QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 3 2011, 02:34 PM)

Yeah, I'd like to. The problem I ran into in the past is that the CSS page break formatting code doesn't seem to actually work (or at least the printing engine for IE doesn't seem to care about it which isn't a big surprise), and the XSLT layout formatting namespace causes some weird issues with what I currently have. I'm going to have to look into this some more.
You could break out the character sheet into multiple files.
Have each one be a page for a specific part of the character.
One for basic stats and skills.
Combat (armour, weapons, etc)
Background/Notes, etc
On another note. I recall reading that you changed things to allow for items that are mods to also be mod-able?
At least I thought I saw that.
Cameras and microphones in Sensors should take up space, but also allow for accessories to be placed in them. No menu shows up to allow this.
It would be nice if an Agent/Pilot/IC located on a Commlink, or anywhere else for that matter, could have Programs/Autosofts loaded it on, ie attached within the tree.
Each item is a Peripheral Device, with a rating based on the Sample Devices Table that can be found on page 222 of SR4A.
The table on page 48 of Unwired expands on the ideas of the Sample Devices Table.
It would be nice if it was possible to add a node to any device that denotes it's Response, Signal, System/Pilot, Firewall.
For vehicles and drones it would have Response, Signal, Pilot and Firewall equal to the pilot rating of the vehicle. At least that's my understand of what they should be.
For other items it would have Response, Signal, System, and Firewall equal to what's on the table in Unwired.
Then allow for modification, much like commlinks and Vehicles/Drones. +2 max increase, more if it has Modular Electronics.