Apr 20 2011, 09:39 PM
Much appreciated. I'll have these fixed for this weekend's update.
Apr 21 2011, 12:53 AM
I also noted that Edge, Magic and Resonance are being thrown into the mix with Physical & Mental when limiting the attribute maximums at character creation. I could have a 6 edge or 6 magic, but not both. Or say I maxed out my strength and if I tried to max out edge/resonance/magic, it would return an error.
Apr 21 2011, 02:19 AM
Okay, here's the knowledge skills as promised. This is probably the section that people will get the most value out of moding, but here's a starting list if you want it.
[ Spoiler ]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<name>Area Knoweldge: Atlanta</name>
<name>Area Knoweldge: Cheyenne</name>
<name>Area Knoweldge: Chicago</name>
<name>Area Knoweldge: Denver</name>
<name>Area Knoweldge: FDC</name>
<name>Area Knoweldge: Hong-Kong</name>
<name>Area Knoweldge: LA</name>
<name>Area Knoweldge: Manhattan</name>
<name>Area Knoweldge: Portland</name>
<name>Area Knoweldge: Seattle</name>
<spec>Council Island</spec>
<spec>Seattle Matrix</spec>
<spec>Hard Liquor</spec>
<spec>Quebec City</spec>
<spec>Algonkian-Manitou Council</spec>
<spec>Athabaskan Council</spec>
<spec>Carribean League</spec>
<spec>California Free State</spec>
<spec>Pueblo Corporate Council</spec>
<spec>Salish-Shidhe Council</spec>
<spec>Tir Tairngaire</spec>
<spec>Tsimshian Protectorate</spec>
<spec>N. America</spec>
<spec>S. America</spec>
<spec>Western Europe</spec>
<spec>Eastern Europe</spec>
<spec>Northern Europe</spec>
<spec>Asia - Pacific</spec>
<spec>Asia - Minor</spec>
<spec>Middle East</spec>
<spec>Da Vinci</spec>
<spec>Van Gogh</spec>
<spec>N. America</spec>
<spec>S. America</spec>
<spec>Western Europe</spec>
<spec>Eastern Europe</spec>
<spec>Northern Europe</spec>
<spec>Asia - Pacific</spec>
<spec>Asia - Minor</spec>
<spec>Middle East</spec>
<spec>People Management</spec>
<spec>Project Management</spec>
<spec>Supply and Demand</spec>
<spec>Small Business</spec>
<spec>Time Management</spec>
<name>Combat Tactics</name>
<spec>Hostage Rescue</spec>
<spec>Open Field</spec>
<spec>Outer Space</spec>
<name>Bars and Clubs</name>
<spec>Quebec City</spec>
<name>Data Havens</name>
<spec>N. America</spec>
<spec>S. America</spec>
<spec>Western Europe</spec>
<spec>Eastern Europe</spec>
<spec>Northern Europe</spec>
<spec>Asia - Pacific</spec>
<spec>Asia - Minor</spec>
<spec>Middle East</spec>
<spec>Quebec City</spec>
<spec>Algonkian-Manitou Council</spec>
<spec>Athabaskan Council</spec>
<spec>Carribean League</spec>
<spec>California Free State</spec>
<spec>Pueblo Corporate Council</spec>
<spec>Salish-Shidhe Council</spec>
<spec>Tir Tairngaire</spec>
<spec>Tsimshian Protectorate</spec>
<spec>N. America</spec>
<spec>S. America</spec>
<spec>Western Europe</spec>
<spec>Eastern Europe</spec>
<spec>Northern Europe</spec>
<spec>Asia - Pacific</spec>
<spec>Asia - Minor</spec>
<spec>Middle East</spec>
<spec>Heavy Weapons</spec>
<spec>Dawn of Atlantis</spec>
<spec>Dark Eye</spec>
<spec>Grand Larceny</spec>
<spec>Killing Floor</spec>
<spec>Paranormal Crisis</spec>
<spec>Miracle Shooter</spec>
<spec>Spectrum Delta</spec>
<spec>SC IV: Protoss Gate</spec>
<spec>World of Shadows</spec>
<spec>Urban Brawl League 70</spec>
<spec>Guild Ages</spec>
<spec>Area Boys</spec>
<spec>Cirque du Sorciere</spec>
<spec>Chaos Engine</spec>
<spec>Comando Verdge</spec>
<spec>Desolation Angels</spec>
<spec>First Nations</spec>
<spec>Ghost Cartels</spec>
<spec>Hell's Angels</spec>
<spec>Iron Crosses</spec>
<spec>Los Verdugos</spec>
<spec>Los Angeles Ardientes</spec>
<spec>Lynch Mob</spec>
<spec>Numbers Gang</spec>
<spec>Steppin Wulfs</spec>
<spec>Thunder Boys</spec>
<spec>Quebec City</spec>
<spec>Algonkian-Manitou Council</spec>
<spec>Athabaskan Council</spec>
<spec>Carribean League</spec>
<spec>California Free State</spec>
<spec>Pueblo Corporate Council</spec>
<spec>Salish-Shidhe Council</spec>
<spec>Tir Tairngaire</spec>
<spec>Tsimshian Protectorate</spec>
<name>Ghost Cartels</name>
<spec>Safe Houses</spec>
<spec>Quebec City</spec>
<spec>Algonkian-Manitou Council</spec>
<spec>Athabaskan Council</spec>
<spec>Carribean League</spec>
<spec>California Free State</spec>
<spec>Pueblo Corporate Council</spec>
<spec>Salish-Shidhe Council</spec>
<spec>Tir Tairngaire</spec>
<spec>Tsimshian Protectorate</spec>
<spec>N. America</spec>
<spec>S. America</spec>
<spec>Western Europe</spec>
<spec>Eastern Europe</spec>
<spec>Northern Europe</spec>
<spec>Asia - Pacific</spec>
<spec>Asia - Minor</spec>
<spec>Middle East</spec>
<spec>Goblin Rock</spec>
<spec>Trash Metal Troll</spec>
<spec>Retro Gothic</spec>
<spec>Elven Rap</spec>
<spec>Neo-J Pop</spec>
<spec>Nova K Rock</spec>
<spec>Quebec City</spec>
<spec>Algonkian-Manitou Council</spec>
<spec>Athabaskan Council</spec>
<spec>Carribean League</spec>
<spec>California Free State</spec>
<spec>Pueblo Corporate Council</spec>
<spec>Salish-Shidhe Council</spec>
<spec>Tir Tairngaire</spec>
<spec>Tsimshian Protectorate</spec>
<spec>N. America</spec>
<spec>S. America</spec>
<spec>Western Europe</spec>
<spec>Eastern Europe</spec>
<spec>Northern Europe</spec>
<spec>Asia - Pacific</spec>
<spec>Asia - Minor</spec>
<spec>Middle East</spec>
<spec>N. America</spec>
<spec>S. America</spec>
<spec>Western Europe</spec>
<spec>Eastern Europe</spec>
<spec>Northern Europe</spec>
<spec>Asia - Pacific</spec>
<spec>Asia - Minor</spec>
<spec>Middle East</spec>
<spec>Quebec City</spec>
<spec>Algonkian-Manitou Council</spec>
<spec>Athabaskan Council</spec>
<spec>Carribean League</spec>
<spec>California Free State</spec>
<spec>Pueblo Corporate Council</spec>
<spec>Salish-Shidhe Council</spec>
<spec>Tir Tairngaire</spec>
<spec>Tsimshian Protectorate</spec>
<spec>N. America</spec>
<spec>S. America</spec>
<spec>Western Europe</spec>
<spec>Eastern Europe</spec>
<spec>Northern Europe</spec>
<spec>Asia - Pacific</spec>
<spec>Asia - Minor</spec>
<spec>Middle East</spec>
<spec>N. America</spec>
<spec>S. America</spec>
<spec>Western Europe</spec>
<spec>Eastern Europe</spec>
<spec>Northern Europe</spec>
<spec>Asia - Pacific</spec>
<spec>Asia - Minor</spec>
<spec>Middle East</spec>
<spec>Science Fiction</spec>
<spec>N. America</spec>
<spec>S. America</spec>
<spec>Western Europe</spec>
<spec>Eastern Europe</spec>
<spec>Northern Europe</spec>
<spec>Asia - Pacific</spec>
<spec>Asia - Minor</spec>
<spec>Middle East</spec>
<spec>Safe Houses</spec>
<name>Magic Traditions</name>
<spec>Magic Adepts</spec>
<name>Magical Theory</name>
<spec>Astral World</spec>
<spec>Mentor Spirits</spec>
<name>Magical Threats</name>
<spec>Blood Magic</spec>
<spec>Toxic Magic</spec>
<spec>Insect Spirits</spec>
<spec>Air Force</spec>
<spec>Coast Guard</spec>
<spec>Military Magic</spec>
<spec>Special Forces</spec>
<name>Security Design</name>
<spec>Public Event</spec>
<name>Security Companies</name>
<spec>Lone Star</spec>
<spec>Knight Errand</spec>
<spec>Hard Corps</spec>
<spec>Minutemen Security</spec>
<name>Security Tactics</name>
<spec>Crimson Rush</spec>
<spec>Security Company</spec>
<spec>Rapid Response</spec>
<spec>Border Patrol</spec>
<name>Shadow Community</name>
<spec>Safe Houses</spec>
<spec>Combat Biking</spec>
<spec>Urban Brawl</spec>
<spec>Ghost Cartels</spec>
<spec>Quebec City</spec>
<spec>Algonkian-Manitou Council</spec>
<spec>Athabaskan Council</spec>
<spec>Carribean League</spec>
<spec>California Free State</spec>
<spec>Pueblo Corporate Council</spec>
<spec>Salish-Shidhe Council</spec>
<spec>Tir Tairngaire</spec>
<spec>Tsimshian Protectorate</spec>
<spec>Safe Houses</spec>
<spec>Black Magic</spec>
<spec>Financial Crime</spec>
<spec>Matrix Crime</spec>
<spec>Money Laundering</spec>
<spec>White Collar</spec>
<spec>Safe Houses</spec>
<spec>Safe Houses</spec>
Apr 21 2011, 02:28 AM
The EDG/MAG/RES maximums are cleaned up will be in this weekend's update.
Thanks a bunch for the list of Skills, whatevs. This will certainly give people something to start with for Knowledge Skills!
Apr 21 2011, 12:07 PM
Well, some of them might be a little too broad as per RAW but if anyone doesn't like 'em all theyhave to do is mod the .xml. So everyone wins as far as I can tell.
Apr 22 2011, 12:57 PM
Came across some small things with gear:
- In Tasers, the Defiance Protector has a built-in Geko Grip and Top Mounted Laser Sight. I successfully added the Laser Sight in the XML, but no luck with the Geko Grip. ARS Pg20
- Would it be possible to include a list of weapon accessories included with each weapon in the add weapon window? (before you choose the weapon)
- That being said, any plans to support weapon modifications as apposed to weapon accessories in the future?
Apr 22 2011, 03:25 PM
Well, since Vehicle Weapons were really just standard Weapons with the Mods piece stacked on top, changing it so that any Weapon could have a Mod was s snap. Everything you listed there will be in the next update.
Apr 22 2011, 04:17 PM
Sick! This thing is already the best, and most flexible, char generator around (in my opinion). Can't wait for the next update!
Apr 22 2011, 11:30 PM
QUOTE (LonePaladin @ Apr 19 2011, 12:49 PM)

More suggestions and/or observations.
- The list of purchased items could stand to have a couple extra columns; definitely one showing the price, perhaps also one for the items' ratings. Same goes for augmentations, perhaps with an Essence cost as well.
Just to fill you in: I spent all of the day trying to get this to work with Cyberware using a 3rd party control. It had a few issues like being an absolute headache to work with, and changing the grade caused it to select Standard as the default (that wasn't a real problem since you could still correctly choose the grade you wanted, but it could lead to accidental grade changes). The other major problem with this is that none of the ones let you mix different types of information. Not a big deal for Cyberware since Cyberware plugins are just other pieces of Cyberware. It becomes a show-stopper, however, when you work with Weapons which are made up of Weapon, Weapon Accessories, and Weapon Modifications, and Vehicles which are made up of Vehicles, Vehicle Modifications, Weapons, Weapon Accessories, and Weapon Modifications.
Long and short of it all: While I really liked how it looked, it doesn't look like it will work with Chummer since I need to mix different objects.
Apr 23 2011, 03:44 AM
As promised, here's this weekend's update. Just run Chummer's update and grab everything there.
Build 51
- added <weaponcategorydv /> support to the Improvement Manager which adjusts the Damage of all Weapons in a Category
- added <cyberwareessmultiplier /> support to the Improvement Manager which multiplies the ESS cost of Cyberware
- added <selectmentorspirit /> support to the Improvement Manager which prompts for a Mentor Spirit and applies its bonuses
- moved <addattribute /> support to the Improvement Manager so anything can add MAG or RES to a character
- moved <enabletab /> support to the Improvement Manager so anything can enable the special ability tabs for a character
- added "limittoskill" support to <selectskill /> which limits the Skill list to only the Skills specified
- added "excludeattribute" support to <selectattribute /> which excludes the listed Attributes from the Select Attribute window
- EDG, MAG, and RES are no long subject to the one Physical or Mental Attribute at maximum rule
- Lucky Positive Quality now affects EDG
- EDG cannot be the selected Attribute for the Exceptional Attribute Positive Quality
- Uneducated Negative Quality now prevents characters from putting BP into Technical Active Skills
- Uneducated Negative Quality now removes access to Academic and Profesionally Knowledge Skills
- added support for Martial Arts
- added support for Mentor Spirits
- added support for Bonded Foci
- Select windows with Search now remember the Category of the item selected if a Search was performed
- marked Rigger Adaptation and Weapon Mount (Normal, External, Fixed, Manual) Vehicle Mods as being from SR4
- areas expand and contract with window size to play nicely in lower resolutions and maximized windows
- adding an Enemy now updates the BP totals immeidately
- Add Enemy now checks to make sure adding a new Enemy will not take you over the -35 BP for Qualities or -25 BP for Enemies limits
- added Vehicle Weapons and Vehicle Missiles from Arsenal
- Language Knowledge Skills are now correctly linked to INT instead of LOG
- added support for Knowledge Skills to skills.xml (big thanks to whatevs for providing the content for it and pointing me in the right direction)
- appropriate pieces of Arsenal Clothing now stack with each other for determining total Armor Ratings
- Form-Fitting Armor now stacks
- armors that start with "Form-Fitting" only contributes half of its values towards Armor Encumbrance
- corrected an error that occured when selecting Adept Powers that affect an Active Skill
- fixed an issue where Cyberware/Bioware with Ratings was calcuating ESS cost incorrectly in regions that use something other than "." to separate decimal places
- added page number references to all item entries
- page number is now shown on the character sheet (applies to items added to a character after this update)
- added "Character Information" tab to enter general character information such as sex, age, height, weight, etc.
- added general character information to character sheet
- Nuyen amounts up to 999,999,999 are now properly formatted
- new Knowledge Skills are placed in the correct location when the list is scrolled
- added Essence and Nuyen Remaining information to the status bar
- Gear can now have multiple <addoncategory /> entries
- moved Sim Modules into their own Gear Category which can only be added to Commlinks and other devices that explicity refer to them in <addoncategory />
- Matrix Programs can now only be added to Commlinks and other devices that explicity refer to them in <addoncategory />
- Commlink Operating Systems can now only be added to Commlinks and other devices that explicity refer to them in <addoncategory />
- added Basic User, Basic+, and Pro User Suites to Matrix Programs
- added support for Commlink Response, Signal, Firewall and System upgrades
- Commlinks now display their Reeponse, Signal, Firewall, and System values when selected in the Select Gear window
- Commlinks now display their Response, Signal, Firewall, and System totals when selected on the Gear tab
- Commlinks now display their Plugins on printouts
- save files can now be linked to Contacts and Enemies
- Weapon Modifications can now be added to standard Weapons
- Vehicle Weapon Modifications now use Weapon Cost correctly for determine their own cost when applicable
- adding Ammunition that starts with "Ammo:" now asks for a Weapon Category to be linked to
- the Grade list is now properly disabled when adding a Cyberware plugin
Apr 23 2011, 02:18 PM
Playing around with it this morning everything is looking good so far but I noticed a couple things I'd like to see added.
1. Source Book and Page information (I don't know if this shows up on the character sheet but it would be nice to be listed when deciding if you want to add an item). If its not on the character sheet it would be nice for certain items, especially spells and spirits.
2. Going through the Knowledge skills, it would be nice if the drop down box on the right that lets you select Academic, Interest, Language, etc filtered the items selectable on the left so that if you select Languages on the right only languages show up in the left side drop down box.
3. Unless I'm missing something I don't see a way to designate a Language as "Native"
Keep up the good work.
Apr 23 2011, 02:27 PM
Also, the knowledge skill 'Italian' is listed twice, probably in the xml file that way.
I also noticed the Native language designation not being there, but figured that was intentional as someone could just note their native language.
Apr 23 2011, 03:19 PM
Sourcebook and page number for all items (gear, spells, powers, qualities, etc) are listed on the character sheet. I'll look at adding them to the appropriate places in the application as well. Another one of those seemingly obvious things that I've overlooked.

The tooltip for Knowledge Skills quickly mentions how to set a native language (not the best place for it). Since Languages are Skills like everything else, and Ratings don't allow "N" as a value because they require a number, a native language simply has a Rating of 0 (since it doesn't actually cost you any BP). On the printed character sheet, it appears properly with a Rating of "N". As I'm typing this, I now realise I can put "N" beside the number field that shows the total pool size to make this much clearer. This will be in the next update.
Apr 23 2011, 11:55 PM
Look at that list of updates. Just awesome stuff. Havn't had time to do some testing yet, but in response to concerns above what about a seperate section (and maybe seperate xml) for languages?
P.s. Thanks for the shout out regarding the knowledge skills. You're doing all the heavy lifting though, hope everyone using chummer recognizes your time investment.
Apr 24 2011, 01:53 AM
Kudos on the character generator. Got one thing that needs fixing though. Genetic Optimization raises natural max attribute by one for a specific physical or mental attribute (Augmentation pg.89). Currently it does not allow you to pick an associated attribute and does not raise the natural maximum for any of the attributes. Great work so far!
Apr 24 2011, 07:30 AM
Thanks. The Genetic Optimization change will be in the next update. I'm planning on doing another one some time Sunday afternoon or evening (today Sunday, not next week Sunday) to address a problem I found with Bioware (turns out it was marking itself a Cyberware in the background and causing Improvements to become permanent after some changes I made in Friday night's release). Won't be much in the update since I was out of town for the better part of the day, but there's a few small additions that will make some people happy.
Apr 24 2011, 08:15 PM
As promised, here's today's update. A little more than I thought there'd be since I realised I forgot about Sapients, Infected, and Shapeshifters. There will be no support for A.I. or Free Spirit characters since they break most of character creation rules and do things in their own way.
Build 53
- added <initiative /> support to the Improvement Manager which adjusts the character's Initiative
- added <min /> support to <selectattribute /> and <specificattribute /> which adjust an Attribute's Minimum value
- added support for <contributetolimit /> to qualities.xml which marks a Quality as not counting towards the BP limit for Positive or Negative Qualities
- added <qualities /> support to metatypes.xml
- moved <uneducated /> support to the Improvement Manager
- <initiativepass /> now defines it own unique group in the Improvement Manager, meaning only the highest single <initiativepass /> Improvement is used as defined by the game rules
- restructured the <forbidden /> element in qualities.xml to have work in the same way at <required />
- sourcebook and page information is now shown in all Select windows and when items are selected in lists
- character mugshots can now be added on the Character Info tab
- added a notes field to the Character info tab to store notes about the character, gear, and any other desired information
- added missing bonus information to Genetic Optimization Genetech
- Bioware now correctly identifies itself as Bioware in the Improvement Manager again
- Technomancer Living Persona "Commlink" now appears in the Commlink section of the printout
- Technomancer Matrix Initiative and Matrix Initiative Passes are now calculated
- corrected Metatype minimum MAG and RES values to 1 so that taking Qualities that grant these Attributes do not also cost 10 Attribute BP
- Attribute Augmented Maximum values are now automatically calculated based on the Attribute's total Maximum value plus any bonuses, removing the need to specify <aug /> for the <specificattribute /> bonus tag which was technically incorrect and could lead to inaccurate Maximum Augmented totals
- added Category filter to the Select Metatype window
- added Sapient Critter and Shapeshifter Metatypes
- updated BP cost of SURGE Qualities to compensate for the BP expendatures for their "free" Positive and Negative Qualities
- Qualities that do not count towards the Positive or Negative Quality BP limit are coloured dark red
- added Drake and Infected Positive and Negative Qualities
Apr 25 2011, 02:09 AM
One last update this weekend to fix a rather embarrassing problem with accidentally resetting Attributes for non-Humans, and the fun bonus of building characters with Karma (building, not maintaining - that's coming later)! Still need to add support for Initiation and Immersion, but the rest of it works!
Build 54
- fixed a critical issue that caused non-Human Metatypes to reset some of their Atrribute scores when loading a save file
- added ability to build characters using Karma instead of Build Points (this is selected in the same window where you normally select your BP amount)
- added Karma cost options to Options window to override the default values
Apr 25 2011, 02:29 AM
You are really on fire with these updates. OK so i have other issues.
1: Your current attribute/max attribute (aug max attribute) display is keying me onto a problem. The current attribute will not go beyong 9 even when the augmented max attribute allows you to. I am assuming that first number is your current total attribute including augmentations. I tested this on all the attributes to make sure it was not just a few that were weird.
2: With Metagenic Improvement you should end up with 2/7 (10) since it raises both your min and max natural attribute. Currently it only raises max only 1/7 (10).
3: Genetic Optimization as I read it, will increase your natural max by one and as a consequence raise your augmented max attribute, not actually raise them both by one... so you should see from the display change from 1/6 (9) to 1/7 (10).... 6+1=7...7*1.5 round down=10 instead of what is currently displayed 1/7 (11).... 7*1.5 =10+1=11. What is your interpretation? Does anyone else have input on this?
4: All the surge qualities are currently at 0 bps. Should be at 5/10/15 unless you have implemented something in the code for the extra positive and negative Bps it gives you. So for instance I picked Surge III (15) and Exeptional attribute (20) for a total of 35bps, then I cheese it out with Metagenic improvement (20) but essentially it is free because of the 30 extra Bps from the Surge III so the Qualities should display 35 but currently it displayes 40 instead. 20 for exceptional att, 0 for surge III, and 20 for metagenic improvement. The attribute display currently shows 1/8 (12) but should display 2/8 (12)
OK now for good measure we will cheese it out some more with genetic optimization. If we go with my interpretation which i think was the intent of the rule, then the display should finally read 2/9 (13) but currently it reads 1/9 (14). This includes Exeptional Attribute, Metagenic Improvement, and Genetic Optimization which are all compatable.
Hopefully this helps. Thanks again or all the dilligent work.
Apr 25 2011, 04:14 AM
1: Yeah, I'm not entirely happy with how this is done either. It's a little confusing. I'm going to have to re-work this so it's easier to understand.
2: You're right. After I put in the support for affect an Attribute's Minimum value, I forgot to actually add this to the Quality. This will be in the next update.
3: Right again. When I corrected Augmented Maximum to be self-calculating, I forgot to remove the Augmented Maximum modifier from the quality, so it was correctly calculating itself as 10, then seeing it had a further +1 bonus and put that on top of everything else. Corrected in next update as well.
4: SURGE is an absolute pain to deal with. My line of thinking with the SURGE Qualities was to simply give them a BP cost equal to the Quality's cost plus the BP difference - effectively reimbursing you for what you spent. Now that I'm looking at it, I'm pretty sure I did the math wrong. This was REALLY screwing with my head and I don't know why. To complicate things even more, the Qualities you take from SURGE shouldn't actually count towards the BP limit for Positive and Negative Qualities. I think what I may end doing is just putting in additional Qualities that reimburse you for the BP expense and offset the Positive/Negative totals. I'm just not seeing another way around this that will work.
So you'd basically have the following Positive and Negative Qualities
- Positive Quality: SURGE I Positive Offset [-10BP]
- Positive Quality: SURGE II Positive Offset [-15BP]
- Positive Quality: SURGE III Positive Offset [-20BP]
- Negative Quality: SURGE I Negative Offset [5BP]
- Negative Quality: SURGE II Negative Offset [10BP]
- Negative Quality: SURGE III Negative Offset [15BP]
So there would be Positive Qualities that refund BP, and Negative ones that cost BP. This would effectively negate the BP you spend/receive from purchasing the Qualities that SURGE says you need to take since they're technically supposed to be free, and would still accommodate you going over the required minimums, impacting the Positive/Negative Quality BP totals properly. These Offset Qualities would have a prerequisite of the matching SURGE Quality. Does this seem reasonable?
Apr 25 2011, 01:02 PM
I will preface this with the fact that I have limited knowledge in programming and do not know the limitations of .xml
Your solution would work as long as you make sure the positive metagenic qualities are -10/-20/-30 respectively and ensure that the user has to pick both the pos and neg qaulities and they must both match the chosen surge quality. This seems so manual though, your program is so much cooler than that, but a simple solution in the meantime.
The coolest way would be if you would only have to pick the surge quality. When this is done, both quality lists would dynamically populate with all the metagenic qualities which were not there before. In the build point summary display, either below or next to in parenthesis, a pos and neg metagenic quality title will be displayed with -10/-20/-30 and 5/10/15 respectively. As you pick metagenic qualities the goal will be to zero out those metagenic numbers. Text would be red or highlighted until that condition is met. Thus your total bp count for those metagenic qualities will not be affected.
Ok so as far as implementing, maybe you can give each quality two values. A normal value and a metagenic value. (Ex. Bilingual 5/0, Bicardiac 0/10) Then you write some sort of if statement:
If surge is selected and pos metagen bonus bp is less than zero
then add metagenic value to bonus
Otherwise add to quality bp total
Hopefully this makes sense.
Apr 25 2011, 06:21 PM
Adding a whole bunch of extra support for either refunding BP in the background, giving everything 2 BP costs, or making some brute-force exceptions in the code for 3 Qualities that vary from the norm and aren't commonly used is something I'm trying to avoid (and one of the reasons I changed how Uneducated worked recently). I'd rather put in a solution that at least has some reusable code and that people can put to use in custom data files.
I had thought about a dynamic list of Qualities when I first built the list, but decided to go with the full list instead. If you know you want Quality X, you can always see it in the list. If you try to select it and don't meet the requirements, you're shown the list of other Qualities/Metatypes/Metavariants that you need to have to take it, so you can either take those Qualities, or back out and create your character with the correct Metatype rather than trying to guess that the requirements are. This is probably more helpful to GMs creating NPCs.
I do, however, like the idea of only having to select the one SURGE Quality. I think I may do a hybrid of these two solutions. Implement the Qualities I had outlined above, but add in support for saying if Quality X is selected, Quality Y and Z are automatically selected for you. This eliminates the need for people to know they need to select them (which admittedly isn't intuitive at all) and could be re-used in custom data files.
Apr 25 2011, 08:05 PM
Sounds good. Will keep you updated if I find any more discrepancies.
Apr 25 2011, 08:28 PM
I really love what you've done with this character generator! I've actually turned on a few of my friends to it as well. So far it's the most versatile and correct generator I've seen so far out there. I love the fact that you've included data from all of the books like Arsenal, Augmentation, Street Magic and so on. Makes it helpful for just testing out character builds.
Apr 25 2011, 11:13 PM
Another one for good measure, 'cause the SURGE Quality thing and the Attribute layout were bugging me.

Build 55
- Metagenetic Improvement Positive Quality now correctly increase the selected Attribute's minimum value by 1
- removed the <aug /> tag from Genetic Optimization since the Augmented Maximum is now correctly calculated on its own
- Cyberware and Bioware now write their page information to the printout
- loading a character with a Commlink Upgrade or Commlink Operating System Upgrade no longer causes the load to fail
- number of bonded Foci is now limited to the character's MAG Attribute value
- Ignore Rules character option now lets any number of Active and Knowledge Skills be at Rating 5 or higher
- Ignore Rules character option now raises the Skill Group Rating maximum to 6
- Attribute values are now easier to read: number beside the numeric field now shows the total Augmented value (if any) while Metatype Minimum / Maximum (Augmented Maximum) have been pushed to the side
- added support for <print /> to qualities.xml which, when set to "no", suppresses the Quality from being printed
- added support for <forcecheck /> to qualities.xml which forcefully selects additional Qualities when the Quality in question is selected
- put SURGE Quality BP cost back to standard value and added Positive and Negative Qualities to compensate for the BP spent when selecting the Qualities SURGE requires
- Save As now pre-populates the file name if one is available
- moved Bonded Foci list to the Gear tab
- Bonded Foci list is now usable by anyone with a MAG Attribute
Apr 26 2011, 01:42 AM
Augmented attribute stops at (9) up until an augmented value of 12 then disapears totally once the augmented attribute reaches 13. The attributes are much better to understand now. Thanks.
Apr 26 2011, 04:34 AM
Argh! Found that I'm capping Attributes at the Metatype Augmented Maximum, not its Total Augmented Maximum (which includes modifiers to the Metatype Augmented Maximum). Thankfully this only affects what's shown and not the save file. Also found that the Improved Physical Attribute Adept Power always uses a value of 1 instead of Rating.
I'm hoping to have Initiation and Submersion done by Wednesday night, so I'll probably have another update around then which will also fix the above blunders.
Also on the to do list is to re-do the sample characters from SR4A, enter the Sample Grunts from SR4A, and Contacts from Contacts and Adventures to put it through its paces and build up the base library of pre-built NPC save files for GMs.
think the character generator portion itself is almost done with the exception of Initiation and Submersion. All of the Qualities, Gear, Ware, Weapons, Armor, Metatypes/Metavariants, Spells, Powers, Programs, Skills, Mentor Spirits, Martial Arts, and Foci support that I can find are there. I hope I haven't overlooked anything. Once those missing pieces are done and there's been some time to make sure no funny quirks pop up, I'll be moving on to writing the stuff to maintain characters through their career. The core stuff needs to be done and working before I'm ready to move on to that though, so if I've overlooked anything for building a character from scratch, now's the time to tell me.
Apr 26 2011, 12:20 PM
Very Nice release as usual!
Here are some bug report / comments:
- The essence loss doesn't seems to be calculated correctly: the lowest essence cost (cyber or bioware) is not halved.
- Augmented attributes from cyberlimbs is calculated weirdly, it seems to take into account only attribute enhancements, but not the cyberlimb customization. Additionaly, the augmented attribute is "natural" + "highest enhancement", where it should be the averaged value of the limbs.
- I think it would be great if all tabs & select menus where streamlined, using the same system as the spell selection menu: items arranged by "categories" accessibles by clicking on a cross, and a search function. It could be extended to qualities list, maybe skills too?
- Are you planning to add new tabs? A tab dedicated to hacking where you can buy & customize your matrixware, maybe the same used for technomancer? I think it would be more ergonomic to have these gears on dedicated tabs instead of having them lost in a very large list of "stuffs".
Again, Great Job!
Apr 26 2011, 03:29 PM
Was playing around with weapon and vehicle mods and found a few things.
1. Can you display information for mods/acc like you do for vehicle mods? (ei. Cost, slots, avail, etc) currently it is totally blank for each mod/acc but costs are calculating correctly though.
2. Can you display how many slots are left like you do for vehicles?
3. Can you include descriptions of what mods/acc do? I would be willing to type out all the descriptions for you. Just tell me what the required format would be.
1. When moding weapons on the vehicle page, the prices are not calculating at all for both mods and acc. Also, the displays for each mod/acc are defaulting to the weapon display info instead of the mod information.
Apr 26 2011, 04:01 PM
Don't know if someone mentioned this already.
Adept Powers
1. the way you have the powerpoints / remaining are reversed I think and it is a bit confusing.
Currently displayed: Power Points: 0.25 / 1 Remaining
Less confusing way: Power Points: 1 / 0.25 Remaining
2. I think the program will not let you get to an even 0. I have one power point, I selected Blind Fighting .5 and critical strike rating one for .25 for a total of .75. So when I adjust crit strike to rating 2 for .5 it should allow it but currently it displays a warning window "your power level cannot exceed your MAG score".
Apr 26 2011, 07:48 PM
I might have missed this somewhere, but is it possible to print out the Character Info panel? When I went to print character it only printed out the basic character sheet.
Is there a way I could modify the XML of the the current character sheet to include that information somehow or would it require more coding from you?
Apr 26 2011, 08:27 PM
Okay, so I realize that post wasn't very informative, let me give you a better description of the problem.
I've noticed that when you put info into your Description, Background and Concept fields in the generator that this information isn't actually printed out on the character sheet. The only information that IS printed out is the Notes field.
I looked at your Shadowrun 4.xsl sheet and I'm guessing that the place for this information to be printed out should be getting produced somewhere around this area of your sheet.
<xsl:value-of select="name" />
<xsl:if test="rating != 0"><xsl:text> </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="rating" /></xsl:if>
<xsl:if test="extra != ''"> (<xsl:value-of select="extra" />)</xsl:if>
<xsl:if test="position() != last()">, </xsl:if>
<xsl:template name="PreserveLineBreaks">
<xsl:param name="text"/>
<xsl:when test="contains($text,'
<xsl:value-of select="substring-before($text,'
<xsl:call-template name="PreserveLineBreaks">
<xsl:with-param name="text">
<xsl:value-of select="substring-after($text,'
<xsl:value-of select="$text"/>
If I knew what value you were attributing to the Description, Background and Concept fields I might be able to alter the XSL sheet myself to make sure this information is being printed out along with the rest of the sheet. Also, sorry again if I'm missing this, but I actually don't see where Lifestyle is being added to the sheet, maybe it's missing? Lastly, is there anyway you can set up a way for your starting Nuyen to print out when creating a character for the first time?
Apr 26 2011, 09:54 PM
Ahem... D'OH! I can't believe I forgot about Lifestyles on the sheet. I was debating if the Description, Background, and Concept fields should be on there as well if they were populated and decided not to. Apparently I decided incorrectly.

They're not even part of the XML that is generated for the printout. It's about a whole minute worth of work to put it in the output and on the character sheet, so I'll chuck that in this evening while I'm working on everything else. I'm thinking the basic rule should be write everything to the XML output and let the character sheets show what they want.
I was considering adding in descriptions for items like the mods, accessories, and things like Qualities and Spells. I'm extremely hesitant about putting those in, however, because that seems to be the part that publishers take an exception with. It's essentially negating the need for people to buy the book which is why I went with the Sourcebook and Page route instead.
The other points from the above posts have been added to my list of things to do, so they'll get done.
Apr 26 2011, 10:19 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Apr 26 2011, 01:54 PM)

Ahem... D'OH! I can't believe I forgot about Lifestyles on the sheet. I was debating if the Description, Background, and Concept fields should be on there as well if they were populated and decided not to. Apparently I decided incorrectly.

They're not even part of the XML that is generated for the printout. It's about a whole minute worth of work to put it in the output and on the character sheet, so I'll chuck that in this evening while I'm working on everything else. I'm thinking the basic rule should be write everything to the XML output and let the character sheets show what they want.
I was considering adding in descriptions for items like the mods, accessories, and things like Qualities and Spells. I'm extremely hesitant about putting those in, however, because that seems to be the part that publishers take an exception with. It's essentially negating the need for people to buy the book which is why I went with the Sourcebook and Page route instead.
The other points from the above posts have been added to my list of things to do, so they'll get done.

Thanks a lot man, you're the best! I also agree with not including the descriptions because that kind of does go over the line as far as their content is concerned. Having the page number and book is awesome for reference. The only thing I'm noticing that doesn't have that however are the Qualities. Currently qualities do not print out book and page number when they get spit out onto the character sheet. However I think most people will have a good idea of what they want on their character before they use this generator anyway. So it's not really that necessary.
Also, allowing the print out of Description, Background and Concept allows for people to put in any information they want to that might be relevant for skills and abilities anyway.
One last thing, I'm not sure why, but currently it's not possible to cut and paste in the Description, Background, Concept and Note fields. If that's something that requires way too much code, nevermind, just find it odd that its not possible to do.
Apr 27 2011, 12:17 AM
Don't get burned out
Apr 27 2011, 12:55 AM
Whoops. Qualities will show their source and page info on the character sheet in the next update. Just put that in. I noticed the Cut/Copy/Paste thing earlier today while I was playing around as well. The problem was that there were Cut/Copy/Paste items in a default menu that I hid and were assigned the keys Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V but didn't actually do anything. Apparently just deleting those hidden items get the keys working again, so also fixed in the next update.
QUOTE (Bigity @ Apr 26 2011, 06:17 PM)

Don't get burned out

Believe me, I plan on taking a day off from this in the next week or so. I've worked on this every day since some time in mid-February so the brain is getting a little squishy.
Apr 27 2011, 01:11 AM
I feel like I should send you a fruit basket or something in thanks ha.
Apr 27 2011, 02:13 AM
This feels a bit selfish, but I gotta ask for getting the Martial Arts quality working. I've yet to find a CharGen that does that, and I have a couple of players that are begging.
Apr 27 2011, 12:50 PM
The Martial Arts Quality should be working, though it's a little different from the rest since it has so many options. The Martial Arts Quality in Chummer has a cost of 0 BP. When you select it, the Martial Arts tab gets added. From there you can add your Martial Arts, change their Rating, select Advantages, and add Combat Maneuvers. The Martial Arts and their selected Ratings count towards the Positive Quality BP total. This was the only way I could come up with getting Martial Arts support put in without creating a Positive Quality for each Martial Art and Rating combination as well as letting people select their Advantages and Maneuvers. Hopefully this makes sense.

Edit: I've added a HowTo article for this on the Chummer Wiki since it's different from the other Qualities and I'm planning on getting some documentation up there in the future. This seemed like a good place to start.
Apr 27 2011, 03:15 PM
It seems like i'm reporting less suggestions and technical issues every update. That says a lot nebular. Well done.
Technical issues:
- enemies and karma gen. Added vendetta and wanted negative qualities, then it barfed when i tried to add an enemy.
- minor minor thing: accessories need to be allowed for defiance protector (taser) to get a concealable holster/spare clips. Modded the xml on my own, just thought i'd mention it. Not sure if this applies for weapons with similar builtin accessories as well.
- remember open spell/gear group and selected item when pressing 'add&more'
- (this one would probably be a lot of work) now that page number and book is defined for each item, how about a text descriptipn? EDIT: just saw the post about 'crossing a line' above. If you're not comfortable doing it using text compiled from the books, how about a 'notes' node in the .xml's that displays for each item in chummer? That way, we could add our own custom notes.
Apr 27 2011, 04:38 PM
Thanks, Nebular. It turns out I was clicking the wrong things. I feel like an idiot, but praise you for having the quality functional. This alone makes it the best chargen I've used
Apr 27 2011, 04:52 PM
Ok found something else. Making an ogre rigger. Gave him metagenic improvement logic, displays correct min/max. Raised his logic to 5, then bought cerebral booster rtg 3. His augmented logic should be 8 but it freezes at 7. I think the program is still thinking his racial max is 5 so his aug max would be 7.
Apr 27 2011, 05:44 PM
Quick suggestions.
On the 'spare clips' firearm addon, please turn on the Quantity control.
Can cybereyes and ears have the rating adjuster, rather than an individual entry for each level? Having to totally remake the eye-kit just because you need to adjust the capacity is a bit of a pain.
On the gear list, I'd like to see a placeholder item, so that you can create packages that get lumped together.
Audio/Visual enhancers (like goggles, or earbuds) have a Capacity equal to their rating, and each enhancement takes up 1 from this. Right now, it's possible to add, say, six vision mods into a pair of contacts. Using the capacity system (like what you use for cyberlimbs) would take care of that.
Drones could use some love in the sensor category, perhaps as an extra item on the right-click menu (since they're technically not 'mods', but just a normal thing that all drones get). They'd have a Capacity based on the size of the drone, and the Improved Sensor Array mod would alter that. Also, these sensors can have mods attached (like adding low-light to a camera).
Apr 27 2011, 05:54 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Apr 27 2011, 02:50 PM)

The Martial Arts Quality should be working, though it's a little different from the rest since it has so many options. The Martial Arts Quality in Chummer has a cost of 0 BP. When you select it, the Martial Arts tab gets added.
Suggestion: As MA quality costs 0, and costs are calculated from selected options in the MA tab, why not removing Martial Arts from qualities list, and showing the corresponding tab permanently?
As I remember, the famous NSRCG for SR2/3 used to have a tab for each aspect of a character, and I used to find it quite usefull.
Apr 27 2011, 07:56 PM
QUOTE (Argent @ Apr 27 2011, 10:52 AM)

Ok found something else. Making an ogre rigger. Gave him metagenic improvement logic, displays correct min/max. Raised his logic to 5, then bought cerebral booster rtg 3. His augmented logic should be 8 but it freezes at 7. I think the program is still thinking his racial max is 5 so his aug max would be 7.
In my testing build this is coming up correctly, so it should be fixed in the next update.
QUOTE (LonePaladin @ Apr 27 2011, 11:44 AM)

Quick suggestions.
On the 'spare clips' firearm addon, please turn on the Quantity control.
Can cybereyes and ears have the rating adjuster, rather than an individual entry for each level? Having to totally remake the eye-kit just because you need to adjust the capacity is a bit of a pain.
On the gear list, I'd like to see a placeholder item, so that you can create packages that get lumped together.
Audio/Visual enhancers (like goggles, or earbuds) have a Capacity equal to their rating, and each enhancement takes up 1 from this. Right now, it's possible to add, say, six vision mods into a pair of contacts. Using the capacity system (like what you use for cyberlimbs) would take care of that.
Drones could use some love in the sensor category, perhaps as an extra item on the right-click menu (since they're technically not 'mods', but just a normal thing that all drones get). They'd have a Capacity based on the size of the drone, and the Improved Sensor Array mod would alter that. Also, these sensors can have mods attached (like adding low-light to a camera).
I'll take a look at merging Cyberears/eyes into one. My original plan was to do this but realised why the book shows them as separate items: the Cost and Avail don't follow a fixed fomula (Rating x 500 for example). I MAY have a solution to that. I'll have to give it a try. I'd really like to just merge them altogether since they are technically the same items.
The Drone/Vehicle sensor thing was bugging me too. I started to think about it when I had first entered them but put it on the back burner. I'll have to look into this again.
QUOTE (Leoric @ Apr 27 2011, 11:54 AM)

Suggestion: As MA quality costs 0, and costs are calculated from selected options in the MA tab, why not removing Martial Arts from qualities list, and showing the corresponding tab permanently?
As I remember, the famous NSRCG for SR2/3 used to have a tab for each aspect of a character, and I used to find it quite usefull.
This will be going in.
Apr 27 2011, 11:08 PM
QUOTE (Argent @ Apr 26 2011, 11:01 AM)

2. I think the program will not let you get to an even 0. I have one power point, I selected Blind Fighting .5 and critical strike rating one for .25 for a total of .75. So when I adjust crit strike to rating 2 for .5 it should allow it but currently it displays a warning window "your power level cannot exceed your MAG score".
This is actually correct as far as I understand it.

(SR4A 195, lower left corner under "Adept Powers"). If you only have 1 Power Point, then you only have a MAG score of 1. The maximum level you can have in any power is equal to your MAG score. In the case you illustrated, a MAG score of 1 means you can only have Critical Strike Rating 1. When you try to put it to Rating 2, it does not let you because that would exceed your MAG score. If you increase your MAG score to 2, you will then be allowed to put Critical Strike to Rating 2.
Apr 27 2011, 11:29 PM
More goodies!
Build 57
- added support for Initiation and Submersion (only enabled when bulding with Karma since these require Karma to select)
- added support for <livingpersona /> to the Improvement Manager which adjust a Living Persona's Attributes
- corrected the Improved Attribute Adept Power's bonus
- Attributes are now capped at the Metatype's Augmented Maximum with any modifiers to that value instead of the base Metatype Augmented Maximum
- added Print to the File menu
- character sheet now includes Description, Background, and Concept if they were filled in on the Character Info tab
- Qualities now display their sourcebook and page number on the character sheet
- Essence is now correctly calculated with the the higher of Cyberware and Bioware deducting the full amount and the lesser only deducting half
- corrected the Essence cost for Cybereyes Rating 4
- removed the empty Edit menu which restores the ability to Cut, Copy, Paste, and Undo in a text field
- Martial Arts cost now calculates correctly when building a character with Karma
- added support for FixedValue to be speicifed for Cyberware Capacity, Avail, and Cost which allows it to use values that do not follow a standard formula
- merged Cybereyes Basic System, Eyeband, Single Cybereye, Cyberears, Dermal Sheath, Move-by-Wire, Wired Reflexes, and Stirrup Interface into a single pieces of Cyberware instead one for each Rating (this unfortunately may break saves that have the previous version of these components, but it's for the best!)
- removed the Martial Arts Positive Quality and made the Martial Arts tab always visible
- total cost for each piece of Cyberware now correctly ignores free plugins and deducts the right amount from character's Nuyen total
- add Custom Placeholder to gear.xml to act as placeholders
- Adept Power Points Remaining text has been changed to match the format for Cyberware Capacity Remaining to make it easier to understand
- character sheet now includes Lifestyles
Apr 28 2011, 12:09 AM
Just found this. Thanks for all your work on this. For some reason I can't find the enemies negative quality. Wouldn't infected and drakes be better as either a metavarient or given their own drop down menu like metavarients? currently they're listed as qualities and for the most part are priced so that it would look to an inexperienced player as if you aren't able to take them.
Apr 28 2011, 12:27 AM
Since Enemies are identical to Contacts, I put them in their own section below the Contacts on the first tab. Each Enemy's Connection + Incidence Rating counts towards the Negative Qualities BP total which appears on the right in the Build Point Summary tab.
I originally thought about making Infected and Drakes their own Metatype or Metavariant, but it has a few annoyances. The first is having to create each Infected variant for each Metatype and Metavariant combination which is a staggering amount of work. This would also mean that Metatypes that other users create and place in the customer_metatypes.xml file wouldn't be able to benefit from Infected variants or Drake unless they creates those as well. Keeping them as Qualities cuts down on the amount of work for everyone. But yes, the point totals do make it a little unclear. I introduce the colours to help illustrate that they don't count towards the Positive Quality BP total but it isn't actually explained anywhere. I'll have to put in some clarifying text at some point.
Apr 28 2011, 02:26 AM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Apr 27 2011, 08:27 PM)

Since Enemies are identical to Contacts, I put them in their own section below the Contacts on the first tab. Each Enemy's Connection + Incidence Rating counts towards the Negative Qualities BP total which appears on the right in the Build Point Summary tab.
I originally thought about making Infected and Drakes their own Metatype or Metavariant, but it has a few annoyances. The first is having to create each Infected variant for each Metatype and Metavariant combination which is a staggering amount of work. This would also mean that Metatypes that other users create and place in the customer_metatypes.xml file wouldn't be able to benefit from Infected variants or Drake unless they creates those as well. Keeping them as Qualities cuts down on the amount of work for everyone. But yes, the point totals do make it a little unclear. I introduce the colours to help illustrate that they don't count towards the Positive Quality BP total but it isn't actually explained anywhere. I'll have to put in some clarifying text at some point.
Thanks. I swear the enemies tab wasn't there the first time I booted chummer and looked for it. Looking there was the first thing I thought when I couldn't find it under negative qualities. It's there now though.
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