QUOTE (Nebular @ Feb 12 2012, 04:39 PM)

Yup, <armorcapacity>[0]</armorcapacity> is perfectly valid. As long as it's 0 or higher, it's good. You could technically have something with a negative number which would add Capacity to the parent item (Bulk Modification for Cyberware actually does this). I'm not entirely sure what you're asking for with the Cyberware and Weapons thing. Are you looking for the ability to add Gear to Cyberware and Weapons? I'd like to get Commlinks working with Cyberware. If Gear plugins do eventually get allowed for these things, it would be fairly limited in its ability (like Armor - no sorting or anything else like that, and the Gear being limited to only one level of plugins).
Basically according to the descriptions for Peripheral Devices they are in everything. Cyberware, Clothing, Armor, Weapons, the kitchen sink! You name it there is probably a Peripheral Device in it telling you if it's working properly, what's left in the fridge, what little jonny had for din din, etc...
In the case of a hacker, and to some degree a technomancer being able to take all of those Peripheral Devices you have on your person, within your gear and glom them together as a cluster can be useful, if not important.
They can also be upgraded, which just adds craziness to it.
Oh and the commlinks for cyberware could also include the Weapon Commlink. Gotta be able to talk to people with your gun!