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Welcome to the Shadows
Dumpshock Forums
Welcome to the Shadows
OOC: Have Gun Will Travel
(153 replies)
All I want for Christmas is a pound of human flesh
(95 replies)
All I want for Christmas is a pound of human flesh
(97 replies)
Simple Paydaya Hack
(3 replies)
IC: Mirrors in the Shadow
(127 replies)
Recruiting: Home Turf
(53 replies)
Open call: The Jerermiah Legacy
(46 replies)
Nasty viruses.
(1 reply)
(636 replies)
Shen's Quest IC
(485 replies)
OOC: Sex, Lies and Trid Chips
(258 replies)
End of the Line - OOC
(33 replies)
Setup: Quixotic Restoration
(180 replies)
Recruiting: I don't think we're in Kansas anymore!
(46 replies)
Recruiting:A Fragile Thing
(84 replies)
End of the Line
(52 replies)
OOC: Fallen Angel
(167 replies)
Recruiting: Backstage Pass
(60 replies)
The Santa worm
(3 replies)
OOC: Genesis
(183 replies)
OOC: Pain Avenue
(112 replies)
IC: Spirits Within
(214 replies)
IC: Genesis
(124 replies)
OCC - Wartorn Aftermath
(24 replies)
Spirits Within
(334 replies)
Recruiting: SR3 -- End of the Line
(38 replies)
IC: Sex, Lies and Trid Chips
(207 replies)
Recruitment: Running Wild
(28 replies)
A Brave New World
(11 replies)
Recruiment: Working Days
(104 replies)
Recruitment: When It's Just That Time
(23 replies)
IC: Pain Avenue
(77 replies)
IC: Malleus Maleficarum
(103 replies)
Recruitment: Mirrors in the Shadow
(52 replies)
GMing SR for the first time.
(-- replies)
Hitting Bottom - Third Wave
(254 replies)
(335 replies)
DIMR: Building the Perfect Beast...
(122 replies)
Recruiting: My IM game.
(0 replies)
Shen's OOC thread.
(0 replies)
OOC: Malleus Maleficarum
(118 replies)
Tale of a Combat Mage
(11 replies)
IC: Wartorn Aftermath
(17 replies)
Recruitment: Have Gun Will Travel
(63 replies)
IC: Fallen Angel
(90 replies)
Recruitment: Wartorn Aftermath
(45 replies)
Moo-Juice Marathon
(150 replies)
The Wrath of the Red Dragon
(1 reply)
IC Recruiting for Genesis
(8 replies)
Moo-Juice Marathon
(86 replies)
Recruitment Thread
(88 replies)
Character Depository
(8 replies)
Las Vegas Red
(14 replies)
(118 replies)
OOC: Into the Breech
(271 replies)
Feng Shui Shuffle
(44 replies)
OOC Noir run set up
(5 replies)
Coming to America. (Shen's bl0g)
(126 replies)
What do you drive?
(3 replies)
Recruiting:(title to be named later)
(101 replies)
New SR4 Game Recruitment
(54 replies)
OOC: Sect of Madmen
(124 replies)
Recruitment: Fallen Angel
(77 replies)
IC: Into the Breech
(176 replies)
OOC: Another Day
(238 replies)
OOC: Ship in a bottle
(178 replies)
Recruitment : - Aftermath
(0 replies)
IC: Another Day
(183 replies)
Recruitment: Brave New World
(92 replies)
OOC: Gang of Rebels
(145 replies)
IC: Sect of Madmen
(127 replies)
OOC: 410 Crash
(2653 replies)
OOC: Insurrection
(60 replies)
IC: Ship in a Bottle
(135 replies)
IC: Gang of Rebels
(155 replies)
Initial Shadow Offering 2-Recruitment
(14 replies)
Recruitment: Hitting Bottom
(104 replies)
Zompochalypse OOC
(172 replies)
OOC: The Transformer
(111 replies)
OOC: The Unit
(143 replies)
Recruitment: Genesis
(42 replies)
OOC: Extradition
(368 replies)
IC: Extradition
(320 replies)
OOC: Blood Drive
(50 replies)
IC: Blood Drive
(49 replies)
Zompochalypse IC
(114 replies)
IC: The Transformer
(62 replies)
IC: Initial Shadow Offering
(328 replies)
OOC : An Arranged Trust
(41 replies)
IC: Insurrection
(39 replies)
Recruiting: Kingmaker
(82 replies)
Recruiting: Enter the Matrix
(83 replies)
IC: 410 Crash
(725 replies)
IC: The Unit
(25 replies)
IC: Demolition Run
(17 replies)
OOC: Demolition Run
(12 replies)
Recruiting: The Unit
(138 replies)
IC : An Arranged Trust
(46 replies)
IC: The Bragging Rights Threads
(2 replies)
Recruitment: Zompochalypse
(34 replies)
Daily News
(2 replies)
Shadowtalk: Secret Projects Of The Adherents
(7 replies)
Living in the Shadows: OOC
(2818 replies)
Discussion: Something big happened to me . . .
(62 replies)
Recruitment: Gang of Rebels
(64 replies)
Recruiment: Insurection
(18 replies)
OOC - Shadows of Manchester.
(123 replies)
mIRC Shadowrun Game..
(6 replies)
Recruitment: Blood Drive
(27 replies)
Recruitment: Sect of Madmen
(37 replies)
Mage needed for a game.
(0 replies)
Recruitment: The League of Justice
(46 replies)
Recruitment: Extradition
(69 replies)
Recruitment : An Arranged Trust
(31 replies)
I saw the fragging Easter bunny!
(5 replies)
IC - Shadows of Manchester.
(83 replies)
OOC: The Fix is In
(169 replies)
Twisted Minds OoC: Act 0
(462 replies)
IC: The Fix is In
(118 replies)
i would like to...
(3 replies)
Recruiting:Under Icy Wings
(76 replies)
Twisted Minds IC: Act 0
(274 replies)
ooc: Company Men
(62 replies)
IC/OOC : Warm Rum
(37 replies)
Recruiting: The Transformer (SR4)
(24 replies)
OOC: Underworld, SR Style
(237 replies)
Ship in a bottle.
(76 replies)
IC: company men
(89 replies)
OOC: Don't Get Comfortable
(264 replies)
OOC: SR4-First Run
(896 replies)
Shadownessence Runners
(2 replies)
Twisted Minds needs one more
(26 replies)
IC: Underworld, SR Style
(83 replies)
OOC: Parting the Veil
(379 replies)
IC: SR4-First Run
(171 replies)
Recruitment (sorta): SR4 Ganger Game
(826 replies)
The Cast
(1 reply)
Recruitment : Shadows of Manchester.
(78 replies)
Testing the Waters
(19 replies)
Snooping Around
(0 replies)
Hunting in the Smoke OOC
(460 replies)
Recruiting for an IRC Shadowrun game
(5 replies)
IC: Don't Get Comfortable
(155 replies)
Ask Ankle Biter (IC)
(4 replies)
IC: Parting the Veil
(265 replies)
Shadowrun 2050
(37 replies)
shock weapon rules..
(2 replies)
Recruitment: The Fix is In
(117 replies)
Nouveaux Reflections: OOC
(652 replies)
(8 replies)
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