Black IC 9
051 Lethal Black IC 7
054 Shutdown Started
The second host is only accessible from within one of the U-Luv-It buildings. It controls most of the security controls, including drones and can be used to manually override door locks, as well as to initiate functions relevant only to those two buildings (such as fire alarms, building-only documents, etc.) There is one security decker online at any given time. The host has a security sheaf as follows:
Access 8
Control 9
Index 10
Files 8
Slave 8
Trigger Step Security Event
003 Trace 5 ®
006 Trap Probe 5 ® / Sparky 5
009 Trace 4 ®
013 Trap Trace 7 ® / Killer 5
016 Passive Alert (+2 on all Subsystem Ratings)
019 Trap Probe 6 ® / Killer 4
023 Trap Probe 5 ® / Sparky 4
027 Blaster 5
030 Active Alert
035 Blaster 5
038 Blaster 5
042 Killer 5
045 Shutdown Started
Jack points are fairly common once past the first two levels, but within the parking and two lobby levels, jack points are either hardwired to specific devices or part of security stations.
Mitsuhama Corporate Security
These guards are building security. They've been selected based largely on their ability to kiss up to fat-headed trid stars, however they are more than capable at neutralizing most low-level threats. They will immediately call for backup if required.
B Q S C I W E M R Armor
4 3 3 4 2 2 5 - 2 6/4
Pools: Combat Pool - 3
Skills: Etiquette (Corporate) 4, SMGs 4, Unarmed Combat 3, Armed Combat 4, Biotech(First Aid) 1
Gear: Armor jacket (5/3), helmet (+1/1, integrated transceiver rating 2), Uzi III (Smartlink-2, personalized safety, folding stock (-1 rc), 6M, BF, 1 magazine standard rounds, 1 magazine gel rounds), Stun baton (6S stun)
Cyber: Smartlink-2, cyber-eyes with magnification-3, flare compensation and low-light, headware radio, biomonitor
MCT-Nissan Roto-Drone
These drones are housed in nests around the roofs of the two buildings, and are released in response to security alerts. They've been wired to accept orders from anyone with a security-guard badge or through deckers on the non-matrix connected matrix host who have appropriate authorization. They will fire on anyone the security guards fire on.
Hand Spd Acc Bod Arm Sig Pil Sens
4 70 6 2 0 5 1 1
Features: Matrix, voice command, Ingram valiant LMG (BF/FA 7S), 100 standard rounds
Security Decker
These deckers have an assortment of duties, but are generally working on maintaining the system or sniffing out illegal trid piracy or fradulent tickets. If the system goes to Passive Alert, they will begin searching for any deckers, and will attack with extreme prejudice. They have icons modeled as exciting motorcycle action-movie police.
Deck: MPCP-9/9/9/9/0 Hardening 4, Response Increase 2
Pools: Hacking Pool - 4
Skills: Computer 5
Programs: Browse-6, Scanner-4, Track-3, Black Hammer-4, Armor-2
[ Spoiler ]
Becka's apartment suite is surprisingly spartan. It has four rooms, two bedrooms, a main living room/kitchenette and a bathroom. The first thing the characters will notice when entering is the suite is crowded with fake and real shrubbery, providing +2 to all perception and shooting modifiers within ten meters, +4 beyond that due to soft cover. It would appear the entire building has been searched for anything resembling a tree and its all been brought to this room. Several of the rooms are stacked high with couches, modularized entertainment sets and many of the other conveniences you'd expect to find in the average sarariman's home. All the rooms smell strongly of eucalyptus. All four of the drop bears (the three 'Elvis impersonators' are in fact undercover Drop Bear Commandos) will be hidden somewhere in the foliage, using their adaptive coloration to practically disappear from sight. Only Baz will be easily spotted, although he maintains a largely nocturnal lifestyle so he can better care for Becka, so he won't always be where the runners would expect him. When Baz becomes aware of something going wrong, he will primarily work on calling security, then defending Becka, but hopefully without sacrificing himself in the process. All four of the drop bears will attack as soon as they feel they have the best chance of making a successful attack (including when they've been spotted or when the other bears attack). Security will arrive in approximately a minute and a half. Security drones will wait outside, but will not shoot into the room, only attacking any runners who try to exit through the window. The window has a barrier rating of 8.
[ Spoiler ]
If the characters decide to wait two days, they can intercept Becka during the actual show, across the street at the trideo set. There are approximately 350 people in attendance in the audience, as well as 60 crew members and eight actors. The vast majority of the audience members are young teens, wearing the trendiest fashions. The crew includes camera men, the twenty five armed guards, and a large number of people behind the scenes. Also included in this number are the three judges, lovable Eva Diola, funny-man Lucien Page, and snarky Simone. Simone has largely made the show with his biting insults against singers, and aside from the guards, he can be considered the only other armed person in the crew, wielding his rapier-like wit against the runners should he encounter them. Becka's guards will stay back at the room, as they get edgy around so many people. She will be accompanied solely by Baz, and she will spend the majority of her time backstage in a semi-private room munching on eucalyptus. She will never be out of Baz's sight, and will almost always be in the company of at least four other contendors, one guard, and two gofers.
The building itself has several employee entrances, including an underground, highly secured walkway to the office building next door, and a single public entrance. The public entrance has a rating-8 cyberware scanner, rating-8 metal detector, four security guards including one on-site sorcerer to watch for magical trouble. The guards are under strict orders not to allow in any unregistered or suspicious cyberware, any weapons whatsoever. However, once past the entrance, there are too many people for the guards to be able to see most of what is going on in the audience. They will respond to any apparent problems, and at least two guards wander around back stage and another four around the main stage. There is one full mage on guard, with two force 5 Earth elementals and two force 7 Water elementals on call. Tickets are verified at the main door and again when entering the studio, checking them against the matrix host. Seating begins at 5:30pm and continues until 6:30pm, when the doors are closed. The show starts at 6:50pm and continues on until 8:30pm, with regular commercial breaks.
Mitsuhama Security Sorcerer
His primary duty is to watch the astral for magical threats, call in to the site mage for elementals and then sling spells until the threat is neutralized.
B Q S C I W E M R Armor
3 3 2 4 4 5 6 6 3 6/4
Pools: Combat Pool - 3
Skills: Etiquette (Corporate) 3, SMGs 3, Armed Combat 2, Sorcery 4, Aura Reading 5
Gear: Armor jacket (5/3), helmet (+1/1, integrated transceiver rating 2), Uzi III (laser sight, folding stock (-1 rc), 6M, BF, 1 magazine standard rounds, 1 magazine gel rounds), Stun baton (6S stun)
Spells: Stunball 4, Stunbolt 6, Treat 4, Mind Probe 2, Analyze Truth 4, Detect Enemy 3, Detect Line-Hopper 6, Barrier 4
Mitsuhama Corporate Security
These guards are building security. They've been selected based largely on their ability to kiss up to fat-headed trid stars, however they are more than capable at neutralizing most low-level threats. They will immediately call for backup if required.
B Q S C I W E M R Armor
4 3 3 4 2 2 5 - 2 6/4
Pools: Combat Pool - 3
Skills: Etiquette (Corporate) 4, SMGs 4, Unarmed Combat 3, Armed Combat 4, Biotech(First Aid) 1
Gear: Armor jacket (5/3), helmet (+1/1, integrated transceiver rating 2), Uzi III (Smartlink-2, personalized safety, folding stock (-1 rc), 6M, BF, 1 magazine standard rounds, 1 magazine gel rounds), Stun baton (6S stun)
Cyber: Smartlink-2, cyber-eyes with magnification-3, flare compensation and low-light, headware radio, biomonitor
His tongue should be a licensed weapon. He's sent the meanest trolls home crying and doesn't hold back from children and women either. He's confident enough to not be easily cowed, and has seen more than a few guns in his life (and even been shot at twice, during UCAS Idolize: Excursion Miami). If he gets the chance, he'll grind the runners mentally into the dust.
B Q S C I W E M R Armor
3 4 2 6 5 6 6 - 4 3/2
Pools: Combat Pool - 7
Skills: Etiquette (Stupid People) 5, Intimidate(Insult) 9, Interrogation(Insulting) 7, Leadership (Cowing) 5, Stealth (Awareness) 8, Unarmed Combat 3, Pistols 3, Insult b/r 8
Gear: Armored fine clothing (3/2), rapier-like wit (6S Self-confidence)
Cyber: cyber-eyes with magnification-3, microscopic vision, ultra-sound vision, flare compensation, low-light, datajack, cyberears with high, low frequency, hearing amplification, recorder, select sound filter 5, headware radio, biomonitor
The guards really don't have patience for standard runner hijinx, and aren't interested in making a scene. Body armor and weapons are common enough that, unless the runners make a show of things, they'll simply be denied entrance. The tickets explicitly say body armor, weapons and unregistered cyberware is not allowed, nor are any SINless allowed in. If the runners pose any physical threat to any Mitsuhama employee or any visitor, the guards won't hesitate to smoke them. Simone enjoys wandering the set, and has very keen eyes. He will almost certainly spot the runners if they're around and, while he doesn't expect they're up to trouble, he'll mercilessly insult them if he gets the chance. Runners can roll their Willpower against a 6S attack. Any damage not staged down is applied directly to their self-confidence for the remainder of the run. If their self confidence reaches Deadly, they run crying to the nearest restroom and lock themselves in a stall for 1d6*10 minutes.
So this is what I need...
1) Funny names, situations, details. I'm happy to change anything I've written so far. Most of what I've written out is the body required for an ADVENTURE, not the style required to make it a DROP BEAR adventure. I've done the easy part. So feel free to help give me style. Character names, situations, details and descriptions all give the story new style. Easter eggs are great, don't be afraid to toss in names of forum members (in fact, I plan on it).
2) Maps. I hate doing maps. Read through, if you think you can make a good map, go for it. PM me and I'll give you my e-mail address. E-mail it and I'll include it in the plot.
3) Most important, plot questions. I have put up the plot as I have it planned:
i Fortuna hires the runners
ii Runners kidnap Becka
iii Runners deliver Becka to Fortuna
iv Runners are kidnapped by the DBC. This is where help is certainly appreciated. I don't look forward to making up the holy words of the DBC on my lonesome. What we write may be considered canon by future generations, so each word must be considered carefully.
v Runners are hired to go get Becka back from Fortuna, probably requiring they break into Fortuna's mansion in the Tir. What is this mansion like? What do they encounter? There is lots of room for help here.
vi Runners return with information. What do they learn?
vii Runners are hired again by the DBC to set up a fake meet with Fortuna
viii Runners partake in a battle of awesomeness
ix Wrapping up - what do the screamsheets say? What else happens if the runners have failed? Survived?
x Cast of Shadows - hopefully this won't be hard, but I will need help going over the stats of the Drop Bear Commandos and other critical NPCs.
As always, your humble servant requests your aid in spreading the good word.