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Welcome to the Shadows
Dumpshock Forums
Welcome to the Shadows
(68 replies)
Atlanta 2070
(984 replies)
WH40K Rogue Trader: Blood and Bolters
(158 replies)
Second round of recruitment for Shadow's dawn
(0 replies)
IC - Shadow's dawn WWII thread
(26 replies)
Let's Get Gritty (OoC/Discussion. Always Rectuiting!)
(56 replies)
[IC] Eclipse Phase: A trip to Renewal
(140 replies)
Casting a New Run - Shadows of the World 2071
(46 replies)
(809 replies)
Let's Get Gritty IC
(18 replies)
Trans-global Ghost Cartels campaign
(475 replies)
Dicks in Shadowrun
(22 replies)
In the Long Shadow of Steel & Glass
(2 replies)
Atlanta 2070
(942 replies)
Let's Get Gritty
(89 replies)
Emerging Conflict - Second Phase Recruitment
(29 replies)
OOC: Dangerous Game
(191 replies)
OOC: The Eye of the Beholder (Recruitment Open)
(178 replies)
Recruitment/Interest gauge for a new game.
(109 replies)
Shadowrun-ish MMO
(2 replies)
Oriental Opportunities - Recruitment/Interest Gathering
(88 replies)
Low-Down in Loveland
(79 replies)
Caracas: Hole in the Heart
(537 replies)
Travelling Gwillimburys
(95 replies)
IC: Dangerous Game
(95 replies)
OOC: Denver Missions Team 2
(1399 replies)
Shadow's Dawn: Diving into the past
(127 replies)
OOC Northern Gateway
(192 replies)
IC: In the Eye of the Beholder
(33 replies)
Low-Down in Loveland
(120 replies)
What to do with those leftover shadowrunners
(6 replies)
Dark Days in Denver [OOC]
(67 replies)
OOC: Denver Missions Team 1
(661 replies)
IC Northern Gateway
(161 replies)
Trans-global Ghost Cartels campaign
(198 replies)
Travelling Gwillimburys
(89 replies)
Shadow Wars
(63 replies)
Recruiting for a Game
(5 replies)
Ganger's Paradise
(121 replies)
OOC: First Run
(104 replies)
SR Campaign in the works
(67 replies)
Recruitment - First Run (4th Edition)
(117 replies)
IC: First Run - Food Fight
(37 replies)
IC: Denver Missions Team 2
(682 replies)
IC: Denver Missions Team 1
(446 replies)
Ganger's Paradise
(53 replies)
We be Moving
(62 replies)
(0 replies)
Ganger's Paradise: Pre Game Table Talk
(231 replies)
Master Data for 2072 v2
(11 replies)
Background count and sustained spells / foci
(0 replies)
Counterspelling when I am astral
(1 reply)
Gauging Interest: SR without the SR rules?
(20 replies)
Recruitment - Escape from Aztlan
(91 replies)
We be Moving
(35 replies)
The Hellfire inside
(233 replies)
WH40K Rogue Trader: Blood and Bolters
(0 replies)
Dangerous Game
(138 replies)
IC: Puyallups IIa
(70 replies)
Recruiting for a pbp game
(62 replies)
Smugglers game
(80 replies)
Recruiting: Denver Missions-based campaign
(191 replies)
The Hellfire inside
(5 replies)
OOC: Down the Rabbit Hole and Back Again
(151 replies)
Recruitment: T-town recruitment drive
(67 replies)
(9 replies)
Cape Town Races
(132 replies)
2072: Grimm's Thread
(41 replies)
London 2070
(0 replies)
IC: Down the Rabbit Hole and Back Again
(81 replies)
OoC Evolution: Recruitment
(39 replies)
IC Evolution Recruitment
(31 replies)
Starting a new game.
(354 replies)
OoC Emerging Conflict
(3 replies)
Recruitment for an ongoing campaign
(3 replies)
Night at Reno's
(193 replies)
In Neptune's Realm - IC thread
(89 replies)
In the Long Shadow of Steel & Glass recruitment
(9 replies)
Let's Start Here Shall We?
(54 replies)
Running the Coast.
(86 replies)
20,000 nY Under the Sea
(161 replies)
IC: Down in the Puyallups with Team #3
(406 replies)
OOC: Puyallups III: This time its corporate
(613 replies)
In Neptune's Realm - OOC thread
(459 replies)
GM Needed!
(6 replies)
[IC] 20,000 nY Under the Sea
(8 replies)
The Divine Comedy(IC)
(542 replies)
The Divine Comedy(OOC)
(469 replies)
Let's Start Here Shall We?
(2 replies)
IC: Plata o Plomo - Reloaded
(694 replies)
Sangre y Acero * Unarmed Tournament *
(18 replies)
OOC: Plata o Plomo - Reloaded
(240 replies)
never mind the B0ll0cks , heres the Death Basterds from Above
(0 replies)
[IC] 20,000 nY Under the Sea
(23 replies)
(13 replies)
Northern Gateway: smuggling, hunting
(164 replies)
Low-Down in Loveland
(160 replies)
Sangre y Acero * Pit-fighting Arena *
(32 replies)
2072: Master Database
(5 replies)
Sangre y Acero * Pit-fighting Arena *
(52 replies)
Tools of the Trade: Small Arms
(7 replies)
Tools of the Trade: Machine Guns
(0 replies)
Sangre y Acero * Pit-fighting Arena *
(72 replies)
Eclipse Phase: A trip to Renewal
(106 replies)
What's your Vice: OoC
(59 replies)
20,000 nY Under the Sea.
(67 replies)
(753 replies)
New York Noir
(815 replies)
Recruitment/soundingboard: Cowboys and Indians
(49 replies)
(49 replies)
Shadowrun: Persistent World
(35 replies)
Recruitment/Interest gauge for a new game
(42 replies)
What's your Vice?
(81 replies)
Emerging Experiment
(159 replies)
Recruitment: African Righteousness
(163 replies)
[HIRING] Independent "Adventure" Contractors
(51 replies)
OoC Recruitment: What's your Vice?
(64 replies)
Eclipse Phase: Mortality (Recruitment)
(25 replies)
Caracas: Hole in the Heart
(164 replies)
Eclipse Phase RPG: Scouting for interest!
(87 replies)
OOC: Waking up in Auburn
(8 replies)
Post or Die!
(104 replies)
PIC - Fanposters!
(-- replies)
Low-Down in Loveland
(4 replies)
OoC: Recuitment for PbP!
(96 replies)
[OOC] Dawn of the Artifacts: Dusk
(747 replies)
Recruitment - Down the Rabbit Hole and Back Again
(55 replies)
The Tragic Kingdom
(270 replies)
The Tragic Kingdom
(64 replies)
IC: Waking up in Auburn
(10 replies)
Resource Pirates OOC
(146 replies)
OOC: Some players looking for PbP
(10 replies)
Emerging Characters
(8 replies)
Looking for a GM:
(15 replies)
IC: Cigarettes and Streetlights
(65 replies)
Docwagon Code Black OOC Thread
(160 replies)
How tall is the metroplex?
(0 replies)
In Neptune's Realm - Chargen and Recruitment
(776 replies)
OOC: Cigarettes and Streetlights
(88 replies)
IC: African Righteousness
(182 replies)
[OOC] Behind the Shadows
(455 replies)
(-- replies)
IC: DW Code Black
(36 replies)
Looking for a GM
(4 replies)
Blood in the Water OOC Thread
(667 replies)
Let's try again, shall we?
(80 replies)
Recruiting additional players
(8 replies)
Into the Shadowlands! OOC
(0 replies)
Recruitment: cigarettes and streetlights
(54 replies)
Player looking for a game
(1 reply)
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