May 17 2011, 08:46 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ May 17 2011, 04:40 PM)

For some reason when I start a new character the buttons for each window is mostly off the bottom of the window. It's far enough off the window that I can't see any text on the buttons.
I've got the latest versions of .net and I'm using windows 7.
Did you try clicking maximize? That gets it to fit for me.
May 17 2011, 09:32 PM
QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ May 17 2011, 06:13 AM)

I just found your program and it is looking pretty good.
As I play around with it i found some bugs/issues:
- Aren't Surge and Martial Arts supposed to be part of the 35 BP limit on Qualities?
- Celerity does not modify the Movement Rate
- Quick Draw is missing form the Maneuver list.
- Putting Skilled Dice Pools before the defaults may be a good idea
- It's "guerilla" in the Combat Tactics Specilaization not "geurilla".
- (At least with the suprathyroid gland) the Damage boxes are not calculated correctly. It's Round Up(8+(BOD/2)). The Suprathyroid Gland is one of the few pieces of ware that actually increase the BOD Attribute.
- Showing the Sheet via the print button/menu item is not very intuitive.
- 7 lines is not enough to display all the qualities on the Char Sheet
- Bone Density does not show up as modifying the Unarmed Attack. Just as with the Condition Monitors, STR/2 should be rounded UP.
-The smaller of Cyber and Bioware Essence cost is not halved!
- Personalized Grip does not add RC.
- The Underbarrel Grenade Launcher of the Ares Alpha should have its own range not the AR range.
- Naming weapons would be a nice feature.
- Putting PPP and helmets under Armor mods is a bit weird.
So that's what I found at the moment. Keep up the good work.
- SURGE and Martial Arts do count towards the Positive Quality BP limit.
- Celerity will be in the next update.
- Suprathyriod and Bone Lacing were correctly adding to BOD. The was was I wasn't using the Attribute property within the app (it was basically use the base value instead of the augmented). Fixed in next update.
- I don't see a Quick Draw Maneuver in Arsenal. Iajutsu says the character may use the Quick Draw rules (p. 137 SR4) to draw a weapon, but I don't see a Maneuver. If you can point me to the book/page, I'll gladly enter it.
- The character sheet draws as many lines for Qualities as it needs. If you have 2 Qualities, it draws 2, 50 if you have 50.

- Bone Density is a little wacky for the Unarmed bit. It is actually added to your character as another Weapon. I might have to go back and look at this again.
- The Cyberware/Bioware ESS cost is being halved. If you add a piece of Cyberware with a ESS cost of .2, then Bioware with an ESS cost of .1, your total ESS should now be 5.75. The item itself does not show the reduced cost from this, though it does appear in the Total Ess fields in the status bar and on the right-hand tab.
- Personalized Grip and the Ares Alpha Grenade Launcher range will be fixed in the next update.
- Putting PPP and helmets in the Armor mods was about the only place that made sense to me since they need to be attached to a piece of Armor since they aren't stand-online pieces. At least they're in with Armor.

Thanks for the list o' stuff. Always nice to get things cleaned up!
May 17 2011, 09:49 PM
I've got a customized cyberarm with agility 5, but my augmented agility is reading as 3, instead of my native agility of 4, and the 3 is what's being used in my dicepool. I think that's wrong, but I don't know what I'm doing.
May 17 2011, 09:59 PM
QUOTE (ggodo @ May 17 2011, 04:49 PM)

I've got a customized cyberarm with agility 5, but my augmented agility is reading as 3, instead of my native agility of 4, and the 3 is what's being used in my dicepool. I think that's wrong, but I don't know what I'm doing.
This is working properly for me in the next update version, so let's see if it behaves properly for you once I have it available.
May 17 2011, 10:06 PM
Here's the last update for the week. Entering all them critters has melted my brain.
Build 85
- added support for <movementpercent /> to the Improvement Manager which improves a character's Movement speed
- additional support for Critters
- all Critters from Running Wild and SR4A are now entered
- Personalized Grip Weapon Mod now provides its RC bonus
- Unseen Hands Adept Power now applies its bonus to the Stealth Skill Group
- Unseen Hands Adept Power now has levels enabled
- Celerity Positive Quality now provides its Movement bonus
- Condition Monitors now correctly calculate based on the Attribute's total value and not just its augmented value
- number of Spells, Spirits, Complex Forms, and Sprites a character can have is no longer capped in Career Mode
- RES now properly limits the maximum Rating for Complex Forms
May 17 2011, 10:12 PM
Are the integral Gas Vent 2 and Laser Sight that a FNSCAR-H3 come with supposed to reduce the number of slots available to modify it?
May 17 2011, 10:16 PM
Not any more. In Arsenal they describe that you can remove any Weapon Mod/Accessory that comes with it, and that they don't actually consume the slots. Since things like scopes and sights can be removed to be replaced by others, it seemed like the ideal thing to do was allow all items to be removed/not consume slots, and let the player take care of it. The way I had it before, you couldn't remove a detachable bipod if it came with the weapon.
May 17 2011, 10:26 PM
QUOTE (redwulf25 @ May 17 2011, 04:46 PM)

Did you try clicking maximize? That gets it to fit for me.
Maximizing doesn't do anything for me.
The buttons are still mostly off the bottom of the window they are on.
May 17 2011, 10:35 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 17 2011, 06:16 PM)

Not any more. In Arsenal they describe that you can remove any Weapon Mod/Accessory that comes with it, and that they don't actually consume the slots. Since things like scopes and sights can be removed to be replaced by others, it seemed like the ideal thing to do was allow all items to be removed/not consume slots, and let the player take care of it. The way I had it before, you couldn't remove a detachable bipod if it came with the weapon.

Right now it's telling me I can't remove an accessory that comes with a weapon. That may have something to do with me putting them on a drones weapon mount though.
May 17 2011, 11:14 PM
I just found the critters and am having the time of my life building a cyber-tiger.
May 18 2011, 12:08 AM
'Cause I don't want this silly little bug hanging around for the next few days...

Build 86
- Weapon Mods and Accessories can now be removed from Vehicle Weapons
May 18 2011, 12:22 AM
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 17 2011, 08:08 PM)

'Cause I don't want this silly little bug hanging around for the next few days...

Build 86
- Weapon Mods and Accessories can now be removed from Vehicle Weapons
Thanks. Now my drone doesn't need to brace the machine gun against it's non-existent hip to get a recoil bonus.
May 18 2011, 02:54 AM
QUOTE (LonePaladin @ May 16 2011, 10:17 PM)

Yes, but micro cameras and mikes (a micro-microphone?) are limited to rating 1, which means only one improvement.
But right now they're stuck at less than 1 improvement.
May 18 2011, 03:40 AM
I've updated the gear.xml file. The Camera, Micro and Microphone, Micro now have their Rating set to 1. There are now 2 version of each. Camera, Micro and Microphone, Micro have a Capacity of 1 meaning they can take plugins. Camera, Micro Plugin and Microphone, Micro Plugin have a Capacity of [1] and are the plugin versions of these devices.
May 18 2011, 05:27 AM
May 18 2011, 06:16 AM
Any chance that the karma count for knowledge skills can be corrected? It looks like the ratings of all knowledge skills are being totaled for a single karma cost, instead of being compiled separately. Noticed this when testing transposing another character over, and had over 600 karma spent on knowledge skills that should've totaled only 84. (Yes, I like the karma build system over BP.)
Also, per the Arsenal Errata v1.3.2 the Doberman and Steel Lynx drones have turret weapon mounts, not fixed. And unless it's been put into an errata that I haven't seen, Neoteny is 10 BP, not 5.
Spoof chips should be addable to anything electronic, not just vehicles & drones. Commlinks at least should have this option, too.
Once in career mode, breaking a skill group by increasing an individual skill breaks things. After increasing one of the group's skills, increasing any of the other skills in the group costs the greater amount of karma, but sets the skill to 1 instead of its proper value and the remaining skills in the group drop to zero (i.e., Sorcery was at 4, Counterspelling goes up to 5 for 10 karma, and Spellcasting drops to 1 for 10 karma, after which Ritual Casting is now zero).
Another bug I came across, if Magic or Resonance is above 6 (by Initiation/Submersion), and you try to "Add Spirit"/"Add Sprite", an "Unhandled exception... Value of '0' is not valid for 'Value'. 'Value' should be between 'Minimum' and 'Maximum'." kind of error appears. Doesn't seem to matter if it's in creation or career mode.
On a completely unrelated note, may I ask what program you used to write the core .EXE file? I am curious to know so I can create something of my own for a few other game systems.
May 18 2011, 07:07 AM
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 17 2011, 07:40 PM)

I've updated the gear.xml file. The Camera, Micro and Microphone, Micro now have their Rating set to 1. There are now 2 version of each. Camera, Micro and Microphone, Micro have a Capacity of 1 meaning they can take plugins. Camera, Micro Plugin and Microphone, Micro Plugin have a Capacity of [1] and are the plugin versions of these devices.
Whoops. I just downloaded the update, and it looks like there was a misunderstanding. Plugins were already available for micro cameras, but vision enhancments were not available for them. Thus, I can make my micro camera incredibly sturdy or add a pair of mage-sight goggles to it, but I can't add any vision enhancement mods to it. Am I not supposed to be able to do that? Sorry if my previous comment resulted in something breaking.
May 18 2011, 07:08 AM
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ May 17 2011, 10:16 PM)

On a completely unrelated note, may I ask what program you used to write the core .EXE file? I am curious to know so I can create something of my own for a few other game systems.
Wait.. You mean what development environment/software?
May 18 2011, 08:13 AM
I think this is a glitch in adept powers. If you take Improved Ability (combat) any future adept powers with choices will automatically be that skill. My adept currently has Attribute Boost Unarmed Combat. I'm sorry to bother you.
May 18 2011, 12:59 PM
QUOTE (ggodo @ May 18 2011, 03:13 AM)

I think this is a glitch in adept powers. If you take Improved Ability (combat) any future adept powers with choices will automatically be that skill. My adept currently has Attribute Boost Unarmed Combat. I'm sorry to bother you.
Crap! Added to the list o' stuff to fix.
May 18 2011, 01:00 PM
QUOTE (longbowrocks @ May 18 2011, 02:07 AM)

Whoops. I just downloaded the update, and it looks like there was a misunderstanding. Plugins were already available for micro cameras, but vision enhancments were not available for them. Thus, I can make my micro camera incredibly sturdy or add a pair of mage-sight goggles to it, but I can't add any vision enhancement mods to it. Am I not supposed to be able to do that? Sorry if my previous comment resulted in something breaking.
Ok, so what was in the last version of gear.xml was correct, it was just missing the Vision Enhancements, is that right?
May 18 2011, 01:10 PM
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ May 18 2011, 01:16 AM)

Any chance that the karma count for knowledge skills can be corrected? It looks like the ratings of all knowledge skills are being totaled for a single karma cost, instead of being compiled separately. Noticed this when testing transposing another character over, and had over 600 karma spent on knowledge skills that should've totaled only 84. (Yes, I like the karma build system over BP.)
Also, per the Arsenal Errata v1.3.2 the Doberman and Steel Lynx drones have turret weapon mounts, not fixed. And unless it's been put into an errata that I haven't seen, Neoteny is 10 BP, not 5.
Spoof chips should be addable to anything electronic, not just vehicles & drones. Commlinks at least should have this option, too.
Once in career mode, breaking a skill group by increasing an individual skill breaks things. After increasing one of the group's skills, increasing any of the other skills in the group costs the greater amount of karma, but sets the skill to 1 instead of its proper value and the remaining skills in the group drop to zero (i.e., Sorcery was at 4, Counterspelling goes up to 5 for 10 karma, and Spellcasting drops to 1 for 10 karma, after which Ritual Casting is now zero).
Another bug I came across, if Magic or Resonance is above 6 (by Initiation/Submersion), and you try to "Add Spirit"/"Add Sprite", an "Unhandled exception... Value of '0' is not valid for 'Value'. 'Value' should be between 'Minimum' and 'Maximum'." kind of error appears. Doesn't seem to matter if it's in creation or career mode.
On a completely unrelated note, may I ask what program you used to write the core .EXE file? I am curious to know so I can create something of my own for a few other game systems.
I believe the issue with the Skill Group thing you pointed out is because I'm not correctly re-enabling the other Skills when the group is broken. You're also correct about the Doberman and Steel Lynx turrets. I'll have these fixed in the next update. I'll also take a look at the Karma bit for Knowledge Skills and the Initiation + Spirits/Sprites bit.
Chummer is written in C# using Visual Studio 2010 and targets the .NET Framework 4 Client Profile (which is a subset of the .NET Framework 4 that is optimised for client applications).
May 18 2011, 01:38 PM
If I may make a couple suggestions.
A recent characters list in the file menu, which it should be easy. In VB.Net I'd just use My.Settings to store the list, not sure how to do it in C# though since My.Settings isn't available for it.
A way to add custom gear that doesn't get deleted every time the gears file is updated. This one is iffy, but I suppose you could have the application, when loading all the data files, check for a file called customgear.xml, customarmor.xml, custombioware.xml, and so on. If the file's there load it, if not skip it, and just never update the custom files.
May 18 2011, 02:05 PM
QUOTE (fazzamar @ May 18 2011, 08:38 AM)

A way to add custom gear that doesn't get deleted every time the gears file is updated.
Check the wiki (in Chummer, press Ctrl+F1).
Or, just use
this clicky thing.
May 18 2011, 02:06 PM
QUOTE (fazzamar @ May 18 2011, 07:38 AM)

If I may make a couple suggestions.
A recent characters list in the file menu, which it should be easy. In VB.Net I'd just use My.Settings to store the list, not sure how to do it in C# though since My.Settings isn't available for it.
A way to add custom gear that doesn't get deleted every time the gears file is updated. This one is iffy, but I suppose you could have the application, when loading all the data files, check for a file called customgear.xml, customarmor.xml, custombioware.xml, and so on. If the file's there load it, if not skip it, and just never update the custom files.
The most recent character list is already on my list o' stuff to do. I wanted to get the Critter bit done and out of the way first since there was so much data to enter.

Custom content is already supported. The application looks for custom_[xxxxx].xml and merges both the standard and custom files together when it looks at content. So custom entries for Armor would be custom_armor.xlm, custom Cyberware would be custom_cyberware.xml, and so on. The custom_ files are never affected by the update process so you don't lose your custom content - it only knows how to read them.
May 18 2011, 05:53 PM
So anyone have any other suggestions on why the windows are not the right size and the buttons are off the bottom of the window?
Doesn't make sense to me, gotta be something strange.
May 18 2011, 06:12 PM
Just getting back into my SR campaign so I haven't been on the forum much, but I picked Chummer up last week and have been trying to get my players to move over - this is fantastic work for such a short time! I have found a couple issues, though.
Datajacks & commlinks are both listed under "headware" only, but they should be able to be implanted elsewhere - jacks anywhere on the body and 'links in any cyberlimb with Capacity, iirc. My street sam's not able to reflect his cyberarm-comm correctly here (though he can, oddly, list it as attached to his Dermal Plating)
The same character's ArmTech MGL-12 says it doesn't mount accessories - I've never read anything about this, and no other grenade launchers seem to have this quality. Boom-Boom Bob wants his smartgun system with airburst link!
And one less-important item, are you looking into supporting AI/Free Spirit characters? I know spirit chargen's a hotly contested thing, but I have a metasapient character in my group and I'd like to be able to put everyone in the same format.
May 18 2011, 06:22 PM
What programing environment is this being done in?
The Visual Studio or Express versions?
Is the source available? I'd like to try and figure out why the windows and buttons are messed up on my machine and the easiest way to do that is to have the source.
May 18 2011, 06:40 PM
QUOTE (TheScrivener @ May 18 2011, 12:12 PM)

Just getting back into my SR campaign so I haven't been on the forum much, but I picked Chummer up last week and have been trying to get my players to move over - this is fantastic work for such a short time! I have found a couple issues, though.
Datajacks & commlinks are both listed under "headware" only, but they should be able to be implanted elsewhere - jacks anywhere on the body and 'links in any cyberlimb with Capacity, iirc. My street sam's not able to reflect his cyberarm-comm correctly here (though he can, oddly, list it as attached to his Dermal Plating)
The same character's ArmTech MGL-12 says it doesn't mount accessories - I've never read anything about this, and no other grenade launchers seem to have this quality. Boom-Boom Bob wants his smartgun system with airburst link!
And one less-important item, are you looking into supporting AI/Free Spirit characters? I know spirit chargen's a hotly contested thing, but I have a metasapient character in my group and I'd like to be able to put everyone in the same format.
Ack! You apparently picked the one Grenade Launcher that I missed adding the accessory information to. I have updated qualities.xml, weapons.xml, and vehicles.xml to correct the Grenade Launcher, Neoteny BP, and Doberman/Steel Lynx turret mistakes.
I think I'm going to remove the category restriction on Cyberware plugins which will allow Data Jacks to be installed in any piece of Cyberware.
My original plan was to leave out support for AIs and Free Spirits since they were so different from standard characters, but this was before I decided to add in Critters. Once I got Spirits working, I started to think that this might be doable. I'm going to have to go back at take a look at these again and see how much they differ from Spirits.
May 18 2011, 06:46 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ May 18 2011, 12:22 PM)

What programing environment is this being done in?
The Visual Studio or Express versions?
Is the source available? I'd like to try and figure out why the windows and buttons are messed up on my machine and the easiest way to do that is to have the source.
C# using Visual Studio 2010 Express. For now, the source code is not available. What resolution is your screen? I know LonePaladin was having issues with the Knowledge Skills section being cut off on his netbook, but I believe those are finally taken care of with the changes I made to the resizing code. Which buttons are giving you problems?
May 18 2011, 06:59 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 18 2011, 07:10 AM)

Chummer is written in C# using Visual Studio 2010 and targets the .NET Framework 4 Client Profile (which is a subset of the .NET Framework 4 that is optimised for client applications).
Thanks. Figured the easiest way for me to learn this style of programming would be to use the same program and dissect the core file just to see how it worked (did the same with DK's Excel character sheet). Figuring now that might not be possible, but at least starting with the same tool can help.
May 18 2011, 07:05 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 18 2011, 02:46 PM)

C# using Visual Studio 2010 Express. For now, the source code is not available. What resolution is your screen? I know LonePaladin was having issues with the Knowledge Skills section being cut off on his netbook, but I believe those are finally taken care of with the changes I made to the resizing code. Which buttons are giving you problems?
I'm running it on my laptop using 1920x1080.
The first two character creation windows, BP and Metatype, have the buttons on them almost completely off the bottom of the window. Basically I can see the tops of them, but enough is gone that I can't see any text.
May 18 2011, 07:06 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 18 2011, 01:40 PM)

I think I'm going to remove the category restriction on Cyberware plugins which will allow Data Jacks to be installed in any piece of Cyberware.
I'm not sure how you're doing the restrictions on all the allowable gear plugins (and it's been far too long since I wrote a line of C anything) but that should still only allow plugins with items that have [Capacity] right? I just want to keep an eye on any possible rules abuses before my players get ahold of them. Also is there a reason why cyberware with 0 Capacity can have plugins added? I only say since you obviously have error messages in for weapons w/ no Accessories allowed, I assume the same could be done for ware.
Just trying to be a diligent debugger, totally grateful for the work that's gone in here.
May 18 2011, 07:12 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 18 2011, 10:06 AM)

Custom content is already supported. The application looks for custom_[xxxxx].xml and merges both the standard and custom files together when it looks at content. So custom entries for Armor would be custom_armor.xlm, custom Cyberware would be custom_cyberware.xml, and so on. The custom_ files are never affected by the update process so you don't lose your custom content - it only knows how to read them.
Oh, it already does what I suggested, heh. Great, thanks.
May 18 2011, 07:27 PM
QUOTE (TheScrivener @ May 18 2011, 01:06 PM)

I'm not sure how you're doing the restrictions on all the allowable gear plugins (and it's been far too long since I wrote a line of C anything) but that should still only allow plugins with items that have [Capacity] right? I just want to keep an eye on any possible rules abuses before my players get ahold of them. Also is there a reason why cyberware with 0 Capacity can have plugins added? I only say since you obviously have error messages in for weapons w/ no Accessories allowed, I assume the same could be done for ware.
Just trying to be a diligent debugger, totally grateful for the work that's gone in here.
Yes, it will still only allow plugins that consume Capacity when I make the change. Wouldn't want anything wacky like adding a cyberarm to a cyberarm!

I originally had some code in place to make sure you don't try to go over a piece of 'ware's Capacity (which meant it would prevent you from trying to add plugins to something like Bone Lacing and got around the ability add things to a Capacity 0 piece of 'ware), but I soon realised the trade-off was that you couln't over-modify a piece of 'ware if the GM allowed it, nor could you pick a bunch of desired plugins, then weed them out until you got back to your Capacity limit. I thought about if for a while and, in the end, I decided to remove the check and handle it just like Vehicle Capacity - you can cram it full of stuff until you have -999 Capacity if you really want, it comes down to how much is your GM going to allow. I figured it's probably better to err on the side of flexibility.
May 18 2011, 07:31 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ May 18 2011, 01:05 PM)

I'm running it on my laptop using 1920x1080.
The first two character creation windows, BP and Metatype, have the buttons on them almost completely off the bottom of the window. Basically I can see the tops of them, but enough is gone that I can't see any text.
Huh, that's weird. That's the same resolution I'm running at. Those should appear right in the middle of the application window when they open. I'll try mess around with it and see if I can reproduce the problem. Would you be able to post a screen shot so I can see how it's appearing to you and know what to look for?
May 18 2011, 07:43 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 18 2011, 03:31 PM)

Huh, that's weird. That's the same resolution I'm running at. Those should appear right in the middle of the application window when they open. I'll try mess around with it and see if I can reproduce the problem. Would you be able to post a screen shot so I can see how it's appearing to you and know what to look for? should give you a screen shot of one of the offending windows.
May 18 2011, 08:41 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ May 18 2011, 02:43 PM) should give you a screen shot of one of the offending windows.
Are you using a larger default font size in Windows or some sort of text zooming? Is the screen shot the actual size of the window as it appears for you? Seems abnormally large compared to what I get, but a zooming or manifier might do that.
May 18 2011, 08:44 PM
The website I posted it to did that, no clue why. Everything is at it's default for windows. I didn't change the text size or zooming or anything. link shows it's original size.
May 18 2011, 10:18 PM
I figured out what the problem is.
The default scaling for fonts in windows 7 is 125%.
Which causes everything in the window to be 25% larger.
Not sure about vista, but XP is not like this.
I changed it to 100% and although everything is now a lot smaller the windows look correct.
There must be some form properties to take this into account and resize the window automatically for you.
At least I hope there is, otherwise it would suck having to do write the code yourself on form show or something.
May 18 2011, 11:24 PM
If you take Genetic Heritage you get one Genetic Modification that costs no nuyen. How do you specify which one is the free one?
Also Genetic Heritage is supposed to give a 20% discount on the nuyen cost of any transgenic genetic enhancements.
When I add PuSHeD it does not decrease the nuyen cost.
Genecrafted seems to be working properly at decreasing the nuyen cost, but Genetic Heritage is not. I've tried just having one or the other and I get the same result.
May 18 2011, 11:26 PM
Hmm, that's interesting. I'm running Windows 7 and my font size is set to 100%. I guess I changed it when I first installed it, 'cause I don't remember doing it.

I'll have to see if there's a way to managed this within the application.
May 18 2011, 11:56 PM
Hello! I'v been messing around with your character creator and love it, just wanted to bring this up:
Sapient Critters have a maximum Edge of 5, except for Pixies which have an Edge of 7. (Page 84 of the Runner's Companion, under the "Not Metahuman" heading). Currently your program has them all at 6.
the weapon modification Electronic Firing is supposed to have 1 point of recoil compensation (Page 150 of Arsenal), but does not look like it currently adds this.
Still mucking about, so if I find anything else I'll toss it your way.
Great job!
May 19 2011, 12:10 AM
If you select the quality Latent Technomancer how do you turn it on in career mode?
Should add 3 Complex Forms at a rating of 1 for free and allow access to Technomancer Qualities like Paragon.
May 19 2011, 12:38 AM
QUOTE (Akhet @ May 18 2011, 06:56 PM)

Sapient Critters have a maximum Edge of 5, except for Pixies which have an Edge of 7. (Page 84 of the Runner's Companion, under the "Not Metahuman" heading). Currently your program has them all at 6.
the weapon modification Electronic Firing is supposed to have 1 point of recoil compensation (Page 150 of Arsenal), but does not look like it currently adds this.
Thanks for pointing these out! I've updated the Metatypes and Weapons files to include these corrections (and found a few more Weapon Modifications that were missing their Recoil modifier so I added them as well.
May 19 2011, 12:41 AM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ May 18 2011, 07:10 PM)

If you select the quality Latent Technomancer how do you turn it on in career mode?
Should add 3 Complex Forms at a rating of 1 for free and allow access to Technomancer Qualities like Paragon.
Um... good question! I completely forgot about Latent Qualities. I'm thinking the easiest way to handle this is to make the character buy the actual Quality and whatever else they should have, then go to the Karma tab and award themselves the amount of Karma they just spent, adding a check box to mark the entry as a "Refund" so it doesn't count towards the character's Total Karma. Just an idea. I might come up with a more graceful solution when I get around to looking at this.
May 19 2011, 12:48 AM
I found a work around for it, which was to add 16 karma and buy the 3 complex forms and the Technomancer quality.
When the Latent Technomancer Quality becomes active the Resonance attribute should be set to a 1 regardless of their essence unless their essence is below 1 then they can't be a Technomancer any more.
It looks like Resonance is getting reduced by your essence, so you end up having to increase it multiple times in order to get it above a 1.
So if you have an essence of 5 it's currently giving a resonance of 1 but to get to a two you have to buy it up to a 3.
I think the cost for increasing the attribute should not be modified in this way, or at least that's not the way the game I'm playing in is doing it.
I didn't have to buy up to a Resonance of 6 to get to a 5.
After adding a Submersion Rank of 1 it increased my max to a 7, even though it should be a 6. It's not modifying it by the essence loss.
It will still only let me buy up to a max of 6 though, so it's just a display issue.
When adding a Submersion grade I wasn't given any option on it being done within a Network or having done a Submersion Task.
May 19 2011, 12:54 AM
When in Career Mode clicking on the Add Enemy button causes an the following error:
Input string was not in a correct format.
I'm getting this error when clicking OK or Add & More when adding armor, weapons and gear as well.
May 19 2011, 01:16 AM
When buying gear in the Career window, if you put in the wrong rating on an item and then increase it, it doesn't decrease your spent nuyen by the difference.
May 19 2011, 01:17 AM
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 18 2011, 05:00 AM)

Ok, so what was in the last version of gear.xml was correct, it was just missing the Vision Enhancements, is that right?
Yep. Sorry about that.
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