I just got back from my vacation...
I bet Iīve already got 3 kids from you, but i have to scream again:
Charactersharing is an awesome idea. The way i see it lots of people already use chummer, numbers rising. With this feature we will have dozens of fresh n funny nscīs ec. at hand within days, maybe a couple hundred within few months.

I going to share some of my nscs, too, Iīd say. ^^
Suggestions for charsharing:A more complex search engine.
+make an "advanced search" with multiple possible search options
-metatype(variant/hmvv/surge/drake/ai ec.)
-ethnicity(type it urself n see if u find something;most users should be able to type "german" or "french" without typos during creation

-magician/adept/mundane/technomancer ec.
-MAYBE even a wanted quality(using a dropdown)
-by a piece of gear?
-MAYBE occupation(start with some examples like "ganger" or "Konsec" and let users add additional ones(maybe review them first or choose a mod for that(we donīt want "Fucktard" or "Mofucker" as an occupation, do we?))
Those would be the most important thinks i can think of... OH! Not quite.

When charexchange works you could enable a vehicle/weapon-exchange(not everyone knows how to build an effective/deadly/awesome drone or stuff

->in combo with an option to attach notes/smugshots to vehicles/weapons that would be hawt!
... that could lead to a loads of pg-gear on many charsheets, but a gm would just have to review more carefully... or it could be noted inside chummer, that a certain item was downloaded
Now I canīt think of anything else for the moment. ^^
Alright... I may have another suggestion.

Some players/chars r fast to meet many nscīs and maybe get them to become contacts.
But not every gm wants his players to know those contacts connection-rating on the spot.
It would be great to add a "?"-rating(going down from "1") as a possibility for nscīs added in carrier-mode.EDIT2:
The knight errant skillsoft-cluster isnīt supported yet.
My char has move-by-wire1, which would provide enough skillwire for both internal skillsofts to run on rating2(my gm allowed the skillwire to "cut" the rating of the activesofts in the cluster).