Jul 19 2011, 01:34 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 18 2011, 07:18 PM)

Sorry, I honestly forgot all about this with the flurry of activity going on here.

Looks like it should reduce the Attribute score instead of affecting the maximum based on what's been said in that thread. This is going to be a fair amount of work to get this working in that manner. So, uh, it's done when it's done.

(but it is high up on the priority list since this is a core rule)
Just to clarify - the MAG/RES affected by ESS loss will be in the next update. The change to Create Mode is simple since nothing is set in stone at that point.

In Create Mode, ESS Loss will not drop the Attribute itself, but it will reduce the Attribute's Maximum. The logic being that if you really wanted and set MAG at 5, then added a piece of Cyberware, you'd just go back to the Attributes section and put MAG back to 5, so this eliminates that step (but it will force it down to 5 if you had it as 6 and added some 'ware). I just figured out how I'm going to get this to work properly in Career Mode, and it turns out it'll be easier than I thought it would be which is a pleasant surprise.

I'm going to try and get it to work in the burnout step as well, where all MAG- or RES-linked Active Skills suddenly become Knowledge Skills.
Jul 19 2011, 02:35 PM
Quick Request: P93 Praetor's Electronic Firing upgraded version (+200Ĩ)
Also, I like that the drones have been separated! Nifty!
Jul 19 2011, 03:04 PM
QUOTE (Marwynn @ Jul 19 2011, 09:35 AM)

Quick Request: P93 Praetor's Electronic Firing upgraded version (+200Ĩ)
Also, I like that the drones have been separated! Nifty!
Weapons data file has been updated to add the P93 w/ Electronic Firing. For some reason I thought Electronic Firing cost 200Ĩ (instead of the 1,000Ĩ it is) when I entered the gun, so it didn't make sense to create another model when you could just add the Mod for the same price. Whoops.
Jul 19 2011, 04:34 PM
When I attempt to download "Billy Campbell" on omae, it throws an unhandled exception.
Jul 19 2011, 04:50 PM
QUOTE (Fyndhal @ Jul 19 2011, 11:34 AM)

When I attempt to download "Billy Campbell" on omae, it throws an unhandled exception.
Just a thought, but how do you handle version numbers with files for Omae?
That is to say someone uploads a character for version 150 and then a change happens in 160 that makes 150 unreadable. How will this be handled?
Might need to include some conversion code from one version to the next so when you download a file that is from an older version it's still valid as the program converts it to a newer version.
Jul 19 2011, 05:53 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jul 19 2011, 11:50 AM)

Just a thought, but how do you handle version numbers with files for Omae?
That is to say someone uploads a character for version 150 and then a change happens in 160 that makes 150 unreadable. How will this be handled?
Might need to include some conversion code from one version to the next so when you download a file that is from an older version it's still valid as the program converts it to a newer version.
Version number isn't stamped anywhere in the save file. Anything new that's added to the objects and written to the save files is designed to handle it being absent and falling back to a default value when loading (the number of try/catch statements in the Load routines is nuts). The massive change to Qualities was the one exception where that bit of the character completely changed, and conversion was provided then.

The problem with the character in question in Omae is that the character's name contains a "/". The service looks for a file using the character's name (amongst other things). "/" and "\" are pathing characters, so it's just doing what it believes it's being told, which is to explore another path which isn't correct. I've updated the service code to strip out special characters. The NPC in question will need to be re-uploaded by the original poster.
Edit: Huh. Also of note - need to update Omae's display controls so they can handle non-Roman alphabet characters. 2nd edit: Turns out it was just a small flaw in the service and I didn't put in a single character which tells it to allow unicode characters, so that's been fixed.
Jul 19 2011, 06:24 PM
Of note: please don't upload the same character to both Enemies and Contacts. Once is enough.
Jul 19 2011, 07:27 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 19 2011, 03:34 PM)

Just to clarify - the MAG/RES affected by ESS loss will be in the next update. The change to Create Mode is simple since nothing is set in stone at that point.

In Create Mode, ESS Loss will not drop the Attribute itself, but it will reduce the Attribute's Maximum. The logic being that if you really wanted and set MAG at 5, then added a piece of Cyberware, you'd just go back to the Attributes section and put MAG back to 5, so this eliminates that step (but it will force it down to 5 if you had it as 6 and added some 'ware). I just figured out how I'm going to get this to work properly in Career Mode, and it turns out it'll be easier than I thought it would be which is a pleasant surprise.

I'm going to try and get it to work in the burnout step as well, where all MAG- or RES-linked Active Skills suddenly become Knowledge Skills.
Okay. That's it. YOU sir are going to get a karmic sixpack full of ambrosia spend by me. Thank you, Nebular!
Jul 19 2011, 09:23 PM
Hah. So the bug I submitted to Microsoft about printing using the default printer's settings if you choose to use the non-default printer has just been closed. Their response is essentially (I'm trimming down 2 paragraphs of fluff text they use) ".NET 4 is too far along in its lifecycle and we don't think it's worth fixing". I can't say I really disagree with them. It's not a critical bug, though I don't think it would be a massive amount of work to fix it. Oh well.
Jul 19 2011, 09:32 PM
Build 157
- losing access to the Adept Powers tab now properly clears the list of the Adept Powers
- losing access to the Spells and Spirits tab now properly clears all of the spells from the Spell list
- losing access to the Initiation tab now properly removes any Improvements from Metamagics/Echoes
- Attribute Modifiers can no longer take a character's minimum value below 1 unless they are a Critter (previously applied to anyone with access to the Critters tab)
- only installed Weapon Mods and Accessories count towards Concealability
- fixed an issue that could cause Maximum and Augmented Maximum Attribute values to display a value less than 0
- ESS Loss now decreases MAG/RES directly instead of lowering its effective value (in Create mode, this only lowers the Maximum Attribute value)
- if MAG/RES ever drop to 0 from ESS Loss from Cyberware/Bioware in Career Mode, the character suffers burnout, losing access to all of their MAG/RES abilities and Attribute-linked Skills become Knowledge Skills
- removing a Focus/Metamagic Focus from Gear properly removes the matching Bound Focus from the character
- all Critters can now add Critter Powers from the Weakness category, even if they're not usually allowed to select additional Critter Powers
- added tooltips for Augmented Attribute values to show how the Augmented value is being calculated
- Omae now displays a message if a character cannot be downloaded instead of throwing an error
- Omae now ignores special pathing characters in character names to avoid errors
- Omae window can now be resized vertically to fit more characters in the window on larger displays
Jul 19 2011, 09:36 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 19 2011, 04:23 PM)

Hah. So the bug I submitted to Microsoft about printing using the default printer's settings if you choose to use the non-default printer has just been closed. Their response is essentially (I'm trimming down 2 paragraphs of fluff text they use) ".NET 4 is too far along in its lifecycle and we don't think it's worth fixing". I can't say I really disagree with them. It's not a critical bug, though I don't think it would be a massive amount of work to fix it. Oh well.

Which is to say it might fixed it in .net 5.
Jul 19 2011, 11:45 PM
And here we are!
More than 50 updates in less than two months!
Thats HARDCORE, Nebular!
And now I can see the adept powers my player chose.

It was still strange, that my mailprog didnīt show any text you wrote and instead a symbol(and I donīt think you only send a strange symbol, right?).
Jul 20 2011, 03:11 AM
I've started posting characters to Omae now. I gotta get Longbowrocks to post some of his monsters.
Jul 20 2011, 03:24 AM
QUOTE (McDougle @ Jul 19 2011, 06:45 PM)

And here we are!
More than 50 updates in less than two months!
Thats HARDCORE, Nebular!
And now I can see the adept powers my player chose.

It was still strange, that my mailprog didnīt show any text you wrote and instead a symbol(and I donīt think you only send a strange symbol, right?).
He'll need to add them again. There was no trace of the Adept Powers in that save file. I have no idea what could have caused them to suddenly disappear. I removed the orphaned Improvements that were improving his Pistols Skills and attached it to that reply I sent you. He should be able to add his Powers again.
Jul 20 2011, 03:48 AM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jul 19 2011, 04:36 PM)

Which is to say it might fixed it in .net 5.
That's what I'm hoping. However, there have been bugs in .NET that have exited since at least 2005 that Microsoft haven't bothered to fix because they consider them "corner cases", believing that nobody ever encounters the issues despite there being a larger number of reported incidents
outside of Microsoft bug submission portal. One particular example is tooltips suddenly stop working, which occasionally affects Chummer as well. So it could go either way. (though you'd figure developers would be smart enough to report the problem on the vendor's site

Jul 20 2011, 04:14 AM
Hmm, so that's why the right-click stopped working at one point, and started again when I closed and re-loaded the character file. Looks like Microsoft is up to their usual [low] standards.
Jul 20 2011, 09:08 AM
Yesterday I turned Chummer on, for the first time. Looks good so far.
Question: Shapechangers who change into Metas, should'nt they have their Attribute Min- and Maxima adjusted by the Meta-Variant?
MMVV (Vamps & Co) are'nt there yet, or did I miss it somewhere?
I noticed you can change the Karma Costs for Character advancement.
Would it be possible to keep the BP's for Character advancement? With the possibility to change the cost of some things (races come to my mind)?
Jul 20 2011, 10:43 AM
You can make your character a Vampire or the like if you choose the "Infected" quality.
Jul 20 2011, 02:10 PM
QUOTE (Korwin @ Jul 20 2011, 04:08 AM)

Yesterday I turned Chummer on, for the first time. Looks good so far.
Question: Shapechangers who change into Metas, should'nt they have their Attribute Min- and Maxima adjusted by the Meta-Variant?
MMVV (Vamps & Co) are'nt there yet, or did I miss it somewhere?
I noticed you can change the Karma Costs for Character advancement.
Would it be possible to keep the BP's for Character advancement? With the possibility to change the cost of some things (races come to my mind)?
The description for the Not Always Quite Human optional rule for Shifters (RC 87) says that they get the chosen Metatype's abilities (Low-Light Vision, Thermographic Vision, etc.) when in their metahuamn form. It says nothing about them gaining/adjusting their attributes. The shifter's attributes are already defined in the table on RC 86. Their attribute scores don't change as they shift from one form to another. Shifting just changes their appearance and potential forms of movement. Bear shifters are strong enough without stacking a Troll's STR bonus on top of it.

The additional Metatype abilities aren't added to the character in Chummer because they are conditional (so you only get them if and when you're in your Metahuman form).
Infected Qualities are there, such as Infected: Vampire, Infected: Ghoul, and Infected: Bandersnatch. They're only available to Metatypes that can actuall gain that Infected Quality. (So Bandersnatch is only available to Sasquatch, Ghouls is open to most Metatypes, and Vampire is restricted to Human)
I don't have any plans to extend the BP system into Career Mode for character advancement, as Karma is the only documented way of improving characters. You could always just treat Karma as BP in Careere mode, changing the Karma multipliers in the Options window to whatever you need.
The only way to change the cost of a Metatype/Metavariant is to modify the XML data file. While you can do it, you would lose any changes you've made when those files get updated.
Jul 20 2011, 02:26 PM
QUOTE (Korwin @ Jul 20 2011, 04:08 AM)

Yesterday I turned Chummer on, for the first time. Looks good so far.
Question: Shapechangers who change into Metas, should'nt they have their Attribute Min- and Maxima adjusted by the Meta-Variant?
MMVV (Vamps & Co) are'nt there yet, or did I miss it somewhere?
I noticed you can change the Karma Costs for Character advancement.
Would it be possible to keep the BP's for Character advancement? With the possibility to change the cost of some things (races come to my mind)?
bah, beat me to it.
Jul 20 2011, 04:04 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jun 16 2011, 02:45 PM)

On the topic of sheets, it would be really cool if there was a cheat sheet.
Something that listed each action and the various skills and their dice pools.
Maybe with a check list of all the actions and let the user decide which ones to list.
Could you give me an example of some of the things you'd expect to see on there?
Jul 20 2011, 04:35 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 20 2011, 11:04 AM)

Could you give me an example of some of the things you'd expect to see on there?
I'll send you an email with an excel spread sheet that has what I use as a cheat sheet for actions. It's matrix specific, but it might give you ideas for other things.
Crazy Ivan
Jul 20 2011, 05:14 PM
Uh oh. This may be an issue with my laptop, but after updating to the newest update, Chummer shut itself off and refuses to re-open, claiming that Chummer isn't a valid Win32 app.
Crazy Ivan
Jul 20 2011, 05:22 PM
After deleting, then re-downloading Chummer, everything smoothed out.
Jul 20 2011, 10:33 PM
Clothing and armor donīt have Capacity, but armor modifications like insulation have Slot-Ratings(i am just reviewing a chameleon-suit with a capacity of -11 ^^)... did I miss a rule, or do clothes have a capacity-rating?
Jul 20 2011, 10:37 PM
QUOTE (McDougle @ Jul 20 2011, 05:33 PM)

Clothing and armor donīt have Capacity, but armor modifications like insulation have Slot-Ratings(i am just reviewing a chameleon-suit with a capacity of -11 ^^)... did I miss a rule, or do clothes have a capacity-rating?
Only Armor found in Arsenal has a Capaicty, plus Full Body Armor and Urban Explorer Jumpsuit (and their helmets) from SR4A (which is described in Arsenal - AR 44 to be exact). Clothing and other armors technically do not have any Capacity.
Jul 20 2011, 11:45 PM
I just found something on that matter on Arsenal,p.44:
Itīs either 6, or the highest armorvalue(ballistic or impact)*1.5(round up).
Jul 21 2011, 12:39 AM
QUOTE (McDougle @ Jul 20 2011, 06:45 PM)

I just found something on that matter on Arsenal,p.44:
Itīs either 6, or the highest armorvalue(ballistic or impact)*1.5(round up).

Ah, there we go. I was looking at the Armor Suit Capacity section right below that. Duh.

I'll have that put in for the next update.
Dakka Dakka
Jul 21 2011, 05:13 AM
Don't forget that both capacity rules are optional. You may want to flag them as such, if you implement them.
Jul 21 2011, 05:22 AM
Might not have to worry too much about that, since the capacity of weapons and vehicles can be exceeded without an error or pop-up alert from Chummer. I would think that armor can be over-modded as well, with GM imposed penalties.
Neko Asakami
Jul 21 2011, 05:50 AM
I don't remember seeing this, but is there a way to easily remove a PACK during character creation? I keep finding it easier to delete a character and start over than find and erase individual skills.
Jul 21 2011, 08:02 AM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 20 2011, 06:10 AM)

Infected Qualities are there, such as Infected: Vampire, Infected: Ghoul, and Infected: Bandersnatch. They're only available to Metatypes that can actuall gain that Infected Quality. (So Bandersnatch is only available to Sasquatch, Ghouls is open to most Metatypes, and Vampire is restricted to Human)
I'm sure I read in Runner's Companion that although rare there were examples of Vampire's for the other metahuman races. I'll have to check to see if the Vampire table said Human only while the text of how the virus works suggested you could have other races on rare occasions also become vampires instead of the respective variant of HMVV.
never mind, can't find the one line I remember reading in the text of the descriptions on the various HMHVV strains... and the Quality does say Human only.
Jul 21 2011, 08:26 AM
I don't recall reading that in RC, but RW (page 57) has a claim by the "author" on the article of HMHVV I that he is "personally acquainted with a vampire dwarf." because "every now and again the disease throws us a curve ball."
Honestly I'd say it's GM's call on non-human vampires. How to have Chummer handle this I'd leave to Nebular.
Oh, and a glitch I found for a character in career mode, the lifestyle qualities details doesn't clear itself out when switching between one advanced lifestyle to another, and just keeps adding rows of text. Also, on the same bit, would it be possible to make it so an advanced lifestyle can be edited without having to recreate it from scratch?
Jul 21 2011, 12:52 PM
Couldn't find Mook/Unrestricted Agent (Unwired, pg 100)
Jul 21 2011, 02:04 PM
I knew I saw it in the HMHVV I description somewhere... thanks SpellBinder.
Jul 21 2011, 02:05 PM
The Burnout's Way gives the same essence-discount and choice as Biowarecompatabilty.
I think the whole Magic loss through Essence loss calculation is completely wrong. At chargen one has to FIRST buy up the Magic/Res attribute, and will THEN loose some points according to the lost essence.
what the calc does: Essence 4=> max magic 4 => Magic 3 costs 20 BP (this also seems to be an Option in the House Rules section)
how it is supposed to be: Magic 5 costs 40 BP => Essence 4 => Magic drops to 3
Jul 21 2011, 04:13 PM
QUOTE (Makki @ Jul 21 2011, 10:05 AM)

The Burnout's Way gives the same essence-discount and choice as Biowarecompatabilty.
I think the whole Magic loss through Essence loss calculation is completely wrong. At chargen one has to FIRST buy up the Magic/Res attribute, and will THEN loose some points according to the lost essence.
what the calc does: Essence 4=> max magic 4 => Magic 3 costs 20 BP (this also seems to be an Option in the House Rules section)
how it is supposed to be: Magic 5 costs 40 BP => Essence 4 => Magic drops to 3
Actually, I tried Way of the Burnout without Biocompatibility, and got no discount at all, so I think that simply isn't working yet.
Jul 21 2011, 04:38 PM
QUOTE (Makki @ Jul 21 2011, 09:05 AM)

I think the whole Magic loss through Essence loss calculation is completely wrong. At chargen one has to FIRST buy up the Magic/Res attribute, and will THEN loose some points according to the lost essence.
what the calc does: Essence 4=> max magic 4 => Magic 3 costs 20 BP (this also seems to be an Option in the House Rules section)
how it is supposed to be: Magic 5 costs 40 BP => Essence 4 => Magic drops to 3
This is a flaw with the way I had this working in my head.

The idea was that I was leaving MAG at whatever you had it set to because you'd really just put it back to that number after the ESS loss, completely forgetting that it should still cost you the points because you'd effectively go from 5 -> 4, then buy back up to 5 (and that in reality, modifiers like ESS loss aren't applied to the character until the very end in the Finishing Touches: Final Statistics phase of character development - SR4A 88). This will be fixed in the next update.
Jul 21 2011, 08:08 PM
QUOTE (Wizard_Thoarin @ Jul 21 2011, 08:04 AM)

I knew I saw it in the HMHVV I description somewhere... thanks SpellBinder.
You're welcome.
Jul 21 2011, 08:41 PM
A rigger friend of mine is having trouble with his drone mounted Ingram Smartgun Xs. He keeps trying to load ammo for them and it tells him he does not have any Submachine Guns ammo left - even though he has 500 rounds of Ex-explosive (Submachine Guns) sitting in his gear. The guns have an External Source listed under ammo. It works fine if you add it to a weapon in the weapons section, but not if you attempt to under the vehicle / drones tab
Jul 21 2011, 08:52 PM
QUOTE (PirateChef @ Jul 21 2011, 01:41 PM)

A rigger friend of mine is having trouble with his drone mounted Ingram Smartgun Xs. He keeps trying to load ammo for them and it tells him he does not have any Submachine Guns ammo left - even though he has 500 rounds of Ex-explosive (Submachine Guns) sitting in his gear. The guns have an External Source listed under ammo. It works fine if you add it to a weapon in the weapons section, but not if you attempt to under the vehicle / drones tab
I came across that issue too, but found the solution. Right click on the weapon mount itself, and choose Gear from the menu that appears. It's the standard gear list, so you need to go to the top for ammo. The rest you should already know how to do.
The problem I found with this is that belt fed weapons, like LMGs, are still limited to their maximum instead of 250 rounds that Arsenal says can be loaded. Others that use magazines, like the Ingram Smartgun X, are limited to their normal magazine payload.
Jul 21 2011, 11:08 PM
The negative quality "Delusion" canīt be specified.
Is it possible(custom content) to add a DV-modifier to a specialization(my custom martial art is supposed to only add DV to blades attacks with cyberimplants)?
Because a spur is considered not only a cyber-, but a bladeweapon, it should benefit from a martial arts "+1DV on Blades attacks".
Jul 21 2011, 11:58 PM
Tried to add the Lockheed Vulcan Large Drone and I got this Exception:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Did a little "shopping spree". So far, that's the only Large Drone that threw that Exception. The Cyberspace Design Wolfhound (Medium Drone) also did. It should probably be "Designs" as well.
Large - Lockheed Vulcan
Medium - Cyberspace Design Wolfhound
Micro - None found
Mini - Ferret RPD-1X
Small - The Ares Sentinel R Series is listed twice, no Exceptions found
Thanks for the quick addition of the Electronic Firing variant btw!
EDIT: Also, I can't seem to find the Desktop Forges (Arsenal, p130).
Jul 22 2011, 12:06 AM
Note-fields(yes once again) would be even better, when the icon shows if something is already written.
I donīt really know how to code, but could there be added some kind of <check if text inside=>ifyes=dark;ifno=light> ?
This would be even more useful when u start to add more note-fields.

A user would see to which items he made notes quite easily that way.

Please comment if this is possible, even if it is low priority.
Jul 22 2011, 12:54 AM
QUOTE (Marwynn @ Jul 21 2011, 06:58 PM)

Tried to add the Lockheed Vulcan Large Drone and I got this Exception:
... etc ...
EDIT: Also, I can't seem to find the Desktop Forges (Arsenal, p130).
I've updated the Vehicles and Gear files to fix the little quirks and add the missing items. Thanks for catching these.
Jul 22 2011, 12:55 AM
QUOTE (McDougle @ Jul 21 2011, 07:06 PM)

Note-fields(yes once again) would be even better, when the icon shows if something is already written.
I donīt really know how to code, but could there be added some kind of <check if text inside=>ifyes=dark;ifno=light> ?
This would be even more useful when u start to add more note-fields.

A user would see to which items he made notes quite easily that way.

Please comment if this is possible, even if it is low priority.

Should be doable since I'm able to colour the Qualities.
Jul 22 2011, 01:03 AM
QUOTE (Makki @ Jul 21 2011, 09:05 AM)

The Burnout's Way gives the same essence-discount and choice as Biowarecompatabilty.
The Qualities data file has been updated to correct this. Since you can choose either Bioware or Cyberware, the Quality has been split into The Burnout's Way (Bioware) and The Burnout's Way (Cyberware).
Jul 22 2011, 01:04 AM
QUOTE (McDougle @ Jul 21 2011, 06:08 PM)

The negative quality "Delusion" canīt be specified.
Qualities data file has been updated to include this.
Jul 22 2011, 01:06 AM
QUOTE (McDougle @ Jul 21 2011, 06:08 PM)

Is it possible(custom content) to add a DV-modifier to a specialization(my custom martial art is supposed to only add DV to blades attacks with cyberimplants)?
Because a spur is considered not only a cyber-, but a bladeweapon, it should benefit from a martial arts "+1DV on Blades attacks".
No, DV bonuses can only be applied to weapon categories like Hold-Outs or Blades. One potential way around this is to apply a DV bonus to Weapons that belong to the Cyberware category.
Jul 22 2011, 01:11 AM
QUOTE (Neko Asakami @ Jul 21 2011, 12:50 AM)

I don't remember seeing this, but is there a way to easily remove a PACK during character creation? I keep finding it easier to delete a character and start over than find and erase individual skills.
No, there is no way to remove a PACKS Kit from a character once it has been applied.
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