Jan 21 2012, 02:42 AM
Found a couple of things
The quality Biocompatability - Bioware is affecting the essence cost of genetech, which the quality description says it doesn't.
The first point of resonance is costing 10 points of BP. The Technomancer quality says they start with a one.
Jan 21 2012, 03:12 AM
All specialization drop downs are disabled, not sure why.
Edit: Never mind, figured out why they were greyed out.
Jan 21 2012, 03:23 AM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jan 20 2012, 08:42 PM)

Found a couple of things
The quality Biocompatability - Bioware is affecting the essence cost of genetech, which the quality description says it doesn't.
The first point of resonance is costing 10 points of BP. The Technomancer quality says they start with a one.
Technomancer is working properly. Create a new Human, add Technomancer, you get your one free point of RES and are only down the 5 BP for the Quality. RES/MAG will appear to cost you additional BP if you have any ESS loss from implants. In Create Mode, it assumes that if you set RES to say 2, you want your character to have 2 RES, so it leaves it there and deducts the BP necessary to keep it there.
I don't see Biocomatability (Bioware) affecting the ESS cost of Genetech either. From what I'm seeing, everything is OK.
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jan 20 2012, 09:12 PM)

All specialization drop downs are disabled, not sure why.
Yes, on new characters they'll appear to be disabled. As noted in the change notes for Build 289, the Specialization fields are disabled if the Skill is Grouped or if its Rating is 0 since you cannot take Specializations in Skills that you do not have any Rating points in. If you put a single point in the Skill, the Specialization field will become enabled.
Jan 21 2012, 04:03 AM
Ah, it was probably the essence thing. Forgot to turn on the optional rule. That's where the difference was.
Not sure why, but the window for selecting bioware was showing a different essence cost than what's shown on the main character window.
When I removed the quality the price discount dissapeared, put it back and the discount was there again.
Jan 21 2012, 04:05 AM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jan 20 2012, 10:03 PM)

Ah, it was probably the essence thing. Forgot to turn on the optional rule. That's where the difference was.
Not sure why, but the window for selecting bioware was showing a different essence cost than what's shown on the main character window.
When I removed the quality the price discount dissapeared, put it back and the discount was there again.
Which item were you looking at? Wonder if it's something to do with a particular piece of Bioware...
Jan 21 2012, 10:59 AM
QUOTE (deurk @ Jan 20 2012, 11:24 PM)

Sounds wonderful Nebular!
Thanks for your efforts.
Oh, and I hate you for all the translation needed for improvements.xml!
Jan 21 2012, 03:59 PM
Just passing by to congrat you on the improvements tab. It rocks!
This way I was able to make Reakt apply a modifier to dodge(on which we argued


I didn´t expect this addition... awesome surprise!
Jan 21 2012, 04:11 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jan 20 2012, 11:05 PM)

Which item were you looking at? Wonder if it's something to do with a particular piece of Bioware...
It wasn't bioware I was looking at, it was genetech. in particular it was the Genetic Optimization.
The selection window is showing .18 essence, and once added the main window is showing .2.
The .2 is the correct amount.
And I just noticed I have the house rule, "Essence loss only reduces MAG/RES maximum" checked, but base resonance is being reduced along with max.
So I unchecked the house rule, reopened the character and the attribute is acting the exact same way.
It allows me to reduce the attribute to zero and aug shows (1).
At 1 or higher aug shows nothing. I was under the impression that standard rules was that it would be 2 (1) and max would be 6 (5) if you have one point
of essence loss. Doing it this way had karma implications because it's more expensive to buy a 2 than it is a 1 and so on.
Either way the house rule is doing the same thing that happens when it's not checked.
Jan 21 2012, 04:29 PM
Would it be possible to have genetech show up on the cyberware/bioware tree as it's own root?
Selected Cyberware
Selected Bioware
Selected Genetech
Jan 21 2012, 07:28 PM
Another small request for the output XML: The
<included /> tag (well, that's the name in the .chum file) for mods which come with the drone would be helpful
PS: Yet another one, the XML lists the Armor rating of a vehicle both in the name of the mod an in the rating tag
<name>Armor, Normal (Rating 10)</name>
Jan 21 2012, 09:22 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jan 21 2012, 10:11 AM)

It wasn't bioware I was looking at, it was genetech. in particular it was the Genetic Optimization.
The selection window is showing .18 essence, and once added the main window is showing .2.
The .2 is the correct amount.
And I just noticed I have the house rule, "Essence loss only reduces MAG/RES maximum" checked, but base resonance is being reduced along with max.
So I unchecked the house rule, reopened the character and the attribute is acting the exact same way.
It allows me to reduce the attribute to zero and aug shows (1).
At 1 or higher aug shows nothing. I was under the impression that standard rules was that it would be 2 (1) and max would be 6 (5) if you have one point
of essence loss. Doing it this way had karma implications because it's more expensive to buy a 2 than it is a 1 and so on.
Either way the house rule is doing the same thing that happens when it's not checked.
Looks like I inadvertently broke it when I was making changes to Attributes. I put in the corrections for it everyone but one place.

This will be corrected in the next update.
The Karma cost for improving MAG or RES is always based on its current value. If you have MAG 2, then have it reduced to 1 through ESS loss, you would spend 10 Karma to bring it back to 2. It is a permanent reduction to the attribute's actual value, not a negative modifier.
Genetech is still counted as Bioware (counts towards you Bioware ESS total, affected by Bioware cost modifiers, etc.), so I'm going to leave it where it is.
Edit: Found why you're seeing Genetech as having a reduced ESS cost when it shouldn't! This only comes up if you have Biocompatability (Bioware), use the Search field to search for a name, then select an item! If you select the Genetech category from the category list, the window is hard-coded to force the ESS multiplier to 1. I'll have this fixed in the next update.
Jan 21 2012, 09:24 PM
QUOTE (Sengir @ Jan 21 2012, 01:28 PM)

Another small request for the output XML: The
<included /> tag (well, that's the name in the .chum file) for mods which come with the drone would be helpful
PS: Yet another one, the XML lists the Armor rating of a vehicle both in the name of the mod an in the rating tag
<name>Armor, Normal (Rating 10)</name>
Vehicle Mods are currently printing their full name instead of their shortened name.

I'll have both of these corrected in the next update.
Jan 21 2012, 09:47 PM
QUOTE (Sengir @ Jan 19 2012, 12:15 PM)

I have to follow it up with the next vehicle problem right away, though: The printout XML does not contain a vehicle's Matrix stats, would be nice if we got the same tags there as for commlinks.
Also in the next update. Took a bit for the ol' brain to remember that the information is already there, just not in the printout.
Jan 21 2012, 10:42 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jan 21 2012, 04:22 PM)

Looks like I inadvertently broke it when I was making changes to Attributes. I put in the corrections for it everyone but one place.

This will be corrected in the next update.
The Karma cost for improving MAG or RES is always based on its current value. If you have MAG 2, then have it reduced to 1 through ESS loss, you would spend 10 Karma to bring it back to 2. It is a permanent reduction to the attribute's actual value, not a negative modifier.
Genetech is still counted as Bioware (counts towards you Bioware ESS total, affected by Bioware cost modifiers, etc.), so I'm going to leave it where it is.
Edit: Found why you're seeing Genetech as having a reduced ESS cost when it shouldn't! This only comes up if you have Biocompatability (Bioware), use the Search field to search for a name, then select an item! If you select the Genetech category from the category list, the window is hard-coded to force the ESS multiplier to 1. I'll have this fixed in the next update.
The thing is, during character creation when you have the Only reduces maximum, it's still decreasing the base as well as the maximum.
So you end up having to spend BP to increase Resonance back up to a 1. Which you shouldn't have to do because the base shouldn't have been lowered.
I've not checked if this is the case with the Magic attribute.
Jan 21 2012, 10:44 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jan 21 2012, 04:42 PM)

The thing is, during character creation when you have the Only reduces maximum, it's still decreasing the base as well as the maximum.
So you end up having to spend BP to increase Resonance back up to a 1. Which you shouldn't have to do because the base shouldn't have been lowered.
I've not checked if this is the case with the Magic attribute.
Right. This will be fixed in the next update as part of the correction I mentioned above. With any luck I'll have it ready tonight. Just trying to work something in...
Jan 21 2012, 11:01 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jan 21 2012, 10:47 PM)

Also in the next update. Took a bit for the ol' brain to remember that the information is already there, just not in the printout.

If it helps, it took me some time to actually look at the xml and realize the stats are not there although the .chum has them
Jan 22 2012, 12:05 AM
Just noticed, but in making a new character the selected rule set shifts to the next one down in the list (or to the top if it's the last in the list).
Jan 22 2012, 12:29 AM
Build 292- fixed an issue where entering custom text in the Select Item window would throw an error
- added <include /> tag to Weapon Mod, Weapon Accessory, and Vehicle Mods in printout XML
- added <firewall />, <signal />, <response />, <system />, and <devicerating /> to Vehicles in printout XML
- added <min />, <max />, and <aug /> to Attributes in printout XML
- Essence loss only reduces MAG/RES maximum House Rule works properly again
- Select Cyberware window now uses the category of the selected item instead of the category selected in the category list to determine Essence and Nuyen cost discounts based on item category
- fixed an issue where Setting names in the Select Setting window could map to the wrong file
Jan 22 2012, 03:31 AM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jan 21 2012, 07:29 PM)

Build 292- fixed an issue where entering custom text in the Select Item window would throw an error
- added <include /> tag to Weapon Mod, Weapon Accessory, and Vehicle Mods in printout XML
- added <firewall />, <signal />, <response />, <system />, and <devicerating /> to Vehicles in printout XML
- added <min />, <max />, and <aug /> to Attributes in printout XML
- Essence loss only reduces MAG/RES maximum House Rule works properly again
- Select Cyberware window now uses the category of the selected item instead of the category selected in the category list to determine Essence and Nuyen cost discounts based on item category
- fixed an issue where Setting names in the Select Setting window could map to the wrong file
Great thanks, working now.
On a side note, since I'm working on my Technomancer.
Would you add the ability to change the sort/grouping of Complex Forms in the list showing the ones a character has. Alpha is fine but being able to group them by category, common use, hacking, etc.
This would be great.
Jan 22 2012, 03:44 AM
Suggestion for the Paragon and Mentor qualities.
In both causes there are bonuses that they can give that are player choice.
I've not looked at all of them, but I'm pretty sure none have an infinite list to them. or even an exceptionally long one.
The idea I had was to within the Paragon/Mentor's definition include in it a <selectionlist> and have listed in it individual items for the list to be selected.
Then within the character store that as well part of the paragon/mentor that was selected.
This way the individual bonus could be listed, and in some way integrated with then new improvements tab. So as to create each of the modifiers grated, both good and bad to the list on that tab.
I'm sure there might be other places where auto created items on the improvements tab would be great too.
Jan 22 2012, 04:26 AM
The Handy Sack doesn't allow plugins.
It would be nice to be able to attach items to it. This would allow for the ability to easily show what is being stored in it, without having to use a location, since the sack itself could be in a location.
Just cleaner to allow it to have items attached to it.
Just noticed that when I try to add System 6, or Firewall 6 as a plugin to a custom commlink it doesn't attach them to the commlink instead it puts them outside of it in the general list, and they can't be attached to it.
Can't add Datachips as a plugin to a commlink.
Jan 22 2012, 04:31 AM
Undoing an Expense when the Expense is a Matrix Program that has Program Options causes the node and it's sub nodes to be left behind, but blank.
Work around is to manually delete the blank node.
Seen it happen a couple of times now with items that did not have something attached to it. It might be happening because the item in question being removed was also selected
on the gear tab.
Jan 22 2012, 04:58 AM
When you have the same ammo split into multiple stacks when you reload it shows a list of available ammo, and the split ammo shows up twice.
There isn't anything differentiating the different stacks in the list. Showing location and/or stack size in () would be good.
Both is better than either by itself, and location by itself is better than stack size by itself.
Jan 22 2012, 03:41 PM
The good ol' Doberman needs some fixing:
<name>GM-Nissan Doberman (Medium)</name>
<category>Drones: Medium</category>
<name>Walker Mode</name>
<name>Weapon Mount (Normal, External, Turret, Remote)</name>
<gear>Medium Drone Sensor</gear>
<gear raTing="3" select="Self">Targeting</gear> <--- misspelled "rating"
<gear rating="3>Clearsight</gear> <---- missing autosoft
Jan 22 2012, 05:09 PM
When I attempt to add a point to a skill in career mode without sufficient karma, I recieve an exception dialog rather than a "You can't afford this." dialog.
Jan 22 2012, 07:44 PM
Are there any plans to port the chummer to Android at some point(that´d be the iceberg of awesomeness)?
Jan 22 2012, 08:12 PM
QUOTE (McDougle @ Jan 22 2012, 02:44 PM)

Are there any plans to port the chummer to Android at some point(that´d be the iceberg of awesomeness)?
Is there a version of .net for android? I think the problem with having it work on Android would be having to port it over to java from .net.
Jan 22 2012, 09:00 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jan 22 2012, 09:12 PM)

Is there a version of .net for android? I think the problem with having it work on Android would be having to port it over to java from .net.
Well, there is Mono for Android, though I have no idea how good the current version works with Chummer...
Jan 22 2012, 10:07 PM
QUOTE (Sengir @ Jan 22 2012, 04:00 PM)

Well, there is Mono for Android, though I have no idea how good the current version works with Chummer...
Last time I saw Nebular talk about Mono there was a version of it, that was not yet released, that worked with Chummer.
No clue if the version for Android supports what the linux version does, if they are in the same state.
Jan 22 2012, 10:18 PM
Someone asked me around Christmas if they could write something for Android that read the save files and I told them that was OK. Haven't heard anything back since so I don't know if that's actually happening or not. I took a look at developing applications in general for Android a week or so ago since I have a Playbook and it's supposedly going to support Android software with its next major update. Unfortunately Java and C# are too dissimilar to make porting the code viable, especially at the rate that changes happen in the code. Nor do I have the desire to develop two completely independent versions. One consumes enough of my time.

You could try running it with the latest build of Mono - they're still in the 2.10.X versions so I have no idea if it'll actually work. They never seemed to keen on actually finishing off support for .NET 4.0. Development for it was brutally slow before and it has nearly come to a grinding halt after most of the team cost canned.
Jan 22 2012, 10:21 PM
QUOTE (crazymykl @ Jan 22 2012, 11:09 AM)

When I attempt to add a point to a skill in career mode without sufficient karma, I recieve an exception dialog rather than a "You can't afford this." dialog.
Nuts. I'll have this fixed in the next update. You can safely click the Continue button in the error message if you get this again before the next update. It still works properly and won't deduct the Karma or raise the Skill, it just can't find the message it's looking for.
Jan 23 2012, 08:38 AM
Thanks for the quick fix on the Doberman!
Jan 23 2012, 03:11 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jan 21 2012, 10:26 PM)

Just noticed that when I try to add System 6, or Firewall 6 as a plugin to a custom commlink it doesn't attach them to the commlink instead it puts them outside of it in the general list, and they can't be attached to it.
Can't add Datachips as a plugin to a commlink.
Everything seems OK. When I add a Custom Commlink, I can freely add System 6 and Firewall 6 to it (from the Commlink Operating System Upgrade category) and Datachip (from the Storage Media category) to it properly. If you added the Custom Commlink by clicking Add & More, then tried to add these plugins, they'll appear outside of it since it still thinks you're adding individual items to the character.
Jan 23 2012, 03:22 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jan 21 2012, 10:26 PM)

The Handy Sack doesn't allow plugins.
It would be nice to be able to attach items to it. This would allow for the ability to easily show what is being stored in it, without having to use a location, since the sack itself could be in a location.
Just cleaner to allow it to have items attached to it.
I've updated the Gear file to give The Handy Sack a Capacity of 1000. That should be enough to hold your stuff (if not, you may have a
slight hoarding problem

Jan 23 2012, 03:51 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jan 23 2012, 10:11 AM)

Everything seems OK. When I add a Custom Commlink, I can freely add System 6 and Firewall 6 to it (from the Commlink Operating System Upgrade category) and Datachip (from the Storage Media category) to it properly. If you added the Custom Commlink by clicking Add & More, then tried to add these plugins, they'll appear outside of it since it still thinks you're adding individual items to the character.
I think I see what was going on.
When I added it the first time, they went outside the comm, and it wouldn't let me move them into the comm.
I then tried to add them as a plugin and they still went outside the comm.
The reason they went outside is because I hadn't yet removed the previous ones and it stacked them.
For some reason, I can't move items out of the commlink.
I have multiple commlinks on the character and it seems that once placed I can't move it off of the commlink.
Is it supposed to work this way, or am I just having a windows day?
Jan 23 2012, 04:03 PM
Idea for gear.
The list can get really long.
I was thinking having a Move To menu item on the pop up menu would be really nice.
Have it list all the , vehicles, as well as the gear root Selected Gear would be really nice.
Locations for Weapons and Armour would also be fantastic. They could also have the Move To menu item.
Jan 23 2012, 04:05 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jan 21 2012, 11:31 PM)

Undoing an Expense when the Expense is a Matrix Program that has Program Options causes the node and it's sub nodes to be left behind, but blank.
Work around is to manually delete the blank node.
Seen it happen a couple of times now with items that did not have something attached to it. It might be happening because the item in question being removed was also selected
on the gear tab.
Figured this out, it's happening when the gear is placed in a location.
If it's off the root tree item Selected Gear it works fine.
Jan 23 2012, 04:11 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jan 23 2012, 10:22 AM)

I've updated the Gear file to give The Handy Sack a Capacity of 1000. That should be enough to hold your stuff (if not, you may have a
slight hoarding problem

Is there a way to place pre-existing gear into it, via drag and drop?
I deleted the old one, updated the files, bought a new one, it says 1000 cap, but it won't let me drag the hardware kit onto it.
Jan 23 2012, 09:08 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jan 21 2012, 09:44 PM)

Suggestion for the Paragon and Mentor qualities.
In both causes there are bonuses that they can give that are player choice.
I've not looked at all of them, but I'm pretty sure none have an infinite list to them. or even an exceptionally long one.
The idea I had was to within the Paragon/Mentor's definition include in it a <selectionlist> and have listed in it individual items for the list to be selected.
Then within the character store that as well part of the paragon/mentor that was selected.
This way the individual bonus could be listed, and in some way integrated with then new improvements tab. So as to create each of the modifiers grated, both good and bad to the list on that tab.
I'm sure there might be other places where auto created items on the improvements tab would be great too.
This one has actually been on my to do list for quite some time. I have finally gotten around to adding this in, so it will be in the next update. Translators will have a little bit of work though. I'll post the notes and an exmple of the chanages for the notes with the next build on here.
Jan 23 2012, 09:10 PM
First of all, thank you very much for creating this amazing program! A small request though, would it be possible to add the adept initiation house rule from page 31 of Street Magic?
Jan 23 2012, 09:13 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jan 23 2012, 10:11 AM)

Is there a way to place pre-existing gear into it, via drag and drop?
I deleted the old one, updated the files, bought a new one, it says 1000 cap, but it won't let me drag the hardware kit onto it.
No... this had crossed my mind when I made the change, and I'm thinking I shouldn't have done it. Plugins cannot be moved between devices, plugins cannot become stand-alone devices, and stand-alone devices cannot become plugins. Part of this is because of how drag-and-drop works. Currently when you drag an item then drop it, the item is moved to be above the one where you dropped it. How would it know if something should be moved above the highlighted item or added to it? The other part is that a lot of Gear plug-ins simply cannot exist outside of its containing item for pricing, avail, and capacity reasons.
I believe you'll just have to create a separate location for the contents of the Handy Sack, even though it's already in a location of its own.
Jan 23 2012, 09:16 PM
QUOTE (ArCha @ Jan 23 2012, 03:10 PM)

First of all, thank you very much for creating this amazing program! A small request though, would it be possible to add the adept initiation house rule from page 31 of Street Magic?
I don't see anything on SM 31 that deals with Adepts and Initiation. Are you referring to Adeps and Geas? If so, that's already there and appears as a checkbox after you add the Power to the character.
Edit: I know there's also an option that allows Adepts to gain an additional Power Point instead of taking a Metamagic. That's also already there. You can find it by clicking Add Metamagic on the Initiation tab. It will be listed as "Additional Power Point". Add it to your character and you'll get the additional Power Point.
Jan 23 2012, 09:22 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jan 23 2012, 04:13 PM)

No... this had crossed my mind when I made the change, and I'm thinking I shouldn't have done it. Plugins cannot be moved between devices, plugins cannot become stand-alone devices, and stand-alone devices cannot become plugins. Part of this is because of how drag-and-drop works. Currently when you drag an item then drop it, the item is moved to be above the one where you dropped it. How would it know if something should be moved above the highlighted item or added to it? The other part is that a lot of Gear plug-ins simply cannot exist outside of its containing item for pricing, avail, and capacity reasons.
I believe you'll just have to create a separate location for the contents of the Handy Sack, even though it's already in a location of its own.
So there is no way to move, say software from one comm or nexus to another? That is something that would be common with hackers or technos I would think.
Jan 23 2012, 09:25 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jan 23 2012, 03:22 PM)

So there is no way to move, say software from one comm or nexus to another? That is something that would be common with hackers or technos I would think.
Only way around it would be to delete it from one item, then add it to the other for free at the moment. Otherwise there'd need to be a "Move to another item" button that lets you pick another piece of Gear you currently have and transfers it to the newly-selected item.
Jan 23 2012, 09:27 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jan 23 2012, 04:13 PM)

No... this had crossed my mind when I made the change, and I'm thinking I shouldn't have done it. Plugins cannot be moved between devices, plugins cannot become stand-alone devices, and stand-alone devices cannot become plugins. Part of this is because of how drag-and-drop works. Currently when you drag an item then drop it, the item is moved to be above the one where you dropped it. How would it know if something should be moved above the highlighted item or added to it? The other part is that a lot of Gear plug-ins simply cannot exist outside of its containing item for pricing, avail, and capacity reasons.
I believe you'll just have to create a separate location for the contents of the Handy Sack, even though it's already in a location of its own.
You have a Selected Gear, and locations. If something is to be moved out of being stored within another item, have it dropped there.
If they drop it on an item it wasn't meant to be dropped on, they can always move it to the proper location afterwards. There are in fact plenty of places that on the treeview that are blank with no node under it.
All of these places can default to Selected Gear.
The limit of not being able to move stuff between comms hurts, since you can't move IDs, knowsofts, activesofts, etc around as your comms get junked.
Jan 23 2012, 09:43 PM
Having an ability to rename locations would be cool. On a popup menu probably the easiest place to put it.
Jan 23 2012, 10:00 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jan 23 2012, 04:16 PM)

I don't see anything on SM 31 that deals with Adepts and Initiation. Are you referring to Adeps and Geas? If so, that's already there and appears as a checkbox after you add the Power to the character.
Edit: I know there's also an option that allows Adepts to gain an additional Power Point instead of taking a Metamagic. That's also already there. You can find it by clicking Add Metamagic on the Initiation tab. It will be listed as "Additional Power Point". Add it to your character and you'll get the additional Power Point.

Yeah, it's only in the newer printings as well as the errata. I don't know how I missed that option but thanks for reading my mind! Now to buy a new firewall...
Jan 23 2012, 11:30 PM
Build 294- attempting to improve a Skill when the character does not have enough Karma no longer throws an error
- Complex Forms list is now grouped by type, similar to the Spells list
- Spells added by a PACKS Kit are now placed into to the correct category in the Spells list
- Cyberware list is now sorted in alphabetical order
- fixed an issue where Program Options may not be removed from the Complex Forms list when undoing their Karma Expense
- Reload Weapon window now shows the current quantity and Location of each Ammo to make identifying which stack the Ammo is coming from easier
- list of Ammo in the Reload Weapon window now set its dropdown width to accommodate the longest string
- added a BP Costs tab to the Options window where the BP costs for character creation can be modified (BP costs of Qualities must be done by overriding the qualities.xml file - see Chummer Wiki for more information)
- revised Mentor Spirits and Paragons so that characters can select which of their "choose one" benefits they want
- added support for exporting characters to Squad Manager (, found under File > Export for characters in Career Mode
New Strings- Node_SelectedAdvancedComplexForms
- Node_SelectedAREComplexForms
- Node_SelectedAutosoftComplexForms
- Node_SelectedCommonUseComplexForms
- Node_SelectedHackingComplexForms
- Node_SelectedMalwareComplexForms
- Node_SelectedSensorComplexForms
- Node_SelectedSkillsoftsComplexForms
- Node_SelectedTacticalARComplexForms
- Tab_Options_BPCosts
- Label_Options_BPAttribute
- Label_Options_BPAttributeMax
- Label_Options_BPContact
- Label_Options_BPMartialArt
- Label_Options_BPMartialArtManeuver
- Label_Options_BPSkillGroup
- Label_Options_BPActiveSkill
- Label_Options_BPSkillSpecialization
- Label_Options_BPKnowledgeSkill
- Label_Options_BPSpell
- Label_Options_BPFocus
- Label_Options_BPSpirit
- Label_Options_BPComplexForm
- Label_Options_BPComplexFormOption
- Label_SelectMentor_ChooseOne
- Title_ExportCharacter
- Label_ExportTo
- Menu_FileExport
- Menu_RenameLocation
Deleted Strings- Node_SelectedComplexForms
Information for those are translating data files:
[ Spoiler ]
The structure of the the Mentors and Paragons files have changed to accommodate choices.
The following items have changed in mentors.xml to allow choices:
- Adversary
- Cat
- Doom
- Great Mother
- Horned Man
- Mutation
- Owl
- Pestilent Rat
- Pollution
- Rabid Dog
- Sun
The following items have changed in paragons.xml to allow choices:
- Alias
- Abort
- Archivist
- Architect
- Babel
- The Black Hat
- Cryptome
- Daedalus
- Delphi
- Disinformation
- Echelon
- Flow
- Idoru
- Jormungand
- Nemesis
- Noise
- Probe
- Shooter
- Snuff
- Tiamat
- The World Tree
The contents of <advantage /> have changed to show the static bonuses the player gets. The choices have been moved to the <choices /> node. It was mostly a copy/paste job in English, so hopefully it's the same in other languages. Here's an example of how Adversary should now look in French (I may have butchered the actual translated strings, but this will give you the right idea

<advantage>+2 dés aux sorts de Manipulation.</advantage>
<disadvantage>Les magiciens suivant Adversaire ont un problème avec l’autorité. Si l’un d’entre eux reçoit des ordres ou des instructions qui ne correspondent pas à ses propres envies et intentions, il doit réussir un Test de Volonté + Charisme (3) ou refuser l’ordre, suivant à la place sa propre décision, sans se soucier des conséquences.</disadvantage>
<name>+2 dice to Counterspelling Tests</name>
<translate>+2 dés soit aux Tests de Contresort</translate>
<name>+2 dice to Banishing Tests</name>
<translate>+2 dés soit aux Tests de Bannissement</translate>
Jan 23 2012, 11:48 PM
just noticed this, and not sure why I didn't before, but the cost of a signal should increase the cost of Nexi.
Right now it does not appear to be increasing the cost, or at least the price doesn't go up or down on build Nexus window when I change the Signal rating.
Page 196 of Unwired under the Nexi heading, middle of the first paragraph in parenthesis, "Signal is normal cost".
Thanks for all the changes. Is there a way to update a quality, such as the paragon/mentor ones that were changed without deleting and re-adding?
Maybe something could be added in the popup menu "Reload Quality" that would update the quality's properties to what is in the data files, and go through the motions as if it was just added brand new.
Also being able to change values that were selected, again through the popup menu would be great.
Jan 24 2012, 03:06 AM
When I click on the ammo drop down on the reload weapon window I get an unhandled exception.
Clicking continue causes no further exceptions, and selecting an item in the list causes no problems.
The type drop down is showing a number, in this case 4, would it not be better to show the name of the type instead?
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