Nov 13 2011, 01:05 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Nov 13 2011, 01:07 PM)

What printing dates do you have in your books?
The one with the most resent printing date should be the most accurate version.
The most recent is of course the French one, as it's been translated. I do not know if there has been several prints in English though.
My English PDF has no printing date that I can spot, only the copyright on page 5
Copyright© 2005–2009 WizKids Inc. All Rights Reserved.
French one has this:
Version française 1.02 (avril 2011) sur la base de la version américaine 1.0 (avril 2009).
Nov 13 2011, 02:18 PM
QUOTE (someone3x7 @ Nov 13 2011, 08:50 AM)

Oh, another thing I should of noticed before is that currently Vehicles are treating Pilot and System separately. However, per the description of Pilot it is the vehicles system.
The DEFAULT pilot is the system, but you can add pilot programs and such to change the default, I believe.
Nov 13 2011, 03:08 PM
QUOTE (KeyMasterOfGozer @ Nov 13 2011, 09:18 AM)

The DEFAULT pilot is the system, but you can add pilot programs and such to change the default, I believe.
The Pilot is always the System for vehicles. It can be upgraded by up to 2 points, as long as response was upgraded as well.
If you plug in the Modular Electronics vehicle mod you can upgrade pilot above the 2 point limitation.
You can't replace Pilot with System. Doing so would cause the vehicle to stop functioning properly. No driving itself, manual might still work, but probably not.
It would be like taking out the computer they put in the cars we drive now.
You can put a commlink or nexus in a vehicle and have a system as a plugin on both of those.
Nov 13 2011, 04:16 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Nov 13 2011, 11:08 AM)

The Pilot is always the System for vehicles. It can be upgraded by up to 2 points, as long as response was upgraded as well.
If you plug in the Modular Electronics vehicle mod you can upgrade pilot above the 2 point limitation.
You can't replace Pilot with System. Doing so would cause the vehicle to stop functioning properly. No driving itself, manual might still work, but probably not.
It would be like taking out the computer they put in the cars we drive now.
You can put a commlink or nexus in a vehicle and have a system as a plugin on both of those.
I haven't gone through all the rules, but a cursory glance:
As wireless-enabled devices, every vehicle/drone is considered to have a Device rating (see p. 213 SR4) that determines it's standard Matrix attributes (Response, System, Firewall, and Signal)....The individual Response, System, Firewall, and Signal ratings may be upgraded as normal.
Note that pilot rating is listed separately, and is not considered part of the Device Rating.
Also check out the next page in the PILOT CAPABILITIES section. This talks about being able to use pilot programs from other vehicles at a penalty. This section also implies that you can make other better pilot programs to install on this vehicles system.
With this in mind, I'm thinking that pilot is definitely a different rating, and is not always the same as system. But either way, you will have to wait for Nebular to get back from vacation before it can be changed. Maybe it would be best to start a separate thread to discuss this issue, then link to it here so Nebular can see which way the community thinks.
Nov 13 2011, 07:36 PM
QUOTE (KeyMasterOfGozer @ Nov 13 2011, 11:16 AM)

I haven't gone through all the rules, but a cursory glance:
Also check out the next page in the PILOT CAPABILITIES section. This talks about being able to use pilot programs from other vehicles at a penalty. This section also implies that you can make other better pilot programs to install on this vehicles system.
With this in mind, I'm thinking that pilot is definitely a different rating, and is not always the same as system. But either way, you will have to wait for Nebular to get back from vacation before it can be changed. Maybe it would be best to start a separate thread to discuss this issue, then link to it here so Nebular can see which way the community thinks.
What are the values of the attributes, because they are not listed anywhere? Only thing I've ever seen listed is Pilot.
Yes you can write your own pilot program, but pilot programs are specific to a vehicle or drone. As it says using a pilot programs from another vehicle or drone gives negative modifiers.
Nov 13 2011, 09:08 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Nov 12 2011, 12:29 AM)

Both program options come at no cost, and on top of that, you can delete both at no cost too.
Sure, but it would be "cleaner" not having that option in the first place

But some real bugs/missing features:
- The AK-127 and seemingly all armor/clothing from DE Arsenal is missing all standard upgrades (If you want, I can try providing fixed entries for those)
- The External Mount and Articulated Weapon Arm are handled as "normal" cyberware with Essence cost 0, but should only be available for installation in a Cyberarm (External Mount) or torso (both)
- In the exported .xml file, TM's Living Persona comes with an upgrade called " Living Persona". It also has a Biofeedback Filter, but sadly without rating
- The "Add Complex Form" dialogue has no search field
- The same dialogue has sections for Malware and Autosofts. Technomancers can never learn those, even dissonants only have access to viruses but not worms and trojans
And some minor stuff I found while working with the .xml files
- In the exported .xml file, the standard cybereye upgrades (Recording Unit and Image Link) have a maximum rating of 4
- Also in the .xml file, some upgrades (couldn't establish a pattern) still come with their useless GUIDs
Nov 14 2011, 04:07 AM
QUOTE (KeyMasterOfGozer @ Nov 13 2011, 08:16 AM)

I haven't gone through all the rules, but a cursory glance:
Also check out the next page in the PILOT CAPABILITIES section. This talks about being able to use pilot programs from other vehicles at a penalty. This section also implies that you can make other better pilot programs to install on this vehicles system.
With this in mind, I'm thinking that pilot is definitely a different rating, and is not always the same as system. But either way, you will have to wait for Nebular to get back from vacation before it can be changed. Maybe it would be best to start a separate thread to discuss this issue, then link to it here so Nebular can see which way the community thinks.
Both editions of the SR4 core book in the description of pilot itself refer to it as a specialized system. The 2009 edition really clarifies it on page 245, "Pilot programs are a special type of OS featuring semiautonomous decision-making algorithms and special programming specific to the device on which it is installed... A Pilot program is basically a System program with extra features, and so is used whenever the drone’s System rating would be."
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Nov 13 2011, 11:36 AM)

What are the values of the attributes, because they are not listed anywhere? Only thing I've ever seen listed is Pilot.
Yes you can write your own pilot program, but pilot programs are specific to a vehicle or drone. As it says using a pilot programs from another vehicle or drone gives negative modifiers.
They are inferred from Device Rating, which is somewhat up to the discretion of the GM. General rule is standard drones and vehicles have a base of 3, security vehicles 4, and military 5. SR4A pg 222
Nov 14 2011, 04:12 AM
Another thing to point out is that SR4A came out after AR, UN, AU, etc, so it should take precedence when there are conflicts.
Nov 14 2011, 04:48 AM
QUOTE (KeyMasterOfGozer @ Nov 13 2011, 08:16 AM)

Also check out the next page in the PILOT CAPABILITIES section. This talks about being able to use pilot programs from other vehicles at a penalty. This section also implies that you can make other better pilot programs to install on this vehicles system.
One the problems with correlating all this is the rules for System and Pilot is they are so scattered even within the core book itself. And you have to read them all before it makes any real sense. You can also write your own systems, and they similarly are limited to the device-type they were written for. See UN pg51 "An OS designed for a toaster, for example, knows nothing about doing laundry..." It took me a few to find that one again...
Nov 14 2011, 07:00 AM
Found another duplicated item that caused some light consternation. Microphone. Might I suggest converting Category to a list with the first category being primary and additional ones other locations an item might appear...
Nov 15 2011, 03:05 PM
According to page 195 of SR4A, a Mystic Adepts maximum level for adept powers should be their full magic attribute, not the split value.
Right now it appears that it's using the split value.
For all other purposes, including the determination of the maximum level for adept powers, the character’s full Magic attribute is used.
Nov 16 2011, 08:23 AM
Chummer enforces taking negative qualities at -35bp, though you can take them as much as you want, you just do not receive more than 35 bp.
Also, has anyone made custom data for alt.War project?
Nov 16 2011, 09:21 AM
QUOTE (HeckfyEx @ Nov 16 2011, 09:23 AM)

Chummer enforces taking negative qualities at -35bp, though you can take them as much as you want, you just do not receive more than 35 bp.
That is not my understanding of this extract from page 68 of SR4A:
Characters may not purchase more than 35 BP worth of Positive qualities or take more than 35 BP worth of Negative qualities.
Nov 16 2011, 09:39 AM
p.93 SR4A.
Negative qualities provide bonus BP that can be used toward the
cost of attributes, skills, qualities, and other resources and abilities. Characters may not earn more than 35 BP from purchasing
Negative Qualities.
I do so love it when rules contradict each other.
Nov 16 2011, 09:43 AM
Actually, I realize they do not.
Characters may not purchase more than 35 BP worth of Positive qualities or take more than 35 BP worth of Negative qualities.
So you cannot indeed take more than 35 BP worth of positive qualities, but you can take more than 35 BP worth of negative qualities, you won't just get more BP for them.
You were absolutely right: Chummer should allow it and maybe keep a warning dialog about this rule.
Dakka Dakka
Nov 16 2011, 09:51 AM
QUOTE (deurk @ Nov 16 2011, 10:43 AM)

So you cannot indeed take more than 35 BP worth of positive qualities, but you can take more than 35 BP worth of negative qualities, you won't just get more BP for them.
You got the meaning of the quote wrong. Taking refers to Negative qualities. So you cannot have more than 35BP worth of Negative qualities. The other extract form p. 93 does not directly contradict it. It simply states that you cannot get more than a 35BP bonus from Negative Qualities, which is only logical if you are not allowed to take more.
A good idea might be to allow it as a houserule.
Nov 16 2011, 09:55 AM
Rereading them again I now understand. You cannot purchase or take more than 35 BP worth of Negative qualities, just as you cannot purchase or take more than 35 BP worth of Positive qualities. The extract page 93 does not indeed contradict the one from page 68.
Nov 16 2011, 01:05 PM
Chummer does not stop you from doing illegal things in a lot of places, it just tells you when you've reached limits. For example most items with Capacity will let you overload them as much as you want, the system will register a negative capacity slot usage but won't stop you from adding more mods.
Nov 16 2011, 08:52 PM
You will find many places where chummer will allow you to do things that are not allowed in the rules, but when you go to move the character to career mode it will give messages and not allow the character go be moved to career mode until the problems are fixed. Unless you check the checkbox when you first create the character saying to ignore creation rules, then it lets you do anything you want.
Nov 16 2011, 08:53 PM
QUOTE (KarmaInferno @ Nov 16 2011, 08:05 AM)

Chummer does not stop you from doing illegal things in a lot of places, it just tells you when you've reached limits. For example most items with Capacity will let you overload them as much as you want, the system will register a negative capacity slot usage but won't stop you from adding more mods.
There are rules for overmoding of most items, in particular vehicles/drones comes to mind.
I would think that armour also has over moding rules.
Nov 16 2011, 09:23 PM
I would think that armour also has over moding rules.
It has, but they are optional, afaik.
Nov 17 2011, 06:19 AM
If possible, please do add this as a house rule. Because, ignoring character creation rules let's you take negative qualities in excess 35 bp, but it doesn't limit the payout to 35.
Nov 17 2011, 11:02 PM
Main problem with Chummer tonigth:
* Especially for new characters after a few runs, you can't remove skill points from carrier mode and put them elsewhere without having to go back to a character in creation mode again, a few runs back.
You should be able to remove skills points in carrier mode I think, for ease of use purpose.
Minimax le Rouge
Nov 18 2011, 09:54 AM
Some problem when creating a ghoul character:
* Ghouls are blind, so i must loose the low-light or thermographic vision of metahuman type/variants.
* when adding cyberware, i can't drop the magic score to zero. It always cost more karma keeping magic to 1. And cybereyes must also lead to loose the metatype/variant special vision
Nov 18 2011, 11:02 AM
Hi i am a French user excuse me for potential mistakes

I don't found the possibility to create an home node of an AI character and i don't found any check/combo box for her inherent program?
Nov 18 2011, 11:18 AM
QUOTE (Jazz @ Nov 17 2011, 06:02 PM)

Main problem with Chummer tonigth:
* Especially for new characters after a few runs, you can't remove skill points from carrier mode and put them elsewhere without having to go back to a character in creation mode again, a few runs back.
You should be able to remove skills points in carrier mode I think, for ease of use purpose.
Actually, once in Career mode you should not be able to remove skill points and move them around. That would be essentially unlearning a skill and replacing it with a new one in real life. Career mode is supposed to represent an active character in a game. The rules do not allow for unlearning skills so Chummers does not either in Career mode. What I recommend to my players is to keep a copy of the character in Build mode and a separate copy in Career mode.
Nov 18 2011, 12:36 PM
QUOTE (dragrubis @ Nov 18 2011, 06:02 AM)

Hi i am a French user excuse me for potential mistakes

I don't found the possibility to create an home node of an AI character and i don't found any check/combo box for her inherent program?
AI's are not implemented completely, and won't be.
To do Inherent programs you need to add a location to your gear called Inherent programs.
Then add matrix programs to that location to show which programs you have as inherent programs.
The home node will be implemented as a check box for commlinks but it's not been done yet.
Nov 18 2011, 02:07 PM
I've yet to find someone who wants to play an adipose character but when that happens it would be nice to see the dicepool modifiers and movement changes in chummer
For reference:
QUOTE (Runners Companion p. 116)
The character is clinically obese due to metabolic or genetic dysfunction and possesses more than 30 percent body fat. Because of her massive weight and abdominal girth, she is slow to react and cumbersome. Reduce her Walking and Running rates (see Movement, p. 138, SR4) by half (round down). Additionally, the character receives a –3 dice pool modifier to all physical activities including combat (and Dodge), and becomes out of breath much faster than a healthy person. Use half the character’s Body Attribute when determining the number of Turns before the character starts taking Fatigue damage (p. 155, SR4). Because adiposis is metagenetic in nature, it cannot be fully countered by Dietware or Slimworms (pp. 62 and 71 respectively, Augmentation), though each treatment reduces the dice pool modifiers by 1, to a minimum of –1.
Right now, none of the bolded parts are taken into account.
Nov 18 2011, 03:34 PM
Naming "normal" Lifestyles would be great.

Low ("Barrens")
Low ("Mom")
And the option to tie a connection to them would be great, too.
Rightclick on lifestyle/Choose associated SIN/*Dropdown Menu with all bought SINs*This would only need 2 new entries=
"SIN"[ID/Credsticks](cost 0; no rating(or rating6)) and an
entry "Associated Sin:" right under Lifestyles "Source:" and above "Comforts:".
I bet you´ve got tons to work through once your vacation ends. ^^ Good luck with it all.
Nov 19 2011, 12:53 AM
Is the skill Flight supposed to be part of the Athletic Skill Group, because if it's not it currently is showing up as being part of it. It's also something you can default to, which also doesn't make sense.
Nov 19 2011, 04:36 AM
Not sure if this has been reported yet, but found what appears to be a glitch in the saved Settings option. Alphabetically, if the file name comes before "default.xml", the file name and associations become messed up. For example, I had a settings file named "Apocalypse.xml", and when attempting to select this file the "default.xml" is read, and vice versa.
After removing the file "Apocalypse" and re-creating it, the three that I have (which includes "default.xml") are now completely messed up in that if one is selected a different file is read. If anything it appears the drop down is read alphabetically, yet the files themselves are read chronologically.
Nov 19 2011, 06:48 AM
I added shock lock Rounds to a character in build mode, with the quantity set to 60 and when quantity went to 10.
When I change the quantity back to 60 it stays at 60 until I click on it in the tree at which point it goes back to 10.
Nov 19 2011, 08:53 AM
Oh yeah, had the same ammo issue show up, but for a bundle of APDS. It doesn't seem to be limited to any specific type of ammo, either.
Nov 19 2011, 05:29 PM
yeah, if I don't click on the ammo and save the character, then open the character it still has the 60 rounds, but as soon as I click on the ammo it goes back to 10.
Nov 19 2011, 11:35 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Nov 18 2011, 07:53 PM)

Is the skill Flight supposed to be part of the Athletic Skill Group, because if it's not it currently is showing up as being part of it. It's also something you can default to, which also doesn't make sense.
This came up in my group. Flight skill is part of the athletics group, but for the life of me I cannot remember where he found it. And characters don't default to skills, they default to attributes related to those skills.
Nov 20 2011, 12:51 AM
Flight, Runner's Companion, page 88; black box in the upper left corner.
Nov 20 2011, 02:57 AM
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ Nov 19 2011, 07:51 PM)

Flight, Runner's Companion, page 88; black box in the upper left corner.
The way that description reads only characters that have the ability to Fly should have access to the skill.
Having a regular metatype that doesn't fly having the skill or learning it really doesn't make sense.
I don't really think it should have been in the Athletics group, it should have been more an exotic skill. Since that skill group now has 5 skills and no other group does.
Mind you it's also the least useful skill group, so that's probably why they didn't see an issue with adding it there.
To add a few ideas:
It would be good if skills included the book and page number for them.
I'd like to see a BP tab that does the same thing as the Karma tab on the Options window. Being allowed to change the base BP cost would be useful.
Being able to override particular entries within the base data would also be nice to be able to do. The idea I had was to have something similar to the _Custom tag in file names. In this case use _Override and have any entries within the file and override the base file entry of the same name.
Nov 21 2011, 02:34 AM
QUOTE (deurk @ Nov 11 2011, 03:22 AM)

Except that ammunition are linked to the category if I'm not mistaking, so buying the shotgun version with shotgun ammo won't let you reload. I think it's better to have accurate information (even though even with changed categories it won't require you to buy the base of the weapon to get the shotgun piece for example) than ease the hunt like you said, hunt that can pretty quickly return everything by just inputting weapon name in the search box

If you look at the AUG-CSL in AR 27, the description states that regarldess of the configuration, all modes use Assault Rifle ammo. Since the XM30 from SR4 doesn't say if it uses different ammo types or not, I would think it's reasonable to assume it would follow the same rules as the AUG-CSL and use the same ammo for its various configurations (with the exception of the Grenade Launcher attachment).
I've update the Weapons file to correct a few missing Ammo types for Weapons (one of the Shotgun attachments wasn't using Shotgun Ammo) and removed the "w/ flechette" versions of Weapons since Ammo now directly affects a Weapon.
Nov 21 2011, 02:34 AM
QUOTE (Diabolos @ Nov 11 2011, 09:38 AM)

In my copy of SR4a, under the section labelled Audio Enhancements:
For clarification, I have the English 20th anniversary core rulebook.
My pre-order PDF copy of the book is missing the "Each enhancement costs X Capacity" bit as well, but my physical copy which is newer
does have that bit. Unfortunately there's no version or printing number in either of them, but since the physical copy came out several months after the PDF one (longer than it would reasonably take to do an actual printing run) I'd say the print copy is correct. The Gear file has been updated to reflect this.
Nov 21 2011, 02:34 AM
QUOTE (Sengir @ Nov 13 2011, 03:08 PM)

Sure, but it would be "cleaner" not having that option in the first place

But some real bugs/missing features:
- The AK-127 and seemingly all armor/clothing from DE Arsenal is missing all standard upgrades (If you want, I can try providing fixed entries for those)
- The External Mount and Articulated Weapon Arm are handled as "normal" cyberware with Essence cost 0, but should only be available for installation in a Cyberarm (External Mount) or torso (both)
- In the exported .xml file, TM's Living Persona comes with an upgrade called " Living Persona". It also has a Biofeedback Filter, but sadly without rating
- The "Add Complex Form" dialogue has no search field
- The same dialogue has sections for Malware and Autosofts. Technomancers can never learn those, even dissonants only have access to viruses but not worms and trojans
And some minor stuff I found while working with the .xml files
- In the exported .xml file, the standard cybereye upgrades (Recording Unit and Image Link) have a maximum rating of 4
- Also in the .xml file, some upgrades (couldn't establish a pattern) still come with their useless GUIDs
I'll make these individual options then.
Sure, if there additional options/upgrades/etc. for the German Arsenal items I'll gladly take 'em.

I'll add the ability to search in the Select Complex Form window to the next update. I was sure I had check to make sure all of the appropriate windows had Search capabilities but looks like I missed that one.
Living Persona is setup to function exactly like a Commlink. In order for it to have a Firewall and System Rating, it needs a Commlink Operating System which is also simply called Living Persona (since that's where it's coming from). The Biofeedback Filter Rating will be fixed in the next update.
It looks like Weapon Mods and Spells were the items that were adding their GUIDs to the printout XML. Not entirely sure why it was there - probably just from copying/pasting the Save method for them and forgetting to strip that part out. I'll have this removed in the next update. The minimum and maximum Ratings in the printout XML is useless - it's just writing out values that the application uses to record information.
Nov 21 2011, 02:34 AM
QUOTE (Dakka Dakka @ Nov 16 2011, 03:51 AM)

You got the meaning of the quote wrong. Taking refers to Negative qualities. So you cannot have more than 35BP worth of Negative qualities. The other extract form p. 93 does not directly contradict it. It simply states that you cannot get more than a 35BP bonus from Negative Qualities, which is only logical if you are not allowed to take more.
A good idea might be to allow it as a houserule.
I'll add these as two separate rules, one to allow more than 35 BP in Negative Qualities, and one to allow more than 35 BP in Positive Qualities ('cause if I don't add it, someone will surely ask for it

Nov 21 2011, 02:35 AM
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ Nov 18 2011, 10:36 PM)

Not sure if this has been reported yet, but found what appears to be a glitch in the saved Settings option. Alphabetically, if the file name comes before "default.xml", the file name and associations become messed up. For example, I had a settings file named "Apocalypse.xml", and when attempting to select this file the "default.xml" is read, and vice versa.
After removing the file "Apocalypse" and re-creating it, the three that I have (which includes "default.xml") are now completely messed up in that if one is selected a different file is read. If anything it appears the drop down is read alphabetically, yet the files themselves are read chronologically.
Whoops. Looks like I was sorting the list in the desired manner in the code, then the list itself was saying it wanted to sort things again - but when the list sorts it only moves the text value, not the value I actually care about that's attached to it behind the scenes. Fixed in the next update.
Nov 21 2011, 05:00 AM
And he's back! Welcome back Nebular, hope you got a good rest and gaming sessions!
Here is a little bit of text I've been saving for you...
Bugs:- Knowledge quality types list is not sorted by translated terms
- Variable cost window can be closed using top right button, resulting in null cost
- Variable cost window still pops-up even when Free checkbox has been selected on item selection window
- HK Urban Fighter should disallow modifications, allow accessories and have a builtin smartgun
- HK Urban Combat should disallow modifications, allow accessories and have a builtin smartgun on top of current sound suppressor
- HK MX30 options should have separate categories to allow ammunition loading, and require the base version of the weapon
- Displayed Essence in creation warning dialog is incorrect
- Ork poser is available for Orks and unavailable for Elves, should be the opposite
- Out of ammunition warning dialog displays untranslated required ammunition (Message_OutOfAmmoType)
- Quality swap confirmation dialog displays untranslated qualities (Message_QualitySwap, String_ExpenseSwapPositiveQuality, String_ExpenseSwapNegativeQuality)
- Karma expense confirmation dialog displays untranslated attributes/qualities/skills/skills groups (Message_ConfirmKarmaExpense)
- Martial art advantage error dialog displays untranslated martial art (Message_MartialArtAdvantageLimit)
- Qualities adding or removal dialogs display untranslated qualities (Message_ConfirmKarmaExpenseSpend, Message_ConfirmKarmaExpenseRemove)
- Skill or attribute selection dialogs display untranslated improvement (String_Improvement_SelectSkillNamed, String_Improvement_SelectSkillGroupName and String_Improvement_SelectAttributeNamed)
- Value specification for improvement dialog displays untranslated improvement (String_Improvement_SelectText)
- Skill group breakup confirmation dialog displays untranslated skill group (Message_BreakSkillGroup)
- Carrier mode allows player to add/remove edge points but does not display current edge on character sheets
- Add a modify contextual menu for advanced lifestyles
- Matrix programs capacity is incorrect (Browse has capacity 5 for rating 1, 1 for rating 2, 15 for rating 3, 2 for rating 4...)
- Black Market Pipeline does not give any way to reduce price by 10% for a specific type of gear
- Genetic Heritage should allow a free genetic modification
- Default modifications or accessories for cyberware are untranslated
- Spells: all descriptions, types, ranges, damages, duration, DV, categories are untranslated both in the tab and the add spell dialog
- Drain resistance attributes are untranslated when you select a magical tradition
- Ammunition amount is incorrect when you add them as accessories to extra clips, displayed at 10, they change once you click on them
- Categories are sometimes untranslated in gears: neuro-stun is OK as a root item, untranslated as a grenade plugin
- Grenades display untranslated category (gear) in weapons tab
- Although translation is available, B&E Gear is still being displayed untranslated (& maybe?)
- Belt ammunition for mounted weapons should be reloaded by 250, 500 if Ammo Bins is installed
- Nesting should not be limited to 3 levels (commlink with agent with programme that can't have option)
- Attributes abbreviations on active skills panel are displayed untranslated
- Right handed information panel shows nuyen tooltip for carrier Karma, it's also displayed untranslated
- On vehicle modification dialog, rating, categories and restrictions are displayed untranslated
- French specific vehicle: DocWagon HTR
- Adding or removing monthes of a lifestyle does not trigger the save dialog
- Weapon buying dialog displays weapon mode untranslated
- Mount is displayed untranslated on weapons tab
- Usual skills on complex forms tab/complex form selection dialog is displayed untranslated
Features:- Have the search box be the default focus control in dialogs
- Allow journal sorting by date, cost or reason
- Chummer window name should be Chummer - Alias - Mode, easier to find than Chummer - [Chummer - Mode (Alias)]
- Accented characters should also match their non-accented counterpart, and vice-versa (ie: é should return é and e in search box)
- Have an option to allow automatic full screen at start of the application
- Have the possibility to display all categories wherever a category can be selected for filtering (gear/vehicle/weapon...)
- Have a tab for generic and user customizable modifiers for pools/attributes
- Have on/off checkboxes next to skills/powers/qualities that give temporary bonuses to reflect the changes on stats
- Have a subdirectory in the sheets directory or any other way to automatically select only sheets in current language
- Have weapons clips and extra clips allow ammunition loading and possibility to switch between clips
- Have the possibility to translate custom items in custom_fr_data.xml
- Have a source that could be the name of the item creator in custom data file
Questions:- Can Massaging Liners be available for all kind of armor?
- Can Hidden Arm Slide be available for weapons, not just firearms?
- Can ammunition be buyable from the weapon tab rather than gear?
On another note, have you received my emails a week or so ago?
Nov 21 2011, 09:39 AM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Nov 21 2011, 03:34 AM)

Sure, if there additional options/upgrades/etc. for the German Arsenal items I'll gladly take 'em.

Good thing I'm down with a bronchitis right now

@deurk: The way I read it the massage liners are an exclusive option for the Globetrotter line
Nov 21 2011, 03:59 PM
QUOTE (Sengir @ Nov 21 2011, 10:39 AM)

@deurk: The way I read it the massage liners are an exclusive option for the Globetrotter line
That's also my interpretation but I've been asked to ask since there is nothing that states it either way.
Nov 21 2011, 04:11 PM
QUOTE (deurk @ Nov 20 2011, 11:00 PM)

- HK MX30 options should have separate categories to allow ammunition loading, and require the base version of the weapon
As I mentioned previously, though I'm sure you' just copy/pasted a list now that I'm back rather than adjusting it based on my previous responses

, the AUG-CSL from AR says that all configurations use the same ammo. The XM30 does not say how it operates, so I think it's fair to assume it would work in the same manner as the AUG-CSL in that all configurations use the same type of Ammo (except for the Grenade Launcher).
QUOTE (deurk @ Nov 20 2011, 11:00 PM)

- Matrix programs capacity is incorrect (Browse has capacity 5 for rating 1, 1 for rating 2, 15 for rating 3, 2 for rating 4...)
Argh! Why do so many places insist on using a comma to mark a decimal place?!

This should be fixed in the next update.
QUOTE (deurk @ Nov 20 2011, 11:00 PM)

- Genetic Heritage should allow a free genetic modification
It does. When you select an appropriate piece of Bioware in the Add Bioware window, the Free! checkbox appears.
QUOTE (deurk @ Nov 20 2011, 11:00 PM)

- French specific vehicle: DocWagon HTR
I don't know what you're asking about here - is this a missing item? If so, I need the stats for it.
QUOTE (deurk @ Nov 20 2011, 11:00 PM)

- Chummer window name should be Chummer - Alias - Mode, easier to find than Chummer - [Chummer - Mode (Alias)]
I don't have control over the square brackets but I can re-order the items and remove the redundant "Chummer" bit. I'm sure there's a way if I override a method or two, but it's not worth the extra work when this small change will fit the need.

QUOTE (deurk @ Nov 20 2011, 11:00 PM)

- Have a source that could be the name of the item creator in custom data file
This would be done in a custom books.xml file which is currently supported.
QUOTE (deurk @ Nov 20 2011, 11:00 PM)

- Can Massaging Liners be available for all kind of armor?
- Can Hidden Arm Slide be available for weapons, not just firearms?
These liners explicitly exclusive to the Victory Globetrotter Line. If you want a universally-availble one, you'll need to create it as a custom data item. The same goes for the slides.
Nov 21 2011, 04:59 PM
Weapons file has been updated to add missing Smartgun Mods for the HK Urban Fighter and HK Urban Combat, as well as letting them have Accessories. Qualities file has been updated to correct the requirements for Ork Poser and additional penalties for Adiposis. Skills file has been updated to include source and page information though the application currently doesn't know about them.
Nov 21 2011, 05:40 PM
"Radius" is displayed untranslated in the weapon damage.
Nov 21 2011, 06:05 PM
QUOTE (deurk @ Nov 20 2011, 11:00 PM)

- Variable cost window still pops-up even when Free checkbox has been selected on item selection window
This is intended. While you may be acquiring the item for free, such as stealing it from someone or just taking it off of a corpse, the item itself still has an inherent value, meaning you can turn around and sell it based on the price you enter. For example, if I were to take a BTL worth 200Y off of someone, I'd add the item to the character, mark it as free, and enter 200 in the value window. This means I could turn around and sell the item for whatever percentage the buyer is giving me of that 200Y value.
Nov 21 2011, 06:33 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Nov 21 2011, 07:05 PM)

This is intended. While you may be acquiring the item for free, such as stealing it from someone or just taking it off of a corpse, the item itself still has an inherent value, meaning you can turn around and sell it based on the price you enter. For example, if I were to take a BTL worth 200Y off of someone, I'd add the item to the character, mark it as free, and enter 200 in the value window. This means I could turn around and sell the item for whatever percentage the buyer is giving me of that 200Y value.
That is smart thinking.
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