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Eh, the moment has passed, but I appreciate the attmept.
Gyro the Greek Sandwich Pirate
Back to possible corporation use of drop bears:

How about parachuting drop bears into certain locations? This would be a wonderful way to terrorize places like the Yucatan. They would have no idea what these things were, and Aztechnology would be dropping them in by the barrel.
Nah, hypnotize them and pose them to look like cute anthro-form teddy-bear drones. Market them as voice activated drones, the word to awaken them happen to do just that (along with a post-hypnotic suggestion to devour anyone that smells like the person that spoke the word to them) wipe out whole wage-slave families in a night.
Gyro the Greek Sandwich Pirate
Aren't they fairly slow when they're not falling, though?
I mean, maybe wait until the people are asleep so they can catch them unawares...
Basically that's the idea.
Sounds like you guys are remaking the movie "Chucky" with Drop Bears. This might be a fun one-shot to play around with.
ooooh, Shedim infested Drop bears, now that's a little wonky
What would the Drop Bear Totem be like?
sleepy and hungry for essence.
Gyro the Greek Sandwich Pirate
So what would that be, -1 to all spells, but gain the Essence drain ability, and all essence goes to your totem?
Tonight a player came up with the idea of a Rapid Response Team which he mispelled and made a Rabbit Response Team of it. Imagine some Orks with pink Rabbit-costumes - supported by a Drop Bear missile launcher so it becomes a Drop Bear Rabbit Response Team (DBRRT). Nice idea i think. smile.gif
QUOTE (Gyro the Greek Sandwich Pirate)
So what would that be, -1 to all spells, but gain the Essence drain ability, and all essence goes to your totem?

The shaman has some food restrictions and must have the "looks stupid/dumb" flaw.
QUOTE (Angelone)
Think they were just joking around can't find it in any of my books, including Critters and Paranormal Animals of Europe.

Now concentrate on the threat that noone, not even I, suspects... THE DROPBEARS!

Thank you, Angelone.
Gyro the Greek Sandwich Pirate
Here's another question: if you boosted a Drop Bear's reflexes with cyber or by magic, does anyone think it would have any noticeable effect?
QUOTE (Gyro the Greek Sandwich Pirate)
Here's another question: if you boosted a Drop Bear's reflexes with cyber or by magic, does anyone think it would have any noticeable effect?

Excessive cyberware makes Drop Bears something something......

[ Spoiler ]
Go crazy?
QUOTE (Trax)
Go crazy?

Don't mind if I do.

blarbarlyabbabababbabbleble *runs around swinging axe*

Critters don't handle cyberware well. Reaction enhancing cyberware would probably turn a Drop Bear rabid.
Gyro the Greek Sandwich Pirate
QUOTE (hyzmarca)
Critters don't handle cyberware well. Reaction enhancing cyberware would probably turn a Drop Bear rabid.

Which makes them even more dangerous in the hands of the corporations.
slap some cyber legs on 'em and give 'em hydraulic jacks, so they can jump around if they miss. The gummy bears from hell.

"Gummy-drop bears... bouncing here and there and every where!"

Then they eat your face. yay! spin.gif
Okay, I'm disturbed because I can pull off most of that song from memory without looking it up.

Dashing and daring, courageous and caring, faithful and friendly
with stories to share...
all through the forest they sing out in chorus... marching along as their song fills the air....

*cue line by Fistandilus*

High adventures beyond compare....
they are the gummy bears...

Gack, somebody shoot me! Yeah, I grew up on that show as a kid.
I'm sorry , I didn't mean to do that to you. Let me find my 9mm, and I'll help you end it.... brb (you made me feel better though, 'cause you remembered a lot more than me)

*cue line by Fistandilus*
It's not quite there, but it's better than "Fisty"
I still wake up at night with that song running through my head sometimes. Is that bad?

silly.gif silly.gif silly.gif
I still jump on my bed whenever I drink grape juice. Is that bad?
Hey, Gummy bears has probably the best SR tie-in of all the family style cartoons of the era. The Duke, aka Dukey, lived in castle Drekmore
Gyro the Greek Sandwich Pirate
QUOTE (Nikoli)
The Duke, aka Dukey, lived in castle Drekmore

Drek more, frag less?
not exactly he was fairly hell bent on fragging the Gummi Bears and the snot nosed brats. Though why he surrounded himself with henchmen that couldn't find two synapses to rub together among the score of them is beyond me.
QUOTE (Nikoli)
Though why he surrounded himself with henchmen that couldn't find two synapses to rub together among the score of them is beyond me.

They're union.
International Brothrehood of Drubers and Dunces, Local 764?
" this is the thread the wouldn't end.... it just goes on and on my friend..."

Damn threads with regeneration power.
It's alive! ALIVE! Muahahahahahahah! upsidedown.gif
Gyro the Greek Sandwich Pirate
I think the regeneration has much to do with the amazing depth that has yet to be plumbed of the enigmatic drop bear.

For instance, how do drop bears go about making little drop bears? What intricate rituals must they engage in to conceive?
QUOTE (Gyro the Greek Sandwich Pirate)
I think the regeneration has much to do with the amazing depth that has yet to be plumbed of the enigmatic drop bear.

For instance, how do drop bears go about making little drop bears? What intricate rituals must they engage in to conceive?

Most likely, they just drain the essence of a normal Koala to 0 an dit rises as a Drop Bear 3 days later. This way, they don't have to go through the effort of having sexual intercourse.
nah, it's like eagles, they do it on the way down.....

then make cheasy bumper stickers about it
Gyro the Greek Sandwich Pirate
QUOTE (hyzmarca)
QUOTE (Gyro the Greek Sandwich Pirate @ Aug 6 2005, 08:53 PM)
I think the regeneration has much to do with the amazing depth that has yet to be plumbed of the enigmatic drop bear.

For instance, how do drop bears go about making little drop bears?  What intricate rituals must they engage in to conceive?

Most likely, they just drain the essence of a normal Koala to 0 an dit rises as a Drop Bear 3 days later. This way, they don't have to go through the effort of having sexual intercourse.

If they do that, how do they hunt other koalas? Do they get 'the drop' on them too?
I can't imagine they're terribly fast...
Well, essence Drain requires strong emotions such as lust or fear. I'd day that they have a very high ettiquette (Koala seduction) specialization.
"Wanna see my collection of interesting eucalyptus leafs?"

And it may work... koalas, too dumb.
Ok, somehow this had made two things meet in my head that should never meet: Disney and White Wolf. There new game amed at younger audience:

"Drop Bears, The Masqurade"

Cute vampiric angst filled Koalas compleat with political manuvering and backstabing.
Nah, that'll never happen. It is almost as silly as Disney and Squaresoft making a console RPG together. grinbig.gif
That's alright. I revealed to my wife yesterday that I can't watch Duck Tales since I always remember that ducks have 6-12 inch long, corkscrew shaped penises. We all have those strange combinations that keep us up at night.
Gee, there's a piece of useless information I could have done without.
Gyro the Greek Sandwich Pirate
There is actually an early Something Positive strip that prominantly features koala reproduction.
QUOTE (nezumi)
That's alright. I revealed to my wife yesterday that I can't watch Duck Tales since I always remember that ducks have 6-12 inch long, corkscrew shaped penises. We all have those strange combinations that keep us up at night.

I always wondered why Donald usually runs around without pants, but after taking a shower he takes towel around his lower torso...
regenerate! The drop bear will not die!

Geez, take a day or two off, and you're talking about Donal Duck's penis!?

Pigs do that too BTW
It was.. umh... late?

Last nigh we just ranted (over some beers) about koalas - seems noone likes them.
what isn't their to like about a koala? SMall, furry, symbol of a continent (sorta) carries babeis on it's back. And the drop bear eats people's faces! Doesn't get any better! biggrin.gif
Nope - everyone disliked them because of their stupid look in the face and the fact that they are plain stupid.
They're not stupid.

Except that they poison themselves with their food supply.

Wait, that's stupid.

Carry on. grinbig.gif
Converted another one, fine.
I took my little cousin to the zoo yesterday. When we got to the koala exibit, and I had a staring contest with one. It won after I got "The good, the bad, and the ugly" theme in my head and started laughing. It was a sad day for the resistance.
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