Jack VII
Jul 29 2014, 08:01 PM
I don't really have much to add to the discussion, other than looking menacing.
ETA: Damn, I wish I still had that bio-monitor, it would be useful right now.
Jul 29 2014, 08:02 PM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Jul 29 2014, 03:01 PM)

I don't really have much to add to the discussion, other than looking menacing.
There may be plenty for you to do, if he doesn't spill the beans!

Chrome Head
Jul 29 2014, 08:03 PM
Oh you can add a bonus for overt use of magic if that applies, the spirit has to manifest to conceal us, I believe. Also, Amy will assense Stinger and continue perceiving Magic throughout. She also drops Detect Life.
Jul 29 2014, 08:54 PM
QUOTE (Chrome Head @ Jul 29 2014, 04:03 PM)

Oh you can add a bonus for overt use of magic if that applies, the spirit has to manifest to conceal us, I believe. Also, Amy will assense Stinger and continue perceiving Magic throughout. She also drops Detect Life.
Yeah; and I presumed monitoring his vitals would help us determine if he was lying / nervous, etc.
Chrome Head
Jul 29 2014, 10:30 PM
QUOTE (DrZaius @ Jul 29 2014, 03:54 PM)

Yeah; and I presumed monitoring his vitals would help us determine if he was lying / nervous, etc.
Wouldn't this require a skill like Medicine? Or some relevant knowledge skill? In the same way, I'm not sure how detailed a read Amy can get just from his aura...
Jack VII
Jul 29 2014, 11:10 PM
QUOTE (Chrome Head @ Jul 29 2014, 05:30 PM)

Wouldn't this require a skill like Medicine? Or some relevant knowledge skill? In the same way, I'm not sure how detailed a read Amy can get just from his aura...
Personally, I would say using a bio-monitor to determine if someone is lying would probably fall under the interrogation specialization of intimidation. It's the basic premise for polygraphs. Not quite designed for it, so I wouldn't give a huge bonus, but it would help. I'm not sure if I would allow a medkit to do it. From my reading, most medkits aren't going to really provide that much information, they'd just provide instruction without necessarily telling you specifics.
Medkit Mk VII: "Low-Blood Pressure Detected! Check for internal or external bleeding!" rather than providing actual systolic/diastolic numbers. That's just my reading though, I need to sit down with Bullets and Bandages some day to see what it says.
ETA: So I just read through Bullets and Bandages. It's okay. Pretty good fluff, but almost all of the new gear/drugs/etc requires incorporating the Care Under Fire rules, of which I am not a fan. The last thing Shadowrun needs is another way for people to just bleed out, IMO.
Jul 30 2014, 12:32 AM
Ok - sorry about today - work kicked my ass. Everything was going wrong, and all of it was due to my sales team screwing up so I was putting out fires. Will be posting this evening with IC and OOC results.
Jack VII
Jul 30 2014, 12:46 AM
No problem man, two quick questions:
By the term "a couple of magazines," are you using the strict definition of couple (e.g. two)? Assuming they fit the Colt Agent Special, that would be 16 rounds of Heavy Pistol ammo, plus the 7 rounds I am assuming remain in the pistol after he fired a round off?
Is the ammo normal or something more interesting?
Jul 30 2014, 12:56 AM
Grease's test:
Charisma 6
Intimidation 3
Physically Intimidating - I would say +1, given that Stinger is physically more powerful than all of you except Jack, and even Jack only has him by a couple of points in Bod and Strength.
Characters Outnumber +2
Obvious Weapon/Magic +2
No to the pain - as you have not tortured him (yet)
Hostile -3
Street Cred -2
So, that is a total of 9 dice for you, and he rolls his Charisma plus willpower of 7 total dice.
I'm leaving off any modifiers for what the result is, since he doesn't know whether you are lying about letting him go, and he KNOWS what Lynx will do if he gives him up.
So your roll:
His roll:
7d6.hits(5)=3God IC really hates you guys.
Btw - I really have no idea (since out of game it has been a while) whether or not any of you (besides Jack who has it listed on the first page of this thread) has any Edge left. I think you all still have it, and I will be more careful in future to track it (and if none of you remember I will just go back through the OOC pages and check) - but does anyone know?
I'll wait till I hear from Dr. Z whether or not he is using Edge before I post anything IC.
Jul 30 2014, 12:58 AM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Jul 29 2014, 08:46 PM)

No problem man, two quick questions:
By the term "a couple of magazines," are you using the strict definition of couple (e.g. two)? Assuming they fit the Colt Agent Special, that would be 16 rounds of Heavy Pistol ammo, plus the 7 rounds I am assuming remain in the pistol after he fired a round off?
Is the ammo normal or something more interesting?
Yes - I meant two - which means that you are correct that it is a total of 23 rounds (7 in the gun and 8 in each spare mag).
It is all Hollow Point ammo.
Jack VII
Jul 30 2014, 01:05 AM
Honestly... I thought they had all used their Edge up. Then again, I think I was the only one who didn't actually get a full nights rest at the safe house last night. so they may have recovered it.
Jul 30 2014, 01:08 AM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Jul 29 2014, 09:05 PM)

Honestly... I thought they had all used their Edge up. Then again, I think I was the only one who didn't actually get a full nights rest at the safe house last night. so they may have recovered it.
I think they had all used it yes, but then since they all slept I'm pretty sure they got it back - the exception being maybe Overkill who had to use it to modify the Rotodrone
Jul 30 2014, 01:09 AM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Jul 29 2014, 09:05 PM)

Honestly... I thought they had all used their Edge up. Then again, I think I was the only one who didn't actually get a full nights rest at the safe house last night. so they may have recovered it.
I used my edge on one of the rolls to cut him off.
Jack VII
Jul 30 2014, 01:17 AM
I flipped through the OOC pages using the Search. From what I can tell:
Amy has a point of Edge. She regained it from sleeping last night and, as far as I can tell, did not spend Edge over the last day.
Grease spent his point of Edge rerolling his failures on the failed Cut-Off maneuver (which still failed because Lobo sucks at rolling dice, I'm not buying the IC argument anymore, LOL).
Overkill doesn't have Edge. This is based on him only having a point and Lobo pointing out that Overkill would not gain Edge last night due to the timing of our watches/him working on the drones. Since he only has one point of Edge, I don't think it would have been brought up otherwise. I do not know what he spent it on, however.
Jack has 3/5 points of Edge, from what I can tell.
Jul 30 2014, 02:07 AM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Jul 29 2014, 09:17 PM)

I flipped through the OOC pages using the Search. From what I can tell:
Amy has a point of Edge. She regained it from sleeping last night and, as far as I can tell, did not spend Edge over the last day.
Grease spent his point of Edge rerolling his failures on the failed Cut-Off maneuver (which still failed because Lobo sucks at rolling dice, I'm not buying the IC argument anymore, LOL).
Overkill doesn't have Edge. This is based on him only having a point and Lobo pointing out that Overkill would not gain Edge last night due to the timing of our watches/him working on the drones. Since he only has one point of Edge, I don't think it would have been brought up otherwise. I do not know what he spent it on, however.
Jack has 3/5 points of Edge, from what I can tell.
Lobo had his chance to play nice- he rolled Stinger into enhanced interrogation!
As an aside, I think it's an omission (from a game design standpoint) that tailored pheromones don't affect intimidate checks; I completely agree that as the enhancement is written they do not, but I think they should.
Jack VII
Jul 30 2014, 02:22 AM
QUOTE (DrZaius @ Jul 29 2014, 08:07 PM)

As an aside, I think it's an omission (from a game design standpoint) that tailored pheromones don't affect intimidate checks; I completely agree that as the enhancement is written they do not, but I think they should.
I agree, although I find them to be pretty powerful as is. The only "wasted" skill that it benefits is Performance. All of the others are pretty useful nearly all the time., not to mention the limit thing. Personally, I'd let them impact any Social Skill, but I would probably limit them to how often they could be employed. If we were in a really heavy social game, the bonus would apply all the time. That's just how I would modify them (or just make them more expensive... they're a go-to item for any face that can afford them).
Jul 30 2014, 03:46 AM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Jul 29 2014, 09:22 PM)

I agree, although I find them to be pretty powerful as is. The only "wasted" skill that it benefits is Performance. All of the others are pretty useful nearly all the time., not to mention the limit thing. Personally, I'd let them impact any Social Skill, but I would probably limit them to how often they could be employed. If we were in a really heavy social game, the bonus would apply all the time. That's just how I would modify them (or just make them more expensive... they're a go-to item for any face that can afford them).
I dislike most enhancements that are pretty much required for an archetype ("Cleave" from D&D comes to mind), but I think they've done an ok job limiting it somewhat. The fact that it only works in person is fairly limiting. Even being behind a car window would likely protect you from their influence.
I just think it was a little lazy for them to lump it in with those skill groups, as opposed to picking the skills.
Con: Not sure I get the concept. I smell trustworthy?
Impersonation: I guess if I know what the person smells like.
Performance: I could see this, from the traditional, "ACTING!" standpoint
Etiquette: Calming smells, I suppose
Leadership: See: Axe Body spray commercials
Negotiation: Whatever they wrote makes sense
Intimidation: Missing
My 2

, as they say.
Jul 30 2014, 05:30 AM
IC Post up.
In 3e, Tailored Pheromones were AMAZING as they added their rating to your Charisma and to ALL Social tests - and Cultured Tailored added DOUBLE their rating.
Jul 30 2014, 12:46 PM
It just occurred to me:
Do we now have a new murder weapon? And the suspect who used it in handcuffs?
Jack VII
Jul 30 2014, 01:25 PM
I thought the gun in the security video was described as massive. Granted, the Agent is a light pistol that chambers heavy pistol rounds, but I was thinking it was like a Warhawk or something. We could probably take another look at the video though... (i.e. I'll go look at our notes, LOL)
Jul 30 2014, 01:25 PM
QUOTE (DrZaius @ Jul 30 2014, 07:46 AM)

It just occurred to me:
Do we now have a new murder weapon? And the suspect who used it in handcuffs?
That is up to you to decide

I would just tell you but Jack has made painstaking and copious notes of the information I have provided and would hate to let that go to waste.
Jack VII
Jul 30 2014, 01:28 PM
My notes indicate it was a large revolver, so probably not the murder weapon.
ETA: Interesting that he was called back. I'm sure it has to do with us taking out truck and Gutter reporting what the van picked up, but I guess it is possible it could be something else, like another hit.
Jul 30 2014, 01:33 PM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Jul 30 2014, 09:28 AM)

My notes indicate it was a large revolver, so probably not the murder weapon.
Is the Agent a revolver? I can't find it in the books. I guess it'd be worth checking the video on and seeing if it looks similar in size, shape, etc.
Jack VII
Jul 30 2014, 01:37 PM
QUOTE (DrZaius @ Jul 30 2014, 08:33 AM)

Is the Agent a revolver? I can't find it in the books. I guess it'd be worth checking the video on and seeing if it looks similar in size, shape, etc.
It's in Gun H(e)aven 3, it's a semi-automatic light pistol chambered for a heavy pistol. Looks a lot like this (with a shorter barrel):
Jul 30 2014, 01:47 PM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Jul 30 2014, 08:37 AM)

It's in Gun H(e)aven 3, it's a semi-automatic light pistol chambered for a heavy pistol. Looks a lot like this (with a shorter barrel):
http://www.policemag.com/_Images/articles/...911PD-web-2.jpgGotcha. Oh well, no such luck!
@Jack: Do you want to take a run at him now?
Jack VII
Jul 30 2014, 01:50 PM
QUOTE (DrZaius @ Jul 30 2014, 08:47 AM)

Gotcha. Oh well, no such luck!
@Jack: Do you want to take a run at him now?
I have pretty much no social skills and only an average Charisma to back it up, so I am not sure what good it would do. With that said, if you want to try again and use Truck's weapon/severed finger as props, that might help get the point across to Singer. I believe I have both of them on me.
ETA: Maybe Amy could Influence him?
Jul 30 2014, 02:34 PM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Jul 30 2014, 09:50 AM)

I have pretty much no social skills and only an average Charisma to back it up, so I am not sure what good it would do. With that said, if you want to try again and use Truck's weapon/severed finger as props, that might help get the point across to Singer. I believe I have both of them on me.
ETA: Maybe Amy could Influence him?
We also have the video of him committing a murder; that's pretty damning evidence (presuming they aren't so wired into the cops that it's not an issue..)
Additionally, I haven't threatened violence yet; but I certainly could!
Jul 30 2014, 06:07 PM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Jul 30 2014, 08:50 AM)

ETA: Maybe Amy could Influence him?
This is a possibility - but you are going to be limited as to what you can do with it. Remember that Influence is not designed to be a Control Thoughts/Control Actions, and given the way Stinger feels I would probably not allow an Influence spell to compel him to give you the information.
That doesn't mean that clever application of it can't yield some results with good RP - we'll see what you guys come up with.
Jul 30 2014, 06:17 PM
QUOTE (Lobo0705 @ Jul 30 2014, 02:07 PM)

This is a possibility - but you are going to be limited as to what you can do with it. Remember that Influence is not designed to be a Control Thoughts/Control Actions, and given the way Stinger feels I would probably not allow an Influence spell to compel him to give you the information.
That doesn't mean that clever application of it can't yield some results with good RP - we'll see what you guys come up with.
IC post is up!
OOC: I'm just rolling with whatever I come up with. If, OOC, people have any suggestions, I can modify posts to include a short dialogue between our characters. I want other people's opinions on my approach, or if you think we can do better!
Jack VII
Jul 30 2014, 06:17 PM
QUOTE (Lobo0705 @ Jul 30 2014, 01:07 PM)

This is a possibility - but you are going to be limited as to what you can do with it. Remember that Influence is not designed to be a Control Thoughts/Control Actions, and given the way Stinger feels I would probably not allow an Influence spell to compel him to give you the information.
That doesn't mean that clever application of it can't yield some results with good RP - we'll see what you guys come up with.
Given what just occurred, Amy could maybe influence him into thinking he really wants to keep his kneecaps.
I imagine Overkill is going to object to this...
Chrome Head
Jul 30 2014, 07:09 PM
Can Amy take a turn at trying to intimidate the dude? She has an untrained dice pool of 6 and could try a completely different approach.
I'm thinking something along the lines of physical cruelty/torture/emotional games where she would put the time into making him just want to die instead. It's crazy what you can do with a survival knife these days. It hasn't shown off very much in the game so far (except for her lack of concern at killing innocents earlier) but she definitely has it in her to turn on the cruel witch attitude.
Jul 30 2014, 07:54 PM
How are Amy or Jack going to react to Grease putting the gun against his knee?
Overkill is going to react to that, and I need to know what if any reaction they have to the threatened torture to determine his response and action.
ETA - With regards to Amy's question, yes, you could, except that you again run into a problem with Overkill. He isn't going to let Grease kneecap the guy, let alone you torture him to the point where he wishes he were dead.
Jack VII
Jul 30 2014, 07:58 PM
Jack wouldn't really flinch. He figures it's all an act... which it may or may not be. Jack would react if Grease actually pulled the trigger. Although I'm not exactly sure what he would do. I think he'd just be surprised that Grease would have actually shot the guy. I'm playing Jack as mildly honorable, but considering the body count of innocent people (let alone the cops) that this crew has left behind, he doesn't really have much in the way of sympathy for any of them.
Jul 30 2014, 11:49 PM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Jul 30 2014, 02:58 PM)

Jack wouldn't really flinch. He figures it's all an act... which it may or may not be. Jack would react if Grease actually pulled the trigger. Although I'm not exactly sure what he would do. I think he'd just be surprised that Grease would have actually shot the guy. I'm playing Jack as mildly honorable, but considering the body count of innocent people (let alone the cops) that this crew has left behind, he doesn't really have much in the way of sympathy for any of them.
Understood - just waiting for Chrome to respond how Amy would react to Grease's actions - then I can amalgamate the next IC post.
Jul 31 2014, 12:00 AM
QUOTE (Lobo0705 @ Jul 30 2014, 06:49 PM)

Understood - just waiting for Chrome to respond how Amy would react to Grease's actions - then I can amalgamate the next IC post.
Sounds good.
If confronted by Overkill, Grease will make a comment along the lines of, "You didn't hesitate when you capped the other guy we were going to talk to at the Lake! I'm just trying to keep the parts on this one that talk bullet free!"
Basically, call OK out, but also let Stinger know we've already murdered a dude for a lot less.
Chrome Head
Jul 31 2014, 02:22 AM
Amy would do the same, and more, herself. She doesn't react to that, clearly.
Jack VII
Jul 31 2014, 01:43 PM
Huh... you know, I'm not entirely sure how Jack is going to react to that. He can't see what just went down and doesn't entirely trust Grease. He's sort of been waiting on him to turn on them in some way while hoping he wouldn't.
Honestly, I think he'd probably pull his gun and point it at Grease and ask for an explanation. Unless his audio enhancements let him figure out Grease is just screwing around...
Jul 31 2014, 01:45 PM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Jul 31 2014, 08:43 AM)

Huh... you know, I'm not entirely sure how Jack is going to react to that. He can't see what just went down and doesn't entirely trust Grease. He's sort of been waiting on him to turn on them in some way while hoping he wouldn't.
Honestly, I think he'd probably pull his gun and point it at Grease and ask for an explanation. Unless his audio enhancements let him figure out Grease is just screwing around...
If you want to post IC, Grease's response would be (without breaking eye contact with Stinger), "Go check for yourself."
Jul 31 2014, 01:59 PM
Interesting developments

Ok - first things first:
Is Grease actually going to listen to Overkill? If not, then I think that Overkill would want to make a Judge Intentions check to see.
How Jack and Amy are going to react is important - I'll leave off posting what Stinger does until you post. Remember that you are worried about Lynx and Falcon finding you, and with your heightened reflexes hearing a couple shots go off, there is that to worry about, not to mention (as Jack pointed out) Grease is sort of a loose cannon.
Not saying that you should start a TPK - I'm just saying I don't think Amy and Jack are going to blithely let Grease walk back in

ETA - sorry Jack posted IC as I was posting this

Will wait for Amy's post.
Jack VII
Jul 31 2014, 02:00 PM
I just posted a response, roping in Chrome as well.
I guess the easiest thing to do would be for Grease to send a Group text using DNI and including Overkill, who could respond that he's fine and this is an act. Probably something that should have happened BEFORE the subterfuge, but Jack's real response might help sell the bit to Stinger in any event.
Jul 31 2014, 02:06 PM
QUOTE (Lobo0705 @ Jul 31 2014, 09:59 AM)

Interesting developments

Ok - first things first:
Is Grease actually going to listen to Overkill? If not, then I think that Overkill would want to make a Judge Intentions check to see.
How Jack and Amy are going to react is important - I'll leave off posting what Stinger does until you post. Remember that you are worried about Lynx and Falcon finding you, and with your heightened reflexes hearing a couple shots go off, there is that to worry about, not to mention (as Jack pointed out) Grease is sort of a loose cannon.
Not saying that you should start a TPK - I'm just saying I don't think Amy and Jack are going to blithely let Grease walk back in

ETA - sorry Jack posted IC as I was posting this

Will wait for Amy's post.
As fast and loose as I've been playing Grease, I would not be particularly surprised by any development

Per Grease listening to Overkill: Yes; you can make a judge intentions check but my goal was to make it clear he was going to go with Overkill's feelings on torture. Unless you count psychological!
ETA: Added Jack's suggestion about the DNI message. I suppose that's something Grease could have anticipated, given that Jack doesn't really trust him, and he just pretended to murder one of their partners.
Jack VII
Jul 31 2014, 03:14 PM
This scene is fun.
Jul 31 2014, 03:49 PM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Jul 31 2014, 11:14 AM)

This scene is fun.
It is

Ok - so last time Grease rolled 9 dice to Stinger's 7.
I'm going to modify that by the following:
2nd attempt: -2 dice
Roleplaying: +4 dice
Plus I'm going to have Amy add a Charisma (defaulting) Teamwork test since she is actively going along with Grease's play.
6d6.hits(5)=2So, his dice pool increases from 9 to 13.
Ok - will have a post up soon
Jul 31 2014, 04:50 PM
I like the juxtaposition of Grease as sort of the comic relief of the group along with being completely unhinged.
@Lobo: Are you cool with us discussing OOC what we want to ask Stinger? Otherwise, I can go off on my own and the other characters can ask questions IC as they want.
Jul 31 2014, 05:03 PM
QUOTE (DrZaius @ Jul 31 2014, 12:50 PM)

I like the juxtaposition of Grease as sort of the comic relief of the group along with being completely unhinged.
@Lobo: Are you cool with us discussing OOC what we want to ask Stinger? Otherwise, I can go off on my own and the other characters can ask questions IC as they want.
Yes - I sort of picture you as Howling Mad Murdock, Amy as Face, Jack as Hannibal, and Overkill as BA Baracus - only instead of having to drug him every time you want to go on an airplane, you'd have to do it whenever you want to torture someone

I think that this should be done IC - you have Stinger at the moment, but a break in the tension as you have a round table discussion would be problematic IC.
Jack VII
Jul 31 2014, 05:14 PM
I'm fine with IC work. This thing wasn't really planned out at all, so it probably should be organic. With that said, I may pop a message to everyone to send Grease their questions. Better to have one person interrogating rather than multiples... at least until he decides he doesn't want to cooperate with Grease anymore.
Chrome Head
Jul 31 2014, 09:32 PM
I don't have much to add right now.
If things get too comfortable, I'm entertaining the idea of having Amy cast a F1 ball lightning on Stinger to scare him off a little and keep him in line.
Obviously we'd like to know as much as possible about the crew, but that's probably what Stinger is least willing to share with us. I won't say more here, I'll add something in IC if I feel that Amy would want something to be asked.
Aug 1 2014, 07:10 PM
So I'm going to have Stinger make a Composure test to see if he can call your bluff. His threshold will be the net hits achieved by Grease in his Intimidation test.
7d6.hits(5)=0Well then, clearly he believes you

IC post up in a moment.
Aug 1 2014, 07:25 PM
QUOTE (Lobo0705 @ Aug 1 2014, 02:10 PM)

So I'm going to have Stinger make a Composure test to see if he can call your bluff. His threshold will be the net hits achieved by Grease in his Intimidation test.
7d6.hits(5)=0Well then, clearly he believes you

IC post up in a moment.
So, I'm letting the string run out a little, with the expectation that he'll volunteer something. If you'd prefer I can ask a direct question (I don't want to get too meta-gamey here), it's just my last IC post related to him "offering up something juicy"
Chrome Head
Aug 3 2014, 09:08 PM
... and what's their contact number, superiors, co-conspirators? show me the file you probably made on them? Oh and show us proof, like a recording.
We're dealing with a shadowrunning decker (at least I hope he's not a technomancer), he's got to have a whole lot of info on everyone and everything related to his job.
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