QUOTE (Leoric @ Apr 29 2011, 03:38 AM)

- When bonding a power focus, it doesn't seems to add its rating as a "mod" bonus when calculating dice pools. As per RAW, it adds its rating to any test involving the Magic attribute, excepted for counterspelling.
I was originally look at that as well, but came across this information: Bonding a Foci and Activating a Foci are not the same thing. A character can have a number of Foci bonded to them equal to their MAG score. This simply means that they have the ability to now activate them to gain their bonus, but does not actually grant it. To get a bonded Foci's bonus, you need to activate it. A character can have a number of active bonded Foci equal to their LOG score, but they must activate/deactivate these during their actions in play. Since they're not "always on" bonuses, I've left these out, otherwise you could be seeing bonuses for 5 bonded Foci when you're only allowed to have 3 active (for example).
QUOTE (Leoric @ Apr 29 2011, 03:38 AM)

- Similarly, Smartlink bonus doesn't seems to be added as a mod bonus for firearms skills. I do understand that it is not applicable all the tme because it needs a smartgun to benefit from, but i Think 99% of smartkinked PC uses smartguns, so it might be a good call to add the mod bonus.
The problem here is that this applies to individual guns that have Smartlink as opposed to an individual firearms Skill. If I have a Smartlink, one Heavy Pistol with a Smartgun System, and one Heavy Pistol without a Smartgun System, rolling the Smartlink bonus into the Pistols Active Skill would give me a total that is technically correct for the first, but too high for the second. I decided to leave the Smargun bonus out since it only improves the individual weapon as opposed to the Active Skill as a whole.
QUOTE (Leoric @ Apr 29 2011, 03:38 AM)

- Armor for cyberlimbs is not calculated as per RAW: all cyberlimb armor is supposed to be cumulative, so if I wear a Jumpsuit (6/6) and have a cyberarm with armor 1/1, and a cyberleg with armor 2/2, my total armor rating should be 9/9. The CCG show a 8/8 armor rating, it looks like it only takes the highest armor rating from multiple cyberlimbs.
Right you are. Not sure where I was getting the idea that only the highest single one applied. Think I got this in my head when I took the first crack at Cyberlimb Enhancements.
QUOTE (Leoric @ Apr 29 2011, 03:38 AM)

- When making a Mystic adept, dice pools are not calculated correctly: Say I build a Mystic Adept with Magic 6. Then I buy the improved reflexes (3) power, costing 4 power point, I should only have left a magic Rating of 2 for any dice pools related to sorcery or invocation. I I buy the spellcasting skill (2), I should have a dice pool of 4 when using the skill. But the CCG shows a dice pool of 8 (2 + total magic rating of 6). As I said in a previous post, you might want to add a way to track how many points in the magic rating are allocated to adept powers, and how many are dedicated to Mage stuffs.
Yup. Planning on doing this in the not-too-distant future. Won't be in the next update, but perhaps the one after that.