Jul 27 2011, 09:24 PM
Build 164
- added support for <damageresistance /> to Improvement Manager which grants a character additional dice for Damage Resistance Tests
- added Ballistic Armor and Impact Armor fields to the Condition Monitor tab in Career Mode
- added Dmg Resistance Pool field to the Condition Monitor tab in Career Mode which shows the total number of dice the character gets for Damage Resistance Tests
- Advanced Lifestyle Qualities are now properly cleared when moving from one Advanced Lifestyle to another in Career Mode
- Spirits and Sprites no longer have their number of services owed limited by an Active Skill in Career Mode
- Adept Powers that improve Attributes now double the Power Points cost when going over the Attribute's Metatype Maximum
- Armor now displays the selected value for its Improvement when applicable
- Armor and Armor Mods now show their name instead of internal ID when asking for values to be selected for an Improvement
- Metamagics and Echoes now show their name instead of internal ID when asking for values to be selected for an Improvement
- Mentor Spirits and Paragons now show their name instead of internal ID when asking for values to be selected for an Improvement
- Martial Arts Advantages now show their name instead of internal ID when asking for values to be selected for an Improvement
- Metatypes and Metavariants now show their name instead of internal ID when asking for values to be selected for an Improvement
- Improvement dialogues now show the name of the item adding the Improvement for clarification if it's provided
- canceling an Improvement dialogue when selecting a Mentor Spirit or Paragon now properly cancels the Quality being added
- fixed an issue where deleting the last existing Weapon Accessory on a Weapon would also delete the first Weapon Mod
- Advanced Lifestyles now print their Comforts, Entertainment, Necessities, Neighborhood, Security, and Qualities
- binding a Focus in Career Mode now creates a Karma Expense Entry instead of requiring a manual Karma Expense Entry to be made
- un-binding a Focus in Career Mode now asks for confirmation
- added ability to filter Active Skills by All, Rating > 0, and Total Rating > 0 in Career Mode
- special path characters are now ignored by Omae when attempting to save the downloaded file
Outstanding Items- Cyberzombies
- Notes Field for Armor/Clothing?
- TreeView Copy/Paste
- Omae Character Feedback
- GM Character Management/Karma/Nuyen/Gear Distribution
- Multiple Clips and Different Ammo
- A.I. Inherent Programs
- Cheat Sheets?
Jul 27 2011, 10:53 PM
Bioware: Bone Density Augmentation doesn´t add to the DMG Resistance Pool yet.
Jul 27 2011, 11:17 PM
Updated the Bioware file. Should be good now.
Jul 28 2011, 01:58 AM

Fast as always.
Next thing:
Every time I open Chummer, All spirits are checked as "bound".
Minimax le Rouge
Jul 28 2011, 08:02 AM
* the Made Man Qualitie should provide "a free Group Contact with a modified Connection Rating of 8 and a Loyalty Rating of 4. [...]"
so it need a "Free" button or a karma reduction
* 1 impact armor point is missing on each level of the Dermal Sheath
* Black Market Pipeline "guarantees a 10 percent discount when the character buys the appropriate merchandise from the Black Market Contact"
it would be difficult to manage this, i think :/
Jul 28 2011, 10:31 AM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 27 2011, 08:11 AM)

My understanding from reading it is that the Mook is attached to a device (like a Commlink) so it do simple hacking without you having to know how, meaning it should only be attached to a device, not a Matrix Program. Is that not correct?
The Unrestricted Agent [Mook] as coded in Chummer is Avail: +2, Cost: Gear Cost * 2. One cannot pick a rating.
The Agent has the ability to select a rating, and an availability and cost based on that rating.
Given the above, either the Mook needs to be recoded in Chummer to have a rating and cost and availability based on rating OR Mook is an option that needs to be attached to the agent, not the commlink.
I'm not sure which of the two directions is the right one. Sorry.
Jul 28 2011, 01:21 PM
QUOTE (Minimax le Rouge @ Jul 28 2011, 03:02 AM)

* 1 impact armor point is missing on each level of the Dermal Sheath
Cyberware data file has been updated to correct this.
Jul 28 2011, 01:34 PM
QUOTE (suoq @ Jul 28 2011, 05:31 AM)

The Unrestricted Agent [Mook] as coded in Chummer is Avail: +2, Cost: Gear Cost * 2. One cannot pick a rating.
The Agent has the ability to select a rating, and an availability and cost based on that rating.
Given the above, either the Mook needs to be recoded in Chummer to have a rating and cost and availability based on rating OR Mook is an option that needs to be attached to the agent, not the commlink.
I'm not sure which of the two directions is the right one. Sorry.
Ah, I see. Should it be attachable to Autosofts, Agent (like Homeground, Expert Defense, etc. from UN 113), the Agent Matrix Program (SR4 330) or both?
Jul 28 2011, 02:40 PM
just tried to build a Milspec Armor, there seems to be an error in the capacity calculation.
-Ruthenium Polymer Coating is a Coating and does not use up capacity (Arsenal p 50)
-Military-Grade Armor Enhancements and their capacity are on page 182. e.g. Hydraulic Jacks cost [Rating+1]. Currently it is just "1".
-there is much more too choose from for upgrading your Armor (note, only those who have capacity slots) in the black box on page 44
Jul 28 2011, 03:23 PM
QUOTE (Makki @ Jul 28 2011, 09:40 AM)

just tried to build a Milspec Armor, there seems to be an error in the capacity calculation.
-Ruthenium Polymer Coating is a Coating and does not use up capacity (Arsenal p 50)
-Military-Grade Armor Enhancements and their capacity are on page 182. e.g. Hydraulic Jacks cost [Rating+1]. Currently it is just "1".
-there is much more too choose from for upgrading your Armor (note, only those who have capacity slots) in the black box on page 44
I've updated the Armor data file to correct the first two points. In regards to the last one - all of those items are already there, but they must be added as Gear since they're Gear that consume Armor Capacity and not actually Armor Mods.
I also need to make a change to allow Armor to calculate Availability based on Rating which will be in the next update (until then, Rating formulas will show up in their raw format)
Jul 28 2011, 03:26 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 28 2011, 07:34 AM)

Ah, I see. Should it be attachable to Autosofts, Agent (like Homeground, Expert Defense, etc. from UN 113), the Agent Matrix Program (SR4 330) or both?
I believe it should be attachable to the Agent Matrix Program.
Having now tried to use Homeground in Chummer, I'm not sure how it's intended to be used. It looks like it should be attachable to a commlink or to an agent program but it's not. As far as I can find, it can only be bought as gear.
I'm sorry. I'm still too new at Chummer to understand how it's intended to work with software and commlinks. I really love it and appreciate it. I just don't make a good user of it.
Jul 28 2011, 03:42 PM
QUOTE (suoq @ Jul 28 2011, 10:26 AM)

I believe it should be attachable to the Agent Matrix Program.
Having now tried to use Homeground in Chummer, I'm not sure how it's intended to be used. It looks like it should be attachable to a commlink or to an agent program but it's not. As far as I can find, it can only be bought as gear.
I'm sorry. I'm still too new at Chummer to understand how it's intended to work with software and commlinks. I really love it and appreciate it. I just don't make a good user of it.
I've updated the Gear data file so that Mook can only be attached to the Agent Matrix Program, and all Autosofts, Agents to cover all of the bases.

Matrix Programs are designed to be placed on Commlinks and Peripherals since they need to run on the character's devices. Software plugins can then be stacked on top of them. Autosofts are intended to be added to Vehicles/Drones withe plugins being stacked on top as needed.
Jul 28 2011, 03:56 PM
It seems that the Attention Coprocessor (AU p36) doesn't add its rating to the perception dice pool (neither in chummer nor in the charsheet).
Also, i'm not very good with xml, so anybody could help me create new cyberware grades for chummer (I was thinking of grades for cybersuites suites)?
Jul 28 2011, 04:18 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 28 2011, 10:42 AM)

I've updated the Gear data file so that Mook can only be attached to the Agent Matrix Program, and all Autosofts, Agents to cover all of the bases.

Matrix Programs are designed to be placed on Commlinks and Peripherals since they need to run on the character's devices. Software plugins can then be stacked on top of them. Autosofts are intended to be added to Vehicles/Drones withe plugins being stacked on top as needed.
Should be able to link Matrix Programs to Agents, and IC as well, since they use them and while they are in use the hacker can't use them, unless they have broken the copy protection and made copies.
Jul 28 2011, 04:29 PM
QUOTE (Leoric @ Jul 28 2011, 05:56 PM)

Also, i'm not very good with xml, so anybody could help me create new cyberware grades for chummer (I was thinking of grades for cybersuites suites)?
Take a look at the chummer wiki(linked within chummer).

Once you get a hang of it it is actually quite easy to work with. I didn´t think I would get it to work, too, but I included a new book(to enable custom content), a new martial art, a new vehicle and trophies with some custom xml´s by now.
Jul 28 2011, 05:00 PM
QUOTE (Leoric @ Jul 28 2011, 10:56 AM)

It seems that the Attention Coprocessor (AU p36) doesn't add its rating to the perception dice pool (neither in chummer nor in the charsheet).
Also, i'm not very good with xml, so anybody could help me create new cyberware grades for chummer (I was thinking of grades for cybersuites suites)?
Cyberware data file has been updated to correct this.
Unfortunately you cannot create custom Grades of Cyberware/Bioware because of how things work internally, and thanks to the biggest pain in the butt: Adapsin.
Jul 28 2011, 07:01 PM
When opening an attached spirit the spirit is shown as "Unnamed Character" in the tab, even if it has a name.
Jul 28 2011, 11:25 PM
Minor thing:
Martial Art Maneuver "Set-Up" (Arsenal, p160) is listed as "Step-Up" which made me giggle and cringe as I thought of that horrible dance movie a few years back.
Great work, Nebular!
Jul 29 2011, 12:24 AM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 27 2011, 10:35 PM)

Er, it should, and it seems to be working for me... Go to Tools > Options, select the Karma Costs tab and check what you have set for New Specialization (should be 2 by default).
Nope, doesn't work here.
Jul 29 2011, 12:42 AM
QUOTE (Marwynn @ Jul 28 2011, 06:25 PM)

Minor thing:
Martial Art Maneuver "Set-Up" (Arsenal, p160) is listed as "Step-Up" which made me giggle and cringe as I thought of that horrible dance movie a few years back.
Great work, Nebular!
Whoops! Updated the Martial Arts data file to correct this.
Jul 29 2011, 06:39 AM
Noticed the Improved Physical Attribute is working when you go into the augmented maximums, but also that you can select any active attribute and not just Physical ones.
Also, this same limitation also applies to Creative Eye and Keen Wits. Hopefully how they're set up currently can be kept that way, as I've been entertaining thoughts of creating adept powers to cover Charisma and Willpower.
And thanks for putting the Mentor Spirit's details in the Spells & Spirits tab (and catching it to the Sprites & Complex Forms for TM Paragons too).
Jul 29 2011, 07:18 AM
Anyone else having trouble getting the list of Sapient Critters to show up?
I can access them via New Critter, but not when making a New Character.
I have all the book options turned on and automatic updating enabled.
Also, for some reason the Asthma and Records On File negative qualities do not appear in the lists during Quality selection, even though I can find them in the XML file.
Jul 29 2011, 12:56 PM
QUOTE (KarmaInferno @ Jul 29 2011, 02:18 AM)

Anyone else having trouble getting the list of Sapient Critters to show up?
I can access them via New Critter, but not when making a New Character.
I have all the book options turned on and automatic updating enabled.
Also, for some reason the Asthma and Records On File negative qualities do not appear in the lists during Quality selection, even though I can find them in the XML file.
The only Sapient Critters you should see when creating a new character should be Centaur, Naga, Pixie, and Sasquatch as they're the only Sapient Critters PC Metatypes detailed in Runner's Companion. All of the other Sapient Critters are only ever described as Critters.
When creating a new Human (I'm just using it as a reference so we can both look at the same Quality list) with all of the books enabled, Asthma should be the second-last Quality in the A section (should go Asthma, Augmentation Addict, Bad Luck), and Records on File should be the second Quality in the R section (Quadriplegic (Full Immersion), Reality Impaired, Records on File). They aren't restricted by any requirements or by blocked by other Qualities, so they should appear in the Negative Quality list for anyone.
Jul 29 2011, 01:02 PM
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ Jul 29 2011, 01:39 AM)

Noticed the Improved Physical Attribute is working when you go into the augmented maximums, but also that you can select any active attribute and not just Physical ones.
Also, this same limitation also applies to Creative Eye and Keen Wits. Hopefully how they're set up currently can be kept that way, as I've been entertaining thoughts of creating adept powers to cover Charisma and Willpower.
Creative Eye and Keen Wits were already setup correctly. No idea how Improved Physical Attribute went without being noticed for so long.

Adept Powers file has been updated to correct this.
Jul 29 2011, 03:48 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 29 2011, 08:56 AM)

The only Sapient Critters you should see when creating a new character should be Centaur, Naga, Pixie, and Sasquatch as they're the only Sapient Critters PC Metatypes detailed in Runner's Companion. All of the other Sapient Critters are only ever described as Critters.
When creating a new Human (I'm just using it as a reference so we can both look at the same Quality list) with all of the books enabled, Asthma should be the second-last Quality in the A section (should go Asthma, Augmentation Addict, Bad Luck), and Records on File should be the second Quality in the R section (Quadriplegic (Full Immersion), Reality Impaired, Records on File). They aren't restricted by any requirements or by blocked by other Qualities, so they should appear in the Negative Quality list for anyone.
Yeah, I'm not seeing ANY races in the list when I select the Sapient Critter category.
As for the Qualities, they don't show up in the listings even if I turn off all the restriction settings.
I even tried uninstalling and reinstalling everything.
Jul 29 2011, 07:13 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 29 2011, 06:02 AM)

Creative Eye and Keen Wits were already setup correctly. No idea how Improved Physical Attribute went without being noticed for so long.

Adept Powers file has been updated to correct this.
Weird. When I was trying this last night it did not calculate correctly. Not sure why it worked this time.
Crazy Ivan
Jul 29 2011, 07:51 PM
Also, I don't believe the Bicardiac quality adds two to the Stun track, only to how much fatigue you can take before it affects you.
Jul 29 2011, 10:53 PM
QUOTE (Crazy Ivan @ Jul 29 2011, 02:51 PM)

Also, I don't believe the Bicardiac quality adds two to the Stun track, only to how much fatigue you can take before it affects you.
You're right, I misread that bit. Qualities data file has been updated to correct this.
Jul 29 2011, 10:59 PM
Build 166
- Spirits and Sprites now have their Bound checkbox set correctly when loading a character
- renamed Select Contact Connection Modifiers window to Advanced Contact Options
- added Free Contact checkbox to Advanced Contact Options
- clicking Cancel while selling a Weapon Accessory or Weapon Mod no longer sells the item
- Armor Mods now display their calculated Availability when applicable
- opening a linked Contact or Spirit now uses the same loading mechanism as other characters and properly sets the tab's title
- added support for adding Notes to any item by right-clicking on an item and choosing Notes from the context menu (window can be quickly closed by pressing Esc which also saves the contents)
Jul 30 2011, 12:15 AM
You sir, are awesome. Customization for the win!
The only thing left is to somehow show if an item has notes on it or not.
(thinking about chars with 50+ gear-entries)
Jul 30 2011, 12:25 AM
Was playing around with an adept. "Way of the Burnout."
I selected Improved Reflexes II and it claimed it would cost 5.0 power points instead of the normal 2.5. Is this a bug, or am I missing something?
EDIT: It's weird. If I delete the power, then select it on the list, it shows the cost correctly -- 2.5 points. As soon as I add it, though, it doubles to 5.0.
Jul 30 2011, 12:34 AM
QUOTE (Fyndhal @ Jul 29 2011, 07:25 PM)

Was playing around with an adept. "Way of the Burnout."
I selected Improved Reflexes II and it claimed it would cost 5.0 power points instead of the normal 2.5. Is this a bug, or am I missing something?
Anything that improves an Attribute above the natural Metatype Maximum costs twice the number of Power Points. So if your REA is 6 (your Metatype Maximum) and you try to put it to 8, the cost of each of those Ratings is doubled because it is going over that Metatype Maximum. Looking at the Improved Reflexes Power itself, I see that it doesn't actually say this, but in things like Improved Physical Attribute, Creative Eye, and Keen Wits state that "This power allows you to exceed your natural attribute maximum up to the augmented maximum, but each point over the maximum costs double (1.5 Power points per level)." So I'm not sure if this is another one of those annoying cases where there's an un-written "standard" that some of the other Powers just break, if this was text that was mistakenly left out of the Improved Reflexes Power, or it's just an "every Power for itself!" free-for-all.

Given that it's supposed to be the Adept's version of Wired Reflexes, I'm thinking it shouldn't cost the extra points. Guess I'll be updating that tomorrow.
Jul 30 2011, 03:35 AM
I have been working on a Rigger for the last 2 weeks, but I am running in to a problem with Chummer. Periodically, my AGI and REA will get lowered (modified) to a value of 1, regardless of whatever I do to them. I have tried to reproduce the error, by building a new character and testing the things that I was doing just before the error, but have yet to figure it out. I have 3 save files, for the same character, but built separate times, which have this problem.
I wish that I could give you some more details to go on. The last time it happened, I was rebuilding the character and working on my Commlink, then went to print my character and check the Commlink output. Upon printing, I noticed the attributes were 1 again. Naturally building a test character, I can not reproduce this right now.
Would you like the save files with the incorrect stats? I have been trying to work around this, but there is just so much gear that I have to input every time that I can't keep up.
Thanks again for the program. It has been a huge help getting me started again in Shadowrun.
Jul 30 2011, 06:06 AM
QUOTE (LG117 @ Jul 29 2011, 10:35 PM)

I have been working on a Rigger for the last 2 weeks, but I am running in to a problem with Chummer. Periodically, my AGI and REA will get lowered (modified) to a value of 1, regardless of whatever I do to them. I have tried to reproduce the error, by building a new character and testing the things that I was doing just before the error, but have yet to figure it out. I have 3 save files, for the same character, but built separate times, which have this problem.
I wish that I could give you some more details to go on. The last time it happened, I was rebuilding the character and working on my Commlink, then went to print my character and check the Commlink output. Upon printing, I noticed the attributes were 1 again. Naturally building a test character, I can not reproduce this right now.
Would you like the save files with the incorrect stats? I have been trying to work around this, but there is just so much gear that I have to input every time that I can't keep up.
Thanks again for the program. It has been a huge help getting me started again in Shadowrun.
Check your Armor. AGI and REA are affected by Armor Encumbrance if your total amount of Armor worn exceeds BOD x 2. If you hover over the augmented values for an Attribute, it will tell you where your modifiers are coming from.
If your group uses the rule where wearing only a single piece of Armor never causes Armor Encumbrance, you can turn this on in the Optional Rules section of the Options window.
Jul 30 2011, 04:28 PM
Oh goodness, I feel like an idiot. That was exactly the problem. I did not realize there was an "Equipped" check box in the Armor's information. During character creation, I was just dumping stuff into the shopping cart and not giving it a second thought.
Sorry for the trouble Nebular. If only I had noticed this myself weeks ago. I would be finished with the character by now.
Jul 30 2011, 04:43 PM
Nebular: Since the armor thing comes up so frequently, maybe put a mouseover text on the reduced stat saying "Reduced by Armor Encumbrance" or some such?
Jul 30 2011, 05:40 PM
QUOTE (LG117 @ Jul 30 2011, 12:28 PM)

Oh goodness, I feel like an idiot. That was exactly the problem. I did not realize there was an "Equipped" check box in the Armor's information. During character creation, I was just dumping stuff into the shopping cart and not giving it a second thought.
Sorry for the trouble Nebular. If only I had noticed this myself weeks ago. I would be finished with the character by now.

Maybe the default for armour should be to have it not equipped?
Jul 30 2011, 05:51 PM
QUOTE (Fyndhal @ Jul 30 2011, 11:43 AM)

Nebular: Since the armor thing comes up so frequently, maybe put a mouseover text on the reduced stat saying "Reduced by Armor Encumbrance" or some such?
Already does. If you hover over the Augmented Attribute, it shows exactly how it got that number, even showing the encumbrance for Ballistic and Impact individually.
Jul 30 2011, 06:23 PM
Build 167
- Adept Powers that affect an Attribute can now be marked as not doubling the Power Point cost when the affected Attribute exceeds its Metatype Maximum
- Improved Reflexes Adept Powers no longer double the Power Point cost when raising REA above its Metatype Maximum
Dakka Dakka
Jul 30 2011, 07:05 PM
I don't get why you implement this houserule. Does anyone actually want to make powers that do not require the doubling more expensive?
IIRC only Improved Physical Attribute requires this doubling. No need to add it to others.
Jul 30 2011, 07:11 PM
QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Jul 30 2011, 02:05 PM)

I don't get why you implement this houserule. Does anyone actually want to make powers that do not require the doubling more expensive?
IIRC only Improved Physical Attribute requires this doubling. No need to add it to others.
There is no house rule stuff here at all. The only Adept Powers that affect an Attribute's Rating are Creative Eye (Way of the Adept), Improved Physical Attribute (SR4A), Improved Reflexes (SR4A), and Keen Wits (Way of the Adept). Of those 4, only Improved Reflexes does not explicitly say that the Power Point cost is doubled if the Power causes an Attribute to exceed its Metatype Maximum. Improved Reflexes says nothing about the cost of the Power being doubled if it causes REA to exceed its Metatype Maximum. All this is really doing is adding support for an XML element to indicate that an Adept Power's cost does not cost double if an Attribute exceeds its Metatype Maximum, and applying it to Improved Reflexes so its cost isn't incorrectly doubled (otherwise an Adept would being paying 8 Power Points for Improved Reflexes 3 if it raised his REA over its Metatype Maximum). What people do with it in their custom data files is their problem.
Dakka Dakka
Jul 30 2011, 07:24 PM
So your saying that by default all powers double if an attribute is increased beyond the natural maximum but there is a switch to remove this doubling? Wouldn't it be easier to just implement doubling on the three powers that actually have it in the rules?
Jul 30 2011, 07:29 PM
QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Jul 30 2011, 02:24 PM)

So your saying that by default all powers double if an attribute is increased beyond the natural maximum but there is a switch to remove this doubling? Wouldn't it be easier to just implement doubling on the three powers that actually have it in the rules?
Only Powers that affect an Attribute's Rating are affected by this, and only the portion of the Power's Rating that puts the Attribute over its Metatype Maximum is doubled (so a Human with BOD 5 that takes Improved Physical Attribute (BOD) Rating 2 will pay 2.25 Power Points). I made the decision on the information that was available. 3 Powers said they doubled the cost, 1 didn't, so it seemed that not doubling the cost was the exception.
Major Doom
Jul 30 2011, 10:25 PM
Hey Nebular, trying to run the application on Windows 7 64bit and I receive the following error:
I even tried running using "Run as administrator". I have .Net Framework 4 installed as well. Any ideas?
Jul 30 2011, 10:41 PM
Looks like this error can pop up if you're using an out-of-date, pre-release, or incorrect version of .NET (or something has replaced a .NET assembly that shouldn't have been replaced). From what I've ready, downloading and re-installing the .NET Framework
usually fixes the problem (though nobody seems to really have an answer beyond that), so I'd give that a try. Hopefully that will fix the problem. Here's the URL for .NET Framework 4 which should included all of its latest updates. If you have a pre-release copy of .NET Framework 4, you apparently need to uninstall it before installing the release version.
Marvelous Marvin
Jul 30 2011, 10:49 PM
The Add & More button does nothing.
Jul 30 2011, 11:15 PM
QUOTE (Marvelous Marvin @ Jul 30 2011, 05:49 PM)

The Add & More button does nothing.
You need to have something selected first. It adds the selected item to your character, then opens the window again so you can pick another item without having to click the Add [whatever] button in the main window each time.
Marvelous Marvin
Jul 30 2011, 11:21 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 30 2011, 04:15 PM)

You need to have something selected first. It adds the selected item to your character, then opens the window again so you can pick another item without having to click the Add [whatever] button in the main window each time.
Then how do I add in the missing material from the other books?
<edit> never mind. I found the options menu. I R Dummy.
Jul 31 2011, 01:11 PM
Would it be possible to have the accepted book listed saved on a per character basis as part of the chum file?
Jul 31 2011, 06:09 PM
ok, this is an odd bug. I add Uneducated, and it only gives me back 8 points, but it still counts it as 20 for the qualities limit. anyone else have that happen?
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