Amy 15 - Free action, yell "Leave Chomsky and Greeley, we let you leave. Don't and you're not getting out alive.", Simple Action, Take Cover, commands spirit
Spirit of Air 14 - Attack Officer #1
Officer 2 11 Shoot Rhex and jump in car
Rigger 11 - Drive car
Drone 8 - shoot spirit
Overkill 3 - ???
Chomsky 2
Greeley 2
Grease 1
So Amy is holding on to her free action for now, and takes cover and issues the command to the spirit of Air
The spirit, seeing new priorities, attacks Officer#1, as he is the one who is actually holding Greeley
15d6.hits(5)=5Officer#1 dodges
7d6.hits(5)=2So, 12 DV base, +3 for the net hits,
Resisted by Body +18 armor, -6 for AP is 15 dice
15d6.hits(5)=4So he takes 11 points of damage and drops like a stone.
Officer#2 takes one last shot at Rhex, and hops in the car.
15d6.hits(5)=5Grease Dodges (including Cover and Full Defense Dice), -1 for successive attack.
15d6.hits(5)=3Rhex has to resist base 9P 2 AP increased to 11P 2AP
Body 4 + Armor 4 (reduced to 2)
6d6.hits (5)=1So Rhex takes 10P, disabling him, and Grease has to resists 4 points of Biofeedback Damage (since it only has 8 boxes, the 2 extra boxes go to waste).
Resist w/ Willpower 2 and Firewall 4
6d6.hits (5)=1So Grease takes 3 boxes of damage from dumpshock.
Now, since a drone he was jumped into was destroyed, he suffers 6 more points of biofeedback damage as dumpshock
6d6.hits (5)=3So Grease takes 3 more boxes of damage, for a total of 6 points of physical damage - reducing his initiative to 1
Next is the Rigger - the Patrol-3 starts to drive.
Next, the Drone, which fires at the spirit of air, Full auto 6 round burst
7d6.hits(5)=3The spirit dodges the attack
16 dice normally, -5 for the full auto
11d6.hits(5)=6The spirit dodges it easily.
So, with no pistol to Data Spike, do you just want to Data Spike the last drone (Which is a Complex Action) or something else?
ETA when I say the car starts to drive away, bear in mind that it isn't going 60mph yet or anything