(I agree for / have nothing to say about other items)
QUOTE (Nebular @ Oct 25 2011, 10:00 PM)

[*]Camera Neutralizer is already there.
Not in AR, the source is SR4 I think (in monday's gear.xml I even couldn't find it for SR4, but before maybe deurk asked you a removal)
QUOTE (Nebular @ Oct 25 2011, 10:00 PM)

[*]Expendable Jammer, Hardening appears on AR 57 in the table on the side. The item in the table is just called "Hardening", but it's a plugin for the Expendable Jammer.
Ok, this one is errated out in french version. "hardened" is the hardening electronic option from p.58, so if you put it for these ones, you could put it for all electronic items I think, and having the difficult task to have two rating on the same item.
QUOTE (Nebular @ Oct 25 2011, 10:00 PM)

[*]Extra-Large Vehicle Sensor is described under Improved Sensor Array on AR 138. Because all Sensors are Gear that can accept plugins, this is where the Extra-Large Vehicle Sensor needed to be placed. So I'm not making it up.

Ok, but it is "buyable" from the gear tab. Maybe it should be hidden and only callable by Chummer when the mod "Improved sensor arry" and replace only a large sensor.
QUOTE (Nebular @ Oct 25 2011, 10:00 PM)

[*]The items listed for moving to Armor are not Armor, cannot accept Armor Mods, and do not have Capacity like Armor as they have no Armor Ratings on their respective tables. They are simply worn Gear.
I don't think that : in that case, the item named "clothes" is not an armor aswell. And you could wear like 10 swiming suits without a malus.
I think you should put them there just for the ease of use and solving questions like : "what items are destroyed if somebody shoot me" and "hey I can't use an armor, I'm wearing my desert suit".
QUOTE (Nebular @ Oct 25 2011, 10:00 PM)

[*]One of these days I'll finally spell Esprit right! I don't know how 6 letters can screw me up so much.
Esprit means "spirit" in french. It means also ghost, but never alcohol as in english.
Remember it from ghost meaning : think of it as a sprite. Take the last E, put it front

It's a male word, btw : "un esprit" or "l'esprit".
Wich word comes from wich langage, I don't know. I think this comes from french and got to english but I'm not sure (hundreds years of war quite shuffled our languages

QUOTE (Nebular @ Oct 25 2011, 10:00 PM)

[*]AR 37 Fragmentation Rounds: This is an anti-personnel warhead
I think this is like the rocket of SR4, not a chummer/WAR! warhead. If it were a warhead as in your warhead category (chummer/WAR! -made), it would have a '+' in front of some of its caracteristics. It got an own damage code, I think it would be ridicoulous to roll twice the damages. It comes with a static price. The seeker warhead have a '+' price, as all add-on. And War! got released way back after Ars.
Flavour text says : "This is an anti-personnel warhead for use against people. It is similar in function to fragmentation grenades and rocket warheads."
SR4 324 (nades) says "Fragmentation Grenades: These are designed to spread a cloud
of deadly shrapnel over a large area, seriously injuring soft targets. Their
damage value reduces by –1 per meter from the point of the explosion’s
SR4 325 (rocket/missiles) says "Fragmentation: Used principally against people, the warhead discharges high-speed metal or plastic-metal fragments designed to tear into unprotected flesh. These rockets/missiles are very effective against unprotected individuals, but fairly ineffective against barriers, structures, and vehicles."