* You can't reload a cyberware shotgun or I'm dumb. Tested that in english and french version.
* (related) still same bug in cyberware.xml about shotgun w/flechette. => this cyberware shouldn't exist because :
- That entry you saw in SR4A 344 are the weapon's stats when loaded with flechette, not a new cyberware. There's no price and no ess cost on it.
- in weapons.xml you didn't made a special shotgun for flechettes rounds.
* in cyberware.xml still same db bug. I think there's a confusion between touck link / skinlink. Touch link (SR4A 342) is a cyberware and is ok. Skinlink (SRA 328) is an item accessory : even if you want them to be able to be on cyberware things, you should then add all the items in the electronic accessories (category for exemple), like for gear items. So imho (but that's me) either all addon items in cyberware.xml or nothing.
* loads of problems in softwares.xml for complex forms, I'll list them later this weekend (alllready made a report but maybe it should be re-actualized).
* in the french version, the searchbox does not work very well with accent words. In gear's searchbox, try typing "Syst" => you find some "Système" items, then continue to type "Systè" and there's nothing left.
* Vehicle similar models ? There's similar models for us arsenal, germans made more similar models (i think), and french add similars models over the german version.
* S.O.X. got a few more things in it (really few, like 2 items, a few spells, and a few other things). Do you want them ?
* what about the gear tab always selectionned by default (only in carrier mode), instead of lifestyles ?
* what about that item or something similar :
<name>Generic : </name>
<category>Gamemaster's items</category>
<selecttext />

Same for Vehicle ? Weapons ? Armors ?
* Custom spells ?
* what I'd REALLY love would be increasing font size when you put chummer in full screen to fit all the screen. I'm using win7, and always have to push the windows key + '+' to zoom or i can't read (big screen, but from far). Zoomed in with a quite "fake full screen" with that trick, that is perfect to read, but to use that's terrible.
Is it possible when switching to full screen that you put the font size to, say, some sort of 20 or something, so the font fit the same like when chummer start with little size ?
* My rigger player would kill me if I don't tell you that : for him you're half a hero, half a criminal, because he have loads and load of micromanaging to do. He would love an easier access to put ammo on his vehicles gun, for exemple, like buy ammo from the gear equipement tab and transmit them to one of his vehicle, same for all vehicle equipement.
In game, that's what he tipically does : he receives the ammo in his garage, and reload his drones with the stuff he allready have bough. Today he have to destroy some ammo from his gear tab and buy them back for free in the vehicle tab.
The main problem for me is that he's taller and older than me.

* My rigger player, my magician player and my technomancer player would alleluïa praise you if you made cheat sheets with computed dicepools. My magician player is a small guy, so you shouldn't care a lot, but the technomancer is the brother of the rigger, so I fear him a little.

* My rigger player would absolutly kill another guy for you to calculate the dicepools he shoots with, for vehicles (Automatic, AR command, VR command, Hot-sim). Name the target, he said.
* A lot of db bugs I wrote here remained without notices, so I don't know if you ack them or not, if you were agree or not and if they will be changed or not. To follow you I'm quite in the mist, there.
On the other side, I can make a huge centralized list of things that got no answers if you want things to be more clear : I've got now time for this