May 22 2011, 01:54 AM
QUOTE (Bobby @ May 21 2011, 04:03 PM)

I'm trying to set up a Hacker with good wireless vulnerably awareness.
I cannot find a way to add skinlink to my cyberware or com as a plugin. It can be added to weapons, but I cannot add it to devices which should have it.
I suspect this is because all the other items in 'electronic accessories' are peripherals, but skinlink is a device modification.
I've updated gear.xml and put Skinlink in the General category so it can be added to any item. I haven't found any reference to it being a piece of Cyberware though. Would you be able to tell me where I can find the Cyberware version of it?
May 22 2011, 04:31 AM
Unless it's in a book I'm not familiar with, I cannot find a reference to allow skinlink to be put into cyberware. An implanted commlink, even if in a cyberlimb, should still have the option, though I'd think it would be best tracked by the details of the commlink itself, and not the commlink implant.
On a side note, as a glitch in testing something, I found that adding Adapsin globally affects cyberware already implanted. Augmentation, page 90, Adapsin reduces the Essence cost of cyberware implanted afterwards. Now I don't know if the program can be modified to track this automatically, so it'd probably be easier to incorporate a new check box next to the Grade field to indicate if the Adapsin bonus applies to a piece of cyberware. It might also clear up a mathematical issue I noticed, in that if you try to add Adapsin and don't have the nuyen for it, the Essence cost of cyberware is reduced anyway. This can be repeated and result in cyberware actually giving you Essence
May 22 2011, 04:44 AM
SR4A Page 313,
Wireless Connectivity
"In 2072, almost every device is computerized and equipped with a wireless link—from guns
to toasters to clothing to sensors to cyberware. As a rule, assume that any gear item that is
electronic or mechanical has a wireless-enabled computer in it. Even non-electronic devices
without moving parts may have a built-in computer, if it might be useful or convenient to
the user (wouldn’t you like to be able to download and play your favorite songs on your
jacket?). The gamemaster has final determination over what items are wireless-enabled."
Also if you look at SR4A page 222 you will find the Sample Device Table.
On that table it lists, Bodyware, Headware, Alphaware, Betaware, and Deltaware.
So almost everything has a wireless link, which is in effect is a comlink.
Now the signal on it shouldn't be more than a range of a meter, unless it's upgraded.
Do you really want someone 10 km away hacking your cyberware?
If it has a wireless link, or comlink it should also be able to have skinlink.
I would suggest using the Sample Device Table to determine the comlink rating of the cyberware.
May 22 2011, 05:35 AM
QUOTE (HeckfyEx @ May 21 2011, 11:43 AM)

My GM allows breaking up skillgroups at any time, even during chargen. Can this somehow be enabled?
Also, it seems that Chummer calculates drain resist pool using unaugmented attribute value and disregards fetishes.
The total value of the Attribute will be put in the for next update. Fetishes, however, will not be factored in since they are dependent on the category Spell being cast. The displayed value is intended to be your base value to resist Drain which is common through all tests. Circumstantial modifiers (such as Fetishes) are not included.
May 22 2011, 05:42 AM
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ May 21 2011, 10:31 PM)

On a side note, as a glitch in testing something, I found that adding Adapsin globally affects cyberware already implanted. Augmentation, page 90, Adapsin reduces the Essence cost of cyberware implanted afterwards. Now I don't know if the program can be modified to track this automatically, so it'd probably be easier to incorporate a new check box next to the Grade field to indicate if the Adapsin bonus applies to a piece of cyberware. It might also clear up a mathematical issue I noticed, in that if you try to add Adapsin and don't have the nuyen for it, the Essence cost of cyberware is reduced anyway. This can be repeated and result in cyberware actually giving you Essence

I really, really,
really hate Adapsin. It has caused so many headaches it's ridiculous. I don't see an easy way around this since unless the date and time of each implant is recorded so you know the items that should be affected. This might just be one of those one-off exceptions that people are going to have to live with. Adding in another conditional set of logic for the Cyberware/Bioware Essence cost isn't really something I'm keen on doing for a one-off item.
May 22 2011, 05:53 AM
ShadowWalker beat me to it:
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ May 22 2011, 05:44 AM)

SR4A Page 313,
Wireless Connectivity
"In 2072, almost every device is computerized and equipped with a wireless link—from guns
to toasters to clothing to sensors to cyberware. As a rule, assume that any gear item that is
electronic or mechanical has a wireless-enabled computer in it.
Also Unwired, page 59,
Cybernetic implants may also be equipped with skinlink, even if they are not accessible on the body's exterior - in this case, a simple connection is established betweeen the implant and the skin's surface.
Runner's Companion, page 24
Cyberware routinely sends maintenance reports or downloads
patches. Disable the feature. Getting caught in the middle of a run
because your move-by-wire system just sent its biannual maintenance
report to its manufacturer is not funny.
Dakka Dakka
May 22 2011, 06:24 AM
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 22 2011, 03:36 AM)

If you right-click on a Weapon and choose Add Accesory, there are 4 Underbarrel weapons you can add near the bottom of the list (provided the Weapon allows for Under Accessories).
That is not what I meant, I was talking about the weapon
modification (Arsenal p. 153). This has several distinct benefits and drawbacks over the accessory. 1) you can use a specific weapon, getting its specific bonuses 2) you can mod the underbarrel weapon 3) the underbarrel accessory slot is not blocked for other things 4) the magazine capacity of the underbarrel weapon is half of the stock weapon 5) The underbarrel is restricted in which recoil compensators it may take.
You could have for example an Ingram Smartgun X with an underbarrel MGL-6 and a foregrip. The MGL-6 however would only have a capacity of 3( c )
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 22 2011, 03:36 AM)

Spare Clips appear in both the Weapon Accessories list and Gear list under Ammunition. I originally had them as Weapon Accessories since that's where they were listed in SR4A. I added them to Gear a while back when someone else pointed out how silly it was.

Ah now I found them. I found antother issue though. I wanted to group my ammo into magazines. You can only by ammo in packs of 10 and if you buy them as plugin to the spare clip, the number of clips increases to 10. What I wanted to do was something like:
Spare Clip (Ares Alpha)
-42 Regular Ammo(Assault Rifle)
May 22 2011, 06:25 AM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ May 21 2011, 10:28 AM)

Genetic Heritage still not decreasing nuyen cost of any of the Genetech items.
If you have just Genecrafted both the add window and the main window display the correct cost with the 20% discount.
If you have just Genetic Heritage neither the add window or the main window display the cost with the 20% discount added.
If you have both Genecrafted and Genetic Heritage the add window displays a cost that includes too great a discount, more than 40%. The main window gives a cost that includes just a 20% discount.
When you have Genetic Heritage selected only the items in the Genetech: Transgenics category are showing a Free! check box
All Genetic Modifications should be available to choose as your one free Genetic Modification when you have Genetic Heritage.
Genecrafted appears to be working correctly and is reducing the Nuyen cost of Genetech by 20%. Genetic Heritage, however, is giving a 20% reduction to the ESS cost instead of Nuyen cost. I'll have this fixed for the next update.
May 22 2011, 06:31 AM
Hmm, guess that Skinlink entry didn't really click to me for cyberlimbs. Guess it makes sense.
As for the Adapsin issue, yeah, I can sympathize a bit there. Was a bit of a pain in the butt in DK's Excel sheet to get it to work properly. In that one, it was resolved by adding a second set of Grade entries like "(Adap) Alpha" and such that become available after Adapsin is present so the cyberware can have its Essence cost tracked accordingly.
Just throwing a few things out there. It's all up to you, Nebular, on how or if it'll happen. I wish I had a good idea how much of a pain it is in C#.
May 22 2011, 07:29 AM
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ May 21 2011, 10:31 PM)

As for the Adapsin issue, yeah, I can sympathize a bit there. Was a bit of a pain in the butt in DK's Excel sheet to get it to work properly. In that one, it was resolved by adding a second set of Grade entries like "(Adap) Alpha" and such that become available after Adapsin is present so the cyberware can have its Essence cost tracked accordingly.
Wow. That's actually a really good idea.
May 22 2011, 07:49 AM
Just thinking out of the box here, but couldn't you treat Adapsin in two ways?
What I mean is that you would have Adapsin the purchased cyber mod which once purchased would open up Adapsin the plug in for cyberware. Only cyberware with the free adapsin plugin would then have the calculation done to its essence cost. It would force players and Game Masters to be honest about what gets the adapsin plug in after the fact, but that is something between player and GM in my opinion.
May 22 2011, 08:03 AM
Totally unrelated, but there's still no Adept Way quality. It's a 10 pointer. I don't care about how it affects the discounts of powers, but it'd be nice to have on the sheet.
May 22 2011, 08:09 AM
QUOTE (ggodo @ May 22 2011, 01:03 AM)

Totally unrelated, but there's still no Adept Way quality. It's a 10 pointer. I don't care about how it affects the discounts of powers, but it'd be nice to have on the sheet.
Are you by chance referring to the collection of "The Artisan's Way", "The Magician's Way", "The Invisible Way", etc., that's detailed in "The Way Of The Adept"?
If so, the names are literally as I typed them here in the Qualities list (and available if you've enabled the above book). If not, then I'm sorry but I honestly have no idea what you're talking about at the moment.
May 22 2011, 08:16 AM
Fetishes, however, will not be factored in since they are dependent on the category Spell being cast. The displayed value is intended to be your base value to resist Drain which is common through all tests. Circumstantial modifiers (such as Fetishes) are not included.
I think that you confusing fetishes and foci. Fetish is bound only to the spell it limits. You can't cast a spell without fetish. Since you already have "limited" variable it should be relatively simple to check the state of the variable for the spell and just add +2 to drainresist pool for the spell.
May 22 2011, 09:28 AM
Another easy (or hard depending on how you look at it) one. Scorched, from SR4A pg. 95 is missing. I'd say it's not to difficult since you don't need to code anything for it (it looks like the kind of quality that characters should keep track of themselves).
*nevermind, I'm really tired. Too tired in fact to look at the quality list below the positives.
May 22 2011, 02:03 PM
QUOTE (HeckfyEx @ May 22 2011, 02:16 AM)

I think that you confusing fetishes and foci. Fetish is bound only to the spell it limits. You can't cast a spell without fetish. Since you already have "limited" variable it should be relatively simple to check the state of the variable for the spell and just add +2 to drainresist pool for the spell.
Oh, are you referring to the DV of the individual Spell that's shown when you select it? I was thinking you were talking about the Drain Resistance total shown under the Magic Tradition box that shows the Attributes a Tradition uses to resist Drain.
May 22 2011, 02:09 PM
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ May 22 2011, 12:31 AM)

Hmm, guess that Skinlink entry didn't really click to me for cyberlimbs. Guess it makes sense.
As for the Adapsin issue, yeah, I can sympathize a bit there. Was a bit of a pain in the butt in DK's Excel sheet to get it to work properly. In that one, it was resolved by adding a second set of Grade entries like "(Adap) Alpha" and such that become available after Adapsin is present so the cyberware can have its Essence cost tracked accordingly.
Just throwing a few things out there. It's all up to you, Nebular, on how or if it'll happen. I wish I had a good idea how much of a pain it is in C#.
Huh, that's interesting. At least then I can hide the Adapsin Grades if the character doesn't have Adapsin. I'll hopefully have this in the next update then.
May 22 2011, 04:02 PM
Would it be possible to add a quality swap feature?
I was thinking a window that shows either the negative or positive qualities list. Allow the person to change them, and if needed pay karma.
So if the negative qualities total was 35 and when they are done they have 30 then they pay 10 karma. Same would go for the positive ones.
Start with 35 have 40 then pay 10 karma.
I had a character that went through a cataclysmic event and his personality changed significantly. One of the consequences was that the personality
negative qualities he had were changed. Doing this with the way the program is currently setup would be a pain. You would have to add karma to get rid
of the old ones then add the new ones. The karma would be ghost karma since it's really there.
May 22 2011, 04:50 PM
Not sure what's causing it but Agility and Reaction's augmented attribute is listed as (1) on every character I've made. At first I thought it was a bug with cyberware adjusting the values, until I made a mystic adept that has no powers that adjust either stat.
May 22 2011, 05:06 PM
My initial guess would be Armor Encumbrance since it affects both of those stats equally. What is your BOD and total amount of Armor you're wearing?
May 22 2011, 05:36 PM
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ May 22 2011, 01:09 AM)

Are you by chance referring to the collection of "The Artisan's Way", "The Magician's Way", "The Invisible Way", etc., that's detailed in "The Way Of The Adept"?
If so, the names are literally as I typed them here in the Qualities list (and available if you've enabled the above book). If not, then I'm sorry but I honestly have no idea what you're talking about at the moment.
I'm just blind and had the book off the whole time but thought it was on. Carry on.
May 22 2011, 06:00 PM
Things are coming along quite nicely Nebular. Noticed a couple things in weapon mods/accessories:
1.) Suggestion. Sound/Thermal supressors and GasVent doesn't work well together. According to Arsenal, characters need to turn off gas venting to use an installed sound supressor. (AR152). Any chance of reducing a weapons rc (by the amount of any gas vent rating) when a weapon is equipped with a supressor? (thinking a trigger based on the 'installed' checkbox)
2.) Possible technical issue. Foregrips and slings combine for 2 rc (AR148). In Chummer, if you add the foregrip mod and sling mod, everything works fine. But if you add the foregrip mod and sling accessory, they don't combine.
General Positive Feedback:
The mechanic you built for filling gas grenades with the correct toxin/chemical is awesome. I would have had to fight it out with any other character generator to get that to happen. Nicely done. Typical Chummer awesomeness.
May 22 2011, 07:09 PM
I don't know how you aren't discouraged by all this. I realized that the rules would be a challenge, but I didn't realize that the program only starts when you start getting into the advanced rules.
I'm rooting for you.
May 22 2011, 07:57 PM
QUOTE (whatevs @ May 22 2011, 01:00 PM)

Things are coming along quite nicely Nebular. Noticed a couple things in weapon mods/accessories:
1.) Suggestion. Sound/Thermal supressors and GasVent doesn't work well together. According to Arsenal, characters need to turn off gas venting to use an installed sound supressor. (AR152). Any chance of reducing a weapons rc (by the amount of any gas vent rating) when a weapon is equipped with a supressor? (thinking a trigger based on the 'installed' checkbox)
2.) Possible technical issue. Foregrips and slings combine for 2 rc (AR148). In Chummer, if you add the foregrip mod and sling mod, everything works fine. But if you add the foregrip mod and sling accessory, they don't combine.
General Positive Feedback:
The mechanic you built for filling gas grenades with the correct toxin/chemical is awesome. I would have had to fight it out with any other character generator to get that to happen. Nicely done. Typical Chummer awesomeness.
The stacking rules are one of the reasons I included the Installed option for Weapon Accessories/Mods. Options that shouldn't be included in a Weapon's stats should be marked as not Installed. All of the conflicting rules of what stack with what and when are rather intricate and some GMs might just allow them. The option gives the flexibility for the player to pick and choose what's impacting their Weapon stats.
May 22 2011, 08:49 PM
I just had a great idea on the adapsin thing. Combine the Cyberware and Bioware lists (arrays/iterables/whatever ordered collection object you're using) under the hood. These lists are in order of time added, so you can just not do the essence reduction for any item before the Adapsin! Add a tag for each item in the list indicating its type, and you're home free.
*I hope this works with your implementation. I just figured you're using ordered collections because the order of my upgrade lists looks rather immutable from my end, and because you don't really need to optimize for lookups, or at all for that matter.
May 22 2011, 09:33 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 22 2011, 11:06 AM)

My initial guess would be Armor Encumbrance since it affects both of those stats equally. What is your BOD and total amount of Armor you're wearing?
This is probably what it was, as it happened to me also until I figured it out. You can go into each set of armor and check whether it's worn or not.
May 22 2011, 10:09 PM
Quick (possibly stupid) question: where's the tacnet software?
May 22 2011, 10:13 PM
QUOTE (whatevs @ May 22 2011, 05:09 PM)

Quick (possibly stupid) question: where's the tacnet software?
Apparently nowhere in the data files. What book is it from?
May 22 2011, 10:18 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 22 2011, 06:13 PM)

Apparently nowhere in the data files. What book is it from?
Unwired pg 124 Tactical AR Software
May 22 2011, 10:36 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 22 2011, 08:09 AM)

Huh, that's interesting. At least then I can hide the Adapsin Grades if the character doesn't have Adapsin. I'll hopefully have this in the next update then.
Just to follow up on this - there was an issue where the cost multiplier was not being reset if you happened to also have Qualities that affected the Essence cost modifier as well. So the cost was getting both its modifier AND the Essence modifier which would result in the lower number that was reported. This will be fixed in the next update.
May 22 2011, 10:43 PM
The complex forms, Shielding, Smartlink and SimRig are missing, Unwired page 136.
Also if you use the Adopting Software option on page 136 of Unwired, then pretty much any software can be a Complex Form.
I see the Empathy sensor software under Sensors, but I do not see any of the other sensor software listed.
Facial Recognition, Gait Analysis, Lie Detection, Noise Analysis, Visual Spotter, Vehicle Recognition, Weapon Watcher, and Wildlife Spotter are all missing, or placed some other place.
The sensor software and the ARE software should have the ability to be complex forms.
May 22 2011, 10:52 PM
Check my first post in
this thread for a temporary fix on the Unwired complex forms.
May 22 2011, 11:16 PM
QUOTE (HeckfyEx @ May 21 2011, 12:43 PM)

My GM allows breaking up skillgroups at any time, even during chargen. Can this somehow be enabled?
For now, I'm going to say now. This goes against all the intent of Skill Groups and is not listed as an optional rule. This also goes against how Skill Groups and Skills work within the application and how they are calculated. As a work-around, you can break apart your Skill Groups in Career Mode by improving the desired Skills, and then giving yourself a Karma Refund for the amount spent on the Karma and Nuyen tab.
May 22 2011, 11:43 PM
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ May 22 2011, 06:52 PM)

Check my first post in
this thread for a temporary fix on the Unwired complex forms.
How do I get the custom programs to show up? I don't see anything in the options for books and I don't see anything new in the complex forms list.
May 22 2011, 11:48 PM
Has anything been done for program options or complex forms options?
May 23 2011, 12:24 AM
Complex Form/Program options haven't been touched on, yet. Don't think it's a high priority to Nebular.
Edit: My custom_books.xml file is now bundled in with my ZIP.
May 23 2011, 01:12 AM
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ May 22 2011, 07:24 PM)

Complex Form/Program options haven't been touched on, yet. Don't think it's a high priority to Nebular.
That's not entirely true. They're not a burning priority for me, but if work needs to be done on them, I'll do it. With so many requests there's only so much I can work on, and I'm trying to actually get back some free time. The missing Complex Forms from Unwired have been added to the file and will be a part of the next update. What specifically are you looking for additional stuff for Complex Forms?
May 23 2011, 01:31 AM
Personally I'd say get more of the general functionality fixed & up and running for Chummer first before going for the Program/Complex Forms options. With so many other requests and things I've seen here it's why I've held off actually bringing this one up myself.
May 23 2011, 06:27 AM
Hey again!
So messing with Pixies some more (I'm really trying to get a character ready for a game and your program rocks) and noticed that the augmented caps for BOD and STR are incorrect based on what's in Runner's Companion. Their augmented cap for both stats is 5, but the program limits it to 4. I checked the metatype file and their augmented cap is listed there correctly as 5 but the program doesn't seem to care. I assume this is a rounding thing, since most things appear to round down, and that would be a case of rounding up. I didn't see an errata on it so...
Also: I'd love to see something like magic based augmentation reflected on the character program somehow, like if you're maintaining an Increase Charisma spell or something like that you can notate it somewhere and it'll reflect in your abilities/skills. As is, I just made a custom_bioware.xml file and just put them as free things with a bonus equal to their rating. (I love how easy it was, but it did take me a moment to figure out you needed -something- in the book/page fields for them to work, heh).
May 23 2011, 06:50 AM
I'm wondering if the Augmented Maximum for Pixies listed on RC 84 is incorrect. The Augmented Maximum for every other Metatype, Metavariant, and Sapient Critter out there appears to be Maximum / 2 round down. Pixie is the only one where it rounds up... and even then it's inconsistent - INT, LOG, and INI on the Pixie all round down. The only thing that comes to mind is that there is some sort of minimum Augmented Maximum that makes it 5, but I can't find mention of it anywhere.
May 23 2011, 03:30 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 23 2011, 12:50 AM)

I'm wondering if the Augmented Maximum for Pixies listed on RC 84 is incorrect. The Augmented Maximum for every other Metatype, Metavariant, and Sapient Critter out there appears to be Maximum / 2 round down. Pixie is the only one where it rounds up... and even then it's inconsistent - INT, LOG, and INI on the Pixie all round down. The only thing that comes to mind is that there is some sort of minimum Augmented Maximum that makes it 5, but I can't find mention of it anywhere.
Which is something I'm okay with, really. It IS odd in the fact that it's inconsistent, I just hadn't seen an errata or anything on it so thought I'd point it out.
Also the armor problem where Mystic Armor lowers your AGI/REA for going over your BODx2 appears to return once you put your character in career mode, but in creation mode it does not.
May 23 2011, 03:46 PM
Whoops! I'll have this fixed in the next update.
May 23 2011, 04:15 PM
Speaking of updates...
Build 91
- Drain Value for a Tradition now uses the total value of the Attribute instead of its base value
- Karma and Nuyen Expenses in Career Mode are now properly sorted in reverse chronological order
- Vehicles that should have additional slots now have them included in their slots total
- Adapsin now has its own set of Cyberware Grades
- added Skinlink as a Bodyware so it can be added as a plugin to pieces of Cyberware
- Genetic Heritage Positive Quality now affects Nuyen cost instead of Essence cost
- Bioware cost multipliers are now correctly set before being given to the Select Bioware window so prices should now be accurate when these modifiers exist
- added missing Shield, Simrig, and Smartlink Complex Forms
- only Weapon Mods marked as Installed that are not included with the Weapon consume Mod Slots
- added support for Underbarrel Weapons
- Armor from Adept Powers no longer count towards Armor Encumbrance in Career Mode
- Weapon Damage should no longer appear as "NaN" if it is a non-numeric value
Outstanding Items
- Unwired Options
- Unwired Optional Rules
May 23 2011, 04:43 PM
Genetic Heritage: "Such an inheritance means the character can start play with one genetic modification (see p. 72) for free."
Right now this is only including the Transgenics category. It should include all Genetech items.
If I save a character with more than 50 bp in nuyen it loads with showing 50.
The following Sensor Software is missing, Facial Recognition, Gait Analysis, Lie Detection, Noise Analysis, Visual Spotter, Vehicle Recognition, Weapon Watcher, and Wildlife Spotter.
All Skillsofts (Activesofts, Knowsofts, and Linguasofts), ARE, Sensor Software and TachNet Software should be available as Complex Forms.
Skillsofts would need to specify the skill in question. Skillsofts should also only be available when the character has the Biowire Echo.
And really who wouldn't want a Virtual Pet as a complex form linked to holo-projector so it shows up in the real world.

p.s. Great work!
May 23 2011, 07:33 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 23 2011, 04:15 PM)

Speaking of updates...
Build 91
- Drain Value for a Tradition now uses the total value of the Attribute instead of its base value
- Karma and Nuyen Expenses in Career Mode are now properly sorted in reverse chronological order
- Vehicles that should have additional slots now have them included in their slots total
- Adapsin now has its own set of Cyberware Grades
- added Skinlink as a Bodyware so it can be added as a plugin to pieces of Cyberware
- Genetic Heritage Positive Quality now affects Nuyen cost instead of Essence cost
- Bioware cost multipliers are now correctly set before being given to the Select Bioware window so prices should now be accurate when these modifiers exist
- added missing Shield, Simrig, and Smartlink Complex Forms
- only Weapon Mods marked as Installed that are not included with the Weapon consume Mod Slots
- added support for Underbarrel Weapons
- Armor from Adept Powers no longer count towards Armor Encumbrance in Career Mode
- Weapon Damage should no longer appear as "NaN" if it is a non-numeric value
Outstanding Items
- Unwired Options
- Unwired Optional Rules
The additions look good. Noticed one thing:
1.) Possible Technical Issue. Chummer seems to barf when I add a weapon name, and then attempt to add an accessory to that weapon.
Also, quick question: Where is the tacnet stuff in gear? Can't seem to find it. Unless it's part of the upcoming unwired stuff...
May 23 2011, 09:17 PM
In the same way that Magicians have Traditions, Technomancers have streams.
Rules for Streams can be found starting on page 136 of Unwired.
Should be able to use the same basic setup as you have already done for Traditions.
The Paragon quality is similar to the Mentor Spirit quality.
In order to assist and reduce the data entry I copied the traditions.xml and mentors.xml files and edited them to make streams.xml and paragons.xml.
I didn't do anything with <bonus> other than remove it, as I was unsure of the proper formatting for that section.
You can download it from,
May 24 2011, 12:03 AM
Both the Camera and Microphone Sensors are missing from the list of available sensors for vehicles.
I'm guessing they are missing because they themselves could have upgrades.
May 24 2011, 02:47 AM
QUOTE (whatevs @ May 23 2011, 01:33 PM)

The additions look good. Noticed one thing:
1.) Possible Technical Issue. Chummer seems to barf when I add a weapon name, and then attempt to add an accessory to that weapon.
Also, quick question: Where is the tacnet stuff in gear? Can't seem to find it. Unless it's part of the upcoming unwired stuff...
The Tacnet stuff should be in the Tactical AR Software category of Gear.
May 24 2011, 03:01 AM
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 23 2011, 09:47 PM)

The Tacnet stuff should be in the Tactical AR Software category of Gear.
Don't see that category, and doing a search comes up empty.
May 24 2011, 03:45 AM
Try searching for "Tacsoft" instead of "Tacnet", and don't forget to verify that the Unwired book is enabled. Mine got disabled while trying to troubleshoot Chummer for my computer (gotta run it in Administrator mode now for some dumb reason, never had to before).
Added: Noticed Simrig and Smartlink got added in a new category (Autosoft?), but Shield isn't. Simrig and Smartlink are also limited to a rating of 1, though hopefully players and GM's alike are smart enough to already know this.
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