Jul 15 2011, 09:11 PM
Downloading a character from Omae does not include contact files that character may have linked. I assume this means that when you upload a character, its contacts are not uploaded.
Not sure if that's something to fix or not. I can see arguments either way. Perhaps a prompt: "Upload linked contacts? Y/N"
Jul 15 2011, 09:38 PM
Interesting. That never occurred to me. Certainly adds a layer of complexity regardless of how that's handled...
Jul 15 2011, 09:47 PM
Since there have been no other little "it breaks when item X is clicked" problems, here's the fix for last night's issue, and a fun one I discovered this morning.

Build 152
- fixed an issue that caused non-numeric Cyberware Plugin costs to throw an error when selected in the Select Cyberware window
- fixed an issue where users who were not logged into Omae could impersonate an existing user
Jul 15 2011, 11:59 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 15 2011, 04:38 PM)

Interesting. That never occurred to me. Certainly adds a layer of complexity regardless of how that's handled...
I'm guessing that if the contacts are not loading then the enemies, spirits and sprites are not as well.
And what about custom content? Does that get copied, although the way characters are saved I'm guessing it won't need to be.
Jul 16 2011, 12:02 AM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 15 2011, 04:47 PM)

Since there have been no other little "it breaks when item X is clicked" problems, here's the fix for last night's issue, and a fun one I discovered this morning.

Build 152
- fixed an issue that caused non-numeric Cyberware Plugin costs to throw an error when selected in the Select Cyberware window
- fixed an issue where users who were not logged into Omae could impersonate an existing user
Just a question about Omae, because I know at some point someone will have this problem. How does one recover ones account if you can't remember your login information?
Jul 16 2011, 02:16 AM
I have a future feature request for us GM's that are also managing our player characters. After a run, I'd like be able to specify a Karma Award, Group Nuyen Award, and any other loot the players have been awarded then be able to put a check box next to the names of the characters that can pick and choose from. I should be able to specify a date for these rewards also other then the date I enter the information. Then Chummer should put the awards in the log of each character for Karma, Auto-Split the Group Nuyen based on the number of characters selected and give the appropriate cash reward to each player then create an Item Cache that can be pulled from by those characters when I open a character to update the character. I think this would save some time for us GM's.
Thanks for the great work!
Jul 16 2011, 02:34 AM
My guess is he means only attached contacts are not up/downloaded with the character.

So enemies ec. will stay(and any info written in those neat little note-boxes).
1. Omae gained some content(yay, its startin to roll baby

). I“d already like to make suggestions for some of the uploaded characters/enemies.
Are comments still a possible feature of omae(that is hopefully worked on)?
2. Did changing the metatype(at least making a troll->human ec.) inside create-mode proof to be too difficult to implement?
I finally had the chance to use Chummer“s tab-system for GMing today. It proved to be extremely useful.

Not comparable to last time when it comes to organisation of contacts/enemies ec. .
But I still noticed:
3. Even in career-mode Chummer still enlists all activeskills, which is making it extremely hard to find the ones necessary at a time. A button in career-mode to hide/unhide skills with a rating of 0 would be much appreciated!
Jul 16 2011, 03:19 AM
QUOTE (McDougle @ Jul 15 2011, 09:34 PM)

My guess is he means only attached contacts are not up/downloaded with the character.

So enemies ec. will stay(and any info written in those neat little note-boxes).
3. Even in career-mode Chummer still enlists all activeskills, which is making it extremely hard to find the ones necessary at a time. A button in career-mode to hide/unhide skills with a rating of 0 would be much appreciated!
Yes I know, but you can attach characters to enemies, spirits and sprites as well. So if it's not uploading the attached character for contacts, it's also not doing so for those items as well.
My suggestion on how to fix this is to do two things. Add the attached character within the character as a xml field part of the contact/enemy, spirit or sprite. Also add the ability to save
that attached character as a standard character file. Or you could add an edit or display button and have it bring up a window to edit/display the attached character directly instead of doing it from a file.
You could have clicking on the link show a menu with "From File", "Create New (Contact, Enemy, Spirit or Sprite)" Creating a new character from the link would store the character in the currently opened character.
Or you can use Save As under the File menu to save the linked character to a File.
I had thought before that having Active skills work the same way as knowledge skills would be better. Click a button and select the skill you want to add from a list.
This would remove a lot of clutter since most characters will not have anything close to all skills.
Jul 16 2011, 10:25 AM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jul 16 2011, 05:19 AM)

Click a button and select the skill you want to add from a list.
Also a possibility. I still prefere a hide/unhide though, because that could proof to be a fast method ingame to check for the dicepool of defaulting something.
Because grouped skills are greyed out they still display the modified ratings(from qualities ec.), but if you hover over them you can“t see the tooltip.
I already requested the possibility to make notes to one itemtype or another.
I got another thought on that. In the gear-section there is always alot of empty space beneath the actual stats(even on my laptop). That would fit perfectly for note-boxes in altering sizes(in respect to the space available and with a slider(if necessary) of course).
That way players can also add in rule-hints to certain items(like scanners and the like).
Because the player would have to type it in personally, there shouldn“t be any trouble with law/copyrights.
Also, it would be great to link(or write in ^^) FakeLicenses to the corresponding gear/ware/vehicle/drone/action ec. .
Jul 16 2011, 11:56 AM
QUOTE (McDougle @ Jul 16 2011, 06:25 AM)

Also a possibility. I still prefere a hide/unhide though, because that could proof to be a fast method ingame to check for the dicepool of defaulting something.
Because grouped skills are greyed out they still display the modified ratings(from qualities ec.), but if you hover over them you can“t see the tooltip.
I already requested the possibility to make notes to one itemtype or another.
I got another thought on that. In the gear-section there is always alot of empty space beneath the actual stats(even on my laptop). That would fit perfectly for note-boxes in altering sizes(in respect to the space available and with a slider(if necessary) of course).
That way players can also add in rule-hints to certain items(like scanners and the like).
Because the player would have to type it in personally, there shouldn“t be any trouble with law/copyrights.
My suggestion would be to open up the character sheet for each character you need and minimize the main window. You could then use the task bar to see characters, or have windows tile them all. Not sure if the character sheet window has the characters name in it's main bad, but if it does then you can easily select characters.
Kevin Adams
Jul 16 2011, 02:23 PM
Trying out Chummer to create a character for a game. I created an Adept and added Improved Physical Attribute adept power. I went to add it again for another attribute and im not prompted to set the skill again. Chummer adds the power with the same attribute i chose previously.
This is the lastest version as i "checked for updates" last night.
Jul 16 2011, 02:37 PM
QUOTE (Kevin Adams @ Jul 16 2011, 04:23 PM)

This is the lastest version as i "checked for updates" last night.
Last night? Then I wouldn“t be to sure... There could have been an update since then.
Jul 16 2011, 03:24 PM
QUOTE (Fyndhal @ Jul 15 2011, 03:11 PM)

Downloading a character from Omae does not include contact files that character may have linked. I assume this means that when you upload a character, its contacts are not uploaded.
Not sure if that's something to fix or not. I can see arguments either way. Perhaps a prompt: "Upload linked contacts? Y/N"
Additionally, Omae allows you to upload "Created" and "non-Created" characters. If this is the case I would like a way when downloading a "Created" character to be able to revert it back to "non-Created".
Or the very least be able to filter on "Created" and "non-Created".
Jul 16 2011, 03:50 PM
Just downloaded a bunch of updates a few minutes ago, and something has definitely gone wonky on the base racial types (except for humans)... Anyway, none of the Base Races (Dwarf, Elf, Ork or Troll) have their Racial Qualities. If you select a metevariant they have the qualities related to the metavariant, but the base races do not.
Jul 16 2011, 03:57 PM
QUOTE (McDougle @ Jul 15 2011, 09:34 PM)

2. Did changing the metatype(at least making a troll->human ec.) inside create-mode proof to be too difficult to implement?
Being able to change your Metatype has been in there for a while now. Special > Change Metatype.
Jul 16 2011, 04:02 PM
QUOTE (Wizard_Thoarin @ Jul 16 2011, 10:50 AM)

Just downloaded a bunch of updates a few minutes ago, and something has definitely gone wonky on the base racial types (except for humans)... Anyway, none of the Base Races (Dwarf, Elf, Ork or Troll) have their Racial Qualities. If you select a metevariant they have the qualities related to the metavariant, but the base races do not.
None of the base metatypes have Qualities. The base metatypes have don't have the Low-Light Vision and Thermographic Vision since they're Metagenetic Qualities from Runner's Companion which is a book that people may not have enabled for their games. The base metatypes have always been like this.
Jul 16 2011, 04:06 PM
QUOTE (Kevin Adams @ Jul 16 2011, 09:23 AM)

Trying out Chummer to create a character for a game. I created an Adept and added Improved Physical Attribute adept power. I went to add it again for another attribute and im not prompted to set the skill again. Chummer adds the power with the same attribute i chose previously.
This is the lastest version as i "checked for updates" last night.
Oh, I see what's happening now. I couldn't reproduce it there for a few minutes. If you add all of your Improved Physical Attribute Powers first, you can select an Attribute Each time. If you add Improved Physical Attribute, change its Rating, then add another one, it doesn't ask you for your Attribute choice again. I'll have this fixed in the next update, but there's at least some sort of work-around for it right now.
Kevin Adams
Jul 16 2011, 04:21 PM
Forgive me if this has been posted in the thread before. I've tried searching and even downloading the topic but the search wont let me search thru topics and the download topic only downloads the page im viewing.
Im playing with the covert ops example character. I noticed that there were two 1s next to AGI and REA that, no matter what i did, would not go away or change. I removed all of the cyber and anything else that might add a bonus and they did not change. Next i decided to recreate the same character from scratch, adding in all the same abilities, etc. In the newly created character things are different. Not radically so, but the two augmented indicators have changed. I can send you my recreated version of Covert Ops Spec if you'd like something to compare.
Im sure the mechanics of the program have changed substantially since those examples were created. But I wanted to point this out in case its an actual bug with the program not validating a character when it is loaded again (assuming Chummer even does that

Jul 16 2011, 04:40 PM
Check your armour. Chummer displays the penalties for over-armouring. You can "unequip" the armour pieces you don't want to wear for the moment.
Jul 16 2011, 04:57 PM
QUOTE (Kevin Adams @ Jul 16 2011, 11:21 AM)

Forgive me if this has been posted in the thread before. I've tried searching and even downloading the topic but the search wont let me search thru topics and the download topic only downloads the page im viewing.
Im playing with the covert ops example character. I noticed that there were two 1s next to AGI and REA that, no matter what i did, would not go away or change. I removed all of the cyber and anything else that might add a bonus and they did not change. Next i decided to recreate the same character from scratch, adding in all the same abilities, etc. In the newly created character things are different. Not radically so, but the two augmented indicators have changed. I can send you my recreated version of Covert Ops Spec if you'd like something to compare.
Im sure the mechanics of the program have changed substantially since those examples were created. But I wanted to point this out in case its an actual bug with the program not validating a character when it is loaded again (assuming Chummer even does that

As Marwynn mentioned, it's the Armor that's affecting these Attributes on him. The example characters were updated back on June 6th to get them up to the new Quality saving format and they haven't needed any changing since.
The problem is that the Covert Ops Specialist has a BOD of 2, but is wearing an Armor Jacket and a Chameleon Suit (according to his gear in the SR4A book), which puts him well over the BOD * 2 limit for Armor Encumbrance. As such, he suffers huge penalties to AGI and REA. If you removed the Equipped status for both pieces of Armor, his AGI and REA go back to where they should be. You could also turn on the optional rule to ignore Armor Encumbrance if the character is only wearing a single piece of Armor, in which case un-Equipping one will solve the AGI/REA problem.
The example characters in the book aren't exactly great example of Shadowrun characters in general. I originally created those saves while I was doing early development to make sure that what I was doing and the numbers I was coming up with agreed with what the book showed. It was at that time that I found these characters have a number of inconsistencies that drove me insane - numbers don't add up, wrong names are used, and on and on... But I included them so others could at least see how a character is assembled in Chummer and could compare them to the example characters we've all seen from the book. I lost track of how many times I had to figure out all of the numbers by hand just to make sure that what Chummer was coming up with was correct and that the numbers on the characters in the book were wrong.
Kevin Adams
Jul 16 2011, 05:00 PM
QUOTE (Marwynn @ Jul 16 2011, 12:40 PM)

Check your armour. Chummer displays the penalties for over-armouring. You can "unequip" the armour pieces you don't want to wear for the moment.
THANK YOU!!! Apparently im not familiar with teh over-armouring penalties. I feel bad for the guys in my weekly SR4 game [evil grin].
Kevin Adams
Jul 16 2011, 05:53 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 16 2011, 12:57 PM)

I lost track of how many times I had to figure out all of the numbers by hand just to make sure that what Chummer was coming up with was correct and that the numbers on the characters in the book were wrong.

That occurred to me as i was writing my post. Im sure that was HORRIBLE!!! Great job though.
Jul 16 2011, 06:43 PM
Hey, first post here.
I upped Aokami, a character I built for an upcoming game.
Here's an idea.
Can we throw up a generic build section in addition to contact and enemies?
Jul 16 2011, 06:48 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 16 2011, 09:02 AM)

None of the base metatypes have Qualities. The base metatypes have don't have the Low-Light Vision and Thermographic Vision since they're Metagenetic Qualities from Runner's Companion which is a book that people may not have enabled for their games. The base metatypes have always been like this.
Well, I've got Runner's Companion enabled since I've got the book and yes I made sure it was checked and have even shutdown and started Chummer a couple times. But SR4A pg 81 the table at the top of the page (Metatype Attribute Table) also lists Abilities next to the race name... I associate these Abilities as Racial Qualities.
Humans: +1 edge (which is working and shows up on the character sheet)
Troll: +1 Reach, +1 Natural Armor cumulative with worn armor (seems to be working or showing up on the character sheet)
but the following abilities don't show up anywhere that I can see (character sheet or anywhere else in Chummer):
Ork: Low Light Vision
Dwarf: Thermographic Vision, and +2 dice to Body Tests to resist Pathogens and Toxins
Elf: Low Light Vision
Troll: Thermographic Vision
Since the above is part of the base race, even though they may be removed or changed in the Metavariants, shouldn't they make it onto the characters sheet if someone chooses to play a plain old Dwarf or Elf and not one of the Metavariants?
Jul 16 2011, 09:11 PM
Another item:
SMG's have a concealability mod of +4 which is not reflected in the Weapons data. I noticed this when boggling over the fact that an FN 5-7C had a higher Concealability Mod than an Ingram Smartgun X.
Jul 16 2011, 09:21 PM
QUOTE (Fyndhal @ Jul 16 2011, 04:11 PM)

Another item:
SMG's have a concealability mod of +4 which is not reflected in the Weapons data. I noticed this when boggling over the fact that an FN 5-7C had a higher Concealability Mod than an Ingram Smartgun X.
SMGs do have their concealability set properly at +4. Ingram Smartgun X has a conceal of +4 (standard for all Submachine Guns). The FN 5-7C has a concealability of +2 (standard for all Machine Pistols). Remember that higher is worse in this situation since concealability affect the spotter's dice pool.
Jul 16 2011, 09:23 PM
QUOTE (Chromeburner @ Jul 16 2011, 01:43 PM)

Hey, first post here.
I upped Aokami, a character I built for an upcoming game.
Here's an idea.
Can we throw up a generic build section in addition to contact and enemies?
Are you asking to just add another category to the list of character types in Omae? Just want to make sure you're not looking for a place to store characters for a weekly game session since it's intended to be an online repository for people to pick up NPCs, and not just personal online storage.
Jul 16 2011, 10:17 PM
First, thank you so much for making this. It has helped me a lot!
Now, on to my one gripe about it. I'm trying to make a character with dormant metagenetics, but it doesn't even show up on the list unless I uncheck the box for showing only qualities that I can take. Even then, it says that I have to have one of the Changling qualities to take it. However, my understanding from RC is that the dormant metagenetics quality is for runners who haven't changed, yet, but have the necessary genetic code for it to happen in game.
Jul 16 2011, 10:51 PM
QUOTE (gamergurl23 @ Jul 16 2011, 05:17 PM)

First, thank you so much for making this. It has helped me a lot!
Now, on to my one gripe about it. I'm trying to make a character with dormant metagenetics, but it doesn't even show up on the list unless I uncheck the box for showing only qualities that I can take. Even then, it says that I have to have one of the Changling qualities to take it. However, my understanding from RC is that the dormant metagenetics quality is for runners who haven't changed, yet, but have the necessary genetic code for it to happen in game.
You're right. I marked the Dormant Metagenetics as being required to take the Qualities instead of marking them as forbidden Qualities. I've updated the Qualities data file to correct this.
Jul 16 2011, 11:17 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jul 15 2011, 07:02 PM)

Just a question about Omae, because I know at some point someone will have this problem. How does one recover ones account if you can't remember your login information?
Ever have one of those times when you realise that something is missing as soon as you're done? This was one of those times.

This will be in the next update.
Jul 16 2011, 11:27 PM
Jul 16 2011, 11:50 PM
Another small update to correct a quirk in the Improvement Manager, and take care of some issues with Omae while it's still small, otherwise these would be a bigger pain in the butt to fix later.

Build 153
- fixed an issue with the Improvement Manager that forced values to be selected after changing the Rating of an Adept Power
- character's Created status is now sent as part of their upload information for Omae
- added support for filtering characters in Career or Create Mode to Omae
- added a My Account button to Omae that appears after you are logged in which lets you add or change the email address for your account
- added support for resetting your Omae password which emails your new password (must have an email address set for your account)
Burrito Al Pastor
Jul 17 2011, 03:51 AM
I'm having an issue with a character I haven't opened in... about two weeks. He's an adept, and I'm finding that now I have 2.00 power points unspent, powers that I was sure I had bought are missing, and I have a two point skill rating modifier to my Automatics skill which I can't find or get rid of. (Notably, I have Way of the Warrior, I had Improved Combat Skill (Automatics) at 2 on Way discount, and now that's gone.) So it seems like some of my adept powers went away but their math didn't? And can't be recalculated?
Separately, although I'm very happy to see that military armors now have capacity for gear, I'd like to note that 1) the stuff built into the armor (camera, flare comp, image link, smartlink, etc. on helmet, for example) are not listed, and 2) only the gear from core with capacity listings in the table on page 44 appear to be added, but there's a note in that table that for items in this book, see individual listings. (I'd like to have ultrawideband in my helmet, for example.)
Jul 17 2011, 04:13 AM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 16 2011, 05:21 PM)

SMGs do have their concealability set properly at +4. Ingram Smartgun X has a conceal of +4 (standard for all Submachine Guns). The FN 5-7C has a concealability of +2 (standard for all Machine Pistols). Remember that higher is worse in this situation since concealability affect the spotter's dice pool.

Strange...the Ingram Smartgun in my save had it as +0. I added a new copy and it's +4. Wonky!
Jul 17 2011, 05:21 AM
QUOTE (Fyndhal @ Jul 16 2011, 09:13 PM)

Strange...the Ingram Smartgun in my save had it as +0. I added a new copy and it's +4. Wonky!
Did you happen to have the concealable holster added to the weapon? That would lower your Conceal rating for the weapon.
Jul 17 2011, 06:09 AM
I can't seem to find any nanites. Nanohive is easy enough, but that's it. Have they been added yet?
Jul 17 2011, 06:18 AM
QUOTE (longbowrocks @ Jul 17 2011, 01:09 AM)

I can't seem to find any nanites. Nanohive is easy enough, but that's it. Have they been added yet?
Nanocybernetics is all a part of Cyberware,, but it looks like I missed the Nanoware stuff from AU 110. I'll add these to Gear some time on Sunday.
Jul 17 2011, 07:00 AM
A thought came to me as I was bouncing around a couple of tabs in chummer and PDFs of books for a mystic adept I was inspired to create. Would it be possible to at least include on the Spells and Spirits tab the benefits & drawback of the selected Mentor Spirit? And if so, where choices might be possible (like a bonus given for one of two types of spirits) for the benefits could a choice be at least indicated with a radio button?
Jul 17 2011, 09:24 AM
Thanks. Also, how would I add response enhancer (UN 196), or directional antenna (UN 199) to my commlink?
Jul 17 2011, 04:12 PM
QUOTE (longbowrocks @ Jul 17 2011, 04:24 AM)

Thanks. Also, how would I add response enhancer (UN 196), or directional antenna (UN 199) to my commlink?
Gear has been updated to include Nanoware, Electronics, and Commlink Modules from Arsenal and Unwired. Anything else you'd like to point out that I missed?

(The Fetch Module's Rating won't work properly until the next update since it required support for varying Avail based on Rating)
Jul 17 2011, 04:26 PM
I'll test the living daylights out of it.
Jul 17 2011, 04:33 PM
Ah, you can't select a rating for nonstandard wireless link or response enhancer.
Jul 17 2011, 04:39 PM
You can if you update your file (again)!
Jul 17 2011, 04:47 PM
I'm having trouble with Improved Ability not adding to my Unarmed Combat pool. I'm getting really odd results on top of that. Somehow 5+3=9, but 5+2=7, and 6 ranks of improved ability are ignored either way. I don't get it at all. This happens for every character I make.
Jul 17 2011, 05:02 PM
QUOTE (ggodo @ Jul 17 2011, 11:47 AM)

I'm having trouble with Improved Ability not adding to my Unarmed Combat pool. I'm getting really odd results on top of that. Somehow 5+3=9, but 5+2=7, and 6 ranks of improved ability are ignored either way. I don't get it at all. This happens for every character I make.
If you hover over the total value for Unarmed Combat, it should pop up a tooltip showing you everything that's counting towards that Skill.
I believe you're running into the maximum modified skill rating rule. If you have Unarmed Combat Rating 5, AGI 3, and Improved Ability (Unarmed Combat) Rating 6, your total score for Unarmed Combat should be 10. You'd get 5 from Unarmed Combat itself, 2 from Improved Ability (Unarmed Combat) because it cannot take Unarmed Combat higher than 1.5X its Rating by itself (see SR4A 196), and 3 from AGI.
If your group doesn't use the Maximum Modified Rating rule, you can turn it off by going to Tools > Options and removing the check from "Enforce maximum Skill modified Rating". (You'll need to restart Chummer for the change to take effect)
Jul 17 2011, 05:16 PM
QUOTE (McDougle @ Jul 11 2011, 03:45 PM)

It should be possible to connect a weaponfocus and the corresponding weapon(altering the dv on the way).
Where does it say that Weapon Foci add their Force to DV? The only thing I've seen in the rules is that they add their Force as a dice pool modifier to the Weapon, which I'm presuming means you get additional dice for the Test to hit the opponent (and is why I don't have it including any bonus right now since it's a conditional thing).
Jul 17 2011, 05:45 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 17 2011, 10:02 AM)

If you hover over the total value for Unarmed Combat, it should pop up a tooltip showing you everything that's counting towards that Skill.
I believe you're running into the maximum modified skill rating rule. If you have Unarmed Combat Rating 5, AGI 3, and Improved Ability (Unarmed Combat) Rating 6, your total score for Unarmed Combat should be 10. You'd get 5 from Unarmed Combat itself, 2 from Improved Ability (Unarmed Combat) because it cannot take Unarmed Combat higher than 1.5X its Rating by itself (see SR4A 196), and 3 from AGI.
If your group doesn't use the Maximum Modified Rating rule, you can turn it off by going to Tools > Options and removing the check from "Enforce maximum Skill modified Rating". (You'll need to restart Chummer for the change to take effect)
Reverse AGI and skill, 3 in skill, 5 in AGI 6 in Improved Ability. I should have 14, but it
seems like it's only counting improved ability as a rating 1 power, no matter what I do to it's rating.wait, it's doing some wierd proportional thing. according to the mouseover, I get one point of IMP AB for every two points of skill. I'm going to test and see if this is happening with other skills.
Jul 17 2011, 05:49 PM
It's doing it for all Improved Ability powers, combat or no. This worked earlier, so I'm not sure what's up now.
Dakka Dakka
Jul 17 2011, 05:49 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jul 17 2011, 07:16 PM)

Where does it say that Weapon Foci add their Force to DV? The only thing I've seen in the rules is that they add their Force as a dice pool modifier to the Weapon, which I'm presuming means you get additional dice for the Test to hit the opponent (and is why I don't have it including any bonus right now since it's a conditional thing).
Exactly. Also, they only add dice to the attack. Defense gets no bonus.
It would be good however to specify the type of weapon for the focus which will then be added at no cost and can be modded. Something like:
Katana (Force 1 Weapon Focus) 10k „
-Personalized Grip 100„
Jul 17 2011, 06:19 PM
QUOTE (ggodo @ Jul 17 2011, 12:45 PM)

Reverse AGI and skill, 3 in skill, 5 in AGI 6 in Improved Ability. I should have 14, but it seems like it's only counting improved ability as a rating 1 power, no matter what I do to it's rating.
wait, it's doing some wierd proportional thing. according to the mouseover, I get one point of IMP AB for every two points of skill. I'm going to test and see if this is happening with other skills.
You're still hitting the cap then. With Unarmed Combat 3, the modified skill rating can never go higher than 4 (so you're only getting 1 of the (or whatever number you have it at) from Improved Ability). Maximum Skill Rating is always defined as Skill's Rating (not including any bonuses such as linked Attribute) x 1.5. So even if you have 100 points of bonuses, if Unarmed Combat is at 3, its Modified Rating can never go higher than 4.
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