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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
  1. Recruitment: New SR4 Forum Game (31 replies)
  2. Living in the Shadows: Recruitment (57 replies)
  3. Recruitment: Another Day (58 replies)
  4. OOC: Interception (213 replies)
  5. OOC: Into the Abyss (163 replies)
  6. OOC: Fight or Flight (38 replies)
  7. OOC: Hunting Shadows Within (1205 replies)
  8. IC: Hunting Shadows Within (1278 replies)
  9. OOC: Domini Umbra (325 replies)
  10. Nouveaux Reflections: IC (569 replies)
  11. IC: Fight or Flight (51 replies)
  12. Recruitment: SR4 Twisted Minds Act 0 (68 replies)
  13. OOC : STARDUST (658 replies)
  14. IC: Into the Abyss (146 replies)
  15. OOC: Fun in the Sun (115 replies)
  16. Neuromancer (20 replies)
  17. IC : STARDUST (460 replies)
  18. Project Neuromancer (8 replies)
  19. IC: Interception (103 replies)
  20. Recruitment:Company Men (43 replies)
  21. Shadowrun 2050 (45 replies)
  22. IC: Fun in the Sun (66 replies)
  23. New Seattle Intelligencer OOC thread (116 replies)
  24. Recruitment 2050 game (64 replies)
  25. IC: Domini Umbra (317 replies)
  26. Recruiting: Interception (126 replies)
  27. [OOC] Earth's Dawn (703 replies)
  28. Extassis Recruitment Drive (55 replies)
  29. Underworld: Shadowrun Style (125 replies)
  30. Recruitment: Calling all Mercs (246 replies)
  31. IC: Daddy's Girl (233 replies)
  32. OOC: Tequila Blues (424 replies)
  33. Recruiting: Fun in the Sun (115 replies)
  34. ED campaign - solo sword master (12 replies)
  35. Recruiting: Fade to Blood (0 replies)
  36. OOC: Savior (41 replies)
  37. IC: Savior (95 replies)
  38. OOC : The Cleansing White Hand (117 replies)
  39. ooc:first Shadow (460 replies)
  40. IC : The Cleansing White Hand (111 replies)
  41. IC: first shadow (222 replies)
  42. IC: Tequila Blues (270 replies)
  43. Contemplating GMing relatively low level campaign (17 replies)
  44. Recruitment(SR4): Fight or Flight (82 replies)
  45. Playtesting: Decking (39 replies)
  46. OOC: Daddy's Girl (267 replies)
  47. New Seattle Intelligencer Newsfeed (25 replies)
  48. Recruitment: SR4-First Run (107 replies)
  49. [IC] Bug City: Aftermath (13 replies)
  50. [OOC] Bug City (299 replies)
  51. [CHAR] Bug City (13 replies)
  52. Recruitment : Lone Eagle Incident (105 replies)
  53. Salvation (394 replies)
  54. [Ic] Bug City (202 replies)
  55. OOC: Into the Barrens... (152 replies)
  56. OOC: Iberian Impasse (74 replies)
  57. IC: Iberian Impasse (124 replies)
  58. A spot of random... (50 replies)
  59. Recruitment: Balance Due (112 replies)
  60. Hunting in the Smoke IC (380 replies)
  61. Bug City Run help needed: Spoilers inside. (1 reply)
  62. OOC: Chasing the Prize (1296 replies)
  63. Recruitment : Series of mini adventures (1 reply)
  64. Series of mini adventures - All Welcome (1 reply)
  65. Recruiting: Into the Abyss (77 replies)
  66. OOC: Snatch and Grab (250 replies)
  67. Recruitment : Stardust (49 replies)
  68. IC: Into the Barrens... (134 replies)
  69. IC: Chasing the Prize (1000 replies)
  70. IC: Snatch and Grab (163 replies)
  71. OOC: Ashes to Ashes (76 replies)
  72. OOC: Guns, Germs, & Steel (111 replies)
  73. OOC: To Dance with Snakes (25 replies)
  74. OOC: Warrior Caste (121 replies)
  75. Horsepower Haven (318 replies)
  76. IC: Horsepower Haven (161 replies)
  77. IC: Ashes to Ashes (90 replies)
  78. IC: Guns, Germs, and Steel (106 replies)
  79. Recruiting: Tequila Blues (64 replies)
  80. Warrior Caste (9 replies)
  81. OOC: Prisoners of Peace (12 replies)
  82. OOC: Planar Breach (112 replies)
  83. IC: Prisoners of Peace (24 replies)
  84. Starting AIM game (12 replies)
  85. Peace Sells...But Who's Buying (31 replies)
  86. IC: Planar Breach (96 replies)
  87. OOC: Last Laugh (142 replies)
  88. Recruitment: Iberian Impasse (68 replies)
  89. OOC: To Fight A Dragon (532 replies)
  90. Recruiting: Prisoner of Peace (117 replies)
  91. IC: Last Laugh (140 replies)
  92. Parting the Veil: Recruitment thread (39 replies)
  93. Recruitment: Domini Umbra (48 replies)
  94. Recruitment: Ashes to Ashes (101 replies)
  95. Streets of Sorrow (347 replies)
  96. IC: Streets of Sorrow (155 replies)
  97. [Recruitment] Bug City (163 replies)
  98. Recruitment: Chat based game (0 replies)
  99. New Forum game? (4 replies)
  100. OOC: Striding the Soul's Edge (652 replies)
  101. Recruitment : Warrior Caste (93 replies)
  102. IC: Striding the Soul's Edge (500 replies)
  103. What do you call a trilogy with only two books? (12 replies)
  104. Recruitment: Peace sells....but whos buying!? (73 replies)
  105. Recrecruitment: Planar Breech (59 replies)
  106. Recruiting: Guns, Germs & Steel (84 replies)
  107. OOC: Fight Night (559 replies)
  108. IC: Fight Night (387 replies)
  109. [IC] Wyrm Food - Riddle of the Sphinx (7 replies)
  110. Next online game recruitment (11 replies)
  111. Recruiting: Into the Barrens (68 replies)
  112. OOC: The Bleeding Edge (82 replies)
  113. [IC] Wyrm Food (247 replies)
  114. Recruitment: Last Laugh (46 replies)
  115. Recruitment: Daddy's Girl (69 replies)
  116. Never played a game online (5 replies)
  117. [OOG] When Nature calls, have a Hangun Ready (204 replies)
  118. [CHAR] Earth's Dawn (21 replies)
  119. [IG] When Nature Calls, Have a Handgun Ready (170 replies)
  120. Recruitment: Snatch and Grab (58 replies)
  121. Emerald City Nights (39 replies)
  122. IC: The Bleeding Edge (104 replies)
  123. Run: Unknown; Who are you? (139 replies)
  124. IC: Where Do We Go from Here? (100 replies)
  125. The Samaritan (5 replies)
  126. OOC: YARR! (124 replies)
  127. IC: YARR! (84 replies)
  128. Recruitment: First shadow (31 replies)
  129. IC: first shadow (0 replies)
  130. How do you run a game from a forum? (4 replies)
  131. Horsepower Haven (161 replies)
  132. [IC] Earth's Dawn (229 replies)
  133. IC: Not all that Glitters is Gold (49 replies)
  134. OOC: Not all that Glitters is Gold (32 replies)
  135. To B&E or not to B&E (65 replies)
  136. To B&E or not to B&E (92 replies)
  137. Horrors and SR (2 replies)
  138. OOC: False Prophet (5 replies)
  139. OOC: Eyes of Long Knives (307 replies)
  140. Recruitment for B&E - Not Neurosurgery (52 replies)
  141. OOC: Reunification (73 replies)
  142. IC: False Prophet (1 reply)
  143. Recruitment: False Prophet (82 replies)
  144. OOC: Daddy's Girl (69 replies)
  145. OOC: Infection (760 replies)
  146. Fashion vs Makeover spells (15 replies)
  147. IC: Eyes of Long Knives (350 replies)
  148. Recruitment: The Heart of Africa. (52 replies)
  149. ooc:newbie looking (26 replies)
  150. IC: Infection (582 replies)
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