IP 2
Amy 12 Banish
Grease 12 Suppressing fire
Mage 7
Fire Spirit 6
Jack 3 - lay down suppressing fire on Goons 1-5
Overkill 3 - shoot at the spirit
Goon 1 3
Goon 3 3
So, Amy goes first,
Banishing attempt:
Spirit's resistance
4d6.hits(5)=2Drain resistance vs 4 DV
No drain
Then Grease - continuing his suppressing fire
Then the Mage, who vanishes from sight
Then the Fire Spirit, who attacks Overkill (It materialized on its first IP, and is now vulnerable to attack)
Agility 6, Unarmed Combat 4
10d6.hits (5)=1Overkill's Dodge
Reaction 6 + Int 3
9d6.hits(5)=3The Fire spirit misses
Overkill goes
Burst fire
Close range, Lowlight negates vision penalty
Agi 5, Automatics 4, SM 2
11d6.hits(5)=8 - reduced to 7 by accuracy
Spirit Dodges
Reaction 7, Int 4, -2 for burst fire
9d6.hits(5)=4So, modified DV is 7P base, -2 and switched to Stun by ammo, +3 net hits to 8S. Spirit's armor is 8-5 is 3, which provides 2 auto hits, plus it rolls 3 dice + Body 5.
d6.hits(5)=2The spirit would take 4 boxes of Stun damage.
Jack goes and begins suppressing fire on the second squad of goons, forcing them to stay in the trees.
Goon 1, armed with a machine pistol, is unable to return fire, and unwilling to walk into the spray of fire from the SMG.
Goon 3, armed with an SMG tries a shot at Jack.
Automatics 3, Agility 4, SM +2 Lowlight negates vision penalty, Range penalty reduced from extreme to long by vision mag, -3, partial cover from the trees -2
4d6.hits(5)=1Jack dodges
7d6.hits(5)=2IC post up shortly.
IP 3
Amy 2
Grease 2
What do Amy and Grease want to do now?
ETA - edited the above due to slight rules question - solved offline