May 19 2011, 01:36 AM
Is there an easy way to add custom data or do I need to manually edit or create an xml file?
The Shielding, Smartlink and SimRig Complex forms are not listed.
When selecting Technomancer there should be a way to select ones Stream.
When selecting the Paragon Quality there should be a way to select which one you are selecting.
May 19 2011, 02:29 AM
You have to manually create/edit
the XML file. Luckily, as with most XML, the syntax is quite simple - just look at the existing files for a framework.
EDIT: I'll second the request for AIs/Free Spirits. I've played an AI and my upcoming group will have a free spirit, so I'd love to be able to point everyone to Chummer. Would it also be possible to add an auto-update check on startup?
May 19 2011, 04:41 AM
QUOTE (longbowrocks @ May 18 2011, 07:17 PM)

Yep. Sorry about that.
No worries. I've updated the file. Let's see if I got it right this time.
May 19 2011, 04:43 AM
QUOTE (Nigel @ May 18 2011, 08:29 PM)

You have to manually create/edit
the XML file. Luckily, as with most XML, the syntax is quite simple - just look at the existing files for a framework.
EDIT: I'll second the request for AIs/Free Spirits. I've played an AI and my upcoming group will have a free spirit, so I'd love to be able to point everyone to Chummer. Would it also be possible to add an auto-update check on startup?
Whoops. The automatic update should have been on my to do list but apparently it wasn't. It's on there now and should be in the next update.
May 19 2011, 05:00 AM
Works great!
May 19 2011, 03:27 PM
Mnemonic Enhancer adds it's rating to Knowledge Skills, Languages and Memory related tests.
It does not appear to be doing this on the Skills tab or the character sheet.
What I'm not sure of is if the modifier falls under the max modified skill rating of 1.5xbase rating or not?
It doesn't say specifically that it modifies the base rating, so I'm guessing it doesn't fall under this rule.
May 19 2011, 05:59 PM
Mnemonic Enhancers has been corrected to grant its Rating bonus to all Knowledge Skills.
As far as I know, everything that adds to an Active Skill or Knowledge Skill's dice pool should count towards its max modified rating.
I've also updated all of the files to include the goodies from Spy Games which was released today! I had to get it since my game is taking place in Denver and it has a bunch of handy information.
May 19 2011, 07:27 PM
On page 118 of SR4A is states, "Some abilities and implants (as noted) may increase this rating, creating a modified skill rating."
"As noted" to me means that under the ability or implant it will say if it modifies the skill rating or is some other kind of modifier.
Mnemonic Enhancer states, "Add the enhancer’s rating as a dice pool modifier to Knowledge, Language, and memory-related tests (this bonus may be combined with bonuses from other sources)."
Doesn't sound like it modifies the skill rating.
Where as the Quality Linguist in the runner's Companion states, "This quality halves the basic learning time for a language and modifies the rating of any Language skill the character possesses by +2."
Which definitely sounds like it modifies the skill rating and so is limited by the rules on page 118.
May 19 2011, 08:46 PM
Found another one!
the Adept power Mystic Armor is adding to your encumbrance, as if it was worn armor. Took me a moment to figure out why my ACI/REA kept going down when I added a piece of armor. According to the FAQ, magical armor does not add to encumbrance.
May 19 2011, 11:46 PM
Improved Reflexes has the wrong power point costs for adepts. It should be 1.5, 2.5, 4. instead of 2,3,5.
building an adept right now, that's why I'm spotting adept stuff.
May 19 2011, 11:50 PM
Runners Toolkit (a new product available right now in PDF format only) put it back to the old 2, 4, 5 costs. However we've posted over on the Catalyst Errata Forums asking for a correction the the SR4A costs or the Runners Toolkit costs. I think Nebular is waiting for an official ruling from Catalyst as to which is correct but going with the newer source for now.
May 20 2011, 12:01 AM
oh, well, that's lame. I liked the cheaper costs. It made Adepts better than wired but worse than synaptic boosters which I think is a good place to be, especially since they don't get the mix-match discount razorboiz do.
May 20 2011, 12:50 AM
QUOTE (ggodo @ May 19 2011, 04:01 PM)

oh, well, that's lame. I liked the cheaper costs. It made Adepts better than wired but worse than synaptic boosters which I think is a good place to be, especially since they don't get the mix-match discount razorboiz do.
Personally, I think the SR4A book is correct and that the 2, 3, 5 costs are a Pre-errata version of the SR4 Big Black Book and Street Magic Books. But I don't mind waiting for an errata to Runners Toolkit.
I'm thinking of putting in a custom entry for that particular power in the right "custom_xyz.xml" file so that I can buy it for my player at the cost I think is right. Then I can delete that custom entry I'm thinking of calling old Improved Reflexes. I just need to copy the Improved Reflexes over to the custom xml file and then rename and change the power cost. It is a temporary workaround but it should work.
May 20 2011, 12:57 AM
QUOTE (Wizard_Thoarin @ May 19 2011, 05:50 PM)

Personally, I think the SR4A book is correct and that the 2, 3, 5 costs are a Pre-errata version of the SR4 Big Black Book and Street Magic Books. But I don't mind waiting for an errata to Runners Toolkit.
I'm thinking of putting in a custom entry for that particular power in the right "custom_xyz.xml" file so that I can buy it for my player at the cost I think is right. Then I can delete that custom entry I'm thinking of calling old Improved Reflexes. I just need to copy the Improved Reflexes over to the custom xml file and then rename and change the power cost. It is a temporary workaround but it should work.
If you do this, could you put the custom file somewhere I can find it? There is no errata coming, and I can't xml to save my life.
May 20 2011, 01:01 AM
Would it be possible to add some options that allow for changing the basic calculations like how many points you can spend on attributes, how many on nuyen, or how you increase magic/resonance?
There are many different things. max stat, max skills, how many you have start with at 6 or 5. Even what the minimum attribute is at character creation. Some gms want them to be at least a certain amount.
May 20 2011, 01:23 AM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ May 19 2011, 06:01 PM)

Would it be possible to add some options that allow for changing the basic calculations like how many points you can spend on attributes, how many on nuyen, or how you increase magic/resonance?
There are many different things. max stat, max skills, how many you have start with at 6 or 5. Even what the minimum attribute is at character creation. Some gms want them to be at least a certain amount.
I believe you can check the box to "Ignore Character Creation Rules" when you start a new character and specify the number of BP to start with.
May 20 2011, 02:14 AM
QUOTE (ggodo @ May 19 2011, 05:57 PM)

If you do this, could you put the custom file somewhere I can find it? There is no errata coming, and I can't xml to save my life.
Ok, below is the link. You should right click it and select save as I believe otherwise its just going to open up in your web browser as a bunch of text in the xml file format. show up in the list as "Old Improved Reflexes 1, 2, and 3"
You'll need to place it inside Chummer's Data folder
May 20 2011, 02:47 AM
I have a couple questions for you Nebular.
First, if people start wanting to add custom stuff and share it, should we move that to another thread so this thread can be kept kind of clean for you?
Second, you've got a designated books.xml file does that also support a custom file?
If it does should we start adding a custom_books.xml file so that we can designate home brew stuff. something like
<name>Wizard Thoarins Stuff</name>
I'm assuming the books.xml file is there so we can turn on and off full books in the Tools -> Options menu.
I'm also assuming that the version number in the various xml files won't mean anything for custom data since we will have to manually update that stuff as well as copy and paste between different sources into our own custom_ files.
May 20 2011, 03:16 AM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ May 19 2011, 07:01 PM)

Would it be possible to add some options that allow for changing the basic calculations like how many points you can spend on attributes, how many on nuyen, or how you increase magic/resonance?
There are many different things. max stat, max skills, how many you have start with at 6 or 5. Even what the minimum attribute is at character creation. Some gms want them to be at least a certain amount.
Well, I had hoped that ignoring the "Ignore Character Creation Rules" option would cover more things, especially when messing around trying to create a Prime runner (kicks and giggles), I have noticed that you're still limited in how many spells/complex forms you can choose (thought this limitation would be lifted with the "Ignore" option selected). At least the limit of starting Attributes at their maximum rating and skills & skill groups with high ratings is gone with this option.
Of course, money is also still limited, though I did find that this can be changed in the .chum file in the middle of character creation (got a test character with 200 karma spent on

and the program considers this legal).
May 20 2011, 04:05 AM
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ May 19 2011, 10:16 PM)

Well, I had hoped that ignoring the "Ignore Character Creation Rules" option would cover more things, especially when messing around trying to create a Prime runner (kicks and giggles), I have noticed that you're still limited in how many spells/complex forms you can choose (thought this limitation would be lifted with the "Ignore" option selected). At least the limit of starting Attributes at their maximum rating and skills & skill groups with high ratings is gone with this option.
Of course, money is also still limited, though I did find that this can be changed in the .chum file in the middle of character creation (got a test character with 200 karma spent on

and the program considers this legal).
Crap! The Ignore Rules should ignore ALL of the limits. I'll have to go back and correct this. Thanks for letting me know.
May 20 2011, 04:13 AM
QUOTE (Wizard_Thoarin @ May 19 2011, 09:47 PM)

I have a couple questions for you Nebular.
First, if people start wanting to add custom stuff and share it, should we move that to another thread so this thread can be kept kind of clean for you?
Second, you've got a designated books.xml file does that also support a custom file?
If it does should we start adding a custom_books.xml file so that we can designate home brew stuff. something like
<name>Wizard Thoarins Stuff</name>
I'm assuming the books.xml file is there so we can turn on and off full books in the Tools -> Options menu.
I'm also assuming that the version number in the various xml files won't mean anything for custom data since we will have to manually update that stuff as well as copy and paste between different sources into our own custom_ files.
Yeah, I think moving custom data to another discussion would help keeping track of things I need to actually address a little easier.

Another topic in the Community Projects forum sounds ideal to me. I'll hop in there to see if anyone has any questions, but the separation would be nice.
Yes, books.xml support custom data (so custom_books.xml). All of the data files (both current and future) support custom content. The app has an XmlManager that it loads all of the data through. When it's told to load an XML file, it also looks for custom_[file].xml as well. If it finds it, it merges the two files together and uses the combined content instead, so any XML file I add can be extended with custom content.
May 20 2011, 04:15 AM
QUOTE (Akhet @ May 19 2011, 03:46 PM)

Found another one!
the Adept power Mystic Armor is adding to your encumbrance, as if it was worn armor. Took me a moment to figure out why my ACI/REA kept going down when I added a piece of armor. According to the FAQ, magical armor does not add to encumbrance.
Will hopefully have this fixed in the next update.
May 20 2011, 05:09 AM
Ok, I've started a Custom Data thread for Chummer Character Generator. I've also added links to a custom books file and a custom powers file. Head on over there if you want to grab the "Old Improved Reflexes 1, 2, and 3" and be able to turn them on and off through the "Unofficial Errata" book in the Options menu.
May 20 2011, 06:30 AM
So playing around I noticed that when you have Genetic Heritage some of the Genetic Bioware items are now showing a "Free!" check box. Which is great, but not all that should be are showing this box.
Genetic Heritage states, "Such an inheritance means the character can start play with one genetic modification (see p. 72) for free."
It points to page 72 which is the entire chapter for Genetics. I would take this to mean that any item in there could be taken for free.
The math on the discount for both Genetic Heritage and Genecrafted is wrong though.
PuSHeD has a base cost of 15,000.
If I add just Genecrafted it should get a 20% discount for a cost 12,000. It's showing up as 10,500.
If I add just Genetic Heritage again it should give a 20% discount, it's not giving any discount.
If I add both Genecrafted and Genetic Heritage it should give a combined discount of 40% for a cost of 9,000. Instead it's showing a cost of 7,500.
What I find strange is that Genetic Heritage by itself doesn't give a discount but it does if you have Genecrafted as well.
Adding a few things to the above.
The window used to add Bioware is what is showing the above numbers.
Once added and I look at them individually on the main window they are showing a 20% discount on the cost. This 20% only shows up for Genecrafted. Genetic Heritage has no affect on the cost being shown on the main window.
May 20 2011, 06:31 AM
You guys are awesome.
May 20 2011, 06:53 AM
ok, one more note before heading to bed. My unarmed combat adept is currently reading at 12 dice for unarmed combat with only 5 AGI and 1 point in the skill. I removed everything modifying that number I had, and ended up with defaulting to four, or putting one point in and having 12 dice. The last time I opened the sheet I had 14 dice in it. This time my adept powers were all missing and this wacky fun happened. I really don't know what's happening, but adept power point costs seem to be swapping around too. I don't know what's up.
May 20 2011, 10:13 PM
Build 88
- added support for <selectside /> to Improvement Manager which allows a character to select which side of the body a piece of Cyberware is implanted on
- Critter Power list is now sorted in alphabetical order
- Spirits can now be linked to save files in the same way as Contacts and Enemies
- fixed an error that cause improving an Active Skill that is a part of a Skill Group to not properly remove the remaining Active Skills from the Group
- the 10 most recently opened/saved character files are now displayed in the File menu
- adding a Spirit after improving your MAG through Initiation no longer causes an error
- Spirits can have a Force up to twice the character's MAG Attribute in Career Mode
- printout now shows the correct Essence value for a character when they have both Cyberware and Bioware
- total remaining ESS and total value for Attributes and Skills have been added to the character save to make importing Chummer files with external applications easier
- added an option for automatic updates which is enabled by default
- adding an Enemy in Career Mode no longer attempts to check how many BP/Karma have been spent on Negative Qualities and cause an error
- Ignore Rules option should now ignore all character creation rules and limitations
- Metamagic now supports requirements in the same way as Echoes
- Karma cost for Knowledge Skills in Build Mode is now calculated correctly
- Armor from Adept Powers no longer count towards Armor Encumbrance since they are considered to be a magical source
- fixed an issue that caused character to become unable to select a Skill or Attribute for Adept Powers and Qualities after improving an Adept Power's Rating
- removed the Category restriction on Cyberware plugins so things like Datajacks can be added to Cyberlimbs
- added Spoof Chip to the General Category in gear.xml
- Gear Rating on the Gear tab is now a read-only field in Career Mode
- added support for naming Weapons
- added Cyberware to the list of Weapon Categories in the Select a Weapon Category window so ammo can be used by Cyberware Weapons
- added the ability to mark Karma Gained as a Refund which will not count towards the character's Career Karma
- Injection Ammunition and chemical weapons can now accept Drugs/Toxins/Chemicals plugins as appropriate
- Vehicle and Drone Sensors can now accept Audio and Visual Enhancements and Accessories as plugins
- Street Cred, Notoriety, and Public Awareness can now be set on the Character Info tab in Career Mode
May 20 2011, 10:44 PM
Cool, though there's still a few continued things when I tried the program myself.
- The issue with adding spirits/sprites still exists as long as the character's Magic/Resonance is above 6.
- Money is still capped at 50 BP/100 karma at character creation when Ignore Rules is checked.
Being able to set which side for a cyberlimb is certainly nice. Will make it easier on a bounty hunter character I've been trying to fit into this. Also great not to be paying insane amounts of karma for a variety of low rating knowledge skills. Great work
May 20 2011, 11:51 PM
You can thank LonePaladin for the side a cyberlimb is on idea.

I'll have another update this weekend as my players do weird and wacky things yet again this evening that make me either think of new things to add or have to fix things they manage to break. This will also fix the MAG and Spirits thing in Build Mode. For some reason I only put the fix in Career Mode. Duh. It will lift the cap on Nuyen with Ignore Rules as well.
May 21 2011, 12:04 AM
QUOTE (ggodo @ May 20 2011, 01:53 AM)

ok, one more note before heading to bed. My unarmed combat adept is currently reading at 12 dice for unarmed combat with only 5 AGI and 1 point in the skill. I removed everything modifying that number I had, and ended up with defaulting to four, or putting one point in and having 12 dice. The last time I opened the sheet I had 14 dice in it. This time my adept powers were all missing and this wacky fun happened. I really don't know what's happening, but adept power point costs seem to be swapping around too. I don't know what's up.
Not sure what's going on with the Power Points cost. Are you in a region that uses "," to mark decimal places? I know there was an issue with this that I fixed late last week/early this week - if that's the problem, then it should just be a matter or removing your Powers, then re-adding them. If not, could you email me your character save file so I can see what's up? ( I can't seem to reproduce the problem on my end.
The Skill itself is behaving correctly. If the Skill's Rating is 0, you're of course defaulting. When you default, you only get the linked Attribute - 1. You do not get any bonuses, meaning any bonuses you get from Adept Powers are not applied to it. As soon as you have a even 1 Rating in the Skill, your bonuses come back. This is why there's the sudden jump from 4 (AGI - 1) to 12 or 14 (Rating + AGI + bonuses). I re-read the defaulting description (SR4A 121) just to make sure because that
is a very large gap.
May 21 2011, 07:40 AM
Well, I currently have no powers, while I've been testing I removed all my powers. I eventually gave up and put the powers back to where I wanted them. I closed Chummer, and reopened it today and the jump is now from 4, defaulting, to 17 with one skill point and no powers. As far as I can tell it seems to be removing my powers but recording their bonus every time I save and quit. So I restart and it thinks I have Improved Ability, it gives me the bonuses, but doesn't show it in the adept powers section. I don't know, I only think this because it seems to have gone up by the amount I had in the power when I closed. This is really an odd issue. I'll send you the file.
Dakka Dakka
May 21 2011, 10:43 AM
- The Move-By-Wire System should give a +2 to REA per Rating, not a flat +2.
- Same problem here with the dodge bonus from the MBW.
May 21 2011, 01:59 PM
Update to fix some stuff (like a character having a Rating of -1734 or +117 in an Active Skill after taking Incompetent or Aptitude and saving/loading a few times).
Build 89
- clicking Add Metamagic/Add Echo when a character has not Initiation Grade no longer causes an error
- adding a Spirit when creating a character with Karma whose MAG is above 6 no longer causes an error
- Sprites now have their maximum Rating set properly when loading a saved character in Career Mode
- Active Skills no longer show the Active Skill Modifiers in their tool tip if the Active Skill is being Defaulted to prevent confusion
- corrected an issue with Active Skills that caused the Aptitude and Incompetent Qualities to compound the maximum Skill Rating each time the character was saved
- selected values for Qualities are now properly re-populated when the character is loaded so that removing the Quality now also resets the Quality's text
- Updated Move-By-Wire REA and Dodge bonuses
May 21 2011, 03:17 PM
Can Chummer have plain text output?
May 21 2011, 03:23 PM
It could. I'd need an example of how a plain text output should look so I've got something to base it on. Otherwise I'm just tossing out a bunch of stuff in a random order.
May 21 2011, 03:28 PM
Genetic Heritage still not decreasing nuyen cost of any of the Genetech items.
If you have just Genecrafted both the add window and the main window display the correct cost with the 20% discount.
If you have just Genetic Heritage neither the add window or the main window display the cost with the 20% discount added.
If you have both Genecrafted and Genetic Heritage the add window displays a cost that includes too great a discount, more than 40%. The main window gives a cost that includes just a 20% discount.
When you have Genetic Heritage selected only the items in the Genetech: Transgenics category are showing a Free! check box
All Genetic Modifications should be available to choose as your one free Genetic Modification when you have Genetic Heritage.
May 21 2011, 03:30 PM
Just as a thought.
You might want to add a list of known issues to your release notes.
That way we are not re-listing things that did not make it into the build, or listing bugs you already know about.
May 21 2011, 04:22 PM
May 21 2011, 04:28 PM
Hey, just started using this for my runners. It's great ! Cheers !
One thing though. One guy in my group has multiple Incompetences but can only log one. Am i just missing how this is done or would you mind putting it on your to-do list.
Dakka Dakka
May 21 2011, 04:38 PM
QUOTE (HeckfyEx @ May 21 2011, 06:22 PM)

Smurf marine as Armor Fetish

At least use one in TDA.
May 21 2011, 05:43 PM
My GM allows breaking up skillgroups at any time, even during chargen. Can this somehow be enabled?
Also, it seems that Chummer calculates drain resist pool using unaugmented attribute value and disregards fetishes.
Dakka Dakka
May 21 2011, 08:54 PM
How do you add the Underbarrel weapon mod, I can't find it?
Spare clips in the weapons section instead of the ammo section is weird.
May 21 2011, 09:23 PM
After some of the more involved fixes suggested here, you'll love this:
Two qualities have incorrect BP values.
Runners Companion 101: Trustworthy (group) should be 20BP, it is 5 right now.
Unwired 36: Chatty should be 5 BP, it is 10 right now.
May 21 2011, 10:03 PM
I'm trying to set up a Hacker with good wireless vulnerably awareness.
I cannot find a way to add skinlink to my cyberware or com as a plugin. It can be added to weapons, but I cannot add it to devices which should have it.
I suspect this is because all the other items in 'electronic accessories' are peripherals, but skinlink is a device modification.
May 21 2011, 10:29 PM
Having the option to turn use any of the optional rules on page 39 of Unwired would be cool.
Especially the Using Attributes and Complex Forms rules.
May 22 2011, 12:28 AM
QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ May 21 2011, 12:54 PM)

How do you add the Underbarrel weapon mod, I can't find it?
Spare clips in the weapons section instead of the ammo section is weird.
Have you tried right clicking the weapon and selecting "Add Modification" or "Add Plugin"? I added an under barrel flamethrower that way to an Sub Machine Gun. I didn't see the under barrel grenade launcher in the list for the SMG I purchased for testing though. I don't think all under barrel mods are available for all guns, after all it doesn't make much sense to have an under barrel grenade launcher on a heavy pistol... maybe the other way around since the grenade launcher is a lot bigger then a heavy pistol. And some guns may not have an under barrel mount at all, don't think hold out pistols would have any kind of under barrel mount but I haven't double checked the rules on that.
May 22 2011, 01:36 AM
QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ May 21 2011, 02:54 PM)

How do you add the Underbarrel weapon mod, I can't find it?
Spare clips in the weapons section instead of the ammo section is weird.
If you right-click on a Weapon and choose Add Accesory, there are 4 Underbarrel weapons you can add near the bottom of the list (provided the Weapon allows for Under Accessories).
Spare Clips appear in both the Weapon Accessories list and Gear list under Ammunition. I originally had them as Weapon Accessories since that's where they were listed in SR4A. I added them to Gear a while back when someone else pointed out how silly it was.
May 22 2011, 01:42 AM
QUOTE (enkidu @ May 21 2011, 10:28 AM)

One thing though. One guy in my group has multiple Incompetences but can only log one. Am i just missing how this is done or would you mind putting it on your to-do list.
This is an error on my part. I didn't mark the Incompetent Quality as being selectable more than once. I've updated the qualitities.xml file to include the fix for this and the two BP corrections that longbowrocks pointed out.
May 22 2011, 01:46 AM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ May 21 2011, 09:30 AM)

Just as a thought.
You might want to add a list of known issues to your release notes.
That way we are not re-listing things that did not make it into the build, or listing bugs you already know about.
I'll try to remember to start doing this. The updates I put out usually cover all of the issues that were brought up until shortly before the update. The rest are usually in my bug tracking system. In the case of the Bioware cost issue, I apparently never recorded it, so it got missed. I think all of the issues that have been reported more than once have been because I accidentally passed over them, so being reminded of it is always good.
May 22 2011, 01:52 AM
Honestly I like the idea of having the spare clips with the weapons themselves. It's right in the core book that clips fit only the weapon they're made for, so you cannot change out a clip for an Ares Predator IV for a WW Infiltrator even though both are heavy pistols with a 15© ammo capacity. If you have a variety of firearms it makes for easier tracking of the gear for what goes to which.
. o O ( God I hate calling magazines "clips" when they're not. )
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