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Machine Ghost
QUOTE (JxJxA @ Oct 29 2012, 09:39 PM) *
Ah, I use the "Insert: Acronym" feature that you can find on the left side of the posting window. smile.gif
THAT one. I 'scanned' that list, but that one did not register as useful. Hmmm, wonder what else I can use that for ... Maybe making OoC comments in IC thread? Filling in some of the background context stuff that I have been putting in with the @remember tag?
I'll have to 'play' some.
QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Oct 29 2012, 04:06 PM) *
BTW, Morgan looks like a good teammate / hands across the border with Fre∑dom, for Sprogget. Mix the technical and social skills. Now to figure out how to meet her IC.

I'm sure a chance will come up. The game's just beginning.
@Aria: Assuming that Copperhead and the bug are going toe-to-toe, here are some rolls. Copper will be attacking with Attacks of Will as they ignore ITNW and blocking any counters with unarmed. She will use her reach defensively if allowed (reach does not apply for Attacks of Will). If the thing tries to do something weird like spray acid, she will full dodge

Attacking: Willpower 5 + Banishing 1 = (6d6.hits(5)=0, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=4, 6d6.hits(5)=0, 6d6.hits(5)=3) - no glitches, base damage is 4P

Blocking: Agi 3 + Unarmed 2 + Cyberweapons 2 = 7d6.hits(5)=1, 7d6.hits(5)=3, 7d6.hits(5)=4, 7d6.hits(5)=1, 7d6.hits(5)=4

Full dodge: Reaction 3 + dodge 2 + dodge 2 = 7d6.hits(5)=1, 7d6.hits(5)=2, 7d6.hits(5)=0, 7d6.hits(5)=3, 7d6.hits(5)=0 - pretty crap but no glitches

Soaking: Body 6 + Balllistic armor 10 = 16d6.hits(5)=4, 16d6.hits(5)=7, 16d6.hits(5)=7, 16d6.hits(5)=5, 16d6.hits(5)=5 - when all else fails it pays to be a troll with lots of armor

QUOTE (faultline @ Oct 30 2012, 01:55 AM) *
Finally my character is up smile.gif

Aria please let me know if there are any questions/concerns

Looks good at first glance - just don't try much sneaking at night if you glow biggrin.gif

Need some idea of how you see yourself fitting in to a hacker tribe - I couldn't see any obvious computer type abilities (not that that's a problem)...
@Everypne else, just back from a meeting so haven't had as much time to read IC/OoC as I would like...I'll get back to you all as soon as I can

E:PL/UK - looks like the ball is back in Gemeaux's court, I'll respond depending on what he decides to do (that can be OoC if you want but you might as well earn karma from it smile.gif)
QUOTE (Aria @ Oct 30 2012, 05:48 AM) *
Looks good at first glance - just don't try much sneaking at night if you glow biggrin.gif

Shes learned how to deal with the glow over the years since she SURGED as you'll see in posts, but it is a major annoyance to her even though it can be handy at times. How you would feel if you were a walking night light that couldn't turn itself off smile.gif

Need some idea of how you see yourself fitting in to a hacker tribe - I couldn't see any obvious computer type abilities (not that that's a problem)...

Part of it will be explained in her background, was going to finish it up last night, but my body vetoed the idea and I fell asleep too early think i may be coming down with something. Part of it is my fault for not double checking that I copied the right version onto the post (remember how i mentioned to you i was working on multiple builds. Glyph has been updated with the changes in bold.
Machine Ghost
@Aria, Context: The Urban Tribes post for JackPoint
QUOTE (Aria @ Oct 29 2012, 11:30 AM) *
Do we need some 'legalize' about borrowing the Jackpointer's names for this?
Missed this earlier.

I had not thought so. Those are names used in rule books and stories all over the place. That includes the 'JackPoint' name itself too. Since those are 'handle' names, they are not particularly unique. If someone finds a reference that includes some 'boilerplate' disclaimer about using the names from another context, it should not hurt anything to include it. Given that Shadowrun rule books have been using those from [I think] the first edition, and the copyright and ownership has changed hands several times, I do not even know who to 'credit' for the usage.

Oh, and just for word lawyers, that should be something about legalese to legalize smile.gif

I have done a few more content tweaks to the Urban Tribes JackPoint Article. Biggest change was wrapping all the comment blocks into spoiler tags, to get closer to the look I visualize [for JackPoint]. Visually that reduces the post size drastically. Special note for the use of an acronym tag to show OoC content in the 2nd spoiler in inner workings, and nested OoC lifestyle 'suggestions' spoiler in the last [outer] spoiler in Chamber of Commerce. I tried putting that nested spoiler info in another acronym tag, but it does not format well there.

Assuming you 'like' those variations [to be] included IC, is this good enough to post? I can leave the DRAFT tag in for awhile, and still edit there too. The point is that once it has a fixed IC location, I can reasonably add a link to it from the Mechanicals entry(s) on the map, just as I did to the character sheet for Sprogget.
Having not read any recent sourcebooks, is there a format to Jackpoint comments? It's kind of hard to read, currently.
QUOTE (ChromeZephyr @ Oct 30 2012, 02:11 PM) *
Having not read any recent sourcebooks, is there a format to Jackpoint comments? It's kind of hard to read, currently.

the format is as follows (this is not an exact copy but an edited copy):

Posted by: Intern

> it’s time for some soul-searching, people, so dig around in the
deleted-fi les portion of your commlink, fi nd ‘em, dust ‘em off, and
let’s get ready to talk about shadowrunners in modern society.
Before we can take a long, hard, look at the world around us, let’s
take a glance in the mirror, huh? Winterhawk introduced me to a
guy he worked with that’s been doing interviews with his fellow
shadowrunners on the side, collecting life stories and that sort of
thing. intern is a pretty good guy to talk about who shadowrunners
are and how we fi nd our way into this line of work, since
he’s been playing Captain oral historian for so long and collecting
stories. he’s got some interesting things to say, so i thought you
all might want to hear them.
> FastJack

If you ask a hundred shadowrunners what got them into the
business, you’ll get at least a hundred di erent answers. I should
know; I’ve actually asked them.
One interesting tidbit I’ve uncovered? There are a fair
number of college-educated folks running the shadows, especially
among hermetic magicians and team-tech gurus, who have
attended a major university.  ere are an awful lot of degrees
 oating around the underworld, and I’m not the only guy with
more than one. While my first Bachelor’s may have been for
Hermetic Applications from Texas AM&M, it’s not the only, or
the most advanced, of my degrees.

> Who cares? i thought this guy was supposed to be talking about
shadowrunners, not bragging about his academic résumé.
> Riser

Thats an example taken from Attitude which I had open. There are some differences which don't copy over such as the comments use a different font as the preceding text and the > is represented by a special graphic which is a black dot with a white > in it . Also the jackpointer's comment is slightly indented but does not exceed the length of preceding text.

I used Courier New as the font for the comments, Size 5 and Bold for the Header, and Bold for the byline

Is there a way we can include this kind of formatting, then? For both readability and verisimilitude.
Easily as I just used the formatting tools available to us when we post, shouldn't be too hard, just time consuming as you'll have to continuously be checking your preview to make sure the formatting is coming out as intended.
Machine Ghost
The basic content of the existing JackPoint Report post was done with lists inside of indent tags for the inline comments. Recently spoiler tags were added around the comment blocks, in an attempt to improve readability. The title lines have size tags to get bigger text. Currently the only thing in there using an alternate font, is the big "draft" tag at the top. The lists use the bullet symbol, which is as close as I could conveniently get to the symbols used in the books. There is one experimental acronym tag, and one nested spoiler to hold some OoC content. To see the gory details, just click the quotepost button, then the browser back button [or just close the tab] when done looking (if nothing to really add).

Suggestions on how to get the forum software to produce better looking output welcome. If you have content to add, full formatting is not needed. Just include the content in a post, and reference where in the JackPoint article and comments it belongs. I'll add it in, and also add a reference to the post with the new or adjusted content.
Imo there are too many spoiler tags, you also don't really need the indent formatting in there because the list indents enough, you do need to get some separation on the comments though and change the font though.

something like this:

[ Spoiler ]

BB code is probably a bit to simplistic for what your looking to do, you might want to take a look at an outside program (Google Docs maybe), that will allow for the formatting you want
QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Oct 30 2012, 09:04 AM) *
I wanted to do some posts for the day job and lifestyle qualities, to provide some 'feel' for the environment. I'll start condensing those, at least when I have 'campaign' stuff to do. Unless you want more detailed postings like these?

Yes, these are great, as much or as little detail as you like but the more you give me to work with (in theory) the better the game will be and the more interesting it will be for everyone else to read smile.gif with the added bonus of karma and cash.

For your work on the map and the Jackpoint post you can have 9 OoC karma for the moment (in addition to any IC karma)...I may will probably add more later but I don't want to unbalance things too much nyahnyah.gif
QUOTE (faultline @ Oct 31 2012, 11:58 AM) *
Imo there are too many spoiler tags, you also don't really need the indent formatting in there because the list indents enough, you do need to get some separation on the comments though and change the font though.

Something like below?

BB code is probably a bit to simplistic for what your looking to do, you might want to take a look at an outside program (Google Docs maybe), that will allow for the formatting you want

I think we can make it work with what we have?!?

Or (to shamelessly borrow Faultline's post) something like this:

JackPoint Report: Seattle Culture - Tribes

Tribes, groups of people banding together behind a common meme, are a common occurrence in modern society. A tribe can range from a half dozen kids staking out the basement of an abandoned building to 'honour' their favourite trideo-star, like the "Satellites of Venus",

>Hmmm, Heavenly bodies, moons, tidal lock, complex orbits, synchronous rotation, eccentricity, gravitational attraction, orbital dance, perturbations, elongation. The opportunities appear boundless.

>Don't go there.

to a worldwide organization with thousands of members, and resources to rival a mid-sized corporation. Tribes can have widely varying monetary, technological, magical, matrix, personnel, political, and other resources available to them

The indent command helps to shift the text without needing the bracketted star infront of everything...
Yeah, that's a lot better. Helps the readability quite a bit.
Glyph's Background has been added now that I'm happy with it.

It just took 3 days of spellchecking, rebuilding half of what I had written after accidentally deleting it, rewriting a few sections, and finally a few small additions that I realized I left out after a re-read of the entire thing.

It also didn't help that my sleep schedule has been all over the place the last few days.

Hooray, I finally had another opportunity to show the real reason why I chose a Frenchman: So I could curse in French and feel just like the Merovingian from The Matrix Reloaded!

"Merovingian: I love French wine, like I love the French language. I have sampled every language, French is my favorite. Fantastic language. Especially to curse with. Nom de dieu de putain de bordel de merde de saloperie de connard d'enculer ta mère. It's like wiping your arse with silk. I love it."
Machine Ghost
@Aria, @Mechanicals

Spent the 9 karma, plus 1 from IC post to get first rank in stealth skill group

IC Post up with opportunity to connect with Mechanicals that are available Sept 1 timeslot 4:05 PM to about 7:30 PM

Aria, let's make the pickup 'worth' about 4000, from the 12000 list, so 33% of new, or 67% of used and running.
Similar Model for GAZ P-179 (Pickup Truck) AR109, specs AR110
Inspired (steampunk) quality RC98, 2 street cred for 'fellow artists', I figured the makers guild I have for a contact is at least close enough to be 'known'.

Just in case needed, minimal profile axc4mr Alexia (Alex) Chalmers, Age 26, Dwarf of no obvious ancestry. Possibly some Native American, some Anglo, maybe Filipino, probably other. Beautiful without being 'gorgeous'. Guesstimated lifestyle based on casual meet and external home inspection: low, quiet neighborhood, workshop, no privacy(physical)(1). Unit is built into the side of a hill, with the lower side and 2 car garage at the back of the lot on an alley. Garage appears to connect directly into the basement level, and 2nd floor has large windows through which hints of 'equipment' can be seen, presumably for the ceramic work mentioned in her 'Makers Guild' profile. House is big enough to have roommates, although none currently in evidence. Garage contains the posted Peng You, say 5 years old, and next to it a brightly colored JackRabit, customized for a dwarf. The pick up is a drab color with a lot of dirt. 'almost' urban camouflage. Inspection will show some bullet holes, although not in any of the glass, that account for the unit being down, and probably for the ex's sudden exit without it.
Alex is not all that 'trusting' although she knows 'of' Sprogget. There is a shotgun under a shop apron just to the side of where she stands to open the garage door.

If get to a negotiation roll on price, want to know if Sprogget can use the +2 street cred for the inspired quality. Alex knows 'of' Sprogget through the makers guild, but steampunk is not a direct interest.

Re the JackPoint post and comments, I'll 'play' some later, with the trade off between indent and list. List auto includes the bullet symbol, and indents 2nd and following lines. Indent allows more flexibility in choice of comment tag symbol character. and white space. Mono-spaced font makes sense for the comments, given the basic textual structure for the usage scenario.

Re faultlines comment about simplistic BB code: I actually already have that in a google doc file (or at least a couple revisions back). This is the 'translation', to be able to post it on the forum. I could publish and link to google doc, but might limit easy access to forum users.
@Aria, @Freedomers (Freedomites? Freedomists?)

Tossed up an IC post to interact with some Freedom Tribe peeps, as well as set up some background and get a feel for posting again. Man, it's been a while.

Quick question about the google map... How do I add a location? I'd like to put Alpha's current location on there, but am unsure how.
@Machine Ghost: Nice hook, think I'll have Scrapheap take it up. At least put two of us in the same place for Aria to get the story going.
Machine Ghost
QUOTE (Nightfalke @ Nov 1 2012, 06:39 AM) *
.. snip ..
Quick question about the google map... How do I add a location? I'd like to put Alpha's current location on there, but am unsure how.
When you first open the map [the editable version, not the read only version], the left sidebar should have a big red-ish EDIT button at the top. Click that, and a few icons will get added to the top of the main map area. 2nd one is for placemarks. What you will not be visible on the full read only map until you or someone else recreate the link currently in the AzT pyramid shape on the map.
Editable Map itself | Posting with map key plus link recreate instructions
QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Nov 1 2012, 01:07 PM) *
When you first open the map [the editable version, not the read only version], the left sidebar should have a big red-ish EDIT button at the top. Click that, and a few icons will get added to the top of the main map area. 2nd one is for placemarks. What you will not be visible on the full read only map until you or someone else recreate the link currently in the AzT pyramid shape on the map.
Editable Map itself | Posting with map key plus link recreate instructions

Thanks! Figured out my problem. I needed to be signed in in my google account to do anything.
Machine Ghost
QUOTE (Nightfalke @ Nov 1 2012, 11:24 AM) *
Thanks! Figured out my problem. I needed to be signed in in my google account to do anything.
A note has now been added to the map key post to mention that.
Machine Ghost

September 1, 2072 15:44:24; Sprogget's Workshop
healing stun damage after 1 hour of rest: 9d6.hits(5) → [1,6,3,5,2,2,5,3,3] = (3)
fully healed.
September 1, 2072 15:51:32; Sprogget's Workshop
Compile(2)+RES(4)+In Tune(2) vs tutor sprite(3) with skillsoft: Pilot Groundcraft, and knowsoft: Discrete Vehicular Movement : 8d6.hits(5);3d6.hits(5) → [5,5,6,5,4,1,4,5] = (5);[2,5,3] = (1)
4 tasks; Resist Fading(2): INT(4)+RES(4)+In Tune(2) = 10d6.hits(5) → [5,1,6,5,1,6,1,6,4,5] = (6)
fading? what fading?
task 1, stability power
September 1, 2072 15:51:38; Sprogget's Workshop
thread tacsoft complex form Software(2)+LOG(4)+Analytical Mind(2)+In Tune(2)+Feng Shui(3) = 13d6.hits(5) → [4,3,3,3,5,3,6,4,1,6,4,2,2] = (3)
3 threading points available, but only going to use 2 to create tacsoft(2);
fading is going to be the limiting factor for threading most of the time
Resist Fading(2): INT(4)+RES(4)+In Tune(2) = 10d6.hits(5) → [4,4,6,3,4,1,4,4,5,4] = (2)
no stun
sustaining tacsoft CF, so -2 to other dice pools for now.

For future reference, under what conditions would you allow buying hits, especially for threading and resist fading?

The spoiler in your message did not list the goggles that show in the character sheet. Sprogget is going to be looking for what you can supply in the way of sensor channels for a tacnet. Most he can tell, just by reading your PAN, especially when active. Hacking is not a main interest [except maybe drones], but he has the abilities.
QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Nov 2 2012, 04:26 AM) *
For future reference, under what conditions would you allow buying hits, especially for threading and resist fading?

Anything that is effectively out of combat time or during a tense moment on a 'run' can be bought, including threading, spell casting etc. Of course if you want to roll that's fine too!

Will try and get some more IC up today, I've got some evil plans hatching ork.gif
QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Nov 1 2012, 09:26 PM) *
The spoiler in your message did not list the goggles that show in the character sheet. Sprogget is going to be looking for what you can supply in the way of sensor channels for a tacnet. Most he can tell, just by reading your PAN, especially when active. Hacking is not a main interest [except maybe drones], but he has the abilities.

That would be because he's not wearing them, he only wears those when he's out scavenging and needs the vision acuity boost. He's got his sunglasses with image link on and slaved to his commlink, like the spoiler says (towards the bottom). That'd be all he can supply, though I suppose his earbuds count as well? I'm not familiar enough with tacnets to really know.

edit: Is there anyway you can use a different font for Daedelus? I've got a huge monitor and am still having issues reading it. Impact is great for big text, not so much for small. Not a big deal, just though I'd throw that out there.
Ok, I have some IC up, apologies to Mickle, I haven't managed to do something for Elton yet, you are number one next week! Also sorry to the Mechanicals and Copperhead, both your posts were a little rushed but I promise to do better next time! Hopefully everyone should be on their way to be together so feel free to interact without waiting for me!
Uhhh, Spring appears to be in two places at once. Can we get an edit? rotate.gif
Dakka Fiend
QUOTE (ChromeZephyr @ Nov 2 2012, 07:37 PM) *
Uhhh, Spring appears to be in two places at once. Can we get an edit? rotate.gif

How you figuring? The introductory post was the night before.
QUOTE (Dakka Fiend @ Nov 2 2012, 11:00 AM) *
How you figuring? The introductory post was the night before.

Aria posted 6 minutes ahead of you, having an NPC chasing Spring into the vehicle bay. Two posts up from yours.
Dakka Fiend
Oops, you're right. That's what you get for taking a bath between starting an edit and finishing it. wink.gif
Rolling some dice to try and get some more money from Prospero

Negotiation with Prospero Cha (5) + Negotation (2) = 7 dice (7d6.hits(5) → [2,2,1,5,3,1,3] = (1))

Well, that's something...
@Dakka Fiend: What's Spring's PAN showing? And what visible gear does he have on?
Machine Ghost
@Aria, Scrapheap, Spring,
Mechanicals’ Bus Barn 2072/09/01 16:12:18

The IC conversation is rather rushed, due to the 'predefined' timeline Sprogget is working against. He needs to get on the road soonest. *IF* Scrapheap is in the truck, or hands free, can continue some on the road until/unless Aria side tracks.

@Spring, with that listed interest in steampunk, Spring has a very good chance of knowing 'about' Sprogget, between Sprogget's Inspired(steampunk) quality RC98, and being at the Mechanicals 'base'.

@ChromeZephyr, I adjusted my post conventions some. See the end of the character sheet linked from 'orc' in the sig. How does that read on your screen? Trying to have the paragon content unique, but the available formatting limits options.
Dakka Fiend
Edited the post to show the comm's setup. As for obvious gear... A toolbelt. wink.gif
Machine Ghost
QUOTE (Aria @ Nov 2 2012, 03:08 AM) *
Anything that is effectively out of combat time or during a tense moment on a 'run' can be bought, including threading, spell casting etc. Of course if you want to roll that's fine too!

Will try and get some more IC up today, I've got some evil plans hatching ork.gif
For casual stuff, when only want a couple hits for threading and fading, buying is good smile.gif

I'll just ignore for now the need to thread basic CF for matrix operations, and typically improve by 2 any already known CF, instead of rolling to thread, then rolling again to use.
Dakka Fiend
Threading and casual watcher summoning. smile.gif

Magic 1 + Summoning 3 = 4 dice => 1 hit = 1 hour
1 drain
willpower 5 + logic 5 = 10 dice => 2 hits = no drain

Now for something more interesting: Let's see whether Spring knows anything about those gangs along the route:
Intuition 3 + Seattle Street gangs 2 = 5 dice = 2 hits, no glitch

btw, can anyone recommend a good dicer other than invisible castle? I tried creating an account with them (twice actually, using different mail addresses) but no joy.
QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Nov 2 2012, 03:18 PM) *
@ChromeZephyr, I adjusted my post conventions some. See the end of the character sheet linked from 'orc' in the sig. How does that read on your screen? Trying to have the paragon content unique, but the available formatting limits options.

Yeah, that's good. The font was the only issue, that's a lot more legible. Sorry for being a pain. As for whether Scrap has hands-free, I just assume that's a given with earbuds for commlinks. They've got scanners and credstick readers as standard, I figure the SR equivalent of Bluetooth is too. If I'm wrong I'll gladly edit posts, but seems kinda dumb not to have it.

QUOTE (Dakka Fiend @ Nov 2 2012, 04:12 PM) *
btw, can anyone recommend a good dicer other than invisible castle? I tried creating an account with them (twice actually, using different mail addresses) but no joy.

IC's the only one I know. Haven't had any issues even without an account, I just make sure to put my Character Name in and recalling the rolls isn't a problem.
Machine Ghost
QUOTE (ChromeZephyr @ Nov 2 2012, 05:49 PM) *
Yeah, that's good. The font was the only issue, that's a lot more legible. Sorry for being a pain. As for whether Scrap has hands-free, I just assume that's a given with earbuds for commlinks. They've got scanners and credstick readers as standard, I figure the SR equivalent of Bluetooth is too. If I'm wrong I'll gladly edit posts, but seems kinda dumb not to have it.

IC's the only one I know. Haven't had any issues even without an account, I just make sure to put my Character Name in and recalling the rolls isn't a problem.
Earbuds are fine for listening. I always figured you needed a throat/sub-vocal mic as well. The link will have a microphone [built in], but while riding it would be in a pocket [or wristband/armband]. Hanging it on a cord around your neck would not be good either, with wind noise and such. Some helmets have them build in as well. As far as Bluetooth, that would be a signal 0 [maybe 1] wi-fi connection, standard for wi-fi connected PAN items.

IC worked fine for me when I created an account.
Thing is, there's nothing in the book (well, the main book anyways) about a hands-free mic, so I just assumed the tech-level of the game makes them pretty ubiquitous. Sub-vocals are for stealthy conversations, so people don't overhear your conversations (the -4 modifier to audio Perception tests). Seems a little overboard for your run-of-the-mill mic for everyday conversations. Doesn't matter much to me, I'll have Scrapheap get one later if he needs to and just ride close to the vehicle for communication.

@Aria, you want to settle this one?
Machine Ghost
@Aria, @SP-cubed

QUOTE (ChromeZephyr @ Nov 2 2012, 05:49 PM) *
.. snip ..
As for whether Scrap has hands-free, I just assume that's a given with earbuds for commlinks. They've got scanners and credstick readers as standard, I figure the SR equivalent of Bluetooth is too. If I'm wrong I'll gladly edit posts, but seems kinda dumb not to have it.
.. snip ..
We'll say there is a mic in the helmet, which will help with road noise problems. Subvocal Microphone only 50¥ SR4A328, a microphone as a sensor in something else [helmet] would be rating(1-6) x 50¥ SR4A333. Any easy place to start adding channels, to later be able to use tacnet. Sprogget has a subvocal microphone, but as a technomancer he probably does not need it. With that mental radio, he should just be able to 'talk' on the radio, without ever opening his mouth.

QUOTE (ChromeZephyr @ Nov 2 2012, 07:19 PM) *
Thing is, there's nothing in the book (well, the main book anyways) about a hands-free mic, so I just assumed the tech-level of the game makes them pretty ubiquitous. Sub-vocals are for stealthy conversations, so people don't overhear your conversations (the -4 modifier to audio Perception tests). Seems a little overboard for your run-of-the-mill mic for everyday conversations. Doesn't matter much to me, I'll have Scrapheap get one later if he needs to and just ride close to the vehicle for communication.

@Aria, you want to settle this one?
Agreed for every day. That would be the mic in the commlink, just like today's cell phones. Unless earbuds include a boom mic or similar, subvocal, or mic in the helmet, seems to be the RAW way to go hands-free. Maybe the commlink description on SR4A327/8 will help. (standard) microphone and retractable earbuds included in the list of standard features. If the mic had also been retractable/detachable, it could be turned into a lapel mic. Separately purchased earbuds are wireless (bluetooth). A separate microphone would be too. For biking, as long as have the available 'slots', a helmet mic seems best.

I say assume Scrapheap has 'something' that works, since 'in world' he would know what works/doesn't, and he as had the bike awhile.
Machine Ghost
@Aria, Subject: In Game purchases.

I have seen that karama spends are allowed 'any time' IC. How do equipment purchases work? Standard legal and reasonably availability stuff can be pickup by stopping at any mall or 'hardware' store. Other things may need availability tests, and wait time. What is the 'general' process used in forum / IC?

Here are a couple of ideas, triggered by above, that I could flesh-out and add to the Mechanicals jackpoint article:

Casual [legal, low availability] shopping:
The Mechanicals complex and community is large enough to have regular supplies delivered. Members can add their needs to the 'daily' order [prepaid only], then pick it up 'next day' at the tribal 'commissary'. Order cutoff and shipping delay to be determined. As a bonus, that provides a bit more anonymity from the standard shopping profiling, since the product suppliers will only see the 'tribe' ordering supplies, not individual members. For extra care, tribe members can have a prepaid account to draw against, so even profiling the payments is only going to see the lump sums. Assuming this works so far, things to think about:
  • Price
    • Full standard list price
    • Tribal discount for bulk purchases
    • Price over list, for 'tithe' to the tribe for handling the transactions
  • Range of products available via this service
    • maximum list price
    • maximum availability
  • Use by non-members
    • Hangers on
    • Fre∑dom
    • Any others
    • Variation in pricing
'Mechanical' equipment purchases:
Since the Tribe salvages and repairs equipment for sale at the Crime Mall, the same products should be available to other members of the tribe. As a base, I expect this to include hardware, automotive, industrial, and aeronautical [drones]. Assuming members can buy directly from the tribe, similar questions about product range, price, and availability issues to those mentioned for casual shopping. In addition, the quality of the purchased product could vary, from fully working equivalent to new, to not working and needing repair before use. They probably do not maintain much in the way of inventory, [unless something is not selling], so items will only be immediately available some of the time, and the wait for them could vary, but there would be less restriction on the legality of items. I would expect higher priced and higher availability items to be more scarce through this channel. Sprogget, and I expect other members, would prefer to shop at home first. If this seems reasonable [and practical], what is needed is some way to determine product scope, availability, quality, pricing for 'tek' items through the tribe. Based (I expect) on PC CHA, list price, availability, tribe connection loyalty, tribe (group) connection rating. Some example 'search' results:
  • I haven't seen any salvage for that in months, no idea if/when get any again
  • Sold the last I had last week/day, but I see it come through regularly
  • None ready, but I am repairing some now. Will be ready in x hours/days
  • Got some here that was going to take to the CM, but you can have first choice
  • I have some salvage available that can be repaired, but I do not have the time/skills myself to do it.
I am thinking a series of 'elimination' rolls:
Does the tribe every handle the product
Does the tribe have some available now, and at what quality [random quality?]
when will the tribe have some available, and at what quality
The last 2 look like a fairly standard Availability test, possibly with modified dice pool and threshold, plus a random quality selector. From there, does the owner/tribe have the resources [time/parts/skill] to finish repairing, or would that be up to the purchaser.
If tribe to repair, how long will that take?

Playing with used, salvage, tribal resources seems to be getting off RAW. I could probably fake up some dice pools and tables, but GM pointers would reduce the number of reworks needed.

Sprogget is a tinkerer. He needs to figure out what resources he has available to source equipment and upgrade parts. Some illegal, and with high availability scores. Is it all going to be standard Availability Tests?
Machine Ghost
Travel and routing for discrete trip to axc4mer's in Milton

- Area Knowledge: Seattle(Puyallup)
- Area Knowledge: Seattle
- Street Knowledge: Urban Tribes(Seattle)
- Knowledge (sprite skillsoft) Discrete Vehicle Movement
(8d6.hits(5)=2, 6d6.hits(5)=2, 8d6.hits(5)=3, 7d6.hits(5)=2)

→ [4,2,2,6,3,6,3,2] = (2); [3,6,1,4,5,3] = (2); [6,6,3,1,2,2,4,5] = (3); [1,6,2,4,1,6,1] = (2)

Data Search(2)+Log(4)+Analytical Mind(2) : Trouble to avoid on Milton trip First 5 rolls for extended test (8d6.hits(5)=3, 8d6.hits(5)=0, 8d6.hits(5)=2, 8d6.hits(5)=2, 8d6.hits(5)=2)
Drek, that zero is a crit glitch. I should be just buying hits here anyway.
→ [3,2,5,5,4,1,1,6] = (3); [1,3,1,3,1,3,2,1] = (0); [3,2,2,6,3,2,3,6] = (2); [4,2,3,6,3,1,6,3] = (2); [1,1,3,4,5,1,4,5] = (2)
Be Gentle
QUOTE (ChromeZephyr @ Nov 3 2012, 02:19 AM) *
@Aria, you want to settle this one?

Seems like you have - no complaints from me!
Some rolls for Copperhead:

Trying to avoid getting head blown off:
Agi 3 + Infiltration 2 = 5d6.hits(5)=1

Trying to spot missing kids:
Int 3 + Per 1 + Vision enh. 3 + Actively looking 3 = 10d6.hits(5)=3

If no luck on visual, she will also try astral:
Int 3 + Assensing 2 + Actively looking 3* = 8d6.hits(5)=2 - * not sure if 'actively looking' counts on assensing but doesn't change result.
QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Nov 3 2012, 05:54 AM) *
@Aria, Subject: In Game purchases.

I have seen that karama spends are allowed 'any time' IC. How do equipment purchases work? Standard legal and reasonably availability stuff can be pickup by stopping at any mall or 'hardware' store. Other things may need availability tests, and wait time. What is the 'general' process used in forum / IC?

Here are a couple of ideas, triggered by above, that I could flesh-out and add to the Mechanicals jackpoint article:

Casual [legal, low availability] shopping:
The Mechanicals complex and community is large enough to have regular supplies delivered. Members can add their needs to the 'daily' order [prepaid only], then pick it up 'next day' at the tribal 'commissary'. Order cutoff and shipping delay to be determined. As a bonus, that provides a bit more anonymity from the standard shopping profiling, since the product suppliers will only see the 'tribe' ordering supplies, not individual members. For extra care, tribe members can have a prepaid account to draw against, so even profiling the payments is only going to see the lump sums. Assuming this works so far, things to think about:
  • Price
    • Full standard list price
    • Tribal discount for bulk purchases
    • Price over list, for 'tithe' to the tribe for handling the transactions
  • Range of products available via this service
    • maximum list price
    • maximum availability
  • Use by non-members
    • Hangers on
    • Fre∑dom
    • Any others
    • Variation in pricing
'Mechanical' equipment purchases:
Since the Tribe salvages and repairs equipment for sale at the Crime Mall, the same products should be available to other members of the tribe. As a base, I expect this to include hardware, automotive, industrial, and aeronautical [drones]. Assuming members can buy directly from the tribe, similar questions about product range, price, and availability issues to those mentioned for casual shopping. In addition, the quality of the purchased product could vary, from fully working equivalent to new, to not working and needing repair before use. They probably do not maintain much in the way of inventory, [unless something is not selling], so items will only be immediately available some of the time, and the wait for them could vary, but there would be less restriction on the legality of items. I would expect higher priced and higher availability items to be more scarce through this channel. Sprogget, and I expect other members, would prefer to shop at home first. If this seems reasonable [and practical], what is needed is some way to determine product scope, availability, quality, pricing for 'tek' items through the tribe. Based (I expect) on PC CHA, list price, availability, tribe connection loyalty, tribe (group) connection rating. Some example 'search' results:
  • I haven't seen any salvage for that in months, no idea if/when get any again
  • Sold the last I had last week/day, but I see it come through regularly
  • None ready, but I am repairing some now. Will be ready in x hours/days
  • Got some here that was going to take to the CM, but you can have first choice
  • I have some salvage available that can be repaired, but I do not have the time/skills myself to do it.
I am thinking a series of 'elimination' rolls:
Does the tribe every handle the product
Does the tribe have some available now, and at what quality [random quality?]
when will the tribe have some available, and at what quality
The last 2 look like a fairly standard Availability test, possibly with modified dice pool and threshold, plus a random quality selector. From there, does the owner/tribe have the resources [time/parts/skill] to finish repairing, or would that be up to the purchaser.
If tribe to repair, how long will that take?

Playing with used, salvage, tribal resources seems to be getting off RAW. I could probably fake up some dice pools and tables, but GM pointers would reduce the number of reworks needed.

Sprogget is a tinkerer. He needs to figure out what resources he has available to source equipment and upgrade parts. Some illegal, and with high availability scores. Is it all going to be standard Availability Tests?

This needs some thought – particularly as the scavenger/tinkerer aspect is new to this thread.

In essence it was previously possible to ‘get hold of’ anything that you could normally have received at character gen by paying its price in the book(s) and no rolls. This could safely be upped to availability 14 I think to reflect the nature of runners and gear. Bear in mind that as a pbp thread things move damn slowly and we want people to be able to acquire gear, spells, new abilities etc on the go without worrying too much about how they got there. Anything above availability 14 needs GM approval but again above and beyond cost (and a good story IC) there’s really no reason to roll unless it’s something very unusual.

I’m loathe to complicate things with extra rules unless they are really needed so I think that the tinkerering/scavenging might perhaps be best served by giving a reduction in price for doing work yourself (but you need to roll) and the possibility of getting more (or less) functionality from whatever you are messing with. Again, I’m more interested in the IC story than the rolls so a good justification for a piece of artistry will win more favours smile.gif …all that said I can see that you are getting in to this and I don’t want to detract from your character’s skills either so I’m open to suggestions!
Computer (4) + Analyze (4) + Technomancer bonus (2) = 10d6

2 hits on an Analyze Test.

Just trying to get some basic information on her visitor and what is happening in the room.
Machine Ghost
@Emerging: Tribes, JackPoint tribes post

Some 'exploration' on formatting to get the jackpoint point post both readable, and somewhat fitting to the styles seen in the various SR4 books.  After reading through the various comments, I think that a more 'book' font would be good for the main article.  I am referencing Seattle 2072 for this.  Seems to be the place this should be added too smile.gif.  There, the main article uses a serif font and the IC comments are in a slightly smaller but bolder sans serif font.  Forum posts have limited control of font styles, but I have tried to pick good combinations.

I like the bullet character used for lists.  It may be a pain entering content, but it looks closer to what I see in the books, where each character comment has a white greater than sign inside a solid black circle for the comment itself, and for the 'signing' NPC, with all of the text indented from the symbols.  I found 2 ways to get the single line of blank space between comments/posts by the NPCs.  One was to put a blank line after each 'signature' line that contains a non breaking space character
& #160;
[*]comment2 start
and other to put each comment and sig in its own list, but make sure the start of the following list was on the same line as the end of the previous.
[*]sig1[/list][list][*]comment2 start
The second is probably easier to understand, but the first is simpler when all that is needed is to paste that extra line at appropriate points in the text.

My reason for adding the previous spoiler tags was two fold: Make it easier to read the 'original' article, bypassing the comments, and to reduce the raw inline size of article plus comments.  If viewers do not mind the long inline post, I have no issue leaving the spoilers out.  That is they way it shows in the books, so would be consistent.

Reviewing the hardcopy, I see that the books do not indent the IC posts at all, so I have removed the indents around the comments.  The list still indents some, but I can not prevent that.  What I can do, is indent the regular content using indent tags, creating a margin.  That still does not line up right, but it is another alternative.

Some title line variations:

JackPoint Report: Seattle Culture - Tribes
JackPoint Report: Seattle Culture - Tribes
JackPoint Report: Seattle Culture - Tribes
JackPoint Report: Seattle Culture - Tribes
JackPoint Report: Seattle Culture - Tribes
JackPoint Report: Seattle Culture - Tribes
JackPoint Report: Seattle Culture - Tribes
JackPoint Report: Seattle Culture - Tribes
JackPoint Report: Seattle Culture - Tribes

I like the last one.

Main Article content variations

Tribes, groups of people banding together behind a common meme, are a common occurrence in modern society.  A tribe can range from a half dozen kids staking out the basement of an abandoned building to 'honour' their favourite trideo-star, like the "Satellites of Venus"

Tribes, groups of people banding together behind a common meme, are a common occurrence in modern society.  A tribe can range from a half dozen kids staking out the basement of an abandoned building to 'honour' their favourite trideo-star, like the "Satellites of Venus"

Tribes, groups of people banding together behind a common meme, are a common occurrence in modern society.  A tribe can range from a half dozen kids staking out the basement of an abandoned building to 'honour' their favourite trideo-star, like the "Satellites of Venus"

The above 2 are different fonts, but look identical on my computer.  I suspect that the details of how the fonts look will vary depending on the fonts installed on the computer, and accessible by the browser.  Unless we post screen captures, people will not understand when told that some combination does not look good.  Given that, I am going to try to stick with what I think should be 'common' fonts.  Times New Roman for the main article content and titles, and Arial bold for IC comments.  I was going to use Microsoft Sans Serif for the comment content, but suspect that might not work well for someone using a Mac, or Linux.  If the fonts do not show enough variation, to get the feel of inserted content, we can add color coding to the content as well.

Indent variations for content and comments

JackPoint Report: Seattle Culture - Tribes
Tribes, groups of people banding together behind a common meme, are a common occurrence in modern society.  A tribe can range from a half dozen kids staking out the basement of an abandoned building to 'honour' their favourite trideo-star, like the "Satellites of Venus",

  • Hmmm, Heavenly bodies, moons, tidal lock, complex orbits, synchronous rotation, eccentricity, gravitational attraction, orbital dance, perturbations, elongation.  The opportunities appear boundless.
  • Astro
  • Don't go there.
  • Netcat
to a worldwide organization with thousands of members, and resources to rival a mid-sized corporation.  Tribes can have widely varying monetary, technological, magical, matrix, personnel, political, and other resources available to them.
JackPoint Report: Seattle Culture - Tribes
Tribes, groups of people banding together behind a common meme, are a common occurrence in modern society.  A tribe can range from a half dozen kids staking out the basement of an abandoned building to 'honour' their favourite trideo-star, like the "Satellites of Venus",
  • Hmmm, Heavenly bodies, moons, tidal lock, complex orbits, synchronous rotation, eccentricity, gravitational attraction, orbital dance, perturbations, elongation.  The opportunities appear boundless.
  • Astro
  • Don't go there.
  • Netcat
to a worldwide organization with thousands of members, and resources to rival a mid-sized corporation.  Tribes can have widely varying monetary, technological, magical, matrix, personnel, political, and other resources available to them.
I like the indent margin, to give it a more 'print' book feel, but I do not like those 'hanging' bullet symbols.  For now, I will go with the first version above, indenting the comments compared to the main content.  Below is another variation, using {light} color instead of font to differentiate the comments.
JackPoint Report: Seattle Culture - Tribes
Tribes, groups of people banding together behind a common meme, are a common occurrence in modern society.  A tribe can range from a half dozen kids staking out the basement of an abandoned building to 'honour' their favourite trideo-star, like the "Satellites of Venus",
  • Hmmm, Heavenly bodies, moons, tidal lock, complex orbits, synchronous rotation, eccentricity, gravitational attraction, orbital dance, perturbations, elongation.  The opportunities appear boundless.
  • Astro
  • Don't go there.
  • Netcat
to a worldwide organization with thousands of members, and resources to rival a mid-sized corporation.  Tribes can have widely varying monetary, technological, magical, matrix, personnel, political, and other resources available to them.
So far, that is my favourite.  Without lists, this looks like:
JackPoint Report: Seattle Culture - Tribes
Tribes, groups of people banding together behind a common meme, are a common occurrence in modern society.  A tribe can range from a half dozen kids staking out the basement of an abandoned building to 'honour' their favourite trideo-star, like the "Satellites of Venus",

>Hmmm, Heavenly bodies, moons, tidal lock, complex orbits, synchronous rotation, eccentricity, gravitational attraction, orbital dance, perturbations, elongation.  The opportunities appear boundless.

>Don't go there.

to a worldwide organization with thousands of members, and resources to rival a mid-sized corporation.  Tribes can have widely varying monetary, technological, magical, matrix, personnel, political, and other resources available to them.

Or replacing list with indent
JackPoint Report: Seattle Culture - Tribes
Tribes, groups of people banding together behind a common meme, are a common occurrence in modern society.  A tribe can range from a half dozen kids staking out the basement of an abandoned building to 'honour' their favourite trideo-star, like the "Satellites of Venus",
>Hmmm, Heavenly bodies, moons, tidal lock, complex orbits, synchronous rotation, eccentricity, gravitational attraction, orbital dance, perturbations, elongation.  The opportunities appear boundless.

>Don't go there.
to a worldwide organization with thousands of members, and resources to rival a mid-sized corporation.  Tribes can have widely varying monetary, technological, magical, matrix, personnel, political, and other resources available to them.
Dakka Fiend
QUOTE (Machine Ghost @ Nov 6 2012, 06:50 AM) *
[color="#00FF00"]The above 2 are different fonts, but look identical on my computer.  I suspect that the details of how the fonts look will vary depending on the fonts installed on the computer, and accessible by the browser.

Indeed. Here's what my Firefox 16.0.2 on Xubuntu 12.04 does with it. Three different versions, same as in Chromium (Chrome on Nexus 7 renders #2 and #3 the same, though). In Opera #1 and #2 look the same. And Links and Lynx have a totally different pov regards fonts, anyway. So, I'd say don't bother too much with the details, you've got no control over what the browsers do with it your layout. wink.gif

That said, I don't think any of the versions is ugly, although the third might be a bit small for some people. And don't worry, you're not the only one writing something up, I just can't seem to find the time to polish my stuff up. Will see to get to it soonish.
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