Jack VII
Oct 22 2014, 02:09 PM
QUOTE (DrZaius @ Oct 22 2014, 09:03 AM)

Why not use our current location as the rendezvous?
Good point. We'll have to see what Ramirez says, but I imagine that's going to be dictated by Ramirez/ZDF. They may not want to take a trip into the Warrens.
Chrome Head
Oct 22 2014, 02:19 PM
Haven't posted in a while but I'm still around and keeping updated. I just don't have must to contribute at this time. I agree about making the call. One thing though, we better have left well before anyone shows up, no? How do you plan to look out for that?
Jack VII
Oct 22 2014, 02:25 PM
It depends on how it gets brokered. If Ramirez assures us it is going to be a "No Questions" hand over, then I'm willing to trust him for at least one of us to stick around to manage the hand off. I'll volunteer. If that isn't guaranteed, I think we just knock Gutter the frag out and leave all three bodies at the pick-up point and observe it remotely. We could hide the last FlashBang there and remotely detonate if any of Lynx's crew wakes up before the ZDF arrives. If not, we can just pick it back up after the team has been picked up.
Oct 22 2014, 02:57 PM
So - do you want Overkill to make the call, and if so, do you want him to ask to meet here?
Oct 22 2014, 03:06 PM
QUOTE (Lobo0705 @ Oct 22 2014, 09:57 AM)

So - do you want Overkill to make the call, and if so, do you want him to ask to meet here?
I think so, unless Jack or Chrome have an objection.
Jack VII
Oct 22 2014, 03:13 PM
No objection. I think the safest for us is if they pick them up here.
Chrome Head
Oct 22 2014, 03:17 PM
I'm good with that. It blows our safehouse, but we weren't going to use it again anyway I think.
Jack VII
Oct 22 2014, 03:19 PM
QUOTE (Chrome Head @ Oct 22 2014, 09:17 AM)

I'm good with that. It blows our safehouse, but we weren't going to use it again anyway I think.
No, I think it's safe to say we've more than worn out our welcome at this safe house. We got a lot of use out of this thing, props to Amy for finding it. Maybe if we can cultivate our real estate agent during downtime, we can find some other digs in the future.
Chrome Head
Oct 22 2014, 03:23 PM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Oct 22 2014, 11:19 AM)

No, I think it's safe to say we've more than worn out our welcome at this safe house. We got a lot of use out of this thing, props to Amy for finding it. Maybe if we can cultivate our real estate agent during downtime, we can find some other digs in the future.
You said you were compiling a list of things to buy/do in between runs. This should be one of them.
Jack VII
Oct 22 2014, 03:26 PM
QUOTE (Chrome Head @ Oct 22 2014, 10:23 AM)

You said you were compiling a list of things to buy/do in between runs. This should be one of them.
Good idea, I'm not sure how that would be handled. Team Lifestyle maybe? I can't remember if there are rules for that in SR5 yet. Let me go take a look...
Found it:
If a team is particularly tight-knit and lives together (or
if a few members of a team want to shack up), they can
buy a joint team lifestyle. The cost is an extra ten percent
per additional person. If the team is purchasing a Low
Lifestyle or higher, one member of the team has to be
the tenant of record. This is the one stuck with the debt
if the team doesn’t keep up payments.
So a Low Team Lifestyle would be 2,600, I think (2,000 Base + (3 persons * (2000*10%)) = 2,600/Month). Someone would also have to be on record for the lease.
Chrome Head
Oct 22 2014, 03:37 PM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Oct 22 2014, 11:26 AM)

Good idea, I'm not sure how that would be handled. Team Lifestyle maybe? I can't remember if there are rules for that in SR5 yet. Let me go take a look...
Found it:
So a Low Team Lifestyle would be 2,600, I think (2,000 Base + (3 persons * (2000*10%)) = 2,600/Month). Someone would also have to be on record for the lease.
Low is decent. Worth the expense. It's better than Amy's current situation lol
She'll need to get a Low lifestyle of her own to give Sam something better. That's a good part of her reason to get into shadowrunning in the first place. Make a living, get Sam what she needs.
Oct 22 2014, 04:14 PM
Plus we already know a realtor!
Oct 22 2014, 05:18 PM
Sorry guys - I am actually out of the office the next couple of days and so I won't be able to post as much

To keep things moving along - Jack - can you post Overkills message to Ramirez - and you can even do his response - he will agree to have the ZDF arrive at your location but will advise you not to be there when they show up lest you get picked up alongside Lynxs crew.
He will also be available to meet up later today.
Jack VII
Oct 22 2014, 05:23 PM
No problem, I can handle that... I'm about to head out to lunch, so it may not happen for an hour or two, depending on what I have to do when I get back.
I'm going to assume Ramirez can meet early-late evening? I imagine we might want to try our hands at a slight bit more legwork now that we have the BioGene lead to see what we can turn up, so I think we would shoot for late evening around 9PM for the meet to conclude. I think I remember he said he preferred evening meetings in any event, due to his job.
Jack VII
Oct 22 2014, 07:01 PM
OK, messages have been sent and meets have been confirmed. I figure Lobo can let us know if there is anything else Gutter is going to tell us when he gets the chance.
Oct 22 2014, 07:51 PM
I'd like to hear from Gutter on whether or not he's going to implicate anyone in Lonestar, but other than that I am done questioning him. I'm willing to wait a few days for Lobo if he's unavailable.
Oct 22 2014, 09:49 PM
Thanks for being patient - just checking in.
I'll have Gutter's answer up to Grease in a few minutes, for now something to contemplate:
1) Should I just jump time forward to the ZDF showing up to take possession of Lynx's crew?
2) What, if anything are you planning on doing between now and 9:00 PM (although I would recommend getting some food and sleep, as it has been another long night).
Jack VII
Oct 22 2014, 09:55 PM
1) Yeah, I think we can jump forward, given the precautions we're taking. If they collect the bodies without us having to pop the Flash-Bang, I'd like to try to get that thing back as well as the Fly-Spy. Then go home and try to catch a little bit of sleep. Maybe not enough to get a full night's rest, but enough to make sense.
2) For the remaining time, I was thinking we (and by we, I mean Overkill) might do a Matrix Search on BioGene. Not sure if any of our contacts would otherwise help us out here. It's a long shot, but now that we have a Corp to check out, we might be able to identify the Johnson if he's been careless.
Do we need to roll for knocking Gutter out?
ETA: I don't think we ever discussed it with Ramirez, but are we providing all of our evidence to him and he passing it onto the ZDF? Just want to make sure we don't need to tape a "Bad Guys" sign to Lynx's shirt with a datachip with our evidence included...
Oct 22 2014, 11:44 PM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Oct 22 2014, 04:55 PM)

1) Yeah, I think we can jump forward, given the precautions we're taking. If they collect the bodies without us having to pop the Flash-Bang, I'd like to try to get that thing back as well as the Fly-Spy. Then go home and try to catch a little bit of sleep. Maybe not enough to get a full night's rest, but enough to make sense.
2) For the remaining time, I was thinking we (and by we, I mean Overkill) might do a Matrix Search on BioGene. Not sure if any of our contacts would otherwise help us out here. It's a long shot, but now that we have a Corp to check out, we might be able to identify the Johnson if he's been careless.
Do we need to roll for knocking Gutter out?
ETA: I don't think we ever discussed it with Ramirez, but are we providing all of our evidence to him and he passing it onto the ZDF? Just want to make sure we don't need to tape a "Bad Guys" sign to Lynx's shirt with a datachip with our evidence included...
1) No need to roll to knock Gutter out, as there are 4 of you armed and in armor, and he isn't nearly as formidable as Lynx physically (and look how quickly Lynx went down).
2) It was never discussed - assume that you will be giving the info to Ramirez rather than hanging the bad guys off the ground with a "Courtesy of your friendly neighborhood Shadowrunners" sign around them

3) With regards to the Fly Spy and the Flash-bang, I'll assume you guys go and hide out a few blocks away and wait for the ZDF to show up? I can have Overkill start running the Matrix Search while you are waiting.
4) Speaking of the Matrix Search - what exact information do you want him to search for?
Jack VII
Oct 22 2014, 11:49 PM
QUOTE (Lobo0705 @ Oct 22 2014, 05:44 PM)

4) Speaking of the Matrix Search - what exact information do you want him to search for?
Yeah, I figured we would be hanging out nearby with the stuff slaved to Overkill's deck so we can still run them wireless and hopefully hide.
As for the Matrix Search, I think the two things would be:
a) Shadowtalk about BioGene R&D, particularly pharmaceuticals
b) Shadowtalk about BioGene Johnsons, possibly using the images we have to assist in the search
Not really expecting much, but figured we should give it a shot. Might end up getting us more nuyen from Ramirez.
Those are at least my thoughts, I'm sure the others probably have even better ideas.
Oct 23 2014, 12:20 PM
Ok - ZDF combat decker looking for any hidden icons:
Computer + Intuition
10d6.hits(5)=2Overkill's Logic + Sleaze
He has his Sleaze at 5 (since he is currently searching for information, his Data Processing is 6), and he is running Stealth, so it is a 6.
14d6.hits(5)=4I'm going to wait until Chrome and Dr Z come on and give any ideas for what Overkill can look for before I resolve the Matrix Search.
You are free to RP now if you wish, Overkill can remain comatose as long as necessary
Jack VII
Oct 23 2014, 12:35 PM
Lost my Flash-Bang

Cool. I guess we should probably either head to Nic's as a central location or everyone can head to their homes. Either way, we're all going to need to rest, particularly those with stun damage. It's 5:45 AM right now. Assuming we can all get to our homes and asleep by 6AM, we could try and sleep for 8 hours, which would put us at 2PM. That might still give Overkill time to finish his (probably 6 hour base time) Matrix Search and then head over to the Motel or Overkill could finish his search then grab some Zs. He would just be sleeping while the rest of us are awake between 2PM and 8PM (figure he would do his data search and conclude around 12PM, then eat/sleep from 12PM to 8PM. That way everyone gets in a rest cycle.
Oct 23 2014, 01:36 PM
Per matrix searches,
I'd be interested in their connection to Crimson Fire (obviously), as well as awakened research. I have a crazy conspiracy theory that Truck's sacrifices are somehow tied in with the actual drug itself in a soylent-green kind of way, but it's only a half-formed concept that I can't fit all the pieces together.
Jack VII
Oct 23 2014, 01:39 PM
That would be weird, given the multi-corporate nature of the guys we killed, but who knows? I figured BioGene + Pharma R&D would hopefully ping on something that sounded like Crimson Fire or at least the inclination that they were pursuing something of that nature.
Chrome Head
Oct 23 2014, 02:46 PM
On BioGene, I'd search for all kinds of news on them, on top of just shadowtalk. It can actually reveal a lot when you know how to connect the dots. Otherwise, focus on anything involving live experiments, drugs, involvement in the shadows, as pointed out before.
Amy can go back home now, she hasn't been there in a while, but she'd rather go back to Hubert's, even if she's not going to sleep as well there. SHe needs to tell them all that she's still doing fine (though she's not going to look fine).
Jack VII
Oct 23 2014, 04:19 PM
Can Overkill flip over to AR so he can take care of getting himself back to his apartment with his bike? It's odd, you would think Matrix Search would be an Extended Test.
Figure we each just head home, take 12 hours to rest/eat/shower/change/decompress, then maybe meet up at the Rust to put the final touches on whatever we're going to hand over to Johnson. I'm not sure how that timeline works out for Overkill with respect to resting and doing a Matrix Search.
Oct 23 2014, 05:50 PM
Grease would also probably call his Corporate contact and hear any skuttlebutt he's got on Biogene. I can do that IC, OOC, or via PM

Jack VII
Oct 23 2014, 09:13 PM
Cool, want us to post up IC posts of our activities for the next few hours, tying up with meeting up at the Rusty Bar-rel?
Oct 23 2014, 09:16 PM
Ok, feel free to post your arrival at your homes, and what you do as you get ready for the meet. Once everyone is finished, let me know and we can jump forward. With 8 hours of rest you should all be healed of any Stun damage, meaning you would only have your physical wounds left.
Jack 5 boxes of physical
Overkill 4 boxes of physical
Amy 3 boxes of physical
Grease, I would say ask your questions of your contact OOC, we'll deal with it here, and then we can post the conversation as one IC post.
Overkill will present his findings about Biogene when you meet up at the Bar-rel.
Jack VII
Oct 23 2014, 09:19 PM
The interval on a Physical Wound healing test is (1 Day), I assume we can't heal any of that yet, correct?
I'll get Jack's post up this evening.
Oct 23 2014, 09:20 PM
1) Have you heard of a company called Biogene? What do they do?
2) What connection do they have to the NAN?
3) Why reasons would a legitimate company have for distributing narcotics illegally?
Oct 23 2014, 09:22 PM
QUOTE (Jack VII @ Oct 23 2014, 05:19 PM)

The interval on a Physical Wound healing test is (1 Day), I assume we can't heal any of that yet, correct?
I'll get Jack's post up this evening.
Correct - it requires you to actually rest a full 24 hour period.
Once the adventure is over, I'll make the rolls to see whether or not you actually have to see a doctor to get the wounds healed.
Jack VII
Oct 23 2014, 09:26 PM
Thanks for the confirmation!
@DrZ: Jack is going to send a message to Grease asking for a copy of the footage of the ZDF rolling up Lynx and Company. He's planning to send the snippet to Smokey, the decker who gave us the leads on Stinger and Truck as proof that Lynx shouldn't be bothering him anymore. If Grease would resist that, just let me know and I won't incorporate receiving the footage into my IC post. Thanks!
Oct 23 2014, 09:28 PM
QUOTE (DrZaius @ Oct 23 2014, 05:20 PM)

1) Have you heard of a company called Biogene? What do they do?
2) What connection do they have to the NAN?
3) Why reasons would a legitimate company have for distributing narcotics illegally?
So I'm assuming you are contacting Deiter Schimmer - the Saeder Krupp middle manager. He is only a Connection of 3, so with that in mind, here are the answers he can give you.
1) He would have heard of Biogene, as they are a relatively large corp. However, not having any contact with them directly, he doesn't know much more about them than you could find with the 2075 equivalent of a google search.
2) He knows that they are based in the NAN, possibly Sioux or PCC.
3) Profit would be the primary motive as far as he would be aware (why else do corps do ANYTHING), but he is unaware of the specifics of why they would choose to sell something illegally rather than market it.
Chrome Head
Oct 23 2014, 09:28 PM
I'll try to post about those 12 hours tonight. What I had in mind is in the reverse order of what Lobo posted. Amy will go home, shower, clean up, and rest, before going to see the kids for as much time as remains. She's in really bad shape, blood-stained, with an obvious bullet wound, she doesn't want to show up like that yet again. If we rest for 8 hours, we should also get 1 edge back, correct?
Oct 23 2014, 09:39 PM
QUOTE (Chrome Head @ Oct 23 2014, 05:28 PM)

I'll try to post about those 12 hours tonight. What I had in mind is in the reverse order of what Lobo posted. Amy will go home, shower, clean up, and rest, before going to see the kids for as much time as remains. She's in really bad shape, blood-stained, with an obvious bullet wound, she doesn't want to show up like that yet again. If we rest for 8 hours, we should also get 1 edge back, correct?
Correct about the edge, - and I'll fix my IC post for you

You'll have to make arrangements for you to get to Hubert's, unless Grease is okay leaving the cab with you.
Chrome Head
Oct 23 2014, 09:41 PM
QUOTE (Lobo0705 @ Oct 23 2014, 05:39 PM)

Correct about the edge, - and I'll fix my IC post for you

You'll have to make arrangements for you to get to Hubert's, unless Grease is okay leaving the cab with you.
She would like that very much. I think we can sort that out OOC. Dr. Z, would Grease say yes to leaving the cab with Amy for the day. She could also go pick up Jack before meeting up again.
Jack VII
Oct 24 2014, 01:00 AM
OK, didn't catch Z before he signed off. I am going to write it up as if he didn't reply. No big deal, I think I'd rather give the file to Honeypot so she can hand it off to Somkey herself.
Oct 24 2014, 03:48 AM
Great post Jack
Chrome Head
Oct 24 2014, 05:33 AM
Hey I don't have time afterall, I'll try to get a post in tomorrow. Looking forward to reading that long post, too.
Oct 24 2014, 01:05 PM
Whatever you'd like Grease to do is fine by me, within reason

Jack VII
Oct 24 2014, 01:57 PM
No big deal, I'll just ask IC at our meeting.
ETA: I'll probably be out of pocket for the rest of the day, need to go set up some equipment at two locations and then have a high school football game in the evening. My weekend is pretty busy as well, but I should be able to post early in the morning or late in the evening. Looking forward to our eventual meeting with Johnson!
Oct 24 2014, 07:39 PM
Enjoy your weekend

I'm just waiting for Dr. Z and Chrome to post their IC posts (no rush, I'm just giving the heads up) and at some point either late late tonight or tomorrow morning I'll add Overkill's IC post, and then we can get to the Bar-rel.
Oct 24 2014, 07:41 PM
QUOTE (Lobo0705 @ Oct 24 2014, 02:39 PM)

Enjoy your weekend

I'm just waiting for Dr. Z and Chrome to post their IC posts (no rush, I'm just giving the heads up) and at some point either late late tonight or tomorrow morning I'll add Overkill's IC post, and then we can get to the Bar-rel.
I'm heading out of town this weekend, so I'll try to get an IC post up this afternoon.
Chrome Head
Oct 24 2014, 10:41 PM
Been super busy, will try to post IC this weekend.
Chrome Head
Oct 27 2014, 05:49 AM
OK darn it.. I didn't get to it. I'll really really try to write something up tomorrow, but I might keep it on the short side so that you all don't wait on me too much.
Chrome Head
Oct 27 2014, 11:13 PM
Sorry for the wait guys.
For the record, Amy casts F3 Resist Pain on herself until she gets at least one success (and thus takes away the wound penalty).
She's wearing her armor vest, not her armor jacket, and brings the usual with her.
ETA: If Amy gets a reply from Chomsky within 10 hours, I can incorporate it in my IC post.
Jack VII
Oct 27 2014, 11:49 PM
Good posts everyone! I dig the IC posts where everyone develops a little more of their character.
Oct 28 2014, 02:48 AM
Agree with Jack

Also, it looks like Jack is done at 1500, Amy at 1445, and Grease at 1430 - but Overkill isn't going to be available until 1845.
Should I just skip to that point or is there other stuff you guys want to do?
Chrome - you receive the following around 10:00 AM
<<@Amy [Chomsky] Amy, I'm so glad to hear from you, and to hear that you are okay. Shannon and I are in hiding with some friends of hers for now, we are laying low as you suggested. She has been amazing, so strong despite her injuries as I've been nursing her back to health. You say that his employer might still be a problem, how much longer should we stay in hiding? Is it safe to meet tomorrow?>>
Jack VII
Oct 28 2014, 02:55 AM
Yeah, I kind of screwed up the timeline a bit, I wasn't sure what order Overkill was going to go. I'm fine with us meeting up at the bar closer to 1800 if Amy wants to spend more time hanging with the kids. Jack would just surf the trid more and relax. I figure we can work on cleaning the footage from Grease's drones while we wait for Overkill to show up if we meet at 1800 or so.
ETA: I edited my post to add receiving the files from Grease and also used a bit more looser verbiage referring to how much time he spends watching the trid.
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