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Full Version: And now a running list of things I am not allowed to do in Shadowrun
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3834b-I: When they're within earshot.
3835: Feral AIs/AIs are not good options for programs to try and replicate as technomancer or hacker. Seriously...there are enough of these things, and we don't need someone churning out -tame- ones.
3836: A comlink loaded with feral AI's is no longer to be considered a gift for any Johnson.
3836a: Even if the Johnson had been pissing me off
3837: Burner CommLinks should not have a trapped Feral AI as a "Self Destruct" option.
Kyoto Kid
QUOTE (Squiddy Attack @ Feb 13 2011, 03:02 PM) *
3849: Leela is not allowed to breed.

... nyahnyah.gif [translated from the Hrvatski]
3838: I am not allowed to name my characters after the gm.
3839: Gibberish is not an acceptable language skill.
QUOTE (Bastard @ Feb 20 2011, 08:30 AM) *
3839: Gibberish is not an acceptable language skill.

Sure it is!
(Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for any time wasted, or brain cells lost)
QUOTE (Draco18s @ Feb 20 2011, 06:03 AM) *
Sure it is!
(Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for any time wasted, or brain cells lost)
Haha! Excellent link!
QUOTE (Bastard @ Feb 20 2011, 09:11 AM) *
Haha! Excellent link!

I've read 90% of that site. And while I don't remember every entry, a few stick out.
QUOTE (Bastard @ Feb 20 2011, 05:30 AM) *
3838: I am not allowed to name my characters after the gm.
3839: Gibberish is not an acceptable language skill.

What about technobabble?
The Dragon Girl
Actually gibberish originally being the word for street slang, it seems appropriate to me >.>
QUOTE (Squiddy Attack @ Feb 16 2011, 01:28 AM) *
2831h: I may never use the phrase "Anonymous is legion. Anonymous never forgives" as part of an Intimidation roll.

Just happened. Intimidation roll failed due to stupidity of target.
Assuming it isn't simply a publicity stunt by the so-called church (which consists of a lawyer, his family clan, and a bunch of other lawyers). They seem less like a real hate group, and more like a bunch of opportunists who deliberately provoke people in the most disgusting ways, so that they can sue them on First Amendment grounds. Although it could backfire on them, if the real Anonymous decides to respond to this baiting.
QUOTE (Glyph @ Feb 20 2011, 05:33 PM) *
Assuming it isn't simply a publicity stunt by the so-called church (which consists of a lawyer, his family clan, and a bunch of other lawyers). They seem less like a real hate group, and more like a bunch of opportunists who deliberately provoke people in the most disgusting ways, so that they can sue them on First Amendment grounds. Although it could backfire on them, if the real Anonymous decides to respond to this baiting.

Anon's reply. Looks like it was an attempt to get IP Addresses for lawsuits.

I do like the reply, however. You have a freedom of speech, we agree with that. That said, you're too small for us to deal with right now. We'll come back to you when we have less pressing matters. Quit being media-whore douchebags, please.

But, still, not a group you want to pick a fight with.
3839a: Technobable, however, is an acceptable language skill if my character is an engineer
3840: Hacking the Humanis Policlub node and defacing it does not make you some sort of crusader for equal rights. That's what actually beating up those buggers is for.
3840a: Beating one up is no reason to brag. They think 10:1 odds is a fair fight. Take on 20. Then you can brag.
3840a-i: And if you beat up 100 at one time, then you are pretty much an equal rights legend
Kyoto Kid
...3840b: and if you blow up their HQ during a meeting where all members are in attendance, you become an equal rights saint.

...heeheeheehee...the Queen of Diamonds strikes again!!!
Squiddy Attack
So, what happens if you... Arrange a Humanis Policlub meeting, Physical Mask a troll into a human, make him the keynote speaker, then stop halfway through the speech, drop the spell, and Trololo all their comms?
Kyoto Kid
...well, if it were my Troll Social Adept Babydoll, she could trollop all their comms. grinbig.gif
3841: I am not allowed to play my characters (even the ones that I make reference of this in their character sheet) in a "true neutral" way and repeatedly resist the GM baiting me into getting caught up in a pile of drek.

In my defense, he was a hardened runner -- a serious pro. And pretty much true neutral when it came to morality, right, and wrong, and all that. I drove that particular GM nuts with that character more than once, namely because of my bringing a few items of no consequence on runs that always wound up being part of some elaborate MacGuyver technique.

Oh yeah, and that reminds me... (I'll spare you the long story on this one):

3842: Try to MacGuyver my way out of a sticky situation with a combination of C4, Grenades, Couches or Office Furniture, Armored Cars, Magic, and Trolls.
I want the long story of that one. Put it in it's own thread.
3843: i can no longer have a razor hound has my "pet" then mod it so it has a rocket launcher instead of a submachine gun
3843a: if i manage to get a razor hound pet, i cant call him fluffy
3843b: Cuddles and Pinkie are also out. Spot is allowed.
3844: I am no longer allowed to play a character who clears a room by dropping HE grenades at his feet... and walks out alive.
Kyoto Kid
3844a: I am no longer allowed to play a character who clears a room by opening up a sealed armoured briefcase containing an unrefrigerated kilo of Bier Käse that has been inside for the last two weeks...

...and say...

...behold, the power of cheese.
3844b: I am no longer allowed to play a character that can clear a room just by having Aztlaner food before a 'Run. Especially if the opposing force is using viral-grade gas masks and are still affected.
Kyoto Kid
...kimchee and cheap beer. Combining the two in the metahuman body (particularly that of a troll) is classified as possession of a WMD in most civilised nations. grinbig.gif
QUOTE (Draco18s @ Feb 20 2011, 06:03 AM) *
Sure it is!(Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for any time wasted, or brain cells lost)

Thanks again for the link! This killed so many hours on my graveyard shifts!

3845: Bulletstorm is not a combat simulator for Shadowrun. Especially the language.
3846: I cannot refer to my GMs real name in IC as a homosexual deviant, even if it is just non-plot driven "fluff."
3846a: Unless he is a homosexual deviant and FLAMING about it.
QUOTE (Bastard @ Feb 23 2011, 05:49 PM) *
Thanks again for the link! This killed so many hours on my graveyard shifts!

You're welcome. I've wasted many an hour on there at work too (while the sun was up!)

Today's internet-less downtime was filled with Dwarf Fortress for the most part. The rest by writing myself a project time tracker that will let me log my hours on different projects with as few button clicks as possible.
QUOTE (Draco18s @ Feb 23 2011, 04:59 PM) *
You're welcome. I've wasted many an hour on there at work too (while the sun was up!)

Today's internet-less downtime was filled with Dwarf Fortress for the most part. The rest by writing myself a project time tracker that will let me log my hours on different projects with as few button clicks as possible.

I was never able to get into that game. I guess I need more of a GUI than that :-/
3847: You have to come up with one hell of a good reason for why your Shadowteam wants to start a band.
3847a: Especially if the only experience they have with music is from playing Rock Hero 12 during their downtime!
QUOTE (Tyro @ Feb 23 2011, 08:23 PM) *
I was never able to get into that game. I guess I need more of a GUI than that :-/

QUOTE (Toady One)
"The interface is coming - it's not coming in your lifetime but it's coming."

But yeah, the interface is kinda terrible.
3848: Tiny Toons are not acceptable magical tradition.
3849: I'm not allowed to claim that my runner is a direct descendant of Jesus Christ.
3849a: Or a 13th Apostle, removed from Bible because he's a troll/ork/black/AI.
3850: Not allowed to create Free Spirit runner based on Golgothan the Shit Demon.
3851: Making any character based off an X-Box Arcade/PSN title will result in me being beaten. Not the character, ME!
3851a: Making Star from Captain Smiley is going to have me beaten with my own entrenching tool.
3852: I may not call planet Earth "the vehicle with which we travel through space"
3852a: I may not use this as a justification to install spacecraft mods
3852b: nor is the fact that it contains ground, water and air sufficient grounds to proclaim it either a ground, water or aircraft
3852c: I may not ask to install Interior Cameras on this vehicle
3852d: nor Ejection Seats
3852e: nor a Nitrous Oxide installation
3852f: speeding up the world does not give everyone extra Initiative Passes
3852fg Improved Economy does not work that way
3852h: the planet already floats. Lighter Than Air would be useless
3852i: likewise Ballast Tanks
3852j: I may not ask the local priest if heaven and hell are Extra Entry/Exit points.
Haha, that's awesome, Mardrax!
We did fly a planet in a game of Star Wars once...
3853: Drink a six pack of Mike's Hard OOC, then accidentally drive the team's SUV down a shaft to the center of the planet IC.
QUOTE (Mardrax @ Feb 25 2011, 04:19 AM) *
3852: I may not call planet Earth "the vehicle with which we travel through space"
3852a: I may not use this as a justification to install spacecraft mods
3852b: nor is the fact that it contains ground, water and air sufficient grounds to proclaim it either a ground, water or aircraft
3852c: I may not ask to install Interior Cameras on this vehicle
3852d: nor Ejection Seats
3852e: nor a Nitrous Oxide installation
3852f: speeding up the world does not give everyone extra Initiative Passes
3852fg Improved Economy does not work that way
3852h: the planet already floats. Lighter Than Air would be useless
3852i: likewise Ballast Tanks
3852j: I may not ask the local priest if heaven and hell are Extra Entry/Exit points.

This is made of awesome and win.
3854: If they want the plane intact, shooting at the pilot and not the plane while he is flying it is not the answer.
3855: I am not allowed to put a nuke in the sidecar of my motorcycle, hooked up to my vital signs. (I love that book ^_^)
3855a: In fact, I'm not allowed a nuke, period.
Kyoto Kid
...awwww, that's no fun... frown.gif

...heeheeheehee, the Queen of Diamonds strikes again
Squiddy Attack
3856: Leela must not be informed of any nuclear devices the group has.
3856a: Not that it matters, FAE is a "Poor Man's Nuke" anyhow.
QUOTE (CanRay @ Feb 25 2011, 11:33 PM) *
3855a: In fact, I'm not allowed a nuke, period.

3855b: Nor am I allowed anything which contains nukes
3855c: Nor am I allowed anything which is powered by nukes

These are, in fact, from in character experience.
3857: If I attempt to make something that makes a biochemist scared, it will be banned from the game and "A magician prevented it from working" will be a valid reason.
3857a: If I'm a magician that's counterspelling that magician above, his spirits will come to eat my immortal soul, draining my essence to 0, and there will be no mercy.
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