Jan 3 2012, 03:57 PM
Update window buttons do not automatically reposition based on translated strings lengths. Second button on the left overlapses the first one and button on the right gets cut by window border.
Jan 3 2012, 04:08 PM
- Condition monitor labels are cut short if translated string is too long
- Ordering logs by amount throws an error for me, while date and reason work fine
Jan 3 2012, 04:47 PM
Mentor Spirit's names are not translated on the left menu and on the sheets (but are translated on the list when you choose your mentor).
Jan 3 2012, 06:01 PM
Found another issue:
Taking the Adept Power Increased Physical Attribute (REA) -- the cost is being calculated as if your rating were 1 higher than it is. So, Rating 1 = 1.5, Rating 2 = 2.25, etc.
Jan 3 2012, 10:24 PM
Found an interesting quirk of math in this game when re-creating a character file. In career mode, purchased 12 gel rounds, got 12 gel rounds, but the nuyen deduction was for 8 gel rounds (which happened to be how many the character had on hand).
Now I was able to go into the save file code itself to fix both the expenditure and nuyen total myself, but I found it interesting to see something like Italian bistro math in this program.
Added: Okay, I haven't confirmed the numbers yet, but it seems that when buying additional ammo in career mode things are not being calculated properly. Either it comes up short, or in another event I found, three times as much (80 nuyen in ammo shouldn't deduct 240 from one's bank account).
Jan 4 2012, 09:24 AM
Is it possible for the application to accept a drag and drop of a chummer file to open it?
Jan 4 2012, 12:37 PM
Another issue : High Pain Tolerance quality, and Pain Resistance adept power should only ignore malus at the beginning of the condition monitor, not for each malus : in Chummer, it modifies the cmthreshold variable used in the character sheet, so, if you have High Pain Tolerance level 2, the first malus, -1, is at case 5, as expected, but next maluses (-2 and -3) are at cases 10 and 15 ((3+2)*2 and (3+2)*3). They should be at cases 8 and 11 (3*2 + 2, 3*3 + 2). Two variables are needed : cmthreshold, used by Low Pain Tolerance, and another to know the number of cases to add before the first malus, used bu High Pain Tolerance and Pain Resistance.
Jan 4 2012, 02:43 PM
QUOTE (Ilod @ Jan 2 2012, 08:35 PM)

- Cool resolve should gice a +1 bonus to social tests, like Kinesics.
- Foregrip and Sling recoil compensation should be cumulative (Arsenal, p148)
The Cool Resolve bonus isn't included because it only applies when you're the defender in an Opposed Social Active Test.
The Foregrip/Sling issue will be fixed in the next update. Apparently both of them were setting the flag to show that the Weapon has a Foregrip instead of the Sling setting its own flag.
Jan 4 2012, 02:52 PM
QUOTE (deurk @ Jan 3 2012, 10:08 AM)

- Condition monitor labels are cut short if translated string is too long
Which Condition Monitor labels are you referring to? I can't seem to find any that are being shortened.
Jan 4 2012, 04:28 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jan 4 2012, 03:52 PM)

Which Condition Monitor labels are you referring to? I can't seem to find any that are being shortened.
Condition monitors tab on the right side.
Jan 4 2012, 05:52 PM
My spells are stacking up... would be great to have a movable splitter between the "Selected Spells" and "Spirits" categories.
Jan 4 2012, 06:29 PM
QUOTE (deurk @ Jan 4 2012, 10:28 AM)

Condition monitors tab on the right side.
Still not seeing any problem there; everything looks fine. Which labels are getting chopped off on yours? I'm assuming you're referring to the French strings?
Jan 4 2012, 07:08 PM
Jan 4 2012, 07:57 PM
Omae window lists and tooltips are all untranslated and several others are as well: upload language and associated popups and messages, labels and titles, lists in character upload popup,
Jan 5 2012, 12:22 AM
QUOTE (Fyndhal @ Jan 3 2012, 12:01 PM)

Found another issue:
Taking the Adept Power Increased Physical Attribute (REA) -- the cost is being calculated as if your rating were 1 higher than it is. So, Rating 1 = 1.5, Rating 2 = 2.25, etc.
Well this is annoying. I had this happen once when I was trying this out at work, but now I cannot get it to happen again. Do you have a save file where this is still happening? If so, could you please email it to me at so I can see what's going on.
Jan 5 2012, 12:24 AM
QUOTE (deurk @ Jan 4 2012, 01:57 PM)

Omae window lists and tooltips are all untranslated and several others are as well: upload language and associated popups and messages, labels and titles, lists in character upload popup,
Upload Language and its related bits will never be translated as they're only seen by people doing the translation work who (evidently) can already read English well enough to understand that functionality.

The lists in Omae are another monster altogether as they come from a web service.
Jan 5 2012, 04:05 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jan 4 2012, 07:22 PM)

Well this is annoying. I had this happen once when I was trying this out at work, but now I cannot get it to happen again. Do you have a save file where this is still happening? If so, could you please email it to me at so I can see what's going on.
File is on it's way!
Jan 5 2012, 10:04 PM
Build 277- added support for <unarmedap /> to the Improvement Manager which improves the Armor Penetration of Unarmed attacks
- added support for <thresholdoffset /> to the Improvement Manager which modifies the number of additional boxes that appear before the character's first Condition Monitor penalty
- added support for <affectbase /> to the Improvement Manager which marks an Improvement as affecting an Attribute's actual value
- Damage Code for Unarmed attacks are now translated on printouts
- added <cmthresholdoffset /> to printout XML
- fixed an issue where Adept Powers were not affecting an Attribute's value properly (see below)
- non-standard Flechette Ammo which does not explicitly add +5 to AP now reduce a Flechette Weapon's AP appropriately (which assume +5 AP from standard Flechette Ammo in their stats)
- name of the Settings File in use now appears in the window's title bar
- fixed an issue where Weapons with a Foregrip and Sling were not receiving their proper RC bonus
- buttons in the Update window show correctly reposition themselves when using longer strings
- failing to load a data translation file no longer throws an error and renders the application unusable
- selected Mentor Spirits and Paragons are now correctly translated in the list of selected Qualities and on printouts
- added an Installed option for Vehicle Mods to show that they are currently in use on the Vehicle and are contributing to the Vehicle's stats
- fixed an issue where attempting to sort Expenses by amount in regions that use something other than "." to separate decimal places would cause an error to be thrown
- fixed an issue where purchasing Gear that stacked in Career Mode would deduct the cost of the items already in the stack instead of the cost for the quantity purchased
- increased the width of the Condition Monitor labels so that longer strings are not truncated
- save files can now be opened using drag-and-drop
Adept Powers that Affect Base Attribute ScoresThere has been a rather significant change (correction) to how a few Powers work in terms of affecting Attributes; namely Creative Eye, Improved Physical Attribute, and Keen Wits. The cost of these Powers were not being calculated correctly as they were not correctly modifying their Attributes' actual value, nor were they properly increasing the Karma cost of improving them in Career Mode. If your characters have any of these three Powers, you will need to remove them and re-add them so that things are calculated correctly.
Jan 5 2012, 10:25 PM
Jan 6 2012, 06:46 AM
A few small things, great work with everything by the way.
SR4A 93 The Toughness Quality should increase damage resistance by +1
RW 34 the Animal Empathy adept power doesnt work because their is a typo in the xml tag. it should effect the animal husbandry skill group not the nonexistant animal empathy skill group.
Aug 20 Genetic Infusions should not get essence reductions from the biocompatibility(bioware) quality.
Aug 69 the False Front bioware should give a dice pool bonus to disguise according to its rating.
Aug 69 Chameleon Skin bioware also gives a +1 dice pool bonus to disguise, but only of you also have a false front.
Aug 110 Limbic nanoware should give a dice pool bonus to all intuition linked skills according to its rating.
Aug 110 Neocortical nanoware should give a dice pool bonus to all Logic linked skills according to its rating.
SG 144 Jigsaw Skull cyberlimb should give a dice pool bonus to disguise according to its rating
AR 60 Empathy Software should give a dice pool bonus to all social skills according to its rating
WAR 154 the Ares HVBR should have recoil compensation of 4 not 3.
AR 31-32 the Arbalaste II MAW should have a imaging scope as a standard equiped accessory. The Ballista should have a laser target designator as a standard equiped accessory. The Great Dragon AGTM launcher should have a Tripod as a standard equiped accessory.
AR 31 "Launchers cannot mount standard firearm accessories" AR 40 "Flamethrowers ...cannot mount any accessories" I interpret this as these weopons cannot have mounted (top/barrel/under)accessories but can still have accessories. I would argue that weapons that currently have the accessory flag set to false should instead have no weapon accessory mounts. This would allow them access to unmounted accessories like hand held target designators and airbust links that are critical to grenade/missile launchers.
Jan 6 2012, 12:51 PM
All items that are displayed in the left pane of the update window (French translation file, Weapon file, etc...) are untranslated. Can we get strings for those?
Thanks Nebular.
Jan 6 2012, 02:34 PM
Savate martial art appears twice in the data file (as it does in the book), but with different effects. I suppose only the first or last one is taken into account in the software?
Jan 6 2012, 05:46 PM
Some minor stuff:
- When a XSLT file contains an unknown function name (like <xsl:value-of select="foo()" />) the print preview window gives an unhandled exception upon selecting that file. (I assume you don't need a log, if you do just tell me)
- In the data files, <ap>-</ap> should use an en or em dash, not a minus sign. Yes, I'm sometimes a typography nazi

- Some stuff I posted previously, given your normal speed it fixing petty stuff like the bow damage I think you just missed those (if not ignore this):
- Can't reduce Magic to 0 on chargen, Chummer automatically spends BP to bring magic up to 1
- Uncouth quality of Centaurs can't be bought off at chargen
- "Uneducated" is listed as critter power and not quality, should sit next to Uncouth
- Bow damage is [character's Strength + 2], should be [Strength Rating of the bow] + 2
- Chemical Gland always costs 30,000, price should be 30,000+X
Now, when there's minor stuff, there has to be something larger: The internal XSLT processor does not know XSLT 2.0, in fact trying 2.0 functions was how I found the first there any hope for a better processor like AltovaXML or Saxon, at least optionally?
Jan 6 2012, 10:58 PM
QUOTE (TP13 @ Jan 6 2012, 12:46 AM)

A few small things, great work with everything by the way.
AR 31 "Launchers cannot mount standard firearm accessories" AR 40 "Flamethrowers ...cannot mount any accessories" I interpret this as these weopons cannot have mounted (top/barrel/under)accessories but can still have accessories. I would argue that weapons that currently have the accessory flag set to false should instead have no weapon accessory mounts. This would allow them access to unmounted accessories like hand held target designators and airbust links that are critical to grenade/missile launchers.
Data files have been updated to address the items you pointed out. I've also marked the Launcher and Flamethrowers as allowing Accessories but will only allow items without an actual slot association.
Jan 6 2012, 11:01 PM
QUOTE (deurk @ Jan 6 2012, 08:34 AM)

Savate martial art appears twice in the data file (as it does in the book), but with different effects. I suppose only the first or last one is taken into account in the software?
I've renamed the second one "Savate (Alternate)".
Jan 6 2012, 11:14 PM
QUOTE (Sengir @ Jan 6 2012, 11:46 AM)

Some minor stuff:
- When a XSLT file contains an unknown function name (like <xsl:value-of select="foo()" />) the print preview window gives an unhandled exception upon selecting that file. (I assume you don't need a log, if you do just tell me)
- In the data files, <ap>-</ap> should use an en or em dash, not a minus sign. Yes, I'm sometimes a typography nazi

- Some stuff I posted previously, given your normal speed it fixing petty stuff like the bow damage I think you just missed those (if not ignore this):
- Can't reduce Magic to 0 on chargen, Chummer automatically spends BP to bring magic up to 1
- Uncouth quality of Centaurs can't be bought off at chargen
- "Uneducated" is listed as critter power and not quality, should sit next to Uncouth
- Bow damage is [character's Strength + 2], should be [Strength Rating of the bow] + 2
- Chemical Gland always costs 30,000, price should be 30,000+X
Now, when there's minor stuff, there has to be something larger: The internal XSLT processor does not know XSLT 2.0, in fact trying 2.0 functions was how I found the first there any hope for a better processor like AltovaXML or Saxon, at least optionally?
<ap>-</ap> is going to stay just as it is since it's perfectly valid XML

(the application also expects "-" as a value and this is how it appears in the books, so I'd like to keep it simple for custom data entry)
I've updated the Weapons file to correct the DV. I was thinking it was the minimum of the character's STR or the bow's STR instead of just the bow's.
Chemical Gland is already set to 30,000+ and working correctly from what I can see.
Uneducated is also a Negative Quality from Running Wild and needs to stay as it's a Critter Weakness that is a valid selection for Critters. Uneducated is also listed in Qualities right after Uncouth.
The rest are known issues that I still need to sort out. Unfortunately they're not as simple to fix as they might appear to be.

I'll look into some options for XSLT 2.0 down the road. I'm trying to avoid needing external file dependencies so it would need to be something I can fold into the application code without bloating it too much.
Jan 7 2012, 02:21 AM
Hey Nebular, I was just using Chummer earlier, and I was trying to make some sub-400 BP characters instead of the standard. However, I was hoping to make them using 200 BP of attributes, to represent them lacking experience rather than pure ability, but as far as I could tell, I couldn't change it away from half the total maximum. Any possibility of getting a house rule that allows for modifying maximum BP/karma allowances for various components such as stats and nuyen independent of the total maximum?
Other than that, I have to say Chummer's great work.
Jan 7 2012, 04:41 AM
Would it be possible to add the rest of the German karmagen errata? Full details are available
here, but a summary of (as far as I can tell) the missing options follow:
Change how much karma can be converted to 
p.42 Step 5: Convert Your Karma to Nuyen
The second line should read:
“A maximum of 100 Karma may be converted to nuyen in this fashion, or 120 if the character has the Born Rich quality (p.96).”
Change focus bonding costsp.43 Focus Bonding Table
The Karma Cost for weapon foci should be “3 x Force.”
Other than those, I believe German karmagen is covered in Chummer. Thanks for the development of this wonderful program - it really helps me with SR4 chargen, especially as rusty as I am.
Jan 7 2012, 08:45 AM
Ballistic and impact are not adding correctly with form fitting armor in the mix. I don't know if this is a known issue or not.
Jan 7 2012, 02:38 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jan 7 2012, 12:14 AM)

<ap>-</ap> is going to stay just as it is since it's perfectly valid XML

(the application also expects "-" as a value and this is how it appears in the books, so I'd like to keep it simple for custom data entry)
Actually in the books they use an em dash

But that's something I can as well solve via XSLT, no problem
Chemical Gland is already set to 30,000+ and working correctly from what I can see.
Indeed...probably I just clicked on the wrong entry, false alarm
Uneducated is also a Negative Quality from Running Wild and needs to stay as it's a Critter Weakness that is a valid selection for Critters.
That is what I was referring to: Uneducated is a Weakness, but according to the books behaves exactly like the Negative Quality of the same name, including the possibility to buy it off. So it would make sense to move Uneducated from the Critter Powers to the Qualities list, just like you did with Uncouth for Centaurs.
Also put some more thought into the XSLT 2.0 thing...the only functionality my sheet requires is the option to get the content of an external file as CDATA. I have separate .css and .xsl files to keep things nice and orderly, but when saving the char sheet as .html I want to generate one standalone file. Thus I use this little bit of code to embed the content of the .css file into the output file, unparsed-text() is what is causing the problem:
<style type="text/css">
<xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(unparsed-text('style.css'))" />
So if XSLT 2.0 turns out to be too difficult (or at least something for the long run), maybe you could instead provide an option that when clicking "Save HTML", Chummer replaces all instances of
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" /> with
<style type="text/css">[content of style.css]</style>?
Jan 7 2012, 05:46 PM
Silencer, Ares Light Fire 70 has wrong book and page (should be AR, 21)
EDIT: well, depending how you interpret it. Think it would be better to refer to the desc of the gun since it mentions the difference with a regular silencer there.
Jan 8 2012, 12:01 AM
I'd like to see the ability to edit Karma and Nuyen entries.
Being able to fix mistakes or typos would be great.
Jan 8 2012, 12:55 AM
QUOTE (ShadowWalker @ Jan 7 2012, 06:01 PM)

I'd like to see the ability to edit Karma and Nuyen entries.
Being able to fix mistakes or typos would be great.
You can. Just double-click on the item and it opens up the Expense window again so you can change all of its values (though adding an actual button for this would also help). The only catch is that it's only available to Expense entries that have an undo history, so there may be some older entries on character that cannot be modified as the undo information wasn't included in the save files until build 172.
Jan 8 2012, 12:57 AM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jan 7 2012, 07:55 PM)

You can. Just double-click on the item and it opens up the Expense window again so you can change all of its values (though adding an actual button for this would also help). The only catch is that it's only available to Expense entries that have an undo history, so there may be some older entries on character that cannot be modified as the undo information wasn't included in the save files until build 172.
ah, I right clicked and only saw delete, so figured editing was missing. Putting edit, delete and add in the popup menu is probably a good thing too.
Jan 8 2012, 12:58 AM
QUOTE (deurk @ Jan 7 2012, 11:46 AM)

Silencer, Ares Light Fire 70 has wrong book and page (should be AR, 21)
EDIT: well, depending how you interpret it. Think it would be better to refer to the desc of the gun since it mentions the difference with a regular silencer there.
Agreed. I've updated the Weapons file to reflect this.
Jan 8 2012, 01:05 AM
Is there a way to swap a group of qualities for one or more qualities? I can only seem to swap one at a time.
I've got a character that has Day Job and Sinner and need to change them to Wanted and Criminal Sinner.
Their the same cost, as a set, but because one is 30/10 and then other is 20/20 in karma I can't swap them one at a time without having to play with karma.
Jan 8 2012, 07:59 AM
QUOTE (Sengir @ Jan 7 2012, 08:38 AM)

That is what I was referring to: Uneducated is a Weakness, but according to the books behaves exactly like the Negative Quality of the same name, including the possibility to buy it off. So it would make sense to move Uneducated from the Critter Powers to the Qualities list, just like you did with Uncouth for Centaurs.
I see what you're getting at now. I'll change the Uneducated Critter Power to the Uneducated Quality for Sapient Critters in the next update, along with adding support for allowing certain Metatype-inherited Qualities to be bought off. It will also include support for reducing MAG and RES to 0 if the character has an ESS penalty. Finally figured out how to handle them.
Jan 8 2012, 08:07 AM
QUOTE (Nigel @ Jan 6 2012, 10:41 PM)

Would it be possible to add the rest of the German karmagen errata? Full details are available
here, but a summary of (as far as I can tell) the missing options follow:
Change how much karma can be converted to 
p.42 Step 5: Convert Your Karma to Nuyen
The second line should read:
“A maximum of 100 Karma may be converted to nuyen in this fashion, or 120 if the character has the Born Rich quality (p.96).”
Change focus bonding costsp.43 Focus Bonding Table
The Karma Cost for weapon foci should be “3 x Force.”
Other than those, I believe German karmagen is covered in Chummer. Thanks for the development of this wonderful program - it really helps me with SR4 chargen, especially as rusty as I am.
The converting Karma to Nuyen item is already in the application. Characters built with Karma can enter up to 100 in the Nuyen field or 120 if they have the Born Right Positive Quality.
I'll likely add a Karma Cost for all Focus types so people can get really fiddly with the numbers if they want to.
Jan 8 2012, 01:14 PM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jan 8 2012, 08:59 AM)

I see what you're getting at now. I'll change the Uneducated Critter Power to the Uneducated Quality for Sapient Critters in the next update, along with adding support for allowing certain Metatype-inherited Qualities to be bought off. It will also include support for reducing MAG and RES to 0 if the character has an ESS penalty. Finally figured out how to handle them.

It's always the little things which come back and bite you, hm

*curses at the though of the todo list for Tuesday*
Jan 9 2012, 02:00 AM
QUOTE (FoolErrant @ Jan 6 2012, 08:21 PM)

Hey Nebular, I was just using Chummer earlier, and I was trying to make some sub-400 BP characters instead of the standard. However, I was hoping to make them using 200 BP of attributes, to represent them lacking experience rather than pure ability, but as far as I could tell, I couldn't change it away from half the total maximum. Any possibility of getting a house rule that allows for modifying maximum BP/karma allowances for various components such as stats and nuyen independent of the total maximum?
Other than that, I have to say Chummer's great work.
I'll have these added to the House Rules Option tab in the next update.
Jan 9 2012, 05:01 AM
QUOTE (Nebular @ Jan 8 2012, 08:00 PM)

I'll have these added to the House Rules Option tab in the next update.
Jan 9 2012, 07:40 PM
All items in the "Detonators" category show up as "Chummer.ListItem".
Jan 10 2012, 12:42 AM
Build 280- <specificskill /> now allows for a precedence to be set
- added an Edit Expense button to the Karma and Nuyen tab
- added Edit Expense to the context menu for Karma and Nuyen Expenses
- MAG and RES can now be reduced to 0 in Create Mode if the character's Essence has been reduced
- Sapient Critters now use the Uneducated Quality instead of the Uneducated Critter Power
- Metatypes can now mark Qualities as removable and remove them in both Create and Career Modes (see below)
- Genetic Infusions are no longer affected by Biocompatability (Bioware)
- Karma costs for Foci are now set on the Karma tab in the Options window
- Cyberware Modular Plugins are now restricted to only those with the Modular Cyberlimb or Modular Adaptation plugins
- added a house rule for Allow characters to exceed 50% of points in Attributes
- added a house rule for Characters can spend any number of points on Nuyen
- fixed an issue where attempting to calculate the Avail Test for an item with "+" in its Availability would throw an error
- fixed an issue where Gear with "+(Rating)" in its Availability would not have its correct Availability shown in the Select Gear window
New Strings- Button_EditExpense
- Message_DeleteMetatypeQuality
- Label_Options_Force
- Label_Options_AnchoringFocus
- Label_Options_BanishingFocus
- Label_Options_BindingFocus
- Label_Options_CenteringFocus
- Label_Options_CounterspellingFocus
- Label_Options_DiviningFocus
- Label_Options_DowsingFocus
- Label_Options_InfusionFocus
- Label_Options_MaskingFocus
- Label_Options_PowerFocus
- Label_Options_ShieldingFocus
- Label_Options_SpellcastingFocus
- Label_Options_SummoningFocus
- Label_Options_SustainingFocus
- Label_Options_SymbolicLinkFocus
- Label_Options_WeaponFocus
- Checkbox_Option_AllowExceedAttributeBP
- Checkbox_Option_UnrestrictedNuyen
Removable Metatype QualitiesMetatypes now have the ability to mark their starting Qualities as removable by setting the removable attribute to "true". These Qualities can be removed in Create Mode and Career Mode by selecting them and clicking the Delete Quality button. Removing these Qualities will cost the appropriate amount of BP or Karma. This is to allow Sapient Critters to buy off the Uncouth and Uneducated Qualities that they start with. This can be applied to older save files by locating the appropriate Quality and changing its <qualitysource> to MetatypeRemovable.
Jan 10 2012, 03:31 PM
Hey, is there a way to access translation data in the xsl files, in order to translate skills names and gears for characters created in english ?
Jan 11 2012, 04:55 AM
QUOTE (Ilod @ Jan 10 2012, 09:31 AM)

Hey, is there a way to access translation data in the xsl files, in order to translate skills names and gears for characters created in english ?
If you're using another language, all of that should be translated automatically, provided that the translation file actually has translated strings for the items in question. The data that is sent to the printout XML is in the language you're using in Chummer. All of the Active Skills should be translated in both the French file, along with the majority of the items. There will be things like specializations and user-selected values for text entries that it cannot usually translate because they're not in the translation files, but it will try to find a match.
Jan 11 2012, 02:04 PM
QUOTE (Chummer)
Are you sure you want to remove this Metatype Quality for {0}?"
Hmmm, {0} carrots, hats or Karma points?
Jan 11 2012, 02:20 PM
French being the character consuming language it has always been, could you please make the options window larger or resizable?
Or maybe put the books list in a separate option tab?
Jan 11 2012, 02:22 PM
QUOTE (deurk @ Jan 11 2012, 08:04 AM)

Hmmm, {0} carrots, hats or Karma points?

It pulls BP or Karma from the language file as necessary.
Jan 11 2012, 02:23 PM
Oh, right!
Sorry for being a smart ass
Jan 12 2012, 06:24 AM
To the folks behind this thing - Wow is it awesome.

Now, can someone tell me if this is a bug or user stupidity: When I have an initiate mage, it doesn't seem to want to save my group description. The Karma deduction handles as it should, but if I actually put any notes in the note section of the initiation tab, they're not there the next time I open the file.
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