Feb 4 2012, 12:02 PM
I just noticed an error:
if you max out a (any) skill group (rating 4) during character creation, you are unable to improve the skill group in career mode, you are only able to improve individual skills.
when the skill group is not maxed out you can raise the skill group rating to rating 4 and above in career mode.
btw: the is the absolut best character Generator I have ever seen. Many many thanks for your hard effort.
best regards
Feb 4 2012, 12:48 PM
As I said before. Unnatural. Naturally, your magic only goes to 6. That's it. That's all they wrote.
Then you have initiation. Simple as that.
Feb 4 2012, 03:04 PM
I have a character that has some individual skills from skill groups but those groups are active.
This is this way for all skill groups but the Outdoors skill group. Character only has 1 skill from that group
but 2 in the other ones. Athletics, firearms and close combat seems to be working fine if purchased as a group
in character creation.
Feb 4 2012, 03:39 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Feb 4 2012, 04:04 PM)

I have a character that has some individual skills from skill groups but those groups are active.
This is this way for all skill groups but the Outdoors skill group. Character only has 1 skill from that group
but 2 in the other ones. Athletics, firearms and close combat seems to be working fine if purchased as a group
in character creation.
I have this problem with each and every skill group, however on some characters created with an older version of chummer it seems to work correctly, however any newly created character (any test character I made) cannot raise a skill group above 4 in career mode if it is at rating 4 at character creation. I checked different metatypes, different qualities (adept, magician, technomancer, mundane) and all skill groups.
Feb 4 2012, 03:50 PM
QUOTE (Hellfire @ Feb 4 2012, 01:02 PM)

I just noticed an error:
if you max out a (any) skill group (rating 4) during character creation, you are unable to improve the skill group in career mode, you are only able to improve individual skills.
when the skill group is not maxed out you can raise the skill group rating to rating 4 and above in career mode.
btw: the is the absolut best character Generator I have ever seen. Many many thanks for your hard effort.
best regards
OK, I see the problem: once you add Karma during career, save the character, close it and reopen it this problem is gone.
Feb 4 2012, 05:19 PM
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ Feb 2 2012, 09:44 PM)

As far as I can tell, the sensor rating doesn't change with the installed sensors itself. The sensor rating is like the Intuition attribute for the drone when it makes perception checks, modified by the Clearsight autosoft and other things. Even in Arsenal, there isn't a hard rule that improving sensors does increase the sensor rating, only that it "should also be improved accordingly."
I think it's fine that chummer doesn't change the sensor attribute of vehicles & drones. As a GM I'd issue modifiers to the DP for drones making sensor checks based on what their sensors are.
Arsenal Errata:
p. 105 Individual Sensors and Sensor Tests
Replace the current text with the following text:
“Each vehicle and drone has a Sensor rating that acts as an abstract composite of all of the sensors in the vehicle combined. This rating represents the fact that only a combined array of 4 or more sensors can provide effective multidirectional maneuvering, tactical solutions, and spatial awareness to a vehicle.
Individual sensors in an off-the-lot vehicle’s sensor package have a default rating equal to the vehicle’s base Sensor rating. This Sensor rating should be used for most situations and is equal to the average rating of all the sensors in a package (rounded up.) Sensors that do not possess ratings are treated as if they had a rating equal to the vehicle’s default Sensor rating.
Under certain circumstances, a gamemaster may decide that certain vehicle sensors may not apply, or that only one specific type of sensor is relevant to the situation at hand. Some sensors might just not be suitable for the given task, may be pointing into the wrong direction, and so on. Alternately, the character may elect to use only one sensor for a particular job (such as taping a nearby conversation with a camera or audio mike). In these cases consider the applicable sensor to have the same rating as the vehicle’s Sensor rating, though if the character has previously modified the sensor package, the individual
sensor may use its own rating (if higher.)
If a character improves the ratings of all of the individual components in a sensor package, the overall Sensor rating of the vehicle should also be improved accordingly. For the purpose of improvement, sensors that do not have a rating are considered to be automatically upgraded, when all the remaining sensors in a package are improved to a higher rating.”
Raven the Trickster
Feb 4 2012, 06:04 PM
Ok, just started using this and don't feel like reading through almost 150 pages of comments, but did Eagle shifters get errata'd down to 55 BP at some point or is that an error in the generator? My copy of RC lists them at 60 BP.
Feb 4 2012, 07:18 PM
QUOTE (Sengir @ Feb 4 2012, 10:19 AM)

Arsenal Errata:
I've not compared yet, but that looks word-for-word from my PDF of the book. And note that changing the vehicle's Sensor rating based on upgraded gear is conditional, not absolute. "If a character improves the ratings of all of the individual components in a sensor package, the overall Sensor rating of the vehicle
should also be improved accordingly." Key word there, and if the errata said something that made the change more absolute instead then okay.
Feb 5 2012, 06:34 AM
QUOTE (Raven the Trickster @ Feb 4 2012, 12:04 PM)

Ok, just started using this and don't feel like reading through almost 150 pages of comments, but did Eagle shifters get errata'd down to 55 BP at some point or is that an error in the generator? My copy of RC lists them at 60 BP.
You're right. I must have been looking at the line above it in the book when I entered the BP cost. I've updated the Metatypes data file to correct this.
Feb 5 2012, 06:36 AM
QUOTE (Hellfire @ Feb 4 2012, 06:02 AM)

I just noticed an error:
if you max out a (any) skill group (rating 4) during character creation, you are unable to improve the skill group in career mode, you are only able to improve individual skills.
when the skill group is not maxed out you can raise the skill group rating to rating 4 and above in career mode.
I'll have this fixed in the next update. Combination dumb logic/what the *#%! is going on problem.
Feb 5 2012, 08:05 AM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Feb 4 2012, 09:04 AM)

I have a character that has some individual skills from skill groups but those groups are active.
This is this way for all skill groups but the Outdoors skill group. Character only has 1 skill from that group
but 2 in the other ones. Athletics, firearms and close combat seems to be working fine if purchased as a group
in character creation.
Also fixed in the next update. The problem is that Create Mode doesn't break Skill Groups since you can freely play around with the Active Skills and Skill Groups as desired. It won't fix existing characters, but moving a character to Career Mode will now break Skill Groups if any of their associated Active Skills having a Rating that does not match the Group's. You could modify the save file for any character you want to correct this on by finding the appropriate <skillgroup> and changing <broken> to True ("<broken>True</broken>").
Feb 5 2012, 01:59 PM
I just noticed some additional minor flaws:
The suprathyroid gland does not work together with the adept power increased reflexes, although both should add to the reaction attribute. When you have both it is even impossible to increase the reaction attribute using the "improvement" tab in career mode.
Also the nanoware Neural amplifiers neocortical and limbic only add the first rating point to the skill pool bonus, even if you take rating 3 (which should add 3 dice to the respective dice pools)
could you please correct this in future versions of the greatest character generator for shadowrun ever...
best regards
Feb 5 2012, 02:12 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Feb 5 2012, 03:05 AM)

Also fixed in the next update. The problem is that Create Mode doesn't break Skill Groups since you can freely play around with the Active Skills and Skill Groups as desired. It won't fix existing characters, but moving a character to Career Mode will now break Skill Groups if any of their associated Active Skills having a Rating that does not match the Group's. You could modify the save file for any character you want to correct this on by finding the appropriate <skillgroup> and changing <broken> to True ("<broken>True</broken>").
I've actually not broken any skill groups with the character. They just started broken. I'll edit the characters if needed.
Strange that one skill group worked correctly and the rest didn't.
Feb 5 2012, 02:35 PM
also two small things:
1. Adept power "improved ability" may add up to the rating of the skill x1,5, so if you have an aptitude (rating 7 skill) this should be +4. Currently only +3 are calculated/added when you print out the character
2. How can you add Street Cred, Notority and public awareness to a character?
Also there are several qualities that should automatically add/remove notority. Furthermore according to SR4A 265 Street Cred should be Karma / 10, public awareness should normally be (Street Cred + Notority) /3 rounded down.
Can you add this, so that the correct figures are print out on the sheets. Currently they show all as zero.
Many thanks
best regards
Dakka Dakka
Feb 5 2012, 03:10 PM
QUOTE (Hellfire @ Feb 5 2012, 02:59 PM)

The suprathyroid gland does not work together with the adept power increased reflexes, although both should add to the reaction attribute. When you have both it is even impossible to increase the reaction attribute using the "improvement" tab in career mode.
While I think it should add to it, by RAW this is not so. The description of Wired Reflexes makes Reaction Enhancers one type of Initiative Enhancement. By logic anything else that increases REA would also be classified thusly. As such the Suprathyroid Gland does not stack with the adept power.
I know it is stupid and probably a case of bad copy/paste from third edition, but that's the way it is.
Maybe create a houserule that only things that increase initiative
passes are classified as initiative enhancements.
Feb 5 2012, 04:10 PM
Improvement tab should allow to touch REA nevertheless. I cannot even decrease REA to mimic the temporary loss of an adept power (from a Geas for example).
Nebular, could you make adept powers toggleable?
Feb 5 2012, 04:11 PM
QUOTE (Hellfire @ Feb 5 2012, 03:35 PM)

2. How can you add Street Cred, Notority and public awareness to a character?
Also there are several qualities that should automatically add/remove notority. Furthermore according to SR4A 265 Street Cred should be Karma / 10, public awareness should normally be (Street Cred + Notority) /3 rounded down.
Can you add this, so that the correct figures are print out on the sheets. Currently they show all as zero.
I agree it would be nice but it might get tricky.
Feb 5 2012, 07:19 PM
QUOTE (Hellfire @ Feb 5 2012, 07:59 AM)

The suprathyroid gland does not work together with the adept power increased reflexes, although both should add to the reaction attribute. When you have both it is even impossible to increase the reaction attribute using the "improvement" tab in career mode.
Also the nanoware Neural amplifiers neocortical and limbic only add the first rating point to the skill pool bonus, even if you take rating 3 (which should add 3 dice to the respective dice pools)
I've updated the Gear data file to correct the Neural Amplifier bonuses.
As Dakka Dakka mentioned, the way the rules are written says that Initiative bonuses simply don't stack, meaning that Suprathyroid Gland and Increased Reflexes don't work together. I'll see if there's something I can do for a house rule on this but I'm not making any promises. Getting it to work as it is was a real pain in the butt; making it optional on top of that may or may not work.
Feb 5 2012, 07:22 PM
QUOTE (Hellfire @ Feb 5 2012, 08:35 AM)

1. Adept power "improved ability" may add up to the rating of the skill x1,5, so if you have an aptitude (rating 7 skill) this should be +4. Currently only +3 are calculated/added when you print out the character
2. How can you add Street Cred, Notority and public awareness to a character?
Also there are several qualities that should automatically add/remove notority. Furthermore according to SR4A 265 Street Cred should be Karma / 10, public awareness should normally be (Street Cred + Notority) /3 rounded down.
Can you add this, so that the correct figures are print out on the sheets. Currently they show all as zero.
In regards to the Improved Ability and rounding bit, see
this post a little further down (#3724).
Street Cred and Notoriety are on the Character Info tab once you put your character into Career Mode. I had looked at following those formulas, but they are not hard-and-fast rules; the GM can freely hand out Street Cred, Notoriety, and Public Awareness points. Forcing them to be calculated would remove that freedom. You can also burn Street Cred which directly affects your Notoriety which complicates things even more.
Feb 5 2012, 07:23 PM
QUOTE (deurk @ Feb 5 2012, 10:10 AM)

Improvement tab should allow to touch REA nevertheless. I cannot even decrease REA to mimic the temporary loss of an adept power (from a Geas for example).
Nebular, could you make adept powers toggleable?
This gets into the whole ugly mess of Initiative bonuses not stacking, since REA is technically an Initiative Attribute (as I quickly mentioned in the Initiative thing 2 posts above). I freaking hate it.
Feb 5 2012, 07:41 PM
I understand how frustrating those can be. Wish you luck with that, but I'm pretty confident you will prevail!
Regarding the Street cred and co, maybe you for each you can keep track of 2 things:
- the default result of the formula
- the added/removed points (by GM intervention or diminution of Notoriety by Street Cred and such)
Feb 5 2012, 07:49 PM
Regarding the skills, SR4a, page 118, directly states that with Aptitude a modified skill rating is maxed at 10. This would suggest that you round down.
Personally my understanding on modified skills was that you could gain one extra die for every two ranks in said skill. This would be supported by what I found in SR4a and a few of the qualities in RC (like Catlike) that specifically state you have to have a skill at least at 2 to gain their benefits.
Edit: Oh, and regarding the attributes and adept geas part, why not use the Improvements tab to impose such temporary penalties? You can assign negative values as well as positive ones.
Feb 5 2012, 08:11 PM
QUOTE (deurk @ Feb 5 2012, 01:41 PM)

I understand how frustrating those can be. Wish you luck with that, but I'm pretty confident you will prevail!
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ Feb 5 2012, 01:49 PM)

Edit: Oh, and regarding the attributes and adept geas part, why not use the Improvements tab to impose such temporary penalties? You can assign negative values as well as positive ones.
The problem that deurk was having, however, is that there are a number of things that have a precedence value in the XML, meaning that any modifier that it provides supersedes all others; so if he creates a -1 REA Improvement, the Improvement Manager is still seeing that the original one supersedes all others and ignores the -1. I've found a solution to the problem though! I've modified the Improvement Manager so that it stacks all Custom Improvements on top of everything else. It calculates the Improvement value form all system-created Improvements (including those pesky precedence ones), then adds Custom Improvements afterwards, meaning that a -1 modifier to REA will actually affect it, regardless of anything else the character might have.
QUOTE (deurk @ Feb 5 2012, 01:41 PM)

Regarding the Street cred and co, maybe you for each you can keep track of 2 things:
- the default result of the formula
- the added/removed points (by GM intervention or diminution of Notoriety by Street Cred and such)
I actually thought of roughly the same thing while I was staring blankly at the Character Info tab.

Keep the existing number fields that are there and use them as the GM-provided modifiers and include that calculated fields next to them. Just need to also include a button to burn Street Cred.
Feb 5 2012, 08:17 PM
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ Feb 5 2012, 01:49 PM)

Regarding the skills, SR4a, page 118, directly states that with Aptitude a modified skill rating is maxed at 10. This would suggest that you round down.
Personally my understanding on modified skills was that you could gain one extra die for every two ranks in said skill. This would be supported by what I found in SR4a and a few of the qualities in RC (like Catlike) that specifically state you have to have a skill at least at 2 to gain their benefits.
Thanks! I knew I had it set to round down for a reason! I was searching my PDF for "rounded" and forgot that the page gives an example that implies its rounded down instead of explicitly stating so. The rounding methods in the book are horribly inconsistent; some round up, some round down, but they usually seem to be in the character's favour. This is seemingly the one time where it isn't (from my quick search for the rounded term).
Feb 5 2012, 08:32 PM
Build 307- corrected the logic for checking for Metamagic/Echo Metatype and Quality requirements
- Spell category is correctly cached when using non-English languages
- Adept Powers have their Maximum Rating set properly when added in Career Mode
- highlight from Vehicles is removed when drag-and-drop is no longer floating over them
- fixed an issue where Skill Groups would be incorrectly limited to Rating 4 for characters that have just moved to Career Mode and not yet purchased a Rating in another Skill Group
- fixed an issue where undoing the Karma Expense for purchasing the maximum Rating for a Skill Group would not re-enable the Improve Skill Group button
- fixed an issue where undoing the Karma Expense for purchasing the maximum Rating for a Skill would not re-enable the Improve Skill button
- Validating a character now breaks any Skill Group if any of their associated Active Skills' Ratings do not match the Group's Rating
- Custom Improvements are now stacked on top of all other Improvements, meaning that they are no longer suppressed by Improvements that have a precedence (so REA can be modified even if the character has taken the Improved Reflexes Adept Power or Wired Reflexes)
Feb 5 2012, 09:20 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Feb 5 2012, 09:17 PM)

Thanks! I knew I had it set to round down for a reason! I was searching my PDF for "rounded" and forgot that the page gives an example that implies its rounded down instead of explicitly stating so. The rounding methods in the book are horribly inconsistent; some round up, some round down, but they usually seem to be in the character's favour. This is seemingly the one time where it isn't (from my quick search for the rounded term).
Thanks for clearing that up and thanks for the new version of chummer which addresses the issues I have mentioned.
Keep up the extraordinary good work

best regards
Feb 5 2012, 09:37 PM
Great job, as usual

Keep the passion alive!
Feb 5 2012, 10:46 PM
Have an idea about the Peripheral Devices Category I was trying to create.
Would it be possible to create a flag in a category say, "AllowCommAttributes"? If it's set to true then it any device in that category is allowed to have Response, Signal, System and Firewall, and if it's missing or false then devices in the group aren't allowed to have those attributes.
Feb 6 2012, 11:26 AM
Could weapon also use the ammunition that are not a parent node of the gear list?
I usually have extra clips holding ammunition and can't have those used when I reload from the weapon tab.
Feb 6 2012, 03:45 PM
From War!
Can the dice roller allow the larger dice pool options from War!?
Feb 6 2012, 07:33 PM
It has been a while since I used Chummer, and I cannot locate if this was added or addressed or not...
I remember that you can adjust gear prices in career mode, but is their any way to do so in creation mode?
Or at least some sort of workaround to simulate gear in character creation being more or less expensive than standard?
Some races/metatypes have size issues which affect prices, and some GMs may rule that some items be more or less expensive.
Dakka Dakka
Feb 6 2012, 07:41 PM
Metatype price adjustment is explicitly excluded in CharGen. Trolls, dwarves and Norms all pay the same before the game.
Feb 7 2012, 02:40 PM
QUOTE (Tashiro @ Feb 6 2012, 09:45 AM)

From War!
Can the dice roller allow the larger dice pool options from War!?
I have War, I'm just not familiar with a lot of its content.

What page are these options on?
Feb 7 2012, 02:43 PM
QUOTE (KarmaInferno @ Feb 6 2012, 01:33 PM)

It has been a while since I used Chummer, and I cannot locate if this was added or addressed or not...
I remember that you can adjust gear prices in career mode, but is their any way to do so in creation mode?
Or at least some sort of workaround to simulate gear in character creation being more or less expensive than standard?
Some races/metatypes have size issues which affect prices, and some GMs may rule that some items be more or less expensive.
Apart from what Dakka Dakka already mentioned, there is nothing in place to change the price for characters based on their Metatype. Armor, Gear, Weapons, and Vehicles have a Markup field when you're in Career Mode to help accommodate this. The only other way is to create a manual Nuyen Expense in Career Mode to compenstate for the difference in price.
Feb 7 2012, 02:44 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Feb 5 2012, 04:46 PM)

Have an idea about the Peripheral Devices Category I was trying to create.
Would it be possible to create a flag in a category say, "AllowCommAttributes"? If it's set to true then it any device in that category is allowed to have Response, Signal, System and Firewall, and if it's missing or false then devices in the group aren't allowed to have those attributes.
QUOTE (deurk @ Feb 6 2012, 05:26 AM)

Could weapon also use the ammunition that are not a parent node of the gear list?
I usually have extra clips holding ammunition and can't have those used when I reload from the weapon tab.
I'll look into these.
Feb 7 2012, 03:52 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Feb 7 2012, 09:40 AM)

I have War, I'm just not familiar with a lot of its content.

What page are these options on?
Page 138.
You can halve your dice pool, to have Hits on 3-6. So, 20 dice would be 10 dice.
You can reduce your dice pool to 1/10th, then just count pips and add everything together. So, 50 dice would be 5 dice.
I figure you just select which dice option you're using, and plug in how many dice you're effectively rolling (don't have it divide the dice pool, just have it do the roll).
Feb 7 2012, 11:01 PM
Hi, I'm searching for a way to add "free skills" in career mode.
After visiting a new city (and taking few bullets ^^), the GM gave us the corresponding Area Knowledge for free. I can't find a way to do that in Chummer. If there is no other way, don't worry, I'll add some more karma with a clear explaination and the refund option.
Feb 7 2012, 11:52 PM
QUOTE (ChatNoir @ Feb 7 2012, 06:01 PM)

Hi, I'm searching for a way to add "free skills" in career mode.
After visiting a new city (and taking few bullets ^^), the GM gave us the corresponding Area Knowledge for free. I can't find a way to do that in Chummer. If there is no other way, don't worry, I'll add some more karma with a clear explaination and the refund option.

That's the only way to add items that normally cost karma for no karma. You put in a refund karma entry and then buy up what was free.
Having a Free! check box like nuyen would be cool though.
Feb 8 2012, 05:05 AM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Feb 7 2012, 09:43 AM)

Apart from what Dakka Dakka already mentioned, there is nothing in place to change the price for characters based on their Metatype. Armor, Gear, Weapons, and Vehicles have a Markup field when you're in Career Mode to help accommodate this. The only other way is to create a manual Nuyen Expense in Career Mode to compenstate for the difference in price.
Hm. Okay.
I was converting my Missions pixie character to Chummer.
Sapient Critters, including pixies, have an +50% lifestyle markup and an optional gear cost markup for stuff that specifically needs to be sized for them. (RC pg 84)
Missions sets this gear cost markup at +50%, same as the lifestyle.
However, the sapient critter size markup rules in Runners Companion, unlike the size rules for dwarves and trolls, do NOT have that passage suggesting that this markup be suspended in character creation. (Even for dwarves and trolls, this is a suggested rule, not a hard rule)
So I'd always understood that the Pixie gear cost markup included character creation. If I am wrong, well, I've shorted myself a lot of nuyen.
I'd also had the thought that being able to adjust the prices in character creation would provide some flexibility for a GM who wants to mark up or down certain items based on their personal preferences.
I suppose I can make a set of custom gear files with all the gear I think would need to be custom sized for sapient critters, with the price markup baked in.
Feb 8 2012, 11:23 AM
QUOTE (KarmaInferno @ Feb 7 2012, 09:05 PM)

Hm. Okay.
I was converting my Missions pixie character to Chummer.
Sapient Critters, including pixies, have an +50% lifestyle markup and an optional gear cost markup for stuff that specifically needs to be sized for them. (RC pg 84)
Missions sets this gear cost markup at +50%, same as the lifestyle.
However, the sapient critter size markup rules in Runners Companion, unlike the size rules for dwarves and trolls, do NOT have that passage suggesting that this markup be suspended in character creation. (Even for dwarves and trolls, this is a suggested rule, not a hard rule)
So I'd always understood that the Pixie gear cost markup included character creation. If I am wrong, well, I've shorted myself a lot of nuyen.
I'd also had the thought that being able to adjust the prices in character creation would provide some flexibility for a GM who wants to mark up or down certain items based on their personal preferences.
I suppose I can make a set of custom gear files with all the gear I think would need to be custom sized for sapient critters, with the price markup baked in.
Page 310-311, core (anniversary). Basically, gear at chargen is already made for your size. Additionally, the rule implies (though never explicitly states) that gear after character creation generally doesn't have to be adapted for your size either, unless the GM warrants it to be too rare or obscure for the Evo MetaErgonomics division to have mass produced in that size.
Feb 8 2012, 12:43 PM
QUOTE (Cojuzei @ Feb 8 2012, 06:23 AM)

Page 310-311, core (anniversary). Basically, gear at chargen is already made for your size. Additionally, the rule implies (though never explicitly states) that gear after character creation generally doesn't have to be adapted for your size either, unless the GM warrants it to be too rare or obscure for the Evo MetaErgonomics division to have mass produced in that size.
As I recall SR4A came out after many of the books and should have precedence over the older books.
Feb 8 2012, 01:12 PM
@ShadowWalker : ok, that's what I thought.

Other thing bothering me, I can't find cultured organs / limbs, etc from AU p126-127.
Feb 8 2012, 01:30 PM
Does Chummer handle converting any {L,M,H}MG into a minigun? I couldn't find how to do it if so...
Feb 9 2012, 04:40 AM
QUOTE (KarmaInferno @ Feb 7 2012, 11:05 PM)

Hm. Okay.
I was converting my Missions pixie character to Chummer.
Sapient Critters, including pixies, have an +50% lifestyle markup and an optional gear cost markup for stuff that specifically needs to be sized for them. (RC pg 84)
Missions sets this gear cost markup at +50%, same as the lifestyle.
However, the sapient critter size markup rules in Runners Companion, unlike the size rules for dwarves and trolls, do NOT have that passage suggesting that this markup be suspended in character creation. (Even for dwarves and trolls, this is a suggested rule, not a hard rule)
So I'd always understood that the Pixie gear cost markup included character creation. If I am wrong, well, I've shorted myself a lot of nuyen.
I'd also had the thought that being able to adjust the prices in character creation would provide some flexibility for a GM who wants to mark up or down certain items based on their personal preferences.
I suppose I can make a set of custom gear files with all the gear I think would need to be custom sized for sapient critters, with the price markup baked in.
You can affect your Lifestyle cost by going to the Improvements tab in Career Mode and selecting the "Lifestyle Cost" Improvement. Set it to 50 and the monthly cost of all of your lifestyles will increase by 50%.
Cost adjustments in Create Mode are pretty tricky. None of the items actually know anything about a markup. When it calculates your Nuyen total/spent, it just adds up the cost of each item. In Career Mode it's much easier because it deducts the Nuyen then and there, so a markup percentage is simple. In Create Mode, though, there's nothing to track the selected percentage.
Feb 9 2012, 04:46 AM
QUOTE (ChatNoir @ Feb 8 2012, 07:12 AM)

Other thing bothering me, I can't find cultured organs / limbs, etc from AU p126-127.
I'm not entirely sure where this would even go. It's not Bioware because they don't have an Essence cost and don't have grades, and it's not Gear because it's not really something you use in the traditional sense. I may just create a separate category for it in Bioware.
Feb 9 2012, 04:47 AM
QUOTE (crazymykl @ Feb 8 2012, 07:30 AM)

Does Chummer handle converting any {L,M,H}MG into a minigun? I couldn't find how to do it if so...
Er... no?

Where are the rules for doing this? I don't think I've noticed them (or at least don't remember anything about them

Dakka Dakka
Feb 9 2012, 05:56 AM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Feb 9 2012, 05:47 AM)

Er... no?

Where are the rules for doing this? I don't think I've noticed them (or at least don't remember anything about them

There are no rules for converting traditional MGs to miniguns, but there is a rule saying that the GM can invent new minguns with any MG as base (Arsenal p. 30). That's all there is, no price, no mod rules no nothing.
Feb 9 2012, 09:24 AM
Very nice Chargen you made there and impressive changelog/version number!

I noticed a few oddities regarding cyberware mods:
- if you buy an alphaware and adjust it's rating during selection, it will be bought as standard instead and needs to be readjusted to alphaware.
- if you buy plugins for an alphaware, they will be correctly limited to alphaware during selection. However, once added they will be standard instead. This can be fixed by the user by turning the item containing the plugins to standard and back to alphaware.
Those problems can be solved by the user though, so not that big of a deal.
There's a more serious inconsistency regarding magic loss though cyberware on char creation.
The new magic maximum is set correctly, but the lost magic points are way too cheap.
It appears what you're doing is (for essence loss x and magic attribute y): set magic to 0, develop with sum( 1 to x) * 5 to get 1 magic, sum(x+1 to y-x) * 5 to get back to the new magic value.
This would only be possible, if two requirements were given:
- it is possible during char gen to raise magic after implementing ware (NOT allowed)
- magic can be reduced to 0 (NOT possible, as with magic 0 the char turns mundane)
Effectively cybered awakened get a karma discount of (y-1)*5 that way.
Feb 9 2012, 09:56 AM
QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Feb 9 2012, 12:56 AM)

There are no rules for converting traditional MGs to miniguns, but there is a rule saying that the GM can invent new minguns with any MG as base (Arsenal p. 30). That's all there is, no price, no mod rules no nothing.
The way I read the sidebar on AR 30, any machine gun can be made gatling by making those adjustments, although I see how your reading is also sensible.
Feb 9 2012, 12:32 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Feb 9 2012, 05:46 AM)

I'm not entirely sure where this would even go. It's not Bioware because they don't have an Essence cost and don't have grades, and it's not Gear because it's not really something you use in the traditional sense. I may just create a separate category for it in Bioware.
I figured that was the reason but it could be useful to track those operations. I'll probably use that in a near futur if my GM confirms that my mage lost her arm.
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