Jun 2 2011, 01:37 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jun 2 2011, 08:21 AM)

Everything looks correct to me. You have 18 free Knowledge Skill points based on your combined INT + LOG of 6. 18 points have been put into Knowledge Skill Ratings. You also selected 2 Specializations which cost 1 Knowledge Skill point each. Since you now have 20 in total, the extra cost comes out of your BP (the Build Point Summary shows your Knowledge Skills sitting at 4 BP). The first one moved you from 2 BP remaining to 0 BP, the second moved you from 0 BP to -2 BP. If you remove these Specializations, it puts you back to 2 BP.
Oh Man!, I have been doing that wrong this whole time. Thanks
Jun 2 2011, 04:10 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ May 31 2011, 02:43 PM)

It would be nice if the message windows that pop up when you spend karma, or delete something, or any other message for that matter, include what you are spending the karma on, or what you are deleting, etc.
It's just for ease of making sure you clicked on the right thing.
Completely forgot to address this. The application should already confirm if you want delete something - provided you have the "Ask for confirmation when deleting items" option turned on. It also asks for approval on Karma Expenses, though that one isn't an option (I'm adding the option for it for the next update). I'll also go through and make sure everything does consume Karma is in fact asking for the Karma confirmation.
Jun 2 2011, 09:14 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jun 2 2011, 12:10 PM)

Completely forgot to address this. The application should already confirm if you want delete something - provided you have the "Ask for confirmation when deleting items" option turned on. It also asks for approval on Karma Expenses, though that one isn't an option (I'm adding the option for it for the next update). I'll also go through and make sure everything does consume Karma is in fact asking for the Karma confirmation.
As far as I've seen it is giving the messages, what I'm suggesting is that you include in the message what is being changed.
So if I try to increase the Astral Combat skill it would say, "Are you sure you wish to spend karma on increasing Astral Combat?"
Same thing for deleting something.
It would also be nice if there is a way to roll something back, instead of having to reload the file.
I was thinking right click on the karma or nuyen expense list and select rollback, and it would remove everything you did to that point.
This would be useful for those times when you forgot to change the rating when buying something, and don't want to have to rebuy all 20 things you just bought.
Jun 2 2011, 09:17 PM
Big horkin' update time!
Build 102
- changed Options to a single instance class which to speed up execution and reduces memory usage
- changed XmlManager to a single instance class to speed up execution time and reduces memory usage
- minor change to how XmlManager handles files to work with non-Windows operating systems
- validation check when moving a character to Career Mode now checks that a Tradition or Stream has been selected if MAG or RES Attributes are enabled
- passing a save file as a command line argument now opens the save file in the correct mode instead of forcing it to Create Mode
- corrected the number of extra Matrix IPs that Advanced Overclocking grants to 1 since it stacks with Overclocking
- fixed an issue that caused non-Clothing Armor with a +X Armor Rating to counts its bonus twice
- Karma and Nuyen Expenses can now be renamed by double-clicking on an Expense Entry
- Advanced Lifestyles now have Starting Nuyen information populated when they are added to the character based on their LP cost (not including Qualities)
- characters that do not have a Lifestyle when attempting to enter Career Mode are given the Street Lifestyle
- added an option to include Modifiers in Skills even when Defaulting (disabled by default)
- added an option to change the amount of Nuyen gained per BP (default 5000)
- added an option to enforce the maximum modified rating for Skills (enabled by default)
- added an option to confirm Karma Expenses (enabled by default)
- added an option to set the Karma cost for additional Metamagics/Echoes
- added support for purchasing additional Metamagics/Echoes with Karma
- updated the Game Master Summary sheet to put all combat-relevant information together
- Complex Forms now support Program Options (thanks for ShadowWalker for getting all of the data entered)
- added Signal, Response, and Firewall Vehicle Mods (thanks for ShadowWalker for getting those entered as well)
- added buttons to spend and regain Edge to the Condition Monitors tab in Career Mode
- Adept Powers with a Quality requirement now enforce them
- added Custom Commlink and Custom Commlink OS items to Commlinks and Commlink Operating Systems in Gear which let you assemble custom Commlinks
- added support for Used Vehicles
- Vehicles can now have any Gear added to them (Add Sensor and Add Ammunition have all been rolled into this)
- Vehicles now come pre-equipped with non-Weapon Gear
- added appropriate ECCM and Sensors to Vehicles
- added Minigrenades to Gear
- Grenade Launchers now use Minigrenades as Ammo in Career Mode
- adding missing Range information for Battle Rifles
- added support for Weapon Concealability
- added Weapon Concealability information to Weapons
- Tradition and Stream are now drop down lists in Career Mode to allow characters to change their Tradition/Stream during play or select a new Tradition/Stream because of a Latent Quality
- Technomancers no longer benefit from Gear-based Matrix Initiative Pass modifiers (Sim Modules)
- added support for Nexi
Outstanding Issues
Jun 2 2011, 10:42 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jun 2 2011, 03:14 PM)

As far as I've seen it is giving the messages, what I'm suggesting is that you include in the message what is being changed.
So if I try to increase the Astral Combat skill it would say, "Are you sure you wish to spend karma on increasing Astral Combat?"
Same thing for deleting something.
This should be in the next update. I actually went through and re-wrote all of the confirmation code yesterday so it's one method instead of each piece handling it on its own, so doing this will be much easier now.
Jun 3 2011, 02:04 AM
EDIT: Forget what I said. Just read abour your addition of minigrenades. Made an ass out of u and me.
EDIT AGAIN: Wow. What an update. Very slick.
Jun 3 2011, 02:37 AM
Yes, wow in deed. That's a lot of material.
Added: Looks like I'm going to have to recreate my TM again because of the changes. Was kinda expecting it after seeing what was in this update.
Jun 3 2011, 03:07 AM
For new things to add in... I'd love to see an option for adept geasa from Street Magic.
Btw... great generator. I'm liking it more and more, and keep finding myself playing with it just to goof off with ideas.
Jun 3 2011, 03:15 AM
QUOTE (Regiment @ Jun 2 2011, 10:07 PM)

For new things to add in... I'd love to see an option for adept geasa from Street Magic.
Are you referring to the Adepts and Geasa entry on SM 31?
QUOTE (Regiment @ Jun 2 2011, 10:07 PM)

Btw... great generator. I'm liking it more and more, and keep finding myself playing with it just to goof off with ideas.
Thanks! I've been screwing around with some NPC ideas as well and ended up coming up with some weird stuff. I especially like
Spud the Research Monkey.
Jun 3 2011, 03:39 AM
Well, found an odd new bug. Most of my custom vehicle list has disappeared. I've been able to trace this down to three of the four custom books I have to help segregate them from the core books. Prior to some troubleshooting the custom books I had to re-enable were no longer available, and after trying something now all of my custom content that is not tied into an established book will not appear.
My main thoughts is that in through the Options window it is not recognizing that I have enabled my custom books for the content (post update I had to re-enable three of the four, and it's those three that disappeared).
Jun 3 2011, 03:44 AM
Huh, wonder if this has something to do with the change I made to the path combining bit for compatibility with other file systems. Could you zip up your custom files and email them to me ( and tell me the name of the directory you have Chummer placed in? I'll re-create the directory structure and see try to see what's misbehaving.
Jun 3 2011, 04:12 AM
Actually, never mind. In testing some other stuff out I got an error when I clicked on adding an Ares Heimdall. Closed, re-launched, and the pain in the asses vehicles in my custom lists are now all there (I find this odd as I had already closed and re-launched Chummer several times in troubleshooting already). Also found the cause of the error with the Ares Heimdall, the <accel> tag doesn't accept "special" as a value (I put in a 0/0 value and the error disappeared).
And I noticed that some of the vehicle listings don't have the correct gear listings. For example, the Ferret RPD-1X comes with an Improved Sensor Array standard, but the gear lists a Minidrone Sensor instead of a Small Drone Sensor (and there are several vehicles in War! that have this mod standard, too).
Jun 3 2011, 01:17 PM
QUOTE (SpellBinder @ Jun 2 2011, 10:12 PM)

And I noticed that some of the vehicle listings don't have the correct gear listings. For example, the Ferret RPD-1X comes with an Improved Sensor Array standard, but the gear lists a Minidrone Sensor instead of a Small Drone Sensor (and there are several vehicles in War! that have this mod standard, too).
I dumped in the sensors based on their size and completely forgot to go back and check to see if any of them had different sensors. I've updated the vehicles.xml file to contain the correct Sensors for Vehicles with the Improved Sensor Array mod.
Jun 3 2011, 08:33 PM
Can't wait to see that one. Would love to see what the code line is for the extra-large vehicle sensor is so I can get my vehicles file updated (haven't updated my custom content file yet because of this).
Jun 3 2011, 08:53 PM
More stuff is more good!
Build 103
- delete confirmation messages now confirm the type of object they are asking to delete
- Karma Expense confirmation messages now confirm the type of object they are going to affect
- Adept Powers now include support for discounts from Geasa
- fixed an issue that kept Knowledge Skills with a Rating of 0 (namely native Languages) from being printed
- added a Text-Only character sheet
- corrected Sensors for Vehicles with the Improved Sensor Array Vehicle Mod
Jun 4 2011, 04:18 PM
When adding a sprite there should be something that asks what optional powers were chosen.
Or is the expected way of denoting this creating a critter and attaching it?
Jun 4 2011, 05:10 PM
4 Things:
1.) Hate to be a Grabby Gus, but how about controls for the order that gear is displayed in?
2.) Noticed that grenade info is now duplicated in the weapons list when I've added minigrenades and grenades of the same type into gear. I'm pretty sure the second entry is supposed to be for the minigrenades, but it displays the same ranges and concealability as regular grenades.
3.) The 'Flight' skill is showing up up for non-critter characters. Should it be it for regular pc's?
4.) Also noticed that the 'Skill Defaulting Includes Modifiers' checkbox in the options menu is on as default, and is clickable to turn it off (which is fine). However, whenever I load the options menu it's always clicked, regardless of my previous selections. Also, as far as I understand it, this option is supposed to allow synthacardium bonuses on defaulted skills, but it doesn't look like that's happening. In fact, it looks as though synthacardium bonuses aren't being applied at all now (confirmed using tooltip for skills).
Otherwise, coming along very nicely!
Street Prophet
Jun 4 2011, 05:37 PM
Thanks so much for this. Has cut down my gen time in half!
Jun 4 2011, 05:39 PM
I'm re-entering my player characters under build 103 and I'm noticing some discrepancies for the Minotaur I"m creating. The big thing seems to be that the Racial Qualities although selected and grayed out don't seem to be applying or showing up on the character sheet or modifying the attributes.
He has preselected and unchangeable (greyed out) Thermographic Vision, Goring Horns, and Metagenetic Attribute (not specified)
The Metagenetic Attribute should specify (Body) and apply a +1 to the min and max Body Attribute which it doesn't seem to be doing.
Jun 4 2011, 06:00 PM
Also, in regards to "Spare Clips" for firearms, can we get a quantity so we don't have to add each spare clip seperately. And since its only logical that you can only have one clip installed at a time and the gun starts out with 1 clip installed wouldn't it be logical to remove the "Installed" and its corresponding check box from spare clips...
It might be nice if the first clip that comes with the gun and any spare clips were used to create an ammo sheet that would show a clip graphic with check boxes inside to represent each bullet in the clip that way if you had 10 spare clips each holding 16 shots you would have 11 graphics of clips (10 spare clips plus the one that came with the gun) each with 16 check boxes in them (for each bullet in the clip).
Just putting this out there, does anyone understand XSLT or XSL-FO well enough to create a character sheet with page breaks? It would be nice if the tables didn't split in inconvenient places when printing goes beyond one page. It would also be nice to be able to print to PDF.
Dakka Dakka
Jun 4 2011, 06:20 PM
QUOTE (Wizard_Thoarin @ Jun 4 2011, 08:00 PM)

Also, in regards to "Spare Clips" for firearms, can we get a quantity so we don't have to add each spare clip seperately. And since its only logical that you can only have one clip installed at a time and the gun starts out with 1 clip installed wouldn't it be logical to remove the "Installed" and its corresponding check box from spare clips...
There is the additional clip mod...
QUOTE (Wizard_Thoarin @ Jun 4 2011, 08:00 PM)

It might be nice if the first clip that comes with the gun and any spare clips were used to create an ammo sheet that would show a clip graphic with check boxes inside to represent each bullet in the clip that way if you had 10 spare clips each holding 16 shots you would have 11 graphics of clips (10 spare clips plus the one that came with the gun) each with 16 check boxes in them (for each bullet in the clip).
That would be awesome. It needn't even be all 11 clips the one or two installed would be enough IMHO.
Jun 4 2011, 06:23 PM
In Career Mode when entering awarded karma and nuyen, would it be possible for us to enter the date instead of using the date we enter the information. I'd like to be able to put in the date I actually awarded the karma and nuyen even though I'm doing character maintenance days or weeks later.
Jun 4 2011, 06:33 PM
looking over the Minotaur I mentioned above, it looks like he is getting at least some of the base troll qualities he shouldn't be receiving. Minotaurs give up the dermal armor for the metagenetic improvement (Body). However on the character sheet he is showing a (7/5) under total armor which is +1 to his base armor and other then the lined coat he's got for armor (6/4) he shouldn't have any other bonuses.
Jun 4 2011, 06:58 PM
Suggestion: List of types of licences instead of text entry and required connection to a SIN (either fake or real with sinner quality <sr4a313>). Below is a list of xml nodes that could be used in a licenses.xml file. I'm not an expert on them by any means, these just seemed like a good start. They indicate the type of license, what the license covers, what databases the license information is storred in. These are just basic ideas, GM's and PC's would probably want to review and customize:
[ Spoiler ]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<name>Standard Driver's License</name>
<coverage>Vehicles that aren't Restricted or Forbidden</coverage>
<coverage>Identity Verification</coverage>
<database>UCAS Government<database>
<name>Conceal and Carry Permit</name>
<coverage>Concealed Firearms with an R rating.</coverage>
<coverage>Identity Verification</coverage>
<database>UCAS Government<database>
<name>Commercial Explosives Acquisition</name>
<coverage>Explosives with an R Rating</coverage>
<coverage>Identity Verification</coverage>
<database>Knight Errant<database>
<name>Private Investigator's Licence</name>
<coverage>Concealed Firearms with an R rating.</coverage>
<coverage>Spy Gear/ With an R Rating</coverage>
<coverage>Identity Verification</coverage>
<database>Knight Errant<database>
<name>Trid News License (Press License)</name>
<coverage>Access to Crime Scenes</coverage>
<coverage>Identity Verification</coverage>
<database>Knight Errant<database>
<name>Arm's Dealers License</name>
<coverage>Access and Sales Rights for Firearms and Vehicles with an R
<coverage>Identity Verification</coverage>
<database>Knight Errant<database>
<name>Awakened License</name>
<coverage>Non-Combat Spells</coverage>
<coverage>Identity Verification</coverage>
<database>Knight Errant<database>
<coverage>Restricted and Non-Restricted Cyberware</coverage>
<coverage>Identity Verification</coverage>
<database>Knight Errant<database>
Jun 4 2011, 07:19 PM
Converting a Physical Adept from BP mode to Career Mode is giving me an illegal error saying I need to select a tradition for the Physical Adept. However, the Magic and spell selection tab where you would specify a tradition is not available since he is only a physical adept and only the Adept Powers tab is available. This is a validation error as far as I can tell.
The text of the error is as follows:
"This character is not valid and breaks the following rules: No Magic Tradition has been selected."
This Fomori Physical Adept seems to be having the same problems with Racial Qualities that my Minotaur above is having.
Jun 4 2011, 08:42 PM
Is there any way to give drones the autosofts the book claims they come with? That is, aside from giving yourself a mission reward equal to the cost of the autosofts after char gen.
Jun 4 2011, 08:47 PM
In Career Mode, it seems nuyen the character has earned isn't being displayed on the character sheet. I've entered starting money die roll, one mission reward of 6,000 nuyen and one Bounty on Ghouls reward of 5,000 nuyen yet the character sheet is showing zero (0) after Nuyen near the top right of the character sheet.
Jun 4 2011, 09:47 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jun 4 2011, 11:18 AM)

When adding a sprite there should be something that asks what optional powers were chosen.
Or is the expected way of denoting this creating a critter and attaching it?
The second one.

Create a Critter for the Spirit, add the desired Critter Powers, save it, link it to the Spirit in the Magician's save.
Jun 4 2011, 09:51 PM
QUOTE (whatevs @ Jun 4 2011, 12:10 PM)

3.) The 'Flight' skill is showing up up for non-critter characters. Should it be it for regular pc's?
This is a weird one that I'm going to have to think about. PCs can get this because of the Shapeshifter Metatypes which allow flight.
Jun 4 2011, 09:56 PM
QUOTE (longbowrocks @ Jun 4 2011, 03:42 PM)

Is there any way to give drones the autosofts the book claims they come with? That is, aside from giving yourself a mission reward equal to the cost of the autosofts after char gen.
Yes. I'll have to go back and add these in as part of the Gear that comes with a Vehicle. I remembered to include ECCM but forgot all about Autosofts.
Jun 4 2011, 10:01 PM
I'll have another update available some time on Monday (I'd say this weekend but I'm tied up with a Blood Bowl tournament all weekend). I might not have all of these issues addressed for then, but I will have the bigger problems like Adepts requiring a Tradition and incorrect Nuyen totals on the character sheet fixed.
Jun 4 2011, 10:29 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jun 4 2011, 04:51 PM)

This is a weird one that I'm going to have to think about. PCs can get this because of the Shapeshifter Metatypes which allow flight.
And pixies.
Jun 4 2011, 11:55 PM
I'm not sure if this a minor error or a difference between 4ed and 20th Edition, but when I went to make a physical adept one of the skills was different. The Improved Physical Attribute cost 1 point according to your well-designed program, but in the guide book it costs .75. It was easy enough to go into the xml file and fix myself for my personal use but I figured you might want to know.
Overall, great job though. Thank you.
Jun 5 2011, 12:21 AM
QUOTE (Titus @ Jun 4 2011, 05:55 PM)

I'm not sure if this a minor error or a difference between 4ed and 20th Edition, but when I went to make a physical adept one of the skills was different. The Improved Physical Attribute cost 1 point according to your well-designed program, but in the guide book it costs .75. It was easy enough to go into the xml file and fix myself for my personal use but I figured you might want to know.
Overall, great job though. Thank you.
SR4A lists this power at .75 a point, and 1.5 a point over your natural max up to your augmented max.
I don't have whatever it is with the new (supposedly updated) tables though. I think it's Runner's Toolkit maybe? Whatever it is, it's already been confirmed to have the incorrect costs for Improved Reflexes IIRC.
Jun 5 2011, 01:01 AM
You're correct. I put Improved Reflexes but not Improved Physical Attribute. This will be fixed in Monday's update.
Jun 5 2011, 04:33 AM
One more problem... Reaction Enhancers (rating 2) Cyberware does not seem to be adding its full rating to the Reaction Attribute. I'm not sure about higher ratings, but it only give a 1 point bonus on the character sheet instead of its full rating of 2 that was selected.
Enjoy your day off for Bloodbowl... and thanks for the work.
Jun 5 2011, 05:08 AM
QUOTE (Wizard_Thoarin @ Jun 4 2011, 12:39 PM)

I'm re-entering my player characters under build 103 and I'm noticing some discrepancies for the Minotaur I"m creating. The big thing seems to be that the Racial Qualities although selected and grayed out don't seem to be applying or showing up on the character sheet or modifying the attributes.
He has preselected and unchangeable (greyed out) Thermographic Vision, Goring Horns, and Metagenetic Attribute (not specified)
The Metagenetic Attribute should specify (Body) and apply a +1 to the min and max Body Attribute which it doesn't seem to be doing.
Well, I've hit a rather major problem with Qualities. I was worried they'd come back to bite me in the butt one day, and that day has come.

Qualities are the only thing in the application that I never converted over to real objects (they're just a list of strings attached to the character), and this is causing all sorts of problems with creating and loading Metatypes, Metavariants, and Critters that start with Qualities that grant bonuses, not to mention being rather limiting in other ways. This is going to require some rather major changes to how things work behind the scenes. I'm hoping I can do this without actually breaking any current characters we all have. This does, however, also give me the chance to make some changes to how Qualities are presented. They're the only thing left that displays
all of the items in a big list and lets you select them right there, rather than only showing you the ones you have already selected and giving you the option to add and remove items which seems rather out of place (it's also a lot of crap you never look at in Career Mode). I'm looking at changing them to a single list (individual parents for Positive and Negative so they're still separate) and presented in the same way as all other items in the app. This would also give me room to show the sourcebook and page number for the selected Quality which has been driving me batty for a while now. The Select Quality window would allow you to search (like most other windows) and enforce requirements (like Metamagics/Echoes). Does this sound reasonable to everyone?
Jun 5 2011, 05:29 AM
Works for me
Jun 5 2011, 01:42 PM
Sounds great. I won't speak for everyone, but don't worry about my characters. I'll recreate. Do whatcha need to make it right.
Jun 5 2011, 02:11 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jun 5 2011, 12:08 AM)

Well, I've hit a rather major problem with Qualities. I was worried they'd come back to bite me in the butt one day, and that day has come.

Qualities are the only thing in the application that I never converted over to real objects (they're just a list of strings attached to the character), and this is causing all sorts of problems with creating and loading Metatypes, Metavariants, and Critters that start with Qualities that grant bonuses, not to mention being rather limiting in other ways. This is going to require some rather major changes to how things work behind the scenes. I'm hoping I can do this without actually breaking any current characters we all have. This does, however, also give me the chance to make some changes to how Qualities are presented. They're the only thing left that displays
all of the items in a big list and lets you select them right there, rather than only showing you the ones you have already selected and giving you the option to add and remove items which seems rather out of place (it's also a lot of crap you never look at in Career Mode). I'm looking at changing them to a single list (individual parents for Positive and Negative so they're still separate) and presented in the same way as all other items in the app. This would also give me room to show the sourcebook and page number for the selected Quality which has been driving me batty for a while now. The Select Quality window would allow you to search (like most other windows) and enforce requirements (like Metamagics/Echoes). Does this sound reasonable to everyone?
Sounds great. Would still like to see the ability to swap qualities in career mode.
Jun 5 2011, 02:14 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jun 5 2011, 09:11 AM)

Sounds great. Would still like to see the ability to swap qualities in career mode.
This change will actually make it possible now. It won't be in the next update, but it will happen.
Jun 5 2011, 07:20 PM
Just used the slider to change the space allocation for 'Knowledge' skills on the skills tab. Was dreading having to resize the window to work with the knowlege skills, but an easy drag and drop did the trick. Very nicely done. Thanks again Nebular!
Jun 6 2011, 12:54 AM
*redundancy edit*
Jun 6 2011, 12:55 AM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jun 3 2011, 12:53 PM)

More stuff is more good!
Build 103
- delete confirmation messages now confirm the type of object they are asking to delete
- Karma Expense confirmation messages now confirm the type of object they are going to affect
- Adept Powers now include support for discounts from Geasa
- fixed an issue that kept Knowledge Skills with a Rating of 0 (namely native Languages) from being printed
- added a Text-Only character sheet
- corrected Sensors for Vehicles with the Improved Sensor Array Vehicle Mod
Woo... sexy... shiney... shexney!
Jun 6 2011, 07:14 AM
QUOTE (whatevs @ Jun 5 2011, 07:42 AM)

Sounds great. I won't speak for everyone, but don't worry about my characters. I'll recreate. Do whatcha need to make it right.
Good news! I've managed to get all of the Qualities a character has (and should have because of Metatype/Metavariant that aren't actually saved to their file using the current method) to successfully convert over to the new format, so nobody needs to re-create a character! The code for this is going to be temporary since it does add about 5% to the compiled application's size and is really only ever used once per saved character, so it will be temporary. I'll be ripping out the conversion code around the 20th, so once the update is released, be sure to update your characters by then! (I'll also be updating the existing NPC save files to the new format and let everyone know when they're available).
Jun 6 2011, 01:44 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jun 6 2011, 03:14 AM)

Good news! I've managed to get all of the Qualities a character has (and should have because of Metatype/Metavariant that aren't actually saved to their file using the current method) to successfully convert over to the new format, so nobody needs to re-create a character! The code for this is going to be temporary since it does add about 5% to the compiled application's size and is really only ever used once per saved character, so it will be temporary. I'll be ripping out the conversion code around the 20th, so once the update is released, be sure to update your characters by then! (I'll also be updating the existing NPC save files to the new format and let everyone know when they're available).
I suggested this before, not sure if you saw it or not.
I would suggest changing categories in the xml into a collection instead of each item having just one category.
This way items that belong to more than one category still only have one entry and there isn't a problem with updating in multiple places.
Jun 6 2011, 02:49 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jun 6 2011, 08:44 AM)

I suggested this before, not sure if you saw it or not.
I would suggest changing categories in the xml into a collection instead of each item having just one category.
This way items that belong to more than one category still only have one entry and there isn't a problem with updating in multiple places.
Eh? When do Qualities belong to more than one category? Or are you referring to something else?
Jun 6 2011, 03:09 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jun 6 2011, 10:49 AM)

Eh? When do Qualities belong to more than one category? Or are you referring to something else?
Sorry, shouldn't have quoted that.
It was related to gear and such. Many gear items are in more than one category, and so have multiple entries in the xml files.
Some even have entries in more than one file. Although I don't think basic attributes like cost are in multiple files.
Jun 6 2011, 03:14 PM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jun 6 2011, 09:09 AM)

Sorry, shouldn't have quoted that.
It was related to gear and such. Many gear items are in more than one category, and so have multiple entries in the xml files.
Some even have entries in more than one file. Although I don't think basic attributes like cost are in multiple files.
Could you give me an example of one or two items that are appearing multiples times/should be in multiple categories. Just trying to think of ones off the top of my head and can't come up with any (probably doesn't help that all I'm staring at right now is the code for Qualities

Jun 6 2011, 03:33 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jun 6 2011, 11:14 AM)

Could you give me an example of one or two items that are appearing multiples times/should be in multiple categories. Just trying to think of ones off the top of my head and can't come up with any (probably doesn't help that all I'm staring at right now is the code for Qualities

Well the example that comes to mind off the top of my head is the Empathy software.
It's under Vision Enhancements, Sensors, and in the programs file, but then I think everything there is duplicated from the gear file.
I remember seeing one other instance of this, but I don't remember what it was.
And since I was just thinking of gear and software, is there a way to attach program options to the software they are being used in?
So it shows up as say: Attack (Area 5) 6
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