May 24 2011, 03:53 AM
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ May 23 2011, 10:45 PM)

Try searching for "Tacsoft" instead of "Tacnet", and don't forget to verify that the Unwired book is enabled. Mine got disabled while trying to troubleshoot Chummer for my computer (gotta run it in Administrator mode now for some dumb reason, never had to before).
Checked the books, unchecked then rechecked the Unwired book, and no Tacsoft or tacnet or Tactical AR.
Also just noticed this, the Complex Forms group called Autosoft should probably be called Advanced, and Shielding is missing from it.
May 24 2011, 04:00 AM
Yeah, edited my previous post about that, too (in between chasing down an 8 month old kitten who's wound tighter than a mainspring and needing to be disciplined).
Might want to try checking the XML file to make sure it's in there too. You can edit it in Notepad like it's a regular TXT file, if you're unfamiliar with them (not sure if you are or not).
May 24 2011, 04:31 AM
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ May 24 2011, 12:00 AM)

Yeah, edited my previous post about that, too (in between chasing down an 8 month old kitten who's wound tighter than a mainspring and needing to be disciplined).
Might want to try checking the XML file to make sure it's in there too. You can edit it in Notepad like it's a regular TXT file, if you're unfamiliar with them (not sure if you are or not).
Think something in the update got missed is all. No biggie for me.
I'm sure it will end up there eventually.
An idea to add.
If would be nice if there was the ability to have multiple custom files for the same file.
Merging files when multiple people add stuff is a pain.
May 24 2011, 10:07 AM
I didn't find options for initiation (initiation in a group, and/or with an ordeal), are they implemented?
Dakka Dakka
May 24 2011, 12:58 PM
The Extended Clip Mod does not modify the weapon's capacity.
May 24 2011, 02:03 PM
QUOTE (Leoric @ May 24 2011, 06:07 AM)

I didn't find options for initiation (initiation in a group, and/or with an ordeal), are they implemented?
I don't think it or the option for network/task are done yet either.
May 24 2011, 06:04 PM
Just wanted to say that I'm really impressed so far with Chummer....this will make my life as a GM sooo much easier (especially as a newbie GM).
May 24 2011, 06:48 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 23 2011, 12:15 PM)

Speaking of updates...
Build 91
- Drain Value for a Tradition now uses the total value of the Attribute instead of its base value
- Karma and Nuyen Expenses in Career Mode are now properly sorted in reverse chronological order
- Vehicles that should have additional slots now have them included in their slots total
- Adapsin now has its own set of Cyberware Grades
- added Skinlink as a Bodyware so it can be added as a plugin to pieces of Cyberware
- Genetic Heritage Positive Quality now affects Nuyen cost instead of Essence cost
- Bioware cost multipliers are now correctly set before being given to the Select Bioware window so prices should now be accurate when these modifiers exist
- added missing Shield, Simrig, and Smartlink Complex Forms
- only Weapon Mods marked as Installed that are not included with the Weapon consume Mod Slots
- added support for Underbarrel Weapons
- Armor from Adept Powers no longer count towards Armor Encumbrance in Career Mode
- Weapon Damage should no longer appear as "NaN" if it is a non-numeric value
Outstanding Items
- Unwired Options
- Unwired Optional Rules
Genetic Heritage is still decreasing essence instead of nuyen, and the one free genetic modification is only including Transgenics instead of all genetic modifications.
May 24 2011, 07:38 PM
Ugh. I'm thinking I didn't change a file version number by mistake.
May 24 2011, 09:41 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 24 2011, 03:38 PM)

Ugh. I'm thinking I didn't change a file version number by mistake.

Should each file have the same version number? They seem to vary between 960 and 968.
May 24 2011, 10:29 PM
At one point they did. I made a number of smaller changes to the files individually and figured updating their number separately would be okay for the time being. It finally came back around and bit me in the butt.
May 24 2011, 11:15 PM
Came across a new issue. Been working on a technomancer character in generation mode, karma build, and found that if the character has submerged & Resonance above 7, and upon reopening the character file there's an error about 7 being an invalid value, the Submersion grade is reset to zero, and if any complex forms had been selected they are now gone. Was able to duplicate this with a brand new character, just to make sure there wasn't some conflict in custom content in the existing character file.
Haven't tested the magical side to see if something similar happens.
May 24 2011, 11:37 PM
Are you using build 91? I can't seem to reproduce this issue in either Create Mode or Career Mode with an Initiated Magician or Submerged Technomancer.
May 24 2011, 11:45 PM
Technomancers are getting some lovin' in the next update. Complex Forms are getting re-done and will behave like Spells with Ratings, meaning they will be laid out like the Spell tree instead of the individual rows. Basically the whole tab will more more in line with the Spells tab as was originally intended. Complex Forms will also receive support for <bonus />, namely for Skillsofts. Not sure if the Initiation/Submersion discounts will make the cut for this update, but they'll be next up on the list. Next update will likely be this weekend.
May 25 2011, 12:15 AM
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 24 2011, 07:37 PM)

Are you using build 91? I can't seem to reproduce this issue in either Create Mode or Career Mode with an Initiated Magician or Submerged Technomancer.
I used the updater and it's saying there are no updates, and when I look on the about window it says .89.
I just checked what's available to download and it's definitely different from what I have. So something must be going on with the updater.
I'm going to hold off updating manually so I can use what I have to test the updater.
Copied the 91 build into a different directory and tried it out.
Everything seems to be there now.
Genetic Heritage is still not including all Genetic Modifications as the possible free item. Only Transgenics is being including.
May 25 2011, 01:25 AM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ May 24 2011, 06:15 PM)

Genetic Heritage is still not including all Genetic Modifications as the possible free item. Only Transgenics is being including.
Yeah, that's part of the next update.
May 25 2011, 01:55 AM
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 24 2011, 08:25 PM)

Yeah, that's part of the next update.
Awesome, can't wait to see it.
May 25 2011, 02:09 AM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ May 23 2011, 04:17 PM)

The Paragon quality is similar to the Mentor Spirit quality.
In order to assist and reduce the data entry I copied the traditions.xml and mentors.xml files and edited them to make streams.xml and paragons.xml.
I didn't do anything with <bonus> other than remove it, as I was unsure of the proper formatting for that section.
You can download it from, crap! I finally downloaded the file and took a look at it since I was going to start working on this functionality. All I have to do is do a find/replace on the container tags, add a couple of object properties in the app and it's done! Thanks for entering this data!
May 25 2011, 02:25 AM
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 24 2011, 05:37 PM)

Are you using build 91? I can't seem to reproduce this issue in either Create Mode or Career Mode with an Initiated Magician or Submerged Technomancer.
Yup. And in doing a bit more testing just now I've isolated the issue to having a Complex Form at a rating of 7. Submersion 1 & Resonance 7 don't do anything, it's when a Complex Form is set to 7 that this issue appears (at 6, no problems). Simply readding, removing, and readding the same form at a lower rating does nothing to try and clear this (thought it might clear some resident data from the save file).
May 25 2011, 02:34 AM
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 24 2011, 09:09 PM)

Holy crap! I finally downloaded the file and took a look at it since I was going to start working on this functionality. All I have to do is do a find/replace on the container tags, add a couple of object properties in the app and it's done! Thanks for entering this data!

Not a problem. That's why I took the time, to make it easier on you.

I didn't put any <bonus> entries for any of it as I didn't know what the format for them should be.
So you might want to look at them to see what can be added for that if anything.
May 25 2011, 03:53 AM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ May 24 2011, 08:34 PM)

I didn't put any <bonus> entries for any of it as I didn't know what the format for them should be.
So you might want to look at them to see what can be added for that if anything.
Yeah, I took a look at that. Since they all affect Matrix Actions and not actual Skills or Attributes, the <bonus /> stuff doesn't apply to them.
May 25 2011, 03:54 AM
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ May 24 2011, 08:25 PM)

Yup. And in doing a bit more testing just now I've isolated the issue to having a Complex Form at a rating of 7. Submersion 1 & Resonance 7 don't do anything, it's when a Complex Form is set to 7 that this issue appears (at 6, no problems). Simply readding, removing, and readding the same form at a lower rating does nothing to try and clear this (thought it might clear some resident data from the save file).
Hmm, neat. I'll have this fixed for the next update then. I'd guess that Spirits are being affected the same way since Initiation/Submersion and Spirits/Sprites are the same objects with a different label slapped on 'em.
May 25 2011, 04:11 AM
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 22 2011, 12:06 PM)

My initial guess would be Armor Encumbrance since it affects both of those stats equally. What is your BOD and total amount of Armor you're wearing?
That did seem to be the issue with most of my characters, except orthoskin seems to be counting towards encumbrance. Is that intentional?
May 25 2011, 06:09 AM
I went and entered the data on sprites and their powers.
I've not entered free sprites yet, just regular ones and entropic.
I put it in a custom file instead of the main critter and critterpowers files.
They can be inserted into those at some point.
I'll do the free sprites tomorrow.
There will need to be editing done I'm sure.
The ones in Unwired have options on their complex forms, and so I had no clue how that should be entered.
There attribute are completely different, so I just entered what they have.
I was unsure of what some entries should be for the powers.
You can download what I've done so far from,
May 25 2011, 09:49 AM
Chummer build 91 is not working for me. Started out because the program was not updating past build 89. Kept telling me there was no new updaates. So I uninstalled old files and downloaded new zip file. When I ckicked on the program it does nothing. I checked in my task manager and I see two chummer.exe processes running but no GUI. I try to end process on one of them and it just keeps popping back up in there. I then ended process tree and it cleared out the chummer.exe out of the task manager processes tab. Am thinking the auto updated might be the issue. I installed old zip file build 43 and it woked but when I updated it did not work anymore either. Help!
May 25 2011, 12:04 PM
QUOTE (Argent @ May 25 2011, 04:49 AM)

Chummer build 91 is not working for me. Started out because the program was not updating past build 89. Kept telling me there was no new updaates. So I uninstalled old files and downloaded new zip file. When I ckicked on the program it does nothing. I checked in my task manager and I see two chummer.exe processes running but no GUI. I try to end process on one of them and it just keeps popping back up in there. I then ended process tree and it cleared out the chummer.exe out of the task manager processes tab. Am thinking the auto updated might be the issue. I installed old zip file build 43 and it woked but when I updated it did not work anymore either. Help!
I am experience the same issues.
I am using Windows XP Pro and Windows 7 Ultrimate.
It removes the original exe and create a new one. Looks as though it has to Chummer.exe processes running. One as a sub process.
May 25 2011, 12:45 PM
I had the same problem after copying the new build over the old. However I fixed mine by using regedit to go in and delete all references to chummer after backing up my custom data and characters and then deleting the files. Anyway getting rid of the program, cleaning the registry with regedit of all things chummer then a restart of the computer and fresh install fixed the problem for me anyway.
May 25 2011, 12:50 PM
Hmm. Seems the Automatic Update isn't working properly. If you're able to get into Chummer, go into the Options and turn off Automatic Updates. If you can't get in, open regedit and find HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Chummer. Edit the autoupdate key and change its value from "True" to "False". You should be able to get back in and perform a manual update.
Edit: I believe I found and fixed the problem - version number mismatch strikes again. Should be okay now.
May 25 2011, 12:52 PM
QUOTE (fazzamar @ May 24 2011, 11:11 PM)

That did seem to be the issue with most of my characters, except orthoskin seems to be counting towards encumbrance. Is that intentional?
Yes, this is intentional. I had mentioned this in a previous post where someone else was running into this (some number of pages back somewhere and nuts to flipping through it all to find it

). Since it says it count towards, and stack with, your existing Armor Ratings and is not a magical source, the rules imply that it should also count towards Armor Encumbrance, which makes sense to me since it is adding more bulk to your frame.
Dakka Dakka
May 25 2011, 01:34 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 25 2011, 02:52 PM)

Yes, this is intentional. I had mentioned this in a previous post where someone else was running into this (some number of pages back somewhere and nuts to flipping through it all to find it

). Since it says it count towards, and stack with, your existing Armor Ratings and is not a magical source, the rules imply that it should also count towards Armor Encumbrance, which makes sense to me since it is adding more bulk to your frame.
No it shouldn't and the rules don't imply it either. Encumbrance only applies to
worn armor. The implant or any other implant is obviously not worn. For the same reason magical armor does not add to encumbrance.
May 25 2011, 02:13 PM
Hmm, okay. Well, this will be changed for the next update then.
May 25 2011, 02:57 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 25 2011, 09:13 AM)

Hmm, okay. Well, this will be changed for the next update then.
So the manual update worked, but it only updated the application to 91, none of the data files were updated to the new version.
May 25 2011, 03:06 PM
Right. The automatic update would have already taken care of the XML files. The issue was that automatic update thought your current version was old, downloaded the update, restarted the app, thought the current version was old, downloaded the update, restarted the app... and on and on and on...

It was comparing version number, found 91 and 89 weren't the same number, so it went off to correct it. The original plan was to use longer version number like "" so checking see if one number was biger than the other wasn't quite as simple - the solution at the time was just to see if the numbers were different from each other. If they were, you need to update. I think I'm just going to stick with the build number since that's what everyone is probably used to seeing by now, and I rather like it. So I'll change the update process to do direct comparsions of the application version number. So if the app's version number is less than the updated version number, an update is done, otherwise it won't. This will avoid this stupid infinite update loop.
New XML files will be a part of the next update which will put them all on the same version number again, add some missing Gear, Streams, Sprites, and so on.
May 25 2011, 03:17 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 25 2011, 10:06 AM)

Right. The automatic update would have already taken care of the XML files. The issue was that automatic update thought your current version was old, downloaded the update, restarted the app, thought the current version was old, downloaded the update, restarted the app... and on and on and on...

It was comparing version number, found 91 and 89 weren't the same number, so it went off to correct it. The original plan was to use longer version number like "" so checking see if one number was biger than the other wasn't quite as simple - the solution at the time was just to see if the numbers were different from each other. If they were, you need to update. I think I'm just going to stick with the build number since that's what everyone is probably used to seeing by now, and I rather like it. So I'll change the update process to do direct comparsions of the application version number. So if the app's version number is less than the updated version number, an update is done, otherwise it won't. This will avoid this stupid infinite update loop.
New XML files will be a part of the next update which will put them all on the same version number again, add some missing Gear, Streams, Sprites, and so on.
Nope I had previously turned off the auto updater and did the update manually.
I preferred seeing the update window so I could see what it was updating, which the auto updater did not show.
May 25 2011, 03:32 PM
The manual update is subject to the same problem, it just doesn't get stuck in the auto-restart loop. The version number don't match, so it thinks you should grab the update.
May 25 2011, 03:49 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ May 25 2011, 10:32 AM)

The manual update is subject to the same problem, it just doesn't get stuck in the auto-restart loop. The version number don't match, so it thinks you should grab the update.
I was using build 89, and it updated to 91, but it only updated the application.
It now says everything is up to date.
The thing is previously it wasn't updating at all. So this is an improvement. lol
May 25 2011, 06:35 PM
What about the item 6 rating and 12 availability limitation at character creation?
Can you add an option to restrict adding the item if it is over the availability limit?
May 25 2011, 11:14 PM
Could you please add a splitter bar between the knowledge skills and the stuff above it?
This would allow for the ability to give more room to knowledge skills while entering them.
May 25 2011, 11:28 PM
Updated the data files I posted for sprites and their powers. it helps.
May 26 2011, 03:44 AM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ May 25 2011, 06:14 PM)

Could you please add a splitter bar between the knowledge skills and the stuff above it?
This would allow for the ability to give more room to knowledge skills while entering them.
Good idea. Not sure why this never occurred to me when I was writing the resize code for that whole section but at least someone did.

This should be in the next update.
May 26 2011, 04:51 AM
QUOTE (Argent @ May 25 2011, 02:49 AM)

Chummer build 91 is not working for me. Started out because the program was not updating past build 89. Kept telling me there was no new updaates. So I uninstalled old files and downloaded new zip file. When I ckicked on the program it does nothing. I checked in my task manager and I see two chummer.exe processes running but no GUI. I try to end process on one of them and it just keeps popping back up in there. I then ended process tree and it cleared out the chummer.exe out of the task manager processes tab. Am thinking the auto updated might be the issue. I installed old zip file build 43 and it woked but when I updated it did not work anymore either. Help!
Not sure what was going on, but I just chose to run the EXE as an Administrator and the issue was solved (I use a User profile, not an Administrator, on my laptop practically all the time). Even after downloading a fresh copy of build 91 it still did exactly this.
May 26 2011, 06:49 AM
Whew. Sounds like we're finally getting into the stuff that people disagree on.
Now why can't I add weapons to my drone weapon mounts? All my (standard) vehicle mods are greyed out and I can't even right click them.
Also, Armor, AR132. I think this upgrade adds to the rating of your vehicle. I don't think its rating replaces the vehicle's armor. The book says that vehicle armor is easily seen and may raise questions, and you can't conceal armor if its the only shell your vehicle has, so I'm pretty sure its just supposed to be plates that overlap your normal armor.
May 26 2011, 07:47 AM
Peculiar about the weapon mount. Tested on a Doberman & Centipede and was able to add a weapon to each (after adding a mount to the Centipede, of course). Though the mount option might be grayed out on the Doberman, it was selectable, and from there you click the down pointing arrow on the "Add Vehicle" button. An "Add Weapon" option shows up.
As for the armor, it's described in Arsenal that the Armor mod is a replacement as the vehicle's original armor is stripped out and replaced by the new. And it's not just plates that overlap your normal armor, it's also heavier and multilayered windows on the doors and windshield and such (extra armor plating does no good when half your body can be seen through a plexiglas window).
May 26 2011, 09:34 AM
Going into the registry and turning off the auto update did the trick. Chummer Build 91 is working fine now on my computer.
1. Ares Desert Strike is missing Extended Barrel mod. AR pg 28 (Second to last sentence in detailed description)
2. Missing most of the software from Unwired Table on pg 202 and 203. ie Program Packages, Skillsoft clusters, Tactical software, etc.
May 26 2011, 01:26 PM
QUOTE (longbowrocks @ May 26 2011, 12:49 AM)

Now why can't I add weapons to my drone weapon mounts? All my (standard) vehicle mods are greyed out and I can't even right click them.
Hmm. Well, you can add weapons to the mount when it's greyed out by clicking on the arrow for the Add Vehicle button which does the same thing as right-clicking. The problem is that when I'm building the list of items the vehicle/drone comes with for the tree, I'm not attaching the context (right-click) menu to it because it is in a different class altogether. When you manually add a turret, the context menu is part of the same class so I can easily attach it then. Vehicles that include Weapon Mounts as part of their base configuration will have the same issue. It looks like I'm also forgetting to re-attach them when you load a saved file. These will be fixed in the next update.
May 26 2011, 02:19 PM
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ May 26 2011, 01:47 AM)

As for the armor, it's described in Arsenal that the Armor mod is a replacement as the vehicle's original armor is stripped out and replaced by the new. And it's not just plates that overlap your normal armor, it's also heavier and multilayered windows on the doors and windshield and such (extra armor plating does no good when half your body can be seen through a plexiglas window).
Just to follow up on this, here's the excerpt from AR 133 that describes Armor Modifications (last two sentences, just before the "Assembly Time Improvement" item) which I came across while implmenting vehicle armor:
Note that the rating of the armor upgrade is not cumulative with the basic armor value that most off-the-rack vehicles are already equipped with. Instead, the modification assumes that the original armor is being stripped and replaced with the new armor.
May 26 2011, 03:36 PM
QUOTE (Argent @ May 26 2011, 04:34 AM)

1. Ares Desert Strike is missing Extended Barrel mod. AR pg 28 (Second to last sentence in detailed description)
2. Missing most of the software from Unwired Table on pg 202 and 203. ie Program Packages, Skillsoft clusters, Tactical software, etc.
These will be in next update.
Dakka Dakka
May 26 2011, 06:00 PM
A normal sized heavy turret is nonsense. The heavy turret is for main guns. The normal weapon mount can't take any weapon larger than an LMG.
While I can't find a rule forbidding it, internal and concealed heavy turrets sound implausible.
The Body Stabilizer is restricted to rating 1 it should be rating 1-3 (Arsenal p. 133).
[Edit]Same goes for the Turbo Charger (Arsenal p. 146). Well the Maximum is MIN(BOD;4)[/Edit]
It would be really cool, if you implemented the possibility to load Mechanical Arms with Cyberlimb Accessories.
[Edit]Vehicle Weapons cannot take Underbarrel Weapons, yet.[/Edit]
May 26 2011, 06:03 PM
I do not see just a normal helmet in the armor either. Am I missing it?
Dakka Dakka
May 26 2011, 06:30 PM
It is an Armor Modification according to the program. It took me some time to figure it out as well.
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