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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
  1. RECRUITMENT: YARR! (139 replies)
  2. New Seattle Intelligencer Newsfeed 4 (11 replies)
  3. Cyberzombies under SK (34 replies)
  4. OOC/IC : 2064 (125 replies)
  5. Ready to Run? (87 replies)
  6. OOC: Backstabs and Breaches (63 replies)
  7. Renraku Arcology - The Tree of Life (21 replies)
  8. OOC: A Snowballs Chance in Hell (286 replies)
  9. Packing heat (51 replies)
  10. The good 'ol days (118 replies)
  11. Recruiting : 2064 (259 replies)
  12. IC: Bounty Hunt (215 replies)
  13. IC: Cyberzombies under SK (41 replies)
  14. OOC: Bounty Hunt (221 replies)
  15. OOC: Online play? (2 replies)
  16. IC: To fight a Dragon (65 replies)
  17. IC: Backstabs and Breaches (44 replies)
  18. IC: A Snowballs Chance in Hell (230 replies)
  19. IC: High Order (162 replies)
  20. OOC: High Order (114 replies)
  21. OOC: Revelations (143 replies)
  22. The Dunkelzahn Institute of Magical Research (103 replies)
  23. New Bleeding Edge (131 replies)
  24. Recruiting: Smile For the Camera (12 replies)
  25. Recruiting: CSI:Seattle-Blue Fever (33 replies)
  26. IC Revelations (119 replies)
  27. OOC: Bug City (165 replies)
  28. OOC: Shadows by the Sound (2 replies)
  29. OOC: Liberation (51 replies)
  30. Recruiting: Backstabs and Breaches (90 replies)
  31. IC: Bug City (117 replies)
  32. OOC: YARR! (90 replies)
  33. IC: Liberation (37 replies)
  34. The Sword is over the Soul's Edge, IC (34 replies)
  35. One Shots (36 replies)
  36. The sword is over the soul's edge (96 replies)
  37. Move-by-Wire and Synaptic Accelerator (16 replies)
  38. Casting Call (211 replies)
  39. Recruiting: Revelations (201 replies)
  40. Shadowrun Novels (0 replies)
  41. IC: YARR! (95 replies)
  42. Recruiting: The Windy City (156 replies)
  43. Recruiting: A snowballs chance in hell (171 replies)
  44. OOC: Team Effort (760 replies)
  45. Characters: Bug City (2056) (39 replies)
  46. OOC: Grasping Vapors (113 replies)
  47. Strange Days (187 replies)
  48. IC: The Alicia Marks Affair (138 replies)
  49. Recruitment: Chasing the Prize (65 replies)
  50. OOC: Survival of the Fittest (94 replies)
  51. Recruiting: Bounty Hunt (187 replies)
  52. OCC: Distant memories (405 replies)
  53. IC: Distant memories (322 replies)
  54. New to the forum format (17 replies)
  55. Recruiting: Liberation (43 replies)
  56. OOC: Far From Home (41 replies)
  57. Reflections on Antiquity (9 replies)
  58. IC: Improv (1 reply)
  59. Gravy's Recruitment Board (7 replies)
  60. OOC:Operation Altered Perceptions (235 replies)
  61. Strange Days (110 replies)
  62. IC: Far From Home (61 replies)
  63. OOC: The Alicia Marks Affair (107 replies)
  64. OOC: Fading into Nothing (467 replies)
  65. IC: Fading into Nothing (395 replies)
  66. Recruiting: Survival of the Fittest (117 replies)
  67. Renraku Arcology - The Tree of Life (17 replies)
  68. OOC: Urteil (200 replies)
  69. INVITATION - LONDON GAME (28 replies)
  70. SS2060.OOC (0 replies)
  71. SS2060.IC (1 reply)
  72. IC:Operation Altered Perceptions (213 replies)
  73. aid service and ally spirits/familiars (0 replies)
  74. Renraku Arcology - The Tree of Life (101 replies)
  75. Nouveaux Reflections: Background OOC (34 replies)
  76. PC vs NPC as a part of a team (0 replies)
  77. OOC: Gate Technologies (622 replies)
  78. IC: Gate technologies (725 replies)
  79. IC - Oracle Investigations (375 replies)
  80. OOC - Oracle Investigations (389 replies)
  81. tisoz's World (239 replies)
  82. OOC Opening Night (113 replies)
  83. It's a Small World: Recruitment (30 replies)
  84. OOC Public Exposure (60 replies)
  85. tisoz's World (379 replies)
  86. IC: In Heaven and Earth (49 replies)
  87. IC: Public Exposure (83 replies)
  88. Recruitment: Trails of Reflections II (43 replies)
  89. IC: Opening Night (71 replies)
  90. OOC: In Heaven and Earth (58 replies)
  91. RECRUITMENT: YARR! (30 replies)
  92. I've fallen and I can't get up (46 replies)
  93. Shadowlands (1 reply)
  94. Denver anyone? (84 replies)
  95. Living in the Shadows: Guidelines (5 replies)
  96. The Mafia Affair (919 replies)
  97. IC: The Mafia Affair (803 replies)
  98. IC: Trails of Reflection (170 replies)
  99. OOC: Trails of Reflection (181 replies)
  100. Awakened Talent Needed (14 replies)
  101. Recruitment: Checkmate (Take 2) (15 replies)
  102. OOC: Ask for Me Tomorow... (50 replies)
  103. IC: Ask for Me Tomorow... (52 replies)
  104. Fanfic (3 replies)
  105. Recruitment: Fading into Nothing (78 replies)
  106. Living in the Shadows: Recruitment (60 replies)
  107. Hungry Like the Wolf (8 replies)
  108. OOC: Shadowrun Forever (#7) (10 replies)
  109. Recruitment: In Heaven and Earth (89 replies)
  110. IC: Vein of Truth (359 replies)
  111. OOC: Shadowrun Forever (#7) (1 reply)
  112. OOC: Shadowrun Forever (#7) (1 reply)
  113. OOC: Vein of Truth (718 replies)
  114. IC Running Over the Edge: IC2 (1 reply)
  115. IC: TANGO DOWN! (214 replies)
  116. Recruitment: Hunting Shadows Within (75 replies)
  117. OC Running Over the Edge: OC2 (0 replies)
  118. Moonlight Strolling (1 reply)
  119. Recruiting: Ask for me Tomorrow... (167 replies)
  120. Possible New Game (64 replies)
  121. messenger spirits (0 replies)
  122. Recruiting: Opening night (83 replies)
  123. OOC: Bleeding Edge (1085 replies)
  124. OOC: Reign of Shadows (382 replies)
  125. OOC: TANGO DOWN! (260 replies)
  126. IC: Grasping Vapors (261 replies)
  127. Now hiring a good decker (4 replies)
  128. IC: Reign of Shadows (453 replies)
  129. Can I join a game? (11 replies)
  130. OOC: Crimson Assets (653 replies)
  131. Strange Days (75 replies)
  132. TANGO DOWN: Fresh Blood (7 replies)
  133. Recruitment: No Man's Land (122 replies)
  134. Crimson Assets (561 replies)
  135. OOC: Hired Guns in the Yucatán (188 replies)
  136. OOC: Virus (290 replies)
  137. The Death of Dragons (43 replies)
  138. IC: Virus (448 replies)
  139. IC: Urteil (64 replies)
  140. OOC: Matrix Misfits (339 replies)
  141. Not another teen runner (146 replies)
  142. Coordination: Striding the Soul's Edge (93 replies)
  143. Trails of Reflection background OOC (76 replies)
  144. Recruitment: Striding the Soul's Edge (104 replies)
  145. IC: Hired Guns in the Yucatán (172 replies)
  146. IC: Matrix Misfits (340 replies)
  147. Not another teen runner (79 replies)
  148. OOC: What the Future Holds (378 replies)
  149. How does this work? (6 replies)
  150. OOC: The Death Of Dragons (137 replies)
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