[ Spoiler ]
Initiative: 8 = [4,6,6,3,6,1,6,4] 4 hits, Initiative 12, 1 IP.
Perception Intuition 4 + Perception 4 + Visual Enhancement 3:
[6,4,1,3,2,2,3,3,4,1,2]: 1 hit
[2,5,3,3,6,1,4,5,2,2,5]: 4 hits
[5,4,5,3,2,3,6,5,3,4,5]: 5 hits
[1,5,2,2,2,3,1,3,3,2,1]: 1 hit
[6,3,5,1,4,2,2,6,3,6,2]: 4 hits
Puyallup Gangs Knowledge check: Intuition 4 + Puyallup Gangs 4
[4,2,5,4,4,5,1,4]: 2 hits
Shooting Remington 990 (7 damage, -1AP before net hits) Agility 4 + Shotguns 3:
[5,4,6,4,5,3,2]: 3 hits
[6,5,6,3,4,2,5]: 4 hits
[5,3,1,5,3,1,3]: 2 hits
[1,4,6,6,2,6,2]: 3 hits
[2,5,1,6,3,3,3]: 2 hits
Dodge against return fire
Reaction 4 + Good Cover 4:
[4,6,6,5,1,3,4,2]: 3 hits
[2,1,3,5,1,4,1,6]: 2 hits
[2,1,5,5,3,4,6,4]: 3 hits
[3,2,6,1,1,4,2,4]: 1 hit
[1,6,4,1,4,2,1,4]: 1 hit
Damage resistance
Body 5 + Armored Longcoat 6 + Toughness:
[5,2,1,2,4,2,5,2,5,2,3,2]: 3 hits
[5,2,3,3,3,6,6,4,2,1,5,2]: 4 hits
[6,4,4,4,3,5,2,6,3,2,2,4]: 3 hits
[4,3,2,6,3,2,6,2,4,4,2,4]: 2 hits
[3,5,1,2,1,6,4,3,5,4,5,5]: 5 hits
LeFey's rolls
[ Spoiler ]
Perception: 9d6.hits(5) → [2,2,1,2,5,6,2,5,1] = (3)
Ballistic Armor: 6d6.hits(5) → [6,5,1,3,2,5] = (3)
Pistols: 8d6.hits(5) → [4,1,1,6,1,3,5,4] = (2) 6S(e), -half AP
Reaction (with Good Cover): 6d6.hits(5) → [3,3,4,2,3,5] = (1)
Initiative: 6d6.hits(5) → [5,1,4,1,2,6] = (2) for a total of 8.
Sprogget’s rolls
[ Spoiler ]
Physical Initiative: Rea(4) + Int(4) 3+8=11
Matrix Initiative: Response(5) + Int(4) (9d6.hits(5)=[3,5,2,5,2,1,5,1,6]=4) 3 IP 4+9=13
Dodge (Vehicle Test): Pilot(1)+Handling(3)+Rea(4)+Tacnet(2)
10d6.hits(5) → [3,1,2,1,3,4,6,6,2,1] = (2)10d6.hits(5) → [4,2,3,2,2,6,6,1,4,5] = (3)10d6.hits(5) → [1,4,6,2,5,4,3,4,3,2] = (2)
10d6.hits(5) → [2,6,2,4,2,2,4,2,4,5] = (2)
10d6.hits(5) → [1,6,6,3,4,3,6,3,3,1] = (3)
7d6.hits(5) → [3,4,2,2,3,5,4] = (1)
7d6.hits(5) → [6,5,3,3,2,1,2] = (2)
7d6.hits(5) → [2,1,5,3,1,4,1] = (1)
7d6.hits(5) → [4,3,6,5,1,5,5] = (4)
7d6.hits(5) → [1,1,5,6,4,3,1] = (2)
Doble Revolution monocycle damage resist body(6)+armor(12)
18d6.hits(5) → [1,3,5,3,3,2,4,2,5,1,2,2,5,5,1,2,4,5] = (5)18d6.hits(5) → [5,4,6,3,2,6,3,6,4,1,6,5,4,6,2,3,3,2] = (7)18d6.hits(5) → [2,2,1,2,6,2,6,3,2,5,2,6,6,6,2,3,1,6] = (7) -1/2AP = -3 hits = 6 damage!
18d6.hits(5) → [5,6,4,3,6,1,1,1,6,3,2,5,4,2,4,6,5,6] = (
18d6.hits(5) → [5,4,1,4,5,2,6,1,2,1,1,5,5,6,3,1,2,3] = (6)
Sprogget ballistic damage resist: body(6)+ballistic(12)
18d6.hits(5) → [6,4,3,1,3,5,2,2,1,5,1,3,2,5,1,5,4,4] = (5)
18d6.hits(5) → [2,3,2,1,4,6,1,4,6,1,2,2,1,1,3,2,3,5] = (3)
18d6.hits(5) → [1,1,3,6,1,6,3,5,6,2,2,1,3,3,5,6,1,3] = (6)
18d6.hits(5) → [3,5,3,6,5,2,1,6,5,5,3,6,1,4,1,6,6,1] = (9)
18d6.hits(5) → [2,6,5,5,6,5,2,1,2,1,1,4,3,4,1,6,3,2] = (6)
Sprogget stun resist from (half) damage to hot sim rigged Doble Revolution: Will(3) + biofeedback(4)
7d6.hits(5) → [6,5,3,1,4,4,5] = (3) no damage!
7d6.hits(5) → [2,1,6,5,3,1,4] = (2)
7d6.hits(5) → [4,5,6,3,1,1,5] = (3)
7d6.hits(5) → [5,5,1,6,1,1,1] = (3)
7d6.hits(5) → [6,4,1,1,6,1,4] = (2)
Area Knowledge: Seattle (Puyallup)(1/3)+Cha(4)
7d6.hits(5) → [5,3,1,4,4,3,4] = (1)
7d6.hits(5) → [1,1,5,6,4,2,2] = (2)
7d6.hits(5) → [5,6,1,2,4,3,5] = (3)
7d6.hits(5) → [3,5,3,3,6,2,5] = (3)
7d6.hits(5) → [3,5,3,5,4,3,5] = (3)
Rigged perception (visual): Perception(2)+Sensor(6)+vision enhance(3)+Tacnet(2)
13d6.hits(5) → [4,2,4,2,2,2,3,3,2,6,4,1,2] = (1)13d6.hits(5) → [6,5,5,3,5,5,1,6,3,6,5,3,6] = (9)
13d6.hits(5) → [1,2,3,5,3,4,2,5,2,3,6,1,3] = (3)
13d6.hits(5) → [5,2,6,2,3,1,6,3,2,3,1,2,1] = (3)
13d6.hits(5) → [6,2,1,4,6,1,5,2,2,5,6,6,1] = (6)
Pilot Ground Craft(wheeled)(1/3) + Rea(3) + Snuff(1) + Handling(3) + Tacnet(2) + HotSim(2)
Ramming using the Doble Revolution monocycle
14d6.hits(5) → [6,4,1,2,2,2,4,4,1,5,3,3,1,3] = (2)14d6.hits(5) → [3,4,5,1,5,4,4,1,6,1,1,5,6,1] = (5)14d6.hits(5) → [3,5,6,2,1,2,3,2,6,2,5,5,1,1] = (5)
14d6.hits(5) → [4,1,1,3,5,1,6,1,3,5,6,1,2,3] = (4)
14d6.hits(5) → [3,6,1,4,2,3,5,5,2,6,6,1,2,2] = (5)
Tweak’s rolls
[ Spoiler ]
Initiative: Response (5) + Intuition (5) + hot-sim bonus (1) = 11 dice for a whopping 5 hits, resulting in [3,2,1,6,2,5,3,6,6,6,2] = (5) -> 16, 3 IP
Perception: Sensor (1) + Perception (4) + hot-sim (2) + Tacnet (2) = 9 dice for
[5,3,5,4,4,5,2,2,4] = (3)
[5,2,3,1,3,6,6,2,6] = (4)
[3,1,2,3,5,6,5,2,4] = (3)
[4,6,1,6,1,6,2,5,5] = (5)
[1,6,3,1,4,2,5,6,6] = (4)
Dodge (Van): Response (5) + Pilot Groundcraft (2) + hot-sim (2) + Handling (0) + Control Rig (2) + Tacnet (2) = 13 dice for
[3,5,6,5,4,1,2,5,3,6,2,5,2] = (6)
[2,2,4,1,5,2,6,6,1,4,1,2,2] = (3)
[2,3,1,2,3,4,1,4,1,4,3,4,2] = (0)
[1,2,3,2,3,3,1,5,5,1,6,3,1] = (3)
[6,6,2,4,2,5,5,3,1,5,5,3,6] = (7)
Dodge (Tweak): I don't think so, being in VR.
Damage Resistance (Van): Body (16) + Armor (8 ) = 24 dice for
[4,6,4,6,4,6,3,6,5,2,5,6,6,1,2,1,6,4,6,1,5,1,6,2] = (12) -1/2AP = -2 hits
[1,4,4,5,3,5,2,2,4,2,3,3,2,4,1,5,4,3,2,4,4,6,6,4] = (5)
[6,2,3,4,2,1,6,3,2,3,5,5,1,2,1,2,4,4,3,1,6,6,3,2] = (6)
[6,5,4,3,5,6,3,2,4,4,3,1,5,2,1,5,5,3,1,3,6,4,5,5] = (10)
[2,1,2,6,6,4,1,1,4,5,2,6,2,1,5,2,3,3,3,5,4,2,2,3] = (6)
Damage Resistance (Tweak:) Body (3) + Armor [Van] (8 ) = 11 dice for
[3,5,1,1,5,6,4,6,6,2,4] = (5)
[4,4,1,3,3,3,5,2,2,5,2] = (2)
[3,4,5,5,5,5,3,6,6,4,6] = (7)
[5,4,1,1,2,4,6,5,3,1,6] = (4)
[5,2,1,6,1,6,4,2,4,5,1] = (4)
Seeing as Tweak's actions are gonna be driving, some additional rolls for that (same pool as Vehicle Dodge before): 13 dice for
[5,4,6,1,5,3,3,5,2,6,1,5,6,5,2] = (8 )
[6,3,2,4,6,4,6,1,3,5,4,4,4,5,3] = (5)
[4,1,2,2,2,5,5,4,3,5,1,6,4,2,1] = (4)
[3,2,1,5,6,2,6,2,5,6,2,2,2,3,6] = (6)
[6,1,2,6,3,3,6,1,2,5,2,3,3,6,6] = (6)
[ Spoiler ]
Initiative: Reaction (3) + Intuition (3) = 6 dice for 3 hits, giving
[6,1,3,6,1,5] = (3) -> 9, 1 IP
Perception: Intuition (3) + Perception (3) = 6 dice for
[5,4,6,5,4,6] = (4)
[6,1,6,4,2,1] = (2)
[3,5,2,4,5,1] = (2)
[6,4,5,6,1,6] = (4)
[4,4,2,6,6,1] = (2)
Dodge (Scooter): Reaction (3) + Pilot Groundcraft (1) + Handling (1) + Tacnet (2) = 7 dice for
[3,5,3,5,1,6,1] = (3)
[2,6,5,6,5,5,1] = (5)
[1,4,2,6,5,6,6] = (4)
[1,3,4,4,3,1,2] = (0)
[5,3,3,6,6,2,4] = (3)
Damage Resistance (Spring): Body (3) + Nada/Niente/Rien/Zilch (0) = 3 dice for
[3,6,5] = (2)
[1,4,1] = (0)
[4,5,1] = (1)
[4,6,4] = (1)
[1,3,1] = (0)
As long as he doesn't get shot off his Scoot, he'll have to spend his only IP on driving anyway, so not much choice there:
Driving (Scooter): Reaction (3) + Pilot Groundcraft (1) + Handling (1) + Tacnet (2) = 7 dice for
[6,5,5,2,6,1,5] = (5)
Tweak Ini 16 (3IPs) Sprogget: Ini 11 (1IPs)/13 (3IPs) Scrapheap: Ini 12 (1IPs) Spring Ini 9 (1IPs) LeFey: Ini 8 (1IPs)
I'm trying not to dictate your actions too much but please shout if you disagree with this bit of the combat so far!