Jul 17 2011, 06:21 PM
QUOTE (ggodo @ Jul 17 2011, 12:49 PM)

It's doing it for all Improved Ability powers, combat or no. This worked earlier, so I'm not sure what's up now.
In the past it wasn't evaluating the Maximum Skill Ratings properly. Now it is. As I mentioned before, if your group doesn't follow the maximum Skill Rating rule, you can turn it off in Options.
Jul 17 2011, 06:26 PM
QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Jul 17 2011, 12:49 PM)

Exactly. Also, they only add dice to the attack. Defense gets no bonus.
It would be good however to specify the type of weapon for the focus which will then be added at no cost and can be modded. Something like:
Katana (Force 1 Weapon Focus) 10k „
-Personalized Grip 100„
Gear and Weapons have been updated. Weapon Focus now asks you to name a Weapon when you add it to the character. Weapon Focus has also been added as a 0„ Weapon Mod that can be attached to any Weapon. Unfortunately I've discovered a little error with Weapon Mod Ratings while working on this (also affects Redundant Process Manufacturing) - they don't record the Rating that was selecting, and adding them throws an error because Weapons don't know that their Mods have a Rating.

This will be fixed in the next update.
Jul 17 2011, 06:30 PM
QUOTE (Wizard_Thoarin @ Jul 12 2011, 09:47 PM)

When a character has a particularly long Condition Track... like say a Troll with a 9 body... the character sheet is breaking at an odd place. It also happens if the skill list of a character is long enough to push the condition track down so that one or two lines of the condition track end up on the next page.
Also, for some reason some Condition tracks say "OVR" and "Dead" for overflow damage on the character sheet while others do not (a couple different characters). Even though it looks like the overflow damage boxes are added onto the end of the Physical Condition Track. The ones that don't seem to say "OVR" and "Dead" seem to have quite a few overflow damage boxes like the Troll with a 9 body mentioned above.
I've also got one character where the Armor table and the last part of the condition track seem to break across pages and another where the tables for Ranged Weapons and Melee Weapons break across pages.
I updated the program Sunday morning (roughly 8:00 am Pacific Time) just before starting to update my players characters for a game later that day.
Well that was dumb. I apparently stopped adding the check for Overflow and Dead 1/2 way through the Physical CM on that sheet. No idea why. I've updated it so that all of the boxes properly check for Overflow and Dead. I've also shrunk down the size of the boxes a little to try and them to fit on one page. Unfortunately this is something I have very limited control over since this is being done with XSLT and a web browser. I can tell it to
try and keep section together, but it's really at the mercy of the browser/output rendering as to whether or not it can fit it all in. It does a good job for the most part, but some times things spill over.
Jul 17 2011, 06:33 PM
In gear, if you search for 'sim' both hot and cold sim module are listed as being found under [sim modules]. That category is no longer in the dropdown list.
Jul 17 2011, 06:37 PM
QUOTE (longbowrocks @ Jul 17 2011, 01:33 PM)

In gear, if you search for 'sim' both hot and cold sim module are listed as being found under [sim modules]. That category is no longer in the dropdown list.
Yeah, there's a problem with searching for Gear right now. Found it last week while I was looking for something and corrected the code for Gear searching about an hour ago. It will be a part of the next update.

(the current build also doesn't search in the add-on categories, even though they're in the list, like Commlink OS, etc.)
Jul 17 2011, 08:08 PM
Got another one: should a sensor array retroactively increase in size if you add 'improved sensor array' to the hosting vehicle? At the moment I don't see any changes.
Jul 17 2011, 08:47 PM
QUOTE (longbowrocks @ Jul 17 2011, 03:08 PM)

Got another one: should a sensor array retroactively increase in size if you add 'improved sensor array' to the hosting vehicle? At the moment I don't see any changes.
The problem is that Sensors are actually Gear. When you add the Improved Sensor Array, just remove the Sensor that comes with the Vehicle by default and replace it with the appropriately larger one (they're free anyways).
Jul 17 2011, 08:50 PM
D'oh! thanks. I think I did that for my RPDX, but forgot about it later.
Jul 17 2011, 10:01 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 17 2011, 10:37 AM)

Yeah, there's a problem with searching for Gear right now. Found it last week while I was looking for something and corrected the code for Gear searching about an hour ago. It will be a part of the next update.

(the current build also doesn't search in the add-on categories, even though they're in the list, like Commlink OS, etc.)
I don't know if my next problem is related to this, but I can't add any sensors to a sensor array. Sure there are the basic vision enhancements and such, but no atmosphere sensor or linear disjunction detector.
Jul 17 2011, 10:06 PM
QUOTE (longbowrocks @ Jul 17 2011, 05:01 PM)

I don't know if my next problem is related to this, but I can't add any sensors to a sensor array. Sure there are the basic vision enhancements and such, but no atmosphere sensor or linear disjunction detector.
... there should be. When you add a Vehicle Sensor/Extra-Large Vehicle Sensor/Whatever-Other Sensor to a Vehicle, right-click on the new Sensor, do the usual Add Plugin then, and you should have a Sensor category which contains all of those plugin Sensor types like Atmosphere Sensor and Non-Linear Junction Detector.
Dakka Dakka
Jul 17 2011, 10:08 PM
The weapon focus property for a melee weapon should change the cost either to 0(if the focus cost is paid elsewhere) or to Force*10000„.
Mods to underbarrel weapons don't seem to affect them. They affect the main weapon though. I tried with a Ingram Smartgun X+underbarrel Super Warhawk modded for SA. SA is added to the Ingram.
Underbarrel weapons should have 6 mod slots. Only their ammunition capacity is halved.
Jul 17 2011, 10:36 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 17 2011, 02:06 PM)

... there should be. When you add a Vehicle Sensor/Extra-Large Vehicle Sensor/Whatever-Other Sensor to a Vehicle, right-click on the new Sensor, do the usual Add Plugin then, and you should have a Sensor category which contains all of those plugin Sensor types like Atmosphere Sensor and Non-Linear Junction Detector.
I guess it's a problem specific to me then. For 'Add Plugin' I have 5 options in the dropdown list: Audio Enhancements; Audio Sensors and Enhancers; General; Vision Enhancments; and Vision Sensors and Imaging Devices. Each the visual sensor category has four items, and the audio sensor category has one item. I have all the books selected in options.
The items appear in gear listing if I use the search bar, but only if I'm selecting "gear". They do not appear in "add plugins". Even if I'm searching gear, they don't show up if I go to the categories they claim to be in.
Jul 17 2011, 10:39 PM
QUOTE (longbowrocks @ Jul 17 2011, 05:36 PM)

I guess it's a problem specific to me then. For 'Add Plugin' I have 5 options in the dropdown list: Audio Enhancements; Audio Sensors and Enhancers; General; Vision Enhancments; and Vision Sensors and Imaging Devices. Each the visual sensor category has four items, and the audio sensor category has one item. I have all the books selected in options.
The items appear in gear listing if I use the search bar, but only if I'm selecting "gear". They do not appear in "add plugins". Even if I'm searching gear, they don't show up if I go to the categories they claim to be in.
Is this an older character save that you're working with? If you remove the Vehicle Sensor, then add it back, it should let you add things from the Sensor Category since Gear can always add plugins from its own Category.
Jul 17 2011, 10:42 PM
Kind of older save. I think it was first made in late May (This year. That's the last save outside of career mode). When I created it I had access to all the drone sensors for my sensor arrays, and I still have one of those drones on my vehicle list. However, if I remove those sensors from that drone now, they aren't coming back.
Jul 17 2011, 10:47 PM
QUOTE (longbowrocks @ Jul 17 2011, 05:42 PM)

Kind of older save. I think it was first made in late May (This year. That's the last save outside of career mode). When I created it I had access to all the drone sensors for my sensor arrays, and I still have one of those drones on my vehicle list. However, if I remove those sensors from that drone now, they aren't coming back.
Can you email me the save file ( so I can see what the problem might be then?
Jul 17 2011, 11:02 PM
Ok, I just sent it under the subject "Chummer Lacking Sensors".
Thanks again!
Jul 18 2011, 01:57 AM
Good news is there's nothing wrong with your character. This is a problem with Career Mode and left-over code from when only Sensors could be added to Vehicles. (part of the code was saying "hey, add the Sensors category", then the Sensor would try to add itself as a category at the same time, so the window tried to look for a category called "SensorsSenors" which it will never find) Fixed in the next update. (Give me a few minutes to put it all together

Jul 18 2011, 02:06 AM
Build 155
- added support for <avail3 /> and <avail6 /> to Gear
- revised how searching for Gear works so that only items from the selectable Categories are searched for, and works when adding plugins
- Weapon Mods now save their Rating and appear with the Mod's name when added to a Weapon
- Gear now shows its Armor Capacity instead of standard Capacity when selected in the Armor list
- Armor now adds any Armor Mods and Gear that comes with it by default
- underbarrel Weapons now have 6 slots instead of 3
- fixed an issue that prevented the Sensors category from being available to Vehicle Sensors in Career Mode
- added Group Name to the list of fields for a Contact's Connection Modifiers
- background Colour of Contacts can now be changed through the Contact's Connection Modifiers window
Outstanding Items- Spells and Spirits Suggestion
- Omae Character Feedback
- GM Character Management/Karma/Nuyen/Gear Distribution
- Multiple Clips and Different Ammo
- A.I. Inherent Programs
- Cheat Sheets?
Jul 18 2011, 03:13 AM
Thanks. If you''re looking for cheat sheets, The hacker cards pdf may be a nice template for the ever complex matrix rules. You may not have seen it before, but it's just a number of cards titled by their related programs, and what you can do with each program.
Jul 18 2011, 06:29 AM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 17 2011, 11:19 AM)

You're still hitting the cap then. With Unarmed Combat 3, the modified skill rating can never go higher than 4 (so you're only getting 1 of the (or whatever number you have it at) from Improved Ability). Maximum Skill Rating is always defined as Skill's Rating (not including any bonuses such as linked Attribute) x 1.5. So even if you have 100 points of bonuses, if Unarmed Combat is at 3, its Modified Rating can never go higher than 4.
ok, I misread the rule in the book as modified skill rating functioning like attributes, ignore me, I'm confused.
Minimax le Rouge
Jul 18 2011, 07:58 AM
Chummer is a wonderfull tool
i don't find thus gears (Unwired p200): Hacker Nanites, and Nanomemory
and when i started building an Infected (ghoul) character, their is a problem (i think) with the Magic attribute, a ghoul started with 1 magic point and an essence lose, but that essence lose don't cause a magic lose, it's a package (or am i wrong maybe)
Edit : and the Ghouls natural weapon are the Claws, not the Bite
Edit2 : for the same Infected character, i don't have acces for changing the Weaknesses in the Critter Power section. ( i wanted to build a Gaki ghoul for exemple)
Edit3 : Just adding The infected quality on a new character modified the Primary attribute expense. Seams a glitch occurs with the Logic and charisma reduction
Jul 18 2011, 08:59 PM
two quick thing:
-The calculation of the modified Agility and Reaction (in career mode) don't work. My char has now Agi 5(1) and Rea 3(1) despite any attribute modifications at all.
-the dice bonus of Unseen Hands Adept Power should equal its rating. It seems to be constant 1
Jul 18 2011, 09:14 PM
QUOTE (Makki @ Jul 18 2011, 03:59 PM)

two quick thing:
-The calculation of the modified Agility and Reaction (in career mode) don't work. My char has now Agi 5(1) and Rea 3(1) despite any attribute modifications at all.
-the dice bonus of Unseen Hands Adept Power should equal its rating. It seems to be constant 1
I've updated the Powers data file to correct half of the problem with Unseen Hands. You'll need to remove the Power from your character and then re-add it so it picks up the proper information.
As for the AGI/REA issue, I would first check your Armor - you're likely suffering from the Armor Encumbrance rules (wearing a total B and/or I of Armor > BOD * 2). If you're only wearing one piece of Armor, there's an option to ignore the Encumbrance when wearing only a single piece of Armor, assuming your group uses the optional rule.
Jul 18 2011, 09:25 PM
Do you have a ton of armor on that character? Each piece of armor has a checkbox marked "Equipped", and it's checked by default.
Dang, way late.
Jul 18 2011, 10:10 PM
QUOTE (Minimax le Rouge @ Jul 18 2011, 02:58 AM)

Chummer is a wonderfull tool
i don't find thus gears (Unwired p200): Hacker Nanites, and Nanomemory
and when i started building an Infected (ghoul) character, their is a problem (i think) with the Magic attribute, a ghoul started with 1 magic point and an essence lose, but that essence lose don't cause a magic lose, it's a package (or am i wrong maybe)
Edit : and the Ghouls natural weapon are the Claws, not the Bite
Edit2 : for the same Infected character, i don't have acces for changing the Weaknesses in the Critter Power section. ( i wanted to build a Gaki ghoul for exemple)
Edit3 : Just adding The infected quality on a new character modified the Primary attribute expense. Seams a glitch occurs with the Logic and charisma reduction
I've updated the Gears, Qualities, and Critters files to add the missing items and fix the Ghoul's Natural Weapon.
I'll have to go back and make sure that all Critters can add Weaknesses. There also appears to be a problem with Qualities reducing an Attribute - it's allowing the to have a minimum value of 0 which isn't correct. These will hopefully be in the next update.
Jul 18 2011, 11:09 PM
*cough* Neb. I can't believe how amazingly fast Chummer grew since it got my attention.
And I know I can be a pain in the ar*e yet I'd like to know how you gonna handle the issue with Magie and Essence loss...
However you decide - keep up the good work. Chummer is EXACTLY what Shadowrun needs regarding player friendly chargen
Jul 18 2011, 11:49 PM
I“ll sign that.
And thanks for those colors you granted our contacts, that will come in handy!

Even though I don“t want to bug, I“d still like the Chummer to use those empty spaces for more note-fields.
I understand that those fields could raise the size of chummer-documents(if used on a lot of items), but you didn“t even comment on the (in-)possibility of that request(furthermore it didn“t make it on any to-do-lists). To add to this I don“t think that feature will get so "misused" that this could really pose an issue.
Could you at least make a short comment why that request(if it was, as i have come to believe) was rejected?
p.s.: I also understand, that this could stir up alot of work, but it would still be nice to see it at some point in the future(like Inherent Programs for KI are written on the to-do for a several updates now).
p.p.s.: Only one updated to go and I witnessed 50 Chummerupdates!
Jul 19 2011, 12:15 AM
QUOTE (McDougle @ Jul 18 2011, 06:49 PM)

I“ll sign that.
And thanks for those colors you granted our contacts, that will come in handy!

Even though I don“t want to bug, I“d still like the Chummer to use those empty spaces for more note-fields.
I understand that those fields could raise the size of chummer-documents(if used on a lot of items), but you didn“t even comment on the (in-)possibility of that request(furthermore it didn“t make it on any to-do-lists). To add to this I don“t think that feature will get so "misused" that this could really pose an issue.
Could you at least make a short comment why that request(if it was, as i have come to believe) was rejected?
p.s.: I also understand, that this could stir up alot of work, but it would still be nice to see it at some point in the future(like Inherent Programs for KI are written on the to-do for a several updates now).
p.p.s.: Only one updated to go and I witnessed 50 Chummerupdates!

Which empty spaces are you referring to?
Jul 19 2011, 12:18 AM
QUOTE (StevenAngier @ Jul 18 2011, 06:09 PM)

*cough* Neb. I can't believe how amazingly fast Chummer grew since it got my attention.
And I know I can be a pain in the ar*e yet I'd like to know how you gonna handle the issue with Magie and Essence loss...
However you decide - keep up the good work. Chummer is EXACTLY what Shadowrun needs regarding player friendly chargen

Sorry, I honestly forgot all about this with the flurry of activity going on here.

Looks like it should reduce the Attribute score instead of affecting the maximum based on what's been said in that thread. This is going to be a fair amount of work to get this working in that manner. So, uh, it's done when it's done.

(but it is high up on the priority list since this is a core rule)
Jul 19 2011, 12:31 AM
Hey Nebular. I see you've kept up the awesomeness.
5 Quick Things:
1 - How about some CRTL-C support? Minor thing.
2 - I thought I saw a line for 'ID Management' in your log not too long ago, but havn't seen it implemented? Managing Licences and SINs can get messy.
3 - When I add a focus, bond it, then delete it, the boding cost of 3bp stays on my character. I can rinse and repeat this, so the Build Point Summary will show more and more bp.
4 - Also noticed the 'concealable holster' weapon accessory isn't reducing the concealability of my weapon when added and 'installed' is clicked.
5 - In adept powers, when I add 'increased attribute', then select the attribute, then remove it, and then try to add again, it automatically choses the last attribute I selected.
Jul 19 2011, 12:58 AM
In chummers current build(and all before that I know of ^^) there are empty spaces in chummers default size(and even bigger ones when it is resized to fullscreen(regarding to the users resolution).
Vehicles with a lot of armor wouldn“t have much space left for a note-field, but that little field would still be scrollable if build like the other ones, right?
When it comes to gear though we“ve got a lot of space to work with:
It would also be great to be able to specify something for plain cloth and set a charge(optional).
Example= choose "Clothing"->Do you want to specify? Y/N->Y="Yellow Shirt with a bunny pattern"->Payment:20-100.000„[20th p.327](let the user choose)->appears in chummer= Clothing(Yellow Shirt with a bunny pattern)
Jul 19 2011, 01:13 AM
Yeah, kinda why I suggested having the Mentor Spirit details in the Spells & Spirits tab since there seems to be plenty of space on my screen (even accounting for the space taken by spirits).
Added: Regarding clothing, adding a <selecttext /> to the item in the XML file would probably be good (been thinking of adding a custom Clothing entry to do this for myself); money IIRC can be deducted directly from your nuyen and noted for being "X" clothing. You could type in the details you want for each particular item. I had suggested this for the Geas quality a while back, mostly so it would be easier for all to catch at a glance what the geas was for the magician; a free form text box for the adept powers might be better than a check box, but I don't know if the rows could be rearranged to make one fit.
Jul 19 2011, 02:04 AM
QUOTE (McDougle @ Jul 18 2011, 05:58 PM)

In chummers current build(and all before that I know of ^^) there are empty spaces in chummers default size(and even bigger ones when it is resized to fullscreen(regarding to the users resolution).
Vehicles with a lot of armor wouldn“t have much space left for a note-field, but that little field would still be scrollable if build like the other ones, right?
When it comes to gear though we“ve got a lot of space to work with:
It would also be great to be able to specify something for plain cloth and set a charge(optional).
Example= choose "Clothing"->Do you want to specify? Y/N->Y="Yellow Shirt with a bunny pattern"->Payment:20-100.000„[20th p.327](let the user choose)->appears in chummer= Clothing(Yellow Shirt with a bunny pattern)
I think there may be some concerns for Copyright Infringement if too much information (description) is added into Chummer. With page references to the information already in the program, you at least have to own the book to get more info on the item/spell/critter.
Now, adding in a custom_notes.xml file that could be parsed so you could type in your own notes and tag it to a particular item/spell/critter/whatever would be ok in my opinion because you've at least proven you have access to the source material and can type in your own notes. I don't think these should be passed around much if at all... I guess passing it around to your gaming group might be ok as long as it doesn't go beyond that (if that's possible these days).
something like
<name>Improved Invisibility</name>
<note>Physically bends light around the target giving the person or item affected by the spell the Predator Invisibility shimmer effect.</note>
Jul 19 2011, 02:25 AM
QUOTE (whatevs @ Jul 18 2011, 07:31 PM)

Hey Nebular. I see you've kept up the awesomeness.
5 Quick Things:
1 - How about some CRTL-C support? Minor thing.
2 - I thought I saw a line for 'ID Management' in your log not too long ago, but havn't seen it implemented? Managing Licences and SINs can get messy.
3 - When I add a focus, bond it, then delete it, the boding cost of 3bp stays on my character. I can rinse and repeat this, so the Build Point Summary will show more and more bp.
4 - Also noticed the 'concealable holster' weapon accessory isn't reducing the concealability of my weapon when added and 'installed' is clicked.
5 - In adept powers, when I add 'increased attribute', then select the attribute, then remove it, and then try to add again, it automatically choses the last attribute I selected.
There's nothing in the notes about ID Management. Not sure where you might have seen that.

Fake SIN and Licenses will likely remain the way they are. Fake SIN needs a name of who you're pretending to be, and there are so many things that a License can be acquired for that the simplest way to manage all of the possibilities is to just give a space to type in a value (since you can also get a License for something you don't own).
From what I'm seeing, Concealable Holster is working (mostly) properly. Add a Machine Pistol to a character, it's Conceal is 0. Add a Concealable Holster to it, select the gun again, and it's Conceal is now -1. It does, however, appear to always believe the Holster is being used and completely ignores the Installed checkbox. This will be fixed in the next update.
#5 should have been fixed in Build 153 which addressed this issue. Which version were you using when you tried this? I can't seem to reproduce the problem now.
I'll add the rest of the stuff to the list. Ctrl+C is probably going to be quite a ways off and would only work for the trees with selectable items.
Jul 19 2011, 02:30 AM
QUOTE (McDougle @ Jul 18 2011, 07:58 PM)

In chummers current build(and all before that I know of ^^) there are empty spaces in chummers default size(and even bigger ones when it is resized to fullscreen(regarding to the users resolution).
Vehicles with a lot of armor wouldn“t have much space left for a note-field, but that little field would still be scrollable if build like the other ones, right?
When it comes to gear though we“ve got a lot of space to work with:
It would also be great to be able to specify something for plain cloth and set a charge(optional).
Example= choose "Clothing"->Do you want to specify? Y/N->Y="Yellow Shirt with a bunny pattern"->Payment:20-100.000„[20th p.327](let the user choose)->appears in chummer= Clothing(Yellow Shirt with a bunny pattern)
There is no room on the Vehicles tab. Just because you don't see the other 3 rows of Vehicle Condition Monitor controls doesn't mean they're not there.

I also need to consider that people are using Chummer on a netbook and laptops with lower resolutions, so I can't consume a lot of vertical space. Everything is designed to collapse to fit in those smaller displays. I'll take a look at adding a Notes/Clothing description section to the Armor section. Not sure if it will happen. Either way, that's a very low priority for me right now.
As I've mentioned in the past (and touching on the point Wizard_Thoarin brought up), I
will not be providing support for item descriptions/detailed notes/etc. either in the core data files or through custom data files. This opens up the chance for people to exploit the functionality and provide the detailed content from the books. My intent is to supplement them, not provide people with a way of subverting them altogether.
Jul 19 2011, 02:35 AM
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ Jul 18 2011, 04:25 PM)

Do you have a ton of armor on that character? Each piece of armor has a checkbox marked "Equipped", and it's checked by default.
Dang, way late.
Bwahaha. I beat you to that one this time.

On the subject - I believe this is a clear indication that I should look at adding tooltips to the Augmented Attribute fields that shows
why the Augmented value is what it is. Would also greatly help anyone decked out in a bunch of 'Ware to figure out where all of those modifiers are coming from. I'm hoping it's a simple task. I was planning on doing that next, but, well that whole MAG/RES modifiers from ESS Loss thing kind of came to the forefront.
Jul 19 2011, 02:51 AM
Certainly not a bad idea. Would be nice to be able to see at a glance why deductions are being applied and where they're coming from. Also had a thought about the armor page, but I'm not so sure how it would be implemented for Chummer (in short, grouping armor into "suits").
Added: Well, did think of something for the House Rules section and armor as I'm sure there are gaming groups out there that use BOD + STR for armor encumbrance as opposed to BOD × 2.
Jul 19 2011, 03:18 AM
General Products COP (Police Vehicle). Should come with an Off-Road suspension (STOCK), Not sure if I should be adding one on. Noticed there isn't a "Free" button to do that, at least during char gen.
Jul 19 2011, 03:46 AM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 18 2011, 06:25 PM)

Fake SIN and Licenses will likely remain the way they are. Fake SIN needs a name of who you're pretending to be, and there are so many things that a License can be acquired for that the simplest way to manage all of the possibilities is to just give a space to type in a value (since you can also get a License for something you don't own).
Fake SIN's work fine for me, but it might be nice on the Fake Licenses to have two values you can put in... One spot for the type of Fake License, Drivers, Gun, Liquor, Pimp

whatever (this could even be a drop down box for type of license... Then you could have another spot to type in the name (or fake name) of the person the license is for. Just seems to me Licenses could actually use two attached values (type and person). But I can also work with it as is.
Heck... with two values you cold even use it to impersonate an official... Detectives Badge, Beat Cop Badge, Health Inspector, Arson Investigator, etc and attach a fake Identity as well to the credentials.
Jul 19 2011, 03:52 AM
One thing you can do to add notes anyplace you want is to put an image of a sticky note, just like the link for Contacts, sprites, etc, and have it popup a window that people can enter whatever they want in.
Don't need to necessarily display it on the screen directly.
Jul 19 2011, 03:53 AM
QUOTE (suoq @ Jul 18 2011, 10:18 PM)

General Products COP (Police Vehicle). Should come with an Off-Road suspension (STOCK), Not sure if I should be adding one on. Noticed there isn't a "Free" button to do that, at least during char gen.
Vehicles file has been updated to add it.
Jul 19 2011, 03:54 AM
QUOTE (suoq @ Jul 18 2011, 07:18 PM)

General Products COP (Police Vehicle). Should come with an Off-Road suspension (STOCK), Not sure if I should be adding one on. Noticed there isn't a "Free" button to do that, at least during char gen.
If your building an NPC just up the build points to cover its cost, you can also turn off the rules enforcement for NPC's anyway. If its for a player character, I guess your stuck buying it unless your GM wants to give you a police vehicle for your use even when your off duty. Not sure I noticed any pre-built Police vehicles, though I could be wrong.
edit: never mind I guess Nebular hooked you up.
Jul 19 2011, 03:55 AM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jul 18 2011, 10:52 PM)

One thing you can do to add notes anyplace you want is to put an image of a sticky note, just like the link for Contacts, sprites, etc, and have it popup a window that people can enter whatever they want in.
Don't need to necessarily display it on the screen directly.
This is probably what I'll end up doing. Add Notes support to almost everything, then people can attach notes to whatever they like.
Jul 19 2011, 03:55 AM
QUOTE (Wizard_Thoarin @ Jul 18 2011, 10:46 PM)

Fake SIN's work fine for me, but it might be nice on the Fake Licenses to have two values you can put in... One spot for the type of Fake License, Drivers, Gun, Liquor, Pimp

whatever (this could even be a drop down box for type of license... Then you could have another spot to type in the name (or fake name) of the person the license is for. Just seems to me Licenses could actually use two attached values (type and person). But I can also work with it as is.
Heck... with two values you cold even use it to impersonate an official... Detectives Badge, Beat Cop Badge, Health Inspector, Arson Investigator, etc and attach a fake Identity as well to the credentials.
The fake License should definitely have some way of showing what kind of license it is, and you could attach/link the fake license to a fake sin to show who it belongs to.
Jul 19 2011, 04:11 AM
The current setup as is for Chummer and Fake Licenses works just fine for me. Just create the Fake License as an Accessory or Plugin to a Fake SIN, and type into the box what the license is for (since there's potentially too many to have a comprehensive list for). Your association is complete.
Jul 19 2011, 04:13 AM
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ Jul 18 2011, 11:11 PM)

The current setup as is for Chummer and Fake Licenses works just fine for me. Just create the Fake License as an Accessory or Plugin to a Fake SIN, and type into the box what the license is for (since there's potentially too many to have a comprehensive list for). Your association is complete.
If that's the way it works then woot, because that's the way I would expect it to work and is the best way for it to work.
Jul 19 2011, 04:29 AM
And thus it has worked for as long as I've been using Chummer (since version
Oh, BTW, for those who might have seen
this thread on Gerzel's expanded Day Job quality, I got his permission to include it in my public batch of custom files for Chummer (credited to him in the files, of course).
Jul 19 2011, 04:35 AM
Hey Again Love this Program and Love Omae I posted about 9 I think Characters already but what I am wondering is their anyway that the Character Picture will transfer also? I dont know if it already does or not or can.
But it would be super cool.
Oh and Im Cheeze-IT on Omae
Jul 19 2011, 11:33 AM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 19 2011, 04:30 AM)

As I've mentioned in the past (and touching on the point Wizard_Thoarin brought up), I
will not be providing support for item descriptions/detailed notes/etc. either in the core data files or through custom data files. This opens up the chance for people to exploit the functionality and provide the detailed content from the books. My intent is to supplement them, not provide people with a way of subverting them altogether.

That was never my intention. I own every book I use and didn“t even think about sharing rule-information with chummer-characters on the net.
@Notes to nearly everything: YAY!
Jul 19 2011, 01:15 PM
QUOTE (cbass187 @ Jul 18 2011, 11:35 PM)

Hey Again Love this Program and Love Omae I posted about 9 I think Characters already but what I am wondering is their anyway that the Character Picture will transfer also? I dont know if it already does or not or can.
But it would be super cool.
Oh and Im Cheeze-IT on Omae
The picture does get transfered as part of the character because it's embedded in the save file, so anyone who downloads it will see it.
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