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QUOTE (PirateChef @ Jul 21 2011, 03:41 PM) *
A rigger friend of mine is having trouble with his drone mounted Ingram Smartgun Xs. He keeps trying to load ammo for them and it tells him he does not have any Submachine Guns ammo left - even though he has 500 rounds of Ex-explosive (Submachine Guns) sitting in his gear. The guns have an External Source listed under ammo. It works fine if you add it to a weapon in the weapons section, but not if you attempt to under the vehicle / drones tab

As SpellBinder mentioned, Vehicles use their own Ammo source. As long as the Ammo is attached to the Vehicle, you can reload the Weapon. The idea was that you'd usually store a bunch of ammo in the vehicle's ammo feed for it, and that your guns shouldn't eat up its supply, and its guns shouldn't eat up yours. smile.gif
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ Jul 21 2011, 03:52 PM) *
The problem I found with this is that belt fed weapons, like LMGs, are still limited to their maximum instead of 250 rounds that Arsenal says can be loaded. Others that use magazines, like the Ingram Smartgun X, are limited to their normal magazine payload.

250(belt) works properly, but just belt doesn't. This will be fixed in the next update.
It looks like "satellite link" is missing. It's an accessory from the core book.
Actually, it is there, but can't be added to commlinks.
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 20 2011, 02:10 PM) *
The description for the Not Always Quite Human optional rule for Shifters (RC 87) says that they get the chosen Metatype's abilities (Low-Light Vision, Thermographic Vision, etc.) when in their metahuamn form. It says nothing about them gaining/adjusting their attributes. The shifter's attributes are already defined in the table on RC 86. Their attribute scores don't change as they shift from one form to another. Shifting just changes their appearance and potential forms of movement. Bear shifters are strong enough without stacking a Troll's STR bonus on top of it. smile.gif The additional Metatype abilities aren't added to the character in Chummer because they are conditional (so you only get them if and when you're in your Metahuman form).

So an Shifter who turned into an Formori would have an higher Kon? Because there it is listed as an extra ability. In may way of thinking all the Metas do have unlisted Metagenetic Improved Abilities and Impaired Abilities.
To be honest, I dont see the point into turning for 20 points into an Elf and gaining only Low-Light-Vision, out of it. But I do see arguments for the other side.
Would it be possible as an optional rule?

QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 20 2011, 02:10 PM) *
Infected Qualities are there, such as Infected: Vampire, Infected: Ghoul, and Infected: Bandersnatch. They're only available to Metatypes that can actuall gain that Infected Quality. (So Bandersnatch is only available to Sasquatch, Ghouls is open to most Metatypes, and Vampire is restricted to Human)


QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 20 2011, 02:10 PM) *
I don't have any plans to extend the BP system into Career Mode for character advancement, as Karma is the only documented way of improving characters. You could always just treat Karma as BP in Careere mode, changing the Karma multipliers in the Options window to whatever you need.

I use Frank Trollmans extensive House Rules.
Setting the multiplier to 1 would work. Thanks.

The only way to change the cost of a Metatype/Metavariant is to modify the XML data file. While you can do it, you would lose any changes you've made when those files get updated.

Can do.

QUOTE (Makki @ Jul 21 2011, 02:05 PM) *
I think the whole Magic loss through Essence loss calculation is completely wrong. At chargen one has to FIRST buy up the Magic/Res attribute, and will THEN loose some points according to the lost essence.
what the calc does: Essence 4=> max magic 4 => Magic 3 costs 20 BP (this also seems to be an Option in the House Rules section)
how it is supposed to be: Magic 5 costs 40 BP => Essence 4 => Magic drops to 3

While that seems to be the consensus, I did not really find it in the rules. There is, as far as I know now RAW order how you buy your things.
And there is Latent Mage, which does suggest its possible to get Bio-/Cyberware and then the Char. awakens.

Nebular, could you keep the way it works now in? As an HR?
(Yes, I do know it makes mages more powerfull)
Thanks for the inclusions and the comment. cyber.gif

QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 22 2011, 03:06 AM) *
One potential way around this is to apply a DV bonus to Weapons that belong to the Cyberware category.

And how would that be done(for spurs for example)?
Minimax le Rouge
i have some trouble with the Chemical glands (Bioware)
* Bad source reference (AU 68 not 345)
* can't associate the gland with a compound
Seems the bug that hid Adept powers from downloaded characters(or such, that were created on another machine) is still present.

I just DL´d the "adept raccoon" with omae and can´t see any adept powers.
QUOTE (Korwin @ Jul 22 2011, 01:56 AM) *
So an Shifter who turned into an Formori would have an higher Kon? Because there it is listed as an extra ability. In may way of thinking all the Metas do have unlisted Metagenetic Improved Abilities and Impaired Abilities.
To be honest, I dont see the point into turning for 20 points into an Elf and gaining only Low-Light-Vision, out of it. But I do see arguments for the other side.
Would it be possible as an optional rule?

Because these are all conditional powers (as in you only have them in one of your forms), Chummer doesn't apply them to the character at all (otherwise you'd be presented incorrect information when in your other form). So it's really up to you and the GM as to whether or not those apply.

QUOTE (Korwin @ Jul 22 2011, 01:56 AM) *
While that seems to be the consensus, I did not really find it in the rules. There is, as far as I know now RAW order how you buy your things.
And there is Latent Mage, which does suggest its possible to get Bio-/Cyberware and then the Char. awakens.

Nebular, could you keep the way it works now in? As an HR?
(Yes, I do know it makes mages more powerfull)

Yup. The house rule is already there in Options (House Rule Tab, "Essence only only reduces MAG/RES maximum") and will continue to do just that in the update. smile.gif
QUOTE (McDougle @ Jul 22 2011, 03:16 AM) *
And how would that be done(for spurs for example)?

Take a look at the martialarts.xml file. Specifically, the +1 DV on Blades attacks Advantage of the Arnis De Mano art (line 77). Replaces Blades with Cyberware in the bonus node and that should do it.
QUOTE (Minimax le Rouge @ Jul 22 2011, 03:31 AM) *
i have some trouble with the Chemical glands (Bioware)
* Bad source reference (AU 68 not 345)
* can't associate the gland with a compound

Thanks. Bioware data file has been updated to correct these.
QUOTE (McDougle @ Jul 22 2011, 05:36 AM) *
Seems the bug that hid Adept powers from downloaded characters(or such, that were created on another machine) is still present.

I just DL´d the "adept raccoon" with omae and can´t see any adept powers.

eek.gif This one's gonna haunt me. It'd be nice if I actually knew how to reproduce this so I could figure out what exactly's going on.
QUOTE (McDougle @ Jul 22 2011, 05:36 AM) *
Seems the bug that hid Adept powers from downloaded characters(or such, that were created on another machine) is still present.

I just DL´d the "adept raccoon" with omae and can´t see any adept powers.

Now that I'm looking at the save file, there are no Improvements to suggest that the critter had any Adept Powers, though it could have had Powers that simply didn't add any Improvements. It could be that the critter was given the Adept Quality to simply give flexibility for anyone who wanted to download it.

Hey ggodo, which powers did that Adept critter have, if any?

Edit: Found the problem! ggodo - you'll need to add the Powers back to your critter and re-upload it after installing tonight's update.
QUOTE (Makki @ Jul 21 2011, 09:05 AM) *
I think the whole Magic loss through Essence loss calculation is completely wrong. At chargen one has to FIRST buy up the Magic/Res attribute, and will THEN loose some points according to the lost essence.
what the calc does: Essence 4=> max magic 4 => Magic 3 costs 20 BP (this also seems to be an Option in the House Rules section)
how it is supposed to be: Magic 5 costs 40 BP => Essence 4 => Magic drops to 3

QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 21 2011, 11:38 AM) *
This is a flaw with the way I had this working in my head. nyahnyah.gif The idea was that I was leaving MAG at whatever you had it set to because you'd really just put it back to that number after the ESS loss, completely forgetting that it should still cost you the points because you'd effectively go from 5 -> 4, then buy back up to 5 (and that in reality, modifiers like ESS loss aren't applied to the character until the very end in the Finishing Touches: Final Statistics phase of character development - SR4A 88). This will be fixed in the next update.

QUOTE (Korwin @ Jul 22 2011, 01:56 AM) *
While that seems to be the consensus, I did not really find it in the rules. There is, as far as I know now RAW order how you buy your things.

-the chapter "Creating a shadowrunner" has an order.
-it has a subsection called "finishing touches, which implies, there is an order.
QUOTE (SR4A p177)
Anything that reduces a character’s Essence will also reduce Magic.
For every point (or fraction thereof ) of Essence lost, the character’s
Magic attribute and her Magic maximum rating are reduced by one.

QUOTE (SR4A p88 Finishing touches)
If you gave your character cyberware, bioware, or purchased adept
powers, the character’s attributes may have changed

in addition, there's a good balancing reason for it, awakened shouldn't be able to get 'ware for the same price as mundane do. And then there's the fluff reason: most people awaken in their puberty, which is generally earlier than they can afford a synaptic booster.
So, Korwin, choose one. RAW, Balancing or Fluff. Either way will tell you to first buy your magic attribute and then apply essence reduction and magic loss

So, Nebular, did you change this already? Because it doesn't work for me...
How it should work during chargen, that it doesn't effect the natural values, but essence loss produces lowered augmented values, both current and max.
QUOTE (Makki @ Jul 22 2011, 09:09 AM) *
So, Nebular, did you change this already? Because it doesn't work for me...
How it should work during chargen, that it doesn't effect the natural values, but essence loss produces lowered augmented values, both current and max.

As mentioned in the post you had quoted, this will be a part of the next update. wink.gif I was hoping to have it ready last night but another project ended up consuming most of my evening. It should be available some time this evening.

While the order in which you buy things is not in any fixed order for character creation, the order in which you apply penalties is, as Makki mentioned. However, some prefer to just have it affect the Attribute's Maximum and the house rule for it has been there for a while now, so it will continue to work that way if the option for it is turned on.
QUOTE (McDougle @ Jul 22 2011, 05:36 AM) *
Seems the bug that hid Adept powers from downloaded characters(or such, that were created on another machine) is still present.

I just DL´d the "adept raccoon" with omae and can´t see any adept powers.

Found the problem! If you delete an Adept Power from a character, all of the other Adept Powers that appear the selected one in the list are also removed from the character. So if you have 5 Adept Powers, then delete the first one, it goes through and removes all of them. All of their Improvements, however, remain. wobble.gif This will be fixed in tonight's update!
This is interesting, cause I didn´t delete any AdeptPowers by myself. I do hope this does the trick though. nyahnyah.gif

Oh and changing "Blades" to "Cyberware" did the trick. wink.gif
Only problem is, that now Cyberguns and augmented Bones are also affected.
QUOTE (McDougle @ Jul 22 2011, 10:16 AM) *
This is interesting, cause I didn´t delete any AdeptPowers by myself. I do hope this does the trick though. nyahnyah.gif

Could be the player had removed the first one, saved his character, then sent it to you. It was pretty deceiving - the app showed that you only deleted one Power from the list, but it secretly deleted all of them behind the scenes.

QUOTE (McDougle @ Jul 22 2011, 10:16 AM) *
Oh and changing "Blades" to "Cyberware" did the trick. wink.gif
Only problem is, that now Cyberguns and augmented Bones are also affected.

Turns out this is a really quick change. In the next update, Weapon Category DV Improvements will also affect Weapons created by Cyberware. Things liks Spurs will now have their Category marked as Cyberware Blades. So +1 DV for Blades will also affect Cyberweapon (such as Spurs). You can limit the bonus to affecting only Cyberware Blades by changing the category in your <bonus> tag to Cyberware Blades. You will, however, need to remove the Spur from your character, then re-add it so it picks up its new Category once the update is available.
Will do. Thanks a bunch. smile.gif


CareerMode: How about a button on top to add "Custom Gear"?
We could easily add stuff that way, that wouldn´t need to appear in an xml, like trophies certain character is collecting(I´d feel stupid to make an xml to include Zombie Troll Tusks for example wink.gif ).
Or how about everyday stolen goods? That "Custom Gear" would only(at least I think so) need options to input a name and a value(for which it could be sold&appear in the Nuyen gained list).

As always: This doesn´t need to be highprio, but please share a comment, eh? smile.gif


Magical lodges only go up to rating 6. They should go up to 12, or no ambitious initiate(or crazy magician nyahnyah.gif ) can bind appropriate ghosts to their enhanced magic-rating.


The emotitoy is missing empathy software 6.


Binding a focus in career-mode doesn´t cost karma.


Would it be possible for characters without cyberware to hide/unhide the cyber-/bioware-tab in career-mode?
-> How about a button "Hid/Unhide unused tabs" right beside the printer-button? There is alot of empty, button-hungry space in that row. smile.gif


Chummer is restricting the services a spirit can owe(I didn´t know such a rule existed... or haven´t read/seen it for a long time XD ), but it isn´t restricting the number of possible bound&unbound ghosts(charisma=bound;1 unbound).
The list could still contain more than those, but only charisma=bound & 1 unbound ghosts should be allowed to owe services.
Build 160
  • fixed a logic error with Essence Loss and MAG/RES Attribute costs in Create Mode
  • fixed an issue where deleting an Adept Power would cause all other Powers below it to be delete as well
  • Metamagic and Echoes now show their sourcebook information when selected on the Initiation/Submersion tab
  • Mentor Spirit and Paragon information now appear on the Spells and Spirits and Sprites and Complex Forms tabs if a Mentor Spirit or Paragon has been selected
  • Armor now calculates its Armor Capacity if a value is not provided
  • Advanced Lifestyles can no longer go below 0 LP which would cause the application to throw an error
  • Advanced Lifestyle information is now properly cleared when selecting another Lifestyle from the list in Career Mode
  • Gear now supports items having a cost of Gear Cost * X
Outstanding Items
  • Notes Field for Armor/Clothing?
  • TreeView Copy/Paste
  • Omae Character Feedback
  • GM Character Management/Karma/Nuyen/Gear Distribution
  • Multiple Clips and Different Ammo
  • A.I. Inherent Programs
  • Cheat Sheets?
QUOTE (McDougle @ Jul 22 2011, 11:55 AM) *
Will do. Thanks a bunch. smile.gif


CareerMode: How about a button on top to add "Custom Gear"?
We could easily add stuff that way, that wouldn´t need to appear in an xml, like trophies certain character is collecting(I´d feel stupid to make an xml to include Zombie Troll Tusks for example wink.gif ).
Or how about everyday stolen goods? That "Custom Gear" would only(at least I think so) need options to input a name and a value(for which it could be sold&appear in the Nuyen gained list).

As always: This doesn´t need to be highprio, but please share a comment, eh? smile.gif


Magical lodges only go up to rating 6. They should go up to 12, or no ambitious initiate(or crazy magician nyahnyah.gif ) can bind appropriate ghosts to their enhanced magic-rating.


The emotitoy is missing empathy software 6.


Binding a focus in career-mode doesn´t cost karma.


Would it be possible for characters without cyberware to hide/unhide the cyber-/bioware-tab in career-mode?
-> How about a button "Hid/Unhide unused tabs" right beside the printer-button? There is alot of empty, button-hungry space in that row. smile.gif


Chummer is restricting the services a spirit can owe(I didn´t know such a rule existed... or haven´t read/seen it for a long time XD ), but it isn´t restricting the number of possible bound&unbound ghosts(charisma=bound;1 unbound).
The list could still contain more than those, but only charisma=bound & 1 unbound ghosts should be allowed to owe services.

Blargh. Didn't see these 'til after the update because they were edits.

1: No. That's why there is support for custom data files. Really generic things like stolen goods can be noted on the Character Info tab and is the primary reason why you're able to create Nuyen Income Expenses.
2. Gear data file has been updated to correct that.
3: Vehicles data file has been updated to include this. They now appear as Emotitoy Rating 1 (Nonmobile), Emotito Rating 2 (Nonmobile) since Vehicles don't support Ratings and these are the really wacky exception.
4: This is the pain in the butt exception where the Karma Expense for it needs to be created manually. I'll look into changing this in the future.
5: For now I'm going to say no. I don't like the idea of hiding something that all characters technically have access to.
Alright, the next time I´m going to doublepost so you can see if something new came in(even though that would have meant 7 posts in a row this time XD ). wink.gif

5: The tabs aren´t supposed to disappear, but to be hidden/unhidden with a simple click by the user himself. If a mage wants cyberware at some point he just clicks the "unhide unused tabs"-button right besides the print-button(i think it would fit nicely there; but u make the progg wink.gif ).

6: What about Edit6? nyahnyah.gif
Another bug i just found(whats going on today? Gremlins? XD):

Tapping on different advanced lifestyles several times adds the advantages to all of them(at least it is shown that way until the character is closed and reloaded). They also get multiplicated.
Not sure if its been said before, but I found a bug. When you delete a bonded Foci during chargen without unchecking it in the "Bonded Foci" table in the gear section, it doesn't refund the BP you spent on binding it, it still counts it towards your bp total. I haven't updated chummer in about a week, so I don't know if you've already fixed it or not xD

Edit: Ignore me, its been fixed apparently. But now I've got to recreate my character >.< Bleh.
QUOTE (McDougle @ Jul 22 2011, 08:30 PM) *
6: What about Edit6? nyahnyah.gif

I need a page reference number for this so I can see what exactly the rule is.
QUOTE (McDougle @ Jul 22 2011, 08:50 PM) *
Another bug i just found(whats going on today? Gremlins? XD):

Tapping on different advanced lifestyles several times adds the advantages to all of them(at least it is shown that way until the character is closed and reloaded). They also get multiplicated.

Argh. I fixed this if you clicked on the Selected Lifestyles item, but not on other Advanced Lifestyles.
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 22 2011, 08:18 PM) *
I need a page reference number for this so I can see what exactly the rule is.

SR4a, page 188.

I don't know if Chummer accounts for this, but the same applies to technomancers and sprites as well (ref SR4a, pages 240-241).
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ Jul 22 2011, 10:32 PM) *
SR4a, page 188.

I don't know if Chummer accounts for this, but the same applies to technomancers and sprites as well (ref SR4a, pages 240-241).

Right, those are the rules for binding Spirits, and Chummer currently enforces those limits, at least in Create Mode, as only bound Spirits/Sprites can be added to the character during creation. In Career Mode it becomes a bigger problem because Spirits can transition of Unbound to Bound and Bound to Unbound, and the player may wish to keep that Spirit/Sprite on their list with 0 services if it becomes a favourite of theirs.

But where are these rules for binding ghosts? That's the part I'm lost on. The closest thing I can find is the Ghosts and Haunts category of Critters found in Running Wild.
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 22 2011, 10:42 PM) *
Right, those are the rules for binding Spirits. But where are these rules for binding "ghosts"? That's the part I'm lost on.


Spirit = ghost but yes, you can only have 1 spirit or sprite bound/registered to you per point of charisma and you can only have 1 unbound spirit or sprite. pg 87, 88, 189, and 241

At time of creation the number of tasks owed, by a spirit is limited by the rating of the Summing skill. Pg 87 of SR4A
For sprites it's limited by the rating of the Compiling skill. pg 88 of SR4A

After creation there is no limit to the number of tasks owed, as far as I have seen.
Well, in messing around with critters I noticed that the Tank sprite is missing the option to take the Shield optional complex form.
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jul 22 2011, 10:58 PM) *

Spirit = ghost but yes, you can only have 1 spirit or sprite bound/registered to you per point of charisma and you can only have 1 unbound spirit or sprite. pg 87, 88, 189, and 241

At time of creation the number of tasks owed, by a spirit is limited by the rating of the Summing skill. Pg 87 of SR4A
For sprites it's limited by the rating of the Compiling skill. pg 88 of SR4A

After creation there is no limit to the number of tasks owed, as far as I have seen.

Yup. And that's how it's currently handled.
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ Jul 22 2011, 11:28 PM) *
Well, in messing around with critters I noticed that the Tank sprite is missing the option to take the Shield optional complex form.

Bah. The Critters file had it as "Shielding" instead of "Shield". Updated the file.
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 22 2011, 11:57 PM) *
Yup. And that's how it's currently handled.

Not quite. Got a TM in career mode that can't get more than his Compiling skill rating in services for a registered sprite.
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ Jul 22 2011, 11:14 PM) *
Not quite. Got a TM in career mode that can't get more than his Compiling skill rating in services for a registered sprite.

So that I understand the situation correctly. You've got a Sprite already created that your using the Compiling skill to try and add more services to right, or is this a new Sprite creation that your Registering? If its a newly created/summoned Sprite/Spirit you should be limited. However, I'm not sure if there is a limit to adding services after the Sprite or Spirit has been created and your just going through the summoning or compiling ritual to get more services from the bound/registered servant.
Lets see what will become of spirits. smile.gif

Found another one in the meantime:
I made a html-print. The .chum contains a picture of the character. It was shown in the preview of the html, but didn´t make it into the saved html.
QUOTE (McDougle @ Jul 23 2011, 05:35 AM) *
Lets see what will become of spirits. smile.gif

Found another one in the meantime:
I made a html-print. The .chum contains a picture of the character. It was shown in the preview of the html, but didn´t make it into the saved html.

What format was the picture originally in? JPEG? GIF?
QUOTE (Wizard_Thoarin @ Jul 23 2011, 04:48 AM) *
So that I understand the situation correctly. You've got a Sprite already created that your using the Compiling skill to try and add more services to right, or is this a new Sprite creation that your Registering? If its a newly created/summoned Sprite/Spirit you should be limited. However, I'm not sure if there is a limit to adding services after the Sprite or Spirit has been created and your just going through the summoning or compiling ritual to get more services from the bound/registered servant.

Within career mode if it's a new spirit or sprite or one you already have you currently can not increase the number of tasks owed beyond your Summoning or Registering skill rating.
I've not seen anything in the rules to give this limit. It's definitely there when creating a character, but I've not seen it there for after creation. The only limit is on the number of spirits or sprites you can have bound/registered.

While looking at this I noticed that the area that spirits are listed is not docked to the bottom of the window so when you resize the window it doesn't move to the bottom of the window.
Having a spliter there would also be really good, or have the top locked in place so it gets larger automatically when the window gets larger.
It's this way in both creation on career modes for spirits and sprites.
QUOTE (McDougle @ Jul 22 2011, 02:36 AM) *
Seems the bug that hid Adept powers from downloaded characters(or such, that were created on another machine) is still present.

I just DL´d the "adept raccoon" with omae and can´t see any adept powers.

Raccooon is back up, hopefully works now, in totally unrelated news, can you take Improved Ability Exotic? I don't see anything forbidding it in the rules. I've got a drake that wants to improve his fire breath.

Edit for another thing, Where is Narcoject? I looked under Drugs, Toxins, and Awakened Drugs.
Minimax le Rouge
Narcoject is in the Combat Chemicals
QUOTE (ggodo @ Jul 23 2011, 11:08 PM) *
Raccooon is back up, hopefully works now, in totally unrelated news, can you take Improved Ability Exotic? I don't see anything forbidding it in the rules. I've got a drake that wants to improve his fire breath.

Raccoon looks good to me.
QUOTE (Minimax le Rouge @ Jul 23 2011, 11:22 PM) *
Narcoject is in the Combat Chemicals

Ah, thanks.
QUOTE (McDougle @ Jul 23 2011, 11:05 AM) *

That's weird. JPG, GIF, and PNG should all work. This was a problem that some people were having quite a while back that should have been fixed. Unless it was saved in some non-standard JPG encoding format. When you go to print the character sheet, Chummer actually takes the image from the save file and writes it to a temporary directory since older versions of Internet Explorer (8 and below) can't handle Base64 encoded pictures in a file. The only reason I could see this happening is if you're using Windows Vista/7 and have Chummer in a protected directory like C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86), but if that's the case, updates shouldn't work either. nyahnyah.gif
Powers and Vehicles data files have been updated. Vehicles to add the missing Iron Will exoskeleton from Attitude, and Powers to correct a few minor mistakes for a couple of Powers from Way of the Adept. Also found that I need to include support for increasing the Power Points cost for Powers that raise an Attribute above its Metatype Maximum.
when using the Advanced Lifestyle option, displaying the details in the print would be nice.
e.g. in table form with the headline saying comforts, entertainment,...,qualities
and then list all lifestyles

another thing, I find weird in the print: The skills Computer, Data Search, Hacking, Cybercombat and E-Warfare are theoretically Logic-linked, but actually use skill+program. And if you don't have the skill you don't default to the Logic attribute, but to the program rating.
I know it's complicated to decide how to calculate the dice pools (especially with Hacking using many different programs), but, except for Computer, it's definitely never Logic.
QUOTE (Makki @ Jul 24 2011, 12:09 PM) *
when using the Advanced Lifestyle option, displaying the details in the print would be nice.
e.g. in table form with the headline saying comforts, entertainment,...,qualities
and then list all lifestyles

another thing, I find weird in the print: The skills Computer, Data Search, Hacking, Cybercombat and E-Warfare are theoretically Logic-linked, but actually use skill+program. And if you don't have the skill you don't default to the Logic attribute, but to the program rating.
I know it's complicated to decide how to calculate the dice pools (especially with Hacking using many different programs), but, except for Computer, it's definitely never Logic.

Not complete true that it's never logic. When you are doing a matrix action you use Skill + program. If you are doing something else related to the skill, but that is not a matrix action you would use Attribute + Skill. So it is correct to display a skills pool as being attribute + skill. If it listed pools for actions then having it display skill + program would be correct. Listing skills and giving pools based on skill + program would not be accurate as there are several programs associated with each skill. Having a sheet list each action and it's associated pool would be under the Cheat Sheet category that is on the still to be worked on category.
There is also the possibility of people using the optional rule that uses attribute + skill with programs being a cap on total successes.
This program is great. it convinced me to join dumpshock after lurking for a year. I noticed a few small things after messing around with the program for awhile.

Adept Centering sr4a 198 should be added as a separate metamagic available to adepts and mystic adepts, Centering SR4A should be listed as a metamagic available to magicians and mystic adepts. These should be listed separatly as mystic adepts can have both.

From AR 35 the Ballista Missile MK1 should have a set sensor rating of 0, the Ballista Missile MK4 should have a set sensor rating of 4, and the Great Dragon Anti Tank Missile should have a set sensor rating of 3.

the drug Tempo from Ghost cartels (there is full statblock for it) pg 58 should be added to the Drugs section of gear

The Savior Medkit from AG 114 should be included as a gear option for Armor the same way normal medkits are available as plug ins.

I noticed some larger things missing, but I'm guessing there still on your to do list. Thanks again for this program.
@TP13: Ur post is already helping, but this is a major project. It is quite possible that those items you mention aren´t yet on Nebulars to-do-list because they slipped by.
Could you also list which other items you miss?

I found this today:
Bought some capsule ammo but couldn´t find a way to add any substances/chemicals/drugs.
Those could be added in as plugins for the ammonition, right?
With this a character could have capsule-ammo with different substances for the same weapon(30shots Neurostun and 30shots Narcoject, or Seven-7 for example).
the following metamagics from SM need to be added. anchoring, absorbtion, empower animal, extended masking, filtering, flux, infusion, reflecting.

sage, spirit strength, and witches moss should be added to magical compounds under gear SM 88

diving dowsing, and infusion foci should be moved to metamagic foci or else all metamagic foci should just be consolidated under foci

The following Advanced Lifestyle qualities: animal lover levels 1,2 and 3. rural home, outbuildings levels 1 and 2, and reinforced housing levels 1 and 2. RW 40 need to be added to the advanced lifestyles tab.

genetic modification critter powers(there are a few of them) available to warforms and chimerics RW 28 should be added to critter powers.

Warform levels 1,2,3,4,5 and 6, should be added as phenotype adjustment genetech RW27
Chimeric levels 1/1, 1/2, 2/1, 2/2, 3/1 and 3/2 should be added under transgenics genetech, RW28
vat growth integration, should be added under phenotype adjustment genetech RW29

all non-magical metagenic qualities at .1 essence and BP*25,000 cost could be included under transgenics genetech RC 110

all bioware at standard essence and cost could be included as transgenics genetech AG 93

Permanent genetic infusions (braveheart, endure, inspiration, sideways) as transgenic genetech AG94

Feywear (attached to the positive qualities list) could be added as armor mods AT 157

A new cell for contacts and enemies listing their type(fixer, talismonger etc.). There is a great list at RC 148
Capsule Rounds should work exactly like Splash-Grenades already do.

A new Grenade:Splash shouldn´t be added to the already existing ones(i had two with Neuro-Stun and the third was assigned Neuro-Stun, too, without even asking for confirmation).
Furthermore please add the chemical taken in ( ) behind the name[Grenade:Splash (Chemical) ].
Could it be, that the gear is duplicated in my chummer because I didn´t delete the categories when creating custom content(i included a hoverboard and some other stuff)?


That was apparantly the reason for this bug... my fault. nyahnyah.gif
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